Implemented interface member:
5 overrides of Count
mscorlib (5)
system\collections\arraylist.cs (5)
814public override int Count { 1238public override int Count { 1672public override int Count { 1929public override int Count { 2300public override int Count {
2346 references to Count
mscorlib (194)
system\activationcontext.cs (7)
95if (_definitionIdentities.Count <= 1) 113Contract.Assert(_definitionIdentities.Count == 2, "An application must have exactly 1 deployment component and 1 application component in Whidbey"); 167if (_manifests.Count <= 1) 182Contract.Assert(_manifests.Count == 2, "An application must have exactly 1 deployment component and 1 application component in Whidbey"); 324return (ICMS) _manifests[_manifests.Count-1]; 326return GetComponentManifest((IDefinitionIdentity)_definitionIdentities[_definitionIdentities.Count-1]); 372manifestPath = _manifestPaths[_manifests.Count-1];
system\collections\arraylist.cs (24)
108Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() >= Count); 246Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < Count); 255Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < Count); 256return BinarySearch(0, Count, value, null); 261Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < Count); 262return BinarySearch(0, Count, value, comparer); 415Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < Count); 431Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < Count); 449Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < Count); 528Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < Count); 543if (Count != 0 && (startIndex < 0 || count < 0)) 545Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() < Count); 584Contract.Ensures(Count >= 0); 587BCLDebug.Correctness(index >= 0 || !(obj is Int32), "You passed an Int32 to Remove that wasn't in the ArrayList." + Environment.NewLine + "Did you mean RemoveAt? int: "+obj+" Count: "+Count); 597Contract.Ensures(Count >= 0); 618Contract.Ensures(Count >= 0); 649Reverse(0, Count); 701Sort(0, Count, Comparer.Default); 708Sort(0, Count, comparer); 1239get { lock(_root) { return _list.Count; } } 1673get { return _list.Count; } 1930get { return _list.Count; } 2581if (index < list.Count - 1) { 2586index = list.Count;
system\collections\collectionbase.cs (2)
55return list == null ? 0 : list.Count; 134OnInsert(InnerList.Count, value);
system\collections\readonlycollectionbase.cs (1)
30get { return InnerList.Count; }
system\deployment\isolationinterop.cs (2)
2506StoreTransactionOperation[] txnList = new StoreTransactionOperation[_list.Count]; 2508for (int i = 0; i != _list.Count; i++)
system\reflection\assembly.cs (1)
2980if (a.Count > 0 || bTryLoadAnyway)
system\resources\resourcemanager.cs (1)
1583String[] satellites = new String[list.Count];
system\runtime\interopservices\registrationservices.cs (1)
248Type[] RetArray = new Type[TypeList.Count];
system\runtime\interopservices\tceadaptergen\tceadaptergenerator.cs (4)
22int NumEvItfs = EventItfList.Count; 100for (int i=0; i < methods.Count; i++) 108MethodInfo[] retMethods = new MethodInfo[methods.Count]; 130MethodInfo[] retMethods = new MethodInfo[methods.Count];
system\runtime\interopservices\typelibconverter.cs (1)
152if (eventItfInfoList.Count > 0)
system\runtime\remoting\activationservices.cs (2)
654for (int i=0; i<list.Count; i++) 682for (int i=0; i<list.Count;i++)
system\runtime\remoting\configuration.cs (4)
418if (configData.ServerActivatedEntries.Count > 0) 464if (entry.ClientSinkProviders.Count > 0) 466if (entry.ServerSinkProviders.Count > 0) 1066int numAttrs = contextAttributes.Count;
system\runtime\remoting\ichannel.cs (1)
448int co = _headerList.Count - 1;
system\runtime\remoting\leasemanager.cs (4)
206for (int i=0; i<tempObjects.Count; i++) 216for (int i=0; i<tempObjects.Count; i++) 244for (int i=0; i<tempObjects.Count; i++) 254for (int i=0; i<tempObjects.Count; i++)
system\runtime\remoting\message.cs (6)
3353if (parameters.Length == argValues.Count) 3417for (int i=0; i<argNames.Count; i++) 3470for (int i=0; i<paramNames.Count; i++) 3509for (int i=0; i<paramNames.Count; i++) 4447for (int i=paramNameIndex; i<paramNames.Count; i++) 4497for (int j=paramNameIndex; j<paramNames.Count; j++)
system\runtime\remoting\messagesmuggler.cs (7)
102index = argsToSerialize.Count; 126index = argsToSerialize.Count; 318_instantiation = new SerializedArg(argsToSerialize.Count); 328_methodSignature = new SerializedArg(argsToSerialize.Count); 343_callContext = new SerializedArg(argsToSerialize.Count); 495_exception = new SerializedArg(argsToSerialize.Count); 513_callContext = new SerializedArg(argsToSerialize.Count);
system\runtime\remoting\remotingconfigparser.cs (4)
967if ((remoteApp.ActivatedObjects.Count > 0) && (remoteAppUri == null)) 1525if (channelEntry.ClientSinkProviders.Count == 0) 1529if (channelEntry.ServerSinkProviders.Count == 0) 1694if (sinkProviderEntry.ProviderData.Count == 0)
system\runtime\remoting\remotingservices.cs (1)
2124if (params1.Count != params2.Length)
system\runtime\remoting\soap.cs (1)
511if (mbTable.Count > 1)
system\runtime\remoting\synchronizeddispatch.cs (1)
540if (!bNested && AsyncCallOutLCIDList.Count>0)
system\security\accesscontrol\acl.cs (2)
464get { return _aces.Count; } 559int newBinaryLength = BinaryLength - ( index < _aces.Count ? ( _aces[index] as GenericAce ).BinaryLength : 0 ) + value.BinaryLength;
system\security\permissionlistset.cs (6)
221if (this.m_zoneList == null && pls.m_zoneList != null && pls.m_zoneList.Count > 0) 224if (this.m_originList == null && pls.m_originList != null && pls.m_originList.Count > 0) 300for(int i=0;i < newList.Count; i++) 458for (int i=0; (i < m_permSetTriples.Count && bRet != SecurityRuntime.StackHalt) ; i++) 488for (int i=0; (i < m_permSetTriples.Count && bRet != SecurityRuntime.StackHalt) ; i++) 517for (int i = 0; i < m_permSetTriples.Count && check && flags != 0; i++)
system\security\permissions\keycontainerpermission.cs (4)
250return m_list.Count; 576if (securityElement.InternalChildren != null && securityElement.InternalChildren.Count != 0) { 599if (securityElement.InternalChildren != null && securityElement.InternalChildren.Count != 0) { 605int iMax = current.m_lAttributes.Count;
system\security\permissions\principalpermission.cs (2)
543if (elem.InternalChildren != null && elem.InternalChildren.Count != 0) 545int numChildren = elem.InternalChildren.Count;
system\security\permissions\publisheridentitypermission.cs (2)
204if(alCerts.Count == 0) 284if(al.Count != 0)
system\security\permissionset.cs (3)
751for (int i = 0; i < elChild.InternalChildren.Count; ++i) 1771int childCount = et.InternalChildren.Count; 1875int childCount = childrenIndices.Count;
system\security\policy\applicationtrust.cs (1)
411return AppTrusts.Count;
system\security\policy\codegroup.cs (8)
488int childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count; 542childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count; 546unparsedChildren.Add( new CodeGroupPositionMarker( i, childrenList.Count, elGroup ) ); 560childCount = m_element.InternalChildren.Count; 564unparsedChildren.Add( new CodeGroupPositionMarker( i, childrenList.Count, elGroup ) ); 751if (list1.Count != list2.Count) return false; 753for (int i = 0; i < list1.Count; i++)
system\security\policy\netcodegroup.cs (13)
313for (int i=0; i < m_schemesList.Count; ++i) 322for (i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) 351DictionaryEntry[] result = new DictionaryEntry[m_schemesList.Count]; 730group.m_accessList = new ArrayList(this.m_accessList.Count); 731for (int i = 0; i < this.m_accessList.Count; ++i) 787if (this.m_schemesList.Count != that.m_schemesList.Count) 791for (int i = 0; i < this.m_schemesList.Count; ++i) 799if (thisList.Count != thatList.Count) 802for (int k = 0; k < thisList.Count; ++k) 823for(int i = 0; i < m_schemesList.Count; ++i) 827for(int i = 0; i < accessList.Count; ++i)
system\security\policy\policylevel.cs (16)
243ArrayList newList = new ArrayList(m_namedPermissionSets.Count); 388for (int index = 0; index < namedPermissionSets.Count; ++index) { 405for (int index = 0; index < groups.Count; ++index) { 944if (fullTrustAssemblies.Count == 0) 1194while (m_permSetElement != null && m_permSetElement.InternalChildren.Count != 0) { 1195SecurityElement elPermSet = (SecurityElement)m_permSetElement.Children[m_permSetElement.InternalChildren.Count-1]; 1196m_permSetElement.InternalChildren.RemoveAt(m_permSetElement.InternalChildren.Count-1); 1278accumulator.RemoveRange(0, accumulator.Count); 1324if (elem.InternalChildren != null && elem.InternalChildren.Count > 0) { 1335if (elem.m_lAttributes == null || elem.m_lAttributes.Count == 0) 1338int iMax = elem.m_lAttributes.Count; 1360if (elem.InternalChildren != null && elem.InternalChildren.Count > 0) { 1372if (classes == null || elem.m_lAttributes == null || elem.m_lAttributes.Count == 0) 1375int iMax = elem.m_lAttributes.Count; 1420int count = m_array.Count; 1428return m_array.Count == 0;
system\security\policy\policystatement.cs (1)
482for (int i = 0; i < childPositions.Count; ++i)
system\security\policymanager.cs (2)
209return accumList.GetEnumerator(0, accumList.Count); 368for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
system\security\securitydocument.cs (2)
221for (int i = 0; i < elCurrent.m_lAttributes.Count; i+=2) 237for (int i = 0; i < elCurrent.InternalChildren.Count; ++i)
system\security\securityelement.cs (16)
167if (m_lAttributes == null || m_lAttributes.Count == 0) 173Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable( m_lAttributes.Count/2 ); 175int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count; 272for (int i = 0; i < m_lChildren.Count; ++i) 300int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count; 371for (int i = 0; i < m_lChildren.Count; ++i) 404int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count; 407if (iMax != other.m_lAttributes.Count) 431if (m_lChildren.Count != other.m_lChildren.Count) 679if (m_lAttributes != null && m_lAttributes.Count > 0) 683int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count; 696if (i != m_lAttributes.Count - 2) 710if (m_strText == null && (m_lChildren == null || m_lChildren.Count == 0)) 750for (int i = 0; i < m_lChildren.Count; ++i) 787int iMax = m_lAttributes.Count;
system\security\util\sitestring.cs (18)
208else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count == operand.m_separatedSite.Count && 209this.m_separatedSite.Count == 0) 213else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count < operand.m_separatedSite.Count - 1) 217else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count > operand.m_separatedSite.Count && 218operand.m_separatedSite.Count > 0 && 219!operand.m_separatedSite[operand.m_separatedSite.Count - 1].Equals("*")) 228for (int index = 0; index < operand.m_separatedSite.Count - 1; ++index) 236if (this.m_separatedSite.Count < operand.m_separatedSite.Count) 238return operand.m_separatedSite[operand.m_separatedSite.Count - 1].Equals("*"); 240else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count == operand.m_separatedSite.Count) 243return (String.Compare((String)this.m_separatedSite[this.m_separatedSite.Count - 1], 244(String)operand.m_separatedSite[this.m_separatedSite.Count - 1], 246operand.m_separatedSite[operand.m_separatedSite.Count - 1].Equals("*"));
system\security\util\stringexpressionset.cs (15)
362return m_list.Count == 0; 378for (int index = 0; index < this.m_list.Count; ++index) 400for (int index = 0; index < this.m_list.Count; ++index) 428StringExpressionSet bigger = ses.m_list.Count > this.m_list.Count ? ses : this; 429StringExpressionSet smaller = ses.m_list.Count <= this.m_list.Count ? ses : this; 435for (int index = 0; index < smaller.m_list.Count; ++index) 461for (int this_index = 0; this_index < this.m_list.Count; ++this_index) 463for (int ses_index = 0; ses_index < ses.m_list.Count; ++ses_index) 565for (int index = 0; index < right.m_list.Count; ++index) 578for (int index = 0; index < right.m_list.Count; ++index) 681while (index < this.m_list.Count) 709for (int i = 0; i < this.m_list.Count - 1; i++) 713while (j < this.m_list.Count)
system\security\util\urlstring.cs (8)
1140else if (operand.m_separatedSite.Count == 0) 1142return this.m_separatedSite.Count == 0 || this.m_separatedSite.Count > 0 && String.Compare((String)this.m_separatedSite[0], "*", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0; 1144else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count == 0) 1223else if (operand.m_separatedSite.Count == 0) 1225return this.m_separatedSite.Count == 0 || this.m_separatedSite.Count > 0 && String.Compare((String)this.m_separatedSite[0], "*", StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0; 1227else if (this.m_separatedSite.Count == 0)
PresentationBuildTasks (78)
BuildTasks\Microsoft\Build\Tasks\Windows\GenerateTemporaryTargetAssembly.cs (1)
423if (itemToRemove.Count > 0)
BuildTasks\Microsoft\Build\Tasks\Windows\MarkupCompilePass1.cs (2)
1360if (localRefAppdefList.Count > 0) 1365if (localRefPageList.Count > 0)
BuildTasks\MS\Internal\Localization\LocalizationParserHooks.cs (1)
109if (_commentList.Count > 0)
BuildTasks\Ms\Internal\MarkupCompiler\MarkupCompiler.cs (6)
249if (_pendingLocalFiles != null && _pendingLocalFiles.Count == 1) 271if (_pendingLocalFiles != null && _pendingLocalFiles.Count > 0) 285Debug.Assert(_pendingLocalFiles == null || _pendingLocalFiles.Count == 0); 1165if ((elementName == null || !isAllowedNameScope) && (events == null || events.Count == 0)) 1318if (ReferenceAssemblyList != null && ReferenceAssemblyList.Count > 0) 1320for (int i = 0; i < ReferenceAssemblyList.Count; i++)
BuildTasks\MS\Internal\Tasks\CompilerLocalReference.cs (1)
285if (alMarkupPages.Count > 0)
BuildTasks\MS\Internal\Tasks\CompilerWrapper.cs (1)
250for (int i = 0; i < _mc.ReferenceAssemblyList.Count; i++)
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\BamlRecordWriter.cs (20)
362((KeyDeferRecord)_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]).RecordList.Add(deferRecord); 506KeyDeferRecord keyRecord = (KeyDeferRecord)(_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 546for (int i = 0; i < record.RecordList.Count; i++) 581KeyDeferRecord keyRecord = (KeyDeferRecord)(_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 616KeyDeferRecord keyRecord = (KeyDeferRecord)(_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 714if (asmList.Count > 0) 716short[] assemblyIds = new short[asmList.Count]; 718for (int i = 0; i < asmList.Count; i++) 850KeyDeferRecord keyRecord = (KeyDeferRecord)(_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 853Debug.Assert(keyRecord.RecordList.Count == 0, "Should have empty record list"); 1182KeyDeferRecord keyDeferRecord = ((KeyDeferRecord)_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 1506((KeyDeferRecord)_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]).RecordList.Add(deferRec); 1540for (int h = 0; h<_deferElement.Count; h++) 1559for (int i = 0; i<_deferKeys.Count; i++) 1572keyRecord.RecordList.Count > 0) 1574for (int j = 0; j < keyRecord.RecordList.Count; j++) 1623for (int j = 0; j<_deferValues.Count; j++) 1632deferKeyRecord.RecordList.Count > 0) 1652Debug.Assert(keyIndex == _deferKeys.Count, 1704KeyDeferRecord keyDeferRecord = ((KeyDeferRecord)_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]);
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\MarkupExtensionParser.cs (22)
331if (tokens.Count == 1) 337if (tokens.Count == 3 && 631ArrayList xamlNodes = new ArrayList(markupExtensionList.Count * 5); 633for (int i = 0; i<markupExtensionList.Count; i++) 804(list.Count == 1 || 805(list.Count > 1 && !(list[1] is String) && ((Char)list[1] == ',')))) 842ArrayList xamlNodes = new ArrayList(complexDefAttributesList.Count * 5); 843for (int i = 0; i<complexDefAttributesList.Count; i++) 880(list.Count == 1 || 881(list.Count > 1 && !(list[1] is String) && ((Char)list[1] == ',')))) 1114else if (list.Count == 0) 1120else if (list[list.Count - 1] is Char) 1134parameterName = (string) list[list.Count - 1]; 1154else if (list.Count > 0 && (list[list.Count-1] is Char)) 1254if (list != null && listIndex < list.Count) 1264for (; listIndex < list.Count; listIndex+=2) 1274if (list.Count > (listIndex+1) && 1362if (list != null && listIndex < list.Count) 1364ArrayList propertyNamesSoFar = new ArrayList(list.Count/4); 1366for (int k = listIndex; k < list.Count; k+=4) 1369if (k > (list.Count-3) ||
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\ParserStack.cs (8)
82object o = this[Count - 1]; 83RemoveAt(Count - 1); 109get { return Count > 0 ? this[Count - 1] : null; } 117get { return Count > 1 ? this[Count - 2] : null; } 125get { return Count > 2 ? this[Count - 3] : null; }
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\XamlReaderHelper.cs (16)
2952for (int i = 0; i < xamlNodes.Count; i++) 2964for (int i = 0; i < xamlNodes.Count; i++) 5789Debug.Assert((_nodeIndex == 0 && _xamlNodes.Count == 0 ) || (_nodeIndex < _xamlNodes.Count), 5791if (_xamlNodes.Count > 0) 5796if (_nodeIndex == _xamlNodes.Count) 5809Debug.Assert((_nodeIndex == 0 && _xamlNodes.Count == 0 ) || (_nodeIndex < _xamlNodes.Count), 5820get { return _xamlNodes.Count; } 5837_insertionIndex = value ? _xamlNodes.Count : -1; 5878if (_xamlNodes.Count > 0) 5880for (int i = _xamlNodes.Count - 1; i >= _nodeIndex; i--) 5891if (_nodeIndex >= _xamlNodes.Count) 5895Debug.Assert(_nodeIndex == _xamlNodes.Count, "NodeIndex is larger than node count."); 6043_typeConverterCandidateIndex = _xamlNodes.Count - 1; 6067_typeConverterCandidateIndex = _xamlNodes.Count - 1;
PresentationCore (53)
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\IO\Packaging\ByteRangeDownloader.cs (2)
189int rangeCount = _byteRangesAvailable.Count / 2; 769if (_requestsOnWait != null && _requestsOnWait.Count > 0)
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\IO\Packaging\NetStream.cs (2)
976for (int i = 0; i + 1 < ranges.Count; i++) 987if (i + 1 >= ranges.Count)
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\TextFormatting\FullTextLine.cs (3)
1765if (boundsList.Count > 0) 1773bounds = new TextBounds[boundsList.Count]; 1774for (int i = 0; i < boundsList.Count; i++)
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\TextFormatting\SimpleTextLine.cs (2)
288while(count < runs.Count) 414int left = runs != null ? runs.Count : 0;
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\TextFormatting\TextStore.cs (1)
1808Plsrun plsrun = (Plsrun)((uint)_lsrunList.Count + Plsrun.FormatAnchor);
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\DataFormats.cs (3)
90for (int n = 0; n < _formatList.Count; n++) 102for (int n = 0; n < _formatList.Count; n++) 396for (int n = 0; n < _formatList.Count; n++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\DataObject.cs (3)
1567distinctStrings = new string[distinct.Count]; 2892temp = new string[formats.Count]; 3922temp = new string[formats.Count];
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\GlobalEventManager.cs (1)
435if (_globalIndexToEventMap.Count >= Int32.MaxValue)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Input\AccessKeyManager.cs (6)
90if (elements.Count == 0) 661for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; ) 688List<IInputElement> copy = new List<IInputElement>(elements.Count); 690for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; ) 775for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++) 796for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\BooleanAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
