File: net\System\Net\SecureProtocols\_SslState.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)
Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
    Mauro Ottaviani   07-Nov-2001
    Arthur Bierer     16-Nov-2001
    Alexei Vopilov    26-Jun-2002
Revision History:
    22-Aug-2003     Adopted for new Ssl feature design.
    15-Sept-2003    Implemented concurrent rehanshake
namespace System.Net.Security {
    using System;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Net.Sockets;
    using System.Security.Authentication;
    using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    internal class SslState {
        static int UniqueNameInteger = 123;
        static AsyncProtocolCallback _PartialFrameCallback  = new AsyncProtocolCallback(PartialFrameCallback);
        static AsyncProtocolCallback _ReadFrameCallback     = new AsyncProtocolCallback(ReadFrameCallback);
        static AsyncCallback         _WriteCallback         = new AsyncCallback(WriteCallback);
        private RemoteCertValidationCallback    _CertValidationDelegate;
        private LocalCertSelectionCallback      _CertSelectionDelegate;
        private bool                            _CanRetryAuthentication;    // for now it's always false.
        private Stream          _InnerStream;
        private _SslStream      _SecureStream;
        private FixedSizeReader _Reader;
        private int             _NestedAuth;
        private SecureChannel   _Context;
        private bool            _HandshakeCompleted;
        private bool            _CertValidationFailed;
        private bool            _Shutdown;
        private SecurityStatus  _SecurityStatus;
        private Exception       _Exception;
        enum CachedSessionStatus: byte
            Unknown         = 0,
            IsNotCached     = 1,
            IsCached        = 2,
            Renegotiated    = 3
        private CachedSessionStatus _CachedSession;
        // This block is used by rehandshake code to buffer data decrypted with the old key
        private byte[]  _QueuedReadData;
        private int     _QueuedReadCount;
        private bool    _PendingReHandshake;
        private const int _ConstMaxQueuedReadBytes = 1024 * 128;
        // This block is used to rule the >>re-handshakes<< that are concurent with read/write io requests
        private const int LockNone          = 0;
        private const int LockWrite         = 1;
        private const int LockHandshake     = 2;
        private const int LockPendingWrite  = 3;
        private const int LockRead          = 4;
        private const int LockPendingRead   = 6;
        private int     _LockWriteState;
        private object  _QueuedWriteStateRequest;
        private int     _LockReadState;
        private object  _QueuedReadStateRequest;
        // This is a perf trick ONLY for HTTPS TlsStream.
        private bool    _ForceBufferingLastHandshakePayload;
        private byte[]  _LastPayload;
        private readonly EncryptionPolicy _EncryptionPolicy;
        // This .ctor is only for internal TlsStream class, used only from client side ssl and it also has some special requirements.
        internal SslState(Stream innerStream, bool isHTTP, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy): this(innerStream, null, null, encryptionPolicy)
            _ForceBufferingLastHandshakePayload = isHTTP;
        //  The public Client and Server classes enforce the parameters rules  before
        //  calling into this .ctor.
        internal SslState(Stream innerStream, RemoteCertValidationCallback certValidationCallback, LocalCertSelectionCallback  certSelectionCallback, EncryptionPolicy encryptionPolicy)
            _InnerStream = innerStream;
            _Reader = new FixedSizeReader(innerStream);
            _CertValidationDelegate = certValidationCallback;
            _CertSelectionDelegate  = certSelectionCallback;
            _EncryptionPolicy = encryptionPolicy;
        internal void ValidateCreateContext(bool isServer, string targetHost, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, X509Certificate serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, bool remoteCertRequired, bool checkCertRevocationStatus)
            ValidateCreateContext( isServer, targetHost, enabledSslProtocols, serverCertificate, clientCertificates, remoteCertRequired,
                                   checkCertRevocationStatus, !isServer);
        internal void ValidateCreateContext(bool isServer, string targetHost, SslProtocols enabledSslProtocols, X509Certificate serverCertificate, X509CertificateCollection clientCertificates, bool remoteCertRequired, bool checkCertRevocationStatus, bool checkCertName)
            // We don't support SSL alerts right now, hence any exception is fatal and cannot be retried
            // Consider: make use if SSL alerts to re-sync SslStream on both sides for retrying.
