File: System\Data\Objects\ObjectStateManager.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\DataEntity\System.Data.Entity.csproj (System.Data.Entity)
// <copyright file="ObjectStateManager.cs" company="Microsoft">
//      Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner       Microsoft
// @backupOwner Microsoft
namespace System.Data.Objects
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data.Common;
    using System.Data.Common.Utils;
    using System.Data.Mapping;
    using System.Data.Metadata.Edm;
    using System.Data.Objects.DataClasses;
    using System.Data.Objects.Internal;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Linq.Expressions;
    /// <summary>
    /// implementation of ObjectStateManager class
    /// </summary>
    public class ObjectStateManager : IEntityStateManager
        // This is the initial capacity used for lists of entries.  We use this rather than the default because
        // perf testing showed we were almost always increasing the capacity which can be quite a slow operation.
        private const int _initialListSize = 16;
        // dictionaries (one for each entity state) that store cache entries that represent entities
        // these are only non-null when there is an entity in respective state, must always check for null before using
        private Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry> _addedEntityStore;
        private Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry> _modifiedEntityStore;
        private Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry> _deletedEntityStore;
        private Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry> _unchangedEntityStore;
        private Dictionary<object, EntityEntry> _keylessEntityStore;
        // dictionaries (one for each entity state) that store cache entries that represent relationships
        // these are only non-null when there is an relationship in respective state, must always check for null before using
        private Dictionary<RelationshipWrapper, RelationshipEntry> _addedRelationshipStore;
        private Dictionary<RelationshipWrapper, RelationshipEntry> _deletedRelationshipStore;
        private Dictionary<RelationshipWrapper, RelationshipEntry> _unchangedRelationshipStore;
        // mapping from EdmType or EntitySetQualifiedType to StateManagerTypeMetadata
        private readonly Dictionary<EdmType, StateManagerTypeMetadata> _metadataStore;
        private readonly Dictionary<EntitySetQualifiedType, StateManagerTypeMetadata> _metadataMapping;
        private readonly MetadataWorkspace _metadataWorkspace;
        // delegate for notifying changes in collection
        private CollectionChangeEventHandler onObjectStateManagerChangedDelegate;
        private CollectionChangeEventHandler onEntityDeletedDelegate;
        // Flag to indicate if we are in the middle of relationship fixup.
        // This is set and cleared only during ResetEntityKey, because only in that case
        // do we allow setting a value on a non-null EntityKey property
        private bool _inRelationshipFixup;
        private bool _isDisposed;
        private ComplexTypeMaterializer _complexTypeMaterializer; // materializer instance that can be used to create complex types with just a metadata workspace
        private readonly Dictionary<EntityKey, HashSet<EntityEntry>> _danglingForeignKeys = new Dictionary<EntityKey, HashSet<EntityEntry>>();
        private HashSet<EntityEntry> _entriesWithConceptualNulls;
        #region Private Fields for ObjectStateEntry change tracking
        /// <summary>
        /// The object on which the change was made, could be an entity or a complex object
        /// Also see comments for _changingOldValue
        /// </summary>
        private object _changingObject;
        /// <summary>
        /// _changingMember and _changingEntityMember should be the same for changes to
        /// top-level entity properties. They are only different for complex members.
        /// Also see comments for _changingOldValue.
        /// </summary>
        private string _changingMember;
        /// <summary>
        /// The top-level entity property that is changing. This could be the actual property
        /// that is changing, or the change could be occurring one or more levels down in the hierarchy
        /// on a complex object.
        /// Also see comments for _changingOldValue
        /// </summary>
        private string _changingEntityMember;
        /// <summary>
        /// EntityState of the entry during the changing notification. Used to detect
        /// if the state has changed between the changing and changed notifications, which we do not allow.
        /// Also see comments for _changingOldValue
        /// </summary>
        private EntityState _changingState;
        /// <summary>
        /// True if we are in a state where original values are to be stored during a changed notification        
        /// This flags gets set during the changing notification and is used during changed to determine
        /// if we need to save to original values or not.
        /// Also see comments for _changingOldValue
        private bool _saveOriginalValues;
        /// <summary>
        /// Cache entity property/changing object/original value here between changing and changed events
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Only single threading is supported and changing/changed calls cannot be nested. Consecutive calls to Changing
        /// overwrite previously cached values. Calls to Changed must have been preceded by a Changing call on the same property
        /// a) user starts property value change with a call to
        ///    IEntityChangeTracker.EntityMemberChanging or IEntityChangeTracker.EntityComplexMemberChanging
        /// b) The public interface methods call EntityValueChanging, which caches the original value
        /// c) new property value is stored on object
        /// d) users completes the property value change with a call to
        ///    IEntityChangeTracker.EntityMemberChanged or IEntityChangeTracker.EntityComplexMemberChanged
        /// e} The public interface methods call EntityValueChanged, which saves the cached value in the original values record
        /// </remarks>
        private object _changingOldValue;
        private bool _detectChangesNeeded;
        /// <summary>
        /// ObjectStateManager constructor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="metadataWorkspace"></param>
        public ObjectStateManager(MetadataWorkspace metadataWorkspace)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(metadataWorkspace, "metadataWorkspace");
            _metadataWorkspace = metadataWorkspace;
            _metadataStore = new Dictionary<EdmType, StateManagerTypeMetadata>();
            _metadataMapping = new Dictionary<EntitySetQualifiedType, StateManagerTypeMetadata>(EntitySetQualifiedType.EqualityComparer);
            _isDisposed = false;
            TransactionManager = new TransactionManager();
        #region Internal Properties for ObjectStateEntry change tracking
        internal object ChangingObject
            get { return _changingObject; }
            set { _changingObject = value; }
        internal string ChangingEntityMember
            get { return _changingEntityMember; }
            set { _changingEntityMember = value; }
        internal string ChangingMember
            get { return _changingMember; }
            set { _changingMember = value; }
        internal EntityState ChangingState
            get { return _changingState; }
            set { _changingState = value; }
        internal bool SaveOriginalValues
            get { return _saveOriginalValues; }
            set { _saveOriginalValues = value; }
        internal object ChangingOldValue
            get { return _changingOldValue; }
            set { _changingOldValue = value; }
        // Used by ObjectStateEntry to determine if it's safe to set a value
        // on a non-null IEntity.EntityKey property
        internal bool InRelationshipFixup
            get { return _inRelationshipFixup; }
        internal ComplexTypeMaterializer ComplexTypeMaterializer
                if (_complexTypeMaterializer == null)
                    _complexTypeMaterializer = new ComplexTypeMaterializer(this.MetadataWorkspace);
                return _complexTypeMaterializer;
        internal TransactionManager TransactionManager
            private set;
        /// <summary>
        /// MetadataWorkspace property
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>MetadataWorkspace</returns>
        public MetadataWorkspace MetadataWorkspace
                return _metadataWorkspace;
        #region events ObjectStateManagerChanged / EntityDeleted
        /// <summary>
        /// Event to notify changes in the collection.
        /// </summary>
        public event CollectionChangeEventHandler ObjectStateManagerChanged
                onObjectStateManagerChangedDelegate += value;
                onObjectStateManagerChangedDelegate -= value;
        internal event CollectionChangeEventHandler EntityDeleted
                onEntityDeletedDelegate += value;
                onEntityDeletedDelegate -= value;
        internal void OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction action, object entity)
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
            if (onObjectStateManagerChangedDelegate != null)
                onObjectStateManagerChangedDelegate(this, new CollectionChangeEventArgs(action, entity));
        private void OnEntityDeleted(CollectionChangeAction action, object entity)
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
            if (onEntityDeletedDelegate != null)
                onEntityDeletedDelegate(this, new CollectionChangeEventArgs(action, entity));
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an object stub to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityKey">the key of the object to add</param>
        /// <param name="entitySet">the entity set of the given object</param>
        internal EntityEntry AddKeyEntry(EntityKey entityKey, EntitySet entitySet)
            Debug.Assert((object)entityKey != null, "entityKey cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "entitySet must be non-null.");
            // We need to determine if an equivalent entry already exists;
            // this is illegal in certain cases.
            EntityEntry entry = FindEntityEntry(entityKey);
            if (entry != null)
                throw EntityUtil.ObjectStateManagerContainsThisEntityKey();
            // Get a StateManagerTypeMetadata for the entity type.
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(entitySet.ElementType);
            // Create a cache entry.
            entry = new EntityEntry(entityKey, entitySet, this, typeMetadata);
            // A new entity is being added.
            AddEntityEntryToDictionary(entry, entry.State);
            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that the proxy type being attached to the context matches the proxy type
        /// that would be generated for the given CLR type for the currently loaded metadata.
        /// This prevents a proxy for one set of metadata being incorrectly loaded into a context
        /// which has different metadata.
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateProxyType(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
            var identityType = wrappedEntity.IdentityType;
            var actualType = wrappedEntity.Entity.GetType();
            if (identityType != actualType)
                var entityType = MetadataWorkspace.GetItem<ClrEntityType>(identityType.FullName, DataSpace.OSpace);
                var proxyTypeInfo = EntityProxyFactory.GetProxyType(entityType);
                if (proxyTypeInfo == null || proxyTypeInfo.ProxyType != actualType)
                    throw EntityUtil.DuplicateTypeForProxyType(identityType);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an object to the ObjectStateManager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataObject">the object to add</param>
        /// <param name="entitySet">the entity set of the given object</param>
        /// <param name="argumentName">Name of the argument passed to a public method, for use in exceptions.</param>
        /// <param name="isAdded">Indicates whether the entity is added or unchanged.</param>
        internal EntityEntry AddEntry(IEntityWrapper wrappedObject, EntityKey passedKey, EntitySet entitySet, string argumentName, bool isAdded)
            Debug.Assert(wrappedObject != null, "entity wrapper cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(wrappedObject.Entity != null, "entity cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(wrappedObject.Context != null, "the context should be already set");
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "entitySet must be non-null.");
            // shadowValues is allowed to be null
            Debug.Assert(argumentName != null, "argumentName cannot be null.");
            EntityKey entityKey = passedKey;
            // Get a StateManagerTypeMetadata for the entity type.
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(wrappedObject.IdentityType, entitySet);
            // dataObject's type should match to type that can be contained by the entityset
            EdmType entityEdmType = typeMetadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType;
            //OC Mapping will make sure that non-abstract type in O space is always mapped to a non-abstract type in C space
            Debug.Assert(!entityEdmType.Abstract, "non-abstract type in O space is mapped to abstract type in C space");
            if ((isAdded) && !entitySet.ElementType.IsAssignableFrom(entityEdmType))
                throw EntityUtil.EntityTypeDoesNotMatchEntitySet(wrappedObject.Entity.GetType().Name, TypeHelpers.GetFullName(entitySet), argumentName);
            EntityKey dataObjectEntityKey = null;
            if (isAdded)
                dataObjectEntityKey = wrappedObject.GetEntityKeyFromEntity();
                dataObjectEntityKey = wrappedObject.EntityKey;
            if ((object)dataObjectEntityKey != null && (object)entityKey != null)
                Debug.Assert(dataObjectEntityKey == entityKey, "The passed key and the key on dataObject must match.");
            if (null != (object)dataObjectEntityKey)
                entityKey = dataObjectEntityKey;
                // These two checks verify that entityWithKey.EntityKey implemented by the user on a (I)POCO entity returns what it was given.
                EntityUtil.CheckEntityKeysMatch(wrappedObject, entityKey);
            if ((object)entityKey != null && !entityKey.IsTemporary && !isAdded)
                // If the entity already has a permanent key, and we were invoked
                // from the materializer, check that the key is correct.  We don't check
                // for temporary keys because temporary keys don't contain values.
                CheckKeyMatchesEntity(wrappedObject, entityKey, entitySet, /*forAttach*/ false);
            // We need to determine if an equivalent entry already exists; this is illegal
            // in certain cases.
            EntityEntry existingEntry;
            if ((isAdded) &&
                ((dataObjectEntityKey == null && (null != (existingEntry = FindEntityEntry(wrappedObject.Entity)))) ||
                 (dataObjectEntityKey != null && (null != (existingEntry = FindEntityEntry(dataObjectEntityKey))))))
                if (existingEntry.Entity != wrappedObject.Entity)
                    throw EntityUtil.ObjectStateManagerContainsThisEntityKey();
                // key does exist but entity is the same, it is being re-added ;
                // no-op when Add(entity)
                // NOTE we don't want to re-add entities in other then Added state
                if (existingEntry.State != EntityState.Added)  // (state == DataRowState.Unchanged && state == DataRowState.Modified)
                    throw EntityUtil.ObjectStateManagerDoesnotAllowToReAddUnchangedOrModifiedOrDeletedEntity(existingEntry.State);
                // no-op
                return null;
                // Neither entityWithKey.EntityKey nor the passed entityKey were non-null, or
                // If the entity doesn't already exist in the state manager
                // and we intend to put the entity in the Added state (i.e.,
                // AddEntry() was invoked from ObjectContext.AddObject()),
                // the entity's key must be set to a new temp key.
                if ((object)entityKey == null || (isAdded && !entityKey.IsTemporary))
                    // If the entity does not have a key, create and add a temporary key.
                    entityKey = new EntityKey(entitySet);
                    wrappedObject.EntityKey = entityKey;
                if (!wrappedObject.OwnsRelationshipManager)
                    // When a POCO instance is added or attached, we need to ignore the contents 
                    // of the RelationshipManager as it is out-of-date with the POCO nav props
                // Create a cache entry.
                EntityEntry newEntry = new EntityEntry(wrappedObject, entityKey, entitySet, this, typeMetadata, isAdded ? EntityState.Added : EntityState.Unchanged);
                //Verify that the entityKey is set correctly--also checks entry.EK and entity.EK internally
                Debug.Assert(entityKey == newEntry.EntityKey, "The key on the new entry was not set correctly");
                // ObjectMaterializer will have already determined the existing entry doesn't exist
                Debug.Assert(null == FindEntityEntry(entityKey), "should not have existing entry");
                // A new entity is being added.
                AddEntityEntryToDictionary(newEntry, newEntry.State);
                // fire ColectionChanged event  only when a new entity is added to cache
                OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, newEntry.Entity);
                // When adding, we do this in AddSingleObject since we don't want to do it before the context is attached.
                if (!isAdded)
                return newEntry;
        internal void FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(EntityEntry newEntry, bool replaceAddedRefs = false)
            // Perf optimization to avoid all this work if the entity doesn't participate in any FK relationships
            if (!((EntitySet)newEntry.EntitySet).HasForeignKeyRelationships)
            // Look at the foreign keys contained in this entry and perform fixup to the entities that
            // they reference, or add the key and this entry to the index of foreign keys that reference
            // entities that we don't yet know about.
