File: System\Xml\Core\XmlEncodedRawTextWriterAsync.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\Xml\System.Xml.csproj (System.Xml)

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace System.Xml {
    // Concrete implementation of XmlWriter abstract class that serializes events as encoded XML
    // text.  The general-purpose XmlEncodedTextWriter uses the Encoder class to output to any
    // encoding.  The XmlUtf8TextWriter class combined the encoding operation with serialization
    // in order to achieve better performance.
    internal partial class XmlEncodedRawTextWriter : XmlRawWriter {
        protected void CheckAsyncCall() {
            if (!useAsync) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Res.GetString(Res.Xml_WriterAsyncNotSetException));
        // Write the xml declaration.  This must be the first call.  
        internal override async Task WriteXmlDeclarationAsync( XmlStandalone standalone ) {
            // Output xml declaration only if user allows it and it was not already output
            if ( !omitXmlDeclaration && !autoXmlDeclaration ) {
                if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
                await RawTextAsync( "<?xml version=\"" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Version
                await RawTextAsync( "1.0" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Encoding
                if ( encoding != null ) {
                    await RawTextAsync( "\" encoding=\"" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await RawTextAsync( encoding.WebName ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                // Standalone
                if ( standalone != XmlStandalone.Omit ) {
                    await RawTextAsync( "\" standalone=\"" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    await RawTextAsync( standalone == XmlStandalone.Yes ? "yes" : "no" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await RawTextAsync( "\"?>" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
        internal override Task WriteXmlDeclarationAsync( string xmldecl ) {
            // Output xml declaration only if user allows it and it was not already output
            if ( !omitXmlDeclaration && !autoXmlDeclaration ) {
                return WriteProcessingInstructionAsync( "xml", xmldecl );
            return AsyncHelper.DoneTask;
        // Serialize the document type declaration.
        public override async Task WriteDocTypeAsync( string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset ) {
            Debug.Assert( name != null && name.Length > 0 );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            await RawTextAsync( "<!DOCTYPE ").ConfigureAwait(false);
            await RawTextAsync(name).ConfigureAwait(false);
            if ( pubid != null ) {
                await RawTextAsync( " PUBLIC \"" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await RawTextAsync( pubid ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await RawTextAsync( "\" \"").ConfigureAwait(false);
                if ( sysid != null ) {
                    await RawTextAsync( sysid ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '"';
            else if ( sysid != null ) {
                await RawTextAsync( " SYSTEM \"" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await RawTextAsync( sysid ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '"';
            else {
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) ' ';
            if ( subset != null ) {
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '[';
                await RawTextAsync( subset ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) ']';
            bufChars[this.bufPos++] = (char) '>';
        // Serialize the beginning of an element start tag: "<prefix:localName"
        public override Task WriteStartElementAsync( string prefix, string localName, string ns) {
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length > 0 );
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            Task task;
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '<';
            if (prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0) {
                task = RawTextAsync(string.Concat(prefix, ":", localName));
            else {
                task = RawTextAsync(localName);
            return task.CallVoidFuncWhenFinish(WriteStartElementAsync_SetAttEndPos);
        private void WriteStartElementAsync_SetAttEndPos() {
            attrEndPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize an element end tag: "</prefix:localName>", if content was output.  Otherwise, serialize
        // the shortcut syntax: " />".