767for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\ByteAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\CharAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
767for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\ColorAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\DecimalAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\Int16AnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\Int32AnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\Int64AnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\MatrixAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
767for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\ObjectAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
767for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\Point3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\PointAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\QuaternionAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\RectAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\Rotation3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\SingleAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\SizeAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\StringAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
767for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\Vector3DAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\VectorAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Imaging\BitmapMetadata.cs (9)
218count = (UInt32) _metadataBlocks.Count; 236if (index >= _metadataBlocks.Count) 375if (index >= _metadataBlocks.Count) 407if (_fixedSize && _metadataBlocks.Count>0) 434if (index >= _metadataBlocks.Count) 462if (index >= _metadataBlocks.Count) 565if (_index >= _metadataBlocks.Count || celt == 0) 602if (newIndex > _metadataBlocks.Count) 604_index = (uint) _metadataBlocks.Count;
PresentationFramework (406)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Annotations\Anchoring\PathNode.cs (1)
340while (fp.Node.Equals(sp.Node) && sp._children.Count > 0)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\AppModel\RootBrowserWindow.cs (1)
768for (int i = 0; i < navigationService.ChildNavigationServices.Count; i++)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Controls\InnerItemCollectionView.cs (4)
235for (int i = _rawList.Count - 1; i >=0; --i) 526for (int k = 0; k < _rawList.Count; ++k) 623get { return _rawList.Count; } 628get { return _viewList.Count; }
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\DefaultAsyncDataDispatcher.cs (1)
44for (int i=0; i<_list.Count; ++i)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\PathParser.cs (1)
174result = new SourceValueInfo[_al.Count];
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\SortFieldComparer.cs (1)
99int n = al.Count;
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\ViewManager.cs (4)
277for (int k=0; k<al.Count; ++k) 282return (al.Count > 0 || this.Count == 0); 829for (int k=0; k<al.Count; ++k) 834return (al.Count > 0 || foundViewTableDirt);
src\Framework\MS\Internal\DataStreams.cs (1)
281for (int subStreamIndex = 0; subStreamIndex < subStreams.Count; ++subStreamIndex)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Documents\DocumentGrid.cs (1)
1531for (int i = 0; i < visiblePages.Count; i++)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Globalization\BamlTreeUpdater.cs (1)
70for(int i = 0; i < deferredResources.Count; i++)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Ink\LassoSelectionBehavior.cs (1)
459Point[] retPointArray = new Point[pointArray.Count];
src\Framework\MS\Internal\PtsHost\Line.cs (2)
701Debug.Assert(cchGlyphRuns > 0 && glyphRunsCollection.Count > 0); 732Invariant.Assert(runIndex < glyphRunsCollection.Count);
src\Framework\MS\Internal\PtsHost\PtsContext.cs (2)
101for (index = 0; index < _pageBreakRecords.Count; index++) 119for (index = 0; index < _pages.Count; index++)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Utility\TraceLog.cs (2)
45if (_log.Count == _size) 55for (int k=0; k<_log.Count; ++k)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\PasswordTextContainer.cs (6)
321for (index = 0; index < _positionList.Count; index++) 731for (; index < _positionList.Count; index++) 771for (; index < _positionList.Count; index++) 796for (index = _positionList.Count-1; index >= 0; index--) 820for (index = 0; index < _positionList.Count; index++) 853for (index = 0; index < _positionList.Count; index++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\RadioButton.cs (3)
110if (elements.Count == 0) 121for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; ) 148for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; )
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\TextBlock.cs (1)
2082for (int index = 0; index < inlineObjects.Count; index++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\BindingOperations.cs (1)
278for (int i = 0; i < batch.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\CollectionView.cs (5)
1877int startCount = changeLog.Count; 1879for ( ; currentIndex < changeLog.Count && !(mustDeferProcessing); currentIndex++) 1894if (mustDeferProcessing && currentIndex < changeLog.Count) 1935if (_changeLog.Count == 0 && CheckAccess()) 1954null, _changeLog.Count);
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\CompositeCollection.cs (2)
144for (int k=0, n=InternalList.Count; k < n; ++k) 300return InternalList.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\AdornerLayer.cs (14)
229while (i < adornerInfos.Count) 255while (i < adornerInfos.Count) 276if (adornerInfos == null || adornerInfos.Count == 0) 279Adorner[] adorners = new Adorner[adornerInfos.Count]; 281for (int i = 0; i < adornerInfos.Count; i++) 440while (j < adornerInfos.Count) 475while (j < adornerInfos.Count) 660if (adornerInfos.Count > 1) 682int insertionIndex = _children.IndexOf(((AdornerInfo)adornerInfos[adornerInfos.Count - 1]).Adorner) + 1; 702while (adornerInfos.Count > 0) 741for (int i = 0; i < adornerInfos.Count; i++) 827for (int i = 0; i < removeList.Count; i++) 928if (adornerInfos.Count == 0) 944while (i < adornerInfos.Count)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\CompositionAdorner.cs (4)
152for (int i = 0; i < _attributeRanges.Count; i++) 160if (attributeRange.CompositionLines.Count == 0) 239for (int j = 0; j < attributeRange.CompositionLines.Count; j++) 343for (int i = 0; i < _attributeRanges.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\Highlights.cs (1)
398return (_layers == null) ? 0 : _layers.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\MoveSizeWinEventHandler.cs (2)
80for (int i = 0; i < _arTextStore.Count; i++) 119return _arTextStore.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\RtfFormatStack.cs (7)
55Invariant.Assert(Count != 0); 57if (Count > 0) 59RemoveAt(Count - 1); 65return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; 70int index = Count - 1 - fromTop; 72if (index < 0 || index >= Count)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\RtfToXamlReader.cs (149)
2890return _cellFormats.Count; 3635for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 3650for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 3671for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 3697for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 3736if (Count == 0) 3742for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 3752return EntryAt(Count - 1); 3981if (index >= 0 && index < Count) 4009for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 4021return Count - 1; 4026if (index >= 0 && index < Count) 4096return EntryAt(Count - 1); 4236if (index > Count) 4238index = Count - 1; 4240return (ListLevel)(Count > index && index >= 0 ? this[index] : null); 4266return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; 4396for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 4432return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; 4571for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 4607return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; 5383if (ColumnStateArray != null && ColumnStateArray.Count > 0) 5391for (int i = 0; i < ColumnStateArray.Count; i++) 5659for (int i = 0; i < dnaRows.Count; i++) 5677for (int k = 0; k < cols.Count; k++) 6300for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 6362InsertNode(Count, documentNode); 6369if (Count > 0) 6371Excise(Count - 1, 1); 6379for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 6394return ((Count > 0) && (EntryAt(Count - 1).Type == documentNodeType)); 6406Debug.Assert(nStart + nChild < Count); 6407if (nStart + nChild >= Count) 6409nChild = Count - nStart - 1; 6491Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (nStart >= 0 && nStart < Count)); 6492if (nStart >= Count || nStart < 0) 6502Debug.Assert(nStart + nChild < Count); 6503if (nStart + nChild >= Count) 6505nChild = Count - nStart - 1; 6552Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (nStart >= 0 && nStart < Count)); 6553if (nStart >= Count || nStart < 0) 6563Debug.Assert(nStart + nChild < Count); 6564if (nStart + nChild >= Count) 6566nChild = Count - nStart - 1; 6611for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++) 6619Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (index >= 0 && index < Count)); 6620Debug.Assert(index + nChildCount < Count); 6621if (index >= Count || index < 0 || index + nChildCount >= Count) 6649Debug.Assert(Count == 0 || (index >= 0 && index < Count)); 6650if (index >= Count || index < 0) 6665for (int i = Count - 1; i > index; i--) 6675CloseAtHelper(index, Count - index - 1); 6685for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++) 6694Debug.Assert(nAt + dn.ChildCount < Count); 6708for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++) 6734for (int nAt = 0; nAt < Count; nAt++) 6751for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 6784for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 6803for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 6837for (int i = 0; i < _dnaOpen.Count; i++) 6847for (int i = nShape; i < _dnaOpen.Count; i++) 6866if (mlHave.Count > 0 || mlWant.Count == 0) 6872for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 6925if (ml.Count == 1 && bAllBullet) 6935for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 6968for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 6984for (int j = Count - 1; j >= 0; j--) 7016for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 7050return FindPendingFrom(documentNodeType, Count - 1, nLow); 7062for (int i = _dnaOpen.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 7080for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) 7085for (i = 1; i < Count; i++) 7108int i = Count - 1; 7118int nCull = Count - (i + 1); 7129int i = Count; 7149for (nAt++; nAt < Count; nAt++) 7221for (; nAt < Count; nAt++) 7244return Count > 0 ? EntryAt(Count - 1) : null; 7416int nCount = dnaCells.Count < rf.CellCount ? dnaCells.Count : rf.CellCount; 7463while (nColsSeen < csa.Count) 7491for (int i = 0; i < dnaTables.Count; i++) 7495if (csa == null || csa.Count == 0) 7499int nDim = csa.Count; 7508for (int j = 0; j < dnaRows.Count; j++) 7518if (dnaCells.Count < nCount) 7520nCount = dnaCells.Count; 7531for (int k = 0; k < nCount && kCSA < dnaSpanCells.Count; k++) 7862int nStartCount = _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count; 7891while (_converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count > 2 && _converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count > nStartCount) 8025for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) 8045while (dna.Count > 0) 8047DocumentNode dnLast = dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1); 8051dna.Excise(dna.Count - 1, 1); 8062if (dna.Count > 0) 8064DocumentNode dnLast = dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1); 8093for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) 8127for (int i = dna.Count - 1; i >= 0 && dnFieldBegin == null; i--) 8337for (int i = nInsertAt; !bBlock && i < dna.Count; i++) 8825dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); 9018if (_converterState.RtfFormatStack.Count > 2) 9896int nNoOpValue = dna.Count; 9897int nInsertAt = dna.Count; // Default insertion location 9908&& nInsertAt + dn.ChildCount == dna.Count) 9935int nInsertAt = dna.Count; // Default insertion location 9961Debug.Assert(nInsertAt >= 0 && nChildren > 0 && nInsertAt + nChildren - 1 < dna.Count); 9989for (int i = dna.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 10005dna.Excise(dna.Count - nExcise, nExcise); 10139for (int i = formats.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 10162for (int i = formats.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 11172Debug.Assert(dna.Count > 0 && dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1).Type == DocumentNodeType.dnParagraph); 11174int nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; 11196nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; 11229for (int i = 0; i < mlHave.Count; i++) 11252if (levels == null || levels.Count == 0) 11293DocumentNode dnPara = dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 1); 11329int nLists = mlHave.Count; 11330int nLevel = mlWant.Count; 11368if (nMatch < mlCouldHave.Count && mlCouldWant.Count > nMatch) 11385if (dna.Count > 1 && dna.EntryAt(dna.Count - 2).Type == DocumentNodeType.dnListItem) 11597dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); 11622dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); 11628dna.CloseAt(dna.Count - 1); 11629dna.CoalesceChildren(_converterState, dna.Count - 1); 11702for (; nMatch < mlHave.Count && nMatch < mlWant.Count; nMatch++) 11728int nLists = mlHave.Count; 11729int nLevel = mlWant.Count; 11750mlHave.RemoveRange(mlHave.Count - 1, 1); 11762if (nLevel <= mlWant.Count) 11764mlWant[nLists] = mlWant[mlWant.Count - 1]; 11771nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; 11795nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1; 11810nInsertAt = dna.Count - 1;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\Speller.cs (7)
788if (segments.Count != 0) 1224if (segments.Count == 0) 1269sTextRange = (SpellerInteropBase.ITextRange)segments[Math.Min(i, segments.Count-1)]; 1336sTextRange = (SpellerInteropBase.ITextRange)segments[segments.Count - 1]; 1341index = segments.Count; 1346for (index = 0; index < segments.Count; index++) 1361if (index < segments.Count - 1 &&
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\SpellerStatusTable.cs (12)
93for (index = FindIndex(searchStart.CreateStaticPointer(), LogicalDirection.Forward); index >= 0 && index < _runList.Count; index++) 203for (i = index+1; i < _runList.Count; i++) 342maxIndex = _runList.Count; 489if (index < _runList.Count - 1 && GetRun(index + 1).RunType == runType) 544if (index < _runList.Count - 1 && GetRun(index + 1).RunType == run.RunType) 623for (i = index; i < _runList.Count; i++) 638if (index < _runList.Count) 645if (index < _runList.Count && GetRun(index).RunType == RunType.Dirty) 679Invariant.Assert(_runList.Count >= 1, "Run list should never be empty!"); 685for (i = 0; i < _runList.Count; i++) 689if (_runList.Count == 1) 762if (index + 1 < _runList.Count)
src\Framework\System\windows\Documents\TextEditor.cs (1)
348for (int i = 0; i < _registeredEditingTypes.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\windows\Documents\TextEditorTyping.cs (1)
174for (int i = 0; i < threadLocalStore.PendingInputItems.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\TextStore.cs (8)
728if (_preparedattributes.Count == 0) 748if (_preparedattributes.Count == 0) 777if (i >= _preparedattributes.Count) 1422for (dwCookie = 0; dwCookie < _mouseSinks.Count; dwCookie++) 1436if (_mouseSinks.Count == 1) 1453for (i = 0; i < _mouseSinks.Count; i++) 1460if (_mouseSinks.Count == 0) 2980for (i = 0; (i < _mouseSinks.Count) && (eaten == false); i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\XamlToRtfParser.cs (8)
121if (xamlToRtfError == XamlToRtfError.None && _xamlTagStack.Count != 0) 508if (Count > 0) 510RemoveAt(Count - 1); 516if (Count == 0) 521string top = (string)this[Count - 1]; 594length = (_xamlParsePoints.Count - 1) / 2; 629int nLength = (_xamlParsePoints.Count - 1) / 2; 674int nLength = (_xamlParsePoints.Count - 1) / 2;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Documents\XamlToRtfWriter.cs (56)
203if (lltComputed.Count > i) 228for (i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) 233Debug.Assert(openLists.Count > 0); 234if (openLists.Count > 0) 236openLists.RemoveRange(openLists.Count - 1, 1); 237if (openLists.Count > 0) 239DocumentNode dn1 = (DocumentNode)openLists[openLists.Count - 1]; 279if (bFirst && openLists.Count > 0) 282DocumentNode dnList = (DocumentNode)openLists[openLists.Count - 1]; 283int iLevel = openLists.Count; 298for (j = 0; j < listLevelTable.Count; j++) 308if (j == listLevelTable.Count) 316if (listLevelTable.Count > nListStyles) 318nListStyles = listLevelTable.Count; 327for (j = 0; j < openLists.Count; j++) 359for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) 396long[] openCounts = new long[dna.Count]; 397long[] openStarts = new long[dna.Count]; 402for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) 407Debug.Assert(openLists.Count > 0); 408if (openLists.Count > 0) 410openLists.RemoveRange(openLists.Count - 1, 1); 411if (openLists.Count > 0) 413DocumentNode dn1 = (DocumentNode)openLists[openLists.Count - 1]; 432openCounts[openLists.Count - 1] = dn.FormatState.StartIndex - 1; 433openStarts[openLists.Count - 1] = dn.FormatState.StartIndex; 438Debug.Assert(openLists.Count > 0); 441if (openLists.Count > 0) 443openCounts[openLists.Count - 1] = openCounts[openLists.Count - 1] + 1; 447if (dn.FormatState.ListLevel > 0 && openLists.Count > 0) 449DocumentNode dnList = (DocumentNode)openLists[openLists.Count - 1]; 450long nCount = openCounts[openLists.Count - 1]; 451long nStart = openStarts[openLists.Count - 1]; 464for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) 501for (int i = 0; i < dna.Count; i++) 533for (i = 0; i < fontTable.Count; i++) 557for (int i = 0; i < colorTable.Count; i++) 578if (listTable.Count > 0) 583for (int i = 0; i < listTable.Count; i++) 594for (int j = 0; j < listLevelTable.Count; j++) 649if (listOverrideTable.Count > 0) 653for (int i = 0; i < listOverrideTable.Count; i++) 1471if (cellArray.Count > 0) 1513for (int i = 0; i < cellArray.Count; i++) 1527for (int i = 0; i < cellArray.Count; i++) 1719for (int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < cellArray.Count; cellIndex++) 1755for (int i = 0; i < dnaRows.Count; i++) 1761for (int j = 0; j < dnaCells.Count; j++) 1767while (nColExtra < spanCounts.Count && ((int)spanCounts[nColExtra]) > 0) 1784while (nColHere < spanCounts.Count && ((int)spanCounts[nColHere]) > 0) 1798if (nColHere < spanCounts.Count) 1822while (nColExtra < spanCounts.Count) 1847while (nColHere < spanCounts.Count) 1986while (i < dna.Count) 3532fontTableEntry = fontTable.DefineEntry(fontTable.Count + 1);
src\Framework\System\Windows\FrameworkElement.cs (2)
1455exactMatch = keys.Count; 1467int bestMatch = keys.Count; // index of best match so far
src\Framework\System\Windows\Interop\HwndHost.cs (2)
136if(_hooks.Count == 0) 1372for(int i = 0, nCount = _hooks.Count; i < nCount; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\BamlMapTable.cs (14)
