File: System\Configuration\BaseConfigurationRecord.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\Configuration\System.Configuration.csproj (System.Configuration)
// <copyright file="BaseConfigurationRecord.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Configuration {
    using System.Configuration.Internal;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Collections.Specialized;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Reflection;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Security;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Runtime.Versioning;
    // This object represents the configuration for a request path, and is cached per-path.
    [System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplay("ConfigPath = {ConfigPath}")]
    abstract internal class BaseConfigurationRecord : IInternalConfigRecord {
        protected const string NL                                               = "\r\n";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_TRUE                                   = "true";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_FALSE                                  = "false";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_CONFIGURATION                          = "configuration";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE                = "";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_CONFIGSECTIONS                         = "configSections";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION                                = "section";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_NAME                           = "name";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_TYPE                           = "type";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWLOCATION                  = "allowLocation";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWDEFINITION                = "allowDefinition";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWDEFINITION_EVERYWHERE     = "Everywhere";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWDEFINITION_MACHINEONLY    = "MachineOnly";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWDEFINITION_MACHINETOAPPLICATION  = "MachineToApplication";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWDEFINITION_MACHINETOWEBROOT  = "MachineToWebRoot";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWEXEDEFINITION             = "allowExeDefinition";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWEXEDEFINITION_MACHTOROAMING = "MachineToRoamingUser";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWEXEDEFINITION_MACHTOLOCAL   = "MachineToLocalUser";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_RESTARTONEXTERNALCHANGES       = "restartOnExternalChanges";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTION_REQUIREPERMISSION              = "requirePermission";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTIONGROUP                           = "sectionGroup";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTIONGROUP_NAME                      = "name";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_SECTIONGROUP_TYPE                      = "type";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_REMOVE                                 = "remove";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_CLEAR                                  = "clear";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_LOCATION                               = "location";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_LOCATION_PATH                          = "path";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_LOCATION_ALLOWOVERRIDE                 = "allowOverride";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_LOCATION_INHERITINCHILDAPPLICATIONS    = "inheritInChildApplications";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_CONFIGSOURCE                           = "configSource";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_XMLNS                                  = "xmlns";
        protected   const string KEYWORD_CONFIG_BUILDER                         = "configBuilders";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_PROTECTION_PROVIDER                    = "configProtectionProvider";
        protected   const string FORMAT_NEWCONFIGFILE                           = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{0}\"?>\r\n";
        protected   const string FORMAT_CONFIGURATION                           = "<configuration>\r\n";
        protected   const string FORMAT_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE                 = "<configuration xmlns=\"{0}\">\r\n";
        protected   const string FORMAT_CONFIGURATION_ENDELEMENT                = "</configuration>";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_SECTION_OVERRIDEMODEDEFAULT            = "overrideModeDefault";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_LOCATION_OVERRIDEMODE                  = "overrideMode";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_OVERRIDEMODE_INHERIT                   = "Inherit";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_OVERRIDEMODE_ALLOW                     = "Allow";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_OVERRIDEMODE_DENY                      = "Deny";
        protected   const string FORMAT_LOCATION_NOPATH                         = "<location {0} inheritInChildApplications=\"{1}\">\r\n";
        protected   const string FORMAT_LOCATION_PATH                           = "<location path=\"{2}\" {0} inheritInChildApplications=\"{1}\">\r\n";
        protected   const string FORMAT_LOCATION_ENDELEMENT                     = "</location>";
        internal    const string KEYWORD_LOCATION_OVERRIDEMODE_STRING           = "{0}=\"{1}\"";
        protected   const string FORMAT_SECTION_CONFIGSOURCE                    = "<{0} configSource=\"{1}\" />";
        protected   const string FORMAT_CONFIGSOURCE_FILE                       = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"{0}\"?>\r\n";
        protected   const string FORMAT_SECTIONGROUP_ENDELEMENT                 = "</sectionGroup>";
        // Class flags should only be used with the ClassFlags property.
        protected const int ClassSupportsChangeNotifications    = 0x00000001;
        protected const int ClassSupportsRefresh                = 0x00000002;
        protected const int ClassSupportsImpersonation          = 0x00000004;
        protected const int ClassSupportsRestrictedPermissions  = 0x00000008;
        protected const int ClassSupportsKeepInputs             = 0x00000010;
        protected const int ClassSupportsDelayedInit            = 0x00000020;
        protected const int ClassIgnoreLocalErrors              = 0x00000040;
        // Flags to use with the _flags field.
        protected const int ProtectedDataInitialized            = 0x00000001;
        protected const int Closed                              = 0x00000002;
        protected const int PrefetchAll                         = 0x00000008;
        protected const int IsAboveApplication                  = 0x00000020;
        private   const int ContextEvaluated                    = 0x00000080;
        private   const int IsLocationListResolved              = 0x00000100;
        protected const int NamespacePresentInFile              = 0x00000200;
        private   const int RestrictedPermissionsResolved       = 0x00000800;
        protected const int IsTrusted                           = 0x00002000;
        protected const int SupportsChangeNotifications         = 0x00010000;
        protected const int SupportsRefresh                     = 0x00020000;
        protected const int SupportsPath                        = 0x00040000;
        protected const int SupportsKeepInputs                  = 0x00080000;
        protected const int SupportsLocation                    = 0x00100000;
        // Flags for Mgmt Configuration Record
        protected const int ForceLocationWritten                = 0x01000000;
        protected const int SuggestLocationRemoval              = 0x02000000;
        protected const int NamespacePresentCurrent             = 0x04000000;
        protected const int ConfigBuildersInitialized            = 0x08000000;
        internal const char             ConfigPathSeparatorChar = '/';
        internal const string           ConfigPathSeparatorString = "/";
        static internal readonly char[] ConfigPathSeparatorParams = new char[] {ConfigPathSeparatorChar};
        private static volatile ConfigurationPermission  s_unrestrictedConfigPermission; // cached ConfigurationPermission
        protected SafeBitVector32               _flags;                 // state
        protected BaseConfigurationRecord       _parent;                // parent record
        protected Hashtable                     _children;              // configName -> record
        protected InternalConfigRoot            _configRoot;            // root of configuration
        protected string                        _configName;            // the last part of the config path
        protected string                        _configPath;            // the full config path
        protected string                        _locationSubPath;       // subPath for the config record when editing a location configuration
        private ConfigRecordStreamInfo          _configStreamInfo;      // stream info for the config record
        private object                          _configContext;         // Context for config level
        private ConfigurationBuildersSection    _configBuilders;         // section containing the general config builders
        private ProtectedConfigurationSection   _protectedConfig;       // section containing the encryption providers
        private PermissionSet                   _restrictedPermissions; // cached restricted permission set
        private ConfigurationSchemaErrors       _initErrors;            // errors encountered during the parse of the configuration file
        private BaseConfigurationRecord         _initDelayedRoot;       // root of delayed initialization
        // Records information about <configSections> present in this web.config file.
        //      config key -> FactoryRecord
        protected Hashtable                     _factoryRecords;
        // Records information about sections that apply to this path,
        // which may be found in this web.config file, in a parent through
        // inheritance, or in a parent through <location>
        //      config key -> SectionRecord
        protected Hashtable                     _sectionRecords;
        // Records information about sections in a <location> directive
        // that do not apply to this configPath (sections where path != ".")
        protected ArrayList                     _locationSections;
        // WOS 1955773: (Perf) 4,000 location sections in web.config file degrades working set
        private static string s_appConfigPath;
        // Comparer used in sorting IndirectInputs.
        private static IComparer<SectionInput>  s_indirectInputsComparer = new IndirectLocationInputComparer();
        internal BaseConfigurationRecord() {
            // not strictly necessary, but compiler spits out a warning without this initiailization
            _flags = new SafeBitVector32();
        // Class flags
        protected abstract SimpleBitVector32 ClassFlags {get;}
        // Create the factory that will evaluate configuration
        protected abstract object CreateSectionFactory(FactoryRecord factoryRecord);
        // Create the configuration object
        protected abstract object CreateSection(bool inputIsTrusted, FactoryRecord factoryRecord, SectionRecord sectionRecord, SectionInput sectionInput, object parentConfig, ConfigXmlReader reader);
        // Use the parent result in creating the child
        protected abstract object UseParentResult(string configKey, object parentResult, SectionRecord sectionRecord);
        // Return the runtime object from GetSection
        protected abstract object GetRuntimeObject(object result);
        // IInternalConfigRecord methods
        public string ConfigPath {
            get {return _configPath;}
        public string StreamName {
            get {return ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName;}
        public bool HasInitErrors {
            get {
                return _initErrors.HasErrors(ClassFlags[ClassIgnoreLocalErrors]);
        public void ThrowIfInitErrors() {
        public object GetSection(string configKey) {
#if DBG
            // On debug builds, the config system depends on system.diagnostics,
            // so we must always return a valid result and never throw.
            if (configKey == "system.diagnostics" && !ClassFlags[ClassIgnoreLocalErrors]) {
                return GetSection(configKey, true, true);
            else {
                return GetSection(configKey, false, true);
            return GetSection(configKey, false, true);
        public object GetLkgSection(string configKey) {
            return GetSection(configKey, true, true);
        public void RefreshSection(string configKey) {
            _configRoot.ClearResult(this, configKey, true);
        public void Remove() {
        // end of IInternalConfigRecord methods
        internal bool HasStream {
            get { return ConfigStreamInfo.HasStream; }
        // Determine which sections should be prefetched during the first scan.
        private bool ShouldPrefetchRawXml(FactoryRecord factoryRecord) {
            if (_flags[PrefetchAll])
                return true;
            switch (factoryRecord.ConfigKey) {
                case BaseConfigurationRecord.RESERVED_SECTION_PROTECTED_CONFIGURATION:
                case "system.diagnostics":
                case "appSettings":
                case "connectionStrings":
                    return true;
            return Host.PrefetchSection(factoryRecord.Group, factoryRecord.Name);
        protected IDisposable Impersonate() {
            IDisposable context = null;
            if (ClassFlags[ClassSupportsImpersonation]) {
                context = Host.Impersonate();
            if (context == null) {
                context = EmptyImpersonationContext.GetStaticInstance();
            return context;
        internal PermissionSet GetRestrictedPermissions()
            if (!_flags[RestrictedPermissionsResolved])
                lock (this)
                    if (!_flags[RestrictedPermissionsResolved])
                        if (AppDomain.CurrentDomain.IsHomogenous)
                            // in a homogenous domain, just call PermitOnly() on the AppDomain's existing permission set
                            _restrictedPermissions = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.PermissionSet;
                            _flags[RestrictedPermissionsResolved] = true;
                            // in a non-homogenous domain, use Evidence to calculate the current security policy
                            PermissionSet restrictedPermissions;
                            bool isHostReady;
                            GetRestrictedPermissionsWithAssert(out restrictedPermissions, out isHostReady);
                            if (isHostReady)
                                _restrictedPermissions = restrictedPermissions;
                                _flags[RestrictedPermissionsResolved] = true;
                        // calling PermitOnly() on an unrestricted PermissionSet is a no-op
                        if (_restrictedPermissions != null && _restrictedPermissions.IsUnrestricted())
                            _restrictedPermissions = null;
            return _restrictedPermissions;
        // Getting the PermissionSet object is a FullTrust operation; we can Assert since our callers are careful not to leak it
        [PermissionSet(SecurityAction.Assert, Unrestricted = true)]
        private void GetRestrictedPermissionsWithAssert(out PermissionSet permissionSet, out bool isHostReady) {
            Host.GetRestrictedPermissions(this, out permissionSet, out isHostReady);
        internal void Init(
                IInternalConfigRoot         configRoot,
                BaseConfigurationRecord     parent,
                string                      configPath,
                string                      locationSubPath) {
            _initErrors = new ConfigurationSchemaErrors();
            // try/catch here is only for unexpected exceptions due to errors in
            // our own code, as we always want the configuration record to be
            // usable
            try {
                _configRoot = (InternalConfigRoot) configRoot;
                _parent = parent;
                _configPath = configPath;
                _locationSubPath = locationSubPath;
                _configName = ConfigPathUtility.GetName(configPath);
                if (IsLocationConfig) {
                    _configStreamInfo = _parent.ConfigStreamInfo;
                else {
                    _configStreamInfo = new ConfigRecordStreamInfo();
                // no more initialization in case of root config
                if (IsRootConfig)
                // determine what features we support
                _flags[SupportsChangeNotifications] = ClassFlags[ClassSupportsChangeNotifications] && Host.SupportsChangeNotifications;
                _flags[SupportsRefresh] = ClassFlags[ClassSupportsRefresh] && Host.SupportsRefresh;
                _flags[SupportsKeepInputs] = ClassFlags[ClassSupportsKeepInputs] || _flags[SupportsRefresh];
                _flags[SupportsPath] = Host.SupportsPath;
                _flags[SupportsLocation] = Host.SupportsLocation;
                // get static state based on the configPath
                if (_flags[SupportsLocation]) {
                    _flags[IsAboveApplication] = Host.IsAboveApplication(_configPath);
                _flags[IsTrusted] = Host.IsTrustedConfigPath(_configPath);
                ArrayList locationSubPathInputs = null;
                if (_flags[SupportsLocation]) {
                    // Treat location inputs from parent record
                    // as though they were bonafide sections in this record.
                    if (IsLocationConfig && _parent._locationSections != null) {
                        // Resolve paths and check for errors in location sections.
                        int i = 0;
                        while (i < _parent._locationSections.Count) {
                            LocationSectionRecord locationSectionRecord = (LocationSectionRecord) _parent._locationSections[i];
                            if (!StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath, this.ConfigPath)) {
                            else {
                                // remove the locationSectionRecord from the list
                                if (locationSubPathInputs == null) {
                                    locationSubPathInputs = new ArrayList();
                    // Handle indirect inputs for location config record.
                    if (IsLocationConfig && Host.IsLocationApplicable(_configPath)) {
                        Dictionary<string, List<SectionInput>>      indirectLocationInputs = null;
                        BaseConfigurationRecord current = _parent;
                        // Note that the code will also go thru all parents, just like what we did
                        // with the location inputs later.  But perf-wise it's okay not to merge the two loops
                        // because a Configuration object will contain at most one location config record.
                        while (!current.IsRootConfig) {
                            if (current._locationSections != null) {
                                foreach (LocationSectionRecord locationSectionRecord in current._locationSections) {
                                    // VSWhidbey 540184
                                    // If we're initializing a location config record, we will also use those location
                                    // tags that apply to the directories between the parent and the location config
                                    // record's ConfigPath.
                                    // This way, the result will contain all the inputs (we've parsed so far) which
                                    // affect the path specified by locationSubPath.
                                    // To look for this kind of input, make sure that:
                                    // 1. We are creating a location config
                                    // 2. The location tag's target path lies between parent's config path and ConfigPath
                                    //    2.1: ConfigPath must be a child of the location tag's target path
                                    //    2.2: The target path must be a child of parent's config path
                                    //    One example of why we need 2.2:
                                    //      The root web.config has a location tag with path="1", and we open a configuration
                                    //      at "1" with locationSubPath="sub".  If we don't have 2.2, then we will incorrectly set
                                    //      addInput to true for this location tag.  It's incorrect because that location tag
                                    //      is already used by configRecord at level "1".
                                    // 3. The location tag shouldn't be skipped due to inheritInChildApplications setting
                                    if (
                                            // Check #1
                                            IsLocationConfig &&
                                            // Check #2.1
                                            UrlPath.IsSubpath(locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath, ConfigPath) &&
                                            // Check #2.2
                                            UrlPath.IsSubpath(parent.ConfigPath, locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath) &&
                                            // Check #3
                                            !ShouldSkipDueToInheritInChildApplications(locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.SkipInChildApps, locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath)
                                        ) {
                                        // In order to separate these kinds of input from "file inputs" and "location inputs"
                                        // we introduce a new kind of input called the "indirect location inputs".
                                        // First add all indirect inputs per configKey to a local list.
                                        // We will sort all lists after the while loop.
                                        if (indirectLocationInputs == null) {
                                            indirectLocationInputs = new Dictionary<string, List<SectionInput>>(1);
                                        string              configKey = locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.ConfigKey;
                                        if (!((IDictionary)indirectLocationInputs).Contains(configKey)) {
                                            indirectLocationInputs.Add(configKey, new List<SectionInput>(1));
                                                        new SectionInput(locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo,
                                        // copy the initialization errors to the record
                                        if (locationSectionRecord.HasErrors) {
                            current = current._parent;
                        if (indirectLocationInputs != null) {
                            // Add indirect inputs per configKey
                            foreach(KeyValuePair<string, List<SectionInput>> keyValuePair in indirectLocationInputs) {
                                List<SectionInput>  inputsPerConfigKey = keyValuePair.Value;
                                string              configKey = keyValuePair.Key;
                                // We have to sort the indirect inputs
                                // 1. First by the location tag's target config path, and if they're the same,
                                // 2. Then by the location tag's definition config path.
                                // Add them to the section record.
                                // In the sorted list, the closest parent is at the beginning of the
                                // list, which is what we'll add first.
