// <copyright file="HttpWebResponse.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Net {
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
// HttpWebResponse - Handles retrival of HTTP Response headers, und Data reads.
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// An HTTP-specific implementation of the
/// <see cref='System.Net.WebResponse'/> class.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public class HttpWebResponse : WebResponse, ISerializable
// response Uri generated by the request.
private Uri m_Uri;
// response Verb gernated by the request
private KnownHttpVerb m_Verb;
// response values
private HttpStatusCode m_StatusCode;
private string m_StatusDescription;
// ConnectStream - for reading actual data
private Stream m_ConnectStream;
// For the rare case of Post -> Get redirect where we need to re-process the response.
private CoreResponseData m_CoreResponseData;
private WebHeaderCollection m_HttpResponseHeaders;
// Content Length needed for symantics, -1 if chunked
private long m_ContentLength;
// for which response ContentType we will look for and parse the CharacterSet
private string m_MediaType;
private string m_CharacterSet = null;
private bool m_IsVersionHttp11;
// server certificate for secure connections
internal X509Certificate m_Certificate;
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
private CookieCollection m_cookies;
private bool m_disposed; // = false;
private bool m_propertiesDisposed;
private bool m_UsesProxySemantics;
private bool m_IsMutuallyAuthenticated;
private bool m_IsWebSocketResponse;
private string m_ConnectionGroupName;
private Stream m_WebSocketConnectionStream = null;
internal bool IsWebSocketResponse
get { return m_IsWebSocketResponse; }
set { m_IsWebSocketResponse = value; }
internal string ConnectionGroupName
get { return m_ConnectionGroupName; }
set { m_ConnectionGroupName = value; }
// Internal Access to the Response Stream,
// public method is GetResponseStream
internal Stream ResponseStream {
get {
return m_ConnectStream;
set {
m_ConnectStream = value;
internal CoreResponseData CoreResponseData
get { return m_CoreResponseData; }
public override bool IsMutuallyAuthenticated {
get {
return m_IsMutuallyAuthenticated;
internal bool InternalSetIsMutuallyAuthenticated {
set {
m_IsMutuallyAuthenticated = value;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public virtual CookieCollection Cookies {
get {
if (m_cookies == null) {
m_cookies = new CookieCollection();
return m_cookies;
set {
m_cookies = value;
// retreives response header object
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets
/// the headers associated with this response from the server.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public override WebHeaderCollection Headers {
get {
return m_HttpResponseHeaders;
// For portability only
public override bool SupportsHeaders {
get {
return true;
// ContentLength, -1 indicates unknown value
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets the lenght of the content returned by the request.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public override long ContentLength {
get {
return m_ContentLength;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets the
/// method used to encode the body of the response.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public String ContentEncoding {
get {
string contentEncoding = m_HttpResponseHeaders[HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentEncoding];
return contentEncoding == null ? string.Empty : contentEncoding;
// Returns the Content-Type of the response.
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets the content type of the
/// response.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public override string ContentType {
get {
string contentType = m_HttpResponseHeaders.ContentType;
return contentType == null ? string.Empty : contentType;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public string CharacterSet {
get {
string contentType = m_HttpResponseHeaders.ContentType;
if (m_CharacterSet == null && !ValidationHelper.IsBlankString(contentType)) {
//sets characterset so the branch is never executed again.