        internal override Task WriteEndElementAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {
            Debug.Assert(localName != null && localName.Length > 0);
            Debug.Assert(prefix != null);
            if (trackTextContent && inTextContent != false) { ChangeTextContentMark(false); }
            if (contentPos != bufPos) {
                // Content has been output, so can't use shortcut syntax
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'<';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'/';
                if (prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0) {
                    return RawTextAsync(string.Concat(prefix, ":", localName, ">"));
                else {
                    return RawTextAsync(string.Concat(localName, ">"));
            else {
                // Use shortcut syntax; overwrite the already output '>' character
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)' ';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'/';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'>';
            return AsyncHelper.DoneTask;
        // Serialize a full element end tag: "</prefix:localName>"
        internal override Task WriteFullEndElementAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length > 0 );
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '<';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '/';
            if (prefix != null && prefix.Length != 0) {
                return RawTextAsync(string.Concat(prefix, ":", localName, ">"));
            else {
                return RawTextAsync(string.Concat(localName, ">"));
        // Serialize an attribute tag using double quotes around the attribute value: 'prefix:localName="'
        protected internal override Task WriteStartAttributeAsync( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) {
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length  > 0 );
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            if ( attrEndPos == bufPos ) {
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) ' ';
            Task task;
            if (prefix != null && prefix.Length > 0) {
                task = RawTextAsync(string.Concat(prefix, ":", localName));
            else {
                task = RawTextAsync(localName);
            return task.CallVoidFuncWhenFinish(WriteStartAttribute_SetInAttribute);
        private void WriteStartAttribute_SetInAttribute() {
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'=';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'"';
            inAttributeValue = true;
        // Serialize the end of an attribute value using double quotes: '"'
        protected internal override Task WriteEndAttributeAsync() {
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '"';
            inAttributeValue = false;
            attrEndPos = bufPos;
            return AsyncHelper.DoneTask;
        internal override async Task WriteNamespaceDeclarationAsync( string prefix, string namespaceName ) {
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null && namespaceName != null );
            await this.WriteStartNamespaceDeclarationAsync( prefix ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            await this.WriteStringAsync( namespaceName ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            await this.WriteEndNamespaceDeclarationAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
        internal override async Task WriteStartNamespaceDeclarationAsync(string prefix) {
            Debug.Assert( prefix != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            // VSTFDEVDIV bug #583965: Inconsistency between Silverlight 2 and Dev10 in the way a single xmlns attribute is serialized    
            // Resolved as: Won't fix (breaking change)
            if ( attrEndPos == bufPos ) {
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)' ';
            if ( prefix.Length == 0 ) {
                await RawTextAsync( " xmlns=\"" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            else {
                await RawTextAsync( " xmlns:" ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                await RawTextAsync( prefix ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'=';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'"';
            inAttributeValue = true;
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != true ) { ChangeTextContentMark( true ); }
        internal override Task WriteEndNamespaceDeclarationAsync() {
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            inAttributeValue = false;
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'"';
            attrEndPos = bufPos;
            return AsyncHelper.DoneTask;
        // Serialize a CData section.  If the "]]>" pattern is found within
        // the text, replace it with "]]><![CDATA[>".
        public override async Task WriteCDataAsync( string text ) {
            Debug.Assert( text != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            if ( mergeCDataSections && bufPos == cdataPos ) {
                // Merge adjacent cdata sections - overwrite the "]]>" characters
                Debug.Assert( bufPos >= 4 );
                bufPos -= 3;
            else {
                // Start a new cdata section
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '<';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '!';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '[';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) 'C';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) 'D';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) 'A';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) 'T';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) 'A';
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '[';
            await WriteCDataSectionAsync( text ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) ']';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) ']';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '>';
            textPos = bufPos;
            cdataPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize a comment.
        public override async Task WriteCommentAsync( string text ) {
            Debug.Assert( text != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '<';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '!';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '-';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '-';
            await WriteCommentOrPiAsync( text, '-' ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '-';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '-';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '>';
        // Serialize a processing instruction.
        public override async Task WriteProcessingInstructionAsync( string name, string text ) {
            Debug.Assert( name != null && name.Length > 0 );
            Debug.Assert( text != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '<';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '?';
            await RawTextAsync( name ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            if ( text.Length > 0 ) {
                bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) ' ';
                await WriteCommentOrPiAsync( text, '?' ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '?';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '>';
        // Serialize an entity reference.
        public override async Task WriteEntityRefAsync( string name ) {
            Debug.Assert( name != null && name.Length > 0 );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) '&';
            await RawTextAsync( name ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char) ';';
            if ( bufPos > bufLen ) {
                await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            textPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize a character entity reference.
        public override async Task WriteCharEntityAsync( char ch ) {
            string strVal = ((int)ch).ToString( "X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo );
            if ( checkCharacters && !xmlCharType.IsCharData( ch ) ) {
                // we just have a single char, not a surrogate, therefore we have to pass in '\0' for the second char
                throw XmlConvert.CreateInvalidCharException( ch, '\0' );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'&';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'#';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'x';
            await RawTextAsync( strVal ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)';';
            if ( bufPos > bufLen ) {
                await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            textPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize a whitespace node.
        public override  Task WriteWhitespaceAsync( string ws ) {
            Debug.Assert( ws != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            if ( inAttributeValue) {
                return WriteAttributeTextBlockAsync(ws);
            else {
                return WriteElementTextBlockAsync(ws);
        // Serialize either attribute or element text using XML rules.
        public override  Task WriteStringAsync( string text ) {
            Debug.Assert( text != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != true ) { ChangeTextContentMark( true ); }
            if ( inAttributeValue) {
                return WriteAttributeTextBlockAsync( text );
            else {
                return WriteElementTextBlockAsync( text );
        // Serialize surrogate character entity.
        public override async Task WriteSurrogateCharEntityAsync( char lowChar, char highChar ) {
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, highChar );
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'&';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'#';
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)'x';
            await RawTextAsync( surrogateChar.ToString( "X", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo ) ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            bufChars[bufPos++] = (char)';';
            textPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize either attribute or element text using XML rules.