            if (_Exception != null && !_CanRetryAuthentication) {
                throw _Exception;
            if (Context != null && Context.IsValidContext) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_reauth));
            if (Context != null && IsServer != isServer) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_client_server));
            if (targetHost == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetHost");
            if (isServer ) {
                enabledSslProtocols &= (SslProtocols)SchProtocols.ServerMask;
                if (serverCertificate == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("serverCertificate");
            else {
                enabledSslProtocols &= (SslProtocols)SchProtocols.ClientMask;
            if (ServicePointManager.DisableSystemDefaultTlsVersions && ((int)enabledSslProtocols == 0)) {
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_invalid_enum, "SslProtocolType"), "sslProtocolType");
            if (clientCertificates == null) {
                clientCertificates = new X509CertificateCollection();
            if (targetHost.Length == 0) {
               targetHost = "?" + Interlocked.Increment(ref UniqueNameInteger).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
            _Exception = null;
            try {
                _Context = new SecureChannel(targetHost, isServer, (SchProtocols)((int)enabledSslProtocols), serverCertificate, clientCertificates, remoteCertRequired,
                                                               checkCertName, checkCertRevocationStatus, _EncryptionPolicy, _CertSelectionDelegate);
            catch (Win32Exception e) {
                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_SSPI), e);
        // General informational properties
        internal bool IsAuthenticated {
            get {
                return _Context != null && _Context.IsValidContext && _Exception == null && HandshakeCompleted;
        internal  bool IsMutuallyAuthenticated {
            get {
                    IsAuthenticated &&
                    (Context.IsServer? Context.LocalServerCertificate: Context.LocalClientCertificate) != null &&
                    Context.IsRemoteCertificateAvailable; /* does not work: Context.IsMutualAuthFlag;*/
        internal bool RemoteCertRequired
            get {
                return  Context == null || Context.RemoteCertRequired;
        internal bool IsServer {
            get {
                return  Context != null && Context.IsServer;
        // SSL related properties
        internal void SetCertValidationDelegate(RemoteCertValidationCallback certValidationCallback)
            _CertValidationDelegate = certValidationCallback;
        // This will return selected local cert for both client/server streams
        internal X509Certificate LocalCertificate {
            get {
                return InternalLocalCertificate;
        // Used directly from ServicePoint for client side only
        internal X509Certificate InternalLocalCertificate {
            get {
                return Context.IsServer? Context.LocalServerCertificate : Context.LocalClientCertificate;
        internal ChannelBinding GetChannelBinding(ChannelBindingKind kind)
            return (Context == null) ? null : Context.GetChannelBinding(kind);
        internal bool CheckCertRevocationStatus {
            get {
                return Context != null && Context.CheckCertRevocationStatus;
        internal SecurityStatus LastSecurityStatus {
            get {return _SecurityStatus;}
        internal bool IsCertValidationFailed {
            get {
                return _CertValidationFailed;
        internal bool IsShutdown
                return _Shutdown;
        internal bool DataAvailable {
            get {
                return IsAuthenticated && (SecureStream.DataAvailable || _QueuedReadCount != 0);
        internal CipherAlgorithmType CipherAlgorithm {
            get {
                SslConnectionInfo info = Context.ConnectionInfo;
                if (info == null) {
                    return CipherAlgorithmType.None;
                return (CipherAlgorithmType)info.DataCipherAlg;
        internal int CipherStrength {
            get {
                SslConnectionInfo info = Context.ConnectionInfo;
                if (info == null) {
                    return 0;
                return info.DataKeySize;
        internal HashAlgorithmType HashAlgorithm {
            get {
                SslConnectionInfo info = Context.ConnectionInfo;
                if (info == null) {
                    return (HashAlgorithmType)0;
                return (HashAlgorithmType)info.DataHashAlg;
        internal int HashStrength {
            get {
                SslConnectionInfo info = Context.ConnectionInfo;
                if (info == null) {
                    return 0;
                return info.DataHashKeySize;
        internal ExchangeAlgorithmType KeyExchangeAlgorithm {