377if (AttributeIdMap.Count > 0 || TypeIdMap.Count > 0) 388for (int i=0; i<AttributeIdMap.Count; i++) 399for (int j=0; j<TypeIdMap.Count; j++) 532for (int i=0; i<AssemblyIdMap.Count; i++) 635Debug.Assert(id < StringIdMap.Count); 1127Debug.Assert(AssemblyIdMap.Count == record.AssemblyId || 1131if (AssemblyIdMap.Count == record.AssemblyId) 1279Debug.Assert(TypeIdMap.Count == record.TypeId || 1283if (TypeIdMap.Count == record.TypeId) 1656Debug.Assert(AttributeIdMap.Count == record.AttributeId || 1660if (AttributeIdMap.Count == record.AttributeId) 1672Debug.Assert(StringIdMap.Count == record.StringId || 1676if (StringIdMap.Count == record.StringId)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\BamlReader.cs (2)
208get { return _properties.Count; } 394if (_propertiesIndex < _properties.Count - 1)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\BamlRecordReader.cs (5)
570Debug.Assert(0 == ReaderContextStack.Count); // if not zero we missed an EndElement 1091if (RootList.Count == 0) 1523paramCount = paramList.Count; 4130for (int i = contextStack.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) 4670if (RootList.Count == 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\BamlRecordWriter.cs (17)
362((KeyDeferRecord)_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]).RecordList.Add(deferRecord); 506KeyDeferRecord keyRecord = (KeyDeferRecord)(_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 546for (int i = 0; i < record.RecordList.Count; i++) 581KeyDeferRecord keyRecord = (KeyDeferRecord)(_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 616KeyDeferRecord keyRecord = (KeyDeferRecord)(_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 850KeyDeferRecord keyRecord = (KeyDeferRecord)(_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 853Debug.Assert(keyRecord.RecordList.Count == 0, "Should have empty record list"); 1182KeyDeferRecord keyDeferRecord = ((KeyDeferRecord)_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]); 1506((KeyDeferRecord)_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]).RecordList.Add(deferRec); 1540for (int h = 0; h<_deferElement.Count; h++) 1559for (int i = 0; i<_deferKeys.Count; i++) 1572keyRecord.RecordList.Count > 0) 1574for (int j = 0; j < keyRecord.RecordList.Count; j++) 1623for (int j = 0; j<_deferValues.Count; j++) 1632deferKeyRecord.RecordList.Count > 0) 1652Debug.Assert(keyIndex == _deferKeys.Count, 1704KeyDeferRecord keyDeferRecord = ((KeyDeferRecord)_deferKeys[_deferKeys.Count-1]);
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\BamlWriter.cs (2)
977for (int i=0; i < _markupExtensionNodes.Count; i++) 1323if (_nodeTypeStack.Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\MarkupExtensionParser.cs (22)
331if (tokens.Count == 1) 337if (tokens.Count == 3 && 631ArrayList xamlNodes = new ArrayList(markupExtensionList.Count * 5); 633for (int i = 0; i<markupExtensionList.Count; i++) 804(list.Count == 1 || 805(list.Count > 1 && !(list[1] is String) && ((Char)list[1] == ',')))) 842ArrayList xamlNodes = new ArrayList(complexDefAttributesList.Count * 5); 843for (int i = 0; i<complexDefAttributesList.Count; i++) 880(list.Count == 1 || 881(list.Count > 1 && !(list[1] is String) && ((Char)list[1] == ',')))) 1114else if (list.Count == 0) 1120else if (list[list.Count - 1] is Char) 1134parameterName = (string) list[list.Count - 1]; 1154else if (list.Count > 0 && (list[list.Count-1] is Char)) 1254if (list != null && listIndex < list.Count) 1264for (; listIndex < list.Count; listIndex+=2) 1274if (list.Count > (listIndex+1) && 1362if (list != null && listIndex < list.Count) 1364ArrayList propertyNamesSoFar = new ArrayList(list.Count/4); 1366for (int k = listIndex; k < list.Count; k+=4) 1369if (k > (list.Count-3) ||
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\ParserStack.cs (11)
82object o = this[Count - 1]; 83RemoveAt(Count - 1); 91return this[Count - 1]; 109get { return Count > 0 ? this[Count - 1] : null; } 117get { return Count > 1 ? this[Count - 2] : null; } 125get { return Count > 2 ? this[Count - 3] : null; } 134get { return Count > 3 ? this[Count - 4] : null; }
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\XamlStream.cs (2)
416if (bufferArray.Count <= bufferIndex) 418Debug.Assert(bufferArray.Count == bufferIndex,"Need to allocate more than one buffer");
src\Framework\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Generated\ThicknessAnimationUsingKeyFrames.cs (1)
859for (int j = 0; j < unspecifiedBlocks.Count; j++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Navigation\NavigationService.cs (10)
702for (int i = ChildNavigationServices.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 1513if (_recursiveNavigateList.Count > 0) 1517return BindUriHelper.GetUriRelativeToPackAppBase((_recursiveNavigateList[_recursiveNavigateList.Count - 1] as NavigateQueueItem).Source); 2064if (clearRecursiveNavigations && _recursiveNavigateList.Count > 0) 2098for (; i < _childNavigationServices.Count; ++i) 2109if (++i < _childNavigationServices.Count) 2111for (; i < _childNavigationServices.Count; ++i) 2121Debug.Assert(PendingNavigationList.Count == 0, 2336Debug.Assert(PendingNavigationList.Count == 0, 2713if (!(PendingNavigationList.Count == 0 && _navStatus == NavigationStatus.Navigated))
src\Framework\System\Windows\Window.cs (1)
3712for (int i = 0; i < _threadWindowHandles.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\WindowCollection.cs (4)
118return _list.Count; 156clone = new WindowCollection(_list.Count); 157for (int i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++) 193for (int i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++)
System (204)
compmod\system\codedom\CodeNamespaceImportCollection.cs (1)
53return data.Count;
compmod\system\codedom\CodeTypeReference.cs (3)
227for(int i = 0; i < typeArgumentList.Count; i++) { 241else if( typeArgumentList.Count > 0 ) { 242for( int i = 0; i < typeArgumentList.Count; i++) {
compmod\system\codedom\compiler\CodeDomConfigurationHandler.cs (2)
134for (int i = 0; i < _allCompilerInfo.Count; i++) { 147for (int i = _allCompilerInfo.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
compmod\system\collections\specialized\nameobjectcollectionbase.cs (8)
158int count = _entriesArray.Count; 358for (int i = _entriesArray.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) { 368for (int i = _entriesArray.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) { 497return _entriesArray.Count; 514if (array.Length - index < _entriesArray.Count) { 544int n = _entriesArray.Count; 558int n = _entriesArray.Count; 572int n = _entriesArray.Count;
compmod\system\collections\specialized\namevaluecollection.cs (2)
138int n = (list != null) ? list.Count : 0; 160int n = (list != null) ? list.Count : 0;
compmod\system\collections\specialized\ordereddictionary.cs (4)
82return objectsArray.Count; 163if (index < 0 || index >= objectsArray.Count) { 246for (int i = 0; i < objectsArray.Count; i++) { 480return _objects.Count;
compmod\system\collections\specialized\stringcollection.cs (1)
39return data.Count;
compmod\system\componentmodel\design\DesignerOptionService.cs (2)
169return _children.Count; 237if (index < 0 || index >= _children.Count) {
compmod\system\componentmodel\design\serialization\ContextStack.cs (7)
40if (contextStack != null && contextStack.Count > 0) { 41return contextStack[contextStack.Count - 1]; 56if (contextStack != null && level < contextStack.Count) { 57return contextStack[contextStack.Count - 1 - level]; 75int level = contextStack.Count; 113if (contextStack != null && contextStack.Count > 0) { 114int idx = contextStack.Count - 1;
compmod\system\componentmodel\ExtendedPropertyDescriptor.cs (1)
47Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[attrList.Count];
compmod\system\componentmodel\ListSortDescriptionCollection.cs (1)
136return this.sorts.Count;
compmod\system\componentmodel\MemberDescriptor.cs (1)
125this.attributes = new Attribute[ newArray.Count ];
compmod\system\componentmodel\ReflectTypeDescriptionProvider.cs (3)
548TypeDescriptor.Trace("Extenders : Allocating property collection for {0} properties", propertyList.Count); 549PropertyDescriptor[] fullArray = new PropertyDescriptor[propertyList.Count]; 1167extendedProperties = new ReflectPropertyDescriptor[extendedList.Count];
compmod\system\componentmodel\TypeDescriptor.cs (3)
2804Attribute[] attrArray = new Attribute[list.Count]; 2810PropertyDescriptor[] propArray = new PropertyDescriptor[list.Count]; 2816EventDescriptor[] eventArray = new EventDescriptor[list.Count];
compmod\system\diagnostics\SwitchAttribute.cs (1)
64SwitchAttribute[] ret = new SwitchAttribute[switchAttribs.Count];
compmod\system\diagnostics\TraceListeners.cs (1)
59return list.Count;
compmod\system\security\permissions\ResourcePermissionBase.cs (1)
494for (int index = 0; index < securityElement.Children.Count; ++ index) {
net\System\Net\_AuthenticationManagerDefault.cs (3)
149for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) 199for (int i = 0; i < ModuleList.Count; i++) 450for (int k = 0; k < moduleList.Count; k++)
net\System\Net\_Connection.cs (28)
545return (m_ReadDone?0:1) + 2 * (m_WaitList.Count + m_WriteList.Count) + m_ReservedCount; 674GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::SubmitRequest WriteDone:" + m_WriteDone.ToString() + ", ReadDone:" + m_ReadDone.ToString() + ", m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count.ToString()); 698if (m_Free && m_WriteDone && (m_WriteList.Count == 0 || (request.Pipelined && !request.HasEntityBody && m_CanPipeline && m_Pipelining && !m_IsPipelinePaused && !forcedsubmit))) { 710Debug.Assert(m_WriteList.Count == 0); 840" WriteList:" + m_WriteList.Count); 845if (m_WriteList.Count == 0) 890m_IsPipelinePaused = m_WriteList.Count >= s_MaxPipelinedCount; 900GlobalLog.Print(m_WriteList.Count+" requests queued"); 1028m_IsPipelinePaused = m_WriteList.Count > s_MinPipelinedCount; 1031if (m_WriteList.Count != 0) { 1234GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count); 1268GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest() Non-Error m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count + " m_WaitList.Count:" + m_WaitList.Count); 1311GlobalLog.Enter("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::WriteStartNextRequest" + " WriteDone:" + m_WriteDone + " ReadDone:" + m_ReadDone + " WaitList:" + m_WaitList.Count + " WriteList:" + m_WriteList.Count); 1369GlobalLog.Enter("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ReadStartNextRequest" + " WriteDone:" + m_WriteDone + " ReadDone:" + m_ReadDone + " WaitList:" + m_WaitList.Count + " WriteList:" + m_WriteList.Count); 1384if (m_WriteList.Count > 0 && (object)currentRequest == m_WriteList[0]) 1393GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ReadStartNextRequest() Removed request#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(currentRequest) + " from m_WriteList. New m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count.ToString()); 1397GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ReadStartNextRequest() The request#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(currentRequest) + " was disassociated so do nothing. m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count.ToString()); 1454if (m_WriteList.Count != 0) 1567if (m_WriteList.Count == 0) 2549if (m_WriteList.Count == 0 || ((m_CurrentRequest = m_WriteList[0] as HttpWebRequest) == null)) 2770GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ParseResponseData()" + " WriteDone:" + m_WriteDone + " ReadDone:" + m_ReadDone + " WaitList:" + m_WaitList.Count + " WriteList:" + m_WriteList.Count); 2934if (m_WriteList.Count != 0 || m_WaitList.Count != 0) 2937GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::PrepareCloseConnectionSocket() m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count); 2987if (m_WriteList.Count != 0) 3055if (m_WriteList.Count != 1) 3086requestArray = new HttpWebRequest[m_WriteList.Count]; 3182GlobalLog.Print("Connection#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::HandleError() m_WriteList.Count:" + m_WriteList.Count + 3888for (int i = 0; i < m_WriteList.Count; i++)
net\System\Net\_ConnectionGroup.cs (5)
66return m_ConnectionList.Count; 268GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::DisableKeepAliveOnConnections() Name = " + m_Name + ", Count:" + m_ConnectionList.Count); 364GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup::FindConnectionAuthenticationGroup [" + connName + "] for request#" + request.GetHashCode() +", m_ConnectionList.Count:" + m_ConnectionList.Count.ToString()); 466GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup::FindConnection [" + connName + "] m_ConnectionList.Count:" + m_ConnectionList.Count.ToString()); 517GlobalLog.Print("ConnectionGroup::FindConnection, closed connections to remove: " + closedConnections.Count.ToString());
net\System\Net\_SecureChannel.cs (3)
686Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, this, SR.GetString(SR.net_log_n_certs_after_filtering, filteredCerts.Count)); 687if (filteredCerts.Count != 0) 698for (int i=0; i < filteredCerts.Count; ++i)
net\System\Net\_TLSstream.cs (6)
446if (m_PendingIO.Count == 0) 509if(m_PendingIO.Count > 1) 589while(m_PendingIO.Count != 0) 591LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = (LazyAsyncResult )m_PendingIO[m_PendingIO.Count-1]; 593m_PendingIO.RemoveAt(m_PendingIO.Count-1); 597if (m_PendingIO.Count == 0)
net\System\Net\_WebProxyDataBuilder.cs (2)
255GlobalLog.Print("WebProxyDataBuilder::ParseBypassList() bypassList.Count:" + bypassList.Count + " adding:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(trimmedBypassString)); 258GlobalLog.Print("WebProxyDataBuilder::ParseBypassList() bypassList.Count:" + bypassList.Count + " added:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(trimmedBypassString));
net\System\Net\Cache\_Rfc2616CacheValidators.cs (8)
1343if (varyValues.Count == 0) { 1369for (int i = 0; i < varyValues.Count; ++i) { 1387if (requestFields.Count != cacheFields.Count) { 1393for (int j = 0; j < cacheFields.Count; ++j) { 1784if (varyValues.Count != 0 && ((string)(varyValues[0]))[0] != '*') { 1788ctx.SystemMeta = new NameValueCollection(varyValues.Count+1, CaseInsensitiveAscii.StaticInstance); 1790for (int i = 0; i < varyValues.Count; ++i) {
net\System\Net\Cache\_SingleItemRequestCache.cs (1)
568for (int i = 0; i < _Buffers.Count; ++i)
net\System\Net\Cache\HttpRequestCacheValidator.cs (5)
950if (privateList.Count != 0) { 980if (nocacheList.Count != 0) { 1069if (privateList.Count != 0) { 1097if (nocacheList.Count != 0) { 1164for (int i=0; i < remainingWarnings.Count; ++i) {
net\System\Net\connectionpool.cs (2)
407m_TotalObjects = m_ObjectList.Count; 436m_TotalObjects = m_ObjectList.Count;
net\System\Net\cookiecollection.cs (3)
71if (index < 0 || index >= m_list.Count) { 133return m_list.Count; 217if (idx == m_list.Count) {
net\System\Net\DNS.cs (3)
123HostEntry.AddressList = new IPAddress[TempList.Count]; 158HostEntry.Aliases = new string[TempList.Count]; 1182hostinfo.AddressList = new IPAddress[addresses.Count];
net\System\Net\HttpListener.cs (4)
1896SendError(requestId, challenges != null && challenges.Count > 0 ? HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized : HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, challenges); 2346httpResponse.Headers.UnknownHeaderCount = checked((ushort) (challenges == null ? 0 : challenges.Count)); 2623for (int i = 0; i < digestsToClose.Count; i++) 2664for (int k = 0; k < toClose[j].Count; k++)
net\System\Net\HttpListenerRequest.cs (1)
1315int n = values.Count;
net\System\Net\mail\SmtpAuthenticationManager.cs (2)
79ISmtpAuthenticationModule[] copy = new ISmtpAuthenticationModule[modules.Count]; 80modules.CopyTo(0, copy, 0, modules.Count);
net\System\Net\mail\SmtpFailedRecipientsException.cs (3)
55innerExceptions != null && innerExceptions.Count > 0 ? ((SmtpFailedRecipientException) innerExceptions[0]).FailedRecipient : null, 56innerExceptions != null && innerExceptions.Count > 0 ? (SmtpFailedRecipientException) innerExceptions[0] : null) 63this.innerExceptions = new SmtpFailedRecipientException[innerExceptions.Count];
net\System\Net\mail\SmtpTransport.cs (13)
331if (failedRecipientExceptions.Count > 0) 333if (failedRecipientExceptions.Count == 1) 339exception = new SmtpFailedRecipientsException(failedRecipientExceptions, failedRecipientExceptions.Count == recipients.Count); 342if (failedRecipientExceptions.Count == recipients.Count){ 470if (thisPtr.failedRecipientExceptions.Count == thisPtr.toCollection.Count) 504if (failedRecipientExceptions.Count > 1) 506InvokeCallback(new SmtpFailedRecipientsException(failedRecipientExceptions, failedRecipientExceptions.Count == toCollection.Count)); 508else if (failedRecipientExceptions.Count == 1) 527if (thisPtr.failedRecipientExceptions.Count > 1) 529thisPtr.InvokeCallback(new SmtpFailedRecipientsException(thisPtr.failedRecipientExceptions, thisPtr.failedRecipientExceptions.Count == thisPtr.toCollection.Count)); 531else if (thisPtr.failedRecipientExceptions.Count == 1) 550if (failedRecipientExceptions.Count == 1) 554else if (failedRecipientExceptions.Count > 1)
net\System\Net\SocketPermission.cs (14)
327for (int i = 0; i < m_connectList.Count; i++) { 330for (int i = 0; i < m_acceptList.Count; i++) { 367result.m_connectList.Count == 0 && result.m_acceptList.Count == 0) { 379return (m_noRestriction == false && m_connectList.Count == 0 && m_acceptList.Count == 0); 391} else if (this.m_acceptList.Count + this.m_connectList.Count ==0) { 393} else if (other.m_acceptList.Count + other.m_connectList.Count ==0) { 593if (m_connectList.Count > 0) { 607if (m_acceptList.Count > 0) { 640bool[] aDone=new bool[A.Count]; //used to avoid duplicates in result 641bool[] bDone=new bool[B.Count];
net\System\Net\WebHeaderCollection.cs (1)
821string[] ReturnArray = new string[ValueList.Count];
net\System\Net\WebPermission.cs (18)
271ArrayList cloned = new ArrayList(m_connectList.Count); 273for (int i = 0; i < m_connectList.Count; ++i) 294ArrayList cloned = new ArrayList(m_acceptList.Count); 296for (int i = 0; i < m_acceptList.Count; ++i) 544return !m_noRestriction && !m_UnrestrictedConnect && !m_UnrestrictedAccept && m_connectList.Count == 0 && m_acceptList.Count == 0; 574else if (m_acceptList.Count != 0) 576if (other.m_acceptList.Count == 0) 599else if (m_connectList.Count != 0) 601if (other.m_connectList.Count == 0) 679for (int i = 0; i < m_connectList.Count; i++) { 699for (int i = 0; i < m_acceptList.Count; i++) { 767result.m_connectList.Count == 0 && result.m_acceptList.Count == 0) { 906if (m_UnrestrictedConnect || m_connectList.Count > 0) 938if (m_UnrestrictedAccept || m_acceptList.Count > 0) 1027bool[] aDone = new bool[A.Count]; 1028bool[] bDone = new bool[B.Count];
net\System\Net\webproxy.cs (4)
309if ( bypassList != null && bypassList.Count > 0 ) { 310regExBypassList = new Regex[bypassList.Count]; 311for (int i = 0; i < bypassList.Count; i++ ) { 336for (int i = 0; i < _BypassList.Count; i++ ) {
net\System\Net\WebRequest.cs (2)
152for (int i = 0; i < prefixList.Count; i++) { 402while (i < prefixList.Count) {
regex\system\text\regularexpressions\RegexMatchCollection.cs (4)
71if (_matches.Count > i) 92} while (_matches.Count <= i); 105return _matches.Count; 109return _matches.Count;
security\system\security\cryptography\asnencodeddata.cs (1)
151return m_list.Count;
security\system\security\cryptography\oid.cs (1)
168return m_list.Count;