                                SectionRecord sectionRecord = EnsureSectionRecord(configKey, true);
                                Debug.Assert(inputsPerConfigKey.Count > 0, "We won't get here unless we have inputs.");
                                foreach(SectionInput sectionInput in inputsPerConfigKey) {
                    // Add location inputs that apply to this path, all the way up the parent hierarchy.
                    if (Host.IsLocationApplicable(_configPath)) {
                        BaseConfigurationRecord current                     = _parent;
                        while (!current.IsRootConfig) {
                            if (current._locationSections != null) {
                                foreach (LocationSectionRecord locationSectionRecord in current._locationSections) {
                                    // We use the location tag input if:
                                    // - The path matches, and
                                    // - It's not skipped due to inheritInChildApplications setting.
                                    if (StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath, this._configPath) &&
                                        !ShouldSkipDueToInheritInChildApplications(locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.SkipInChildApps)) {
                                        // add the location input for this section
                                        SectionRecord sectionRecord = EnsureSectionRecord(locationSectionRecord.ConfigKey, true);
                                        SectionInput sectionInput = new SectionInput(
                                                locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo, locationSectionRecord.ErrorsList);
                                        // copy the initialization errors to the record
                                        if (locationSectionRecord.HasErrors) {
                            current = current._parent;
                if (!IsLocationConfig) {
                    // If config file exists, open it and parse it once so we can
                    // find what to evaluate later.
                else {
                    // Add location sections for this record as bonafide sections.
                    if (locationSubPathInputs != null) {
                        foreach (LocationSectionRecord locationSectionRecord in locationSubPathInputs) {
                            // add the file input
                            SectionRecord sectionRecord = EnsureSectionRecord(locationSectionRecord.ConfigKey, true);
                            SectionInput sectionInput = new SectionInput(locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo, locationSectionRecord.ErrorsList);
                            // copy the initialization errors to the record
                            if (locationSectionRecord.HasErrors) {
            // Capture all exceptions and include them in initialization errors.
            catch (Exception e) {
                string streamname = (ConfigStreamInfo != null) ? ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName : null;
                        ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_error_loading_XML_file), e, streamname, 0),
        // InitConfigFromFile
        // Init the Config From the File.
        private void InitConfigFromFile() {
            bool implicitSectionsAdded = false;
            try {
                // If initialization should be delayed, do not read the file.
                if (ClassFlags[ClassSupportsDelayedInit] && Host.IsInitDelayed(this)) {
                    // determine the root of delayed initialization
                    if (_parent._initDelayedRoot == null) {
                        _initDelayedRoot = this;
                    else {
                        _initDelayedRoot = _parent._initDelayedRoot;
                else {
                    // This parent of a record that is not initDelayed must also
                    // not be initDelayed.
                    Debug.Assert(!_parent.IsInitDelayed, "!_parent.IsInitDelayed");
                    using (Impersonate()) {
                        // Get the stream name. Note that this may be an expensive operation
                        // for the client configuration host, which is why it comes after the
                        // check for delayed init.
                        ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName = Host.GetStreamName(_configPath);
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName)) {
                            // Lets listen to the stream
                            ConfigStreamInfo.StreamVersion = MonitorStream(null, null, ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName);
                            using (Stream stream = Host.OpenStreamForRead(ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName)) {
                                if (stream == null) {
                                    // There is no stream to load from
                                ConfigStreamInfo.HasStream = true;
                                // Determine whether or not to prefetch.
                                _flags[PrefetchAll] = Host.PrefetchAll(_configPath, ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName);
                                using (XmlUtil xmlUtil = new XmlUtil(stream, ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName, true, _initErrors)) {
                                    ConfigStreamInfo.StreamEncoding = xmlUtil.Reader.Encoding;
                                    // Read the factories
                                    Hashtable factoryList = ScanFactories(xmlUtil);
                                    _factoryRecords = factoryList;
                                    // Add implicit sections before scanning sections
                                    implicitSectionsAdded = true;
                                    // Read the sections themselves
                                    if (xmlUtil.Reader.Depth == 1) {
            // Capture all exceptions and include them in _initErrors so execution in Init can continue.
            catch (XmlException e) {
                // Treat invalid XML as unrecoverable by replacing all errors with the XML error.
                        ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_error_loading_XML_file), e, ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName, 0));
            catch (Exception e) {
                        ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_error_loading_XML_file), e, ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName, 0),
            // If there are global errors that make all input invalid,
            // reset our state so that inherited configuration can still be used,
            // including location sections that apply to this file.
            if (_initErrors.HasGlobalErrors) {
                // Parsing of a section may have been in progress when the exception
                // was thrown, so clear any accumulated local errors.
                // Stop monitoring any configSource streams, but still continue
                // to monitor the main config file if it was successfully monitored.
                HybridDictionary streamInfos = null;
                lock (this) {
                    if (ConfigStreamInfo.HasStreamInfos) {
                        streamInfos = ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName)) {
                            StreamInfo fileStreamInfo = (StreamInfo) streamInfos[ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName];
                            // add this file's streaminfo to the now empty list
                            if (fileStreamInfo != null) {
                                ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos.Add(ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName, fileStreamInfo);
                // Stop monitoring streams outside the lock, to prevent deadlock.
                if (streamInfos != null) {
                    foreach (StreamInfo streamInfo in streamInfos.Values) {
                        if (streamInfo.IsMonitored) {
                            Host.StopMonitoringStreamForChanges(streamInfo.StreamName, ConfigStreamInfo.CallbackDelegate);
                // Remove file input
                if (_sectionRecords != null) {
                    List<SectionRecord> removes = null;
                    foreach (SectionRecord sectionRecord in _sectionRecords.Values) {
                            "Don't expect to have any IndirectLocationInputs because location config record shouldn't call InitConfigFromFile");
                        if (sectionRecord.HasLocationInputs) {
                            // Remove any file input
                        else {
                            // Remove the entire section record
                            if (removes == null) {
                                removes = new List<SectionRecord>();
                    if (removes != null) {
                        foreach (SectionRecord sectionRecord in removes) {
                // Remove all location section input defined here
                if (_locationSections != null) {
                // Remove all factory records
                if (_factoryRecords != null) {
            if (!implicitSectionsAdded) {
                // Always add implicit sections no matter we have a file or not.
        private bool IsInitDelayed {
            get {
                return _initDelayedRoot != null;
        // RefreshFactoryRecord
        // Refresh the Factory Record for a particular section.
        private void RefreshFactoryRecord(string configKey) {
            Hashtable                 factoryList   = null;
            FactoryRecord             factoryRecord = null;
            ConfigurationSchemaErrors errors;
            errors = new ConfigurationSchemaErrors();
            // Get Updated Factory List from File
            int lineNumber = 0;
            try {
                using (Impersonate()) {
                    using (Stream stream = Host.OpenStreamForRead(ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName)) {
                        if (stream != null) {
                            ConfigStreamInfo.HasStream = true;
                            using (XmlUtil xmlUtil = new XmlUtil(stream, ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName, true, errors)) {
                                try {
                                    factoryList = ScanFactories(xmlUtil);
                                catch {
                                    lineNumber = xmlUtil.LineNumber;
                // Add implicit sections to the factory list
                if (factoryList == null) {
                    // But if factoryList isn't found in this config, we still try to
                    // add implicit sections to an empty factoryList.
                    factoryList = new Hashtable();
                if (factoryList != null) {
                    factoryRecord = (FactoryRecord) factoryList[configKey];
            // Guarantee that exceptions contain the name of the stream and an approximate line number if available.
            // And don't allow frames up the stack to run exception filters while impersonated.
            catch (Exception e) {
                        ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_error_loading_XML_file), e, ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName, lineNumber),
            // Set/Add/Remove Record
            // Note that the _factoryRecords hashtable is protected by the hierarchy lock.
            if (factoryRecord != null || HasFactoryRecords) {
                EnsureFactories()[configKey] = factoryRecord;
            // Throw accumulated errors
        internal IInternalConfigHost Host {
            get {return _configRoot.Host;}
        internal IInternalConfigurationBuilderHost ConfigBuilderHost {
            get { return _configRoot.ConfigBuilderHost; }
        internal BaseConfigurationRecord Parent {
            get {return _parent;}
        internal bool IsRootConfig {
            get {return _parent == null;}
        internal bool IsMachineConfig {
            get {return _parent == _configRoot.RootConfigRecord;}
        internal string LocationSubPath {
            get {return _locationSubPath;}
        internal bool IsLocationConfig {
            get {return _locationSubPath != null;}
        protected ConfigRecordStreamInfo ConfigStreamInfo {
            get {
                if (IsLocationConfig) {
                    return _parent._configStreamInfo;
                else {
                    return _configStreamInfo;
        private object GetSection(string configKey, bool getLkg, bool checkPermission) {
            object result;
            object resultRuntimeObject;
            // Note that GetSectionRecursive may invalidate this record,
            // so there should be no further references to 'this' after the call.
                    configKey, getLkg, checkPermission, true /* getRuntimeObject */, true /* requestIsHere */,
                    out result, out resultRuntimeObject);
            return resultRuntimeObject;
        private void GetSectionRecursive(
                string configKey, bool getLkg, bool checkPermission, bool getRuntimeObject, bool requestIsHere,
                out object result, out object resultRuntimeObject) {
            result = null;
            resultRuntimeObject = null;
#if DBG
            Debug.Assert(requestIsHere || !checkPermission, "requestIsHere || !checkPermission");
            if (getLkg) {
                Debug.Assert(getRuntimeObject == true, "getRuntimeObject == true");
                Debug.Assert(requestIsHere == true, "requestIsHere == true");
            // Store results in temporary variables, because we don't want to return
            // results if an exception is thrown by CheckPermissionAllowed.
            object tmpResult = null;
            object tmpResultRuntimeObject = null;
            bool requirePermission = true;
            bool isResultTrustedWithoutAptca = true;
            // Throw errors from initial parse, if any.
            if (!getLkg) {
            // check for a cached result
            bool hasResult = false;
            SectionRecord sectionRecord = GetSectionRecord(configKey, getLkg);
            if (sectionRecord != null && sectionRecord.HasResult) {
                // Results should never be stored if the section has errors.
                Debug.Assert(!sectionRecord.HasErrors, "!sectionRecord.HasErrors");
                // Create the runtime object if requested and does not yet exist.
                if (getRuntimeObject && !sectionRecord.HasResultRuntimeObject) {
                    try {
                        sectionRecord.ResultRuntimeObject = GetRuntimeObject(sectionRecord.Result);
                    catch {
                        // Ignore the error if we are attempting to retreive
                        // the last known good configuration.
                        if (!getLkg) {
                // Get the cached result.
                if (!getRuntimeObject || sectionRecord.HasResultRuntimeObject) {
                    requirePermission = sectionRecord.RequirePermission;
                    isResultTrustedWithoutAptca = sectionRecord.IsResultTrustedWithoutAptca;
                    tmpResult = sectionRecord.Result;
                    if (getRuntimeObject) {
                        tmpResultRuntimeObject = sectionRecord.ResultRuntimeObject;
                    hasResult = true;
            // If there is no cached result, get the parent's section,
            // then merge it with our own input if we have any.
            if (!hasResult) {
                FactoryRecord factoryRecord = null;
                bool hasInput = (sectionRecord != null && sectionRecord.HasInput);
                // We want to cache results in a section record if:
                // - The request is made at this level, and so is likely to be
                //   made here again.
                // OR
                // - The section has input, in which case we want to
                //   avoid evaluating the same input multiple times.
                bool cacheResults = (requestIsHere || hasInput);
                bool isRootDeclaration;
                try {
                    // We need to get a factory record to:
                    // - Check whether the caller has permission to access a section.
                    // - Determine if this is the root declaration of a config section,
                    //   and thus the termination point for recursion.
                    // - Get a factory that can create a configuration section.
                    // Since most factories will be declared in machine.config and not in
                    // child config files, we do not optimize for checking whether a
                    // factory record is the root declaration, as the calculation at
                    // machine.config is trivial.
                    // It WILL be common in web scenarios for there to be
                    // deep hierarchies of config files, most of which have
                    // sparse input. Therefore we do not want to retreive a
                    // factory record if it is not necessary to do so, as
                    // it would always lead to an order N-squared operation,
                    // where N is the depth of the config hierarchy.
                    // We can skip the reteival of a factory record if:
                    // - This is the recursive call to GetSectionRecursive,
                    // AND
                    // - There is no section input at this level,
                    // AND
                    // - No factory is declared at this level.
                    // In this case, we'll simply continue the recursion to our parent.
                    if (requestIsHere) {
                        // Ensure that we have a valid factory record and a valid factory
                        // for creating sections when a request for a section is first
                        // made.
                        factoryRecord = FindAndEnsureFactoryRecord(configKey, out isRootDeclaration);
                        // If initialization is delayed, complete initialization if:
                        //  - We can't find the requested factory, and it therefore
                        //    may be in the file we haven't yet read,
                        //  OR
                        //  - The definition of that factory is allowed at
                        //    levels of the config hierarchy that have not
                        //    been initialized.
                        // This works for client config scenarios because the default
                        // for AllowExeDefinition is MachineToApplication. It would not
                        // be useful for Web scenarios, as most sections can be requested
                        // Everywhere.
                        // Note that configuration errors that may be present in the
                        // file where intialization is delayed will be ignored, and
                        // thus the order in which configuration sections are requested
                        // will affect results. This is considered OK as it is very
                        // expensive to determine configuration paths to
                        // client user configuration files, which aren't needed by
                        // most applications.
                        if (   IsInitDelayed
                            && (   factoryRecord == null
                                || _initDelayedRoot.IsDefinitionAllowed(factoryRecord.AllowDefinition, factoryRecord.AllowExeDefinition))) {
                            if (factoryRecord == null) {
                                // No factory was found in machine or exe config, and
                                // initialization of the user config levels (roaming and local)
                                // has been delayed.
                                // As described above, the design in this case is to complete
                                // initialization of the user config levels now, and then
                                // search them to see if they contain a matching factory.
                                // Unfortunately situations have emerged where initializing the
                                // user config levels at this point would introduce significant
                                // appcompat breaks. In such cases, ignore the user config
                                // levels and instead return immediately to simulate the
                                // case where the user config file contains no matching factory.
                                // NOTE: If the factory is present in the user config files,
                                // callers can observe inconsistent results. Initially, the
                                // factory will be ignored. Once any unrelated operation forces
                                // user config initialization to occur, the factory will be
                                // used and the associated content will be surfaced to the
                                // caller. While undesirable, this inconsistency is being
                                // allowed since the relevant factories are expected to rarely
                                // (if ever) appear in user config files, and addressing the
                                // inconsistency (e.g., by updating ScanFactoriesRecursive to
                                // ignore any releveant factories found at user config levels)
                                // would significantly expand the footprint of this targeted
                                // appcompat shim.
                                // NOTE: This logic does NOT ignore user config files in
                                // any case where a factory was found in the machine or exe
                                // config and contains an attribute (e.g.,
                                // allowExeDefinition="MachineToLocalUser") which explicitly
                                // says that user config files are allowed to contribute
                                // content.
                                if (NeverLoadUserConfigFilesDuringFactorySearch(configKey)) {
                            // We are going to remove this record, so get any data we need
                            // before the reference to 'this' becomes invalid.
                            string configPath = this._configPath;
                            InternalConfigRoot configRoot = this._configRoot;
                            // Tell the host to no longer permit delayed initialization.
                            // Removed config at the root of where initialization is delayed.
                            // Get the config record for this config path
                            BaseConfigurationRecord newRecord = (BaseConfigurationRecord) configRoot.GetConfigRecord(configPath);
                            // Repeat the call to GetSectionRecursive
                                configKey, getLkg, checkPermission,
                                getRuntimeObject, requestIsHere,
                                out result, out resultRuntimeObject);
                            // Return and make no more references to this record.
                        // For compatibility with previous versions,
                        // return null if the section is not found
                        // or is a group.
                        if (factoryRecord == null || factoryRecord.IsGroup) {
                        // Use the factory record's copy of the configKey,
                        // so that we don't store more than one instance
                        // of the same configKey.
                        configKey = factoryRecord.ConfigKey;
                    else if (hasInput) {
                        // We'll need a factory to evaluate the input.
                        factoryRecord = FindAndEnsureFactoryRecord(configKey, out isRootDeclaration);
                        Debug.Assert(factoryRecord != null, "factoryRecord != null");
                    else {
                        // We don't need a factory record unless this is the root declaration.
                        // We know it is not the root declaration if there is no factory
                        // declared here. This is important to avoid a walk up the config
                        // hierachy when there is no input in this record.
                        factoryRecord = GetFactoryRecord(configKey, false);
                        if (factoryRecord == null) {
                            isRootDeclaration = false;
                        else {
                            factoryRecord = FindAndEnsureFactoryRecord(configKey, out isRootDeclaration);
                            Debug.Assert(factoryRecord != null, "factoryRecord != null");
                    // We need a factory record to check permission.