m_CharacterSet = String.Empty;
//first string is the media type
string srchString = contentType.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
//media subtypes of text type has a default as specified by rfc 2616
if (srchString.Trim().StartsWith("text/")) {
m_CharacterSet = "ISO-8859-1";
//one of the parameters may be the character set
//there must be at least a mediatype for this to be valid
int i = srchString.IndexOf(";");
if (i > 0) {
//search the parameters
while ((i = srchString.IndexOf("charset",i)) >= 0){
//make sure the word starts with charset
if (srchString[i-8] == ';' || srchString[i-8] == ' '){
//skip whitespace
while (i < srchString.Length && srchString[i] == ' ')
//only process if next character is '='
//and there is a character after that
if (i < srchString.Length - 1 && srchString[i] == '=') {
//get and trim character set substring
int j = srchString.IndexOf(';',i);
//In the past we used
//Substring(i, j). J is the offset not the length
//the qfe is to fix the second parameter so that this it is the
//length. since j points to the next ; the operation j -i
//gives the length of the charset
if (j>i)
m_CharacterSet = contentType.Substring(i,j - i).Trim();
m_CharacterSet = contentType.Substring(i).Trim();
return m_CharacterSet;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets the name of the server that sent the response.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public string Server {
get {
string server = m_HttpResponseHeaders.Server;
return server == null ? string.Empty : server;
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets the last
/// date and time that the content of the response was modified.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public DateTime LastModified {
get {
string lastmodHeaderValue = m_HttpResponseHeaders.LastModified;
if (lastmodHeaderValue == null) {
return DateTime.Now;
return HttpProtocolUtils.string2date(lastmodHeaderValue);
// returns StatusCode
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets
/// a number indicating the status of the response.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public virtual HttpStatusCode StatusCode {
get {
return m_StatusCode;
// returns StatusDescription
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets the status description returned with the response.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public virtual string StatusDescription {
get {
return m_StatusDescription;
// HTTP Version
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets
/// the version of the HTTP protocol used in the response.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public Version ProtocolVersion {
get {
return m_IsVersionHttp11 ? HttpVersion.Version11 : HttpVersion.Version10;
internal bool KeepAlive {
get {
// QFE - DevDiv bug: 37757
// If there is proxy involved, independen of the Http Version, we should honor the
// proxy indicated Proxy-Connection header value.
// This header value is not RFC mandated, but is a legacy from Netscape documentations.
// It indicates that the proxy wants to keep the connection.
// Functionally it is equivalent of a Keep-Alive AND/OR Connection header.
// The absence of this check will result in HTTP/1.0 responsen be considered to be not
// Keeping the connection alive.
// This will result in a state mismatch between the connection pool and HttpWebRequest object
// when the decision to drain the connection and putting it back to the idle pool is made.
if (m_UsesProxySemantics)
string proxyConnectionHeader = Headers[HttpKnownHeaderNames.ProxyConnection];
if (proxyConnectionHeader != null)
return proxyConnectionHeader.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).IndexOf("close") < 0 ||
proxyConnectionHeader.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).IndexOf("keep-alive") >= 0;
string connectionHeader = Headers[HttpKnownHeaderNames.Connection];
if (connectionHeader != null)
connectionHeader = connectionHeader.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
if (ProtocolVersion == HttpVersion.Version10)
// An HTTP/1.0 response is keep-alive if it has a connection: keep-alive header
return (connectionHeader != null &&
connectionHeader.IndexOf("keep-alive") >= 0);
else if (ProtocolVersion >= HttpVersion.Version11)
// An HTTP/1.1 response is keep-alive if it DOESN'T have a connection: close header, or if it
// also has a connection: keep-alive header
return (connectionHeader == null ||
connectionHeader.IndexOf("close") < 0 ||
connectionHeader.IndexOf("keep-alive") >= 0);
return false;
ResponseStream - Return the response stream.
This property returns the response stream for this response. The
response stream will do de-chunking, etc. as needed.
Input: Nothing. Property is readonly.
Returns: Response stream for response.
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>Gets the stream used for reading the body of the response from the
/// server.</para>
/// </devdoc>
public override Stream GetResponseStream() {
if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "GetResponseStream", "");
if(Logging.On)Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, "ContentLength="+m_ContentLength);
Stream result;
if (m_IsWebSocketResponse && m_StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.SwitchingProtocols) // HTTP 101
if (this.m_WebSocketConnectionStream == null)
ConnectStream connectStream = m_ConnectStream as ConnectStream;
GlobalLog.Assert(connectStream != null, "HttpWebResponse.m_ConnectStream should always be a ConnectStream in WebSocket cases.");
GlobalLog.Assert(connectStream.Connection != null, "HttpWebResponse.m_ConnectStream.Connection should never be null in WebSocket cases.");
this.m_WebSocketConnectionStream = new WebSocketConnectionStream(connectStream, this.ConnectionGroupName);
result = this.m_WebSocketConnectionStream;
result = m_ConnectStream;
if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, this, "GetResponseStream", result);
return result;
Close - Closes the Response after the use.