security\system\security\cryptography\x509\x509extension.cs (2)
626if (index >= m_list.Count) 651return m_list.Count;
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\EventLog.cs (1)
743string[] newsourcesArray = new string[newsources.Count];
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\EventLogInternal.cs (1)
1395if (info.listeningComponents.Count != 0)
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\Process.cs (2)
1052int count = processInfo.threadInfoList.Count; 1567Process[] temp = new Process[list.Count];
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\ProcessManager.cs (5)
398for (int i = 0; i < threadInfos.Count; i++) { 459ModuleInfo[] temp = new ModuleInfo[moduleInfos.Count]; 721ModuleInfo[] temp = new ModuleInfo[moduleInfos.Count]; 823NativeMethods.PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION[] counters = new NativeMethods.PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION[counterList.Count]; 876for (int i = 0; i < threadInfos.Count; i++) {
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\ProcessStartInfo.cs (1)
317string[] temp = new string[verbs.Count];
services\monitoring\system\diagnosticts\SharedPerformanceCounter.cs (10)
209totalSize = CategoryEntrySize + InstanceEntrySize + (CounterEntrySize * categoryData.CounterNames.Count) + categoryNameLength; 210for (int i=0; i<categoryData.CounterNames.Count; i++) { 262nextPtr += CounterEntrySize * categoryData.CounterNames.Count; 295for (int i=1; i<categoryData.CounterNames.Count; i++) { 328int totalSize = InstanceEntrySize + (CounterEntrySize * categoryData.CounterNames.Count); 352for (int i=0; i<categoryData.CounterNames.Count; i++) { 368nextPtr += CounterEntrySize * categoryData.CounterNames.Count; 400for (int i=1; i<categoryData.CounterNames.Count; i++) { 416for (int i=0; i<categoryData.CounterNames.Count; i++) { 926int totalSize = InstanceEntrySize + ProcessLifetimeEntrySize + InstanceNameSlotSize + (CounterEntrySize * categoryData.CounterNames.Count);
sys\system\configuration\SettingsPropertyValueCollection.cs (3)
72if (ipos >= _Values.Count) 101if (ipos >= _Values.Count) 144public int Count { get { return _Values.Count; } }
System.Activities.Presentation (3)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\Model\ModelPropertyEntry.cs (3)
920for (int i = 1; i < _parent._properties.Count && _standardValues.Count > 0; i++) 929if (nextSetOfValues == null || nextSetOfValues.Count == 0) 936for (int j = 0; j < _standardValues.Count; j++)
System.Configuration (23)
System\Configuration\BaseConfigurationRecord.cs (2)
379while (i < _parent._locationSections.Count) { 3791&& (_locationSections == null || _locationSections.Count == 0);
System\Configuration\ConfigurationElement.cs (1)
451if (errorsList.Count == 0) {
System\Configuration\ConfigurationElementCollection.cs (5)
413return _items.Count - _removedItemCount; 484for (int index = 0; index < _items.Count; index++) { 625if (index > _items.Count) { 912for (int CheckIndex = 0; CheckIndex < _items.Count; CheckIndex++) { 919for (int RemoveIndex = _items.Count - 1; RemoveIndex >= 0; RemoveIndex--) {
System\Configuration\ConfigurationErrorsException.cs (3)
101this((ConfigurationException) (coll.Count > 0 ? coll[0] : null)) { 103if (coll.Count > 1) { 104_errors = new ConfigurationException[coll.Count];
System\Configuration\ConfigurationPropertyCollection.cs (4)
18return _items.Count; 54for (int index = 0; index < _items.Count; index++) { 65for (int index = 0; index < _items.Count; index++) { 81for (int index = 0; index < _items.Count; index++) {
System\Configuration\elementinformation.cs (2)
161count = arrayList.Count; 164exceptionList = new ConfigurationException[arrayList.Count];
System\Configuration\MgmtConfigurationRecord.cs (2)
899while (i < _locationSections.Count) { 2054while (i < _locationSections.Count) {
System\Configuration\SectionUpdates.cs (4)
257if (unretrievedGroups.Count == 0) 260string[] groupNames = new string[unretrievedGroups.Count]; 280if (newsGroups.Count == 0) 283string[] groupNames = new string[newsGroups.Count];
System.Data (88)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\Model\ModelPropertyEntry.cs (3)
920for (int i = 1; i < _parent._properties.Count && _standardValues.Count > 0; i++) 929if (nextSetOfValues == null || nextSetOfValues.Count == 0) 936for (int j = 0; j < _standardValues.Count; j++)
fx\src\data\System\Data\BaseCollection.cs (1)
33return List.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\CodeGen\datacache.cs (3)
89if (errorList.Count > 0) { 443DataColumn[] index = new DataColumn[parameterColumnList.Count]; 1084CodeStatement[] schemaBodyArray = new CodeStatement[schemaBody.Count];
fx\src\data\System\Data\CodeGen\StrongTypingException.cs (2)
105info.AddValue(KEY_ARRAYCOUNT, errorList.Count); 106for (int i = 0; i < errorList.Count; i++) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\DBDataPermission.cs (1)
180bool flag = (!IsUnrestricted() && !AllowBlankPassword && ((null == keyvalues) || (0 == keyvalues.Count)));
fx\src\data\System\Data\ConstraintCollection.cs (11)
57if (index >= 0 && index < List.Count) { 400int oldLength = List.Count; 402Constraint[] constraints = new Constraint[List.Count]; 445if (array.Length - index < list.Count) 447for(int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { 456int constraintCount = List.Count; 468int constraintCount = List.Count; 482int constraintCount = List.Count; 495int constraintCount = List.Count; 558int constraintCount = List.Count; 600int constraintCount = List.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataColumnCollection.cs (10)
130if (_list.Capacity < capacity + _list.Count) { 131_list.Capacity = capacity + _list.Count; 270column.SetOrdinalInternal(_list.Count - 1); 283int count = _list.Count; 540int oldLength = _list.Count; 542DataColumn[] columns = new DataColumn[_list.Count]; 605if (array.Length - index < _list.Count) 607for(int i = 0; i < _list.Count; ++i) { 618int columnCount = _list.Count; 704int count = _list.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataRelationCollection.cs (9)
276if (array.Length - index < alist.Count) 278for(int i = 0; i < alist.Count; ++i) { 289int relationCount = List.Count; 313int count = List.Count; 520if (index >= 0 && index < relations.Count) 594for (int i = 0; i < relations.Count; i++) { 669if (index >= 0 && index < relations.Count) 703for (int i = 0; i < relations.Count; i++) { 755for (int i = 0; i < relations.Count; i++) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataTableCollection.cs (13)
113for (int i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++) { 126for (int i = 0; i < _list.Count; i++) { 433int oldLength = _list.Count; 434DataTable[] tables = new DataTable[_list.Count]; 477int count = _list.Count; 493int count = _list.Count; 507if (array.Length - index < _list.Count) 509for(int i = 0; i < _list.Count; ++i) { 520int tableCount = _list.Count; 557Debug.Assert(_list.Count == tableList.Count, "Both lists should have equal numbers of tables"); 570int count = _list.Count; 602int count = _list.Count; 671int tableCount = _list.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\Odbc\OdbcErrorCollection.cs (1)
32return _items.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\OleDb\OleDbErrorCollection.cs (1)
49return ((null != items) ? items.Count : 0);
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlBulkCopy.cs (1)
83return _rowset.Count;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlErrorCollection.cs (1)
34get { return this.errors.Count;}
fx\src\data\System\Data\XMLDiffLoader.cs (3)
225for(int i = 0; i < dt.Count; i++) { 260if (tables.Count == 0) 263for(int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\xmlsaver.cs (20)
288for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++) { 369for(int i = 0; i < dt.Count; i++) { 436for (int i = 0; i < _tables.Count; i++) { 455if (topTables.Count == 0) 457DataTable[] temp = new DataTable[topTables.Count]; 655if (ds != null && _tables.Count> 0) { // we need to make sure we want to write relation just for tables in list 661else if (writeHierarchy && _tables.Count > 0 ) { 663rels = new DataRelation[_relations.Count]; 1781if (_tables.Count > 0) { 2011for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++) { 2015for (int i = 0; i < tables.Count; i++) { 2025for (int i = 0; i < _tables.Count; i++) { 2058for(int i = 0; i < _tables.Count; i++) { 2072for(int i = 0; i < _tables.Count; i++) { 2365for (int i = 0; i < _dTables.Count; i++) { 2384if (topTables.Count == 0) 2386DataTable[] temp = new DataTable[topTables.Count]; 2439for(int i = 0; i < _dTables.Count ; i++) { 2487for(int i = 0; i < _dTables.Count ; i++) { 2504for(int i = 0; i < _dTables.Count ; i++) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\XMLSchema.cs (2)
692for(int i=0; i<ColumnExpressions.Count; i++) { 1020DataColumn [] key = new DataColumn[keyColumns.Count];
fx\src\data\System\Data\XmlToDatasetMap.cs (2)
342this.tableSchemaMap = new XmlNodeIdHashtable( tableList.Count ); 391while (nCounter < tableList.Count) {
fx\src\data\System\NewXml\XmlDataDocument.cs (4)
70for (int i = 0; i < al.Count; i++ ) { 1453if ( columnChangeList.Count > 0 ) { 2412while ( rowElemList.Count > 0 ) { 2436while ( rowElemList.Count > 0 ) {
System.Data.Services (1)
System\Data\Services\Serializers\JsonReader.cs (1)
225if (array.Count != 0)
System.Data.SqlXml (64)
System\Xml\Xsl\IlGen\XmlILConstructAnalyzer.cs (2)
792for (idx = 0; idx < this.dupAttrs.Count; idx++) { 801if (idx >= this.dupAttrs.Count) {
System\Xml\Xsl\IlGen\XmlILOptimizerVisitor.cs (1)
4330isUsed = XmlILConstructInfo.Read(nd).CallersInfo.Count != 0;
System\Xml\Xsl\QIL\SubstitutionList.cs (4)
40s.RemoveRange(s.Count - 2, 2); 50s.RemoveRange(s.Count - n, n); 60Debug.Assert(s.Count % 2 == 0); 61for (int i = s.Count-2; i >= 0; i-=2)
System\Xml\Xsl\Runtime\WhitespaceRuleLookup.cs (1)
92for (int pos = this.wildcards.Count; pos-- != 0;) {
System\Xml\Xsl\Runtime\XmlQueryRuntime.cs (1)
850for (int i = 0; i < docIndexes.Count; i += 2) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\ActionFrame.cs (2)
129Debug.Assert(0 < sortarray.Count); 130int numSorts = sortarray.Count;
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\ApplyTemplatesAction.cs (2)
129if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { 146if (processor.SortArray.Count != 0) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\Avt.cs (2) = new TextEvent[eventList.Count]; 29for(int i = 0; i < eventList.Count; i ++) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\CallTemplateAction.cs (1)
80if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\Compiler.cs (1)
965Debug.Assert(!constant || list.Count <= 1, "We can't have more then 1 text event if now {avt} found");
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\ContainerAction.cs (5)
194for (int i = imports.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i --) { // Imports should be compiled in reverse order 798if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) { 820if (this.containedActions != null && actionIndex < this.containedActions.Count) { 843int count = this.containedActions.Count; 844for(int i= 0; i < this.containedActions.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\CopyCodeAction.cs (5)
36int count = this.copyEvents.Count; 44Debug.Assert(this.copyEvents != null && this.copyEvents.Count > 0); 56Debug.Assert(frame.Counter < this.copyEvents.Count); 64if (frame.IncrementCounter() >= this.copyEvents.Count) { 77Debug.Assert(frame.Counter < this.copyEvents.Count);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\DbgCompiler.cs (3)
82for(int i = 0; i < globalVars.Count; i ++) { 105Debug.Assert(count <= this.localVars.Count, "This scope can't have more variables than we have in total"); 107this.localVars.RemoveRange(this.localVars.Count - count, count);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\ForeachAction.cs (1)
65Debug.Assert(processor.SortArray.Count != 0);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\NewInstructionAction.cs (1)
54if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\NumberAction.cs (2)
460int numberlistCount = numberlist.Count; 487for (int i = 0; i < numberlist.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\ReaderOutput.cs (1)
513Debug.Assert(0 <= attrib && attrib < this.attributeList.Count);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\RecordBuilder.cs (5)
233Debug.Assert(this.attributeCount <= this.attributeList.Count); 280if (this.attributeCount >= this.attributeList.Count) { 281Debug.Assert(this.attributeCount == this.attributeList.Count); 629if (this.namespaceCount >= this.namespaceList.Count) { 630Debug.Assert(this.namespaceCount == this.namespaceList.Count);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\RootAction.cs (3)
47for(int i=0; i < keyNodes.Count; i++) { 149for(int src = srcAttList.Count - 1; 0 <= src; src --) { 235if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\SequentialOutput.cs (2)
360for(int record = 0; record < this.outputCache.Count; record ++) { 605Debug.Assert(count <= list.Count);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\Stylesheet.cs (11)
83for (int i= 0; i < this.whitespaceList.Count ; i++ ) { 84for(int j = this.whitespaceList.Count - 1; j > i; j--) { 97for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { 110for (int i = this.whitespaceList.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i --) { 118for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { 202for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { 223for(int i=0 ; i< manager.templates.Count; i++) { 238for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { 281for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { 344for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) { 372for (int importIndex = this.imports.Count - 1; importIndex >= 0; importIndex --) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\TemplateAction.cs (1)
209if (this.containedActions != null && this.containedActions.Count > 0) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\Templatemanager.cs (1)
80for (int templateIndex = this.templates.Count - 1; templateIndex >= 0 ; templateIndex --) {
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\WriterOutput.cs (1)
93Debug.Assert(list.Count >= count);
System\Xml\Xsl\XsltOld\XsltCompileContext.cs (5)
279value.ComparePosition((XPathNavigator) list[list.Count - 1]) != XmlNodeOrder.Before, 285if (value.ComparePosition((XPathNavigator) list[list.Count - 1]) == XmlNodeOrder.Same) { 290value.ComparePosition((XPathNavigator) list[list.Count - 1]) != XmlNodeOrder.Same, 755Debug.Assert(resultCollection.Count != 0); 756Debug.Assert(newList.Count != 0);
System.Drawing (5)
commonui\System\Drawing\ColorConverter.cs (2)
373int count = arrayValues.Count; 388arrayValues.Sort(0, arrayValues.Count, new ColorComparer());
commonui\System\Drawing\Design\ToolboxItem.cs (1)
379IComponent[] temp = new IComponent[comps.Count];
misc\ClientUtils.cs (2)
405for( int idx = 0; idx < this.InnerList.Count; idx++ ) { 431public int Count { get { return InnerList.Count; } }
System.Management (30)
Instrumentation\EventSource.cs (1)
272if (reqList.Count > 0)
InteropClasses\WMIInterop.cs (1)
2054if (reqList.Count > 0)
WmiGenerator.cs (28)
1855if (Values.Count > 0 && (ValueMap.Count == 0 || ValueMap.Count == Values.Count)) 1857if (ValueMap.Count == 0) 1881for (int i = 0; i < Values.Count; i++) 1886if (ValueMap.Count > 0) 1959if (BitValues.Count > 0 && (BitMap.Count == 0 || BitMap.Count == BitValues.Count)) 1961if(BitMap.Count == 0) 1986for (int i = 0; i < BitValues.Count; i++) 1990if (BitMap.Count > 0) 2035if (BitValues.Count > 30) 2091for(int i=0; i < arrKeys.Count;i++) 2111for(int i=0; i < arrKeys.Count;i++) 2192if (arrKeyType.Count > 0) 2201for(int i=0; i < arrKeys.Count;i++) 2226for(int i=0; i < arrKeys.Count;i++) 2258if (arrKeyType.Count > 0) 2260for(int i=0; i < arrKeys.Count;i++) 2287for(int i=0; i < arrKeys.Count;i++) 2984for(int i=0; i < outParamsName.Count;i++) 3073for(int i=0; i < inoutParams.Count;i++) 3223for(int i=0;i < inoutParams.Count;i++) 4891for( int i = 0 ; i < arrIn.Count ; i++) 4917for (int i=0; i < arrToSearch.Count; i++)
System.Messaging (3)
System\Messaging\MessageQueue.cs (2)
1713MessageQueue[] queues = new MessageQueue[messageQueuesList.Count]; 1877Message[] resultMessages = new Message[messageList.Count];
System\Messaging\MessageQueuePermission.cs (1)
164for (int index = 0; index < securityElement.Children.Count; ++index)
System.Runtime.Remoting (149)
metadata\metadata.cs (3)
167String[] sourceTexts = new String[outCodeStreamList.Count]; 168String[] sourceTextNames = new String[outCodeStreamList.Count]; 172for(int item=0;item<outCodeStreamList.Count;item++)
metadata\wsdlparser.cs (96)
173if (parsingComplexType.Fields.Count > 0) 915for (int i=0;i<_URTNamespaces.Count;i++) 1546if (wsdlBindings.Count == 0) 1554if (binding.suds != null && binding.suds.Count > 0) 1872for (int i=0; i<binding.operations.Count; i++) 1926if ((portType == null) || (portType.operations.Count != binding.operations.Count)) 2009methodInfo.inputNames = new String[]; 2010methodInfo.inputNamesNs = new String[]; 2011methodInfo.inputElements = new String[]; 2012methodInfo.inputElementsNs = new String[]; 2013methodInfo.inputTypes = new String[]; 2014methodInfo.inputTypesNs = new String[]; 2015for (int ip=0; ip<; ip++) 2053methodInfo.outputNames = new String[]; 2054methodInfo.outputNamesNs = new String[]; 2055methodInfo.outputElements = new String[]; 2056methodInfo.outputElementsNs = new String[]; 2057methodInfo.outputTypes = new String[]; 2058methodInfo.outputTypesNs = new String[]; 2059for (int ip=0; ip<; ip++) 2139for (int i=0;i<_URTNamespaces.Count;i++) 2142for (int i=0;i<_URTNamespaces.Count;i++) 2145for (int i=0;i<_URTNamespaces.Count;i++) 2676Util.Log("WsdlParser.lookupNamespace name "+name+" number of NS "+_URTNamespaces.Count); 2677for (int i=0;i<_URTNamespaces.Count;i++) 2732for (int i=0;i<_URTNamespaces.Count;i++) 2746for (int i=0;i<_URTNamespaces.Count;i++) 3499_params.Count == suppliedMethod._params.Count) 3501for (int i=0;i<_params.Count;i++) 3520for (int i=0;i<_params.Count;i++) 3628for (int j=0; j<inherit.Count; j++) 3693Util.Log("URTMethod.IsSignature param length "+paramInfos.Length+" URTParams length "+_params.Count); 3695if (_params.Count != paramInfos.Length) 3717for (int i=0;i<_params.Count;i++) 3777if (_params.Count > 0) 3781for (int i=1;i<_params.Count;i++) 3818for (int i=0;i<_params.Count;i++) 3855if (_params.Count > 0) 3859for (int i=1;i<_params.Count;i++) 4197Object[] paramsInOrder = new Object[_params.Count]; 4198for (int i=0; i<_params.Count; i++) 4315Object[] paramsInOrder = new Object[_params.Count]; 4316for (int i=0; i<_params.Count; i++) 4479for (i=0;i<printedIFaces.Count;i++) 4741for (int i=0;i<_baseIFaceNames.Count;i=i+2) 4774for (int i=0;i<_methods.Count;i++) 4826if (_baseIFaces.Count > 0) 4829if (_baseIFaces.Count > 0) 4832for (int i=1;i<_baseIFaces.Count;i++) 4846Util.Log("URTInterface.PrintCSC method count "+_methods.Count); 4848for (int i=0;i<_methods.Count;i++) 4870for (int i=0;i<printedIFaces.Count;i++) 4878Util.Log("URTInterface.PrintClassMethods method 2 "+Name+" _methods.Count "+_methods.Count); 4882if (_methods.Count > 0) 4907for (int i=0;i<_methods.Count;i++) 4917for (int i=0;i<_baseIFaces.Count;i++) 5338(_facets.Count == 0) && 5459for (int i=0;i<_facets.Count;i++) 5663Util.Log("URTComplexType.IsEmittableFieldType _fieldString "+_fieldString+" _bAnonymous "+_bAnonymous+" _fields.Count "+_fields.Count); 5667(_fields.Count == 1)) 5729Util.Log("URTComplexType.GetMethod "+name+" count "+_methods.Count+" Name "+Name+" base ns "+_baseTypeXmlNS+" base name "+_baseTypeName); 5730for (int i=0;i<_methods.Count;i++) 5824for (int i=0;i<_implIFaceNames.Count;i=i+2) 5858for (int i=0;i<_methods.Count;i++) 5864for (int i=0;i<_methods.Count;i++) 6000if (_baseTypeName != null || _sudsUse == SudsUse.ISerializable || _implIFaces.Count > 0) 6046if (_implIFaces.Count > 0) 6048for (int i=0;i<_implIFaces.Count;i++) 6074if (_methods.Count > 0) 6089for (int i=0;i<_methods.Count;i++) 6111if (_fields.Count > 0) 6115for (int i=0;i<_fields.Count;i++) 6123if (_nestedTypes != null && _nestedTypes.Count > 0) 6173for (int i=0; i<_connectURLs.Count; i++) 6664(_URTInterfaces.Count == 0) && 6676for (int i=0;i<_URTComplexTypes.Count;i++) 6691for (int i=0;i<_URTComplexTypes.Count;i++) 6711for (int i=0;i<_URTComplexTypes.Count;i++) 6729for (int i=0;i<_URTSimpleTypes.Count;i++) 6751for (int i=0;i<_URTComplexTypes.Count;i++) 6770for (int i=0;i<_URTSimpleTypes.Count;i++) 6787for (int i=0;i<_URTInterfaces.Count;i++) 6801for (int i=0;i<_elmDecls.Count;i++) 6854for (int i=0;i<_URTComplexTypes.Count;i++) 6860for (int i=0;i<_URTInterfaces.Count;i++) 6867for (int i=0;i<_URTComplexTypes.Count;i++) 6884for (int i=0;i<_URTComplexTypes.Count;i++) 6894for (int i=0;i<_URTSimpleTypes.Count;i++) 6902if (_URTInterfaces.Count > 0) 6938for (int i=0;i<_URTComplexTypes.Count;i++) 6951for (int i=0;i<_URTSimpleTypes.Count;i++) 6962for (int i=0;i<_URTInterfaces.Count;i++) 7014for (int i=0; i<parts.Count; i++) 7022for (int i=0; i<parts.Count; i++)