                    Debug.Assert(!checkPermission || factoryRecord != null, "!checkPermission || factoryRecord != null");
                    // If this is the root declaration, then we always want to cache
                    // the result, in order to prevent the section default from being
                    // created multiple times.
                    if (isRootDeclaration) {
                        cacheResults = true;
                    // We'll need a section record to cache results,
                    // and maybe to use in creating the section default.
                    if (sectionRecord == null && cacheResults) {
                        sectionRecord = EnsureSectionRecord(configKey, true);
                    // Retrieve the parent's runtime object if the runtimeObject
                    // is requested, and we are not going to merge that input
                    // with input in this section.
                    bool getParentRuntimeObject = (getRuntimeObject && !hasInput);
                    object parentResult = null;
                    object parentResultRuntimeObject = null;
                    if (isRootDeclaration) {
                        // Create the default section.
                        // Use the existing section record to create it if there is no input,
                        // so that the cached result is attached to the correct record.
                        SectionRecord sectionRecordForDefault = (hasInput) ? null : sectionRecord;
                        CreateSectionDefault(configKey, getParentRuntimeObject, factoryRecord, sectionRecordForDefault,
                                out parentResult, out parentResultRuntimeObject);
                    else {
                        // Get the parent section.
                                configKey, false /* getLkg */, false /* checkPermission */,
                                getParentRuntimeObject, false /* requestIsHere */,
                                out parentResult, out parentResultRuntimeObject);
                    if (hasInput) {
                        // Evaluate the input.
                        // If Evaluate() encounters an error, it may not throw an exception
                        // when getLkg == true.
                        // The complete success of the evaluation is determined by the return value.
                        bool success = Evaluate(factoryRecord, sectionRecord, parentResult, getLkg, getRuntimeObject,
                                out tmpResult, out tmpResultRuntimeObject);
                        Debug.Assert(success || getLkg, "success || getLkg");
                        if (!success) {
                            Debug.Assert(getLkg == true, "getLkg == true");
                            // Do not cache partial results if getLkg was specified.
                            cacheResults = false;
                    else {
                        // If we are going to cache results here, we will need
                        // to create a copy in the case of MgmtConfigurationRecord -
                        // otherwise we could inadvertently return the parent to the user,
                        // which could then be modified.
                        if (sectionRecord != null) {
                            tmpResult = UseParentResult(configKey, parentResult, sectionRecord);
                            if (getRuntimeObject) {
                                // If the parent result is the same as the parent runtime object,
                                // then use the same copy of the parent result for our own runtime object.
                                if (object.ReferenceEquals(parentResult, parentResultRuntimeObject)) {
                                    tmpResultRuntimeObject = tmpResult;
                                else {
                                    tmpResultRuntimeObject = UseParentResult(configKey, parentResultRuntimeObject, sectionRecord);
                        else {
                            Debug.Assert(!requestIsHere, "!requestIsHere");
                            // We don't need to make a copy if we are not storing
                            // the result, and thus not returning the result to the
                            // caller of GetSection.
                            tmpResult = parentResult;
                            tmpResultRuntimeObject = parentResultRuntimeObject;
                    // Determine which permissions are required of the caller.
                    if (cacheResults || checkPermission) {
                        requirePermission = factoryRecord.RequirePermission;
                        isResultTrustedWithoutAptca = factoryRecord.IsFactoryTrustedWithoutAptca;
                        // Cache the results.
                        if (cacheResults) {
                            if (sectionRecord == null) {
                                sectionRecord = EnsureSectionRecord(configKey, true);
                            sectionRecord.Result = tmpResult;
                            if (getRuntimeObject) {
                                sectionRecord.ResultRuntimeObject = tmpResultRuntimeObject;
                            sectionRecord.RequirePermission = requirePermission;
                            sectionRecord.IsResultTrustedWithoutAptca = isResultTrustedWithoutAptca;
                    hasResult = true;
                catch {
                    // Ignore the error if we are attempting to retreive
                    // the last known good configuration.
                    if (!getLkg) {
                // If we don't have a result, ask our parent for its
                // last known good result.
                if (!hasResult) {
                    Debug.Assert(getLkg == true, "getLkg == true");
                        configKey, true /* getLkg */, checkPermission,
                        true /* getRuntimeObject */, true /* requestIsHere */,
                        out result, out resultRuntimeObject);
            // Check if permission to access the section is allowed.
            if (checkPermission) {
                CheckPermissionAllowed(configKey, requirePermission, isResultTrustedWithoutAptca);
            // Return the results.
            result = tmpResult;
            if (getRuntimeObject) {
                resultRuntimeObject = tmpResultRuntimeObject;
        // Note that the "configKey" is generally the section name passed to a GetSection API and
        // is therefore case-sensitive.
        private static bool NeverLoadUserConfigFilesDuringFactorySearch(string configKey) {
            if (!LocalAppContextSwitches.AllowUserConfigFilesToLoadWhenSearchingForWellKnownSqlClientFactories) {
                // These two sections control new System.Data.SqlClient features that
                // were added in .NET 4.7.2. The SqlClient code queries these sections
                // on demand by calling ConfigurationManager.GetSection from class
                // constructors triggered during first use of the SqlClient services.
                // For many customers, this broke appcompat because:
                //    - The first SqlClient use happened at point where customer code
                //      had attached non-serializable values to the logical call context.
                //    - The new section is not present in the machine or exe config files,
                //      so the first ConfigurationManager.GetSection loads the user
                //      config files on demand.
                //    - An AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence call always occurs as part
                //      of computing the user config file paths.
                //    - In most secondary app domains, loading the evidence calls over
                //      into the default domain, which throws an unhandled
                //      SerializationException due to the non-serializable call context.
                // Investigation showed that new SqlClient ConfigurationManager.GetSection
                // calls cannot be removed without regressing the new .NET 4.7.2 features
                // (which have shipped and are in wide use). That said, broad and heavy
                // impact across large-scale customer scenarios means that some kind of
                // appcompat mitigation needs to ship via servicing.
                // The consensus is that it is very unlikely that customers are using
                // user config files to configure the new SqlClient features. As a result,
                // the customer impact is being mitigated via a targeted appcompat shim
                // which prevents the user config files from ever being loaded during
                // ConfigurationManager.GetSection calls that target any of the new
                // sections.
                if ((configKey == "SqlColumnEncryptionEnclaveProviders") ||
                    (configKey == "SqlAuthenticationProviders")) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        protected void CreateSectionDefault(
                string configKey, bool getRuntimeObject, FactoryRecord factoryRecord, SectionRecord sectionRecord,
                out object result, out object resultRuntimeObject) {
            result = null;
            resultRuntimeObject = null;
            SectionRecord sectionRecordForDefault;
            if (sectionRecord != null) {
                sectionRecordForDefault = sectionRecord;
            else {
                sectionRecordForDefault = new SectionRecord(configKey);
            object tmpResult = CallCreateSection(true, factoryRecord, sectionRecordForDefault, null, null, null);
            object tmpResultRuntimeObject;
            if (getRuntimeObject) {
                tmpResultRuntimeObject = GetRuntimeObject(tmpResult);
            else {
                tmpResultRuntimeObject = null;
            result = tmpResult;
            resultRuntimeObject = tmpResultRuntimeObject;
        // Create a section that is used to manipulate a section that has errors.
        private DefaultSection CreateErrorSection(
                string configKey, FactoryRecord factoryRecord, SectionRecord sectionRecord, SectionInput input, Exception e) {
            // We make assumptions in this implemntation that CreateErrorSection is called
            // only for MgmtConfigurationRecord.
            Debug.Assert(this is MgmtConfigurationRecord, "this is MgmtConfigurationRecord");
            string group;
            string name;
            string factoryTypeName;
            bool allowLocation;
            ConfigurationAllowDefinition allowDefinition;
            ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition allowExeDefinition;
            bool restartOnExternalChanges;
            bool requirePermission;
            bool isFromTrustedConfigRecord;
            string factoryFilename;
            int factoryLineNumber;
            // The original factory record will contain either valid values,
            // or the default values in places where there was an error.
            if (factoryRecord != null) {
                configKey                   = factoryRecord.ConfigKey;
                group                       = factoryRecord.Group;
                name                        = factoryRecord.Name;
                factoryTypeName             = factoryRecord.FactoryTypeName;
                allowLocation               = factoryRecord.AllowLocation;
                allowDefinition             = factoryRecord.AllowDefinition;
                allowExeDefinition          = factoryRecord.AllowExeDefinition;
                restartOnExternalChanges    = factoryRecord.RestartOnExternalChanges;
                requirePermission           = factoryRecord.RequirePermission;
                isFromTrustedConfigRecord   = factoryRecord.IsFromTrustedConfigRecord;
                factoryFilename             = factoryRecord.Filename;
                factoryLineNumber           = factoryRecord.LineNumber;
            else {
                SplitConfigKey(configKey, out group, out name);
                factoryTypeName             = typeof(DefaultSection).AssemblyQualifiedName;
                allowLocation               = true;
                allowDefinition             = ConfigurationAllowDefinition.Everywhere;
                allowExeDefinition          = ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToApplication;
                restartOnExternalChanges    = true;
                requirePermission           = true;
                isFromTrustedConfigRecord   = false;
                factoryFilename             = null;
                factoryLineNumber           = -1;
            // create a new factory record
            FactoryRecord factoryRecordForCreate = new FactoryRecord(
            // Create the factory needed to create the section.
            Debug.Assert(this is MgmtConfigurationRecord, "this is MgmtConfigurationRecord");
            ConstructorInfo ctor = TypeUtil.GetConstructorWithReflectionPermission(typeof(DefaultSection), typeof(ConfigurationSection), true);
            factoryRecordForCreate.Factory = ctor;
            factoryRecordForCreate.IsFactoryTrustedWithoutAptca = false;
            // Try to get the section content as raw xml.
            ConfigXmlReader configXmlReader = null;
            string filename = null;
            int lineNumber = -1;
            if (input != null) {
                filename = input.SectionXmlInfo.Filename;
                lineNumber = input.SectionXmlInfo.LineNumber;
                string [] keys = sectionRecord.ConfigKey.Split(ConfigPathSeparatorParams);
                try {
                    configXmlReader = GetSectionXmlReader(keys, input);
                catch {
            DefaultSection section = (DefaultSection) CallCreateSection(
                    isFromTrustedConfigRecord, factoryRecordForCreate, sectionRecord,
                    null /* parentConfig */, configXmlReader, filename, lineNumber);
            section.ElementInformation.SetError(configKey, e);
            return section;
        // Check if an input should be skipped based on inheritInChildApplications setting.
        // If skipInChildApps == true (it means inheritInChildApplications=="false" in the location tag):
        // - If _flags[IsAboveApplication]==true, that means the app pointed to by _configPath is above of the
        //   current running app.  In another word, the running app is a child app of the app pointed to by _configPath.
        //   In this case, we should skip the input.
        // - If _flags[IsAboveApplication]==false, that means the app pointed to by _configPath == current running app.
        //   In this case it's okay to use the input.
        private bool ShouldSkipDueToInheritInChildApplications(bool skipInChildApps) {
            return (skipInChildApps && _flags[IsAboveApplication]);
        // configPath - The config path of the config record to which a location tag points to.
        private bool ShouldSkipDueToInheritInChildApplications(bool skipInChildApps, string configPath) {
            return (skipInChildApps && Host.IsAboveApplication(configPath));
        // Evaluate the input.
        // If Evaluate() encounters an error, it may not throw an exception
        // when getLkg == true.
        // The complete success of the evaluation is determined by the return value.
        private bool Evaluate(
                FactoryRecord factoryRecord, SectionRecord sectionRecord, object parentResult,
                bool getLkg, bool getRuntimeObject, out object result, out object resultRuntimeObject) {
            result = null;
            resultRuntimeObject = null;
            // Store results in temporary variables, because we don't want to return
            // results if an exception is thrown.
            object tmpResult = null;
            object tmpResultRuntimeObject = null;
            // Factory record should be error-free.
            Debug.Assert(!factoryRecord.HasErrors, "!factoryRecord.HasErrors");
            // We should have some input
            Debug.Assert(sectionRecord.HasInput, "sectionRecord.HasInput");
            // Grab inputs before checking result,
            // as inputs may be cleared once the result is set.
            List<SectionInput> locationInputs = sectionRecord.LocationInputs;
            List<SectionInput> indirectLocationInputs = sectionRecord.IndirectLocationInputs;
            SectionInput fileInput = sectionRecord.FileInput;
            Debug.Assert(!(IsLocationConfig && getLkg),
                "Don't expect getLkg to be true when we're dealing with a location config record");
            // Now that we have our inputs, lets check if there
            // is a result, because if there is, our inputs might
            // have been invalidated.
            bool success = false;
            if (sectionRecord.HasResult) {
                // Results should never be stored if the section has errors.
                Debug.Assert(!sectionRecord.HasErrors, "!sectionRecord.HasErrors");
                // Create the runtime object if requested and it does not yet exist.
                if (getRuntimeObject && !sectionRecord.HasResultRuntimeObject) {
                    try {
                        sectionRecord.ResultRuntimeObject = GetRuntimeObject(sectionRecord.Result);
                    catch {
                        // Ignore the error if we are attempting to retreive
                        // the last known good configuration.
                        if (!getLkg) {
                // Get the cached result.
                if (!getRuntimeObject || sectionRecord.HasResultRuntimeObject) {
                    tmpResult = sectionRecord.Result;
                    if (getRuntimeObject) {
                        tmpResultRuntimeObject = sectionRecord.ResultRuntimeObject;
                    success = true;
            if (!success) {
                Exception savedException = null;
                try {
                    string configKey = factoryRecord.ConfigKey;
                    string [] keys = configKey.Split(ConfigPathSeparatorParams);
                    object currentResult = parentResult;
                    // Evaluate indirectLocationInputs.  Used only in location config record.
                    // See the comment for VSWhidbey 540184 in Init() for more details.
                    if (indirectLocationInputs != null) {
                        Debug.Assert(IsLocationConfig, "indirectLocationInputs is non-null only in location config record");
                        foreach (SectionInput input in indirectLocationInputs) {
                            if (!input.HasResult) {
                                bool isTrusted = Host.IsTrustedConfigPath(input.SectionXmlInfo.DefinitionConfigPath);
                                input.Result = EvaluateOne(keys, input, isTrusted, factoryRecord, sectionRecord, currentResult);
                            currentResult = input.Result;
                    // Evaluate location inputs
                    if (locationInputs != null) {
                        foreach (SectionInput locationInput in locationInputs) {
                            if (!locationInput.HasResult) {
                                bool isTrusted = Host.IsTrustedConfigPath(locationInput.SectionXmlInfo.DefinitionConfigPath);
                                locationInput.Result = EvaluateOne(keys, locationInput, isTrusted, factoryRecord, sectionRecord, currentResult);
                            currentResult = locationInput.Result;
                    // Evaluate file input
                    if (fileInput != null) {
                        if (!fileInput.HasResult) {
                            bool isTrusted = _flags[IsTrusted];
                            fileInput.Result = EvaluateOne(keys, fileInput, isTrusted, factoryRecord, sectionRecord, currentResult);
                        currentResult = fileInput.Result;
                    else {
                        // The section needs its own copy of the result that is distinct
                        // from its location parent result.
                        // Please note that this is needed only in design-time because any
                        // change to the section shouldn't go to the locationInput.Result.
                        // In runtime, UseParentResult does nothing.