This causes the read stream to be closed.
public override void Close() {
if(Logging.On)Logging.Enter(Logging.Web, this, "Close", "");
if (!m_disposed)
m_disposed = true;
Stream stream = m_ConnectStream;
ICloseEx icloseEx = stream as ICloseEx;
if (icloseEx != null)
icloseEx.CloseEx(CloseExState.Normal /* | CloseExState.Silent */);
else if (stream != null)
if (this.IsWebSocketResponse)
ConnectStream connectStream = m_ConnectStream as ConnectStream;
if (connectStream != null && connectStream.Connection != null)
if(Logging.On)Logging.Exit(Logging.Web, this, "Close", "");
// This method is only to be called by HttpWebRequest.Abort().
internal void Abort() {
Stream stream = m_ConnectStream;
ICloseEx icloseEx = stream as ICloseEx;
if (icloseEx != null) {
else if (stream != null) {
catch { }
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA2213:DisposableFieldsShouldBeDisposed",
Justification = "The base class calls Close() to clean up m_ConnectStream")]
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) {
if (!disposing) {
base.Dispose(true); // Calls Close()
m_propertiesDisposed = true;
//introduced for supporting design-time loading of System.Windows.dll
[Obsolete("This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.", true)]
public HttpWebResponse(){}
internal HttpWebResponse(Uri responseUri, KnownHttpVerb verb, CoreResponseData coreData, string mediaType,
bool usesProxySemantics, DecompressionMethods decompressionMethod,
bool isWebSocketResponse, string connectionGroupName) {
m_Uri = responseUri;
m_Verb = verb;
m_MediaType = mediaType;
m_UsesProxySemantics = usesProxySemantics;
m_CoreResponseData = coreData;
m_ConnectStream = coreData.m_ConnectStream;
m_HttpResponseHeaders = coreData.m_ResponseHeaders;
m_ContentLength = coreData.m_ContentLength;
m_StatusCode = coreData.m_StatusCode;
m_StatusDescription = coreData.m_StatusDescription;
m_IsVersionHttp11 = coreData.m_IsVersionHttp11;
m_IsWebSocketResponse = isWebSocketResponse;
m_ConnectionGroupName = connectionGroupName;
//if the returned contentlength is zero, preemptively invoke calldone on the stream.
//this will wake up any pending reads.
if (m_ContentLength == 0 && m_ConnectStream is ConnectStream) {
// handle Content-Location header, by combining it with the orginal request.
string contentLocation = m_HttpResponseHeaders[HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentLocation];
if (contentLocation != null) {
try {
m_Uri = new Uri(m_Uri, contentLocation);
} catch (UriFormatException e) {
GlobalLog.Assert("Exception on response Uri parsing.", e.ToString());
// decompress responses by hooking up a final response Stream - only if user required it
if(decompressionMethod != DecompressionMethods.None) {
string contentEncoding = m_HttpResponseHeaders[HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentEncoding];
if (contentEncoding != null){
if(((decompressionMethod & DecompressionMethods.GZip) != 0) &&
contentEncoding.IndexOf(HttpWebRequest.GZipHeader, StringComparison.CurrentCulture) != -1) {
m_ConnectStream = new GZipWrapperStream(m_ConnectStream, CompressionMode.Decompress);
m_ContentLength = -1; // unknown on compressed streams
// Setting a response header after parsing will ruin the Common Header optimization.
// This seems like a corner case. ContentEncoding could be added as a common header, with a special
// property allowing it to be nulled.
m_HttpResponseHeaders[HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentEncoding] = null;
else if (((decompressionMethod & DecompressionMethods.Deflate) != 0) &&
contentEncoding.IndexOf(HttpWebRequest.DeflateHeader, StringComparison.CurrentCulture) != -1) {
m_ConnectStream = new DeflateWrapperStream(m_ConnectStream, CompressionMode.Decompress);
m_ContentLength = -1; // unknown on compressed streams
// Setting a response header after parsing will ruin the Common Header optimization.
