File: BuildTasks\Microsoft\Build\Tasks\Windows\GenerateTemporaryTargetAssembly.cs
Project: wpf\src\PresentationBuildTasks.csproj (PresentationBuildTasks)

// <copyright file="GenerateTemporaryTargetAssembly.cs" company="Microsoft">
//    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// Description: This is a MSBuild task which generates a temporary target assembly
//              if current project contains a xaml file with local-type-reference.
//              It generates a temporary project file and then call build-engine 
//              to compile it.
//              The new project file will replace all the Reference Items with the 
//              resolved ReferenctPath, add all the generated code file into Compile 
//              Item list.
// History:
//  05/10/05: weibz   Created.
//  11/29/17: 
//      Use MSBUILD supported project extensions (.csproj, .vbproj etc.) instead of .tmp_proj
//      Support for diagnostic inspection of the temporary project file
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;
using System.Xml;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using Microsoft.Build.BuildEngine;
using MS.Utility;
using MS.Internal.Tasks;
// Since we disable PreSharp warnings in this file, PreSharp warning is unknown to C# compiler.
// We first need to disable warnings about unknown message numbers and unknown pragmas.
#pragma warning disable 1634, 1691
namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Windows
    #region GenerateTemporaryTargetAssembly Task class
    /// <summary>
    ///   This task is used to generate a temporary target assembly. It generates
    ///   a temporary project file and then compile it.
    ///   The generated project file is based on current project file, with below
    ///   modification:
    ///       A:  Add the generated code files (.g.cs) to Compile Item list.
    ///       B:  Replace Reference Item list with ReferenctPath item list.
    ///           So that it doesn't need to rerun time-consuming tatk 
    ///           ResolveAssemblyReference (RAR) again.
    /// </summary>
    public sealed class GenerateTemporaryTargetAssembly : Task
        //  Constructors
        #region Constructors
        /// <summary>
        /// Constrcutor
        /// </summary>
        public GenerateTemporaryTargetAssembly()
            : base(SR.ResourceManager)
        #endregion Constructors
        //  Public Methods
        #region Public Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// ITask Execute method
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>Catching all exceptions in this method is appropriate - it will allow the build process to resume if possible after logging errors</remarks>
        [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1031:DoNotCatchGeneralExceptionTypes")]
        public override bool Execute()
            bool retValue = true;
            // Verification
                XmlDocument xmlProjectDoc = null;
                xmlProjectDoc = new XmlDocument( );
                // remove all the WinFX specific item lists
                // ApplicationDefinition, Page, MarkupResource and Resource
                RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, APPDEFNAME);
                RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, PAGENAME);
                RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, MARKUPRESOURCENAME);
                RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, RESOURCENAME);
                // Replace the Reference Item list with ReferencePath
                RemoveItemsByName(xmlProjectDoc, REFERENCETYPENAME);
                AddNewItems(xmlProjectDoc, ReferencePathTypeName, ReferencePath);
                // Add GeneratedCodeFiles to Compile item list.
                AddNewItems(xmlProjectDoc, CompileTypeName, GeneratedCodeFiles);
                string currentProjectName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(CurrentProject);
                string currentProjectExtension = Path.GetExtension(CurrentProject);
                // Create a random file name
                // This can fix the problem of project cache in VS.NET environment.
                // GetRandomFileName( ) could return any possible file name and extension
                // Since this temporary file will be used to represent an MSBUILD project file, 
                // we will use the same extension as that of the current project file
                string randomFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName());
                // Don't call Path.ChangeExtension to append currentProjectExtension. It will do 
                // odd things with project names that already contains a period (like System.Windows.
                // Contols.Ribbon.csproj). Instead, just append the extension - after all, we already know
                // for a fact that this name (i.e., tempProj) lacks a file extension.
                string tempProj = string.Join("_", currentProjectName, randomFileName, WPFTMP);
                tempProj = tempProj  + currentProjectExtension;
                // Save the xmlDocument content into the temporary project file.
                // Invoke MSBUILD engine to build this temporary project file.
                Hashtable globalProperties = new Hashtable(3);
                // Add AssemblyName, IntermediateOutputPath and _TargetAssemblyProjectName to the global property list
                // Note that _TargetAssemblyProjectName is not defined as a property with Output attribute - that doesn't do us much 
                // good here. We need _TargetAssemblyProjectName to be a well-known property in the new (temporary) project
                // file, and having it be available in the current MSBUILD process is not useful.
                globalProperties[intermediateOutputPathPropertyName] = IntermediateOutputPath;
                globalProperties[assemblyNamePropertyName] = AssemblyName;
                globalProperties[targetAssemblyProjectNamePropertyName] = currentProjectName;
                retValue = BuildEngine.BuildProjectFile(tempProj, new string[] { CompileTargetName }, globalProperties, null);
                // Delete the temporary project file unless diagnostic mode has been requested
                if (!GenerateTemporaryTargetAssemblyDebuggingInformation)
                    catch (IOException e)
                        // Failure to delete the file is a non fatal error
            catch (Exception e)
                retValue = false;
            return retValue;
        #endregion Public Methods
        //  Public Properties
        #region Public Properties
        /// <summary>
        /// CurrentProject 
        ///    The full path of current project file.