        // Arguments are validated in the XmlWellformedWriter layer.
        public override  Task WriteCharsAsync( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            Debug.Assert( buffer != null );
            Debug.Assert( index >= 0 );
            Debug.Assert( count >= 0 && index + count <= buffer.Length );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != true ) { ChangeTextContentMark( true ); }
            if ( inAttributeValue) {
                return WriteAttributeTextBlockAsync( buffer, index, count );
            else {
                return WriteElementTextBlockAsync( buffer, index, count );
        // Serialize raw data.
        // Arguments are validated in the XmlWellformedWriter layer
        public override  async Task WriteRawAsync( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            Debug.Assert( buffer != null );
            Debug.Assert( index >= 0 );
            Debug.Assert( count >= 0 && index + count <= buffer.Length );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            await WriteRawWithCharCheckingAsync( buffer, index, count).ConfigureAwait(false);
            textPos = bufPos;
        // Serialize raw data.
        public override  async Task WriteRawAsync( string data ) {
            Debug.Assert( data != null );
            if ( trackTextContent && inTextContent != false ) { ChangeTextContentMark( false ); }
            await WriteRawWithCharCheckingAsync(data).ConfigureAwait(false);
            textPos = bufPos;
        // Flush all characters in the buffer to output and call Flush() on the output object.
        public override async Task FlushAsync() {
            await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            await FlushEncoderAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            if ( stream != null ) {
                await stream.FlushAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); 
            else if ( writer != null ) {
                await writer.FlushAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// Implementation methods
        // Flush all characters in the buffer to output.  Do not flush the output object.
        protected virtual async Task FlushBufferAsync() {
            try {
                // Output all characters (except for previous characters stored at beginning of buffer)
                if ( !writeToNull ) {
                    Debug.Assert( stream != null || writer != null );
                    if ( stream != null ) {
                        if ( trackTextContent ) {
                            charEntityFallback.Reset( textContentMarks, lastMarkPos );
                            // reset text content tracking
                            if ((lastMarkPos & 1) != 0) {
                                // If the previous buffer ended inside a text content we need to preserve that info
                                //   which means the next index to which we write has to be even
                                textContentMarks[1] = 1;
                                lastMarkPos = 1;
                            else {
                                lastMarkPos = 0;
                            Debug.Assert( textContentMarks[0] == 1 );
                        await EncodeCharsAsync( 1, bufPos, true ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    else {
                        // Write text to TextWriter
                        await writer.WriteAsync( bufChars, 1, bufPos - 1 ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            catch {
                // Future calls to flush (i.e. when Close() is called) don't attempt to write to stream
                writeToNull = true;
            finally {
                // Move last buffer character to the beginning of the buffer (so that previous character can always be determined)
                bufChars[0] = bufChars[bufPos - 1];
                // Reset buffer position
                textPos = (textPos == bufPos) ? 1 : 0;
                attrEndPos = (attrEndPos == bufPos) ? 1 : 0;
                contentPos = 0;    // Needs to be zero, since overwriting '>' character is no longer possible
                cdataPos = 0;      // Needs to be zero, since overwriting ']]>' characters is no longer possible
                bufPos = 1;        // Buffer position starts at 1, because we need to be able to safely step back -1 in case we need to
                                   // close an empty element or in CDATA section detection of double ]; _BUFFER[0] will always be 0
        private async Task EncodeCharsAsync( int startOffset, int endOffset, bool writeAllToStream ) {
            // Write encoded text to stream
            int chEnc;
            int bEnc;
            bool completed;
            while ( startOffset < endOffset ) {
                if ( charEntityFallback != null ) {
                    charEntityFallback.StartOffset = startOffset;
                encoder.Convert( bufChars, startOffset, endOffset - startOffset, bufBytes, bufBytesUsed, bufBytes.Length - bufBytesUsed, false, out chEnc, out bEnc, out completed );
                startOffset += chEnc;
                bufBytesUsed += bEnc;
                if ( bufBytesUsed >= ( bufBytes.Length - 16 ) ) {
                    await stream.WriteAsync( bufBytes, 0, bufBytesUsed ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    bufBytesUsed = 0;
            if ( writeAllToStream && bufBytesUsed > 0 ) {
                await stream.WriteAsync( bufBytes, 0, bufBytesUsed ).ConfigureAwait(false);
                bufBytesUsed = 0;
        private Task FlushEncoderAsync() {
            Debug.Assert( bufPos == 1 );
            if ( stream != null ) {
                int chEnc;
                int bEnc;
                bool completed;
                // decode no chars, just flush
                encoder.Convert( bufChars, 1, 0, bufBytes, 0, bufBytes.Length, true, out chEnc, out bEnc, out completed );
                if ( bEnc != 0 ) {
                    return stream.WriteAsync( bufBytes, 0, bEnc );
            return AsyncHelper.DoneTask;
        // Serialize text that is part of an attribute value.  The '&', '<', '>', and '"' characters
        // are entitized.