metadata\wsdlwriter.cs (50)
500for (int i=0;i<_namespaces.Count;i++) 523"ns" + _namespaces.Count, 549for (int i=0;i<_namespaces.Count;i++) 561if (_namespaces.Count > 0) 593for (int i=0;i<_namespaces.Count;i++) 607for (int i=0;i<_namespaces.Count;i++) 621for (int i=0;i<_namespaces.Count;i++) 678for (int i=0;i<_namespaces.Count;i++) 723for (int i=0; i<refNames.Count; i++) 1114bool bEmpty = (_abstractElms.Count == 0 && _restriction == null); 1123if (_abstractElms.Count > 0) 1125for (int i=0;i<_abstractElms.Count; i++) 1241return((_abstractElms.Count == 0) && 1242(_particles.Count == 0)); 1253int particleCount = _particles.Count; 1279int abstractElmCount = _abstractElms.Count; 1806for (int iparam=0; iparam<phony._inParamTypes.Count; iparam++) 1848for (int iparam=0; iparam<phony._outParamTypes.Count; iparam++) 1897if (phony != null && phony._paramNamesOrder.Count > 0) 1978for (int i=0;i<_xns._realSchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2360Type[] ifaceTypes = new Type[ifaceA.Count]; 2361for(int i=0; i<ifaceA.Count; i++) 2400for (int j=0; j<inherit.Count; j++) 2475if (additionalInfos.Count > 0) 2477finalMethodInfos = new MethodInfo[methodInfos.Length + additionalInfos.Count]; 2480for(int i=0; i<additionalInfos.Count; i++) 2683for (int i=0;i<_simpleSchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2695if (_arraySchemaTypes.Count > 0 || 2696_simpleSchemaTypes.Count > 0) 2699 if (_realSchemaTypes.Count == 0) 2703 for (int i=0;i<_realSchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2721Debug.Assert(_phonySchemaTypes.Count == 0, "PhonyTypes present"); 2722for (int i=0;i<_realSchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2735for (int i=0;i<_arraySchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2783for (int i=0;i<_phonySchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2805for (int i=0;i<_dependsOnSchemaNS.Count;i++) 2828for (int i=0;i<_dependsOnSUDSNS.Count;i++) 2850for (int i=0;i<_realSchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2859if (_dependsOnSchemaNS.Count > 0) 2861for (int i=0;i<_dependsOnSchemaNS.Count;i++) 2881Util.Log("XMLNamespace.PrintSchemaWsdl "+Namespace+" _realSchemaTypes.Count "+_realSchemaTypes.Count); 2895if ((_simpleSchemaTypes.Count > 0) || (_realSchemaTypes.Count > 0) || (_arraySchemaTypes.Count > 0)) 2940for (int i=0;i<_simpleSchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2946for (int i=0;i<_realSchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2953for (int i=0;i<_arraySchemaTypes.Count;i++) 2980for (int i=0;i<_realSUDSTypes.Count;i++) 2983if (_realSUDSTypes.Count == 0 && _realSchemaTypes.Count > 0)
System.Security (29)
system\security\cryptography\cryptographicattribute.cs (3)
109m_list = new ArrayList(other.m_list.Count); 138for (int index = 0; index < m_list.Count; index++) { 193return m_list.Count;
system\security\cryptography\pkcs\pkcs7recipient.cs (3)
98m_recipients = new ArrayList(other.m_recipients.Count); 106if (index < 0 || index >= m_recipients.Count) 115return m_recipients.Count;
system\security\cryptography\pkcs\recipientinfo.cs (2)
468if (index < 0 || index >= m_recipientInfos.Count) 476return m_recipientInfos.Count;
system\security\cryptography\xml\c14nutil.cs (5)
595get { return m_nodeArray.Count; } 731return GetScopeAt(m_ancestorStack.Count - 1); 737for (int i = m_ancestorStack.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 749for (int i = m_ancestorStack.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 763m_ancestorStack.RemoveAt(m_ancestorStack.Count - 1);
system\security\cryptography\xml\canonicalxml.cs (1)
175for (int i = m_ancestorStack.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
system\security\cryptography\xml\encryptedkey.cs (1)
231get { return m_references.Count; }
system\security\cryptography\xml\encryptedtype.cs (1)
289get { return m_props.Count; }
system\security\cryptography\xml\keyinfo.cs (2)
61for (int i = 0; i < m_KeyInfoClauses.Count; ++i) { 115get { return m_KeyInfoClauses.Count; }
system\security\cryptography\xml\signedinfo.cs (2)
176if (m_references.Count == 0) 179for (int i = 0; i < m_references.Count; ++i) {
system\security\cryptography\xml\signedxml.cs (4)
803for (int j=0; j < references.Count; ++j) { 850m_refProcessed = new bool[references.Count]; 851m_refLevelCache = new int[references.Count]; 882for (int i = 0; i < references.Count; ++i) {
system\security\cryptography\xml\transform.cs (5)
59get { return m_transforms.Count; } 64if (index >= m_transforms.Count) 1194if (ExceptUris.Count == 0) 1259if (ExceptUris.Count > 0) { 1260for (int index = 0; index < ExceptUris.Count; index++) {
System.ServiceModel (14)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\QueryIntervalOp.cs (9)
158return (this.Count > 0); 173this.Capacity = this.Count + 1; 192int count = this.Count; 213int count = this.Count; 228int count = this.Count; 564return (null != this.intervals) ? this.intervals.Count : 0; 887replacementCount = replacementIntervals.Count; 1107for (int i = 0; i < this.intervalTree.Intervals.Count; ++i) 1128for (int i = 0, count = matches.Count; i < count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\XPathExpr.cs (1)
163return this.list.Count;
System\ServiceModel\Security\SecurityContextTokenCache.cs (2)
181for (int i = 0; i < matchingKeys.Count; ++i) 202for (int i = 0; i < matchingKeys.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\TimeBoundedCache.cs (2)
319for (int i = 0; i < keysToBeRemoved.Count; ++i) 404for (int i = 0; i < expiredItems.Count; ++i)
System.ServiceModel.Internals (1)
System\Runtime\UrlUtility.cs (1)
592int numValues = (values != null) ? values.Count : 0;
System.Transactions (22)
System\Transactions\Oletx\OletxResourceManager.cs (8)
570if ( ( 0 == this.reenlistList.Count ) && ( 0 == this.reenlistPendingList.Count ) ) 649( 0 == this.reenlistList.Count ) && 650( 0 == this.reenlistPendingList.Count ) 701localLoopCount = resourceManager.reenlistList.Count; 711if ( 0 == resourceManager.reenlistList.Count ) 910localLoopCount = resourceManager.reenlistList.Count; 911if ( ( 0 >= localLoopCount ) && ( 0 >= resourceManager.reenlistPendingList.Count ) )
System\Transactions\Oletx\OleTxTransaction.cs (4)
854if ( 0 == this.phase0EnlistVolatilementContainerList.Count ) 861localPhase0VolatileContainer = this.phase0EnlistVolatilementContainerList[this.phase0EnlistVolatilementContainerList.Count - 1] as OletxPhase0VolatileEnlistmentContainer; 1070if ( 0 == this.phase0EnlistVolatilementContainerList.Count ) 1077localPhase0VolatileContainer = this.phase0EnlistVolatilementContainerList[this.phase0EnlistVolatilementContainerList.Count - 1] as OletxPhase0VolatileEnlistmentContainer;
System\Transactions\Oletx\OletxVolatileEnlistment.cs (10)
359localCount = this.enlistmentList.Count; 392localCount = this.enlistmentList.Count; 426localCount = this.enlistmentList.Count; 526outstandingNotifications = enlistmentList.Count; 527localCount = enlistmentList.Count; 952localPhase1Count = this.enlistmentList.Count; 983localPhase1Count = this.enlistmentList.Count; 1015localPhase1Count = this.enlistmentList.Count; 1065this.outstandingNotifications = this.enlistmentList.Count; 1066localPhase1Count = this.enlistmentList.Count;
System.Web (221)
Cache\OutputCache.cs (3)
183int count = (headers != null) ? headers.Count : 0; 194count = (buffers != null) ? buffers.Count : 0; 301for (int i = 0; i < rawResponse.Buffers.Count; i++) {
Cache\SqlCacheDependency.cs (3)
243Debug.Assert(sqlDependencies.Count > 0, "sqlDependencies.Count > 0"); 247if (sqlDependencies.Count == 1) { 254for(int i=0; i < sqlDependencies.Count; i++) {
Compilation\BaseTemplateCodeDomTreeGenerator.cs (2)
1104if (controlBuilder.SubBuilders.Count > 0) { 1117if (list.Count > 0) {
Compilation\BrowserCapabilitiesCompiler.cs (5)
128if (browserFileDependenciesList.Count > 0) { 234if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { 267for (int i = 0; i < CustomTreeNames.Count; i++) { 307for (int i = 0; i < customTreeRoots.Count; i++) { 462for (int i = 0; i < customTreeRoots.Count; i++) {
Compilation\PageThemeCodeDomTreeGenerator.cs (1)
106int initialSize = _controlSkinBuilderEntryList.Count;
Configuration\BrowserCapabilitiesCodeGenerator.cs (17)
562for (int i = 0; i < _customBrowserFileLists.Count; i++) { 678for (int i = 0; i < _customTreeNames.Count; i++) { 746for (int i = 0; i < customTreeRoots.Count; i++) { 763for (int i = 0; i < customTreeRoots.Count; i++) { 927for (int i = 0; i < _customTreeNames.Count; i++) { 1038IgnoreApplicationBrowserVariableName, new CodePrimitiveExpression(bd.Browsers.Count != 0)); 1042if (bd.Browsers.Count > 0) { 1164if(bd.IdHeaderChecks.Count > 0) { 1166for (int i = 0; i < bd.IdHeaderChecks.Count; i++) { 1248if (bd.IdCapabilityChecks.Count > 0) { 1250for (int i = 0; i < bd.IdCapabilityChecks.Count; i++) { 1324if ((bd.CaptureHeaderChecks.Count == 0) && (bd.CaptureCapabilityChecks.Count == 0)) { 1328if(bd.CaptureHeaderChecks.Count > 0) { 1330for(int i = 0; i < bd.CaptureHeaderChecks.Count; i++) { 1366if (bd.CaptureCapabilityChecks.Count > 0) { 1368for(int i = 0; i < bd.CaptureCapabilityChecks.Count; i++) {
Configuration\BrowserCapabilitiesFactoryBase.cs (1)
165if(browserCaps.Browsers == null || browserCaps.Browsers.Count <= 1) {
Configuration\CapabilitiesPattern.cs (2)
96_rules = new int[rules.Count]; 97for (int i = 0; i < rules.Count; i++)
Configuration\CapabilitiesState.cs (3)
67_regexlist.RemoveAt(_regexlist.Count - 1); 68_matchlist.RemoveAt(_matchlist.Count - 1); 75int i = _matchlist.Count;
Configuration\HealthMonitoringSectionHelper.cs (2)
385for (int i = _ruleInfos.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { 397int count = matchedRules.Count;
Configuration\HttpCapabilitiesBase.cs (2)
374return (string)_browsers[_browsers.Count - 1]; 1757for (int i = 0; i < _browsers.Count; i++) {
Configuration\HttpCapabilitiesEvaluator.cs (1)
163if (ruleList.Count == 0)
Configuration\HttpCapabilitiesSectionHandler.cs (3)
86if (sublist.Count > 0) { 90if (parseState.FileList.Count > 0) { 371if (sublist.Count > 0) {
Configuration\MetabaseServerConfig.cs (1)
432string[] subdirs = new string[list.Count];
Configuration\RemoteWebConfigurationHostServer.cs (1)
207for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.Count; i++) {
Configuration\WebConfigurationHost.cs (2)
550for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { 555if (list.Count == 0) {
ErrorFormatter.cs (2)
1023for (int i = _exStack.Count - 1; i >=0; i--) { 1024if (i < _exStack.Count - 1)
FileChangesMonitor.cs (1)
1157for (i = 0, n = targets.Count; i < n; i++) {
Hosting\ApplicationManager.cs (1)
563int n = appList.Count;
Hosting\IIS7WorkerRequest.cs (3)
1306int n = headers.Count / 2; 1346numFragments = _cachedResponseBodyBytes.Count; 1435int numFragments = _cachedResponseBodyBytes.Count;
Hosting\ISAPIWorkerRequest.cs (3)
781int n = headers.Count / 2; 862int numFragments = _cachedResponseBodyBytes.Count; 897numFragments = _cachedResponseBodyBytes.Count;
HttpApplication.cs (3)
2703int numHandlers = _handlerRecycleList.Count; 3850_endRequestStepIndex = steps.Count; 3854_execSteps = new IExecutionStep[steps.Count];
HttpApplicationFactory.cs (1)
321_eventHandlerMethods = new MethodInfo[handlers.Count];
HttpCachePolicy.cs (2)
1095validationCallbackInfo = new ValidationCallbackInfo[_validationCallbackInfo.Count]; 1096_validationCallbackInfo.CopyTo(0, validationCallbackInfo, 0, _validationCallbackInfo.Count);
HttpContext.cs (2)
1160if (_errors == null || _errors.Count == 0 || _errorCleared) 1184int n = (_errors != null) ? _errors.Count : 0;
HttpRequest.cs (1)
337int n = values.Count;
HttpResponse.cs (4)
421int numCustomHeaders = _customHeaders.Count; 538int n = (headers != null) ? headers.Count : 0; 1136int n = (headers != null) ? headers.Count : 0; 1638int numCustomHeaders = _customHeaders.Count;
HttpWriter.cs (17)
911int n = _buffers.Count; 978int n = _buffers.Count; 1213return _buffers.Count; 1241HttpBaseMemoryResponseBufferElement buf = _buffers[_buffers.Count-1] as HttpBaseMemoryResponseBufferElement; 1276int n = _buffers.Count; 1304for (int i = 0; i < writerBuffers.Count; i++) { 1316if (_substElements != null && _substElements.Count > 0) { 1319for(int i = 0; i < buffers.Count; i++) { 1322if (substCount == _substElements.Count) { 1328if (substCount != _substElements.Count) { 1354int n = _buffers.Count; 1385int n = buffers.Count; 1437if (_buffers.Count == 0 && !finalFiltering) 1451int n = oldBuffers.Count; 1512for (int i = 0; i < nativeBuffers.Count; i++) { 1529for (int i = 0; i < oldBuffers.Count; i++) { 1561int n = _buffers.Count;
Management\EventlogProvider.cs (2)
234for (int i = 0; i < dataFields.Count; i++) { 250hr = UnsafeNativeMethods.RaiseEventlogEvent((int)eventType, (string[])dataFields.ToArray(typeof(string)), dataFields.Count);
Management\SqlServices.cs (1)
188tables.InsertRange(tables.Count, s_featureInfos[i]._tablesRemovedInUninstall);
Management\WebEvents.cs (3)
524if (firingRuleInfos.Count == 0) { 567matchingProviderArray = new bool[firingRuleInfos.Count]; 686if (firingRuleInfos.Count == 0) {
Profile\ProfileInfo.cs (1)
156_CurPos = _ArrayList.Count;
RequestTimeoutManager.cs (1)
95int n = entries.Count;
SiteMapNodeCollection.cs (1)
66return List.Count;
UI\ClientScriptManager.cs (4)
1332if (_validEventReferences != null && _validEventReferences.Count > 0) { 1389if (validatedClientEvents == null || validatedClientEvents.Count < 1) { 1402_clientPostBackValidatedEventTable = new HybridDictionary(validatedClientEvents.Count - 1, true); 1405for (int index = 1; index < validatedClientEvents.Count; index++) {
UI\Control.cs (2)
2064int childStateCount = childState.Count; 2090int childStateCount = childState.Count;
UI\ControlBuilder.cs (14)
943entry.Index = entries.Count; 1309if ((subBuilder.SubBuilders != null) && (subBuilder.SubBuilders.Count > 0)) { 1399SubBuilders.RemoveAt(SubBuilders.Count - 1); 1592if (DefaultPropertyBuilder.SubBuilders.Count > 0) { 1858if (SubBuilders.Count == 0) { 1862return SubBuilders[SubBuilders.Count - 1]; 2591if ((_eventEntries != null) && (_eventEntries.Count == 0)) { 2595if ((_simplePropertyEntries != null) && (_simplePropertyEntries.Count == 0)) { 2600if (_complexPropertyEntries.Count == 0) { 2612if (_templatePropertyEntries.Count == 0) { 2623if ((_boundPropertyEntries != null) && (_boundPropertyEntries.Count == 0)) { 2628if (_subBuilders.Count > 0) { 2984if (propertyEntries != null && propertyEntries.Count > 1) { 2985HybridDictionary dictionary = new HybridDictionary(propertyEntries.Count, true);
UI\DataBoundLiteralControl.cs (2)
56return (SubBuilders.Count+1) / 2; 62return SubBuilders.Count / 2;
UI\HtmlControls\HtmlHead.cs (2)
285for (int i = 0; i < _styles.Count; i++) { 296for (int i = 0; i < _selectorStyles.Count; i++) {
UI\LegacyPageAsyncTaskManager.cs (4)
49for (int i = 0; i < _tasks.Count; i++) { 69for (int i = 0; i < _tasks.Count; i++) { 91for (int i = 0; i < _tasks.Count; i++) { 239for (int i = 0; i < _tasks.Count; i++) {
UI\ObjectStateFormatter.cs (2)
954writer.WriteEncoded(list.Count); 955for (int i = list.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
UI\OrderedDictionaryStateHelper.cs (1)
24for (int i = 0; i < state.Count; i++) {
UI\Page.cs (6)
660(Form != null && Form.SubmitDisabledControls && (EnabledControls.Count > 0))) { 2214if (viewStateChunks.Count == 0) { 2417return Form.SubmitDisabledControls && (EnabledControls.Count > 0) && 3263for (int i=0; i < _changedPostDataConsumers.Count; i++) { 3291for (int i = 0; i < _changedPostDataConsumers.Count; i++) { 5490if (_registeredControlsThatRequirePostBack != null && _registeredControlsThatRequirePostBack.Count > 0) {
UI\SkinBuilder.cs (1)
224for (int i=0; i<subBuilders.Count; ++i) {
UI\StateBag.cs (1)
259for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i += 2) {
UI\StateManagedCollection.cs (8)
53return _collectionItems.Count; 241for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++) { 283for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++) { 364int count = _collectionItems.Count; 412index = typedObjectTypeNames.Count + knownTypeCount - 1; 447int count = _collectionItems.Count; 494index = typedObjectTypeNames.Count + knownTypeCount - 1; 608return _collectionItems.Count - 1;
UI\TemplateControlParser.cs (1)
302if (ScriptList.Count == 0 && BaseType == DefaultBaseType && CodeFileVirtualPath == null)
UI\TraceContext.cs (1)
800int n = (headers != null) ? headers.Count : 0;
UI\ValidatorCollection.cs (1)
38return data.Count;
UI\WebControls\AdRotator.cs (4)
911if (adDicts == null || adDicts.Count == 0) { 916AdRec [] adRecs = new AdRec[adDicts.Count]; 918for (int i = 0; i < adDicts.Count; i++) { 924Debug.Assert(iRec == adDicts.Count, "Record count did not match non-null entries");
UI\WebControls\ColumnCollection.cs (4)
43return columns.Count; 229if (columnsState.Length == columns.Count) { 247int columnCount = columns.Count; 259int columnCount = columns.Count;
UI\WebControls\DataGrid.cs (7)
540if ((oldSelectedIndex != -1) && (itemsArray.Count > oldSelectedIndex)) { 550if ((value != -1) && (itemsArray.Count > value)) { 962if ((generatedColumns.Count == 0) && throwException) { 1001int autoColumnCount = autoColumns.Count; 1094columnCount = columnsArray.Count; 1847if ((autoGenColumnsArray != null) && (autoGenColumnsArray.Count != 0)) { 1848autoGenColumnState = new object[autoGenColumnsArray.Count];
UI\WebControls\DataGridItemCollection.cs (1)
35return items.Count;
UI\WebControls\DataKeyArray.cs (3)
33return _keys.Count; 131int keyCount = _keys.Count; 149int keyCount = _keys.Count;
UI\WebControls\DataKeyCollection.cs (1)
32return keys.Count;
UI\WebControls\DataList.cs (3)
514if ((oldSelectedIndex != -1) && (itemsArray.Count > oldSelectedIndex)) { 524if ((value != -1) && (itemsArray.Count > value)) { 1482return itemsArray != null ? itemsArray.Count : 0;