        /// </summary>
        public string  CurrentProject
            get { return _currentProject; }
            set { _currentProject = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// MSBuild Binary Path.
        ///   This is required for Project to work correctly.
        /// </summary>
        public string MSBuildBinPath
            get { return _msbuildBinPath; }
            set { _msbuildBinPath = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// GeneratedCodeFiles
        ///    A list of generated code files, it could be empty.
        ///    The list will be added to the Compile item list in new generated project file.
        /// </summary>
        public ITaskItem[] GeneratedCodeFiles
            get { return _generatedCodeFiles; }
            set { _generatedCodeFiles = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// CompileTypeName
        ///   The appropriate item name which can be accepted by managed compiler task.
        ///   It is "Compile" for now.
        ///   Adding this property is to make the type name configurable, if it is changed, 
        ///   No code is required to change in this task, but set a new type name in project file.
        /// </summary>
        public string CompileTypeName
            get { return _compileTypeName; }
            set { _compileTypeName = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// ReferencePath
        ///    A list of resolved reference assemblies.
        ///    The list will replace the original Reference item list in generated project file.
        /// </summary>
        public ITaskItem[] ReferencePath
            get { return _referencePath; }
            set { _referencePath = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// ReferencePathTypeName
        ///   The appropriate item name which is used to keep the Reference list in managed compiler task.
        ///   It is "ReferencePath" for now.
        ///   Adding this property is to make the type name configurable, if it is changed, 
        ///   No code is required to change in this task, but set a new type name in project file.
        /// </summary>
        public string ReferencePathTypeName
            get { return _referencePathTypeName; }
            set { _referencePathTypeName = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// IntermediateOutputPath
        /// The value which is set to IntermediateOutputPath property in current project file.
        /// Passing this value explicitly is to make sure to generate temporary target assembly 
        /// in expected directory.  
        /// </summary>
        public string IntermediateOutputPath
            get { return _intermediateOutputPath; }
            set { _intermediateOutputPath = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// AssemblyName
        /// The value which is set to AssemblyName property in current project file.
        /// Passing this value explicitly is to make sure to generate the expected 
        /// temporary target assembly.
        /// </summary>
        public string AssemblyName
            get { return _assemblyName; }
            set { _assemblyName = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// CompileTargetName
        /// The msbuild target name which is used to generate assembly from source code files.
        /// Usually it is "CoreCompile"
        /// </summary>
        public string CompileTargetName
            get { return _compileTargetName; }
            set { _compileTargetName = value; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Optional <see cref="Boolean"/> task parameter
        /// When <code>true</code>, debugging information is enabled for the <see cref="GenerateTemporaryTargetAssembly"/>
        /// Task. At this time, the only debugging information that is generated consists of the temporary project that is 
        /// created to generate the temporary target assembly. This temporary project is normally deleted at the end of this
        /// MSBUILD task; when <see cref="GenerateTemporaryTargetAssemblyDebuggingInformation"/> is enable, this temporary project 
        /// will be retained for inspection by the developer. 
        /// This is a diagnostic parameter, and it defaults to <code>false</code>.
        /// </summary>
        public bool GenerateTemporaryTargetAssemblyDebuggingInformation 
            get { return _generateTemporaryTargetAssemblyDebuggingInformation; }
            set { _generateTemporaryTargetAssemblyDebuggingInformation = value; } 
        #endregion Public Properties
        //  Private Methods
        #region Private Methods
        // Remove specific items from project file. Every item should be under an ItemGroup.
        private void RemoveItemsByName(XmlDocument xmlProjectDoc, string sItemName)
            if (xmlProjectDoc == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(sItemName))
                // When the parameters are not valid, simply return it, instead of throwing exceptions.
            // The project file format is always like below:
            //  <Project  xmlns="...">
            //     <ProjectGroup>
            //         ......
            //     </ProjectGroup>
            //     ...
            //     <ItemGroup>
            //         <ItemNameHere ..../>
            //         ....
            //     </ItemGroup>
            //     ....
            //     <Import ... />
            //     ...