            // Lookup the key for this entry and find all other entries that reference this entry using
            // foreign keys.  Perform fixup between the two entries.
            foreach (EntityEntry foundEntry in GetNonFixedupEntriesContainingForeignKey(newEntry.EntityKey))
                foundEntry.FixupReferencesByForeignKeys(replaceAddedRefs: false);
            // Once we have done fixup for this entry we don't need the entries in the index anymore
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an entry to the index of foreign keys that reference entities that we don't yet know about.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foreignKey">The foreign key found in the entry</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The entry that contains the foreign key that was found</param>
        internal void AddEntryContainingForeignKeyToIndex(EntityKey foreignKey, EntityEntry entry)
            HashSet<EntityEntry> danglingEntries;
            if (!_danglingForeignKeys.TryGetValue(foreignKey, out danglingEntries))
                danglingEntries = new HashSet<EntityEntry>();
                _danglingForeignKeys.Add(foreignKey, danglingEntries);
            Debug.Assert(entry.ObjectStateManager != null, "Attempt to add detached state entry to dangling keys");
        internal void AssertEntryDoesNotExistInForeignKeyIndex(EntityEntry entry)
            foreach (var dFkEntry in _danglingForeignKeys.SelectMany(kv => kv.Value))
                if (!(dFkEntry.State == EntityState.Detached || entry.State == EntityState.Detached))
                    Debug.Assert(dFkEntry.EntityKey == null || entry.EntityKey == null ||
                                 (dFkEntry.EntityKey != entry.EntityKey && dFkEntry != entry),
                        string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "The entry references {0} equal. dFkEntry={1}, entry={2}", dFkEntry == entry ? "are" : "are not", dFkEntry.EntityKey.ConcatKeyValue(), entry.EntityKey.ConcatKeyValue()));
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1806:DoNotIgnoreMethodResults", Justification = "This method is compiled only when the compilation symbol DEBUG is defined")]
        internal void AssertAllForeignKeyIndexEntriesAreValid()
            if (_danglingForeignKeys.Count == 0)
            HashSet<ObjectStateEntry> validEntries = new HashSet<ObjectStateEntry>(GetObjectStateEntriesInternal(~EntityState.Detached));
            foreach (var entry in _danglingForeignKeys.SelectMany(kv => kv.Value))
                Debug.Assert(entry._cache != null, "found an entry in the _danglingForeignKeys collection that has been nulled out");
                Debug.Assert(validEntries.Contains(entry), "The entry in the dangling foreign key store is no longer in the ObjectStateManager. Key=" + (entry.State == EntityState.Detached ? "detached" : entry.EntityKey != null ? "null" : entry.EntityKey.ConcatKeyValue()));
                Debug.Assert(entry.State == EntityState.Detached || !ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(entry.EntityKey), "Found an entry with conceptual null Key=" + entry.EntityKey.ConcatKeyValue());
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes an entry to the index of foreign keys that reference entities that we don't yet know about.
        /// This is typically done when the entity is detached from the context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foreignKey">The foreign key found in the entry</param>
        /// <param name="entry">The entry that contains the foreign key that was found</param>
        internal void RemoveEntryFromForeignKeyIndex(EntityKey foreignKey, EntityEntry entry)
            HashSet<EntityEntry> danglingEntries;
            if (_danglingForeignKeys.TryGetValue(foreignKey, out danglingEntries))
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the foreign key from the index of those keys that have been found in entries
        /// but for which it was not possible to do fixup because the entity that the foreign key
        /// referenced was not in the state manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foreignKey">The key to lookup and remove</param>
        internal void RemoveForeignKeyFromIndex(EntityKey foreignKey)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all state entries that contain the given foreign key for which we have not performed
        /// fixup because the state manager did not contain the entity to which the foreign key pointed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="foreignKey">The key to lookup</param>
        /// <returns>The state entries that contain the key</returns>
        internal IEnumerable<EntityEntry> GetNonFixedupEntriesContainingForeignKey(EntityKey foreignKey)
            HashSet<EntityEntry> foundEntries;
            if (_danglingForeignKeys.TryGetValue(foreignKey, out foundEntries))
                // these entries will be updated by the code consuming them, so 
                // create a stable container to iterate over.
                return foundEntries.ToList();
            return Enumerable.Empty<EntityEntry>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds to index of currently tracked entities that have FK values that are conceptually
        /// null but not actually null because the FK properties are not nullable.
        /// If this index is non-empty in AcceptAllChanges or SaveChanges, then we throw.
        /// If AcceptChanges is called on an entity and that entity is in the index, then
        /// we will throw.
        /// Note that the index is keyed by EntityEntry reference because it's only ever used
        /// when we have the EntityEntry and this makes it slightly faster than using key lookup.
        /// </summary>
        internal void RememberEntryWithConceptualNull(EntityEntry entry)
            if (_entriesWithConceptualNulls == null)
                _entriesWithConceptualNulls = new HashSet<EntityEntry>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether or not there is some entry in the context that has any conceptually but not
        /// actually null FK values.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool SomeEntryWithConceptualNullExists()
            return _entriesWithConceptualNulls != null && _entriesWithConceptualNulls.Count != 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the given entry has conceptually but not actually null FK values.
        /// </summary>
        internal bool EntryHasConceptualNull(EntityEntry entry)
            return _entriesWithConceptualNulls != null && _entriesWithConceptualNulls.Contains(entry);
        /// <summary>
        /// Stops keeping track of an entity with conceptual nulls because the FK values have been
        /// really set or because the entity is leaving the context or becoming deleted.
        /// </summary>
        internal void ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(EntityEntry entry, bool resetAllKeys)
            if (!entry.IsKeyEntry && _entriesWithConceptualNulls != null && _entriesWithConceptualNulls.Remove(entry))
                if (entry.RelationshipManager.HasRelationships)
                    foreach (RelatedEnd end in entry.RelationshipManager.Relationships)
                        EntityReference reference = end as EntityReference;
                        if (reference != null && ForeignKeyFactory.IsConceptualNullKey(reference.CachedForeignKey))
                            if (resetAllKeys)
                                reference.SetCachedForeignKey(null, null);
                                // This means that we thought we could remove because one FK was no longer conceptually
                                // null, but in fact we have to add the entry back because another FK is still conceptually null
        // devnote: see comment to SQLBU 555615 in ObjectContext.AttachSingleObject()
        internal void PromoteKeyEntryInitialization(ObjectContext contextToAttach, 
            EntityEntry keyEntry,
            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity,
            IExtendedDataRecord shadowValues,            
            bool replacingEntry)
            Debug.Assert(keyEntry != null, "keyEntry must be non-null.");
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "entity cannot be null.");
            // shadowValues is allowed to be null
            // Future Enhancement: Fixup already has this information, don't rediscover it
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(wrappedEntity.IdentityType, (EntitySet)keyEntry.EntitySet);
            keyEntry.PromoteKeyEntry(wrappedEntity, shadowValues, typeMetadata);
            if (replacingEntry)
                // if we are replacing an existing entry, then clean the entity's change tracker
                // so that it can be reset to this newly promoted entry
            // A new entity is being added.
            if (contextToAttach != null)
                // The ObjectContext needs to be attached to the wrapper here because we need it to be attached to
                // RelatedEnds for the snapshot change tracking that happens in TakeSnapshot. However, it
                // cannot be attached in ObjectContext.AttachSingleObject before calling this method because this
                // would attach it to RelatedEnds before SetChangeTracker is called, thereby breaking a legacy
                // case for entities derived from EntityObject--see AttachSingleObject for details.
                wrappedEntity.AttachContext(contextToAttach, (EntitySet)keyEntry.EntitySet, MergeOption.AppendOnly);
            OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, keyEntry.Entity);
        /// <summary>
        /// Upgrades an entity key entry in the cache to a a regular entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyEntry">the key entry that exists in the state manager</param>
        /// <param name="entity">the object to add</param>
        /// <param name="shadowValues">a data record representation of the entity's values, including any values in shadow state</param>
        /// <param name="replacingEntry">True if this promoted key entry is replacing an existing detached entry</param>
        /// <param name="setIsLoaded">Tells whether we should allow the IsLoaded flag to be set to true for RelatedEnds</param>
        /// <param name="argumentName">Name of the argument passed to a public method, for use in exceptions.</param>
        internal void PromoteKeyEntry(EntityEntry keyEntry,
            IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity,
            IExtendedDataRecord shadowValues,
            bool replacingEntry,
            bool setIsLoaded,
            bool keyEntryInitialized,
            string argumentName)
            Debug.Assert(keyEntry != null, "keyEntry must be non-null.");
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "entity wrapper cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity.Entity != null, "entity cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity.Context != null, "the context should be already set");
            // shadowValues is allowed to be null
            Debug.Assert(argumentName != null, "argumentName cannot be null.");
            if (!keyEntryInitialized)
                // We pass null as the context here because, as asserted above, the context is already attached
                // to the wrapper when it comes down this path.
                this.PromoteKeyEntryInitialization(null, keyEntry, wrappedEntity, shadowValues, replacingEntry);
            bool doCleanup = true;
                // We don't need to worry about the KeyEntry <-- Relationship --> KeyEntry because a key entry must
                // reference a non-key entry. Fix up their other side of the relationship.
                // Get all the relationships that currently exist for this key entry
                foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(keyEntry.EntityKey))
                    if (relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                        // Find the association ends that correspond to the source and target
                        AssociationEndMember sourceMember = keyEntry.GetAssociationEndMember(relationshipEntry);
                        AssociationEndMember targetMember = MetadataHelper.GetOtherAssociationEnd(sourceMember);
                        // Find the other end of the relationship
                        EntityEntry targetEntry = keyEntry.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relationshipEntry);
                        // Here we are promoting based on a non-db retrieval so we use Append rules
                            /*setIsLoaded*/ setIsLoaded,
                            /*relationshipAlreadyExists*/ true,
                            /*inKeyEntryPromotion*/ true);
                doCleanup = false;
                if (doCleanup)
            if (this.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking)
                this.TransactionManager.PromotedKeyEntries.Add(wrappedEntity.Entity, keyEntry);
        internal void TrackPromotedRelationship(RelatedEnd relatedEnd, IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
            Debug.Assert(relatedEnd != null);
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null);
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity.Entity != null);
            Debug.Assert(this.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking || this.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking, "This method should be called only from ObjectContext.AttachTo/AddObject (indirectly)");
            IList<IEntityWrapper> entities;
            if (!this.TransactionManager.PromotedRelationships.TryGetValue(relatedEnd, out entities))
                entities = new List<IEntityWrapper>();
                this.TransactionManager.PromotedRelationships.Add(relatedEnd, entities);
        internal void DegradePromotedRelationships()
            Debug.Assert(this.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking || this.TransactionManager.IsAddTracking, "This method should be called only from the cleanup code");
            foreach (var pair in this.TransactionManager.PromotedRelationships)
                foreach (IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity in pair.Value)
                    if (pair.Key.RemoveFromCache(wrappedEntity, /*resetIsLoaded*/ false, /*preserveForeignKey*/ false))
                        pair.Key.OnAssociationChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, wrappedEntity.Entity);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs non-generic collection or reference fixup between two entities
        /// This method should only be used in scenarios where we are automatically hooking up relationships for
        /// the user, and not in cases where they are manually setting relationships.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mergeOption">The MergeOption to use to decide how to resolve EntityReference conflicts</param>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">The entity instance on the source side of the relationship</param>
        /// <param name="sourceMember">The AssociationEndMember that contains the metadata for the source entity</param>
        /// <param name="targetEntity">The entity instance on the source side of the relationship</param>
        /// <param name="targetMember">The AssociationEndMember that contains the metadata for the target entity</param>
        /// <param name="setIsLoaded">Tells whether we should allow the IsLoaded flag to be set to true for RelatedEnds</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipAlreadyExists">Whether or not the relationship entry already exists in the cache for these entities</param>
        /// <param name="inKeyEntryPromotion">Whether this method is used in key entry promotion</param>
        internal static void AddEntityToCollectionOrReference(
            MergeOption mergeOption,
            IEntityWrapper wrappedSource,
            AssociationEndMember sourceMember,
            IEntityWrapper wrappedTarget,
            AssociationEndMember targetMember,
            bool setIsLoaded,
            bool relationshipAlreadyExists,
            bool inKeyEntryPromotion)
            // Call GetRelatedEnd to retrieve the related end on the source entity that points to the target entity
            RelatedEnd relatedEnd = wrappedSource.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(sourceMember.DeclaringType.FullName, targetMember.Name);
            // EntityReference can only have one value
            if (targetMember.RelationshipMultiplicity != RelationshipMultiplicity.Many)
                Debug.Assert(relatedEnd is EntityReference, "If end is not Many multiplicity, then the RelatedEnd should be an EntityReference.");
                var relatedReference = (EntityReference)relatedEnd;
                switch (mergeOption)
                    case MergeOption.NoTracking:
                        // if using NoTracking, we have no way of determining identity resolution.
                        // Throw an exception saying the EntityReference is already populated and to try using
                        // a different MergeOption
                        Debug.Assert(relatedEnd.IsEmpty(), "This can occur when objects are loaded using a NoTracking merge option. Try using a different merge option when loading objects.");
                    case MergeOption.AppendOnly:
                        // SQLBU 551031
                        // In key entry promotion case, detect that sourceEntity is already related to some entity in the context,
                        // so it cannot be related to another entity being attached (relation 1-1).
                        // Without this check we would throw exception from RelatedEnd.Add() but the exception message couldn't
                        // properly describe what has happened.
                        if (inKeyEntryPromotion &&
                            !relatedReference.IsEmpty() &&
                            !Object.ReferenceEquals(relatedReference.ReferenceValue.Entity, wrappedTarget.Entity))
                            throw EntityUtil.EntityConflictsWithKeyEntry();
                    case MergeOption.PreserveChanges:
                    case MergeOption.OverwriteChanges:
                        // Retrieve the current target entity and the relationship
                        var currentWrappedTarget = relatedReference.ReferenceValue;
                        // currentWrappedTarget may already be correct because we may already have done FK fixup as part of
                        // accepting changes in the overwrite code.
                        if (currentWrappedTarget != null && currentWrappedTarget.Entity != null && currentWrappedTarget != wrappedTarget)
                            // The source entity is already related to a different target, so before we hook it up to the new target,
                            // disconnect the existing related ends and detach the relationship entry
                            RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry = relatedEnd.FindRelationshipEntryInObjectStateManager(currentWrappedTarget);
                            Debug.Assert(relationshipEntry != null || relatedEnd.IsForeignKey, "Could not find relationship entry for LAT relationship.");
                            if (relationshipEntry != null)
                                Debug.Assert(relationshipEntry != null, "Could not find relationship entry.");
                                // If the relationship was Added prior to the above RemoveAll, it will have already been detached
                                // If it was Unchanged, it is now Deleted and should be detached
                                // It should never have been Deleted before now, because we just got currentTargetEntity from the related end
                                if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                                Debug.Assert(relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Detached, "relationshipEntry should be Detached");
            RelatedEnd targetRelatedEnd = null;
            if (mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking)
                targetRelatedEnd = relatedEnd.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedTarget);
                if (targetRelatedEnd.IsLoaded)
                    // The EntityCollection has already been loaded as part of the query and adding additional
                    // entities would cause duplicate entries
                    throw EntityUtil.CannotFillTryDifferentMergeOption(targetRelatedEnd.SourceRoleName, targetRelatedEnd.RelationshipName);
            // we may have already retrieved the target end above, but if not, just get it now
            if (targetRelatedEnd == null)
                targetRelatedEnd = relatedEnd.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedTarget);
            // Add the target entity
                applyConstraints: true,
                addRelationshipAsUnchanged: true,
                relationshipAlreadyExists: relationshipAlreadyExists,
                allowModifyingOtherEndOfRelationship: true,
                forceForeignKeyChanges: true);
            Debug.Assert(!(inKeyEntryPromotion && wrappedSource.Context == null),
                "sourceEntity has been just attached to the context in PromoteKeyEntry, so Context shouldn't be null");
                !(inKeyEntryPromotion &&
                wrappedSource.Context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking &&
                (setIsLoaded || mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking)),
                "This verifies that UpdateRelatedEnd is a no-op in a keyEntryPromotion case when the method is called indirectly from ObjectContext.AttachTo");
            // If either end is an EntityReference, we may need to set IsLoaded or the DetachedEntityKey
            UpdateRelatedEnd(relatedEnd, wrappedSource, wrappedTarget, setIsLoaded, mergeOption);
            UpdateRelatedEnd(targetRelatedEnd, wrappedTarget, wrappedSource, setIsLoaded, mergeOption);
            // In case the method was called from ObjectContext.AttachTo, we have to track relationships which were "promoted"
            // Tracked relationships are used in recovery code of AttachTo.
            if (inKeyEntryPromotion && wrappedSource.Context.ObjectStateManager.TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking)
                wrappedSource.Context.ObjectStateManager.TrackPromotedRelationship(relatedEnd, wrappedTarget);
                wrappedSource.Context.ObjectStateManager.TrackPromotedRelationship(targetRelatedEnd, wrappedSource);
        // devnote: This method should only be used in scenarios where we are automatically hooking up relationships for
        // the user, and not in cases where they are manually setting relationships.
        private static void UpdateRelatedEnd(RelatedEnd relatedEnd, IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, IEntityWrapper wrappedRelatedEntity, bool setIsLoaded, MergeOption mergeOption)
            AssociationEndMember endMember = (AssociationEndMember)(relatedEnd.ToEndMember);
            if ((endMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.One ||
                 endMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne))
                if (setIsLoaded)
                // else we just want to leave IsLoaded alone, not set it to false
                // In NoTracking cases, we want to enable the EntityReference.EntityKey property, so we have to set the key
                if (mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking)
                    EntityKey targetKey = wrappedRelatedEntity.EntityKey;
                    // since endMember is not Many, relatedEnd must be an EntityReference
                    ((EntityReference)relatedEnd).DetachedEntityKey = targetKey;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the relationships between a given source entity and a collection of target entities.