            get {
                SslConnectionInfo info = Context.ConnectionInfo;
                if (info == null) {
                    return (ExchangeAlgorithmType)0;
                return (ExchangeAlgorithmType)info.KeyExchangeAlg;
        internal int KeyExchangeStrength {
            get {
                SslConnectionInfo info = Context.ConnectionInfo;
                if (info == null) {
                    return 0;
                return info.KeyExchKeySize;
        internal SslProtocols SslProtocol {
            get {
                SslConnectionInfo info = Context.ConnectionInfo;
                if (info == null) {
                    return SslProtocols.None;
                SslProtocols proto = (SslProtocols)info.Protocol;
                // restore client/server bits so the result maps exaclty on published constants
                if ((proto & SslProtocols.Ssl2) != 0) {
                    proto |= SslProtocols.Ssl2;
                if ((proto & SslProtocols.Ssl3) != 0) {
                    proto |= SslProtocols.Ssl3;
                if ((proto & SslProtocols.Tls) != 0) {
                    proto |= SslProtocols.Tls;
                if ((proto & SslProtocols.Tls11) != 0)
                    proto |= SslProtocols.Tls11;
                if ((proto & SslProtocols.Tls12) != 0)
                    proto |= SslProtocols.Tls12;
                if ((proto & SslProtocols.Tls13) != 0)
                    proto |= SslProtocols.Tls13;
                return proto;
        internal Stream InnerStream {
            get {
                return _InnerStream;
        internal _SslStream SecureStream {
                if (_SecureStream == null)
                    Interlocked.CompareExchange<_SslStream>(ref _SecureStream, new _SslStream(this), null);
                return _SecureStream;
        internal int HeaderSize {
            get {
                return Context.HeaderSize;
        internal int MaxDataSize {
            get {
                return Context.MaxDataSize;
        internal byte[] LastPayload {
            get {
                return _LastPayload;
        internal void LastPayloadConsumed()
            _LastPayload = null;
        private Exception SetException(Exception e)
            if (_Exception == null)
                _Exception = e;
            if (_Exception != null && Context != null) {
            return _Exception;
        private bool HandshakeCompleted {
            get {
                return _HandshakeCompleted;
        private SecureChannel Context {
            get {
                return _Context;
        // Methods
        internal void CheckThrow(bool authSuccessCheck, bool shutdownCheck = false) {
            if (_Exception != null) {
                throw _Exception;
            if (authSuccessCheck && !IsAuthenticated) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_noauth));
            if (shutdownCheck && _Shutdown && !LocalAppContextSwitches.DontEnableTlsAlerts) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.net_ssl_io_already_shutdown);
        internal void Flush()
        // This is to not depend on GC&SafeHandle class if the context is not needed anymore.
        internal void Close()
            _Exception = new ObjectDisposedException("SslStream");
            if (Context != null)
        internal SecurityStatus EncryptData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, ref byte[] outBuffer, out int outSize)
            return Context.Encrypt(buffer, offset, count, ref outBuffer, out outSize);
        internal SecurityStatus DecryptData(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, ref int count)
            return PrivateDecryptData(buffer, ref offset, ref count);
        private SecurityStatus PrivateDecryptData(byte[] buffer, ref int offset, ref int count)
            return Context.Decrypt(buffer, ref offset, ref count);
        //  Called by re-handshake if found data decrypted with the old key
        private Exception EnqueueOldKeyDecryptedData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            lock (this)
                if (_QueuedReadCount + count > _ConstMaxQueuedReadBytes)
                    return new IOException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_ignored_reauth, _ConstMaxQueuedReadBytes.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo)));
                if (count !=0)
                    // This is inefficient yet simple and that should be a rare case of receiving data encrypted with "old" key
                    _QueuedReadData = EnsureBufferSize(_QueuedReadData, _QueuedReadCount, _QueuedReadCount + count);
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, _QueuedReadData, _QueuedReadCount, count);
            return null;
        // When re-handshaking the "old" key decrypted data are queued until the handshake is done
        // When stream calls for decryption we will feed it queued data left from "old" encryption key.