UI\WebControls\DataListItemCollection.cs (1)
36return items.Count;
UI\WebControls\DetailsViewRowCollection.cs (1)
32return _rows.Count;
UI\WebControls\GridView.cs (13)
1238if ((oldSelectedIndex != -1) && (_rowsArray.Count > oldSelectedIndex)) { 1243if ((value != -1) && (_rowsArray.Count > value)) { 2158if (keyArray.Count == index) { 2172if (suffixArray.Count == index) { 2181if (index < keyArray.Count) { 2218if (keyArray.Count == index) { 2232if (suffixArray.Count == index) { 2241if (index < keyArray.Count) { 4233(_dataKeysArrayList != null && _dataKeysArrayList.Count > 0) || 4260if (_dataKeysArrayList != null && _dataKeysArrayList.Count > 0) { 4261dataKeyCount = _dataKeysArrayList.Count; 4273if (_clientIDRowSuffixArrayList != null && _clientIDRowSuffixArrayList.Count > 0) { 4274dataKeyCount = _clientIDRowSuffixArrayList.Count;
UI\WebControls\GridViewRowCollection.cs (1)
35return _rows.Count;
UI\WebControls\Listbox.cs (1)
220oldcount = oldSelectedIndices.Count;
UI\WebControls\ListControl.cs (1)
842for (int i=0; i < selectedIndices.Count; i++) {
UI\WebControls\ListItemCollection.cs (3)
76return listItems.Count; 343for (int i=0; i<indices.Count; i++) { 417if (indices.Count > 0)
UI\WebControls\RepeaterItemCollection.cs (1)
37return items.Count;
UI\WebControls\SelectedDatesCollection.cs (1)
34return dateList.Count;
UI\WebControls\TreeNode.cs (1)
688for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i += 2) {
UI\WebParts\BlobPersonalizationState.cs (3)
1029if (infoList.Count != 0) { 1033items.Add(infoList.Count); 1077if (items.Count != 0) {
UI\WebParts\PersonalizationStateInfoCollection.cs (2)
35return _values.Count; 126Debug.Assert(ipos >= 0 && ipos < _values.Count);
UI\WebParts\PropertyGridEditorPart.cs (1)
183_errorMessages = new string[EditorControls.Count];
UI\WebParts\ToolZone.cs (1)
363if (visibleVerbs.Count > 0) {
UI\WebParts\WebPartManager.cs (5)
1910int count = parts.Count; 4055int dynamicWebPartsCount = dynamicWebParts.Count; 4131int deletedConnectionsCount = deletedConnections.Count; 4132if (deletedConnections.Count > 0) { 4162int dynamicConnectionsCount = dynamicConnections.Count;
Util\ResourcePool.cs (10)
67if (_resources.Count != 0) { 72if (_resources.Count == 0) { 76result = _resources[_resources.Count-1]; 77_resources.RemoveAt(_resources.Count-1); 78if (_resources.Count < _iDisposable) { 79_iDisposable = _resources.Count; 97if (_resources.Count < _max) { 128if (_resources.Count == 0) { 144_iDisposable = _resources.Count; 146Debug.Trace("ResourcePool", "Timer disposing " + a.Length + "; remaining=" + _resources.Count);
Util\UrlPath.cs (4)
280if (list.Count == 0) 286if (list.Count == 1 && IsAppRelativePath(path)) { 291sb.Length = (int)list[list.Count - 1]; 292list.RemoveRange(list.Count - 1, 1);
System.Web.ApplicationServices (3)
Security\MembershipUserCollection.cs (3)
52if (ipos >= _Values.Count) 70if (ipos >= _Values.Count) 92public int Count { get { return _Values.Count; } }
System.Web.DataVisualization (87)
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (1)
759 while((pointIndex + indexOffset) < points.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (3)
1754 if(unusualValuesList.Count > 0) 1757 double[] newYValues = new double[6 + unusualValuesList.Count]; 1766 for(int index = 0; index < unusualValuesList.Count; index++)
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (2)
1795 if(pointIndex > this.segmentList.Count && !ShouldDrawFirstPoint() ) 1798 pointIndex = this.segmentList.Count;
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (1)
791 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (2)
1306 if(dataPointDrawingOrder.Count > 0) 1576 for(int pointIndex = 1; pointIndex < points.Count; pointIndex++)
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (4)
1970 for( int index = 0; index < _labelsRectangles.Count; index++ ) 1991 for( int index = 0; index < _labelsRectangles.Count; index++ ) 2023 for( int index = 0; index < _labelsRectangles.Count; index++ ) 2044 for( int index = 0; index < _labelsRectangles.Count; index++ )
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (2)
1251 this.label3DInfoList.Count > 0 && 1252 ((Label3DInfo)this.label3DInfoList[this.label3DInfoList.Count-1]).PointEx.zPosition != pointEx.zPosition)
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (1)
1031 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (9)
534 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 555 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 569 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 847 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 863 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 876 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 953 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 969 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 982 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (5)
644 for(int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < this.stackGroupNames.Count; groupIndex++) 727 width = width / (double)this.stackGroupNames.Count; 776 if(this.stackGroupNames.Count > 1) 778 xPosition = xPosition - width * ((double) this.stackGroupNames.Count) / 2.0 + width / 2.0 + groupIndex * width; 1468area.StackGroupNames.Count > 1 &&
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (6)
654 for(int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < this.stackGroupNames.Count; groupIndex++) 736 width = width / (double)this.stackGroupNames.Count; 822 if(this.stackGroupNames.Count > 1) 824 xPosition = xPosition - width * ((double) this.stackGroupNames.Count) / 2.0 + width / 2.0 + groupIndex * width; 1056 Series[] arrayOfSeries = new Series[list.Count]; 1511area.StackGroupNames.Count > 1 &&
Common\ChartTypes\StepLineChart.cs (1)
302 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\ThreeLineBreakChart.cs (3)
413 for(int index = 0; index < highLowHistory.Count; index += 2) 431 for(int index = 1; index < highLowHistory.Count; index += 2) 501 if(highLowHistory.Count > linesInBreak * 2)
Common\Converters\CustomAttributesConverters.cs (1)
421 Attribute[] propAttributes = new Attribute[propList.Count];
Common\Formulas\FormulaRegistry.cs (1)
166 return _modulesNames.Count;
Common\General\Axis.cs (2)
4124 for(int index = 0; fitDone && index < labelPositions.Count; index++) 4127 for(int index2 = index + 1; fitDone && index2 < labelPositions.Count; index2++)
Common\General\AxisLabels.cs (1)
257if (this.GetAxisSeries().Count > 0)
Common\General\AxisScale.cs (1)
1206 if( _stripLineOffsets.Count > index )
Common\General\AxisScaleBreaks.cs (3)
847 if(emptySequences.Count > 0) 927 for(int index = 0; index < excludedSegments.Count; index += 2) 970if (axisSeries.Count == 0 || numberOfPoints == 0)
Common\General\Chart.cs (12)
575else if (names.Count == 0 && dataSource is ITypedList) 585else if (names.Count == 0 && dataSource is IEnumerable) 604if (names.Count == 0) 983 if(seriesList.Count == 0) 1064 for(int index = 0; index < axisLabels.Count; index++) 1202 if(seriesList.Count > 0) 1374for (int i = 0; i < dataSourceFields.Count; i++) 1390if (parseSucceed && index >= 0 && index < dataSourceFields.Count) 1398int seriesNumber = dataSourceFields.Count; 3043 if(areaList.Count > 0) 3075 if(alignGroup.Count > 0) 3087 if(alignGroup.Count > 0)
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (3)
2115if (!requireAxes && ChartTypes.Count != 0) 2121for (int chartTypeIndex = 0; chartTypeIndex < ChartTypes.Count; chartTypeIndex++) 2968if (this.ChartTypes.Count > 1 &&
Common\General\ChartArea3D.cs (2)
996 seriesNumber = stackGroupNames.Count; 1689 return this._stackGroupNames.Count;
Common\General\ChartAreaAxes.cs (5)
1258 if(list.Count > 0) 1261 string[] stringArray = new String[list.Count]; 1834 for( int point = 1; point < seriesXValues[seriesIndex].Count; point++ ) 1905 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < xList.Count && !sameXValue; pointIndex++) 1912 if( (pointIndex < seriesXValues[index].Count && (double)seriesXValues[index][pointIndex] == xValue) ||
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (2)
1623if (common.HotRegionsList.List != null && common.HotRegionsList.List.Count > 0) 1625 ((HotRegion)common.HotRegionsList.List[common.HotRegionsList.List.Count - 1]).Type =
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (4)
1393 if(firtsSplinePointIndex >= (points.Count - 2) ) 1591 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count) 1998 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count) 2698 if(neighborPointIndex < (points.Count - 2))
Common\General\DataManipulator.cs (1)
2964 pointTempValues[functionInfo.outputIndex] = uniqueValues.Count;
Common\General\Selection.cs (4)
1117 _regionList.Insert( _regionList.Count - 1, region ); 2013if (regionList.Count == 0) 2044for (int index = regionList.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 2635for (int i = hrList.List.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (4)
690 bool rememberMarkersCount = (this.smartLabelsPositions.Count == 0); 694 this.markersCount = this.smartLabelsPositions.Count; 1318 if(this.smartLabelsPositions.Count == 0 && area != null) 1667 if(this.smartLabelsPositions.Count == 0 &&
Common\Utilities\XmlSerializer.cs (1)
990 for(int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < contentList.Count; itemIndex += 2)
System.Web.Entity (1)
System\Data\WebControls\EntityDataSourceView.cs (1)
1048int numEntities = (_originalProperties.First().Value).Count;
System.Web.Extensions (17)
ClientServices\Providers\ClientRoleProvider.cs (2)
346_Roles = new string[al.Count]; 347for (int iter = 0; iter < al.Count; iter++)
ClientServices\Providers\ClientSettingsProvider.cs (2)
410Type [] temp = new Type[_KnownTypesArray.Length + al.Count]; 433Type [] temp = new Type[_KnownTypesArray.Length + al.Count];
UI\ProfileServiceManager.cs (2)
82bool loadProperties = loadedProperties != null && loadedProperties.Count > 0; 132SortedList<string, object> topLevelSettings = new SortedList<string, object>(loadedProperties.Count);
UI\WebControls\ListView.cs (10)
1686if (keyArray.Count == dataItemIndex) { 1696if (dataItemIndex < keyArray.Count) { 1830if (keyArray.Count == dataItemIndex) { 1839if (dataItemIndex < keyArray.Count) { 1935if (suffixArray.Count == dataItemIndex) { 3215(_dataKeysArrayList != null && _dataKeysArrayList.Count > 0)) { 3244if (_dataKeysArrayList != null && _dataKeysArrayList.Count > 0) { 3245dataKeyCount = _dataKeysArrayList.Count; 3268if (_clientIDRowSuffixArrayList != null && _clientIDRowSuffixArrayList.Count > 0) { 3269dataKeyCount = _clientIDRowSuffixArrayList.Count;
UI\WebControls\QueryableDataSourceView.cs (1)
552for (int i = 0; i < values.Count; i++) {
System.Web.Mobile (34)
Mobile\UrlPath.cs (3)
190if (list.Count == 0) 195sb.Length = (int)list[list.Count - 1]; 196list.RemoveRange(list.Count - 1, 1);
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\UpWmlMobileTextWriter.cs (11)
468_currentCardIndex < _cards.Count - 1) 515if (!Device.CanRenderAfterInputOrSelectElement && _currentCardIndex < _cards.Count - 1) 520else if (CurrentCard.AnchorCount == 0 && _currentCardIndex < _cards.Count - 1 && 771_currentCardIndex < _cards.Count - 1) 857if (!Device.CanRenderAfterInputOrSelectElement && _currentCardIndex < _cards.Count - 1) 862else if (CurrentCard.AnchorCount == 0 && _currentCardIndex < _cards.Count - 1 && 1022if (_cards.Count > 0) 1053if (card.AnchorCount == 1 && cardIndex == _cards.Count - 1 && card.SoftkeysUsed == 1) 1075for(int i = 0; i < _cards.Count; i++) 1108else if (cardIndex == _cards.Count - 1) 1123if (cardIndex < _cards.Count - 1 && !card.NoOKLink)
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\XhtmlAdapters\XhtmlMobileTextWriter.cs (1)
430if (_wmlOnEnterForwardVarNames.Count == 0) {
UI\MobileControls\ArrayListCollectionBase.cs (1)
65return Items.Count;
UI\MobileControls\Design\Converters\StyleConverter.cs (1)
48if (0 == _styleArray.Count)
UI\MobileControls\Design\Converters\StyleReferenceConverter.cs (2)
121if (styleArray.Count <= 1) 130while (i < styleArray.Count)
UI\MobileControls\Design\DeviceFilterEditorDialog.cs (1)
441if(filtersInErrorList.Count != 0)
UI\MobileControls\Design\StyleSheetDesigner.cs (1)
563if (lstStylesInCycle != null && lstStylesInCycle.Count > 0)
UI\MobileControls\Form.cs (3)
386for (i = 0; i < set.Count; i++) 405i < set.Count) 407for (int j = set.Count - 1; j >= i; j--)
UI\MobileControls\MobileListItemCollection.cs (3)
112item.SetIndex(Items.Count + BaseIndex); 159for (int i = index; i < Items.Count; i++) 173for (int i = index; i < Items.Count; i++)
UI\MobileControls\ObjectListCommandCollection.cs (1)
168_savedState = new String[commands.Count * 2];
UI\MobileControls\TextView.cs (5)
169if (_elements == null || _elements.Count == 0) 197_pageEndElement = _elements.Count - 1; 207if (elementIndex == _elements.Count) 217if (elementIndex == _elements.Count) 219_pageEndElement = _elements.Count - 1;
UI\MobileControls\ValidationSummary.cs (1)
192int count = errorValidators.Count;
System.Web.Services (14)
System\Web\Services\Description\ProtocolReflector.cs (1)
408if (reflectedBinding.methodList != null && reflectedBinding.methodList.Count > 0) {
System\Web\Services\Description\SoapProtocolImporter.cs (2)
77if (responseList.Count > 0) { 489get { return propertyNames.Count > 0; }
System\Web\Services\Discovery\DiscoveryClientProtocol.cs (2)
173bool same = specialErrorMessages.Count == Errors.Count && Errors.Count > 0; 174for (int i = 1; same && i < specialErrorMessages.Count; i++) {
System\Web\Services\Protocols\HttpClientProtocol.cs (3)
60LogicalMethodInfo[] m = new LogicalMethodInfo[list.Count]; 61for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) 65for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) {
System\Web\Services\Protocols\LogicalMethodInfo.cs (2)
517int beginsCount = begins == null ? 0 : begins.Count; 518int syncsCount = syncs == null ? 0 : syncs.Count;
System\Web\Services\Protocols\SoapClientProtocol.cs (1)
76for (int i = 0; i < soapMethodList.Count; i++) {
System\Web\Services\Protocols\SoapHeader.cs (2)
326int otherHeaderCount = otherHeaders.Count - unknownHeaderCount; 333for (int i = 0; i < otherHeaders.Count; i++) {
System\Web\Services\Protocols\XmlReturnReader.cs (1)
42if (mappings.Count == 0)
System.Windows.Forms (305)
parent\parent\parent\public\Internal\NDP\Inc\IsolationInterop.cs (2)
2522StoreTransactionOperation[] txnList = new StoreTransactionOperation[_list.Count]; 2524for (int i = 0; i != _list.Count; i++)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Application.cs (3)
2708if (messageFilters.Count > 0 && f is IMessageModifyAndFilter) { 3589if (messageFilters.Count > 0) { 3590messageFilterSnapshot = new IMessageFilter[messageFilters.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\AutoCompleteStringCollection.cs (1)
51return data.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\AxHost.cs (7)
2965PropertyDescriptor[] temp = new PropertyDescriptor[retProps.Count]; 5529Object[] rval = new Object[l.Count]; 5903AxHost[] axControls = new AxHost[l.Count]; 5939if (list.Count > 0) { 5940Object[] temp = new Object[list.Count]; 7170if (updateAttrs.Count == 0) 7178Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[attributes.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\BaseCollection.cs (1)
33return List.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\BindingMAnagerBase.cs (3)
134PropertyDescriptor[] properties = new PropertyDescriptor[listAccessors.Count]; 147if (listAccessors.Count < offset) 150if (listAccessors.Count == offset) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\BindingSource.cs (1)
1160ListSortDescription[] result = new ListSortDescription[sorts.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ComboBox.cs (7)
4068return InnerList.Count; 4147Debug.Assert(index>=0 && index <= InnerList.Count, "Wrong index for insert"); 4159index = InnerList.Count-1; 4223if (index < 0 || index >= InnerList.Count) { 4317if (index < 0 || index > InnerList.Count) { 4359if (index < 0 || index >= InnerList.Count) { 4396if (index < 0 || index >= InnerList.Count) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ComponentModel\COM2Interop\COM2IManagedPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.cs (1)
193Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[attrs.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ComponentModel\COM2Interop\COM2PropertyDescriptor.cs (5)
235if (attrList.Count != baseCount) { 236this.baseAttrs = new Attribute[attrList.Count]; 304if (attrList.Count != 0 && newAttributes == null) { 309for (int i=0; i < attrList.Count; i++) { 324Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[newAttributes.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ComponentModel\COM2Interop\COM2TypeInfoProcessor.cs (7)
273Debug.WriteLineIf(DbgTypeInfoProcessorSwitch.TraceVerbose, "Com2TypeInfoProcessor.GetProperties : returning " + propList.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " properties"); 276Com2PropertyDescriptor[] temp2 = new Com2PropertyDescriptor[propList.Count]; 509Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[pi.Attributes.Count]; 832Debug.WriteLineIf(DbgTypeInfoProcessorSwitch.TraceVerbose, "ProcessTypeInfoEnum: returning enum with " + strs.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " items"); 835if (strs.Count > 0) { 852if (vars.Count > 0 && vars[0] != null) { 857for (int i = 0; i < strs.Count; i++) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ComponentModel\COM2Interop\ComNativeDescriptor.cs (2)
342if (attrs == null || attrs.Count == 0) { 346Attribute[] temp = new Attribute[attrs.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Control.cs (11)
6717holders.Add(new ControlTabOrderHolder(holders.Count, c.TabIndex, c)); 6737int[] indexes = new int[holders.Count]; 6739for (int i = 0; i < holders.Count; i++) { 6754Control[] ctls = new Control[holders.Count]; 6756for (int i = 0; i < holders.Count; i++) { 6825holders.Add(new ControlTabOrderHolder(holders.Count, tabIndex, ctl)); 14905Control[] stronglyTypedFoundControls = new Control[foundControls.Count]; 16524return adviseList.Count; 16872accelCount = (short)mnemonicList.Count; 18084int cnt = adviseList.Count; 18611if (dwConnection > adviseList.Count || adviseList[dwConnection - 1] == null) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\CurrencyManager.cs (1)
569PropertyDescriptor[] properties = new PropertyDescriptor[listAccessors.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGrid.cs (1)
5497if (this.myGridTable != null && this.myGridTable.RelationsList.Count != 0)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridColumnCollection.cs (7)
108get {return this.items.Count;} 203int itemCount = items.Count; 215int itemCount = items.Count; 236int itemCount = items.Count; 259for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) 500int itemCount = items.Count; 533int itemsCount = items.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridParentRows.cs (9)
259for (int i = 0; i < parents.Count; i++) { 334if (parentsCount == rowHeights.Count) 354if (parentsCount > rowHeights.Count) { 355Debug.Assert(parentsCount == rowHeights.Count + 1 || rowHeights.Count == 0, "see bug 82808 for more info, or the comment above"); 356int rowHeightsCount = this.rowHeights.Count; 375Debug.Assert(parentsCount == rowHeights.Count - 1, "we do layout only for push/popTop"); 379totalHeight -= (int) rowHeights[rowHeights.Count-1]; 380rowHeights.RemoveAt(rowHeights.Count - 1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridRelationshipRow.cs (17)