                        Debug.Assert(locationInputs != null || indirectLocationInputs != null,
                                    "locationInputs != null || indirectLocationInputs != null");
                        currentResult = UseParentResult(configKey, currentResult, sectionRecord);
                    if (getRuntimeObject) {
                        tmpResultRuntimeObject = GetRuntimeObject(currentResult);
                    tmpResult = currentResult;
                    success = true;
                catch (Exception e) {
                    // Catch the exception if LKG is requested and we have
                    // location input to fall back on.
                    if (getLkg && locationInputs != null) {
                        savedException = e;
                    else {
                // If getLkg, then return a result from the last valid location input.
                if (!success) {
                    Debug.Assert(getLkg == true, "getLkg == true");
                    int i = locationInputs.Count;
                    while (--i >= 0) {
                        SectionInput locationInput = locationInputs[i];
                        if (locationInput.HasResult) {
                            if (getRuntimeObject && !locationInput.HasResultRuntimeObject) {
                                try {
                                    locationInput.ResultRuntimeObject = GetRuntimeObject(locationInput.Result);
                                catch {
                            if (!getRuntimeObject || locationInput.HasResultRuntimeObject) {
                                tmpResult = locationInput.Result;
                                if (getRuntimeObject) {
                                    tmpResultRuntimeObject = locationInput.ResultRuntimeObject;
                    if (i < 0) {
                        throw savedException;
            // If evaluation was successful, we can remove any saved rawXml.
            if (success && !_flags[SupportsKeepInputs]) {
            result = tmpResult;
            if (getRuntimeObject) {
                resultRuntimeObject = tmpResultRuntimeObject;
            return success;
        private object EvaluateOne(
                string[] keys, SectionInput input, bool isTrusted,
                FactoryRecord factoryRecord, SectionRecord sectionRecord, object parentResult) {
            object result;
            try {
                ConfigXmlReader reader = GetSectionXmlReader(keys, input);
                if (reader == null) {
                    // If section is not found in a file, use the parent result
                    result = UseParentResult(factoryRecord.ConfigKey, parentResult, sectionRecord);
                else {
                    result = CallCreateSection(isTrusted, factoryRecord, sectionRecord, input, parentResult, reader);
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(
                        SR.GetString(SR.Config_exception_creating_section, factoryRecord.ConfigKey),
                        e, input.SectionXmlInfo);
            return result;
        // Create a single cached instance of UnrestrictedConfigPermission.
        private static ConfigurationPermission UnrestrictedConfigPermission {
            get {
                if (s_unrestrictedConfigPermission == null) {
                    s_unrestrictedConfigPermission = new ConfigurationPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
                return s_unrestrictedConfigPermission;
        // Check whether permission to the section is allowed to the caller.
        private void CheckPermissionAllowed(string configKey, bool requirePermission, bool isTrustedWithoutAptca) {
            // Demand unrestricted ConfigurationPermission if the section requires it
            if (requirePermission) {
                try {
                catch (SecurityException e) {
                    // Add a nice error message that includes the sectionName and explains
                    // how to use the requirePermission attribute.
                    throw new SecurityException(
                            SR.GetString(SR.ConfigurationPermission_Denied, configKey),
            // Ensure that the recepient isn't receiving an object they otherwise
            // wouldn't be able to create due to Aptca.
            if (isTrustedWithoutAptca && !Host.IsFullTrustSectionWithoutAptcaAllowed(this)) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Section_from_untrusted_assembly, configKey));
        private ConfigXmlReader FindSection(string [] keys, SectionXmlInfo sectionXmlInfo, out int lineNumber) {
            lineNumber = 0;
            ConfigXmlReader section = null;
            try {
                using (Impersonate()) {
                    using (Stream stream = Host.OpenStreamForRead(sectionXmlInfo.Filename)) {
                        if (       !_flags[SupportsRefresh]
                                && (stream == null || HasStreamChanged(sectionXmlInfo.Filename, sectionXmlInfo.StreamVersion))) {
                            throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_file_has_changed), sectionXmlInfo.Filename, 0);
                        if (stream != null) {
                            using (XmlUtil xmlUtil = new XmlUtil(stream, sectionXmlInfo.Filename, true)) {
                                if (sectionXmlInfo.SubPath == null) {
                                    section = FindSectionRecursive(keys, 0, xmlUtil, ref lineNumber);
                                else {
                                    // search children of <configuration> for <location>
                                    while (xmlUtil.Reader.Depth > 0) {
                                        if (xmlUtil.Reader.Name == KEYWORD_LOCATION) {
                                            bool   locationValid = false;
                                            string locationSubPathAttribute = xmlUtil.Reader.GetAttribute(KEYWORD_LOCATION_PATH);
                                            try {
                                                locationSubPathAttribute = NormalizeLocationSubPath(locationSubPathAttribute, xmlUtil);
                                                locationValid = true;
                                            catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                                                xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.NonSpecific);
                                            if (locationValid &&
                                                 StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(sectionXmlInfo.SubPath, locationSubPathAttribute)) {
                                                section = FindSectionRecursive(keys, 0, xmlUtil, ref lineNumber);
                                                if (section != null)
                                // Throw accumulated errors
            // Don't allow frames up the stack to run exception filters while impersonated.
            catch {
            return section;
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security.Xml", "CA3074:ReviewClassesDerivedFromXmlTextReader", Justification="Reading trusted input")]
        private ConfigXmlReader FindSectionRecursive(string [] keys, int iKey, XmlUtil xmlUtil, ref int lineNumber) {
            string name = keys[iKey];
            ConfigXmlReader section = null;
            int depth = xmlUtil.Reader.Depth;
            while (xmlUtil.Reader.Depth > depth) {
                if (xmlUtil.Reader.Name == name) {
                    if (iKey < keys.Length - 1) {
                        // We haven't reached the section yet, so keep evaluating
                        section = FindSectionRecursive(keys, iKey + 1, xmlUtil, ref lineNumber);
                        if (section != null) {
                        continue; // don't call "Skip" -- FindSectionRecursive forwards the reader
                    else {
                        // We've reached the section. Load the section into a string.
                        string filename = ((IConfigErrorInfo)xmlUtil).Filename;
                        int lineOffset = xmlUtil.Reader.LineNumber;
                        string rawXml = xmlUtil.CopySection();
                        section = new ConfigXmlReader(rawXml, filename, lineOffset);
                else if (iKey == 0 && xmlUtil.Reader.Name == KEYWORD_LOCATION) {
                    string locationSubPath = xmlUtil.Reader.GetAttribute(KEYWORD_LOCATION_PATH);
                    bool isValid = false;
                    try {
                        locationSubPath = NormalizeLocationSubPath(locationSubPath, xmlUtil);
                        isValid = true;
                    catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                        xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.NonSpecific);
                    if (isValid && locationSubPath == null) {
                        // Location sections that don't have a subpath are treated
                        // as ordinary sections.
                        section = FindSectionRecursive(keys, iKey, xmlUtil, ref lineNumber);
                        if (section != null) {
                        continue; // don't call "Skip" -- FindSectionRecursive forwards the reader
            return section;
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security.Xml", "CA3074:ReviewClassesDerivedFromXmlTextReader", Justification="Reading trusted input")]
        private ConfigXmlReader LoadConfigSource(string name, SectionXmlInfo sectionXmlInfo) {
            string configSourceStreamName = sectionXmlInfo.ConfigSourceStreamName;
            try {
                using (Impersonate()) {
                    using (Stream stream = Host.OpenStreamForRead(configSourceStreamName)) {
                        if (stream == null) {
                            throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                                    SR.GetString(SR.Config_cannot_open_config_source, sectionXmlInfo.ConfigSource),
                        using (XmlUtil xmlUtil = new XmlUtil(stream, configSourceStreamName, true)) {
                            if (xmlUtil.Reader.Name != name) {
                                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_file_format), xmlUtil);
                            // Check for protectionProvider
                            string protectionProviderAttribute = xmlUtil.Reader.GetAttribute(KEYWORD_PROTECTION_PROVIDER);
                            if (protectionProviderAttribute != null) {
                                if (xmlUtil.Reader.AttributeCount != 1) {
                                    // Error: elements with protectionProvider should not have other attributes
                                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Protection_provider_syntax_error), xmlUtil);
                                sectionXmlInfo.ProtectionProviderName = ValidateProtectionProviderAttribute(protectionProviderAttribute, xmlUtil);
                            // Check for configBuilder
                            string configBuilderAttribute = xmlUtil.Reader.GetAttribute(KEYWORD_CONFIG_BUILDER);
                            if (configBuilderAttribute != null) {
                                sectionXmlInfo.ConfigBuilderName = ValidateConfigBuilderAttribute(configBuilderAttribute, xmlUtil);
                            int lineOffset = xmlUtil.Reader.LineNumber;
                            string rawXml = xmlUtil.CopySection();
                            // Detect if there is any XML left over after the section
                            while (!xmlUtil.Reader.EOF) {
                                XmlNodeType t = xmlUtil.Reader.NodeType;
                                if (t != XmlNodeType.Comment) {
                                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_file_format), xmlUtil);
                            ConfigXmlReader section = new ConfigXmlReader(rawXml, configSourceStreamName, lineOffset);
                            return section;
            catch {
                // Don't allow frames up the stack to run exception filters while impersonated.
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security.Xml", "CA3074:ReviewClassesDerivedFromXmlTextReader", Justification="Reading trusted input")]
        protected ConfigXmlReader GetSectionXmlReader(string[] keys, SectionInput input) {
            ConfigXmlReader reader = null;
            string filename = input.SectionXmlInfo.Filename;
            int lineNumber = input.SectionXmlInfo.LineNumber;
            try {
                string name = keys[keys.Length-1];
                string rawXml = input.SectionXmlInfo.RawXml;
                if (rawXml != null) {
                    // Use the stored raw xml to provide the content of the section.
                    reader = new ConfigXmlReader(rawXml, input.SectionXmlInfo.Filename, input.SectionXmlInfo.LineNumber);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(input.SectionXmlInfo.ConfigSource)) {
                    // Load the  config source to provide the content of the section.
                    filename = input.SectionXmlInfo.ConfigSourceStreamName;
                    lineNumber = 0;
                    reader = LoadConfigSource(name, input.SectionXmlInfo);
                else {
                    // Find the content of the section in the config file.
                    lineNumber = 0;
                    reader = FindSection(keys, input.SectionXmlInfo, out lineNumber);
                // Decrypt protected sections
                if (reader != null) {
                    if (!input.IsProtectionProviderDetermined) {
                        input.ProtectionProvider = GetProtectionProviderFromName(input.SectionXmlInfo.ProtectionProviderName, false);
                    if (input.ProtectionProvider != null) {
                        reader = DecryptConfigSection(reader, input.ProtectionProvider);
                // Allow configBuilder a chance to modify
                if (reader != null) {
                    if (!input.IsConfigBuilderDetermined && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input.SectionXmlInfo.ConfigBuilderName)) {
                        input.ConfigBuilder = GetConfigBuilderFromName(input.SectionXmlInfo.ConfigBuilderName);
                    if (input.IsConfigBuilderDetermined) {
                        // Decrypt removes the invalid "configProtectionProvider" attribute simply by returning an xml reader for the
                        // decrypted inner xml... which persumably does not have the attribute. ConfigBuilders OTOH, will presumably
                        // return an xml reader based on this whole section as is. And the "configBuilders" attribute will be an
                        // "unrecognized attribute" further down the road. So let's remove it here.
                        XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                        doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
                        reader = new ConfigXmlReader(doc.DocumentElement.OuterXml, filename, lineNumber);
                    if (input.ConfigBuilder != null) {
                        reader = ProcessRawXml(reader, input.ConfigBuilder);
            // Guarantee that exceptions contain the name of the stream and an approximate line number.
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_error_loading_XML_file), e, filename, lineNumber);
            return reader;
        internal string DefaultProviderName {
            get {
                return ProtectedConfig.DefaultProvider;
        internal ProtectedConfigurationProvider GetProtectionProviderFromName(string providerName, bool throwIfNotFound) {
            ProtectedConfigurationProvider provider = null;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(providerName)) {
                if (throwIfNotFound) {
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.ProtectedConfigurationProvider_not_found, providerName));
                else {
                    return null;
            provider = ProtectedConfig.GetProviderFromName(providerName);
            return provider;
        private ProtectedConfigurationSection ProtectedConfig {
            get {
                if (!_flags[ProtectedDataInitialized]) {
                return _protectedConfig;
        internal void InitProtectedConfigurationSection() {
            if (!_flags[ProtectedDataInitialized]) {
                _protectedConfig = GetSection(BaseConfigurationRecord.RESERVED_SECTION_PROTECTED_CONFIGURATION, false, false) as ProtectedConfigurationSection;
                Debug.Assert(_protectedConfig != null, "<configProtectedData> section should always be available because it's a built-in section");
                _flags[ProtectedDataInitialized] = true;
        internal ConfigurationBuilder GetConfigBuilderFromName(string builderName) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(builderName) || ConfigBuilders == null) {
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_builder_not_found, builderName));
            return ConfigBuilders.GetBuilderFromName(builderName);
        private ConfigurationBuildersSection ConfigBuilders {
            get {
                if (!_flags[ConfigBuildersInitialized]) {
                return _configBuilders;
        internal void InitConfigBuildersSection() {
            if (!_flags[ConfigBuildersInitialized]) {
                _configBuilders = GetSection(BaseConfigurationRecord.RESERVED_SECTION_CONFIGURATION_BUILDERS, false, false) as ConfigurationBuildersSection;
                _flags[ConfigBuildersInitialized] = true;
        protected object CallCreateSection(bool inputIsTrusted, FactoryRecord factoryRecord, SectionRecord sectionRecord, SectionInput sectionInput, object parentConfig, ConfigXmlReader reader) {
            object config;
            string filename = null;
            int line = -1;
            if (sectionInput != null && sectionInput.SectionXmlInfo != null) {
                filename = sectionInput.SectionXmlInfo.Filename;
                line = sectionInput.SectionXmlInfo.LineNumber;
            // Call into config section while impersonating process or UNC identity
            // so that the section could read files from disk if needed
            try {
                using (Impersonate()) {
                    config = CreateSection(inputIsTrusted, factoryRecord, sectionRecord, sectionInput, parentConfig, reader);
                    if (config == null && parentConfig != null) {
                        throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_object_is_null), filename, line);
            catch (ThreadAbortException) {
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_exception_creating_section_handler, factoryRecord.ConfigKey), e, filename, line);
            return config;
        // IsRootDeclaration
        // Is this the Root Record of where this configKey is Declared
        // If parent is null, or there is not a factory record above
        // this one, then it is the root of where it can be declared
        // Optionally consider whether implicit sections are to be considered rooted.
        internal bool IsRootDeclaration(string configKey, bool implicitIsRooted) {
            if (!implicitIsRooted && IsImplicitSection(configKey)) {
                return false;
            return (_parent.IsRootConfig || _parent.FindFactoryRecord(configKey, true) == null);
        // Search the config hierarchy for a FactoryRecord.
        // Note that callers should check whether the returned factory has errors.
        internal FactoryRecord FindFactoryRecord(string configKey, bool permitErrors, out BaseConfigurationRecord configRecord) {
            configRecord = null;
            BaseConfigurationRecord tConfigRecord = this;
            while (!tConfigRecord.IsRootConfig) {
                FactoryRecord factoryRecord = tConfigRecord.GetFactoryRecord(configKey, permitErrors);
                if (factoryRecord != null) {
#if DBG
                    if (IsImplicitSection(configKey) && !factoryRecord.HasErrors) {
                            "Implicit section should be found only at the record beneath the root (e.g. machine.config)");
                    configRecord = tConfigRecord;
                    return factoryRecord;
                tConfigRecord = tConfigRecord._parent;
            return null;
        internal FactoryRecord FindFactoryRecord(string configKey, bool permitErrors) {
            BaseConfigurationRecord dummy;
            return FindFactoryRecord(configKey, permitErrors, out dummy);
        // FindAndEnsureFactoryRecord:
        // - Find the nearest factory record
        // - Determine if it is the root
        // - Create the factory in the root if it doesn't exist.
        // - Determine if the factory type is from a global assembly without APTCA
        // - Copy the factory and IsFactoryTrustedWithoutAptca bit into the child record
        private FactoryRecord FindAndEnsureFactoryRecord(string configKey, out bool isRootDeclaredHere) {
            isRootDeclaredHere = false;
            BaseConfigurationRecord configRecord;
            FactoryRecord factoryRecord = FindFactoryRecord(configKey, false, out configRecord);
            if (factoryRecord != null && !factoryRecord.IsGroup) {
                // Find the root declaration
                FactoryRecord rootFactoryRecord = factoryRecord;
                BaseConfigurationRecord rootConfigRecord = configRecord;
                BaseConfigurationRecord currentConfigRecord = configRecord._parent;
                while (!currentConfigRecord.IsRootConfig) {
                    BaseConfigurationRecord tempConfigRecord;
                    FactoryRecord tempFactoryRecord = currentConfigRecord.FindFactoryRecord(configKey, false, out tempConfigRecord);
                    if (tempFactoryRecord == null)
                    rootFactoryRecord = tempFactoryRecord;
                    rootConfigRecord = tempConfigRecord;
                    // continue the search from the parent of the configRecord we found
                    currentConfigRecord = tempConfigRecord.Parent;
                // A child factory record must be equivalent to its parent,
                // so if the child has no errors, the parent must also have no errors.