        // Must be called under the lock in case concurent handshake is going
        internal int CheckOldKeyDecryptedData(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
            if (_QueuedReadData != null)
                // This is inefficient yet simple and should be a REALLY rare case.
                int toCopy = Math.Min(_QueuedReadCount, count);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(_QueuedReadData, 0, buffer, offset, toCopy);
                _QueuedReadCount -= toCopy;
                if (_QueuedReadCount == 0)
                    _QueuedReadData = null;
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(_QueuedReadData, toCopy, _QueuedReadData, 0, _QueuedReadCount);
                return toCopy;
            return -1;
        // This method assumes that a SSPI context is already in a good shape.
        // For example it is either a fresh context or already authenticated context that needs renegotiation.
        internal void ProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _NestedAuth, 1) == 1) {
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_invalidnestedcall, lazyResult==null?"BeginAuthenticate":"Authenticate", "authenticate"));
            try {
                AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest = null;
                if (lazyResult != null)
                    asyncRequest = new AsyncProtocolRequest(lazyResult);
                    asyncRequest.Buffer = null;
                    lazyResult._DebugAsyncChain = asyncRequest;
                //  A Win 9x trick to discover and avoid cached sessions
                _CachedSession = CachedSessionStatus.Unknown;
                ForceAuthentication(Context.IsServer, null, asyncRequest);
                // Not aync so the connection is completed at this point
                if (lazyResult == null && Logging.On)
                    Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, SR.GetString(SR.net_log_sspi_selected_cipher_suite,
            catch (Exception)
                // If an exception emerges synchronously, the asynchronous operation was not
                // initiated, so no operation is in progress.
                _NestedAuth = 0;
                if (lazyResult == null)
                    _NestedAuth = 0;
        // This is used to reply on re-handshake when received SEC_I_RENEGOTIATE on Read()
        internal void ReplyOnReAuthentication(byte[] buffer)
            lock (this)
                // Note we are already inside the read, so checking for already going concurent handshake
                _LockReadState = LockHandshake;
                if (_PendingReHandshake)
                    // A concurent handshake is pending, resume
            // Start rehandshake from here
            // forcing async mode.  The caller will queue another Read as soon as we return using its preferred
            // calling convention, which will be woken up when the handshake completes.  The callback is just
            // to capture any SocketErrors that happen during the handshake so they can be surfaced from the Read.
            AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest = new AsyncProtocolRequest(new LazyAsyncResult(this, null, new AsyncCallback(RehandshakeCompleteCallback)));
            // Buffer contains a result from DecryptMessage that will be passed to ISC/ASC
            asyncRequest.Buffer = buffer;
            ForceAuthentication(false, buffer, asyncRequest);
        // This method attempts to start authentication.
        // Incoming buffer is either null or is the result of "renegotiate" decrypted message
        // If write is in progress the method will either wait or be put on hold
        private void ForceAuthentication(bool receiveFirst, byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            if (CheckEnqueueHandshake(buffer, asyncRequest))
                // Async handshake is enqueued and will resume later
            // Either Sync handshake is ready to go or async handshake won the ---- over write.
            // This will tell that we don't know the framing yet (what SSL version is)
            _Framing = Framing.None;
            try {
                if (receiveFirst)
                    // Listen for a client blob
                    StartReceiveBlob(buffer, asyncRequest);
                    // we start with the first blob
                    StartSendBlob(buffer, (buffer == null? 0: buffer.Length), asyncRequest);
            catch (Exception e) {
                // Failed auth, reset the framing if any.