169&& this.dgTable.RelationsList.Count > 0) { 304if (this.dgTable.RelationsList.Count == 0) { 459if (this.dgTable.RelationsList.Count == 0 || dgTable.DataGrid == null || !dgTable.DataGrid.AllowNavigation) 486FocusedRelation = this.dgTable.RelationsList.Count - 1; 492if (FocusedRelation == this.dgTable.RelationsList.Count - 1) { 540if (expanded && this.dgTable.RelationsList.Count > 0) { 604bool paintPlusMinus = dgTable.RelationsList.Count > 0 && dgTable.DataGrid.AllowNavigation; 713for (int r = 0; r < this.dgTable.RelationsList.Count; ++r) { 797if (relation >= this.dgTable.RelationsList.Count) 831for (int i=0; i<row.dgTable.RelationsList.Count; i++) { 845if (RelationshipRow.dgTable.RelationsList.Count > 0) { 860if (RelationshipRow.dgTable.RelationsList.Count > 0) { 874if (RelationshipRow.dgTable.RelationsList.Count > 0) { 886return GetChild(GetChildCount() - row.dgTable.RelationsList.Count + focusRel); 1017if (relationship + 1 < owner.dgTable.RelationsList.Count) { 1018return Parent.GetChild(Parent.GetChildCount() - owner.dgTable.RelationsList.Count + relationship + 1); 1025return Parent.GetChild(Parent.GetChildCount() - owner.dgTable.RelationsList.Count + relationship - 1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridRow.cs (2)
827if (index < cells.Count) { 835return cells.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridTable.cs (5)
917for (int r = 0; r < this.RelationsList.Count; ++r) { 928relationshipRect.Height = BorderWidth + relationshipHeight * this.RelationsList.Count; 930if (this.RelationsList.Count > 0) 1396if (relationsList.Count > 0) 1415if (relationsList.Count > 0)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridTableCollection.cs (6)
99get {return this.items.Count;} 166int itemCount = items.Count; 180for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) 244for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { 268int itemCount = items.Count; 322int itemsCount = items.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewCellCollection.cs (2)
114get {return this.items.Count;} 438int itemsCount = this.items.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewColumnCollection.cs (21)
122return this.items.Count; 222int itemCount = this.items.Count; 343while (initialColumns.Count > 0) 347for (index = 0; index < initialColumns.Count; index++) 424DataGridViewColumn[] aColumns = new DataGridViewColumn[this.items.Count]; 473int itemCount = this.items.Count; 501if (displayIndex < 0 || displayIndex >= this.items.Count) 511for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < this.items.Count; columnIndex++) 553for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < this.items.Count; columnIndex++) 573for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < this.items.Count; columnIndex++) 626while (index < this.itemsSorted.Count) 644for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < this.items.Count; columnIndex++) 682for(int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < this.items.Count; columnIndex++) 719while (index < this.itemsSorted.Count) 759while (index < this.itemsSorted.Count) 795int index = this.itemsSorted.Count - 1; 842for (index = 0; index < this.items.Count; index++) 866while (index < this.itemsSorted.Count) 914for (index = 0; index < this.items.Count; index++) 1115int itemsCount = this.items.Count; 1139int itemsCount = this.items.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewComboBoxCell.cs (8)
2786return this.InnerArray.Count; 2959if (index < 0 || index >= this.InnerArray.Count) 2975if (index < 0 || index >= this.InnerArray.Count) 2991if (this.InnerArray.Count > 0) 3020int count = this.InnerArray.Count; 3031int count = this.InnerArray.Count; 3078if (index < 0 || index > this.InnerArray.Count) 3120if (index < 0 || index >= this.InnerArray.Count)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewDataConnection.cs (1)
1054DataGridViewColumn[] ret = new DataGridViewColumn[cols.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewMethods.cs (18)
961for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 974for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 996for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 999if (columnEntry == autoFillColumns.Count - 1) 1023for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1034for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1047for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1065for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1070float[] floatDesiredWidths = new float[autoFillColumns.Count]; 1075for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1084for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1101for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1112for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1130for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1164for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++) 1197while (autoFillColumns.Count > 0) 1200if (autoFillColumns.Count == 1) 1209for (columnEntry = 0; columnEntry < autoFillColumns.Count; columnEntry++)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewRowCollection.cs (33)
198return this.items.Count; 263if (index == 0 && this.items.Count == 1) 606Debug.Assert(this.rowStates.Count == this.SharedList.Count); 739int index, indexStart = this.items.Count; 888int indexStart = this.items.Count; 923Debug.Assert(this.rowStates.Count == this.SharedList.Count); 957int rowCount = this.items.Count; 979this.items.Count == 0) // accessing AllowUserToAddRowsInternal can trigger a nested call to ClearInternal. Rows count needs to be checked again. 1058while (index < this.items.Count && !((GetRowState(index) & includeFilter) == includeFilter)) 1062return (index < this.items.Count) ? index : -1; 1109while (index < this.items.Count && (!((GetRowState(index) & includeFilter) == includeFilter) || !((GetRowState(index) & excludeFilter) == 0))) 1113return (index < this.items.Count) ? index : -1; 1149int index = this.items.Count - 1; 1186while (index < this.items.Count && !((GetRowState(index) & includeFilter) == includeFilter)) 1190return (index < this.items.Count) ? index : -1; 1218while (index < this.items.Count && (!((GetRowState(index) & includeFilter) == includeFilter) || !((GetRowState(index) & excludeFilter) == 0))) 1222return (index < this.items.Count) ? index : -1; 1233if (indexStart > this.items.Count) 1235throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("indexStart", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidHighBoundArgumentEx, "indexStart", (indexStart).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), (this.items.Count).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 1265if (indexStart > this.items.Count) 1267throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("indexStart", SR.GetString(SR.InvalidHighBoundArgumentEx, "indexStart", (indexStart).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), (this.items.Count).ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture))); 1314for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < this.items.Count; rowIndex++) 1384for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < this.items.Count; rowIndex++) 1425Debug.Assert(toRowIndex == this.items.Count || (GetRowState(toRowIndex) & includeFilter) == includeFilter); 1445if (rowIndex < 0 || rowIndex >= this.items.Count) 1671Debug.Assert(this.rowStates.Count == this.SharedList.Count); 1783Debug.Assert(this.rowStates.Count == this.SharedList.Count); 1812Debug.Assert(this.rowStates.Count == this.SharedList.Count); 1861Debug.Assert(this.rowStates.Count == this.SharedList.Count); 1945Debug.Assert(this.rowStates.Count == this.SharedList.Count); 2474if (this.items.Count > 0) 2673Debug.Assert(this.Count > 0); 2676CustomQuickSort(0, this.Count - 1);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewSelectedCellCollection.cs (1)
112get { return this.items.Count; }
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewSelectedColumnCollection.cs (1)
109get { return this.items.Count; }
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataGridViewSelectedRowCollection.cs (1)
112get { return this.items.Count; }
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DataObject.cs (6)
489string[] temp = new string[distinct.Count]; 1312if (this.current < formats.Count && celt > 0) { 1337if (current + celt >= this.formats.Count) { 1352FORMATETC[] temp = new FORMATETC[formats.Count]; 2077string[] temp = new string[formats.Count]; 2262string[] temp = new string[formats.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Design\EventsTab.cs (1)
184PropertyDescriptor[] realNamespaceProperties = new PropertyDescriptor[list.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\DomainUpDown.cs (14)
149if (value < -1 || value >= Items.Count) { 187for (int i = 0; i < Items.Count; i++) { 291if (domainItems.Count <= 0) { 317if (domainIndex < domainItems.Count - 1) { 350if (domainItems.Count <= 0) { 354startPosition = domainItems.Count - 1; 356if (startPosition >= domainItems.Count) { 384if (index >= domainItems.Count) { 463Debug.Assert(index < domainItems.Count && index >= -1, "SelectValue: index out of range"); 464if (domainItems == null || index < -1 || index >= domainItems.Count) { 530s += ", Items.Count: " + Items.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); 548if (domainItems.Count <= 0) { 582SelectIndex(domainItems.Count - 1); 859return ((DomainUpDown)parent.Owner).Items.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ErrorProvider.cs (6)
1071for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { 1096for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { 1107for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { 1138if (items.Count == 0) { 1178for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { 1190for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\FileDialog.cs (2)
388string[] temp = new string[extensions.Count]; 724string[] temp = new string[names.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Form.cs (5)
4198if (sites == null || sites.Count == 0) 4236if (zoneList.Count == 0) 4242else if (zoneList.Count == 1) 4309if (siteList.Count == 0) { 4323else if (siteList.Count == 1)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ImageList.cs (4)
1032for (int i = 0; i < imageInfoCollection.Count; i++) { 1235Debug.Assert((this.Count == imageInfoCollection.Count), "The count of these two collections should be equal."); 1252Debug.Assert((this.Count == imageInfoCollection.Count), "The count of these two collections should be equal."); 1584if ((imageInfoCollection != null) && (index >= 0 && index < imageInfoCollection.Count)) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Layout\ArrangedElementCollection.cs (1)
139get { return InnerList.Count; }
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Layout\TableLayout.cs (5)
1931if(rowOffset >= _rows.Count) { 1942while(rowOffset >= _rows.Count) { 1968if(_rows.Count > 0) { 2080for (int i = 0; i < layoutInfos.Count; i++) { 2085for (int j = i + 1; j < layoutInfos.Count; j++) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\LinkLabel.cs (22)
232if (links.Count == 0) { 361if (links.Count == 0) { 370if (links.Count == 0) { 710if (this.links != null && this.links.Count == 1) { 770CharacterRange[] regions = new CharacterRange[ranges.Count + 1]; 782if (links == null || links.Count != 1 || Text == null) { 1003for (int i=0; i<links.Count; i++) { 1039for (int i=0; i<links.Count; i++) { 1346for (int i=0; i<links.Count; i++) { 1583for (int i=0; i<links.Count; i++) { 1641if (focusIndex < 0 || focusIndex >= links.Count) { 1710if (links.Count > 0) { 1730newFocus = GetNextLinkIndex(links.Count, forward); // Count, so "next" will be Count-1 1770if (links.Count == 1) { 1822for (int i=0; i<links.Count; i++) { 1836for (int x=0; x<links.Count; x++) { 1843for (int y=x; y<links.Count; y++) { 2043return owner.links.Count; 2114if (owner.links.Count == 1 2142if (owner.links.Count == 1 2292bool doLayout = this.owner.links.Count > 0 && this.owner.AutoSize; 2350if (owner.FocusLink == null && owner.links.Count > 0) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ListView.cs (3)
5204s += ", Items.Count: " + listItemsArray.Count.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); 5205if (listItemsArray.Count > 0) { 8593ListViewItem[] stronglyTypedFoundItems= new ListViewItem[foundItems.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ListViewGroup.cs (4)
325return this.List.Count; 401for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i ++) { 416for (int i = 0; i < this.list.Count; i ++) { 459listView.InsertGroupInListView(this.List.Count, group);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ListViewGroupItemCollection.cs (1)
28return Items.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\MDIClient.cs (1)
146Form[] temp = new Form[children.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Menu.cs (1)
955MenuItem[] stronglyTypedfoundMenuItems = new MenuItem[foundMenuItems.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\MenuStrip.cs (1)
269if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_MOUSEACTIVATE && (ActiveDropDowns.Count == 0)) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\MonthCalendar.cs (13)
270DateTime[] dateTimes = new DateTime[annualArrayOfDates.Count]; 272for (int i=0;i < annualArrayOfDates.Count; ++i) { 384DateTime[] dateTimes = new DateTime[arrayOfDates.Count]; 386for (int i=0;i < arrayOfDates.Count; ++i) { 665DateTime[] dateTimes = new DateTime[monthlyArrayOfDates.Count]; 667for (int i=0;i < monthlyArrayOfDates.Count; ++i) { 1335int numDates = arrayOfDates.Count; 1781int length = annualArrayOfDates.Count; 1806int length = arrayOfDates.Count; 1825int length = monthlyArrayOfDates.Count; 2172return annualArrayOfDates.Count > 0; 2176return arrayOfDates.Count > 0; 2196return monthlyArrayOfDates.Count > 0;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\PropertyGrid.cs (2)
4441int items = buttonList.Count; 4514for (int j = 0; j < buttonList.Count; j++) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\PropertyGridInternal\MultiSelectRootGridEntry.cs (5)
98MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry[] entries = new MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry[props.Count]; 114PropertyDescriptor[] firstPds = new PropertyDescriptor[firstProps.Count]; 115for (int i = 0; i < firstProps.Count; i++) { 121MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry[] entries = new MultiPropertyDescriptorGridEntry[props.Count]; 287int len = sortedMergedEntries.Count;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\PropertyGridInternal\SingleSelectRootGridEntry.cs (3)
337if (bin.Count > 0) { 338GridEntry[] rgpes = new GridEntry[bin.Count]; 349childEntries = new GridEntry[propList.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Screen.cs (2)
126if (closure.screens.Count > 0) { 127Screen[] temp = new Screen[closure.screens.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\TableLayoutStyleCollection.cs (1)
118public int Count { get { return _innerList.Count; }}
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolStripDropDown.cs (5)
1296this.ActiveDropDowns.Count == 0) { 2191Debug.WriteLineIf((DropDownActivateDebug.TraceVerbose && ActiveDropDowns.Count > 0), "Dismiss children called - COUNT " + ActiveDropDowns.Count + " \r\n" + new StackTrace().ToString()); 2192int count = ActiveDropDowns.Count; 2205for (int i = 0; i < dropDowns.Count; i++) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolStripItemCollection.cs (1)
271ToolStripItem[] stronglyTypedFoundItems = new ToolStripItem[foundItems.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolStripMenuItem.cs (1)
1411if (toolStrip.IsDropDown && toolStrip.ActiveDropDowns.Count > 0) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolStripPanelRow.cs (2)
2282if (index >= array.Length || InnerList.Count > array.Length - index) { 2286for (int i = 0; i < InnerList.Count; i++) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ToolStripSettings.cs (1)
169if (toolStripSettingsToApply.Count == 0) {
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\TreeNodeCollection.cs (1)
269TreeNode[] stronglyTypedFoundNodes = new TreeNode[foundNodes.Count];
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\TrustManager.cs (4)
130Debug.Assert(matchingTrusts != null && matchingTrusts.Count > 0); 137Debug.Assert(matchingTrusts != null && matchingTrusts.Count > 0); 553while (entry < matchingTrusts.Count) 590return matchingTrusts.Count > 0;
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\WebBrowserContainer.cs (2)
54if (list.Count > 0) { 55Object[] temp = new Object[list.Count];
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (85)
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (1)
759 while((pointIndex + indexOffset) < points.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (3)
1754 if(unusualValuesList.Count > 0) 1757 double[] newYValues = new double[6 + unusualValuesList.Count]; 1766 for(int index = 0; index < unusualValuesList.Count; index++)
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (2)
1795 if(pointIndex > this.segmentList.Count && !ShouldDrawFirstPoint() ) 1798 pointIndex = this.segmentList.Count;
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (1)
791 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (2)
1306 if(dataPointDrawingOrder.Count > 0) 1576 for(int pointIndex = 1; pointIndex < points.Count; pointIndex++)
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (4)
1970 for( int index = 0; index < _labelsRectangles.Count; index++ ) 1991 for( int index = 0; index < _labelsRectangles.Count; index++ ) 2023 for( int index = 0; index < _labelsRectangles.Count; index++ ) 2044 for( int index = 0; index < _labelsRectangles.Count; index++ )
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (2)
1251 this.label3DInfoList.Count > 0 && 1252 ((Label3DInfo)this.label3DInfoList[this.label3DInfoList.Count-1]).PointEx.zPosition != pointEx.zPosition)
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (1)
1031 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (9)
534 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 555 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 569 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 847 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 863 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 876 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 953 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 969 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count) 982 if(prevPointsArray != null && index < prevPointsArray.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (4)
644 for(int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < this.stackGroupNames.Count; groupIndex++) 727 width = width / (double)this.stackGroupNames.Count; 776 if(this.stackGroupNames.Count > 1) 778 xPosition = xPosition - width * ((double) this.stackGroupNames.Count) / 2.0 + width / 2.0 + groupIndex * width;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (5)
654 for(int groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < this.stackGroupNames.Count; groupIndex++) 736 width = width / (double)this.stackGroupNames.Count; 822 if(this.stackGroupNames.Count > 1) 824 xPosition = xPosition - width * ((double) this.stackGroupNames.Count) / 2.0 + width / 2.0 + groupIndex * width; 1056 Series[] arrayOfSeries = new Series[list.Count];