                Debug.Assert(!rootFactoryRecord.HasErrors, "!rootFactoryRecord.HasErrors");
                if (rootFactoryRecord.Factory == null) {
                    try {
                        // Create the factory from the type string, and cache it
                        object factory = rootConfigRecord.CreateSectionFactory(rootFactoryRecord);
                        bool isFactoryTrustedWithoutAptca = TypeUtil.IsTypeFromTrustedAssemblyWithoutAptca(factory.GetType());
                        rootFactoryRecord.Factory = factory;
                        rootFactoryRecord.IsFactoryTrustedWithoutAptca = isFactoryTrustedWithoutAptca;
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        throw ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_exception_creating_section_handler, factoryRecord.ConfigKey), e, factoryRecord);
                if (factoryRecord.Factory == null) {
                    factoryRecord.Factory = rootFactoryRecord.Factory;
                    factoryRecord.IsFactoryTrustedWithoutAptca = rootFactoryRecord.IsFactoryTrustedWithoutAptca;
                isRootDeclaredHere = Object.ReferenceEquals(this, rootConfigRecord);
            return factoryRecord;
        private Hashtable ScanFactories(XmlUtil xmlUtil) {
            Hashtable factoryList;
            factoryList = new Hashtable();
            if (xmlUtil.Reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element || xmlUtil.Reader.Name != KEYWORD_CONFIGURATION) {
                string safeFilename = ConfigurationErrorsException.AlwaysSafeFilename(((IConfigErrorInfo)xmlUtil).Filename);
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                        SR.GetString(SR.Config_file_doesnt_have_root_configuration, safeFilename),
            // Ignore xmlns attribute
            while (xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) {
                switch (xmlUtil.Reader.Name) {
                case KEYWORD_XMLNS:
                    if (xmlUtil.Reader.Value == KEYWORD_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE) {
                        _flags[NamespacePresentInFile] = true;
                        _flags[NamespacePresentCurrent] = true;
                    } else {
                        ConfigurationErrorsException ce;
                        ce = new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                                SR.GetString(SR.Config_namespace_invalid, xmlUtil.Reader.Value, KEYWORD_CONFIGURATION_NAMESPACE),
                        xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.Global);
            // move to first child of <configuration>
            if (xmlUtil.Reader.Depth == 1 && xmlUtil.Reader.Name == KEYWORD_CONFIGSECTIONS) {
                ScanFactoriesRecursive(xmlUtil, string.Empty, factoryList);
            return factoryList;
        // Scans the <configSections> section of a configuration file.  The function is recursive
        // to traverse arbitrarily nested config groups.
        //     <sectionGroup name="foo">
        //         <sectionGroup name="bar">
        //             <section name="----Section" type="..." />
        //     ...
        // Note: This function valiates that the factory record has not been
        //       declared before in a parent record. (it does not check
        //       current record, which allows you to update list)
        private void ScanFactoriesRecursive(XmlUtil xmlUtil, string parentConfigKey, Hashtable factoryList) {
            // discard any accumulated local errors
            int depth = xmlUtil.Reader.Depth;
            while (xmlUtil.Reader.Depth == depth + 1) {
                bool    positionedAtNextElement = false;
                switch (xmlUtil.Reader.Name) {
                    // Handle <sectionGroup name="groupName" [type="typename"] />
                    case KEYWORD_SECTIONGROUP: {
                        string tagName = null;
                        string typeName = null;
                        int lineNumber = xmlUtil.Reader.LineNumber;
                        while (xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) {
                            switch (xmlUtil.Reader.Name) {
                                case KEYWORD_SECTIONGROUP_NAME:
                                    tagName = xmlUtil.Reader.Value;
                                    VerifySectionName(tagName, xmlUtil, ExceptionAction.Local, false, false);
                                case KEYWORD_SECTIONGROUP_TYPE:
                                    xmlUtil.VerifyAndGetNonEmptyStringAttribute(ExceptionAction.Local, out typeName);
                        xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToElement(); // if on an attribute move back to the element
                        if (!xmlUtil.VerifyRequiredAttribute(
                                ExceptionAction.NonSpecific)) {
                            // Without a name, we cannot continue parsing the sections and groups within.
                            // Skip the entire section.
                        else {
                            string configKey = CombineConfigKey(parentConfigKey, tagName);
                            FactoryRecord factoryRecord = (FactoryRecord) factoryList[configKey];
                            if (factoryRecord != null) {
                                // Error: duplicate sectionGroup declaration
                                    new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_already_defined_at_this_level, tagName), xmlUtil),
                            } else {
                                FactoryRecord parentFactoryRecord = _parent.FindFactoryRecord(configKey, true);
                                if (parentFactoryRecord != null) {
                                    configKey = parentFactoryRecord.ConfigKey;
                                    // make sure that an ancestor has not defined a section with the same name as the group
                                    if (    parentFactoryRecord != null &&
                                            (!parentFactoryRecord.IsGroup              ||
                                            !parentFactoryRecord.IsEquivalentSectionGroupFactory(Host, typeName))) {
                                            new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_already_defined, tagName), xmlUtil),
                                        parentFactoryRecord = null;
                                if (parentFactoryRecord != null) {
                                    factoryRecord = parentFactoryRecord.CloneSectionGroup(typeName, xmlUtil.Filename, lineNumber);
                                else {
                                    factoryRecord = new FactoryRecord(configKey, parentConfigKey, tagName, typeName, xmlUtil.Filename, lineNumber);
                                factoryList[configKey] = factoryRecord;
                            // Add any errors we may have encountered
                            // continue recursive scan
                            ScanFactoriesRecursive(xmlUtil, configKey, factoryList);
                    case KEYWORD_SECTION: {
                        string tagName = null;
                        string typeName = null;
                        ConfigurationAllowDefinition    allowDefinition     = ConfigurationAllowDefinition.Everywhere;
                        ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition allowExeDefinition  = ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToApplication;
                        OverrideModeSetting             overrideModeDefault = OverrideModeSetting.SectionDefault;
                        bool allowLocation = true;
                        bool restartOnExternalChanges = true;
                        bool requirePermission = true;
                        bool gotType = false;
                        // parse section attributes
                        int lineNumber = xmlUtil.Reader.LineNumber;
                        while (xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) {
                            switch (xmlUtil.Reader.Name) {
                                case KEYWORD_SECTION_NAME:
                                    tagName = xmlUtil.Reader.Value;
                                    VerifySectionName(tagName, xmlUtil, ExceptionAction.Local, false, true);
                                case KEYWORD_SECTION_TYPE:
                                    xmlUtil.VerifyAndGetNonEmptyStringAttribute(ExceptionAction.Local, out typeName);
                                    gotType = true;
                                case KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWLOCATION:
                                            ExceptionAction.Local, true, out allowLocation);
                                case KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWEXEDEFINITION:
                                    try {
                                        allowExeDefinition = AllowExeDefinitionToEnum(xmlUtil.Reader.Value, xmlUtil);
                                    catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                                        xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.Local);
                                case KEYWORD_SECTION_ALLOWDEFINITION:
                                    try {
                                        allowDefinition = AllowDefinitionToEnum(xmlUtil.Reader.Value, xmlUtil);
                                    catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                                        xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.Local);
                                case KEYWORD_SECTION_RESTARTONEXTERNALCHANGES:
                                            ExceptionAction.Local, true, out restartOnExternalChanges);
                                case KEYWORD_SECTION_REQUIREPERMISSION:
                                            ExceptionAction.Local, true, out requirePermission);
                                case KEYWORD_SECTION_OVERRIDEMODEDEFAULT:
                                    try {
                                        overrideModeDefault = OverrideModeSetting.CreateFromXmlReadValue(
                                                                OverrideModeSetting.ParseOverrideModeXmlValue(xmlUtil.Reader.Value, xmlUtil));
                                        // Inherit means Allow when comming from the default value
                                        if (overrideModeDefault.OverrideMode == OverrideMode.Inherit) {
                                    catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                                        xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.Local);
                        xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToElement(); // if on an attribute move back to the element
                        if (!xmlUtil.VerifyRequiredAttribute(
                                tagName, KEYWORD_SECTION_NAME, ExceptionAction.NonSpecific)) {
                            // Without a name, we cannot continue to create a factoryRecord.
                        else {
                            // Verify that the Type attribute was present.
                            // Note that 'typeName' will be null if the attribute was present
                            // but specified as an empty string.
                            if (!gotType) {
                                xmlUtil.AddErrorRequiredAttribute(KEYWORD_SECTION_TYPE, ExceptionAction.Local);
                            // Disallow names starting with "config" unless it is the special configBuilders section.
                            if (StringUtil.StartsWith(tagName, "config")) {
                                Type sectionType = Type.GetType(typeName);
                                if (!StringUtil.Equals(tagName, RESERVED_SECTION_CONFIGURATION_BUILDERS) || sectionType != ConfigurationBuildersSectionType) {
                                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_cannot_begin_with_config), xmlUtil);
                            string configKey = CombineConfigKey(parentConfigKey, tagName);
                            FactoryRecord factoryRecord = (FactoryRecord) factoryList[configKey];
                            if (factoryRecord != null) {
                                // Error: duplicate section declaration
                                    new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_already_defined_at_this_level, tagName), xmlUtil),
                            } else {
                                FactoryRecord parentFactoryRecord = _parent.FindFactoryRecord(configKey, true);
                                if (parentFactoryRecord != null) {
                                    configKey = parentFactoryRecord.ConfigKey;
                                    // make sure that an ancestor has not defined a section with the same name as the group
                                    if (parentFactoryRecord.IsGroup) {
                                            new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_already_defined, tagName), xmlUtil),
                                        parentFactoryRecord = null;
                                    else if (!parentFactoryRecord.IsEquivalentSectionFactory(Host, typeName, allowLocation, allowDefinition, allowExeDefinition, restartOnExternalChanges, requirePermission)) {
                                            new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_already_defined, tagName), xmlUtil),
                                        parentFactoryRecord = null;
                                if (parentFactoryRecord != null) {
                                    // Note - Clone will propagate the IsFromTrustedConfigRecord bit,
                                    // which is what we want - if this record is a duplicate of an ancestor,
                                    // the ancestor may be from a trusted config record.
                                    factoryRecord = parentFactoryRecord.CloneSection(xmlUtil.Filename, lineNumber);
                                else {
                                    factoryRecord = new FactoryRecord(
                                            false,  // isUndeclared
                                factoryList[configKey] = factoryRecord;
                            // Add any errors we may have encountered
                    case KEYWORD_REMOVE: {
                        string name = null;
                        int lineNumber = -1;
                        // parse attributes
                        while (xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) {
                            if (xmlUtil.Reader.Name != KEYWORD_SECTION_NAME) {
                            name = xmlUtil.Reader.Value;
                            lineNumber = xmlUtil.Reader.LineNumber;
                        if (xmlUtil.VerifyRequiredAttribute(
                                name, KEYWORD_SECTION_NAME, ExceptionAction.NonSpecific)) {
                            VerifySectionName(name, xmlUtil, ExceptionAction.NonSpecific, false, true);
                    case KEYWORD_CLEAR: {
                        positionedAtNextElement = true;
                if (!positionedAtNextElement) {
                    // Need to read to next element, and check if an unrecognized child
                    // element is found.
                    // unrecognized children are not allowed in <configSections>
                    if (xmlUtil.Reader.Depth > depth + 1) {
                        // Lets try to backup to where we are suppose to be
                        while (xmlUtil.Reader.Depth > (depth + 1)) {
        // ExeDefinitionToEnum
        // Translate an ExeDefinition string from the Declaration in a file
        // to the appropriate enumeration
        // Parameters:
        //   allowExeDefinition - string representation of value
        //   xmlUtil [optional] - can provide better error
        static internal ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition
        AllowExeDefinitionToEnum(string allowExeDefinition, XmlUtil xmlUtil)
            switch (allowExeDefinition)
                return ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineOnly;
                return ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToApplication;
                return ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToRoamingUser;
                return ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToLocalUser;
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
        static internal ConfigurationAllowDefinition
        AllowDefinitionToEnum(string allowDefinition, XmlUtil xmlUtil) {
            switch (xmlUtil.Reader.Value) {
                return ConfigurationAllowDefinition.Everywhere;
                return ConfigurationAllowDefinition.MachineOnly;
                return ConfigurationAllowDefinition.MachineToApplication;
                return ConfigurationAllowDefinition.MachineToWebRoot;
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
        static internal string CombineConfigKey(string parentConfigKey, string tagName) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentConfigKey)) {
                return tagName;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName)) {
                return parentConfigKey;
            return parentConfigKey + "/" + tagName;
        static internal void SplitConfigKey(string configKey, out string group, out string name) {
            int lastSlash = configKey.LastIndexOf('/');
            if (lastSlash == -1) {
                group = string.Empty;
                name = configKey;
            else {
                group = configKey.Substring(0, lastSlash);
                name = configKey.Substring(lastSlash + 1);
        private void DebugValidateIndirectInputs(SectionRecord sectionRecord) {
            if (_parent.IsRootConfig) {
            // Verify that for each indirect input, its target config path is a child path of _parent.
            // That's the definition of indirect input.
            for(int i = sectionRecord.IndirectLocationInputs.Count-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                SectionInput    input = sectionRecord.IndirectLocationInputs[i];
                // Get the override mode starting from the closest input.
                Debug.Assert(UrlPath.IsSubpath(_parent.ConfigPath, input.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath));
        // Return the lock mode for a section as comming from parent config levels
        private OverrideMode ResolveOverrideModeFromParent(string configKey, out OverrideMode childLockMode) {
            // When the current record is a location config level we are a direct child of the config level of the actual
            // config file inside which the location tag is. For example we have a file d:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config which
            // containts <location path="Sub"> then "this" will be the config level inside the location tag and this.Parent
            // is the config level of d:\inetpub\wwwroot\web.config.
            // What we will do to come up with the result is:
            // 1) Try to find an existing section record somewhere above us.
            //    If we find an existing section record then it will have the effective value of the lock mode
            //    that applies to us in it's LockChidlren. We dont need to go further up once we find a section record
            //    as it has the lock mode of all it's parents accumulated
            //    There is one huge trick though - Location config records are different ( see begining of the func for what a location config record is )
            //    A location config record is not locked if the config level of the web.config file in which it lives is not locked.
            //    I.e. when we are looking for the effective value for a location config we have two cases
            //      a) There is a section record in our immediate parent ( remember our immediate parent is the config file in which we /as a location tag/ are defined )
            //         In this case our lock mode is not the LockChildren of this section record because this lock mode applies to child config levels in child config files
            //         The real lock mode for us is the Locked mode of the section record in self.
            //      b) There is no section record in our immediate parent - in this case the locking is the same as for normal config - LockChildren value of any section
            //         record we may find above us.
            // 2) If we can't find an existing section record we have two cases again:
            //      a)  We are at the section declaration level - at this level a section is always unlocked by definition
            //          If this wasnt so there would be no way to unlock a section that is locked by default
            //          A Location config is a bit wierd again in a sence that a location config is unlocked if its in the config file where the section is declared
            //          I.e. if "this" is a location record then a section is unconditionally unlocked if "this.Parent" is the section declaration level
            //      b) We are not at section declaration level - in this case the result is whatever the default lock mode for the section is ( remember
            //         that we fall back to the default since we couldnt find a section record with explicit lock mode nowhere above us)
            // I sure hope that made some sense!
            OverrideMode            mode            = OverrideMode.Inherit;
            BaseConfigurationRecord parent          = Parent;
            BaseConfigurationRecord immediateParent = Parent;
            childLockMode                           = OverrideMode.Inherit;
            // Walk the hierarchy until we find an explicit setting for lock state at a config level or we reach to root
            while (!parent.IsRootConfig && (mode == OverrideMode.Inherit)) {
                SectionRecord sectionRecord = parent.GetSectionRecord(configKey, true);
                if (sectionRecord != null) {
                    // Check for 1a
                    if (IsLocationConfig && object.ReferenceEquals(immediateParent, parent)) {
                        // Apply case 1a
                        mode = sectionRecord.Locked ? OverrideMode.Deny : OverrideMode.Allow;
                        // In this specific case the lock mode for our children is whatever the children of our parent should inherit
                        // For example imagine a web.config which has a <location path="." overrideMode="Deny"> and we open "locationSubPath" from this web.config
                        // The lock for the section is not Deny and will be allow ( see the code line above ). However the chidlren of this location tag
                        // inherit the lock that applies to the children of the web.config file itself
                        childLockMode = sectionRecord.LockChildren ? OverrideMode.Deny : OverrideMode.Allow;
                    else {
                        mode = sectionRecord.LockChildren ? OverrideMode.Deny : OverrideMode.Allow;
                        // When the lock mode is comming from a parent level the
                        // lock mode that applies to children of "this" is the same as what applies to "this"
                        childLockMode = mode;
                parent = parent._parent;
            // Case 2
            if (mode == OverrideMode.Inherit) {
                Debug.Assert(FindFactoryRecord(configKey, true) != null);
                bool            atDeclarationLevel  = false;
                OverrideMode    defaultMode         = FindFactoryRecord(configKey, true).OverrideModeDefault.OverrideMode;
                if (IsLocationConfig) {
                    atDeclarationLevel = this.Parent.GetFactoryRecord(configKey, true) != null;
                else {
                    atDeclarationLevel = this.GetFactoryRecord(configKey, true) != null;
                if (!atDeclarationLevel) {
                    // 2b
                    // Lock mode for children and self is the same since the default value is comming
                    // from a parent level and hence - applies to both
                    childLockMode = mode = defaultMode;
                    Debug.Assert(mode != OverrideMode.Inherit); // Remember that the default is never Inherit
                else {
                    // 2a
                    // Self is always allow at section declaration level
                    // Child lock mode is the default value ( remember we are here because no explici mode was set anywhere above us )
                    mode            = OverrideMode.Allow;
                    childLockMode   = defaultMode;
            // This function must return Allow or Deny
            Debug.Assert(mode != OverrideMode.Inherit);
            return mode;
        protected OverrideMode GetSectionLockedMode(string configKey) {
            OverrideMode dummy = OverrideMode.Inherit;
            return GetSectionLockedMode(configKey, out dummy);
        // Return the current lock mode for a section
        protected OverrideMode GetSectionLockedMode(string configKey, out OverrideMode childLockMode) {
            OverrideMode result = OverrideMode.Inherit;
            SectionRecord sectionRecord = GetSectionRecord(configKey, true);
            // If there is a section record it has the effective locking settings resolved
            // There is no need to do ResolveOverrideModeFromParent because it was done in:
            // 1) In EnsureSectionRecord when the section record was creteted
            // 2) Right after the SectionRecord was created without initialization of the lock settings
            //    in this:ScanSectionsRecursive().