                _Framing = Framing.None;
                _HandshakeCompleted = false;
                if (SetException(e) == e)
                    throw _Exception;
            finally {
                if (_Exception != null) {
                    // This either a failed handshake
                    // Release waiting IO if any. Presumably it should not throw.
                    // Otheriwse application may receive not expected type of the exception.
                    FinishHandshake(null, null);
        internal void EndProcessAuthentication(IAsyncResult result)
            if (result == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asyncResult");
            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = result as LazyAsyncResult;
            if (lazyResult == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_async_result, result.GetType().FullName), "asyncResult");
            if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _NestedAuth, 0) == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_invalidendcall, "EndAuthenticate"));
            // Connection is completed at this point
            if (Logging.On)
                Logging.PrintInfo(Logging.Web, SR.GetString(SR.net_log_sspi_selected_cipher_suite,
        internal void InternalEndProcessAuthentication(LazyAsyncResult lazyResult)
            // No "artificial" timeouts implemented so far, InnerStream controls that.
            Exception e = lazyResult.Result as Exception;
            if (e != null)
                // Failed auth, reset the framing if any.
                _Framing = Framing.None;
                _HandshakeCompleted = false;
                throw SetException(e);
        // Client side starts here, but server also loops through this method
        private void StartSendBlob(byte[] incoming, int count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            ProtocolToken message = Context.NextMessage(incoming, 0, count);
            _SecurityStatus = message.Status;
            if (message.Size != 0)
                if (Context.IsServer && _CachedSession == CachedSessionStatus.Unknown)
                    //[Schannel] If the first call to ASC returns a token less than 200 bytes,
                    //           then it's a reconnect (a handshake based on a cache entry)
                    _CachedSession = message.Size < 200? CachedSessionStatus.IsCached: CachedSessionStatus.IsNotCached;
                if (_Framing == Framing.Unified)
                    _Framing = DetectFraming(message.Payload, message.Payload.Length);
                // Even if we are comleted, there could be a blob for sending.
                // ONLY for TlsStream we want to delay it if the underlined stream is a NetworkStream that is subject to Nagle algorithm
                if ( message.Done && _ForceBufferingLastHandshakePayload && InnerStream.GetType() == typeof(NetworkStream) && !_PendingReHandshake)
                    _LastPayload = message.Payload;
                    if (asyncRequest == null)
                        InnerStream.Write(message.Payload, 0, message.Size);
                        asyncRequest.AsyncState = message;
                        IAsyncResult ar = InnerStream.BeginWrite(message.Payload, 0, message.Size, _WriteCallback, asyncRequest);
                        if (!ar.CompletedSynchronously)
                            asyncRequest._DebugAsyncChain = ar;
            CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(message, asyncRequest);
        // This will check and logically complete / fail the auth handshake
        private void CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            if (message.Failed)
                StartSendAuthResetSignal(null, asyncRequest, new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_SSPI), message.GetException()));
            else if (message.Done && !_PendingReHandshake)
                ProtocolToken alertToken = null;
                if (!CompleteHandshake(ref alertToken))
                    StartSendAuthResetSignal(alertToken, asyncRequest, new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ssl_io_cert_validation), null));
                // Release waiting IO if any. Presumably it should not throw.
                // Otheriwse application may get not expected type of the exception.