Common\ChartTypes\StepLineChart.cs (1)
302 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count)
Common\ChartTypes\ThreeLineBreakChart.cs (3)
413 for(int index = 0; index < highLowHistory.Count; index += 2) 431 for(int index = 1; index < highLowHistory.Count; index += 2) 501 if(highLowHistory.Count > linesInBreak * 2)
Common\Converters\CustomAttributesConverters.cs (1)
421 Attribute[] propAttributes = new Attribute[propList.Count];
Common\Formulas\FormulaRegistry.cs (1)
166 return _modulesNames.Count;
Common\General\Axis.cs (2)
4124 for(int index = 0; fitDone && index < labelPositions.Count; index++) 4127 for(int index2 = index + 1; fitDone && index2 < labelPositions.Count; index2++)
Common\General\AxisLabels.cs (1)
257if (this.GetAxisSeries().Count > 0)
Common\General\AxisScale.cs (1)
1206 if( _stripLineOffsets.Count > index )
Common\General\AxisScaleBreaks.cs (3)
847 if(emptySequences.Count > 0) 927 for(int index = 0; index < excludedSegments.Count; index += 2) 970if (axisSeries.Count == 0 || numberOfPoints == 0)
Common\General\Chart.cs (12)
575else if (names.Count == 0 && dataSource is ITypedList) 585else if (names.Count == 0 && dataSource is IEnumerable) 604if (names.Count == 0) 983 if(seriesList.Count == 0) 1064 for(int index = 0; index < axisLabels.Count; index++) 1202 if(seriesList.Count > 0) 1374for (int i = 0; i < dataSourceFields.Count; i++) 1390if (parseSucceed && index >= 0 && index < dataSourceFields.Count) 1398int seriesNumber = dataSourceFields.Count; 3043 if(areaList.Count > 0) 3075 if(alignGroup.Count > 0) 3087 if(alignGroup.Count > 0)
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (3)
2115if (!requireAxes && ChartTypes.Count != 0) 2121for (int chartTypeIndex = 0; chartTypeIndex < ChartTypes.Count; chartTypeIndex++) 2968if (this.ChartTypes.Count > 1 &&
Common\General\ChartArea3D.cs (2)
996 seriesNumber = stackGroupNames.Count; 1689 return this._stackGroupNames.Count;
Common\General\ChartAreaAxes.cs (5)
1258 if(list.Count > 0) 1261 string[] stringArray = new String[list.Count]; 1834 for( int point = 1; point < seriesXValues[seriesIndex].Count; point++ ) 1905 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < xList.Count && !sameXValue; pointIndex++) 1912 if( (pointIndex < seriesXValues[index].Count && (double)seriesXValues[index][pointIndex] == xValue) ||
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (2)
1623if (common.HotRegionsList.List != null && common.HotRegionsList.List.Count > 0) 1625 ((HotRegion)common.HotRegionsList.List[common.HotRegionsList.List.Count - 1]).Type =
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (4)
1393 if(firtsSplinePointIndex >= (points.Count - 2) ) 1591 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count) 1998 if((pointIndex + 1) < points.Count) 2698 if(neighborPointIndex < (points.Count - 2))
Common\General\DataManipulator.cs (1)
2964 pointTempValues[functionInfo.outputIndex] = uniqueValues.Count;
Common\General\Selection.cs (4)
1117 _regionList.Insert( _regionList.Count - 1, region ); 2013if (regionList.Count == 0) 2044for (int index = regionList.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 2635for (int i = hrList.List.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (4)
690 bool rememberMarkersCount = (this.smartLabelsPositions.Count == 0); 694 this.markersCount = this.smartLabelsPositions.Count; 1318 if(this.smartLabelsPositions.Count == 0 && area != null) 1667 if(this.smartLabelsPositions.Count == 0 &&
Common\Utilities\XmlSerializer.cs (1)
990 for(int itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < contentList.Count; itemIndex += 2)
System.Workflow.Activities (1)
InvokeWebService.cs (1)
506if (invokeWebService.ParameterBindings.Count > paramInfos.Count)
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (42)
AuthoringOM\Compiler\CompileXomlTask.cs (1)
226if (xomlFilesOnly.Count > 0)
AuthoringOM\DependencyObject.cs (4)
393if (eventListeners.Count == 0) 410if (handlers != null && handlers.Count != 0) 412if (handlers.Count == 1) 417for (int i = 1; i < handlers.Count; ++i)
AuthoringOM\Design\CommandSet.cs (2)
520for (int i = 0; i < selectedObjects.Count && enabled; i++) 850if (componentList.Count > 0)
AuthoringOM\Design\Dialogs\TypeBrowserDialog.cs (1)
879if ((namespaceToFilter == null || type.Namespace == namespaceToFilter) && ((selectedAssemblies.Count == 0 && type.Assembly == null) || selectedAssemblies.Contains(type.Assembly)) && (this.typeFilterProvider == null || this.typeFilterProvider.CanFilterType(extendedUIService != null ? extendedUIService.GetRuntimeType(type) : type, false)))
AuthoringOM\Design\FreeFormDesigner.cs (4)
631if ((navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Left || navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Up) && index >= 0 && index < activityDesigners.Count) 632nextObject = ((ActivityDesigner)activityDesigners[(index > 0) ? index - 1 : activityDesigners.Count - 1]).Activity; 633else if ((navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Right || navigate == DesignerNavigationDirection.Down) && index <= activityDesigners.Count - 1) 634nextObject = ((ActivityDesigner)activityDesigners[(index < activityDesigners.Count - 1) ? index + 1 : 0]).Activity;
AuthoringOM\Design\MessageFilters\DragSelectionMessageFilter.cs (1)
221if (selectableComponents.Count > 0 && selectionService != null)
AuthoringOM\Design\MessageFilters\ResizingMessageFilter.cs (1)
160for (int i = 0; i < selectedComponents.Count && designerToResize == null; i++)
AuthoringOM\Design\MessageFilters\WindowManager.cs (1)
145for (int i = 0; i < selectedComponents.Count; i++)
AuthoringOM\Design\ReferenceService.cs (7)
104if (this.addedComponents != null && this.addedComponents.Count > 0) 118if (this.removedComponents != null && this.removedComponents.Count > 0) 126if (this.changedComponents != null && this.changedComponents.Count > 0) 206int size = this.references.Count; 289object[] references = new object[this.references.Count]; 303ArrayList results = new ArrayList(this.references.Count); 311object[] references = new object[results.Count];
AuthoringOM\Design\WinOEToolBoxItem.cs (1)
90IComponent[] temp = new IComponent[comps.Count];
AuthoringOM\Design\WorkflowLayouts.cs (1)
619headerFooterData.TotalPages = this.pageLayoutInfo.Count;
AuthoringOM\Design\WorkflowView.cs (1)
1711for (int i = selectedComponents.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
AuthoringOM\Serializer\DictionarySurrogate.cs (2)
35if (keys.Count == 1) 40else if (keys.Count > 1)
AuthoringOM\Serializer\FormatterServicesNoSerializableCheck.cs (3)
157if (allMembers != null && allMembers.Count > 0) 159MemberInfo[] membersTemp = new MemberInfo[allMembers.Count + typeMembers.Length]; 164string[] namesTemp = new string[allNames.Count + typeNames.Length];
AuthoringOM\Serializer\GenericQueueSurrogate.cs (1)
26if (items.Count == 1)
AuthoringOM\Serializer\ListSurrogate.cs (1)
26if (items.Count == 1)
AuthoringOM\Serializer\WorkflowMarkupSerializer.cs (10)
2545for (int i = 0; i < argTokens.Count; i++) 2550if (positionalArgs.Count > 0 && firstEqual) 2551positionalArgs.RemoveAt(positionalArgs.Count - 1); 2563if (positionalArgs.Count > 0) 2571if (parameters.Length == positionalArgs.Count) 2581for (int i = 0; i < positionalArgs.Count; i++) 2780else if (list.Count == 0 || list[list.Count - 1] is Char) 2804else if (list.Count > 0 && (list[list.Count - 1] is Char))
System.Workflow.Runtime (1)
DebugEngine\DebugController.cs (1)
565LoadExistingScheduleType(GetScheduleTypeId(scheduleDefHash), rootActivity.GetType(), (changeActions != null && changeActions.Count != 0), rootActivity);
System.Xml (112)
System\Xml\Core\XsdValidatingReader.cs (3)
1034else if (defaultAttributes.Count > 0) { //check for default 1712attributeCount += defaultAttributes.Count; 1783for (int i = 0; i < defaultAttributes.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\Dom\DocumentSchemaValidator.cs (1)
381for (int i = 0; i < defaultAttributes.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\Dom\XmlDocument.cs (1)
239if (elementList.Count == 0)
System\Xml\Dom\XmlNamedNodeMap.SmallXmlNodeList.cs (1)
30return list.Count;
System\Xml\Schema\Asttree.cs (10)
131get {return this.stack.Count; } 186for (int i = 0; i < this.stack.Count; ++i) { 204for (int i = 0; i < this.stack.Count; ++i) { 230for (int i = 0; i < this.stack.Count; ++i) { 267this.axisStack = new ArrayList(axisTree.SubtreeArray.Count); // defined length 269for (int i = 0; i < axisTree.SubtreeArray.Count; ++i) { 284for (int i = 0; i < this.axisStack.Count; ++i) { 315for (int i = 0; i < this.axisStack.Count; ++i) { 328for (int i = 0; i < this.axisStack.Count; ++i) { 507for (int i = 0; i < AstArray.Count; ++i) {
System\Xml\Schema\BaseValidator.cs (1)
155Debug.Assert(names.Count > 0);
System\Xml\Schema\ConstraintStruct.cs (1)
109if (KSpointer < KSs.Count) {
System\Xml\Schema\ContentValidator.cs (4)
84Debug.Assert(particles.Count == last + 1); 117Debug.Assert(particles.Count == last + 1); 224get { return positions.Count; } 951for (int i = 0; i < grp.Members.Count; ++i) {
System\Xml\Schema\DataTypeImplementation.cs (2)
1025if (values.Count < minListSize) { 2846for (int i = 0; i < dt.Restriction.Enumeration.Count; ++i) {
System\Xml\Schema\FacetChecker.cs (11)
720for (int i = 0; i < restriction.Patterns.Count; ++i) { 905for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { 984for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { 1039for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { 1095for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { 1167for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { 1174for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { 1274for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { 1327for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { 1375for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) { 1399for (int i = 0; i < enumeration.Count; ++i) {
System\Xml\Schema\Inference\Infer.cs (2)
370if (col != null && col.Count > 0) 541if (col != null && col.Count > 0 )
System\Xml\Schema\Preprocessor.cs (1)
132for (int i = 0; i < redefinedList.Count; ++i) {
System\Xml\Schema\SchemaCollectionCompiler.cs (4)
341if (substitutionGroup.IsProcessing && substitutionGroup.Members.Count > 0) { 355for (int i = 0; i < substitutionGroup.Members.Count; ++i) { 372else if (substitutionGroup.Members.Count > 0) { 381for (int i = 0; i < substitutionGroup.Members.Count; ++i) {
System\Xml\Schema\SchemaSetCompiler.cs (5)
383if (substitutionGroup.IsProcessing && substitutionGroup.Members.Count > 0) { 399for (int i = 0; i < substitutionGroup.Members.Count; ++i) { 406for (int j = 0; j < g.Members.Count; ++j) { 418for (int i = 0; i < newMembers.Count; ++i) { 979for (int i = 0; i < substitutionGroup.Members.Count; ++i) {
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaSet.cs (12)
450for (int i = 0; i < schemaToRemove.ImportedNamespaces.Count; i++) { 471for (int i = 0; i < needToCheckSchemaList.Count; i++) { //Perf: Not using nested foreach here 474if (mainSchema.ImportedNamespaces.Count > 0) { 485for (int i = 0; i < schemaToRemove.ImportedSchemas.Count; ++i) { 657for (int i = 0; i < schema.ImportedSchemas.Count; ++i) { //Once preprocessed external schemas property is set 844if (schema.ImportedSchemas.Count > 0) { //Check imports 846for (int i = 0; i < schema.ImportedSchemas.Count; ++i) { 929for (int i = 0; i < schema.ImportedSchemas.Count; ++i) { //Once preprocessed external schemas property is set 956for (int i = 0; i < substGroup.Members.Count; ++i) { 974for (int i = 0; i < substitutionGroup.Members.Count; ++i) { 981for (int j = 0; j < g.Members.Count; ++j) { 1265for (int j = 0; j < removalList.Count; ++j) {
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaValidator.cs (15)
321for (int i = 0; i < schema.ImportedSchemas.Count; ++i) { //Check for its imports 706if (names == null || names.Count == 0) { 710Debug.Assert(names.Count > 0); 1883for (int k = 0; k < constraintStructures[j].axisFields.Count; ++k) { 1918for (int j = 0; j < constraintStructures[i].axisFields.Count; ++j) { 1957for (int j = 0; j < constraints[i].axisFields.Count; ++j) { 2116if (names == null || names.Count == 0) { 2125Debug.Assert(names.Count > 0); 2157if (names == null || names.Count == 0) { 2164Debug.Assert(names.Count > 0); 2183if (expected.Count == 1) { 2187for (int i=1; i < expected.Count; i++) { 2218for (int i = 1; i < expected.Count; ++i) { 2229if (expected.Count == 1) { //In case of one element in a namespace or any 2246for (int i = 0; i < expected.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\Schema\XsdBuilder.cs (1)
768if (this.unhandledAttributes.Count != 0) {
System\Xml\Schema\XsdValidator.cs (3)
780for (int k = 0; k < constraints[j].axisFields.Count; ++k) { 817for (int j = 0; j < constraints[i].axisFields.Count; ++j) { 861for (int j = 0; j < constraints[i].axisFields.Count; ++j) {
System\Xml\Serialization\CodeIdentifiers.cs (1)
166Array array = Array.CreateInstance(type, list.Count);
System\Xml\Serialization\Compilation.cs (1)
285for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\Serialization\ImportContext.cs (5)
139for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { 180for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { 191for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { 194tmp += (int)cachedHash/list.Count; 204for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\Serialization\Mappings.cs (2)
1166if (srcSchemas.Count == 0) { 1169if (srcSchemas.Count > 1) {
System\Xml\Serialization\SchemaObjectWriter.cs (4)
185for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Count; i++) { 243for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { 500for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { 547for (int ia = 0; ia < a.Count; ia++) {
System\Xml\Serialization\SoapReflectionImporter.cs (1)
544if (constants.Count == 0) {
System\Xml\Serialization\XmlReflectionImporter.cs (5)
523if (srcSchemas.Count == 0) { 526if (srcSchemas.Count > 1) { 791for (int i = 0; i < members.Count; i++) { 1064if (constants.Count == 0) { 2002return list.Count;
System\Xml\Serialization\XmlSerializationReader.cs (6)
1465for (int i = 0; i < fixups.Count; i++) { 1471for (int i = 0; i < collectionFixups.Count; i++) { 1850if(xmlNodeList.Count <= skippableNodeCount) 2422if (attributeMembersList.Count > 0) { 3516if (attributes.Count > 0) { 3520for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\Serialization\XmlSerializationReaderILGen.cs (3)
524if (attributeMembersList.Count > 0) { 2057if (attributes.Count > 0) { 2060for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\Serialization\XmlSerializationWriter.cs (1)
1250for (int i = 0; i < referencesToWrite.Count; i++) {
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\QueryBuilder.cs (3)
324if (root.ArgumentList != null && root.ArgumentList.Count > 0) { 347if (root.ArgumentList != null && root.ArgumentList.Count > 0) { 380int numArgs = args != null ? args.Count : 0;
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\XPathMultyIterator.cs (1)
23this.arr = new ResetableIterator[inputArray.Count];
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\XPathParser.cs (1)
465int argCount = argList.Count;
UIAutomationClient (12)
MS\Internal\Automation\ClientEventManager.cs (5)
174for (int i = _listeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 252if (_listeners.Count == 0) 314for (int i = _listeners.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 574for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.Count; i++) 638for (int i = 0; i < _listeners.Count; i++)
MS\Internal\Automation\ProxyManager.cs (3)
167count += ((ArrayList)o).Count; 534if (proxy == null && _partialClassHandlers.Count > 0) 614count = array.Count;
MS\Internal\Automation\WinEventWrap.cs (4)
101if (_clientCallbacks.Count == 0) 106listIsEmpty = (_clientCallbacks.Count == 0); 176object[] handlers = new object[_clientCallbacks.Count]; 177for (int i = 0; i < _clientCallbacks.Count; i++)
UIAutomationClientsideProviders (21)
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\ClickablePoint.cs (2)
426for (int i = 0, c = alIn.Count; i < c; i++) 445for (int i = 0, c = al.Count; i < c; i++)
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\MSAANativeProvider.cs (1)
119for (int i = actualParentChain.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\ProxyHwnd.cs (2)
551WinEventTracker.EvtIdProperty [] aEvtIdProperties = new WinEventTracker.EvtIdProperty [alEvents.Count]; 553cEvent = alEvents.Count;
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\WindowsEditBoxRange.cs (1)
304Rect[] rectArray = new Rect[rects.Count];
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\WindowsListViewGroupHelper.cs (7)
150if (index >= _groups.Count) 159int count = _groups.Count; 171int count = _groups.Count; 188if (index >= _groups.Count) 198return _groups.Count; 203int count = _groups.Count; 364int count = _groups.Count;
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\WindowsRichEditRange.cs (1)
226Rect[] rectArray = new Rect[rects.Count];
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\WindowsTab.cs (1)
414int count = list.Count;
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\WinEventTracker.cs (6)
249for (int index = eventCreateParams.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 302for (int index = eventCreateParams.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 419for (int index = eventCreateParams.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 437if (eventCreateParams.Count == 0) 453for (int index = eventCreateParams.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 477if (eventCreateParams.Count == 0)
WindowsBase (20)
Base\MS\Internal\IO\Zip\ZipIOBlockManager.cs (5)
835Invariant.Assert(_blockList.Count >= _requiredBlockCount); 845return _blockList.Count - _requiredBlockCount; 910int blockListCount = _blockList.Count; 977for (int i = 0; i < _blockList.Count; i++) 1173for (int blockIndex = _blockList.Count - 1; blockIndex >= 0; --blockIndex)
Base\MS\Internal\IO\Zip\ZipIOLocalFileBlock.cs (4)
476if (_blockManager.Streaming && _exposedPublicStreams != null && _exposedPublicStreams.Count > 0) 478Debug.Assert(_exposedPublicStreams.Count == 1, "Should only be one stream returned in streaming mode"); 862for (int i = _exposedPublicStreams.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 891if ((_exposedPublicStreams == null) ||(_exposedPublicStreams.Count == 0))
Base\MS\Internal\Security\RightsManagement\ClientSession.cs (1)
668for (int i = 0; i < newList.Count; i++)
Base\System\IO\Packaging\CompoundFile\DataSpaceManager.cs (3)
703List<IDataTransform> dataTransforms = new List<IDataTransform>(transformsList.Count); 705for (int i = 0; i < transformsList.Count; i++) 1295definitionWriter.Write( definition.TransformStack.Count );
Shared\MS\Internal\CopyOnWriteList.cs (2)
159for(int i = 0; i < _LiveList.Count; i++) 179if(index <0 || index >= _LiveList.Count )
Shared\MS\Internal\WeakReferenceEnumerator.cs (1)
63while( _i < _List.Count )
Shared\MS\Internal\WeakReferenceList.cs (4)
73count = base.LiveList.Count; 105if (LiveList.Count == LiveList.Capacity) 183for(int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) 224int n = list.Count;
WsatUI (3)
MMCUI\WsatSecurityModel.cs (3)
157for (int i = 0; i < kerb.Count; i++) 175for (int i = indexesOfInvalidItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 181if (kerb.Count <= 0)