            //     <Target Name="xxx" ..../>
            //      ...
            //  </Project>
            // The order of children nodes under Project Root element is random
            XmlNode root = xmlProjectDoc.DocumentElement;
            if (root.HasChildNodes == false)
                // If there is no child element in this project file, just return immediatelly.
            for (int i = 0; i < root.ChildNodes.Count; i++)
                XmlElement nodeGroup = root.ChildNodes[i] as XmlElement;
                if (nodeGroup != null && String.Compare(nodeGroup.Name, ITEMGROUP_NAME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                    // This is ItemGroup element.
                    if (nodeGroup.HasChildNodes)
                        ArrayList itemToRemove = new ArrayList();
                        for (int j = 0; j < nodeGroup.ChildNodes.Count; j++)
                            XmlElement nodeItem = nodeGroup.ChildNodes[j] as XmlElement;
                            if (nodeItem != null && String.Compare(nodeItem.Name, sItemName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                                // This is the item that need to remove.
                                // Add it into the temporary array list.
                                // Don't delete it here, since it would affect the ChildNodes of parent element.
                        // Now it is the right time to delete the elements.
                        if (itemToRemove.Count > 0)
                            foreach (object node in itemToRemove)
                                XmlElement item = node as XmlElement;
                                // Remove this item from its parent node.
                                // the parent node should be nodeGroup.
                                if (item != null)
                    // Removed all the items with given name from this item group.
                    // Continue the loop for the next ItemGroup.
            }   // end of "for i" statement.
        // Add a list of files into an Item in the project file, the ItemName is specified by sItemName.
        private void AddNewItems(XmlDocument xmlProjectDoc, string sItemName, ITaskItem[] pItemList)
            if (xmlProjectDoc == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(sItemName) || pItemList == null)
                // When the parameters are not valid, simply return it, instead of throwing exceptions.
            XmlNode root = xmlProjectDoc.DocumentElement;
            // Create a new ItemGroup element
            XmlNode nodeItemGroup = xmlProjectDoc.CreateElement(ITEMGROUP_NAME, root.NamespaceURI);
            // Append this new ItemGroup item into the list of children of the document root.
            XmlElement embedItem = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < pItemList.Length; i++)
                // Create an element for the given sItemName
                XmlElement nodeItem = xmlProjectDoc.CreateElement(sItemName, root.NamespaceURI);
                // Create an Attribute "Include"
                XmlAttribute attrInclude = xmlProjectDoc.CreateAttribute(INCLUDE_ATTR_NAME);
                ITaskItem pItem = pItemList[i];
                // Set the value for Include attribute.
                attrInclude.Value = pItem.ItemSpec;
                // Add the attribute to current item node.
                if (TRUE == pItem.GetMetadata(EMBEDINTEROPTYPES))
                    embedItem = xmlProjectDoc.CreateElement(EMBEDINTEROPTYPES, root.NamespaceURI);
                    embedItem.InnerText = TRUE;
                string aliases = pItem.GetMetadata(ALIASES);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(aliases))
                    embedItem = xmlProjectDoc.CreateElement(ALIASES, root.NamespaceURI);
                    embedItem.InnerText = aliases;
                // Add current item node into the children list of ItemGroup
        #endregion Private Methods
        //  Private Fields
        #region Private Fields
        private string _currentProject = String.Empty;
        private ITaskItem[] _generatedCodeFiles;
        private ITaskItem[] _referencePath;
        private string _referencePathTypeName;
        private string _compileTypeName;
        private string _msbuildBinPath;
        private string  _intermediateOutputPath;
        private string  _assemblyName;
        private string  _compileTargetName;
        private bool _generateTemporaryTargetAssemblyDebuggingInformation = false;
        private const string intermediateOutputPathPropertyName = "IntermediateOutputPath";
        private const string assemblyNamePropertyName = "AssemblyName";
        private const string targetAssemblyProjectNamePropertyName = "_TargetAssemblyProjectName";
        private const string ALIASES = "Aliases";
        private const string REFERENCETYPENAME = "Reference";
        private const string EMBEDINTEROPTYPES = "EmbedInteropTypes";
        private const string APPDEFNAME = "ApplicationDefinition";
        private const string PAGENAME = "Page";
        private const string MARKUPRESOURCENAME = "MarkupResource";
        private const string RESOURCENAME = "Resource";
        private const string ITEMGROUP_NAME = "ItemGroup";
        private const string INCLUDE_ATTR_NAME = "Include";
        private const string TRUE = "True";
        private const string WPFTMP = "wpftmp";
        #endregion Private Fields
    #endregion GenerateProjectForLocalTypeReference Task class