                FinishHandshake(null, asyncRequest);
            StartReceiveBlob(message.Payload, asyncRequest);
        // Server side starts here, but client also loops through this method
        private void StartReceiveBlob(byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            if (_PendingReHandshake)
                if (CheckEnqueueHandshakeRead(ref buffer, asyncRequest))
                if (!_PendingReHandshake)
                    // read fed us renegotiate proceed to the next step
                    ProcessReceivedBlob(buffer, buffer.Length, asyncRequest);
            //This is first server read
            buffer = EnsureBufferSize(buffer, 0, SecureChannel.ReadHeaderSize);
            int readBytes = 0;
            if (asyncRequest == null)
                readBytes = _Reader.ReadPacket(buffer, 0, SecureChannel.ReadHeaderSize);
                asyncRequest.SetNextRequest(buffer, 0, SecureChannel.ReadHeaderSize, _PartialFrameCallback);
                if (!asyncRequest.MustCompleteSynchronously)
                readBytes = asyncRequest.Result;
            StartReadFrame(buffer, readBytes, asyncRequest);
        private void StartReadFrame(byte[] buffer, int readBytes, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            if (readBytes == 0)
                // EOF, throw
                throw new IOException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_eof));
            if (_Framing == Framing.None) {
                // figure out the Framing
                _Framing = DetectFraming(buffer, readBytes);
            int restBytes = GetRemainingFrameSize(buffer, readBytes);
            if (restBytes < 0)
                throw new IOException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ssl_io_frame));
            if (restBytes == 0)
                // EOF received
                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_eof), null);
            buffer = EnsureBufferSize(buffer, readBytes, readBytes + restBytes);
            if (asyncRequest == null)
                restBytes = _Reader.ReadPacket(buffer, readBytes, restBytes);
                asyncRequest.SetNextRequest(buffer, readBytes, restBytes, _ReadFrameCallback);
                if (!asyncRequest.MustCompleteSynchronously)
                restBytes = asyncRequest.Result;
                if (restBytes == 0) {
                    //eof, fail
                    readBytes = 0;
            ProcessReceivedBlob(buffer, readBytes + restBytes, asyncRequest);
        private void ProcessReceivedBlob(byte[] buffer, int count, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            if (count == 0)
                // EOF received
                throw new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_eof), null);
            if (_PendingReHandshake)
                int offset = 0;
                SecurityStatus status = PrivateDecryptData(buffer, ref offset, ref count);
                if (status == SecurityStatus.OK)
                    Exception e = EnqueueOldKeyDecryptedData(buffer, offset, count);
                    if (e != null)
                        StartSendAuthResetSignal(null, asyncRequest, e);
                    // Again, forget about framing we can get a new one at any time
                    _Framing = Framing.None;
                    StartReceiveBlob(buffer, asyncRequest);
                else if (status != SecurityStatus.Renegotiate)
                    // fail re-handshake
                    ProtocolToken message = new ProtocolToken(null, status);
                    StartSendAuthResetSignal(null, asyncRequest, new AuthenticationException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_SSPI), message.GetException()));
                // Got it, now we should expect only handshake messages
                _PendingReHandshake = false;
                if (offset != 0)
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, buffer, 0, count);
            StartSendBlob(buffer, count, asyncRequest);
        //  This is to reset auth state on remote side.
        //  If this write succeeds we will allow auth retrying.
        private void StartSendAuthResetSignal(ProtocolToken message, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest,  Exception exception)
            if (message == null || message.Size == 0)
                // we don't have an alert to send so cannot retry and fail prematurely.
                throw exception;
            if (asyncRequest == null)
                InnerStream.Write(message.Payload, 0, message.Size);
                asyncRequest.AsyncState = exception;
                IAsyncResult ar = InnerStream.BeginWrite(message.Payload, 0, message.Size, _WriteCallback, asyncRequest);
                if (!ar.CompletedSynchronously)
            throw exception;
        // - Loads the channel parameters
        // - Optionally Verifies the Remote Certificate
        // - Sets HandshakeCompleted flag
        // - Sets the guarding event if other thread is waiting for
        //   handshake completino
        // - Returns false if failed to verify the Remote Cert
        private bool CompleteHandshake(ref ProtocolToken alertToken) {
            if (!Context.VerifyRemoteCertificate(_CertValidationDelegate, ref alertToken))
                _HandshakeCompleted = false;
                _CertValidationFailed = true;
                GlobalLog.Leave("CompleteHandshake", false);
                return false;
            _CertValidationFailed = false;
            _HandshakeCompleted = true;
            GlobalLog.Leave("CompleteHandshake", true);
            return true;
        private static void WriteCallback(IAsyncResult transportResult)
            if (transportResult.CompletedSynchronously)
            AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest;
            SslState sslState;
            asyncRequest = (AsyncProtocolRequest) transportResult.AsyncState;
            sslState = (SslState) asyncRequest.AsyncObject;
            catch (Exception exception)
                if (!NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception)){
                    GlobalLog.Assert("SslState::WriteCallback", "Exception while decoding context. type:" + exception.GetType().ToString() + " message:" + exception.Message);
            // Async completion
                //special case for an error notification
                object asyncState = asyncRequest.AsyncState;
                Exception exception = asyncState as Exception;
                if (exception != null)
                    throw exception;
                sslState.CheckCompletionBeforeNextReceive((ProtocolToken) asyncState, asyncRequest);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (asyncRequest.IsUserCompleted) {
                    // This will throw on a worker thread.