        protected unsafe int WriteAttributeTextBlockNoFlush( char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd) { 
            char* pRaw = pSrc;
            fixed ( char * pDstBegin = bufChars ) {
                char * pDst = pDstBegin + this.bufPos;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    char * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;
                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) ) {
                        *pDst = (char)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd );
                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                        return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                    // some character needs to be escaped
                    switch ( ch ) {
                        case '&':
                            pDst = AmpEntity( pDst );
                        case '<':
                            pDst = LtEntity( pDst );
                        case '>':
                            pDst = GtEntity( pDst );
                        case '"':
                            pDst = QuoteEntity( pDst );
                        case '\'':
                            *pDst = (char)ch;
                        case (char)0x9:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.None ) {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                            else {
                                // escape tab in attributes
                                pDst = TabEntity( pDst );
                        case (char)0xD:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.None ) {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                            else {
                                // escape new lines in attributes
                                pDst = CarriageReturnEntity( pDst );
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.None ) {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                            else {
                                // escape new lines in attributes
                                pDst = LineFeedEntity( pDst );
                           if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
            return -1;
        protected unsafe int WriteAttributeTextBlockNoFlush( char[] chars, int index, int count ) {
            if (count == 0)
                return -1;
            fixed(char* pSrc = &chars[index]) {
                char* pSrcBeg = pSrc;
                char* pSrcEnd = pSrcBeg + count;
                return WriteAttributeTextBlockNoFlush(pSrcBeg, pSrcEnd);
        protected unsafe int WriteAttributeTextBlockNoFlush( string text, int index, int count ) {
            if (count == 0)
                return -1;
            fixed(char* pSrc = text) {
                char* pSrcBeg = pSrc + index;
                char* pSrcEnd = pSrcBeg + count;
                return WriteAttributeTextBlockNoFlush(pSrcBeg, pSrcEnd);
        protected async Task WriteAttributeTextBlockAsync(char[] chars, int index, int count ) {
            int writeLen = 0;
            int curIndex = index;
            int leftCount = count;
            do {
                writeLen = WriteAttributeTextBlockNoFlush(chars, curIndex, leftCount);
                curIndex += writeLen;
                leftCount -= writeLen;
                if (writeLen >= 0) {
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while(writeLen >= 0);
        protected Task WriteAttributeTextBlockAsync(string text) {
            int writeLen = 0;
            int curIndex = 0;
            int leftCount = text.Length;
            writeLen = WriteAttributeTextBlockNoFlush(text, curIndex, leftCount);
            curIndex += writeLen;
            leftCount -= writeLen;
            if (writeLen >= 0) {
                return _WriteAttributeTextBlockAsync(text, curIndex, leftCount);
            return AsyncHelper.DoneTask;
        private async Task _WriteAttributeTextBlockAsync(string text, int curIndex, int leftCount) {
            int writeLen;
            await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); 
            do {
                writeLen = WriteAttributeTextBlockNoFlush(text, curIndex, leftCount);
                curIndex += writeLen;
                leftCount -= writeLen;
                if (writeLen >= 0) {
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while(writeLen >= 0);
        // Serialize text that is part of element content.  The '&', '<', and '>' characters
        // are entitized.