        /// Used for full span and related end Load methods, where the following may be true:
        /// (a) both sides of each relationship are always full entities and not stubs
        /// (b) there could be multiple entities to process at once
        /// (c) NoTracking queries are possible.
        /// Not used for relationship span because although some of the logic is similar, the above are not true.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">ObjectContext to use to look up existing relationships. Using the context here instead of ObjectStateManager because for NoTracking queries
        /// we shouldn't even touch the state manager at all, so we don't want to access it until we know we are not using NoTracking.</param>
        /// <param name="mergeOption">MergeOption to use when updating existing relationships</param>
        /// <param name="associationSet">AssociationSet for the relationships</param>
        /// <param name="sourceMember">Role of sourceEntity in associationSet</param>
        /// <param name="sourceKey">EntityKey for sourceEntity</param>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">Source entity in the relationship</param>
        /// <param name="targetMember">Role of each targetEntity in associationSet</param>
        /// <param name="targetEntities">List of target entities to use to create relationships with sourceEntity</param>
        /// <param name="setIsLoaded">Tells whether we should allow the IsLoaded flag to be set to true for RelatedEnds</param>
        internal static int UpdateRelationships(ObjectContext context, MergeOption mergeOption, AssociationSet associationSet, AssociationEndMember sourceMember, EntityKey sourceKey, IEntityWrapper wrappedSource, AssociationEndMember targetMember, IList targets, bool setIsLoaded)
            int count = 0;
                if (targets != null)
                    if (mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking)
                        RelatedEnd relatedEnd = wrappedSource.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(sourceMember.DeclaringType.FullName, targetMember.Name);
                        if (!relatedEnd.IsEmpty())
                            // The RelatedEnd has already been filled as part of the query and adding additional
                            // entities would cause duplicate entries
                            throw EntityUtil.CannotFillTryDifferentMergeOption(relatedEnd.SourceRoleName, relatedEnd.RelationshipName);
                    foreach (object someTarget in targets)
                        IEntityWrapper wrappedTarget = someTarget as IEntityWrapper;
                        if (wrappedTarget == null)
                            wrappedTarget = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingContext(someTarget, context);
                        // If there is an existing relationship entry, update it based on its current state and the MergeOption, otherwise add a new one            
                        EntityState newEntryState;
                        if (mergeOption == MergeOption.NoTracking)
                            // For NoTracking, we shouldn't touch the state manager, so no need to look for existing relationships to handle, just connect the two entities.
                            // We don't care if the relationship already exists in the state manager or not, so just pass relationshipAlreadyExists=true so it won't look for it
                                /*relationshipAlreadyExists*/ true,
                                /*inKeyEntryPromotion*/ false);
                            ObjectStateManager manager = context.ObjectStateManager;
                            EntityKey targetKey = wrappedTarget.EntityKey;
                            if (!TryUpdateExistingRelationships(context, mergeOption, associationSet, sourceMember, sourceKey, wrappedSource, targetMember, targetKey, setIsLoaded, out newEntryState))
                                bool needNewRelationship = true;
                                switch (sourceMember.RelationshipMultiplicity)
                                    case RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne:
                                    case RelationshipMultiplicity.One:
                                        // The other end of the relationship might already be related to something else, in which case we need to fix it up.
                                        // devnote1: In some cases we can let relationship span do this, but there are cases, like EntityCollection.Attach, where there is no query
                                        //           and thus no relationship span to help us. So, for now, this is redundant because relationship span will make another pass over these
                                        //           entities, but unless I add a flag or something to indicate when I have to do it and when I don't, this is necessary.
                                        // devnote2: The target and source arguments are intentionally reversed in the following call, because we already know there isn't a relationship
                                        //           between the two entities we are current processing, but we want to see if there is one between the target and another source
                                        needNewRelationship = !TryUpdateExistingRelationships(context, mergeOption, associationSet, targetMember,
                                            targetKey, wrappedTarget, sourceMember, sourceKey, setIsLoaded, out newEntryState);
                                    case RelationshipMultiplicity.Many:
                                        // we always need a new relationship with Many-To-Many, if there was no exact match between these two entities, so do nothing                                
                                        Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected sourceMember.RelationshipMultiplicity");
                                if (needNewRelationship)
                                    if (newEntryState != EntityState.Deleted)
                                            /*relationshipAlreadyExists*/ false,
                                            /*inKeyEntryPromotion*/ false);
                                        // Add a Deleted relationship between the source entity and the target entity
                                        // No end fixup is necessary since the relationship is Deleted
                                        RelationshipWrapper wrapper = new RelationshipWrapper(associationSet, sourceMember.Name, sourceKey, targetMember.Name, targetKey);
                                        manager.AddNewRelation(wrapper, EntityState.Deleted);
                                // else there is nothing else for us to do, the relationship has been handled already
                            // else there is nothing else for us to do, the relationship has been handled already
                if (count == 0)
                    // If we didn't put anything into the collection, then at least make sure that it is empty
                    // rather than null.
                    EnsureCollectionNotNull(sourceMember, wrappedSource, targetMember);
            return count;
            // devnote: Don't set IsLoaded on the target related end here -- the caller can do this more efficiently than we can here in some cases.
        // Checks if the target end is a collection and, if so, ensures that it is not
        // null by creating an empty collection if necessary.
        private static void EnsureCollectionNotNull(AssociationEndMember sourceMember, IEntityWrapper wrappedSource, AssociationEndMember targetMember)
            RelatedEnd relatedEnd = wrappedSource.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(sourceMember.DeclaringType.FullName, targetMember.Name);
            AssociationEndMember endMember = (AssociationEndMember)(relatedEnd.ToEndMember);
            if (endMember != null && endMember.RelationshipMultiplicity == RelationshipMultiplicity.Many)
                if (relatedEnd.TargetAccessor.HasProperty)
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes relationships if necessary when a query determines that the source entity has no relationships on the server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">ObjectContext that contains the client relationships</param>
        /// <param name="mergeOption">MergeOption to use when updating existing relationships</param>
        /// <param name="associationSet">AssociationSet for the incoming relationship</param>
        /// <param name="sourceKey">EntityKey of the source entity in the relationship</param>
        /// <param name="sourceMember">Role of the source entity in the relationship</param>
        internal static void RemoveRelationships(ObjectContext context, MergeOption mergeOption, AssociationSet associationSet,
            EntityKey sourceKey, AssociationEndMember sourceMember)
            Debug.Assert(mergeOption == MergeOption.PreserveChanges || mergeOption == MergeOption.OverwriteChanges, "Unexpected MergeOption");
            // Initial capacity is set to avoid an almost immediate resizing, which was causing a perf hit.
            List<RelationshipEntry> deletedRelationships = new List<RelationshipEntry>(_initialListSize);
            // This entity has no related entities on the server for the given associationset and role. If it has related
            // entities on the client, we may need to update those relationships, depending on the MergeOption
            if (mergeOption == MergeOption.OverwriteChanges)
                foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in context.ObjectStateManager.FindRelationshipsByKey(sourceKey))
                    // We only care about the relationships that match the incoming associationset and role for the source entity
                    if (relationshipEntry.IsSameAssociationSetAndRole(associationSet, sourceMember, sourceKey))
            else if (mergeOption == MergeOption.PreserveChanges)
                // Leave any Added relationships for this entity, but remove Unchanged and Deleted ones
                foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in context.ObjectStateManager.FindRelationshipsByKey(sourceKey))
                    // We only care about the relationships that match the incoming associationset and role for the source entity
                    if (relationshipEntry.IsSameAssociationSetAndRole(associationSet, sourceMember, sourceKey) &&
                        relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Added)
            // else we do nothing. We never expect any other states here, and already Assert this condition at the top of the method
            foreach (RelationshipEntry deletedEntry in deletedRelationships)
                ObjectStateManager.RemoveRelatedEndsAndDetachRelationship(deletedEntry, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to updates one or more existing relationships for an entity, based on a given MergeOption and a target entity. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">ObjectContext to use to look up existing relationships for sourceEntity</param>
        /// <param name="mergeOption">MergeOption to use when updating existing relationships</param>
        /// <param name="associationSet">AssociationSet for the relationship we are looking for</param>
        /// <param name="sourceMember">AssociationEndMember for the source role of the relationship</param>
        /// <param name="sourceKey">EntityKey for the source entity in the relationship (passed here so we don't have to look it up again)</param>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">Source entity in the relationship</param>
        /// <param name="targetMember">AssociationEndMember for the target role of the relationship</param>
        /// <param name="targetKey">EntityKey for the target entity in the relationship</param>    
        /// <param name="setIsLoaded">Tells whether we should allow the IsLoaded flag to be set to true for RelatedEnds</param>
        /// <param name="newEntryState">[out] EntityState to be used for in scenarios where we need to add a new relationship after this method has returned</param>  
        /// <returns>
        /// true if an existing relationship is found and updated, and no further action is needed
        /// false if either no relationship was found, or if one was found and updated, but a new one still needs to be added
        /// </returns>
        internal static bool TryUpdateExistingRelationships(ObjectContext context, MergeOption mergeOption, AssociationSet associationSet, AssociationEndMember sourceMember, EntityKey sourceKey, IEntityWrapper wrappedSource, AssociationEndMember targetMember, EntityKey targetKey, bool setIsLoaded, out EntityState newEntryState)
            Debug.Assert(mergeOption != MergeOption.NoTracking, "Existing relationships should not be updated with NoTracking");
            // New relationships are always added as Unchanged except in specific scenarios. If there are multiple relationships being updated, and
            // at least one of those requests the new relationship to be Deleted, it should always be added as Deleted, even if there are other
            // relationships being updated that don't specify a state. Adding as Unchanged is just the default unless a scenario needs it to be Deleted to 
            // achieve a particular result.
            newEntryState = EntityState.Unchanged;
            // FK full span for tracked entities is handled entirely by FK fix up in the state manager.
            // Therefore, if the relationship is a FK, we just return indicating that nothing is to be done.
            if (associationSet.ElementType.IsForeignKey)
                return true;
            // Unless we find a case below where we explicitly do not want a new relationship, we should always add one to match the server.
            bool needNewRelationship = true;
            ObjectStateManager manager = context.ObjectStateManager;
            List<RelationshipEntry> entriesToDetach = null;
            List<RelationshipEntry> entriesToUpdate = null;
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in manager.FindRelationshipsByKey(sourceKey))
                // We only care about relationships for the same AssociationSet and where the source entity is in the same role as it is in the incoming relationship.
                if (relationshipEntry.IsSameAssociationSetAndRole(associationSet, sourceMember, sourceKey))
                    // If the other end of this relationship matches our current target entity, this relationship entry matches the server
                    if (targetKey == relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetOtherEntityKey(sourceKey))
                        if (entriesToUpdate == null)
                            // Initial capacity is set to avoid an almost immediate resizing, which was causing a perf hit.
                            entriesToUpdate = new List<RelationshipEntry>(_initialListSize);
                        // We found an existing relationship where the reference side is different on the server than what the client has.
                        // This relationship is between the same source entity and a different target, so we may need to take steps to fix up the 
                        // relationship to ensure that the client state is correct based on the requested MergeOption. 
                        // The only scenario we care about here is one where the target member has zero or one multiplicity (0..1 or 1..1), because those
                        // are the only cases where it is meaningful to say that the relationship is different on the server and the client. In scenarios
                        // where the target member has a many (*) multiplicity, it is possible to have multiple relationships between the source key
                        // and other entities, and we don't want to touch those here.
                        switch (targetMember.RelationshipMultiplicity)
                            case RelationshipMultiplicity.One:
                            case RelationshipMultiplicity.ZeroOrOne:
                                switch (mergeOption)
                                    case MergeOption.AppendOnly:
                                        if (relationshipEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                                            Debug.Assert(relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Added || relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged, "Unexpected relationshipEntry state");
                                            needNewRelationship = false; // adding a new relationship would conflict with the existing one
                                    case MergeOption.OverwriteChanges:
                                        if (entriesToDetach == null)
                                            // Initial capacity is set to avoid an almost immediate resizing, which was causing a perf hit.
                                            entriesToDetach = new List<RelationshipEntry>(_initialListSize);
                                    case MergeOption.PreserveChanges:
                                        switch (relationshipEntry.State)
                                            case EntityState.Added:
                                                newEntryState = EntityState.Deleted;
                                            case EntityState.Unchanged:
                                                if (entriesToDetach == null)
                                                    // Initial capacity is set to avoid an almost immediate resizing, which was causing a perf hit.
                                                    entriesToDetach = new List<RelationshipEntry>(_initialListSize);
                                            case EntityState.Deleted:
                                                newEntryState = EntityState.Deleted;
                                                if (entriesToDetach == null)
                                                    // Initial capacity is set to avoid an almost immediate resizing, which was causing a perf hit.
                                                    entriesToDetach = new List<RelationshipEntry>(_initialListSize);
                                                Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected relationship entry state");
                                        Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected MergeOption");
                            case RelationshipMultiplicity.Many:
                                // do nothing because its okay for this source entity to have multiple different targets, so there is nothing for us to fixup
                                Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected targetMember.RelationshipMultiplicity");
            // Detach all of the entries that we have collected above
            if (entriesToDetach != null)
                foreach (RelationshipEntry entryToDetach in entriesToDetach)
                    // the entry may have already been detached by another operation. If not, detach it now.
                    if (entryToDetach.State != EntityState.Detached)
                        RemoveRelatedEndsAndDetachRelationship(entryToDetach, setIsLoaded);
            // Update all of the matching entries that we have collectioned above
            if (entriesToUpdate != null)
                foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in entriesToUpdate)
                    // Don't need new relationship to be added to match the server, since we already have a match
                    needNewRelationship = false;
                    // We have an existing relationship entry that matches exactly to the incoming relationship from the server, but
                    // we may need to update it on the client based on the MergeOption and the state of the relationship entry.
                    switch (mergeOption)
                        case MergeOption.AppendOnly:
                            // AppendOnly and NoTracking shouldn't affect existing relationships, so do nothing
                        case MergeOption.OverwriteChanges:
                            if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Added)
                            else if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                                // targetEntry should always exist in this scenario because it would have
                                // at least been created when the relationship entry was created
                                EntityEntry targetEntry = manager.GetEntityEntry(targetKey);
                                // If the target entity is deleted, we don't want to bring the relationship entry back.                            
                                if (targetEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                                    // If the targetEntry is a KeyEntry, there are no ends to fix up.