// This seems like a corner case. ContentEncoding could be added as a common header, with a special
// property allowing it to be nulled.
m_HttpResponseHeaders[HttpKnownHeaderNames.ContentEncoding] = null;
// ISerializable constructor
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
[Obsolete("Serialization is obsoleted for this type. http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=14202")]
protected HttpWebResponse(SerializationInfo serializationInfo, StreamingContext streamingContext):base(serializationInfo, streamingContext) {
m_HttpResponseHeaders = (WebHeaderCollection)serializationInfo.GetValue("m_HttpResponseHeaders", typeof(WebHeaderCollection));
m_Uri = (Uri)serializationInfo.GetValue("m_Uri", typeof(Uri));
m_Certificate = (X509Certificate)serializationInfo.GetValue("m_Certificate", typeof(X509Certificate));
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
Version version = (Version)serializationInfo.GetValue("m_Version", typeof(Version));
m_IsVersionHttp11 = version.Equals(HttpVersion.Version11);
m_StatusCode = (HttpStatusCode)serializationInfo.GetInt32("m_StatusCode");
m_ContentLength = serializationInfo.GetInt64("m_ContentLength");
m_Verb = KnownHttpVerb.Parse(serializationInfo.GetString("m_Verb"));
m_StatusDescription = serializationInfo.GetString("m_StatusDescription");
m_MediaType = serializationInfo.GetString("m_MediaType");
// ISerializable method
/// <internalonly/>
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2123:OverrideLinkDemandsShouldBeIdenticalToBase", Justification = "System.dll is still using pre-v4 security model and needs this demand")]
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.SerializationFormatter, SerializationFormatter=true)]
void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo serializationInfo, StreamingContext streamingContext)
GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext);
// FxCop: provide a way for derived classes to access this method even if they reimplement ISerializable.
[SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter=true)]
protected override void GetObjectData(SerializationInfo serializationInfo, StreamingContext streamingContext)
// for now disregard streamingContext.
// just Add all the members we need to deserialize to construct
// the object at deserialization time
// the following runtime types already support serialization:
// Boolean, Char, SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Single, Double, DateTime
// for the others we need to provide our own serialization
serializationInfo.AddValue("m_HttpResponseHeaders", m_HttpResponseHeaders, typeof(WebHeaderCollection));
serializationInfo.AddValue("m_Uri", m_Uri, typeof(Uri));
serializationInfo.AddValue("m_Certificate", m_Certificate, typeof(X509Certificate));
#endif // !FEATURE_PAL
serializationInfo.AddValue("m_Version", ProtocolVersion, typeof(Version));
serializationInfo.AddValue("m_StatusCode", m_StatusCode);
serializationInfo.AddValue("m_ContentLength", m_ContentLength);
serializationInfo.AddValue("m_Verb", m_Verb.Name);
serializationInfo.AddValue("m_StatusDescription", m_StatusDescription);
serializationInfo.AddValue("m_MediaType", m_MediaType);
base.GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext);
Routine Description:
Gets response headers from parsed server response
headerName - HTTP header to search for matching header on.
Return Value:
string - contains the matched entry, if found
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets a specified header value returned with the response.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public string GetResponseHeader( string headerName ) {
string headerValue = m_HttpResponseHeaders[headerName];
return ( (headerValue==null) ? String.Empty : headerValue );
// searches for extension header in response
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>[To be supplied.]</para>
/// </devdoc>
public string GetExtension(HttpExtension extension, string header) {
return GetResponseHeader(header);
ResponseUri - Gets the final Response Uri, that includes any
changes that may have transpired from the orginal Request
This property returns Uri for this WebResponse.
Input: Nothing.
Returns: Response Uri for response.
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets the Uniform Resource Indentifier (Uri) of the resource that returned the
/// response.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public override Uri ResponseUri { // read-only
get {
return m_Uri;
Accessor: Method
Gets/Sets the http method of this request.