            // As long as nobody uses EnsureSectionRecordUnsafe this method will be returning the correct
            // lock value only by looking at the section record
            if (sectionRecord != null) {
                result          = sectionRecord.Locked ? OverrideMode.Deny : OverrideMode.Allow;
                childLockMode   = sectionRecord.LockChildren ? OverrideMode.Deny : OverrideMode.Allow;
            else {
                result = ResolveOverrideModeFromParent(configKey, out childLockMode);
            return result;
        private void ScanSections(XmlUtil xmlUtil) {
            ScanSectionsRecursive(xmlUtil, string.Empty, false, null, OverrideModeSetting.LocationDefault, false);
        private void ScanSectionsRecursive(
                XmlUtil xmlUtil,
                string parentConfigKey,
                bool inLocation,
                string locationSubPath,
                OverrideModeSetting overrideMode,
                bool skipInChildApps) {
            // discard any accumulated local errors
            int depth;
            // only move to child nodes when not on first level (we've already passed the first <configsections>)
            if (parentConfigKey.Length == 0 && !inLocation) {
                depth = 0;
            else {
                depth = xmlUtil.Reader.Depth;
            while (xmlUtil.Reader.Depth == depth + 1) {
                string tagName = xmlUtil.Reader.Name;
                // Check for reserved elements before looking up the factory,
                // which may have the same name if it is in error.
                if (tagName == KEYWORD_CONFIGSECTIONS) {
                    // Error: duplicate <configSections> tag, or <configSections> not the first tag under <configuration>
                            new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_client_config_too_many_configsections_elements, tagName), xmlUtil),
                if (tagName == KEYWORD_LOCATION) {
                    if (parentConfigKey.Length > 0 || inLocation) {
                        // Error: <location> section not at top level
                                new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_location_location_not_allowed), xmlUtil),
                    else {
                        // Recurse into the location section
                string configKey = CombineConfigKey(parentConfigKey, tagName);
                FactoryRecord factoryRecord = FindFactoryRecord(configKey, true);
                if (factoryRecord == null) {
                    // Unregistered configuration section
                    // At runtime, it is a local error to have an unrecognized section.
                    // By treating it as local we avoid throwing an error if the
                    // section is encountered within a location section, just as we treat
                    // other section errors in a location tag.
                    // At designtime, we do not consider it an error, so that programs
                    // that worked on version N config files can continue to work with
                    // version N+1 config files that may introduce new sections.
                    if (!ClassFlags[ClassIgnoreLocalErrors]) {
                            new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_unrecognized_configuration_section, configKey), xmlUtil),
                    VerifySectionName(tagName, xmlUtil, ExceptionAction.Local, false);
                    factoryRecord = new FactoryRecord(
                            true,   // allowLocation
                            true,   // restartOnExternalChanges
                            true,   // requirePermission
                            true,   // isUndeclared
                    // Add any errors we may have encountered to the factory record,
                    // so that child config that also refer to this unrecognized section
                    // get the error.
                    // Add the factory to the list of factories
                    EnsureFactories()[configKey] = factoryRecord;
                if (factoryRecord.IsGroup) {
                    // Section Group
                    if (factoryRecord.HasErrors) {
                    else {
                        if (xmlUtil.Reader.AttributeCount > 0) {
                            // We allow unrecognized attributes for backward compatibility (VSWhidbey 516534)
                            // However, we will still throw if the unrecognized attribute is reserved.
                            while (xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) {
                                if (IsReservedAttributeName(xmlUtil.Reader.Name)) {
                            xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToElement(); // if on an attribute move back to the element
                        // Recurse into group definition
                        ScanSectionsRecursive(xmlUtil, configKey, inLocation, locationSubPath, overrideMode, skipInChildApps);
                else {
                    // Section
                    configKey                       = factoryRecord.ConfigKey;
                    string fileName                 = xmlUtil.Filename;
                    int lineNumber                  = xmlUtil.LineNumber;
                    string rawXml                   = null;
                    string configSource             = null;
                    string configSourceStreamName   = null;
                    object configSourceStreamVersion = null;
                    string configBuilderName         = null;
                    string protectionProviderName   = null;
                    OverrideMode sectionLockMode = OverrideMode.Inherit;
                    OverrideMode sectionChildLockMode = OverrideMode.Inherit;
                    bool positionedAtNextElement = false;
                    bool isFileInput = (locationSubPath == null);
                    if (!factoryRecord.HasErrors) {
                        // We have a valid factoryRecord for a section
                        if (inLocation && factoryRecord.AllowLocation == false) {
                                new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_section_cannot_be_used_in_location), xmlUtil),
                        // Verify correctness for file inputs.
                        if (isFileInput) {
                            // Verify that the section is unique
                            SectionRecord sectionRecord = GetSectionRecord(configKey, true);
                            if (sectionRecord != null && sectionRecord.HasFileInput) {
                                if (!(factoryRecord.IsIgnorable())) {
                                            new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_sections_must_be_unique), xmlUtil),
                            // Verify that the definition is allowed.
                            try {
                                VerifyDefinitionAllowed(factoryRecord, _configPath, xmlUtil);
                            catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                                xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.Local);
                        // Verify that section is unlocked, both for file and location inputs.
                        sectionLockMode = GetSectionLockedMode(configKey, out sectionChildLockMode);
                        if (sectionLockMode == OverrideMode.Deny) {
                            xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(  new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_section_locked), xmlUtil),
                        // check for configSource or protectionProvider
                        if (xmlUtil.Reader.AttributeCount >= 1) {
                            // First do all the attributes reading without advancing the reader.
                            string configSourceAttribute = xmlUtil.Reader.GetAttribute(KEYWORD_CONFIGSOURCE);
                            if (configSourceAttribute != null) {
                                try {
                                    configSource = NormalizeConfigSource(configSourceAttribute, xmlUtil);
                                catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                                    xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.Local);
                                if (xmlUtil.Reader.AttributeCount != 1) {
                                    // Error: elements with configSource should not have other attributes
                                        new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_syntax_error), xmlUtil),
                            string protectionProviderAttribute = xmlUtil.Reader.GetAttribute(KEYWORD_PROTECTION_PROVIDER);
                            if (protectionProviderAttribute != null) {
                                try {
                                    protectionProviderName = ValidateProtectionProviderAttribute(protectionProviderAttribute, xmlUtil);
                                catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                                    xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.Local);
                                if (xmlUtil.Reader.AttributeCount != 1) {
                                    // Error: elements with protectionProvider should not have other attributes
                                            new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Protection_provider_syntax_error), xmlUtil),
                            string configBuilderAttribute = xmlUtil.Reader.GetAttribute(KEYWORD_CONFIG_BUILDER);
                            if (configBuilderAttribute != null) {
                                try {
                                    configBuilderName = ValidateConfigBuilderAttribute(configBuilderAttribute, xmlUtil);
                                catch (ConfigurationException ce) {
                                    xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.Local);
                            // The 2nd part of the configSource check requires advancing the reader.
                            // Please note that this part should be done only AFTER all other attributes
                            // checking are done.
                            if (configSourceAttribute != null) {
                                if (!xmlUtil.Reader.IsEmptyElement) {
                                    while (xmlUtil.Reader.Read()) {
                                        XmlNodeType t = xmlUtil.Reader.NodeType;
                                        if (t == XmlNodeType.EndElement)
                                        if (t != XmlNodeType.Comment) {
                                            // Error: elements with configSource should not subelements other than comments
                                                new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_syntax_error), xmlUtil),
                                            if (t == XmlNodeType.Element) {
                                            else {
                                            positionedAtNextElement = true;
                        if (configSource != null) {
                            try {
                                try {
                                    configSourceStreamName = Host.GetStreamNameForConfigSource(ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName, configSource);
                                catch (Exception e) {
                                    throw ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_invalid), e, xmlUtil);
                                ValidateUniqueConfigSource(configKey, configSourceStreamName, configSource, xmlUtil);
                                configSourceStreamVersion = MonitorStream(configKey, configSource, configSourceStreamName);
                            catch (ConfigurationException ex) {
                                xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ex, ExceptionAction.Local);
                        // prefetch the raw xml
                        if (!xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.HasLocalErrors) {
                            if (configSource == null && ShouldPrefetchRawXml(factoryRecord)) {
                                Debug.Assert(!positionedAtNextElement, "!positionedAtNextElement");
                                rawXml = xmlUtil.CopySection();
                                if (xmlUtil.Reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) {
                                positionedAtNextElement = true;
                    // Get the list of errors before advancing the reader
                    List<ConfigurationException> localErrors = xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.RetrieveAndResetLocalErrors(isFileInput);
                    // advance the reader to the next element
                    if (!positionedAtNextElement) {
                    // Add the input either to:
                    // 1. The file input at the current config level, or
                    // 2. LocationSections, where it will be used in sub paths
                    bool addInput = true;
                    if (isFileInput) {
                        // If isFileInput==true, Input added will be used against this config level.
                        // Need to check if we need to skip it due to inheritInChildApplications.
                        if (ShouldSkipDueToInheritInChildApplications(skipInChildApps)) {
                            addInput = false;
                    else {
                        if (!_flags[SupportsLocation]) {
                            // Skip if we have a location input but we don't support location tag.
                            addInput = false;
                    if (addInput) {
                        string targetConfigPath = (locationSubPath == null) ? _configPath : null;
                        SectionXmlInfo sectionXmlInfo = new SectionXmlInfo(
                                configKey, _configPath, targetConfigPath, locationSubPath,
                                fileName, lineNumber, ConfigStreamInfo.StreamVersion, rawXml,
                                configSource, configSourceStreamName, configSourceStreamVersion,
                                configBuilderName, protectionProviderName, overrideMode, skipInChildApps);
                        if (locationSubPath == null) {
                            // Add this file input to the section record
                            // We've already checked for locked above, so use skip the second check
                            // and set the locked bit.
                            SectionRecord sectionRecord = EnsureSectionRecordUnsafe(configKey, true);
                            // Since we called EnsureSectionRecordUnsafe the section record does not have its lock mode resolved
                            // but we have it in sectionLockMode and childLockMode. Apply it now
                            sectionRecord.ChangeLockSettings(sectionLockMode, sectionChildLockMode);
                            // Note that we first apply the lock mode comming from parent levels ( the line above ) and then
                            // add the file input since the file input takes precedence over whats comming from parent
                            SectionInput fileInput = new SectionInput(sectionXmlInfo, localErrors);
                        else {
                            // Add this location input to this list of location sections
                            LocationSectionRecord locationSectionRecord = new LocationSectionRecord(sectionXmlInfo, localErrors);
        private void ScanLocationSection(XmlUtil xmlUtil) {
            string              locationSubPath         = null;
            bool                inheritInChildApp       = true;
            int                 errorCountBeforeScan    = xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.GlobalErrorCount;
            OverrideModeSetting overrideMode            = OverrideModeSetting.LocationDefault;
            bool                overrideModeInit        = false;
            // Get the location section attributes
            while (xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToNextAttribute()) {
                switch (xmlUtil.Reader.Name) {
                case KEYWORD_LOCATION_PATH:
                    locationSubPath = xmlUtil.Reader.Value;
                    // Check that allowOverride and OverrideMode werent specified at the same time
                    if (overrideModeInit == true){
                        xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_override_mode_declaration), xmlUtil), ExceptionAction.Global);
                    else {
                        bool value = true;
                        // Read the value
                            ExceptionAction.Global, true, out value);
                        overrideMode        = OverrideModeSetting.CreateFromXmlReadValue(value);
                        overrideModeInit    = true;
                    if (overrideModeInit == true){
                        xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Invalid_override_mode_declaration), xmlUtil), ExceptionAction.Global);
                    else {
                        overrideMode        = OverrideModeSetting.CreateFromXmlReadValue(
                                                    OverrideModeSetting.ParseOverrideModeXmlValue(xmlUtil.Reader.Value, xmlUtil));
                        overrideModeInit    = true;
                            ExceptionAction.Global, true, out inheritInChildApp);
            xmlUtil.Reader.MoveToElement(); // if on an attribute move back to the element
            try {
                locationSubPath = NormalizeLocationSubPath(locationSubPath, xmlUtil);
                // VSWhidbey 535595
                // See attached email in the bug.  Basically, we decided to throw if we see one of these
                // in machine.config or root web.config:
                //  <location path="." inheritInChildApplications="false" >
                //  <location inheritInChildApplications="false" >
                // To detect whetherewe're machine.config or root web.config, the current fix is to use
                // Host.IsDefinitionAllowed.  Instead of this we should invent a new method in
                // IInternalConfigHost to return whether a configPath can be part of an app or not.
                // But since it's Whidbey RC "Ask Mode" I chose not to do it due to bigger code churn.
                if (locationSubPath == null &&
                    !inheritInChildApp &&
                    Host.IsDefinitionAllowed(_configPath, ConfigurationAllowDefinition.MachineToWebRoot, ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineOnly)) {
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Location_invalid_inheritInChildApplications_in_machine_or_root_web_config), xmlUtil);
            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException ce) {
                xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, ExceptionAction.Global);
            // Skip over this location section if there are errors
            if (xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.GlobalErrorCount > errorCountBeforeScan) {
            // Scan elements of the location section if the path is the current path.
            // We do not add <location path="." /> to the _locationSections list.
            if (locationSubPath == null) {
                ScanSectionsRecursive(xmlUtil, string.Empty, true, null, overrideMode, !inheritInChildApp);
            // Skip over location sections for client config
            if (!_flags[SupportsLocation]) {
            // WOS 1955773: (Perf) 4,000 location sections in web.config file degrades working set
            // Skip over location sections that don't apply to this (application) host
            //   WOS 1983387: do this for the runtime record only. It's a valid scenario for
            //                mgt config record
            IInternalConfigHost host = Host;
            if ((this is RuntimeConfigurationRecord) && host != null && locationSubPath.Length != 0 && locationSubPath[0] != '.') {
                // The application's config path is global to the AppDomain
                if (s_appConfigPath == null) {
                    object ctx = ConfigContext;
                    if (ctx != null) {
                        string appConfigPath = ctx.ToString();
                        Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref s_appConfigPath, appConfigPath, null);
                // If targetConfigPath is not upstream or downstream of the application's config path,
		// skip this location section.
                // Example #1: <location path="Site1"> has a targetConfigPath of "machine/webroot/1".  This applies
                // to Site1, whose application config path is "machine/webroot/1", but it does not apply
                // to Site2, whose application config path is "machine/webroot/2"
                // Example #2: <location path="subdir"> has a targetConfigPath of "machine/webroot/1/root/subdir".
		// This applies to an application with an application config path of "machine/webroot/1/root/subdir/app".
                string targetConfigPath = host.GetConfigPathFromLocationSubPath(_configPath, locationSubPath);
                if (!StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(s_appConfigPath, targetConfigPath)
                    && !StringUtil.StartsWithIgnoreCase(targetConfigPath, s_appConfigPath)) {
            ScanSectionsRecursive(xmlUtil, string.Empty, true, locationSubPath, overrideMode, !inheritInChildApp);
        // AddLocation
        // If you wish to keep track of the Location Fields, then use this
        protected virtual void AddLocation(string LocationSubPath) {}
        // Resolve information about a location section at the time that the location section
        // is being used by child configuration records. This allows us to:
        //      * Delay determining the configuration path for the location record until the sites section is available.
        //      * Delay reporting bad location paths until the location record has to be used.
        private void ResolveLocationSections() {
            if (!_flags[IsLocationListResolved]) {
                // Resolve outside of any lock
                if (!_parent.IsRootConfig) {
                lock (this) {
                    if (!_flags[IsLocationListResolved]) {
                        if (_locationSections != null) {
                            // Create dictionary that maps configPaths to (dictionary that maps sectionNames to locationSectionRecords)
                            HybridDictionary locationConfigPaths = new HybridDictionary(true);
                            foreach (LocationSectionRecord locationSectionRecord in _locationSections) {
                                // Resolve the target config path
                                string targetConfigPath = Host.GetConfigPathFromLocationSubPath(_configPath, locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.SubPath);
                                locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath = targetConfigPath;
                                // Check uniqueness
                                HybridDictionary locationSectionRecordDictionary = (HybridDictionary) locationConfigPaths[targetConfigPath];
                                if (locationSectionRecordDictionary == null) {
                                    locationSectionRecordDictionary = new HybridDictionary(false);
                                    locationConfigPaths.Add(targetConfigPath, locationSectionRecordDictionary);
                                LocationSectionRecord duplicateRecord = (LocationSectionRecord) locationSectionRecordDictionary[locationSectionRecord.ConfigKey];
                                FactoryRecord factoryRecord = null;
                                if (duplicateRecord == null) {
                                    locationSectionRecordDictionary.Add(locationSectionRecord.ConfigKey, locationSectionRecord);
                                else {
                                    factoryRecord = FindFactoryRecord(locationSectionRecord.ConfigKey, true);
                                    if (factoryRecord == null || !(factoryRecord.IsIgnorable())) {
                                        if (!duplicateRecord.HasErrors) {
                                                    new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                                                new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                                // Check if the definition is allowed
                                if (factoryRecord == null)
                                    factoryRecord = FindFactoryRecord(locationSectionRecord.ConfigKey, true);
                                if (!factoryRecord.HasErrors) {
                                    try {
                                        VerifyDefinitionAllowed(factoryRecord, targetConfigPath, locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo);
                                    catch (ConfigurationException e) {
                            // Check location section for being locked.