                sslState.FinishHandshake(e, asyncRequest);
        private static void PartialFrameCallback(AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            // Async ONLY completion
            SslState sslState = (SslState)asyncRequest.AsyncObject;
                sslState.StartReadFrame(asyncRequest.Buffer, asyncRequest.Result, asyncRequest);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (asyncRequest.IsUserCompleted) {
                    // This will throw on a worker thread.
                sslState.FinishHandshake(e, asyncRequest);
        private static void ReadFrameCallback(AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            // Async ONLY completion
            SslState sslState = (SslState)asyncRequest.AsyncObject;
                if (asyncRequest.Result == 0)
                    //eof, will fail
                    asyncRequest.Offset = 0;
                sslState.ProcessReceivedBlob(asyncRequest.Buffer, asyncRequest.Offset + asyncRequest.Result, asyncRequest);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (asyncRequest.IsUserCompleted) {
                    // This will throw on a worker thread.
                sslState.FinishHandshake(e, asyncRequest);
        private bool CheckEnqueueHandshakeRead(ref byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest request)
            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = null;
            lock (this)
                if (_LockReadState == LockPendingRead)
                    // we own the whole process and will never let read to take over until completed.
                    return false;
                int lockState = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _LockReadState, LockHandshake);
                if (lockState != LockRead)
                    // we came first
                    return false;
                if (request != null)
                    // Request queued
                    _QueuedReadStateRequest = request;
                    return true;
                lazyResult = new LazyAsyncResult(null, null,/*must be */ null);
                _QueuedReadStateRequest = lazyResult;
            // need to exit from lock before waiting
            buffer = (byte[])lazyResult.Result;
            return false;
        // lock is redundant here still included for clarity
        private void FinishHandshakeRead(int newState)
            lock (this)
                int lockState = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _LockReadState, newState);
                if (lockState != LockPendingRead)
                _LockReadState = LockRead;
                object obj = _QueuedReadStateRequest;
                if (obj == null)
                    // other thread did not get under the lock yet
                _QueuedReadStateRequest = null;
                if (obj is LazyAsyncResult)
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(CompleteRequestWaitCallback), obj);
        // -1    - proceed
        // 0     - queued
        // X     - some bytes are ready, no need for IO
        internal int CheckEnqueueRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncProtocolRequest request)
            int lockState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _LockReadState, LockRead, LockNone);
            if (lockState != LockHandshake)
                // proceed, no concurent handshake is going so no need for a lock.