This method represents the Verb,
after any redirects
Returns: Method currently being used.
/// <devdoc>
/// <para>
/// Gets the value of the method used to return the response.
/// </para>
/// </devdoc>
public virtual string Method {
get {
return m_Verb.Name;
private void CheckDisposed() {
if (m_propertiesDisposed) {
throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().FullName);
} // class HttpWebResponse
// transfer ICloseEx behavior to nested compound stream.
internal class GZipWrapperStream : GZipStream, ICloseEx, IRequestLifetimeTracker {
public GZipWrapperStream(Stream stream, CompressionMode mode) : base( stream, mode, false) {
void ICloseEx.CloseEx(CloseExState closeState) {
ICloseEx icloseEx = BaseStream as ICloseEx;
if (icloseEx != null) {
// since the internal Close() of GZipStream just does Close on our base stream
// we don't have to call it anymore at this point
else {
public override IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, AsyncCallback callback, Object state) {
if (buffer==null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
if (offset<0 || offset>buffer.Length) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
if (size<0 || size>buffer.Length-offset) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size");
return base.BeginRead(buffer, offset, size, callback, state);
catch(Exception e){
if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(e)) throw;
if(e is System.IO.InvalidDataException || e is InvalidOperationException || e is IndexOutOfRangeException){
throw e;
public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult==null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncResult");
return base.EndRead(asyncResult);
catch(Exception e){
if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(e)) throw;
if(e is System.IO.InvalidDataException || e is InvalidOperationException || e is IndexOutOfRangeException){
throw e;
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) {
if (buffer==null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
if (offset<0 || offset>buffer.Length) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
if (size<0 || size>buffer.Length-offset) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size");
return base.Read(buffer, offset, size);
catch(Exception e){
if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(e)) throw;
if(e is System.IO.InvalidDataException || e is InvalidOperationException || e is IndexOutOfRangeException){
throw e;
void IRequestLifetimeTracker.TrackRequestLifetime(long requestStartTimestamp)
IRequestLifetimeTracker stream = BaseStream as IRequestLifetimeTracker;
Debug.Assert(stream != null, "Wrapped stream must implement IRequestLifetimeTracker interface");
internal class DeflateWrapperStream : DeflateStream, ICloseEx, IRequestLifetimeTracker {
public DeflateWrapperStream(Stream stream, CompressionMode mode) : base( stream, mode, false) {
void ICloseEx.CloseEx(CloseExState closeState) {
ICloseEx icloseEx = BaseStream as ICloseEx;
if (icloseEx != null) {
// since the internal Close() of GZipStream just does Close on our base stream
// we don't have to call it anymore at this point
else {
public override IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size, AsyncCallback callback, Object state) {
if (buffer==null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
if (offset<0 || offset>buffer.Length) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
if (size<0 || size>buffer.Length-offset) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size");
return base.BeginRead(buffer, offset, size, callback, state);
catch(Exception e){
if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(e)) throw;
if(e is System.IO.InvalidDataException || e is InvalidOperationException || e is IndexOutOfRangeException){
throw e;
public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult) {
if (asyncResult==null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncResult");
return base.EndRead(asyncResult);
catch(Exception e){
if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(e)) throw;
if(e is System.IO.InvalidDataException || e is InvalidOperationException || e is IndexOutOfRangeException){
throw e;
public override int Read(byte[] buffer, int offset, int size) {
if (buffer==null) {
throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
if (offset<0 || offset>buffer.Length) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
if (size<0 || size>buffer.Length-offset) {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("size");
return base.Read(buffer, offset, size);
catch(Exception e){
if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(e)) throw;
if(e is System.IO.InvalidDataException || e is InvalidOperationException || e is IndexOutOfRangeException){
throw e;
void IRequestLifetimeTracker.TrackRequestLifetime(long requestStartTimestamp)
IRequestLifetimeTracker stream = BaseStream as IRequestLifetimeTracker;
Debug.Assert(stream != null, "Wrapped stream must implement IRequestLifetimeTracker interface");
} // namespace System.Net