                                    if (!targetEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                                            /*setIsLoaded*/ setIsLoaded,
                                            /*relationshipAlreadyExists*/ true,
                                            /*inKeyEntryPromotion*/ false);
                            // else it's already Unchanged so we don't need to do anything
                        case MergeOption.PreserveChanges:
                            if (relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Added)
                                // The client now matches the server, so just move the relationship to unchanged.
                                // If we don't do this and left the state Added, we will get a concurrency exception when trying to save
                            // else if it's already Unchanged we don't need to do anything
                            // else if it's Deleted we want to preserve that state so do nothing
                            Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected MergeOption");
            return !needNewRelationship;
        // Helper method to disconnect two related ends and detach their associated relationship entry
        internal static void RemoveRelatedEndsAndDetachRelationship(RelationshipEntry relationshipToRemove, bool setIsLoaded)
            // If we are allowed to set the IsLoaded flag, then we can consider unloading these relationships
            if (setIsLoaded)
                // If the relationship needs to be deleted, then we should unload the related ends
            // Delete the relationship entry and disconnect the related ends
            if (relationshipToRemove.State != EntityState.Deleted)
            // Detach the relationship entry
            // Entries that were in the Added state prior to the Delete above will have already been Detached
            if (relationshipToRemove.State != EntityState.Detached)
        private static void UnloadReferenceRelatedEnds(RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry)
            //Find two ends of the relationship
            ObjectStateManager cache = relationshipEntry.ObjectStateManager;
            ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<AssociationEndMember> endMembers = relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.AssociationEndMembers;
            UnloadReferenceRelatedEnds(cache, relationshipEntry, relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetEntityKey(0), endMembers[1].Name);
            UnloadReferenceRelatedEnds(cache, relationshipEntry, relationshipEntry.RelationshipWrapper.GetEntityKey(1), endMembers[0].Name);
        private static void UnloadReferenceRelatedEnds(ObjectStateManager cache, RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry, EntityKey sourceEntityKey, string targetRoleName)
            EntityEntry entry = cache.GetEntityEntry(sourceEntityKey);
            if (entry.WrappedEntity.Entity != null)
                EntityReference reference = entry.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(((AssociationSet)relationshipEntry.EntitySet).ElementType.FullName, targetRoleName) as EntityReference;
                if (reference != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Attach entity in unchanged state (skip Added state, don't create temp key)
        /// It is equal (but faster) to call AddEntry(); AcceptChanges().
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="entitySet"></param>
        /// <param name="argumentName"></param>
        internal EntityEntry AttachEntry(EntityKey entityKey, IEntityWrapper wrappedObject, EntitySet entitySet, string argumentName)
            Debug.Assert(wrappedObject != null, "entity wrapper cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(wrappedObject.Entity != null, "entity cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(wrappedObject.Context != null, "the context should be already set");
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "entitySet must be non-null.");
            Debug.Assert(argumentName != null, "argumentName cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(entityKey != null, "argumentName cannot be null.");
            // Get a StateManagerTypeMetadata for the entity type.
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(wrappedObject.IdentityType, entitySet);
            CheckKeyMatchesEntity(wrappedObject, entityKey, entitySet, /*forAttach*/ true);
            if (!wrappedObject.OwnsRelationshipManager)
                // When a POCO instance is added or attached, we need to ignore the contents 
                // of the RelationshipManager as it is out-of-date with the POCO nav props
            // Create a cache entry.
            EntityEntry newEntry = new EntityEntry(wrappedObject, entityKey, entitySet, this, typeMetadata, EntityState.Unchanged);
            // The property EntityKey on newEntry validates that the entry and the entity on the entry have the same key.
            Debug.Assert(entityKey == newEntry.EntityKey, "newEntry.EntityKey should match entityKey");
            // A entity is being attached.
            AddEntityEntryToDictionary(newEntry, newEntry.State);
            // fire ColectionChanged event only when a new entity is added to cache
            OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Add, newEntry.Entity);
            return newEntry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks that the EntityKey attached to the given entity
        /// appropriately matches the given entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity whose key must be verified</param>
        /// <param name="entitySetForType">The entity set corresponding to the type of the given entity.</param>
        /// <param name="forAttach">If true, then the exception message will reflect a bad key to attach, otherwise it will reflect a general inconsistency</param>
        private void CheckKeyMatchesEntity(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, EntityKey entityKey, EntitySet entitySetForType, bool forAttach)
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity != null, "Cannot verify key for null entity wrapper.");
            Debug.Assert(wrappedEntity.Entity != null, "Cannot verify key for null entity.");
            Debug.Assert((object)entityKey != null, "Cannot verify a null EntityKey.");
            Debug.Assert(!entityKey.IsTemporary, "Verifying a temporary EntityKey doesn't make sense because the key doesn't contain any values.");
            Debug.Assert(entitySetForType != null, "Cannot verify against a null entity set.");
            EntitySet entitySetForKey = entityKey.GetEntitySet(this.MetadataWorkspace);
            if (entitySetForKey == null)
                throw EntityUtil.InvalidKey();
            // Checks that the entity's key matches its type.
            Debug.Assert(entitySetForType.Name == entitySetForKey.Name &&
                         entitySetForType.EntityContainer.Name == entitySetForKey.EntityContainer.Name,
                         "The object cannot be attached because its EntityType belongs to a different EntitySet than the one specified in its key.");
            // Verify that the entity key contains the correct members for the entity set
            entityKey.ValidateEntityKey(_metadataWorkspace, entitySetForKey);
            // Checks that the key values in the entity match the key values
            // within its EntityKey.
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(wrappedEntity.IdentityType, entitySetForType);
            for (int i = 0; i < entitySetForKey.ElementType.KeyMembers.Count; ++i)
                EdmMember keyField = entitySetForKey.ElementType.KeyMembers[i];
                int ordinal = typeMetadata.GetOrdinalforCLayerMemberName(keyField.Name);
                if (ordinal < 0)
                    throw EntityUtil.InvalidKey();
                object entityValue = typeMetadata.Member(ordinal).GetValue(wrappedEntity.Entity);
                object keyValue = entityKey.FindValueByName(keyField.Name);
                // Use EntityKey.ValueComparer to perform the correct equality comparison for entity key values.
                if (!ByValueEqualityComparer.Default.Equals(entityValue, keyValue))
                    throw EntityUtil.KeyPropertyDoesntMatchValueInKey(forAttach);
        internal RelationshipEntry AddNewRelation(RelationshipWrapper wrapper, EntityState desiredState)
            Debug.Assert(null == FindRelationship(wrapper), "relationship should not exist, caller verifies");
            RelationshipEntry entry = new RelationshipEntry(this, desiredState, wrapper);
            AddRelationshipEntryToDictionary(entry, desiredState);
            return entry;
        internal RelationshipEntry AddRelation(RelationshipWrapper wrapper, EntityState desiredState)
            Debug.Assert(EntityState.Added == desiredState ||        // result entry should be added or left alone
                         EntityState.Unchanged == desiredState ||    // result entry should be that state
                         EntityState.Deleted == desiredState,        // result entry should be in that state
                         "unexpected state");
            RelationshipEntry entry = FindRelationship(wrapper);
            Debug.Assert(null == entry || (EntityState.Modified != entry.State), "relationship should never be modified");
            if (entry == null)
                entry = AddNewRelation(wrapper, desiredState);
            else if (EntityState.Deleted != entry.State)
                // you can have a deleted and non-deleted relation between two entities
                // SQL BU DT 449757: for now no-op in case if it exists. ideally need to throw
                if (EntityState.Unchanged == desiredState)
                else if (EntityState.Deleted == desiredState)
                // else Added and leave entry alone
            else if (EntityState.Deleted != desiredState)
                Debug.Assert(EntityState.Deleted == entry.State, "should be deleted state");
            // else entry already Deleted or if desired state is Added then left alone
            Debug.Assert(desiredState == entry.State ||
                         EntityState.Added == desiredState,
                         "unexpected end state");
            Debug.Assert(entry is RelationshipEntry, "unexpected type of entry");
            return (RelationshipEntry)entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the given relationship cache entry to the mapping from each of its endpoint keys.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddRelationshipToLookup(RelationshipEntry relationship)
            Debug.Assert(relationship != null, "relationship can't be null");
            AddRelationshipEndToLookup(relationship.RelationshipWrapper.Key0, relationship);
            if (!relationship.RelationshipWrapper.Key0.Equals(relationship.RelationshipWrapper.Key1))
                AddRelationshipEndToLookup(relationship.RelationshipWrapper.Key1, relationship);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the given relationship cache entry to the mapping from the given endpoint key.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddRelationshipEndToLookup(EntityKey key, RelationshipEntry relationship)
            Debug.Assert(null != FindEntityEntry(key), "EntityEntry doesn't exist");
            EntityEntry entry = GetEntityEntry(key);
            Debug.Assert(key.Equals(entry.EntityKey), "EntityKey mismatch");
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the given relationship cache entry from the mapping from each of its endpoint keys.
        /// </summary>
        private void DeleteRelationshipFromLookup(RelationshipEntry relationship)
            // The relationship is stored in the lookup indexed by both keys, so we need to remove it twice.
            DeleteRelationshipEndFromLookup(relationship.RelationshipWrapper.Key0, relationship);
            if (!relationship.RelationshipWrapper.Key0.Equals(relationship.RelationshipWrapper.Key1))
                DeleteRelationshipEndFromLookup(relationship.RelationshipWrapper.Key1, relationship);
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes the given relationship cache entry from the mapping from the given endpoint key.
        /// </summary>
        private void DeleteRelationshipEndFromLookup(EntityKey key, RelationshipEntry relationship)
            Debug.Assert(relationship.State != EntityState.Detached, "Cannot remove a detached cache entry.");
            Debug.Assert(null != FindEntityEntry(key), "EntityEntry doesn't exist");
            EntityEntry entry = GetEntityEntry(key);
            Debug.Assert(key.Equals(entry.EntityKey), "EntityKey mismatch");
        internal RelationshipEntry FindRelationship(RelationshipSet relationshipSet,
                                                   KeyValuePair<string, EntityKey> roleAndKey1,
                                                   KeyValuePair<string, EntityKey> roleAndKey2)
            if ((null == (object)roleAndKey1.Value) || (null == (object)roleAndKey2.Value))
                return null;
            return FindRelationship(new RelationshipWrapper((AssociationSet)relationshipSet, roleAndKey1, roleAndKey2));
        internal RelationshipEntry FindRelationship(RelationshipWrapper relationshipWrapper)
            RelationshipEntry entry = null;
            bool result = (((null != _unchangedRelationshipStore) && _unchangedRelationshipStore.TryGetValue(relationshipWrapper, out  entry)) ||
                           ((null != _deletedRelationshipStore) && _deletedRelationshipStore.TryGetValue(relationshipWrapper, out  entry)) ||
                           ((null != _addedRelationshipStore) && _addedRelationshipStore.TryGetValue(relationshipWrapper, out entry)));
            Debug.Assert(result == (null != entry), "found null entry");
            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// DeleteRelationship
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The deleted entry</returns>
        internal RelationshipEntry DeleteRelationship(RelationshipSet relationshipSet,
                                          KeyValuePair<string, EntityKey> roleAndKey1,
                                          KeyValuePair<string, EntityKey> roleAndKey2)
            RelationshipEntry entry = FindRelationship(relationshipSet, roleAndKey1, roleAndKey2);
            if (entry != null)
                entry.Delete(/*doFixup*/ false);
            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// DeleteKeyEntry
        /// </summary>
        internal void DeleteKeyEntry(EntityEntry keyEntry)
            if (keyEntry != null && keyEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                ChangeState(keyEntry, keyEntry.State, EntityState.Detached);
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all relationships with the given key at one end.
        /// </summary>
        internal RelationshipEntry[] CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey key)
            return FindRelationshipsByKey(key).ToArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all relationships with the given key at one end.
        /// Do not use the list to add elements
        /// </summary>
        internal EntityEntry.RelationshipEndEnumerable FindRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey key)
            return new EntityEntry.RelationshipEndEnumerable((EntityEntry)FindEntityEntry(key));
        IEnumerable<IEntityStateEntry> IEntityStateManager.FindRelationshipsByKey(EntityKey key)
            return FindRelationshipsByKey(key);
        //Verify that all entities in the _keylessEntityStore are also in the other dictionaries.
        //Verify that all the entries in the _keylessEntityStore don't implement IEntityWithKey.
        //Verify that there no entries in the other dictionaries that don't implement IEntityWithKey and aren't in _keylessEntityStore
        private void ValidateKeylessEntityStore()
            // Future Enhancement : Check each entry in _keylessEntityStore to make sure it has a corresponding entry in one of the other stores.
            if (null != _keylessEntityStore)
                foreach (EntityEntry entry in _keylessEntityStore.Values)
                    Debug.Assert(!(entry.Entity is IEntityWithKey), "_keylessEntityStore contains an entry that implement IEntityWithKey");
                    EntityEntry entrya;
                    bool result = false;
                    if (null != _addedEntityStore)
                        result = _addedEntityStore.TryGetValue(entry.EntityKey, out entrya);
                    if (null != _modifiedEntityStore)
                        result |= _modifiedEntityStore.TryGetValue(entry.EntityKey, out entrya);
                    if (null != _deletedEntityStore)
                        result |= _deletedEntityStore.TryGetValue(entry.EntityKey, out entrya);
                    if (null != _unchangedEntityStore)
                        result |= _unchangedEntityStore.TryGetValue(entry.EntityKey, out entrya);
                    Debug.Assert(result, "entry in _keylessEntityStore doesn't exist in one of the other stores");
            //Check each entry in the other stores to make sure that each non-IEntityWithKey entry is also in _keylessEntityStore
            Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry>[] stores = { _unchangedEntityStore, _modifiedEntityStore, _addedEntityStore, _deletedEntityStore };
            foreach (Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry> store in stores)
                if (null != store)
                    foreach (EntityEntry entry in store.Values)
                        if (null != entry.Entity && //Skip span stub key entry
                            !(entry.Entity is IEntityWithKey))
                            EntityEntry keylessEntry;
                            Debug.Assert(null != _keylessEntityStore, "There should be a store that keyless entries are in");
                            if (_keylessEntityStore.TryGetValue(entry.Entity, out keylessEntry))
                                Debug.Assert(object.ReferenceEquals(entry, keylessEntry), "keylessEntry and entry from stores do not match");
                                Debug.Assert(false, "The entry containing an entity not implementing IEntityWithKey is not in the _keylessEntityStore");
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the ObjectStateEntry from _keylessEntityStore for an entity that doesn't implement IEntityWithKey.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool TryGetEntryFromKeylessStore(object entity, out EntityEntry entryRef)
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWithKey));
            entryRef = null;
            if (entity == null)
                return false;
            if (null != _keylessEntityStore)
                if (_keylessEntityStore.TryGetValue(entity, out entryRef))
                    return true;
            entryRef = null;
            return false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all CacheEntries in the given state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">if EntityState.Detached flag is set in state</exception>
        public IEnumerable<ObjectStateEntry> GetObjectStateEntries(EntityState state)
            if ((EntityState.Detached & state) != 0)
                throw EntityUtil.DetachedObjectStateEntriesDoesNotExistInObjectStateManager();
            return GetObjectStateEntriesInternal(state);
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns all CacheEntries in the given state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">if EntityState.Detached flag is set in state</exception>
        IEnumerable<IEntityStateEntry> IEntityStateManager.GetEntityStateEntries(EntityState state)
            Debug.Assert((EntityState.Detached & state) == 0, "Cannot get state entries for detached entities");
            foreach (ObjectStateEntry stateEntry in GetObjectStateEntriesInternal(state))
                yield return (IEntityStateEntry)stateEntry;
        internal int GetObjectStateEntriesCount(EntityState state)
            int size = 0;
            if ((EntityState.Added & state) != 0)
                size += ((null != _addedRelationshipStore) ? _addedRelationshipStore.Count : 0);
                size += ((null != _addedEntityStore) ? _addedEntityStore.Count : 0);
            if ((EntityState.Modified & state) != 0)
                size += ((null != _modifiedEntityStore) ? _modifiedEntityStore.Count : 0);
            if ((EntityState.Deleted & state) != 0)
                size += ((null != _deletedRelationshipStore) ? _deletedRelationshipStore.Count : 0);
                size += ((null != _deletedEntityStore) ? _deletedEntityStore.Count : 0);
            if ((EntityState.Unchanged & state) != 0)
                size += ((null != _unchangedRelationshipStore) ? _unchangedRelationshipStore.Count : 0);
                size += ((null != _unchangedEntityStore) ? _unchangedEntityStore.Count : 0);
            return size;
        private int GetMaxEntityEntriesForDetectChanges()
            int size = 0;
            if (_addedEntityStore != null)
                size += _addedEntityStore.Count;
            if (_modifiedEntityStore != null)
                size += _modifiedEntityStore.Count;
            if (_deletedEntityStore != null)
                size += _deletedEntityStore.Count;
            if (_unchangedEntityStore != null)
                size += _unchangedEntityStore.Count;
            return size;
        private ObjectStateEntry[] GetObjectStateEntriesInternal(EntityState state)
            Debug.Assert((EntityState.Detached & state) == 0, "Cannot get state entries for detached entities");
            int size = GetObjectStateEntriesCount(state);
            ObjectStateEntry[] entries = new ObjectStateEntry[size];
            size = 0; // size is now used as an offset
            if (((EntityState.Added & state) != 0) && (null != _addedRelationshipStore))
                foreach (var e in _addedRelationshipStore)
                    entries[size++] = e.Value;
            if (((EntityState.Deleted & state) != 0) && (null != _deletedRelationshipStore))
                foreach (var e in _deletedRelationshipStore)
                    entries[size++] = e.Value;
            if (((EntityState.Unchanged & state) != 0) && (null != _unchangedRelationshipStore))
                foreach (var e in _unchangedRelationshipStore)
                    entries[size++] = e.Value;
            if (((EntityState.Added & state) != 0) && (null != _addedEntityStore))
                foreach (var e in _addedEntityStore)
                    entries[size++] = e.Value;
            if (((EntityState.Modified & state) != 0) && (null != _modifiedEntityStore))
                foreach (var e in _modifiedEntityStore)
                    entries[size++] = e.Value;
            if (((EntityState.Deleted & state) != 0) && (null != _deletedEntityStore))
                foreach (var e in _deletedEntityStore)
                    entries[size++] = e.Value;
            if (((EntityState.Unchanged & state) != 0) && (null != _unchangedEntityStore))
                foreach (var e in _unchangedEntityStore)
                    entries[size++] = e.Value;
            return entries;
        private IList<EntityEntry> GetEntityEntriesForDetectChanges()
            // This flag is set whenever an entity that may need snapshot change tracking
            // becomes tracked by the context.  Entities that may need snapshot change tracking
            // are those for which any of the following are true:
            // a) Entity does not implement IEntityWithRelationships
            // b) Entity does not implement IEntityWithChangeTracker
            // b) Entity has a complex property.