        protected unsafe int WriteElementTextBlockNoFlush(char *pSrc, char *pSrcEnd, out bool needWriteNewLine) { 
            needWriteNewLine = false;
            char* pRaw = pSrc;
            fixed ( char * pDstBegin = bufChars ) {
                char * pDst = pDstBegin + this.bufPos;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    char * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;
                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) ) {
                        *pDst = (char)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd );
                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                        return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                    // some character needs to be escaped
                    switch ( ch ) {
                        case '&':
                            pDst = AmpEntity( pDst );
                        case '<':
                            pDst = LtEntity( pDst );
                        case '>':
                            pDst = GtEntity( pDst );
                        case '"':
                        case '\'':
                        case (char)0x9:
                            *pDst = (char)ch;
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                                needWriteNewLine = true;
                                return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                            else {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                        case (char)0xD:
                            switch ( newLineHandling ) {
                                case NewLineHandling.Replace:
                                    // Replace "\r\n", or "\r" with NewLineChars
                                    if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) {
                                    bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                                    needWriteNewLine = true;
                                    return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                                case NewLineHandling.Entitize:
                                    // Entitize 0xD
                                    pDst = CarriageReturnEntity( pDst );
                                case NewLineHandling.None:
                                    *pDst = (char)ch;
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                textPos = bufPos;
                contentPos = 0;
            return -1;
        protected unsafe int WriteElementTextBlockNoFlush( char[] chars, int index, int count, out bool needWriteNewLine ) { 
            needWriteNewLine = false;
            if (count == 0)
                contentPos = 0;
                return -1;
            fixed (char* pSrc = &chars[index]) {
                char* pSrcBeg = pSrc;
                char* pSrcEnd = pSrcBeg + count;
                return WriteElementTextBlockNoFlush(pSrcBeg, pSrcEnd, out needWriteNewLine);
        protected unsafe int WriteElementTextBlockNoFlush( string text, int index, int count, out bool needWriteNewLine ) { 
            needWriteNewLine = false;
            if (count == 0)
                contentPos = 0;
                return -1;
            fixed (char* pSrc = text) {
                char* pSrcBeg = pSrc + index;
                char* pSrcEnd = pSrcBeg + count;
                return WriteElementTextBlockNoFlush(pSrcBeg, pSrcEnd, out needWriteNewLine);
        protected async Task WriteElementTextBlockAsync(char[] chars, int index, int count ) {
            int writeLen = 0;
            int curIndex = index;
            int leftCount = count;
            bool needWriteNewLine = false;
            do {
                writeLen = WriteElementTextBlockNoFlush(chars, curIndex, leftCount, out needWriteNewLine);
                curIndex += writeLen;
                leftCount -= writeLen;
                if (needWriteNewLine)
                    //hit WriteNewLine
                    await RawTextAsync(newLineChars).ConfigureAwait(false);
                else if (writeLen >= 0)
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while(writeLen >= 0 || needWriteNewLine);
        protected Task WriteElementTextBlockAsync(string text) {
            int writeLen = 0;
            int curIndex = 0;
            int leftCount = text.Length;
            bool needWriteNewLine = false;
            writeLen = WriteElementTextBlockNoFlush(text, curIndex, leftCount, out needWriteNewLine);
            curIndex += writeLen;
            leftCount -= writeLen;
            if (needWriteNewLine) {
                return _WriteElementTextBlockAsync(true, text, curIndex, leftCount);
            else if (writeLen >= 0) {
                return _WriteElementTextBlockAsync(false, text, curIndex, leftCount);
            return AsyncHelper.DoneTask;
        private async Task _WriteElementTextBlockAsync(bool newLine, string text, int curIndex, int leftCount) {
            int writeLen = 0;
            bool needWriteNewLine = false;
            if (newLine) {
                await RawTextAsync(newLineChars).ConfigureAwait(false);
            else {
                await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            do {
                writeLen = WriteElementTextBlockNoFlush(text, curIndex, leftCount, out needWriteNewLine);
                curIndex += writeLen;
                leftCount -= writeLen;
                if (needWriteNewLine) {
                    //hit WriteNewLine
                    await RawTextAsync(newLineChars).ConfigureAwait(false);
                else if (writeLen >= 0) {
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while (writeLen >= 0 || needWriteNewLine);
        protected unsafe int RawTextNoFlush( char * pSrcBegin, char * pSrcEnd ) {
            char* pRaw = pSrcBegin;
            fixed ( char * pDstBegin = bufChars ) {
                char * pDst = pDstBegin + this.bufPos;
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    char * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + this.bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + this.bufLen;
                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ch = *pSrc ) < XmlCharType.SurHighStart ) ) {
                        *pDst = (char)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd );
                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                        return (int)(pSrc - pRaw);
                    if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
            return -1;
        protected unsafe int RawTextNoFlush( string text, int index, int count ) {
            if (count == 0)
                return -1;