                            BaseConfigurationRecord parent = _parent;
                            while (!parent.IsRootConfig) {
                                foreach (LocationSectionRecord locationSectionRecord in this._locationSections) {
                                    bool locked = false;
                                    // It is an error if a parent section with the same configKey is locked.
                                        SectionRecord sectionRecord = parent.GetSectionRecord(locationSectionRecord.ConfigKey, true);
                                    if (   sectionRecord != null &&
                                            (sectionRecord.LockChildren || sectionRecord.Locked)) {
                                        locked = true;
                                            else {
                                        // It is an error if a parent configuration file locks a section for the
                                        // locationConfigPath or any sub-path of the locationConfigPath.
                                        if (parent._locationSections != null) {
                                            string targetConfigPath = locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath;
                                            foreach (LocationSectionRecord parentLocationSectionRecord in parent._locationSections) {
                                                string parentTargetConfigPath = parentLocationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath;
                                                if (   parentLocationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.OverrideModeSetting.IsLocked &&
                                                       locationSectionRecord.ConfigKey == parentLocationSectionRecord.ConfigKey &&
                                                       UrlPath.IsEqualOrSubpath(targetConfigPath, parentTargetConfigPath)) {
                                                    locked = true;
                                    if (locked) {
                                        locationSectionRecord.AddError(new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                                        parent = parent._parent;
                    _flags[IsLocationListResolved] = true;
        // VerifyDefinitionAllowed
        // Verify that the Definition is allowed at this
        // place.
        // For example, if this config record is an application then
        // make sure the section say's it can be defined in an
        // application
        private void VerifyDefinitionAllowed(FactoryRecord factoryRecord, string configPath, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) {
            Host.VerifyDefinitionAllowed(configPath, factoryRecord.AllowDefinition, factoryRecord.AllowExeDefinition, errorInfo);
        internal bool IsDefinitionAllowed(ConfigurationAllowDefinition allowDefinition, ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition allowExeDefinition) {
            return Host.IsDefinitionAllowed(_configPath, allowDefinition, allowExeDefinition);
        static protected void VerifySectionName(string name, XmlUtil xmlUtil, ExceptionAction action, bool allowImplicit, bool allowConfigNames = false) {
            try {
                VerifySectionName(name, (IConfigErrorInfo) xmlUtil, allowImplicit, allowConfigNames);
            catch (ConfigurationErrorsException ce) {
                xmlUtil.SchemaErrors.AddError(ce, action);
        // Check if the section name contains reserved words from the config system,
        // and is a valid name for an XML Element.
        static protected void VerifySectionName(string name, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo, bool allowImplicit, bool allowConfigNames = false) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_invalid), errorInfo);
            // must be a valid name in xml, so that it can be used as an element
            // n.b. - it also excludes forward slash '/'
            try {
            // Do not let the exception propagate as an XML exception,
            // for we want errors in the section name to be treated as local errors,
            // not global ones.
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_invalid), e, errorInfo);
            if (IsImplicitSection(name)) {
                if (allowImplicit) {
                    // avoid test below for strings starting with "config"
                else {
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Cannot_declare_or_remove_implicit_section, name), errorInfo);
            if (!allowConfigNames && StringUtil.StartsWith(name, "config")) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_cannot_begin_with_config), errorInfo);
            if (name == KEYWORD_LOCATION) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_tag_name_cannot_be_location), errorInfo);
          reserved    = ';' | '/' | '?' | ':' | '@' | '&' | '=' | '+' | '$' | ','
        From Platform SDK
          reserved    = '\' |  '/' | '|' | ':' |  '"' |  '<' | '>'
        // NOTE: If you change these strings, you must change the associated error message
        const string invalidFirstSubPathCharacters  = @"\./";
        const string invalidLastSubPathCharacters   = @"\./";
        const string invalidSubPathCharactersString = @"\?:*""<>|";
        static char[] s_invalidSubPathCharactersArray = invalidSubPathCharactersString.ToCharArray();
        // Return null if the subPath represents the current directory, for example:
        //      path=""
        //      path="   "
        //      path="."
        //      path="./"
        internal static string NormalizeLocationSubPath(string subPath, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) {
            // if subPath is null or empty, it is the current dir
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(subPath))
                return null;
            // if subPath=".", it is the current dir
            if (subPath == ".")
                return null;
            // do not allow whitespace in front of subPath, as the OS
            // handles beginning and trailing whitespace inconsistently
            string trimmedSubPath = subPath.TrimStart();
            if (trimmedSubPath.Length != subPath.Length) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_location_path_invalid_first_character), errorInfo);
            // do not allow problematic starting characters
            if (invalidFirstSubPathCharacters.IndexOf(subPath[0]) != -1) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_location_path_invalid_first_character), errorInfo);
            // do not allow whitespace at end of subPath, as the OS
            // handles beginning and trailing whitespace inconsistently
            trimmedSubPath = subPath.TrimEnd();
            if (trimmedSubPath.Length != subPath.Length) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_location_path_invalid_last_character), errorInfo);
            // the file system ignores trailing '.', '\', or '/', so do not allow it in a location subpath specification
            if (invalidLastSubPathCharacters.IndexOf(subPath[subPath.Length-1]) != -1) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_location_path_invalid_last_character), errorInfo);
            // combination of URI reserved characters and OS invalid filename characters, minus / (allowed reserved character)
            if (subPath.IndexOfAny(s_invalidSubPathCharactersArray) != -1) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_location_path_invalid_character), errorInfo);
            return subPath;
        // Return the SectionRecord for a section.
        // If the record does not exist, return null.
        // Throw cached errors if the section is in error and permitErrors == false.
        protected SectionRecord GetSectionRecord(string configKey, bool permitErrors) {
            SectionRecord sectionRecord;
            if (_sectionRecords != null) {
                sectionRecord = (SectionRecord) _sectionRecords[configKey];
            else {
                sectionRecord = null;
            if (sectionRecord != null && !permitErrors) {
            return sectionRecord;
        // Return an existing SectionRecord, or create one if one does not exist.
        // Propagate the Locked bit from parent
        protected SectionRecord EnsureSectionRecord(string configKey, bool permitErrors) {
            return EnsureSectionRecordImpl(configKey, permitErrors, true);
        // Return an existing SectionRecord, or create one if one does not exist.
        // Do not propagate the Locked bit from parent, because caller will check
        // himself later.
        protected SectionRecord EnsureSectionRecordUnsafe(string configKey, bool permitErrors) {
            return EnsureSectionRecordImpl(configKey, permitErrors, false);
        // Return an existing SectionRecord, or create one if one does not exist.
        // If desired, set the lock settings based on parent configs.
        private SectionRecord EnsureSectionRecordImpl(string configKey, bool permitErrors, bool setLockSettings) {
            SectionRecord sectionRecord = GetSectionRecord(configKey, permitErrors);
            if (sectionRecord == null) {
                lock (this) {
                    if (_sectionRecords == null) {
                        _sectionRecords = new Hashtable();
                    else {
                        sectionRecord = GetSectionRecord(configKey, permitErrors);
                    if (sectionRecord == null) {
                        sectionRecord = new SectionRecord(configKey);
                        _sectionRecords.Add(configKey, sectionRecord);
                if (setLockSettings) {
                    // Get the lock mode from parent configs
                    OverrideMode parentMode     = OverrideMode.Inherit;
                    OverrideMode childLockMode  = OverrideMode.Inherit;
                    parentMode = ResolveOverrideModeFromParent(configKey, out childLockMode);
                    sectionRecord.ChangeLockSettings(parentMode, childLockMode);
            return sectionRecord;
        private bool HasFactoryRecords {
            get {
                return _factoryRecords != null;
        internal FactoryRecord GetFactoryRecord(string configKey, bool permitErrors) {
            FactoryRecord factoryRecord;
            if (_factoryRecords == null) {
                return null;
            factoryRecord = (FactoryRecord) _factoryRecords[configKey];
            if (factoryRecord != null && !permitErrors) {
            return factoryRecord;
        // Only create a _factories hashtable when necessary.
        // Most config records won't have factories, so we can save 120 bytes
        // per record by creating the table on demand.
        protected Hashtable EnsureFactories() {
            if (_factoryRecords == null) {
                _factoryRecords = new Hashtable();
            return _factoryRecords;
        private ArrayList EnsureLocationSections() {
            if (_locationSections == null) {
                _locationSections = new ArrayList();
            return _locationSections;
        // Return true if there is no unique configuration information in this record.
        internal bool IsEmpty {
            get {
                        _parent != null
                    && !_initErrors.HasErrors(false)
                    && (_sectionRecords == null   || _sectionRecords.Count == 0)
                    && (_factoryRecords == null   || _factoryRecords.Count == 0)
                    && (_locationSections == null || _locationSections.Count == 0);
        static internal string NormalizeConfigSource(string configSource, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(configSource)) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_invalid_format), errorInfo);
            string trimmedConfigSource = configSource.Trim();
            if (trimmedConfigSource.Length != configSource.Length) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_invalid_format), errorInfo);
            if (configSource.IndexOf('/') != -1) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_invalid_chars), errorInfo);
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(configSource) || System.IO.Path.IsPathRooted(configSource)) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_invalid_format), errorInfo);
            return configSource;
        protected object MonitorStream(string configKey, string configSource, string streamname) {
            lock (this) {
                if (_flags[Closed]) {
                    return null;
                StreamInfo streamInfo = (StreamInfo) ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos[streamname];
                if (streamInfo != null) {
                    if (streamInfo.SectionName != configKey) {
                        throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_cannot_be_shared, streamname));
                    if (streamInfo.IsMonitored) {
                        return streamInfo.Version;
                else {
                    streamInfo = new StreamInfo(configKey, configSource, streamname);
                    ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos.Add(streamname, streamInfo);
            // Call the host outside the lock to avoid deadlock.
            object version = Host.GetStreamVersion(streamname);
            StreamChangeCallback callbackDelegate = null;
            lock (this) {
                if (_flags[Closed]) {
                    return null;
                StreamInfo streamInfo = (StreamInfo) ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos[streamname];
                if (streamInfo.IsMonitored) {
                    return streamInfo.Version;
                streamInfo.IsMonitored = true;
                streamInfo.Version = version;
                if (_flags[SupportsChangeNotifications]) {
                    if (ConfigStreamInfo.CallbackDelegate == null) {
                        ConfigStreamInfo.CallbackDelegate = new StreamChangeCallback(this.OnStreamChanged);
                    callbackDelegate = ConfigStreamInfo.CallbackDelegate;
            if (_flags[SupportsChangeNotifications]) {
                Host.StartMonitoringStreamForChanges(streamname, callbackDelegate);
            return version;
        private void OnStreamChanged(string streamname) {
            bool        notifyChanged;
            StreamInfo  streamInfo;
            string      sectionName;
            lock (this) {
                if (_flags[Closed])
                streamInfo = (StreamInfo) ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos[streamname];
                if (streamInfo == null || !streamInfo.IsMonitored)
                sectionName = streamInfo.SectionName;
            if (sectionName == null) {
                notifyChanged = true;
            else {
                FactoryRecord factoryRecord = FindFactoryRecord(sectionName, false);
                notifyChanged = factoryRecord.RestartOnExternalChanges;
            if (notifyChanged) {
            else {
                _configRoot.ClearResult(this, sectionName, false);
        // ValidateUniqueConfigSource
        // Validate that the configSource is unique for this particular
        // configKey.  This looks up at the parents and makes sure it is
        // unique.  It if is in a child, then it's check will find this
        // one.  If it is in a peer, then we don't care as much, since it
        // will not affect Merge and UnMerge
        // See VSWhidbey 460219 for details.
        private void ValidateUniqueConfigSource(
                string configKey, string configSourceStreamName, string configSourceArg, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) {
            // Detect if another section in this file is using the same configSource
            // with has a different section name.
            lock (this) {
                if (ConfigStreamInfo.HasStreamInfos) {
                    StreamInfo streamInfo = (StreamInfo) ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos[configSourceStreamName];
                    if (streamInfo != null && streamInfo.SectionName != configKey) {
                        throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                            SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_cannot_be_shared, configSourceArg),
            ValidateUniqueChildConfigSource(configKey, configSourceStreamName, configSourceArg, errorInfo);
        protected void ValidateUniqueChildConfigSource(
                string configKey, string configSourceStreamName, string configSourceArg, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) {
            // Detect if a parent config file is using the same config source stream.
            BaseConfigurationRecord current;
            if (IsLocationConfig) {
                current = _parent._parent;
            else {
                current = _parent;
            while (!current.IsRootConfig) {
                lock (current) {
                    if (current.ConfigStreamInfo.HasStreamInfos) {
                        StreamInfo streamInfo = (StreamInfo) current.ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos[configSourceStreamName];
                        if (streamInfo != null) {
                            throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
                                SR.GetString(SR.Config_source_parent_conflict, configSourceArg),
                current = current.Parent;
        // Recursively clear the result.
        // If forceEvaluation == true, force a rescan of the config file to find
        // the section.
        // Requires the hierarchy lock to be acquired (hl)
        internal void hlClearResultRecursive(string configKey, bool forceEvaluatation) {
            SectionRecord sectionRecord;
            // Refresh it's factory Record
            // Clear any stored result in the section
            sectionRecord = GetSectionRecord(configKey, false);
            if (sectionRecord != null) {
                // VSWhidbey 535724: Need to clear all RawXml so that when GetSectionXmlReader
                // is called later it will reload the file.
            // If we need to reevaluate, add a dummy file input so
            // that we open the file on the next evaluation
            if (forceEvaluatation && !IsInitDelayed && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName)) {
                if (_flags[SupportsPath]) {
                    throw ExceptionUtil.UnexpectedError("BaseConfigurationRecord::hlClearResultRecursive");
                FactoryRecord factoryRecord = FindFactoryRecord(configKey, false);
                if (factoryRecord != null && !factoryRecord.IsGroup) {
                    configKey = factoryRecord.ConfigKey;
                    sectionRecord = EnsureSectionRecord(configKey, false);
                    if (!sectionRecord.HasFileInput) {
                        SectionXmlInfo sectionXmlInfo = new SectionXmlInfo(
                            configKey, _configPath, _configPath, null,
                            ConfigStreamInfo.StreamName, 0, null, null,
                            null, null, null, null,
                            null, OverrideModeSetting.LocationDefault, false);
                        SectionInput fileInput = new SectionInput(sectionXmlInfo, null);
            // Recurse
            if (_children != null) {
                IEnumerable children = _children.Values;
                foreach (BaseConfigurationRecord child in children) {
                    child.hlClearResultRecursive(configKey, forceEvaluatation);
        // Returns a child record.
        // Requires the hierarchy lock to be acquired (hl)
        internal BaseConfigurationRecord hlGetChild(string configName) {
            if (_children == null)
                return null;
            return (BaseConfigurationRecord) _children[configName];
        // Adds a child record.
        // Requires the hierarchy lock to be acquired (hl)
        internal void hlAddChild(string configName, BaseConfigurationRecord child) {
            if (_children == null) {
                _children = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            _children.Add(configName, child);
        // Removes a child record.
        // Requires the hierarchy lock to be acquired (hl)
        internal void hlRemoveChild(string configName) {
            if (_children != null) {
        // Removes true if a child record is needed for a
        // child config path.
        // Requires the hierarchy lock to be acquired (hl)
        internal bool hlNeedsChildFor(string configName) {
            // Always return true for root config record
            if (IsRootConfig)
                return true;
            // Never create a child record when the parent has an exception.
            if (HasInitErrors) {
                return false;
            string childConfigPath = ConfigPathUtility.Combine(_configPath, configName);
            try {
                using (Impersonate()) {
                    // check host if required
                    if (Host.IsConfigRecordRequired(childConfigPath)) {
                        return true;
            catch {
                // Don't allow frames up the stack to run exception filters while impersonated.