            if (!_detectChangesNeeded)
                return null;
            List<EntityEntry> entries = null; // Will be lazy initialized if needed.
            GetEntityEntriesForDetectChanges(_addedEntityStore, ref entries);
            GetEntityEntriesForDetectChanges(_modifiedEntityStore, ref entries);
            GetEntityEntriesForDetectChanges(_deletedEntityStore, ref entries);
            GetEntityEntriesForDetectChanges(_unchangedEntityStore, ref entries);
            // If the flag was set, but we don't find anything to do, then reset the flag again
            // since it means that there were some entities that needed DetectChanges, but now they
            // have been detached.
            if (entries == null)
                _detectChangesNeeded = false;
            return entries;
        private void GetEntityEntriesForDetectChanges(Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry> entityStore, ref List<EntityEntry> entries)
            if (entityStore != null)
                foreach (var entry in entityStore.Values)
                    if (entry.RequiresAnyChangeTracking)
                        if (entries == null)
                            entries = new List<EntityEntry>(GetMaxEntityEntriesForDetectChanges());
        #region temporary (added state) to permanent (deleted, modified, unchanged state) EntityKey fixup
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs key-fixup on the given entry, by creating a (permanent) EntityKey
        /// based on the current key values within the associated entity and fixing up
        /// all associated relationship entries.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Will promote EntityEntry.IsKeyEntry and leave in _unchangedStore
        /// otherwise will move EntityEntry from _addedStore to _unchangedStore.
        /// </remarks>
        internal void FixupKey(EntityEntry entry)
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "entry should not be null.");
            Debug.Assert(entry.State == EntityState.Added, "Cannot do key fixup for an entry not in the Added state.");
            Debug.Assert(entry.Entity != null, "must have entity, can't be entity stub in added state");
            EntityKey oldKey = entry.EntityKey;
            Debug.Assert(entry == _addedEntityStore[oldKey], "not the same EntityEntry");
            Debug.Assert((object)oldKey != null, "Cannot fixup a cache entry with a null key.");
            Debug.Assert(oldKey.IsTemporary, "Cannot fixup an entry with a non-temporary key.");
            Debug.Assert(null != _addedEntityStore, "missing added store");
            var entitySet = (EntitySet)entry.EntitySet;
            bool performFkSteps = entitySet.HasForeignKeyRelationships;
            bool performNonFkSteps = entitySet.HasIndependentRelationships;
            if (performFkSteps)
                // Do fixup based on reference first for added objects.
                // This must be done before creating a new key or the key will have old values.
            EntityKey newKey;
                // Construct an EntityKey based on the current, fixed-up values of the entry.
                newKey = new EntityKey((EntitySet)entry.EntitySet, (IExtendedDataRecord)entry.CurrentValues);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                // ArgumentException is not the best choice here but anything else would be a breaking change.
                throw new ArgumentException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_ChangeStateFromAddedWithNullKeyIsInvalid, ex);
            EntityEntry existingEntry = FindEntityEntry(newKey);
            if (existingEntry != null)
                if (!existingEntry.IsKeyEntry)
                    // If the fixed-up key conflicts with an existing entry, we throw.
                    throw EntityUtil.CannotFixUpKeyToExistingValues();
                newKey = existingEntry.EntityKey; // reuse existing reference
            RelationshipEntry[] relationshipEnds = null;
            if (performNonFkSteps)
                // remove the relationships based on the temporary key
                relationshipEnds = entry.GetRelationshipEnds().ToArray();
                foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in relationshipEnds)
                    RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(relationshipEntry, relationshipEntry.State);
            // Remove ObjectStateEntry with old Key and add it back or promote with new key.
            RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(entry, EntityState.Added);
            // This is the only scenario where we are allowed to set the EntityKey if it's already non-null
            // If entry.EntityKey is IEntityWithKey, user code will be called
            ResetEntityKey(entry, newKey);
            if (performNonFkSteps)
                // Fixup all relationships for which this key was a participant.
                entry.UpdateRelationshipEnds(oldKey, existingEntry);
                // add all the relationships back on the new entity key
                foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in relationshipEnds)
                    AddRelationshipEntryToDictionary(relationshipEntry, relationshipEntry.State);
            // Now promote the key entry to a full entry by adding entities to the related ends
            if (existingEntry != null)
                // two ObjectStateEntry exist for same newKey, the entity stub must exist in unchanged state
                Debug.Assert(existingEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged, "entity stub must be in unchanged state");
                Debug.Assert(existingEntry.IsKeyEntry, "existing entry must be a key entry to promote");
                Debug.Assert(Object.ReferenceEquals(newKey, existingEntry.EntityKey), "should be same key reference");
                PromoteKeyEntry(existingEntry, entry.WrappedEntity, null, true, /*setIsLoaded*/ false, /*keyEntryInitialized*/ false, "AcceptChanges");
                // leave the entity stub in the unchanged state
                // the existing entity stub wins
                entry = existingEntry;
                // change the state to "Unchanged"
                AddEntityEntryToDictionary(entry, EntityState.Unchanged);
            if (performFkSteps)
            Debug.Assert((null == _addedEntityStore) || !_addedEntityStore.ContainsKey(oldKey), "EntityEntry exists with OldKey");
            Debug.Assert((null != _unchangedEntityStore) && _unchangedEntityStore.ContainsKey(newKey), "EntityEntry does not exist with NewKey");
            // FEATURE_CHANGE: once we support equality constraints (SQL PT DB 300002154), do recursive fixup.
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces permanent EntityKey with a temporary key.  Used in N-Tier API.
        /// </summary>
        internal void ReplaceKeyWithTemporaryKey(EntityEntry entry)
            Debug.Assert(entry != null, "entry should not be null.");
            Debug.Assert(entry.State != EntityState.Added, "Cannot replace key with a temporary key if the entry is in Added state.");
            Debug.Assert(!entry.IsKeyEntry, "Cannot replace a key of a KeyEntry");
            EntityKey oldKey = entry.EntityKey;
            Debug.Assert(!oldKey.IsTemporary, "Entity is not in the Added state but has a temporary key.");
            // Construct an temporary EntityKey.
            EntityKey newKey = new EntityKey(entry.EntitySet);
            Debug.Assert(FindEntityEntry(newKey) == null, "no entry should exist with the new temporary key");
            // remove the relationships based on the permanent key
            RelationshipEntry[] relationshipEnds = entry.GetRelationshipEnds().ToArray();
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in relationshipEnds)
                RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(relationshipEntry, relationshipEntry.State);
            // Remove ObjectStateEntry with old Key and add it back or promote with new key.
            RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(entry, entry.State);
            // This is the only scenario where we are allowed to set the EntityKey if it's already non-null
            // If entry.EntityKey is IEntityWithKey, user code will be called
            ResetEntityKey(entry, newKey);
            // Fixup all relationships for which this key was a participant.
            entry.UpdateRelationshipEnds(oldKey, null); // null PromotedEntry
            // add all the relationships back on the new entity key
            foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in relationshipEnds)
                AddRelationshipEntryToDictionary(relationshipEntry, relationshipEntry.State);
            AddEntityEntryToDictionary(entry, EntityState.Added);
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the EntityKey for this entry.  This method is called
        /// as part of temporary key fixup and permanent key un-fixup. This method is necessary because it is the only
        /// scenario where we allow a new value to be set on a non-null EntityKey. This
        /// is the only place where we should be setting and clearing _inRelationshipFixup.
        /// </summary>
        private void ResetEntityKey(EntityEntry entry, EntityKey value)
            Debug.Assert((object)entry.EntityKey != null, "Cannot reset an entry's key if it hasn't been set in the first place.");
            Debug.Assert(!_inRelationshipFixup, "already _inRelationshipFixup");
            Debug.Assert(!entry.EntityKey.Equals(value), "the keys should not be equal");
            EntityKey entityKey = entry.WrappedEntity.EntityKey;
            if (entityKey == null || value.Equals(entityKey))
                throw EntityUtil.AcceptChangesEntityKeyIsNotValid();
                _inRelationshipFixup = true;
                entry.WrappedEntity.EntityKey = value; // user will have control
                EntityUtil.CheckEntityKeysMatch(entry.WrappedEntity, value);
                _inRelationshipFixup = false;
            // Keeping the entity and entry keys in sync.
            entry.EntityKey = value;
            //Internally, entry.EntityKey asserts that entry._entityKey and entityWithKey.EntityKey are equal.
            Debug.Assert(value == entry.EntityKey, "The new key was not set onto the entry correctly");
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds an ObjectStateEntry for the given entity and changes its state to the new state.
        /// The operation does not trigger cascade deletion.
        /// The operation may change state of adjacent relationships.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">entity which state should be changed</param>
        /// <param name="entityState">new state of the entity</param>
        /// <returns>entry associated with entity</returns>
        public ObjectStateEntry ChangeObjectState(object entity, EntityState entityState)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entity, "entity");
            EntityEntry entry = null;
                EntityKey key = entity as EntityKey;
                entry = (key != null) ?
                    this.FindEntityEntry(key) :
                if (entry == null)
                    if (entityState == EntityState.Detached)
                        return null; // No-op
                    throw EntityUtil.NoEntryExistsForObject(entity);
            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes state of a relationship between two entities. 
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Both entities must be already tracked by the ObjectContext.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">The instance of the source entity or the EntityKey of the source entity</param>
        /// <param name="targetEntity">The instance of the target entity or the EntityKey of the target entity</param>
        /// <param name="navigationProperty">The name of the navigation property on the source entity</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipState">The requested state of the relationship</param>
        /// <returns>The ObjectStateEntry for changed relationship</returns>
        public ObjectStateEntry ChangeRelationshipState(
            object sourceEntity,
            object targetEntity,
            string navigationProperty,
            EntityState relationshipState)
            EntityEntry sourceEntry;
            EntityEntry targetEntry;
            this.VerifyParametersForChangeRelationshipState(sourceEntity, targetEntity, out sourceEntry, out targetEntry);
            EntityUtil.CheckStringArgument(navigationProperty, "navigationProperty");
            RelatedEnd relatedEnd = (RelatedEnd)sourceEntry.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEnd(navigationProperty);
            return this.ChangeRelationshipState(sourceEntry, targetEntry, relatedEnd, relationshipState);
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes state of a relationship between two entities.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Both entities must be already tracked by the ObjectContext.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">The instance of the source entity or the EntityKey of the source entity</param>
        /// <param name="targetEntity">The instance of the target entity or the EntityKey of the target entity</param>
        /// <param name="navigationPropertySelector">A LINQ expression specifying the navigation property</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipState">The requested state of the relationship</param>
        /// <returns>The ObjectStateEntry for changed relationship</returns>
        public ObjectStateEntry ChangeRelationshipState<TEntity>(
            TEntity sourceEntity,
            object targetEntity,
            Expression<Func<TEntity, object>> navigationPropertySelector,
            EntityState relationshipState) where TEntity : class
            EntityEntry sourceEntry;
            EntityEntry targetEntry;
            this.VerifyParametersForChangeRelationshipState(sourceEntity, targetEntity, out sourceEntry, out targetEntry);
            // We used to throw an ArgumentException if the expression contained a Convert.  Now we remove the convert,
            // but if we still need to throw, then we should still throw an ArgumentException to avoid a breaking change.