            fixed(char* pSrc = text) {
                char* pSrcBegin = pSrc + index;
                char* pSrcEnd = pSrcBegin + count;
                return RawTextNoFlush(pSrcBegin, pSrcEnd );
        protected Task RawTextAsync(string text) {
            int writeLen = 0;
            int curIndex = 0;
            int leftCount = text.Length;
            writeLen = RawTextNoFlush(text, curIndex, leftCount);
            curIndex += writeLen;
            leftCount -= writeLen;
            if (writeLen >= 0) {
                return _RawTextAsync(text, curIndex, leftCount);
            return AsyncHelper.DoneTask;
        private async Task _RawTextAsync(string text, int curIndex, int leftCount) {
            await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            int writeLen = 0;
            do {
                writeLen = RawTextNoFlush(text, curIndex, leftCount);
                curIndex += writeLen;
                leftCount -= writeLen;
                if (writeLen >= 0) {
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while (writeLen >= 0);
        protected unsafe int WriteRawWithCharCheckingNoFlush( char * pSrcBegin, char * pSrcEnd, out bool needWriteNewLine) {
            needWriteNewLine = false;
            char* pRaw = pSrcBegin;
            fixed ( char * pDstBegin = bufChars ) {
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin;
                char * pDst = pDstBegin + bufPos;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    char * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;
                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) ) ) {
                        *pDst = (char)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd );
                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                        return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                    // handle special characters
                    switch ( ch ) {
                        case ']':
                        case '<':
                        case '&':
                        case (char)0x9:
                            *pDst = (char)ch;
                        case (char)0xD:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                // Normalize "\r\n", or "\r" to NewLineChars
                                if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) {
                                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                                needWriteNewLine = true;
                                return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                            else {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                                needWriteNewLine = true;
                                return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                            else {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
            return -1;
        protected unsafe int WriteRawWithCharCheckingNoFlush( char[] chars, int index, int count, out bool needWriteNewLine ) {
            needWriteNewLine = false;
            if (count == 0)
                return -1;
            fixed(char* pSrc = &chars[index]) {
                char* pSrcBeg = pSrc;
                char* pSrcEnd = pSrcBeg + count;
                return WriteRawWithCharCheckingNoFlush(pSrcBeg, pSrcEnd, out needWriteNewLine);
        protected unsafe int WriteRawWithCharCheckingNoFlush(string text, int index, int count , out bool needWriteNewLine) {
            needWriteNewLine = false;
            if (count == 0)
                return -1;
            fixed(char* pSrc = text) {
                char* pSrcBeg = pSrc + index;
                char* pSrcEnd = pSrcBeg + count;
                return WriteRawWithCharCheckingNoFlush(pSrcBeg, pSrcEnd, out needWriteNewLine);
        protected async Task WriteRawWithCharCheckingAsync(char[] chars, int index, int count ) {
            int writeLen = 0;
            int curIndex = index;
            int leftCount = count;
            bool needWriteNewLine = false;
            do {
                writeLen = WriteRawWithCharCheckingNoFlush(chars, curIndex, leftCount, out needWriteNewLine);
                curIndex += writeLen;
                leftCount -= writeLen;
                if (needWriteNewLine)
                    await RawTextAsync(newLineChars).ConfigureAwait(false);
                else if (writeLen >= 0)
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while(writeLen >= 0 || needWriteNewLine);
         protected async Task WriteRawWithCharCheckingAsync(string text ) {
            int writeLen = 0;
            int curIndex = 0;
            int leftCount = text.Length;
            bool needWriteNewLine = false;
            do {
                writeLen = WriteRawWithCharCheckingNoFlush(text, curIndex, leftCount, out needWriteNewLine);
                curIndex += writeLen;
                leftCount -= writeLen;
                if (needWriteNewLine)
                    await RawTextAsync(newLineChars).ConfigureAwait(false);
                else if (writeLen >= 0)
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while(writeLen >= 0 || needWriteNewLine);
        protected unsafe int WriteCommentOrPiNoFlush( string text, int index, int count, int stopChar, out bool needWriteNewLine  ) {
            needWriteNewLine = false;
            if (count == 0)
                return -1;
            fixed ( char * pSrcText = text ) {
            char * pSrcBegin = pSrcText + index;
            fixed ( char * pDstBegin = bufChars ) {
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin;
                char* pRaw = pSrc;
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrcBegin + count;
                char * pDst = pDstBegin + bufPos;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    char * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;
                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch != stopChar ) ) {
                        *pDst = (char)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd );
                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                        return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                    // handle special characters
                    switch ( ch ) {
                        case '-':
                            *pDst = (char) '-';
                            if ( ch == stopChar ) {
                                // Insert space between adjacent dashes or before comment's end dashes
                                if ( pSrc + 1 == pSrcEnd || *(pSrc + 1)== '-' ) {
                                    *pDst = (char) ' ';
                        case '?':