            // see if there's a location
            if (_flags[SupportsLocation]) {
                BaseConfigurationRecord configRecord = this;
                while (!configRecord.IsRootConfig) {
                    if (configRecord._locationSections != null) {
                        foreach (LocationSectionRecord locationSectionRecord in configRecord._locationSections) {
                            if (UrlPath.IsEqualOrSubpath(childConfigPath, locationSectionRecord.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath)) {
                                return true;
                    configRecord = configRecord._parent;
            return false;
        // Close the record. An explicit close is needed
        // in order to stop monitoring streams used by
        // this record. Stream monitors cause this record
        // to be rooted in the GC heap.
        // Note that we purposely do not cleanup the child/parent
        // hierarchy. This is so that a config system which has
        // a pointer to this record can still call GetSection on
        // it while another thread closes it.
        internal void CloseRecursive() {
            if (!_flags[Closed]) {
                bool doClose = false;
                HybridDictionary streamInfos = null;
                StreamChangeCallback callbackDelegate = null;
                lock (this) {
                    if (!_flags[Closed]) {
                        _flags[Closed] = true;
                        doClose = true;
                        if (!IsLocationConfig && ConfigStreamInfo.HasStreamInfos) {
                            callbackDelegate = ConfigStreamInfo.CallbackDelegate;
                            streamInfos = ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos;
                            ConfigStreamInfo.CallbackDelegate = null;
                if (doClose) {
                    // no hierarchy lock is needed to access _children here,
                    // as it has already been detached from the hierarchy tree
                    if (_children != null) {
                        foreach (BaseConfigurationRecord child in _children.Values) {
                    if (streamInfos != null) {
                        foreach (StreamInfo streamInfo in streamInfos.Values) {
                            if (streamInfo.IsMonitored) {
                                Host.StopMonitoringStreamForChanges(streamInfo.StreamName, callbackDelegate);
                                streamInfo.IsMonitored = false;
        internal string FindChangedConfigurationStream() {
            BaseConfigurationRecord configRecord = this;
            while (!configRecord.IsRootConfig) {
                lock (configRecord) {
                    if (configRecord.ConfigStreamInfo.HasStreamInfos) {
                        foreach (StreamInfo streamInfo in configRecord.ConfigStreamInfo.StreamInfos.Values) {
                            if (streamInfo.IsMonitored && HasStreamChanged(streamInfo.StreamName, streamInfo.Version)) {
                                return streamInfo.StreamName;
                configRecord = configRecord._parent;
            return null;
        private bool HasStreamChanged(string streamname, object lastVersion) {
            object currentVersion = Host.GetStreamVersion(streamname);
            if (lastVersion != null) {
                return (currentVersion == null || !lastVersion.Equals(currentVersion));
            else {
                return currentVersion != null;
        // RuntimeConfigurationRecord will override it in order to Assert Fulltrust before calling the provider.
        // See VSWhidbey 429996.
        protected virtual string CallHostDecryptSection(string encryptedXml, ProtectedConfigurationProvider protectionProvider, ProtectedConfigurationSection protectedConfig) {
            return Host.DecryptSection(encryptedXml, protectionProvider, protectedConfig);
        protected virtual XmlNode CallHostProcessRawXml(XmlNode rawXml, ConfigurationBuilder configBuilder) {
            if (ConfigBuilderHost != null) {
                return ConfigBuilderHost.ProcessRawXml(rawXml, configBuilder);
            return rawXml;
        protected virtual ConfigurationSection CallHostProcessConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection configSection, ConfigurationBuilder configBuilder) {
            if (ConfigBuilderHost != null) {
                try {
                    return ConfigBuilderHost.ProcessConfigurationSection(configSection, configBuilder);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.ConfigBuilder_processSection_error,
                                                                configBuilder.Name, configSection.SectionInformation.Name), e, null);
            return configSection;
        static internal string ValidateConfigBuilderAttribute(string configBuilder, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(configBuilder)) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Config_builder_invalid_format), errorInfo);
            return configBuilder;
        static internal string ValidateProtectionProviderAttribute(string protectionProvider, IConfigErrorInfo errorInfo) {
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(protectionProvider)) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Protection_provider_invalid_format), errorInfo);
            return protectionProvider;
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security.Xml", "CA3074:ReviewClassesDerivedFromXmlTextReader", Justification="Reading trusted input")]
        private ConfigXmlReader DecryptConfigSection(ConfigXmlReader reader, ProtectedConfigurationProvider protectionProvider) {
            ConfigXmlReader     clone           = reader.Clone();
            IConfigErrorInfo    err             = (IConfigErrorInfo)clone;
            string              encryptedXml    = null;
            string              clearTextXml    = null;
            XmlNodeType         nodeType;
            // Save the file and line at the top of the section
            string filename = err.Filename;
            int lineNumber = err.LineNumber;
            int sectionLineNumber = lineNumber;
            if (clone.IsEmptyElement) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.EncryptedNode_not_found), filename, lineNumber);
            // Find the <EncryptedData> node
            for (;;) {
                clone.Read(); // Keep reading till we find a relavant node
                nodeType = clone.NodeType;
                if (nodeType  == XmlNodeType.Element && clone.Name == "EncryptedData")  { // Found it!
                if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) {
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.EncryptedNode_not_found), filename, lineNumber);
                else if (nodeType  != XmlNodeType.Comment && nodeType != XmlNodeType.Whitespace) {
                    // some other unexpected content
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.EncryptedNode_is_in_invalid_format), filename, lineNumber);
            // Do the decryption
            // Save the line at the top of the <EncryptedData> node
            lineNumber = err.LineNumber;
            encryptedXml = clone.ReadOuterXml();
            try {
                clearTextXml = CallHostDecryptSection(encryptedXml, protectionProvider, ProtectedConfig);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.Decryption_failed, protectionProvider.Name, e.Message), e, filename, lineNumber);
            // Detect if there is any XML left over after <EncryptedData>
            do {
                nodeType = clone.NodeType;
                if (nodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement) {
                else if (nodeType  != XmlNodeType.Comment && nodeType != XmlNodeType.Whitespace) {
                    // Got other unexpected content
                    throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(SR.GetString(SR.EncryptedNode_is_in_invalid_format), filename, lineNumber);
            } while (clone.Read());
            // Create a new reader, using the position of the original reader
            return new ConfigXmlReader(clearTextXml, filename, sectionLineNumber, true);
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security.Xml", "CA3074:ReviewClassesDerivedFromXmlTextReader", Justification="Reading trusted input")]
        private ConfigXmlReader ProcessRawXml(ConfigXmlReader reader, ConfigurationBuilder configBuilder) {
            IConfigErrorInfo err = (IConfigErrorInfo)reader;
            XmlNode processedXml = null;
            string filename = err.Filename;
            int lineNumber = err.LineNumber;
            try {
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
                processedXml = CallHostProcessRawXml(doc.DocumentElement, configBuilder);
            catch (Exception e) {
                // 'lineNumber' is actually off by one here for some reason. But this will be caught/rethrown
                // in GetSectionXmlReader, which will add the correct line number... so long as we don't add it here.
                throw ExceptionUtil.WrapAsConfigException(SR.GetString(SR.ConfigBuilder_processXml_error_short, configBuilder.Name), e, null);
            return new ConfigXmlReader(processedXml.OuterXml, filename, lineNumber, true);
        // ConfigContext
        // Retrieve the context for the config
        internal object ConfigContext
                if (!_flags[ContextEvaluated]) {
                    // Retrieve context for Path
                    _configContext = Host.CreateConfigurationContext(ConfigPath, LocationSubPath);
                    _flags[ContextEvaluated] = true;
                return _configContext;
        // ThrowIfParseErrors
        // Throw if there were parse errors detected
        private void ThrowIfParseErrors(ConfigurationSchemaErrors schemaErrors) {
        // RecordSupportsLocation
        // Does it make sense to put use location tags in this file?
        // In the web case this is true at any level.  In the exe case
        // this is only true for machine.config (since machine.config
        // can really be used for any scenario)
        internal bool RecordSupportsLocation {
            get {
                return (_flags[SupportsLocation] || IsMachineConfig);
        // Note: Some of the per-attribute encryption stuff is moved to the end of the file to minimize
        //       FI merging conflicts
        const string ConfigurationBuildersSectionTypeName = "System.Configuration.ConfigurationBuildersSection, " + AssemblyRef.SystemConfiguration;
        internal const string RESERVED_SECTION_CONFIGURATION_BUILDERS = "configBuilders";
        Type ConfigurationBuildersSectionType = Type.GetType(ConfigurationBuildersSectionTypeName);
        const string ProtectedConfigurationSectionTypeName = "System.Configuration.ProtectedConfigurationSection, " + AssemblyRef.SystemConfiguration;
        internal const string RESERVED_SECTION_PROTECTED_CONFIGURATION       = "configProtectedData";
        internal const string Microsoft_CONFIGURATION_SECTION = ConfigurationStringConstants.WinformsApplicationConfigurationSectionName;
        const string SystemConfigurationSectionTypeName = "System.Configuration.AppSettingsSection, " + AssemblyRef.SystemConfiguration;
        internal static bool IsImplicitSection(string configKey) {
            if (string.Equals(configKey, RESERVED_SECTION_PROTECTED_CONFIGURATION, StringComparison.Ordinal) || 
                //string.Equals(configKey, RESERVED_SECTION_CONFIGURATION_BUILDERS, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
                string.Equals(configKey, Microsoft_CONFIGURATION_SECTION, StringComparison.Ordinal)) {
                return true;
            else {
                return false;
        // Add implicit sections to the factory list.
        // If factoryList == null, then add to the config record's factory list.
        private void AddImplicitSections(Hashtable factoryList) {
            // Add implicit sections to the factoryList if we're under the root
            // (e.g. if we're in machine.config)
            if (_parent.IsRootConfig) {
                if (factoryList == null) {
                    factoryList = EnsureFactories();
                FactoryRecord factoryRecord = (FactoryRecord)factoryList[RESERVED_SECTION_PROTECTED_CONFIGURATION];
                // If the user has mistakenly declared an implicit section, we should leave the factoryRecord
                // alone because it contains the error and the error will be thrown later.
                if (factoryRecord != null) {
                    Debug.Assert(factoryRecord.HasErrors, "If the user has mistakenly declared an implicit section, we should have recorded an error.");
                else {
                        new FactoryRecord(
                                RESERVED_SECTION_PROTECTED_CONFIGURATION,   // configKey
                                string.Empty,                               // group
                                RESERVED_SECTION_PROTECTED_CONFIGURATION,   // name
                                ProtectedConfigurationSectionTypeName,      // factoryTypeName
                                true,                                       // allowLocation
                                ConfigurationAllowDefinition.Everywhere,    // allowDefinition
                                ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToApplication,   // allowExeDefinition
                                OverrideModeSetting.SectionDefault,         // overrideModeDefault
                                true,                                       // restartOnExternalChanges
                                true,                                       // requirePermission
                                true,                                       // isFromTrustedConfig
                                true,                                       // isUndeclared
                                null,                                       // filename
                                -1);                                        // lineNumber
                factoryRecord = (FactoryRecord)factoryList[Microsoft_CONFIGURATION_SECTION];
                // If the user has mistakenly declared an implicit section, we should leave the factoryRecord
                // alone because it contains the error and the error will be thrown later.
                if (factoryRecord != null)
                    Debug.Assert(factoryRecord.HasErrors, "If the user has mistakenly declared an implicit section, we should have recorded an error.");
                    factoryList[Microsoft_CONFIGURATION_SECTION] =
                        new FactoryRecord(
                                Microsoft_CONFIGURATION_SECTION,             // configKey
                                string.Empty,                               // group
                                Microsoft_CONFIGURATION_SECTION,             // name
                                SystemConfigurationSectionTypeName,         // factoryTypeName
                                true,                                       // allowLocation
                                ConfigurationAllowDefinition.Everywhere,    // allowDefinition
                                ConfigurationAllowExeDefinition.MachineToApplication,   // allowExeDefinition
                                OverrideModeSetting.SectionDefault,         // overrideModeDefault
                                true,                                       // restartOnExternalChanges
                                true,                                       // requirePermission
                                true,                                       // isFromTrustedConfig
                                true,                                       // isUndeclared
                                null,                                       // filename
                                -1);                                        // lineNumber
        // We reserve all attribute names starting with config or lock
        internal static bool IsReservedAttributeName(string name) {
            if (StringUtil.StartsWith(name, "config") ||
                StringUtil.StartsWith(name, "lock")) {
                return true;
            else {
                return false;
        protected class ConfigRecordStreamInfo {
            private bool                    _hasStream;             // does the stream exist?
            private string                  _streamname;            // name of the stream of this record
            private object                  _streamVersion;         // version of the stream
            private Encoding                _encoding;              // encoding of the stream
            private StreamChangeCallback    _callbackDelegate;      // host delegate to callback to when stream has changed
            private HybridDictionary        _streamInfos;           // streamname -> StreamInfo. It'll also contain the main stream pointed to by _streamname
            internal ConfigRecordStreamInfo() {
                // default encoding
                _encoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            internal bool HasStream {
                get { return _hasStream; }
                set { _hasStream = value; }
            internal string StreamName {
                get { return _streamname; }
                set { _streamname = value; }
            internal object StreamVersion {
                get { return _streamVersion; }
                set { _streamVersion = value; }
            internal Encoding StreamEncoding {
                get { return _encoding; }
                set { _encoding = value; }
            internal StreamChangeCallback CallbackDelegate {
                get { return _callbackDelegate; }
                set { _callbackDelegate = value; }
            internal HybridDictionary StreamInfos {
                get {
                    if (_streamInfos == null) {
                        _streamInfos = new HybridDictionary(true);
                    return _streamInfos;
            internal bool HasStreamInfos {
                get { return _streamInfos != null; }
            internal void ClearStreamInfos() {
                _streamInfos = null;
#if DBG
            // For Debugging only
            internal string[] Keys {
                get {
                    string[]    keys = new string[StreamInfos.Count];
                    StreamInfos.Keys.CopyTo(keys, 0);
                    return keys;
        private class IndirectLocationInputComparer : IComparer<SectionInput> {
            public int Compare(SectionInput x, SectionInput y) {
                // We have to sort the indirect inputs
                // 1. First by the location tag's target config path, and if they're the same,
                // 2. Then by the location tag's definition config path.
                // In the final sorted list, a child will be smaller than a parent.
                Debug.Assert(x.SectionXmlInfo.ConfigKey == y.SectionXmlInfo.ConfigKey);
                if (Object.ReferenceEquals(x, y)) {
                    // Check if they're the same object.
                    return 0;
                string  xTargetConfigPath = x.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath;
                string  yTargetConfigPath = y.SectionXmlInfo.TargetConfigPath;
                // First compare using location tag's target config path:
                if (UrlPath.IsSubpath(xTargetConfigPath, yTargetConfigPath)) {
                    // yTargetConfigPath is a child path of xTargetConfigPath, so y < x
                    return 1;
                else if (UrlPath.IsSubpath(yTargetConfigPath, xTargetConfigPath)) {
                    // xTargetConfigPath is a child path of yTargetConfigPath, so x < y
                    return -1;
                else {
                    // Because all indirect inputs must be pointing to nodes along a
                    // single branch of config hierarchy, so if the above two cases
                    // aren't true, then the two target config path must be equal;
                    // in another word, they should not be siblings.
                    Debug.Assert(StringUtil.EqualsIgnoreCase(yTargetConfigPath, xTargetConfigPath));
                    string  xDefinitionConfigPath = x.SectionXmlInfo.DefinitionConfigPath;
                    string  yDefinitionConfigPath = y.SectionXmlInfo.DefinitionConfigPath;
                    // Then compare using where the location tag is defined.
                    if (UrlPath.IsSubpath(xDefinitionConfigPath, yDefinitionConfigPath)) {
                        // yDefinitionConfigPath is a child path of xDefinitionConfigPath, so y < x
                        return 1;
                    else if (UrlPath.IsSubpath(yDefinitionConfigPath, xDefinitionConfigPath)) {
                        // xDefinitionConfigPath is a child path of yDefinitionConfigPath, so x < y
                        return -1;
                    else {
                            "It's not possible for two location input to come from the same config file and point to the same target");
                        return 0;
        internal Configuration CurrentConfiguration {
            get {
                return _configRoot.CurrentConfiguration;
        internal bool  TypeStringTransformerIsSet {
            get {
                return (CurrentConfiguration == null) ? false : CurrentConfiguration.TypeStringTransformerIsSet;
        internal bool  AssemblyStringTransformerIsSet {
            get {
                return (CurrentConfiguration == null) ? false : CurrentConfiguration.AssemblyStringTransformerIsSet;
        internal System.Func<string, string>  TypeStringTransformer {
            get {
                return (CurrentConfiguration == null) ? null : CurrentConfiguration.TypeStringTransformer;
        internal System.Func<string, string>  AssemblyStringTransformer {
            get {
                return (CurrentConfiguration == null) ? null : CurrentConfiguration.AssemblyStringTransformer;
        internal FrameworkName TargetFramework {
            get {
                return (CurrentConfiguration == null) ? null : CurrentConfiguration.TargetFramework;
        internal Stack SectionsStack {
            get {
                return (CurrentConfiguration == null) ? (new Stack()) : CurrentConfiguration.SectionsStack;