            // Therefore, we keep track of whether or not we removed the convert.
            bool removedConvert;
            string navigationProperty = ObjectContext.ParsePropertySelectorExpression<TEntity>(navigationPropertySelector, out removedConvert);
            RelatedEnd relatedEnd = (RelatedEnd)sourceEntry.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEnd(navigationProperty, throwArgumentException: removedConvert);
            return this.ChangeRelationshipState(sourceEntry, targetEntry, relatedEnd, relationshipState);
        /// <summary>
        /// Changes state of a relationship between two entities.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Both entities must be already tracked by the ObjectContext.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="sourceEntity">The instance of the source entity or the EntityKey of the source entity</param>
        /// <param name="targetEntity">The instance of the target entity or the EntityKey of the target entity</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipName">The name of relationship</param>
        /// <param name="targetRoleName">The target role name of the relationship</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipState">The requested state of the relationship</param>
        /// <returns>The ObjectStateEntry for changed relationship</returns>
        public ObjectStateEntry ChangeRelationshipState(
            object sourceEntity,
            object targetEntity,
            string relationshipName,
            string targetRoleName,
            EntityState relationshipState)
            EntityEntry sourceEntry;
            EntityEntry targetEntry;
            this.VerifyParametersForChangeRelationshipState(sourceEntity, targetEntity, out sourceEntry, out targetEntry);
            RelatedEnd relatedEnd = sourceEntry.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.GetRelatedEndInternal(relationshipName, targetRoleName);
            return this.ChangeRelationshipState(sourceEntry, targetEntry, relatedEnd, relationshipState);
        private ObjectStateEntry ChangeRelationshipState(
            EntityEntry sourceEntry,
            EntityEntry targetEntry,
            RelatedEnd relatedEnd,
            EntityState relationshipState)
            VerifyInitialStateForChangeRelationshipState(sourceEntry, targetEntry, relatedEnd, relationshipState);
            RelationshipWrapper relationshipWrapper = new RelationshipWrapper((AssociationSet)relatedEnd.RelationshipSet,
                new KeyValuePair<string, EntityKey>(relatedEnd.SourceRoleName, sourceEntry.EntityKey),
                new KeyValuePair<string, EntityKey>(relatedEnd.TargetRoleName, targetEntry.EntityKey));
            RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry = this.FindRelationship(relationshipWrapper);
            if (relationshipEntry == null && relationshipState == EntityState.Detached)
                // no-op
                return null;
                if (relationshipEntry != null)
                    relationshipEntry.ChangeRelationshipState(targetEntry, relatedEnd, relationshipState);
                    relationshipEntry = this.CreateRelationship(targetEntry, relatedEnd, relationshipWrapper, relationshipState);
            Debug.Assert(relationshipState != EntityState.Detached || relationshipEntry.State == EntityState.Detached, "state should be detached");
            return relationshipState == EntityState.Detached ? null : relationshipEntry;
        private void VerifyParametersForChangeRelationshipState(object sourceEntity, object targetEntity, out EntityEntry sourceEntry, out EntityEntry targetEntry)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(sourceEntity, "sourceEntity");
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(targetEntity, "targetEntity");
            sourceEntry = this.GetEntityEntryByObjectOrEntityKey(sourceEntity);
            targetEntry = this.GetEntityEntryByObjectOrEntityKey(targetEntity);
        private void VerifyInitialStateForChangeRelationshipState(EntityEntry sourceEntry, EntityEntry targetEntry, RelatedEnd relatedEnd, EntityState relationshipState)
            if (relatedEnd.IsForeignKey)
                throw new NotSupportedException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_ChangeRelationshipStateNotSupportedForForeignKeyAssociations);
            EntityUtil.CheckValidStateForChangeRelationshipState(relationshipState, "relationshipState");
            if ((sourceEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted || targetEntry.State == EntityState.Deleted) &&
                (relationshipState != EntityState.Deleted && relationshipState != EntityState.Detached))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_CannotChangeRelationshipStateEntityDeleted);
            if ((sourceEntry.State == EntityState.Added || targetEntry.State == EntityState.Added) &&
                (relationshipState != EntityState.Added && relationshipState != EntityState.Detached))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_CannotChangeRelationshipStateEntityAdded);
        private RelationshipEntry CreateRelationship(EntityEntry targetEntry, RelatedEnd relatedEnd, RelationshipWrapper relationshipWrapper, EntityState requestedState)
            Debug.Assert(requestedState != EntityState.Modified, "relationship cannot be in Modified state");
            RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry = null;
            switch (requestedState)
                case EntityState.Added:
                        applyConstraints: true,
                        addRelationshipAsUnchanged: false,
                        relationshipAlreadyExists: false,
                        allowModifyingOtherEndOfRelationship: false,
                        forceForeignKeyChanges: true);
                    relationshipEntry = this.FindRelationship(relationshipWrapper);
                    Debug.Assert(relationshipEntry != null, "null relationshipEntry");
                case EntityState.Unchanged:
                        applyConstraints: true,
                        addRelationshipAsUnchanged: false,
                        relationshipAlreadyExists: false,
                        allowModifyingOtherEndOfRelationship: false,
                        forceForeignKeyChanges: true);
                    relationshipEntry = this.FindRelationship(relationshipWrapper);
                case EntityState.Deleted:
                    relationshipEntry = this.AddNewRelation(relationshipWrapper, EntityState.Deleted);
                case EntityState.Detached:
                    // no-op
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid requested state");
            return relationshipEntry;
        private EntityEntry GetEntityEntryByObjectOrEntityKey(object o)
            EntityKey key = o as EntityKey;
            EntityEntry entry = (key != null) ?
                this.FindEntityEntry(key) :
            if (entry == null)
                throw EntityUtil.NoEntryExistsForObject(o);
            if (entry.IsKeyEntry)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_CannotChangeRelationshipStateKeyEntry);
            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the corresponding IEntityStateEntry for the given EntityKey.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">if key is null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">if key is not found</exception>
        IEntityStateEntry IEntityStateManager.GetEntityStateEntry(EntityKey key)
            return (IEntityStateEntry)GetEntityEntry(key);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the corresponding ObjectStateEntry for the given EntityKey.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">if key is null</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">if key is not found</exception>
        public ObjectStateEntry GetObjectStateEntry(EntityKey key)
            ObjectStateEntry entry;
            if (!TryGetObjectStateEntry(key, out entry))
                throw EntityUtil.NoEntryExistForEntityKey();
            return entry;
        internal EntityEntry GetEntityEntry(EntityKey key)
            EntityEntry entry;
            if (!TryGetEntityEntry(key, out entry))
                throw EntityUtil.NoEntryExistForEntityKey();
            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an entity, of type object, return the corresponding ObjectStateEntry.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <returns>The corresponding ObjectStateEntry for this object.</returns>
        public ObjectStateEntry GetObjectStateEntry(object entity)
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
            ObjectStateEntry entry;
            if (!TryGetObjectStateEntry(entity, out entry))
                throw EntityUtil.NoEntryExistsForObject(entity);
            return entry;
        internal EntityEntry GetEntityEntry(object entity)
            Debug.Assert(entity != null, "entity is null");
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
            EntityEntry entry = FindEntityEntry(entity);
            if (entry == null)
                throw EntityUtil.NoEntryExistsForObject(entity);
            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the corresponding ObjectStateEntry for the given object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="entry"></param>
        /// <returns>true if the corresponding ObjectStateEntry was found</returns>
        public bool TryGetObjectStateEntry(object entity, out ObjectStateEntry entry)
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
            entry = null;
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entity, "entity");
            EntityKey entityKey = entity as EntityKey;
            if (entityKey != null)
                return TryGetObjectStateEntry(entityKey, out entry);
                entry = FindEntityEntry(entity);
            return entry != null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the corresponding IEntityStateEntry for the given EntityKey.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the corresponding IEntityStateEntry was found</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">if key is null</exception>
        bool IEntityStateManager.TryGetEntityStateEntry(EntityKey key, out IEntityStateEntry entry)
            // Because the passed in IEntityStateEntry reference isn't necessarily an
            // ObjectStateEntry, we have to declare our own local copy, use it for the outparam of
            // TryGetObjectStateEntry, and then set it onto our outparam if we successfully find
            // something (at that point we know we can cast to IEntityStateEntry), but we just can't
            // cast in the other direction.
            ObjectStateEntry objectStateEntry;
            bool result = TryGetObjectStateEntry(key, out objectStateEntry);
            entry = (IEntityStateEntry)objectStateEntry;
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a key that represents an entity on the dependent side of a FK, this method attempts to return the key of the
        /// entity on the principal side of the FK.  If the two entities both exist in the context, then the primary key of
        /// the principal entity is found and returned.  If the principal entity does not exist in the context, then a key
        /// for it is built up from the foreign key values contained in the dependent entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependentKey">The key of the dependent entity</param>
        /// <param name="principalRole">The role indicating the FK to navigate</param>
        /// <param name="principalKey">Set to the principal key or null on return</param>
        /// <returns>True if the principal key was found or built; false if it could not be found or built</returns>
        bool IEntityStateManager.TryGetReferenceKey(EntityKey dependentKey, AssociationEndMember principalRole, out EntityKey principalKey)
            EntityEntry dependentEntry;
            if (!TryGetEntityEntry(dependentKey, out dependentEntry))
                principalKey = null;
                return false;
            return dependentEntry.TryGetReferenceKey(principalRole, out principalKey);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the corresponding ObjectStateEntry for the given EntityKey.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>true if the corresponding ObjectStateEntry was found</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">if key is null</exception>
        public bool TryGetObjectStateEntry(EntityKey key, out ObjectStateEntry entry)
            bool result;
            EntityEntry entityEntry;
            result = this.TryGetEntityEntry(key, out entityEntry);
            entry = entityEntry;
            return result;
        internal bool TryGetEntityEntry(EntityKey key, out EntityEntry entry)
            entry = null; // must set before checking for null key
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(key, "key");
            bool result;
            if (key.IsTemporary)
            {   // only temporary keys exist in the added state
                result = ((null != _addedEntityStore) && _addedEntityStore.TryGetValue(key, out entry));
            {   // temporary keys do not exist in the unchanged, modified, deleted states.
                result = (((null != _unchangedEntityStore) && _unchangedEntityStore.TryGetValue(key, out entry)) ||
                          ((null != _modifiedEntityStore) && _modifiedEntityStore.TryGetValue(key, out entry)) ||
                          ((null != _deletedEntityStore) && _deletedEntityStore.TryGetValue(key, out entry)));
            Debug.Assert(result == (null != entry), "result and entry mismatch");
            return result;
        internal EntityEntry FindEntityEntry(EntityKey key)
            EntityEntry entry = null;
            if (null != (object)key)
                TryGetEntityEntry(key, out entry);
            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieve the corresponding EntityEntry for the given entity.
        /// Returns null if key is unavailable or passed entity is null.
        /// </summary>
        internal EntityEntry FindEntityEntry(object entity)
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is EntityKey), "Object is a EntityKey instead of raw entity.");
            EntityEntry entry = null;
            IEntityWithKey entityWithKey = entity as IEntityWithKey;
            if (entityWithKey != null)
                EntityKey entityEntityKey = entityWithKey.EntityKey;
                if (null != (object)entityEntityKey)
                    TryGetEntityEntry(entityEntityKey, out entry);
                TryGetEntryFromKeylessStore(entity, out entry);
            // If entity is detached, then entry.Entity won't have the same object reference.
            // This can happen if the same entity is loaded with, then without, tracking
            // SQL BU Defect Tracking 520058
            if (entry != null && !object.ReferenceEquals(entity, entry.Entity))
                entry = null;
            return entry;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a RelationshipManager for the given entity.  For entities that implement IEntityWithRelationships,
        /// the RelationshipManager is obtained through that interface.  For other types of entity, the RelationshipManager
        /// that is being tracked internally is returned.  This means that a RelationshipManager for an entity that
        /// does not implement IEntityWithRelationships can only be obtained if the entity is being tracked by the
        /// ObjectStateManager.
        /// Note that all code generated entities that inherit from EntityObject automatically implement IEntityWithRelationships.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity for which to return a RelationshipManager</param>
        /// <returns>The RelationshipManager</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">The entity does not implement IEntityWithRelationships and is not tracked by this ObjectStateManager</exception>
        public RelationshipManager GetRelationshipManager(object entity)
            RelationshipManager rm;
            if (!TryGetRelationshipManager(entity, out rm))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_CannotGetRelationshipManagerForDetachedPocoEntity);
            return rm;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a RelationshipManager for the given entity.  For entities that implement IEntityWithRelationships,
        /// the RelationshipManager is obtained through that interface.  For other types of entity, the RelationshipManager
        /// that is being tracked internally is returned.  This means that a RelationshipManager for an entity that
        /// does not implement IEntityWithRelationships can only be obtained if the entity is being tracked by the
        /// ObjectStateManager.
        /// Note that all code generated entities that inherit from EntityObject automatically implement IEntityWithRelationships.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity for which to return a RelationshipManager</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipManager">The RelationshipManager, or null if none was found</param>
        /// <returns>True if a RelationshipManager was found; false if The entity does not implement IEntityWithRelationships and is not tracked by this ObjectStateManager</returns>
        public bool TryGetRelationshipManager(object entity, out RelationshipManager relationshipManager)
            EntityUtil.CheckArgumentNull(entity, "entity");
            IEntityWithRelationships withRelationships = entity as IEntityWithRelationships;
            if (withRelationships != null)
                relationshipManager = withRelationships.RelationshipManager;
                if (relationshipManager == null)
                    throw EntityUtil.UnexpectedNullRelationshipManager();
                if (relationshipManager.WrappedOwner.Entity != entity)
                    throw EntityUtil.InvalidRelationshipManagerOwner();
                IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity = EntityWrapperFactory.WrapEntityUsingStateManager(entity, this);
                if (wrappedEntity.Context == null)
                    relationshipManager = null;
                    return false;
                relationshipManager = wrappedEntity.RelationshipManager;
            return true;
        internal void ChangeState(RelationshipEntry entry, EntityState oldState, EntityState newState)
            if (newState == EntityState.Detached)
                // If we're transitioning to detached, completely remove all traces of the entry.
                // delay removal until RelationshipEnds is done
                RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(entry, oldState);
                RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(entry, oldState);
                // If we're transitioning to something other than detached, add the
                // entry to the appropriate dictionary.
                AddRelationshipEntryToDictionary(entry, newState);
            // do not fire event for relationship
        internal void ChangeState(EntityEntry entry, EntityState oldState, EntityState newState)
            bool fireEvent = !entry.IsKeyEntry;
            if (newState == EntityState.Detached)
                // If we're transitioning to detached, completely remove all traces of the entry.
                // SQLBU 508278: Object State Manager should not allow "dangling" relationships to stay in the state manager.
                // Remove potential dangling relationships
                Debug.Assert((object)entry.EntityKey != null, "attached entry must have a key");
                foreach (RelationshipEntry relationshipEntry in CopyOfRelationshipsByKey(entry.EntityKey))
                    ChangeState(relationshipEntry, relationshipEntry.State, EntityState.Detached);
                // delay removal until RelationshipEnds is done
                RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(entry, oldState);
                IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity = entry.WrappedEntity; // we have to cache the entity before detaching it totally so we can fire event
                // Prevent firing two events for removal from the context during rollback.
                if (fireEvent && wrappedEntity.Entity != null && !TransactionManager.IsAttachTracking)
                    // first notify the view
                    OnEntityDeleted(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, wrappedEntity.Entity);
                    OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, wrappedEntity.Entity);
                RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(entry, oldState);
                // If we're transitioning to something other than detached, add the
                // entry to the appropriate dictionary.