                            *pDst = (char) '?';
                            if ( ch == stopChar ) {
                                // Processing instruction: insert space between adjacent '?' and '>' 
                                if ( pSrc + 1 < pSrcEnd && *(pSrc + 1)== '>' ) {
                                    *pDst = (char) ' ';
                        case ']':
                            *pDst = (char) ']';
                        case (char)0xD:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                // Normalize "\r\n", or "\r" to NewLineChars
                                if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) {
                                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                                needWriteNewLine = true;
                                return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                            else {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                                needWriteNewLine = true;
                                return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                            else {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                        case '<':
                        case '&':
                        case (char)0x9:
                            *pDst = (char)ch;
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
            return -1;
        protected async Task WriteCommentOrPiAsync(string text, int stopChar) {
            if ( text.Length == 0 ) {
                if ( bufPos >= bufLen ) {
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            int writeLen = 0;
            int curIndex = 0;
            int leftCount = text.Length;
            bool needWriteNewLine = false;
            do {
                writeLen = WriteCommentOrPiNoFlush(text, curIndex, leftCount, stopChar, out needWriteNewLine);
                curIndex += writeLen;
                leftCount -= writeLen;
                if (needWriteNewLine)
                    await RawTextAsync(newLineChars).ConfigureAwait(false);
                else if (writeLen >= 0)
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while(writeLen >= 0 || needWriteNewLine);
        protected unsafe int WriteCDataSectionNoFlush(  string text, int index, int count , out bool needWriteNewLine) {
            needWriteNewLine = false;
            if (count == 0)
                return -1;
                      // write text
            fixed ( char * pSrcText = text ) {
            char* pSrcBegin = pSrcText + index;
            fixed ( char * pDstBegin = bufChars ) {
                char * pSrc = pSrcBegin;
                char * pSrcEnd = pSrcBegin + count;
                char * pRaw = pSrc;
                char * pDst = pDstBegin + bufPos;
                int ch = 0;
                for (;;) {
                    char * pDstEnd = pDst + ( pSrcEnd - pSrc );
                    if ( pDstEnd > pDstBegin + bufLen ) {
                        pDstEnd = pDstBegin + bufLen;
                    while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch != ']' ) ) {
                        *pDst = (char)ch;
                    Debug.Assert( pSrc <= pSrcEnd );
                    // end of value
                    if ( pSrc >= pSrcEnd ) {
                    // end of buffer
                    if ( pDst >= pDstEnd ) {
                        bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                        return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                    // handle special characters
                    switch ( ch ) {
                        case '>':
                            if ( hadDoubleBracket && pDst[-1] == (char) ']') {   // pDst[-1] will always correct - there is a padding character at _BUFFER[0]
                                // The characters "]]>" were found within the CData text
                                pDst = RawEndCData( pDst );
                                pDst = RawStartCData( pDst );
                            *pDst = (char) '>';
                        case ']':
                            if ( pDst[-1] == (char)']' ) {   // pDst[-1] will always correct - there is a padding character at _BUFFER[0]
                                hadDoubleBracket = true;
                            else {
                                hadDoubleBracket = false;
                            *pDst = (char)']';
                        case (char)0xD:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                // Normalize "\r\n", or "\r" to NewLineChars
                                if ( pSrc[1] == '\n' ) {
                                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                                needWriteNewLine = true;
                                return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                            else {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                        case (char)0xA:
                            if ( newLineHandling == NewLineHandling.Replace ) {
                                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
                                needWriteNewLine = true;
                                return (int)(pSrc - pRaw); 
                            else {
                                *pDst = (char)ch;
                        case '&':
                        case '<':
                        case '"':
                        case '\'':
                        case (char)0x9:
                            *pDst = (char)ch;
                            if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; };
                bufPos = (int)(pDst - pDstBegin);
            return -1;
        protected async Task WriteCDataSectionAsync(string text) {
            if ( text.Length == 0 ) {
                if ( bufPos >= bufLen ) {
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            int writeLen = 0;
            int curIndex = 0;
            int leftCount = text.Length;
            bool needWriteNewLine = false;
            do {
                writeLen = WriteCDataSectionNoFlush(text, curIndex, leftCount, out needWriteNewLine);
                curIndex += writeLen;
                leftCount -= writeLen;
                if (needWriteNewLine)
                    await RawTextAsync(newLineChars).ConfigureAwait(false);
                else if (writeLen >= 0)
                    await FlushBufferAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            } while(writeLen >= 0 || needWriteNewLine);
    // Same as base text writer class except that elements, attributes, comments, and pi's are indented.