                AddEntityEntryToDictionary(entry, newState);
            if (newState == EntityState.Deleted)
                ForgetEntryWithConceptualNull(entry, resetAllKeys: true);
                if (fireEvent)
                    // fire collectionChanged event only when an entity is being deleted (this includes deleting an added entity which becomes detached)
                    OnEntityDeleted(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, entry.Entity);
                    OnObjectStateManagerChanged(CollectionChangeAction.Remove, entry.Entity);
        private void AddRelationshipEntryToDictionary(RelationshipEntry entry, EntityState state)
            Debug.Assert(entry.IsRelationship, "expecting IsRelationship");
            Debug.Assert(null != entry.RelationshipWrapper, "null RelationshipWrapper");
            Dictionary<RelationshipWrapper, RelationshipEntry> dictionaryToAdd = null;
            switch (state)
                case EntityState.Unchanged:
                    if (null == _unchangedRelationshipStore)
                        _unchangedRelationshipStore = new Dictionary<RelationshipWrapper, RelationshipEntry>();
                    dictionaryToAdd = _unchangedRelationshipStore;
                case EntityState.Added:
                    if (null == _addedRelationshipStore)
                        _addedRelationshipStore = new Dictionary<RelationshipWrapper, RelationshipEntry>();
                    dictionaryToAdd = _addedRelationshipStore;
                case EntityState.Deleted:
                    if (null == _deletedRelationshipStore)
                        _deletedRelationshipStore = new Dictionary<RelationshipWrapper, RelationshipEntry>();
                    dictionaryToAdd = _deletedRelationshipStore;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid state.");
            Debug.Assert(dictionaryToAdd != null, "Couldn't find the correct relationship dictionary based on entity state.");
            dictionaryToAdd.Add(entry.RelationshipWrapper, entry);
        private void AddEntityEntryToDictionary(EntityEntry entry, EntityState state)
            Debug.Assert(null != (object)entry.EntityKey, "missing EntityKey");
            if (entry.RequiresAnyChangeTracking)
                _detectChangesNeeded = true;
            Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry> dictionaryToAdd = null;
            switch (state)
                case EntityState.Unchanged:
                    if (null == _unchangedEntityStore)
                        _unchangedEntityStore = new Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry>();
                    dictionaryToAdd = _unchangedEntityStore;
                    Debug.Assert(!entry.EntityKey.IsTemporary, "adding temporary entity key into Unchanged state");
                case EntityState.Added:
                    if (null == _addedEntityStore)
                        _addedEntityStore = new Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry>();
                    dictionaryToAdd = _addedEntityStore;
                    Debug.Assert(entry.EntityKey.IsTemporary, "adding non-temporary entity key into Added state");
                case EntityState.Deleted:
                    if (null == _deletedEntityStore)
                        _deletedEntityStore = new Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry>();
                    dictionaryToAdd = _deletedEntityStore;
                    Debug.Assert(!entry.EntityKey.IsTemporary, "adding temporary entity key into Deleted state");
                case EntityState.Modified:
                    if (null == _modifiedEntityStore)
                        _modifiedEntityStore = new Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry>();
                    dictionaryToAdd = _modifiedEntityStore;
                    Debug.Assert(!entry.EntityKey.IsTemporary, "adding temporary entity key into Modified state");
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid state.");
            Debug.Assert(dictionaryToAdd != null, "Couldn't find the correct entity dictionary based on entity state.");
            dictionaryToAdd.Add(entry.EntityKey, entry);
        private void AddEntryToKeylessStore(EntityEntry entry)
            // Add an entry that doesn't implement IEntityWithKey to the keyless lookup.
            // It is used to lookup ObjectStateEntries when all we have is an entity reference.
            if (null != entry.Entity && !(entry.Entity is IEntityWithKey))
                if (null == _keylessEntityStore)
                    _keylessEntityStore = new Dictionary<object, EntityEntry>(new ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer());
                if (!_keylessEntityStore.ContainsKey(entry.Entity))
                    _keylessEntityStore.Add(entry.Entity, entry);
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the given cache entry from the appropriate dictionary, based on
        /// the given state and whether or not the entry represents a relationship.
        /// </summary>
        private void RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(RelationshipEntry entry, EntityState state)
            // Determine the appropriate dictionary from which to remove the entry.
            Dictionary<RelationshipWrapper, RelationshipEntry> dictionaryContainingEntry = null;
            switch (state)
                case EntityState.Unchanged:
                    dictionaryContainingEntry = _unchangedRelationshipStore;
                case EntityState.Added:
                    dictionaryContainingEntry = _addedRelationshipStore;
                case EntityState.Deleted:
                    dictionaryContainingEntry = _deletedRelationshipStore;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid state.");
            Debug.Assert(dictionaryContainingEntry != null, "Couldn't find the correct relationship dictionary based on entity state.");
            bool result = dictionaryContainingEntry.Remove(entry.RelationshipWrapper);
            Debug.Assert(result, "The correct relationship dictionary based on entity state doesn't contain the entry.");
            if (0 == dictionaryContainingEntry.Count)
            {   // reduce unused dictionary capacity
                switch (state)
                    case EntityState.Unchanged:
                        _unchangedRelationshipStore = null;
                    case EntityState.Added:
                        _addedRelationshipStore = null;
                    case EntityState.Deleted:
                        _deletedRelationshipStore = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the given cache entry from the appropriate dictionary, based on
        /// the given state and whether or not the entry represents a relationship.
        /// </summary>
        private void RemoveObjectStateEntryFromDictionary(EntityEntry entry, EntityState state)
            Dictionary<EntityKey, EntityEntry> dictionaryContainingEntry = null;
            switch (state)
                case EntityState.Unchanged:
                    dictionaryContainingEntry = _unchangedEntityStore;
                case EntityState.Added:
                    dictionaryContainingEntry = _addedEntityStore;
                case EntityState.Deleted:
                    dictionaryContainingEntry = _deletedEntityStore;
                case EntityState.Modified:
                    dictionaryContainingEntry = _modifiedEntityStore;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Invalid state.");
            Debug.Assert(dictionaryContainingEntry != null, "Couldn't find the correct entity dictionary based on entity state.");
            bool result = dictionaryContainingEntry.Remove(entry.EntityKey);
            Debug.Assert(result, "The correct entity dictionary based on entity state doesn't contain the entry.");
            if (0 == dictionaryContainingEntry.Count)
            {   // reduce unused dictionary capacity
                switch (state)
                    case EntityState.Unchanged:
                        _unchangedEntityStore = null;
                    case EntityState.Added:
                        _addedEntityStore = null;
                    case EntityState.Deleted:
                        _deletedEntityStore = null;
                    case EntityState.Modified:
                        _modifiedEntityStore = null;
        internal void RemoveEntryFromKeylessStore(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity)
            // Remove and entry from the store containing entities not implementing IEntityWithKey
            if (null != wrappedEntity && null != wrappedEntity.Entity && !(wrappedEntity.Entity is IEntityWithKey))
        /// <summary>
        /// If a corresponding StateManagerTypeMetadata exists, it is returned.
        /// Otherwise, a StateManagerTypeMetadata is created and cached.
        /// </summary>
        internal StateManagerTypeMetadata GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(Type entityType, EntitySet entitySet)
            Debug.Assert(entityType != null, "entityType cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "must have entitySet to correctly qualify Type");
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata;
            if (!_metadataMapping.TryGetValue(new EntitySetQualifiedType(entityType, entitySet), out typeMetadata))
                // GetMap doesn't have a mechanism to qualify identity with EntityContainerName
                // This is unimportant until each EntityContainer can have its own ObjectTypeMapping.
                typeMetadata = AddStateManagerTypeMetadata(entitySet, (ObjectTypeMapping)
                    MetadataWorkspace.GetMap(entityType.FullName, DataSpace.OSpace, DataSpace.OCSpace));
            return typeMetadata;
        /// <summary>
        /// If a corresponding StateManagerTypeMetadata exists, it is returned.
        /// Otherwise, a StateManagerTypeMetadata is created and cached.
        /// </summary>
        internal StateManagerTypeMetadata GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(EdmType edmType)
            Debug.Assert(edmType != null, "edmType cannot be null.");
            Debug.Assert(Helper.IsEntityType(edmType) ||
                         "only expecting ComplexType or EntityType");
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata;
            if (!_metadataStore.TryGetValue(edmType, out typeMetadata))
                typeMetadata = AddStateManagerTypeMetadata(edmType, (ObjectTypeMapping)
                    MetadataWorkspace.GetMap(edmType, DataSpace.OCSpace));
            return typeMetadata;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an instance of StateManagerTypeMetadata from the given EdmType and ObjectMapping,
        /// and stores it in the metadata cache.  The new instance is returned.
        /// </summary>
        private StateManagerTypeMetadata AddStateManagerTypeMetadata(EntitySet entitySet, ObjectTypeMapping mapping)
            Debug.Assert(null != entitySet, "null entitySet");
            Debug.Assert(null != mapping, "null mapping");
            EdmType edmType = mapping.EdmType;
            Debug.Assert(Helper.IsEntityType(edmType) ||
                         "not Entity or complex type");
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata;
            if (!_metadataStore.TryGetValue(edmType, out typeMetadata))
                typeMetadata = new StateManagerTypeMetadata(edmType, mapping);
                _metadataStore.Add(edmType, typeMetadata);
            EntitySetQualifiedType entitySetQualifiedType = new EntitySetQualifiedType(mapping.ClrType.ClrType, entitySet);
            if (!_metadataMapping.ContainsKey(entitySetQualifiedType))
                _metadataMapping.Add(entitySetQualifiedType, typeMetadata);
                throw EntityUtil.InvalidOperation(System.Data.Entity.Strings.Mapping_CannotMapCLRTypeMultipleTimes(typeMetadata.CdmMetadata.EdmType.FullName));
            return typeMetadata;
        private StateManagerTypeMetadata AddStateManagerTypeMetadata(EdmType edmType, ObjectTypeMapping mapping)
            Debug.Assert(null != edmType, "null EdmType");
            Debug.Assert(Helper.IsEntityType(edmType) ||
                         "not Entity or complex type");
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = new StateManagerTypeMetadata(edmType, mapping);
            _metadataStore.Add(edmType, typeMetadata);
            return typeMetadata;
        /// <summary>
        /// Mark the ObjectStateManager as disposed
        /// </summary>
        internal void Dispose()
            _isDisposed = true;
        internal bool IsDisposed
            get { return _isDisposed; }
        /// <summary>
        /// For every tracked entity which doesn't implement IEntityWithChangeTracker detect changes in the entity's property values
        /// and marks appropriate ObjectStateEntry as Modified.
        /// For every tracked entity which doesn't implement IEntityWithRelationships detect changes in its relationships.
        /// The method is used internally by ObjectContext.SaveChanges() but can be also used if user wants to detect changes 
        /// and have ObjectStateEntries in appropriate state before the SaveChanges() method is called.
        /// </summary>
        internal void DetectChanges()
            var entries = this.GetEntityEntriesForDetectChanges();
            if (entries == null)
            if (this.TransactionManager.BeginDetectChanges())
                    // Populate Transact-ionManager.DeletedRelationshipsByGraph and TransactionManager.AddedRelationshipsByGraph
                    // Populate TransactionManager.ChangedForeignKeys
                    // Populate TransactionManager.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey and TransactionManager.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey
                    // Detect conflicts between changes to FK and navigation properties
                    // Update graph and FKs
        private void DetectConflicts(IList<EntityEntry> entries)
            TransactionManager tm = this.TransactionManager;
            foreach (EntityEntry entry in entries)
                //NOTE: DetectChangesInNavigationProperties will have created two navigation changes
                //      even if the user has only made a single change in there graph, this means we
                //      only need to check for conflicts on the local end of the relationship.
                //Find all relationships being added for this entity
                Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<IEntityWrapper>> addedRelationshipsByGraph;
                tm.AddedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(entry.WrappedEntity, out addedRelationshipsByGraph);
                Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<EntityKey>> addedRelationshipsByForeignKey;
                tm.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(entry.WrappedEntity, out addedRelationshipsByForeignKey);
                //Ensure new graph relationships do not involve a Deleted Entity
                if (addedRelationshipsByGraph != null && addedRelationshipsByGraph.Count > 0)
                    if (entry.State == EntityState.Deleted)
                        throw EntityUtil.UnableToAddRelationshipWithDeletedEntity();
                //Check for conflicting FK changes and changes to PKs
                if (addedRelationshipsByForeignKey != null)
                    foreach (var pair in addedRelationshipsByForeignKey)
                        //Ensure persisted dependents of identifying FK relationships are not being re-parented
                        if (entry.State == EntityState.Unchanged || entry.State == EntityState.Modified)
                            if (pair.Key.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(true) && pair.Value.Count > 0)
                                throw EntityUtil.CannotChangeReferentialConstraintProperty();
                        //Make sure each EntityReference only has one FK change 
                        //(It's possible to have more than one in an identifying 1:1/0..1 relationship 
                        // when two dependent FKs are set to match one principal)
                        EntityReference reference = pair.Key as EntityReference;
                        if (reference != null)
                            if (pair.Value.Count > 1)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                //Check for conflicting reference changes and changes that will change a PK
                if (addedRelationshipsByGraph != null)
                    // Retrieve key values from related entities
                    Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<object, IntBox>> properties = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<object, IntBox>>();
                    foreach (var pair in addedRelationshipsByGraph)
                        //Ensure persisted dependents of identifying FK relationships are not being re-parented
                        if (pair.Key.IsForeignKey && (entry.State == EntityState.Unchanged || entry.State == EntityState.Modified))
                            //Any reference change is invalid because it is not possible to have a persisted 
                            //principal that matches the dependents key without the reference already being set
                            if (pair.Key.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(true) && pair.Value.Count > 0)
                                throw EntityUtil.CannotChangeReferentialConstraintProperty();
                        //Check that each EntityReference only has one reference change
                        //AND that the change agrees with the FK change if present
                        EntityReference reference = pair.Key as EntityReference;
                        if (reference != null)
                            if (pair.Value.Count > 1)
                                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                            else if (pair.Value.Count == 1)
                                //We know there is a max of one FK change as we checked this already
                                IEntityWrapper addedEntity = pair.Value.First();
                                //See if there is also a new FK for this RelatedEnd
                                HashSet<EntityKey> newFks = null;
                                if (addedRelationshipsByForeignKey != null)
                                    addedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out newFks);
                                    // Try the principal key dictionary to see if there is a conflict on the principal side
                                    Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<EntityKey>> addedRelationshipsByPrincipalKey;
                                    if (tm.AddedRelationshipsByPrincipalKey.TryGetValue(entry.WrappedEntity, out addedRelationshipsByPrincipalKey))
                                        addedRelationshipsByPrincipalKey.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out newFks);
                                if (newFks != null && newFks.Count > 0)
                                    //Make sure the FK change is consistent with the Reference change
                                    //The following call sometimes creates permanent key of Added entity
                                    EntityKey addedKey = GetPermanentKey(entry.WrappedEntity, reference, addedEntity);
                                    if (addedKey != newFks.First())
                                        throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_ConflictingChangesOfRelationshipDetected(
                                    //If there is no added FK relationship but there is a deleted one then it means
                                    //the FK has been nulled and this will always conflict with an added reference
                                    Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<EntityKey>> deletedRelationshipsByForeignKey;
                                    if (tm.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(entry.WrappedEntity, out deletedRelationshipsByForeignKey))
                                        HashSet<EntityKey> removedKeys;
                                        if (deletedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(pair.Key, out removedKeys))
                                            if (removedKeys.Count > 0)
                                                throw new InvalidOperationException(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ObjectStateManager_ConflictingChangesOfRelationshipDetected(
                                // For each change to the graph, validate that the entity will not have conflicting 
                                //   RI constrained property values
                                // The related entity is detached or added, these are valid cases 
                                //   so do not consider their changes in conflict
                                EntityEntry relatedEntry = FindEntityEntry(addedEntity.Entity);
                                if (relatedEntry != null &&
                                    (relatedEntry.State == EntityState.Unchanged ||
                                     relatedEntry.State == EntityState.Modified))
                                    Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<object, IntBox>> retrievedProperties = new Dictionary<string, KeyValuePair<object, IntBox>>();
                                    // Merge retrievedProperties into the main list of properties
                                    foreach (ReferentialConstraint constraint in ((AssociationType)reference.RelationMetadata).ReferentialConstraints)
                                        if (constraint.ToRole == reference.FromEndProperty)
                                            for (int i = 0; i < constraint.FromProperties.Count; ++i)
        internal EntityKey GetPermanentKey(IEntityWrapper entityFrom, RelatedEnd relatedEndFrom, IEntityWrapper entityTo)
            EntityKey entityKey = null;
            if (entityTo.ObjectStateEntry != null)
                entityKey = entityTo.ObjectStateEntry.EntityKey;
            if (entityKey == null || entityKey.IsTemporary)
                entityKey = this.CreateEntityKey(this.GetEntitySetOfOtherEnd(entityFrom, relatedEndFrom), entityTo.Entity);
            return entityKey;
        private EntitySet GetEntitySetOfOtherEnd(IEntityWrapper entity, RelatedEnd relatedEnd)
            AssociationSet associationSet = (AssociationSet)relatedEnd.RelationshipSet;
            EntitySet entitySet = associationSet.AssociationSetEnds[0].EntitySet;
            if (entitySet.Name != entity.EntityKey.EntitySetName) // 
                return entitySet;
                return associationSet.AssociationSetEnds[1].EntitySet;
        private void DetectChangesInForeignKeys(IList<EntityEntry> entries)
            foreach (var entry in entries)
                if (entry.State == EntityState.Added || entry.State == EntityState.Modified)
        private void AlignChangesInRelationships(IList<EntityEntry> entries)
        private void PerformAdd(IList<EntityEntry> entries)
            TransactionManager tm = this.TransactionManager;
            foreach (EntityEntry entry in entries)
                if (entry.State != EntityState.Detached &&
                    !entry.IsKeyEntry) // Still need to check this here because entries may have been demoted
                    foreach (RelatedEnd relatedEnd in entry.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.Relationships)
                        // find EntityKey of objects added to relatedEnd by changes of FKs
                        HashSet<EntityKey> entityKeysOfAddedObjects = null;
                        Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<EntityKey>> addedRelationshipsByForeignKey;
                        if (relatedEnd is EntityReference &&
                            tm.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(entry.WrappedEntity, out addedRelationshipsByForeignKey))
                            addedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(relatedEnd, out entityKeysOfAddedObjects);
                        // find IEntityWrappers of objects added to relatedEnd by changes to navigation property
                        Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<IEntityWrapper>> addedRelationshipsByGraph;
                        HashSet<IEntityWrapper> entitiesToAdd = null;
                        if (tm.AddedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(entry.WrappedEntity, out addedRelationshipsByGraph))
                            addedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(relatedEnd, out entitiesToAdd);
                        // merge the 2 sets into one (destroys entitiesToAdd)
                        // Perform Add of FK or FK + Reference changes
                        if (entityKeysOfAddedObjects != null)
                            EntityEntry relatedEntry;
                            foreach (EntityKey entityKeyOfAddedObjects in entityKeysOfAddedObjects)
                                // we are interested only in tracked non-Added entities
                                if (this.TryGetEntityEntry(entityKeyOfAddedObjects, out relatedEntry) &&
                                    relatedEntry.WrappedEntity.Entity != null)
                                    entitiesToAdd = entitiesToAdd != null ? entitiesToAdd : new HashSet<IEntityWrapper>();
                                    // if the change comes only from the FK and the FK is to a deleted entity
                                    // then we do not do fixup to align to that entity so do not add those
                                    // implementation note: we do not need to check for contains because if it's there we don't need to add it
                                    if (relatedEntry.State != EntityState.Deleted)
                                        // Remove it from the list of entities to add by reference because it will be added now
                                        PerformAdd(entry.WrappedEntity, relatedEnd, relatedEntry.WrappedEntity, true);
                                    // Need to update the CFK and dangling FK references even if there is no related entity
                                    EntityReference reference = relatedEnd as EntityReference;
                                    Debug.Assert(reference != null);
                        // Perform Add for Reference changes
                        if (entitiesToAdd != null)
                            foreach (IEntityWrapper entityToAdd in entitiesToAdd)
                                PerformAdd(entry.WrappedEntity, relatedEnd, entityToAdd, false);
        private void PerformAdd(IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner, RelatedEnd relatedEnd, IEntityWrapper entityToAdd, bool isForeignKeyChange)
            Debug.Assert(wrappedOwner == relatedEnd.WrappedOwner, "entry.WrappedEntity is not the same as relatedEnd.WrappedOwner?");
            // We need to determine if adding entityToAdd is going to cause reparenting
            // if relatedEnd is a principal then
            //   Get the target relatedEnd on entityToAdd to check if we are in this situation
            // if relatedEnd is a dependent then
            //   Check 
            if (relatedEnd.IsPrincipalEndOfReferentialConstraint())
                EntityReference targetReference = relatedEnd.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(entityToAdd) as EntityReference;
                if (targetReference != null && IsReparentingReference(entityToAdd, targetReference))
                    TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = targetReference.GetDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(targetReference.ReferenceValue.Entity);
            else if (relatedEnd.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false))
                EntityReference reference = relatedEnd as EntityReference;
                if (reference != null && IsReparentingReference(wrappedOwner, reference))
                    TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = reference.GetDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(reference.ReferenceValue.Entity);
                    applyConstraints: false,
                    addRelationshipAsUnchanged: false,
                    relationshipAlreadyExists: false,
                    allowModifyingOtherEndOfRelationship: true,
                    forceForeignKeyChanges: !isForeignKeyChange);
                TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = null;
        private void PerformDelete(IList<EntityEntry> entries)
            TransactionManager tm = this.TransactionManager;
            foreach (EntityEntry entry in entries)
                if (entry.State != EntityState.Detached &&
                    entry.State != EntityState.Deleted &&
                    !entry.IsKeyEntry) // Still need to check this here because entries may have been demoted
                    foreach (RelatedEnd relatedEnd in entry.WrappedEntity.RelationshipManager.Relationships)
                        // find EntityKey of objects deleted from relatedEnd by changes of FKs
                        HashSet<EntityKey> entityKeysOfDeletedObjects = null;
                        Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<EntityKey>> deletedRelationshipsByForeignKey;
                        if (relatedEnd is EntityReference &&
                            tm.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(entry.WrappedEntity, out deletedRelationshipsByForeignKey))
                            deletedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(relatedEnd as EntityReference, out entityKeysOfDeletedObjects);
                        // find IEntityWrappers of objects deleted from relatedEnd by changes to navigation property
                        Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<IEntityWrapper>> deletedRelationshipsByGraph;
                        HashSet<IEntityWrapper> entitiesToDelete = null;
                        if (tm.DeletedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(entry.WrappedEntity, out deletedRelationshipsByGraph))
                            deletedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(relatedEnd, out entitiesToDelete);
                        // Perform the deletes:
                        // 1. FK only OR combined FK/Ref changes (same change to both FK and reference)
                        if (entityKeysOfDeletedObjects != null)
                            foreach (EntityKey key in entityKeysOfDeletedObjects)
                                EntityEntry relatedEntry;
                                IEntityWrapper relatedEntity = null;
                                EntityReference reference = relatedEnd as EntityReference;
                                if (this.TryGetEntityEntry(key, out relatedEntry) &&
                                    relatedEntry.WrappedEntity.Entity != null)
                                    relatedEntity = relatedEntry.WrappedEntity;
                                    // The relatedEntity may be added, and we only have a permanent key 
                                    //  so look at the permanent key of the reference to decide
                                    if (reference != null &&
                                        reference.ReferenceValue != NullEntityWrapper.NullWrapper &&
                                        reference.ReferenceValue.EntityKey.IsTemporary &&
                                        this.TryGetEntityEntry(reference.ReferenceValue.EntityKey, out relatedEntry) &&
                                        relatedEntry.WrappedEntity.Entity != null)
                                        EntityKey permanentRelatedKey = new EntityKey((EntitySet)relatedEntry.EntitySet, (IExtendedDataRecord)relatedEntry.CurrentValues);
                                        if (key == permanentRelatedKey)
                                            relatedEntity = relatedEntry.WrappedEntity;
                                if (relatedEntity != null)
                                    entitiesToDelete = entitiesToDelete != null ? entitiesToDelete : new HashSet<IEntityWrapper>();
                                    // if the reference also changed, we will remove that now
                                    // if only the FK changed, it will not be in the list entitiesToDelete and 
                                    //  so we should preserve the FK value
                                    // if the reference is being set to null, (was a delete, but not an add) 
                                    //  then we need to preserve the FK values regardless
                                    bool preserveForeignKey = ShouldPreserveForeignKeyForDependent(entry.WrappedEntity, relatedEnd, relatedEntity, entitiesToDelete);
                                    // No need to also do a graph remove of the same value
                                    if (reference != null && IsReparentingReference(entry.WrappedEntity, reference))
                                        TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = reference.GetDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(reference.ReferenceValue.Entity);
                                        relatedEnd.Remove(relatedEntity, preserveForeignKey);
                                        TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = null;
                                    // stop trying to remove something, if the owner was detached or deleted because of RIC/cascade delete
                                    if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached || entry.State == EntityState.Deleted || entry.IsKeyEntry)
                                if (reference != null &&
                                    reference.IsForeignKey &&
                                    reference.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(checkIdentifying: false))
                                    // Ensure that the cached FK value on the reference is in sync because it is possible that we
                                    // didn't take any actions above that would cause this to be set.
                                    reference.SetCachedForeignKey(ForeignKeyFactory.CreateKeyFromForeignKeyValues(entry, reference), entry);
                        // 2. Changes to the reference only
                        if (entitiesToDelete != null)
                            foreach (IEntityWrapper entityToDelete in entitiesToDelete)
                                bool preserveForeignKey = ShouldPreserveForeignKeyForPrincipal(entry.WrappedEntity, relatedEnd, entityToDelete, entitiesToDelete);
                                EntityReference reference = relatedEnd as EntityReference;
                                if (reference != null && IsReparentingReference(entry.WrappedEntity, reference))
                                    TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = reference.GetDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(reference.ReferenceValue.Entity);
                                    relatedEnd.Remove(entityToDelete, preserveForeignKey);
                                    TransactionManager.EntityBeingReparented = null;
                                // stop trying to remove something, if the owner was detached or deleted because of RIC/cascade delete
                                if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached || entry.State == EntityState.Deleted || entry.IsKeyEntry)
                        // skip the remaining relatedEnds if the owner was detached or deleted because of RIC/cascade delete
                        if (entry.State == EntityState.Detached || entry.State == EntityState.Deleted || entry.IsKeyEntry)
        private bool ShouldPreserveForeignKeyForPrincipal(IEntityWrapper entity, RelatedEnd relatedEnd, IEntityWrapper relatedEntity,
            HashSet<IEntityWrapper> entitiesToDelete)
            bool preserveForeignKey = false;
            if (relatedEnd.IsForeignKey)
                RelatedEnd otherEnd = relatedEnd.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(relatedEntity);
                if (otherEnd.IsDependentEndOfReferentialConstraint(false))
                    // Check the changes being applied to the dependent end
                    HashSet<EntityKey> entityKeysOfDeletedObjects = null;
                    Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<EntityKey>> deletedRelationshipsByForeignKey;
                    Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<IEntityWrapper>> deletedRelationshipsByGraph;
                    // There must be a foreign key and graph change on the dependent side to know if we need to preserve the FK
                    if (TransactionManager.DeletedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(relatedEntity, out deletedRelationshipsByForeignKey) &&
                        deletedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(otherEnd, out entityKeysOfDeletedObjects) &&
                        entityKeysOfDeletedObjects.Count > 0 &&
                        TransactionManager.DeletedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(relatedEntity, out deletedRelationshipsByGraph) &&
                        deletedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(otherEnd, out entitiesToDelete))
                        preserveForeignKey = ShouldPreserveForeignKeyForDependent(relatedEntity, otherEnd, entity, entitiesToDelete);
            return preserveForeignKey;
        private bool ShouldPreserveForeignKeyForDependent(IEntityWrapper entity, RelatedEnd relatedEnd, IEntityWrapper relatedEntity,
            HashSet<IEntityWrapper> entitiesToDelete)
            bool hasReferenceRemove = entitiesToDelete.Contains(relatedEntity);
            return (!hasReferenceRemove ||
                     hasReferenceRemove && !HasAddedReference(entity, relatedEnd as EntityReference));
        private bool HasAddedReference(IEntityWrapper wrappedOwner, EntityReference reference)
            Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<IEntityWrapper>> addedRelationshipsByGraph;
            HashSet<IEntityWrapper> entitiesToAdd = null;
            if (reference != null &&
                TransactionManager.AddedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(wrappedOwner, out addedRelationshipsByGraph) &&
                addedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(reference, out entitiesToAdd) &&
                entitiesToAdd.Count > 0)
                return true;
            return false;
        private bool IsReparentingReference(IEntityWrapper wrappedEntity, EntityReference reference)
            TransactionManager tm = this.TransactionManager;
            if (reference.IsPrincipalEndOfReferentialConstraint())
                // need to find the dependent and make sure that it is being reparented
                wrappedEntity = reference.ReferenceValue;
                reference = wrappedEntity.Entity == null ?
                    null :
                    reference.GetOtherEndOfRelationship(wrappedEntity) as EntityReference;
            if (wrappedEntity.Entity != null && reference != null)
                HashSet<EntityKey> entityKeysOfAddedObjects = null;
                Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<EntityKey>> addedRelationshipsByForeignKey;
                if (tm.AddedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(wrappedEntity, out addedRelationshipsByForeignKey) &&
                    addedRelationshipsByForeignKey.TryGetValue(reference, out entityKeysOfAddedObjects) &&
                    entityKeysOfAddedObjects.Count > 0)
                    return true;
                Dictionary<RelatedEnd, HashSet<IEntityWrapper>> addedRelationshipsByGraph;
                HashSet<IEntityWrapper> entitiesToAdd = null;
                if (tm.AddedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(wrappedEntity, out addedRelationshipsByGraph) &&
                    addedRelationshipsByGraph.TryGetValue(reference, out entitiesToAdd) &&
                    entitiesToAdd.Count > 0)
                    return true;
            return false;
        private void DetectChangesInNavigationProperties(IList<EntityEntry> entries)
            // Detect changes in navigation properties
            // (populates this.TransactionManager.DeletedRelationships and this.TransactionManager.AddedRelationships)
            foreach (var entry in entries)
                Debug.Assert(!entry.IsKeyEntry, "List should be filtered before it gets to this method.");
                if (entry.WrappedEntity.RequiresRelationshipChangeTracking)
        private void DetectChangesInScalarAndComplexProperties(IList<EntityEntry> entries)
            foreach (var entry in entries)
                Debug.Assert(!entry.IsKeyEntry, "List should be filtered before it gets to this method.");
                if (entry.State != EntityState.Added)
                    if (entry.RequiresScalarChangeTracking || entry.RequiresComplexChangeTracking)
        internal EntityKey CreateEntityKey(EntitySet entitySet, object entity)
            Debug.Assert(!(entity is IEntityWrapper), "Object is an IEntityWrapper instance instead of the raw entity.");
            Debug.Assert(entitySet != null, "null entitySet");
            Debug.Assert(entity != null, "null entity");
            // Creates an EntityKey based on the values in the entity and the given EntitySet
            ReadOnlyMetadataCollection<EdmMember> keyMembers = entitySet.ElementType.KeyMembers;
            StateManagerTypeMetadata typeMetadata = this.GetOrAddStateManagerTypeMetadata(EntityUtil.GetEntityIdentityType(entity.GetType()), entitySet);
            object[] keyValues = new object[keyMembers.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < keyMembers.Count; ++i)
                string keyName = keyMembers[i].Name;
                int ordinal = typeMetadata.GetOrdinalforCLayerMemberName(keyName);
                if (ordinal < 0)
                    throw EntityUtil.EntityTypeDoesNotMatchEntitySet(entity.GetType().FullName, entitySet.Name, "entity");
                keyValues[i] = typeMetadata.Member(ordinal).GetValue(entity);
                if (keyValues[i] == null)
                    throw EntityUtil.NullKeyValue(keyName, entitySet.ElementType.Name);
            if (keyValues.Length == 1)
                return new EntityKey(entitySet, keyValues[0]);
                return new EntityKey(entitySet, keyValues);
        /// <summary>
        /// Flag that is set when we are processing an FK setter for a full proxy.
        /// This is used to determine whether or not we will attempt to call out into FK
        /// setters and null references during fixup.
        /// The value of this property is either null if the code is not executing an
        /// FK setter, or points to the entity on which the FK setter has been called.
        /// </summary>
        internal object EntityInvokingFKSetter
    internal sealed class ObjectReferenceEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<object>
        bool IEqualityComparer<object>.Equals(object x, object y)
            return (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y));
        int IEqualityComparer<object>.GetHashCode(object obj)
            return System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.GetHashCode(obj);