    internal partial class XmlEncodedRawTextWriterIndent : XmlEncodedRawTextWriter {
        public override async Task WriteDocTypeAsync( string name, string pubid, string sysid, string subset ) {
            // Add indentation
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos) {
                await WriteIndentAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            await base.WriteDocTypeAsync( name, pubid, sysid, subset ).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public override async Task WriteStartElementAsync( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) {
            Debug.Assert( localName != null && localName.Length != 0 && prefix != null && ns != null );
            // Add indentation
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos) {
                await WriteIndentAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            mixedContentStack.PushBit( mixedContent );
            await base.WriteStartElementAsync( prefix, localName, ns ).ConfigureAwait(false);
        internal override async Task WriteEndElementAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {
            // Add indentation
            if ( !mixedContent && base.contentPos != base.bufPos ) {
                // There was content, so try to indent
                if ( base.textPos != base.bufPos ) {
                    await WriteIndentAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            mixedContent = mixedContentStack.PopBit();
            await base.WriteEndElementAsync( prefix, localName, ns ).ConfigureAwait(false);
        internal override async Task WriteFullEndElementAsync(string prefix, string localName, string ns) {
            // Add indentation
            if ( !mixedContent && base.contentPos != base.bufPos ) {
                // There was content, so try to indent
                if ( base.textPos != base.bufPos ) {
                    await WriteIndentAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            mixedContent = mixedContentStack.PopBit();
            await base.WriteFullEndElementAsync( prefix, localName, ns ).ConfigureAwait(false);
        // Same as base class, plus possible indentation.
        protected internal override async Task WriteStartAttributeAsync( string prefix, string localName, string ns ) {
            // Add indentation
            if ( newLineOnAttributes ) {
                await WriteIndentAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            await base.WriteStartAttributeAsync( prefix, localName, ns ).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public override Task WriteCDataAsync( string text ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteCDataAsync( text );
        public override async Task WriteCommentAsync( string text ) {
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos ) {
                await WriteIndentAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            await base.WriteCommentAsync( text ).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public override async Task WriteProcessingInstructionAsync( string target, string text ) {
            if ( !mixedContent && base.textPos != base.bufPos ) {
                await WriteIndentAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            await base.WriteProcessingInstructionAsync( target, text ).ConfigureAwait(false);
        public override Task WriteEntityRefAsync( string name ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteEntityRefAsync( name );
        public override Task WriteCharEntityAsync( char ch ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteCharEntityAsync( ch );
        public override Task WriteSurrogateCharEntityAsync( char lowChar, char highChar ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteSurrogateCharEntityAsync( lowChar, highChar );
        public override Task WriteWhitespaceAsync( string ws ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteWhitespaceAsync( ws );
        public override Task WriteStringAsync( string text ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteStringAsync( text );
        public override Task WriteCharsAsync( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteCharsAsync( buffer, index, count );
        public override Task WriteRawAsync( char[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteRawAsync( buffer, index, count );
        public override Task WriteRawAsync( string data ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteRawAsync( data );
        public override Task WriteBase64Async( byte[] buffer, int index, int count ) {
            mixedContent = true;
            return base.WriteBase64Async( buffer, index, count );
        // Add indentation to output.  Write newline and then repeat IndentChars for each indent level.
        private async Task WriteIndentAsync() {
            await RawTextAsync( base.newLineChars ).ConfigureAwait(false);
            for ( int i = indentLevel; i > 0; i-- ) {
                await RawTextAsync( indentChars ).ConfigureAwait(false);