                return CheckOldKeyDecryptedData(buffer, offset, count);
            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = null;
            lock (this)
                int result = CheckOldKeyDecryptedData(buffer, offset, count);
                if (result != -1)
                    return result;
                //check again under the lock
                if (_LockReadState != LockHandshake)
                    // other thread has finished before we grabbed the lock
                    _LockReadState = LockRead;
                    return -1;
                _LockReadState = LockPendingRead;
                if (request != null)
                    // Request queued
                    _QueuedReadStateRequest = request;
                    return 0;
                lazyResult = new LazyAsyncResult(null, null, /*must be */ null);
                _QueuedReadStateRequest = lazyResult;
            // need to exit from lock before waiting
            lock (this)
                return CheckOldKeyDecryptedData(buffer, offset, count);
        internal void FinishRead(byte[] renegotiateBuffer)
            int lockState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _LockReadState, LockNone, LockRead);
            if (lockState != LockHandshake)
            lock (this)
                LazyAsyncResult ar = _QueuedReadStateRequest as LazyAsyncResult;
                if (ar != null)
                    _QueuedReadStateRequest = null;
                    AsyncProtocolRequest request = (AsyncProtocolRequest) _QueuedReadStateRequest;
                    request.Buffer = renegotiateBuffer;
                    _QueuedReadStateRequest = null;
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(AsyncResumeHandshakeRead), request);
        // true  - operation queued
        // false - operation can proceed
        internal bool CheckEnqueueWrite(AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            // cleare previous request
            _QueuedWriteStateRequest = null;
            int lockState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _LockWriteState, LockWrite, LockNone);
            if (lockState != LockHandshake)
                // proceed with write
                return false;
            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = null;
            lock (this)
                if (_LockWriteState != LockHandshake)
                    // handshake has completed before we grabbed the lock
                    return false;
                _LockWriteState = LockPendingWrite;
                // still pending, wait or enqueue
                if (asyncRequest != null)
                    _QueuedWriteStateRequest = asyncRequest;
                    return true;
                lazyResult = new LazyAsyncResult(null, null, /*must be */null);
                _QueuedWriteStateRequest = lazyResult;
            // need to exit from lock before waiting
            return false;
        internal void FinishWrite()
            int lockState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _LockWriteState, LockNone, LockWrite);
            if (lockState != LockHandshake)
            lock (this)
                object obj = _QueuedWriteStateRequest;
                if (obj == null)
                    // a repeated call
                _QueuedWriteStateRequest = null;
                if (obj is LazyAsyncResult)
                    // sync handshake is waiting on other thread.
                    // async handshake is pending, start it on other thread
                    // Consider: we could start it in on this thread but that will delay THIS write completion
                    ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(AsyncResumeHandshake), obj);
        internal IAsyncResult BeginShutdown(AsyncCallback asyncCallback, object asyncState)
            CheckThrow(authSuccessCheck: true, shutdownCheck: true);
            ProtocolToken message = Context.CreateShutdownToken();
            return InnerStream.BeginWrite(message.Payload, 0, message.Payload.Length, asyncCallback, asyncState);
        internal void EndShutdown(IAsyncResult result)
            CheckThrow(authSuccessCheck: true, shutdownCheck: true);
            _Shutdown = true;
        // true  - operation queued
        // false - operation can proceed
        private bool CheckEnqueueHandshake(byte[] buffer, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
            LazyAsyncResult lazyResult = null;
            lock (this)
                if (_LockWriteState == LockPendingWrite)
                    return false;
                int lockState = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _LockWriteState, LockHandshake);
                if (lockState != LockWrite)
                    // proceed with handshake
                    return false;
                if (asyncRequest != null)
                    asyncRequest.Buffer = buffer;
                    _QueuedWriteStateRequest = asyncRequest;
                    return true;
                lazyResult = new LazyAsyncResult(null, null, /*must be*/null);
                _QueuedWriteStateRequest = lazyResult;
            return false;
        private void FinishHandshake(Exception e, AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest)
                lock (this)
                    if (e != null)
                    // Release read if any
                    // If there is a pending write we want to keep it's lock state
                    int lockState = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _LockWriteState, LockNone, LockHandshake);
                    if (lockState != LockPendingWrite)
                    _LockWriteState = LockWrite;
                    object obj = _QueuedWriteStateRequest;
                    if (obj == null)
                        //We finished before Write has grabbed the lock
                    _QueuedWriteStateRequest = null;
                    if (obj is LazyAsyncResult)
                        // sync write is waiting on other thread.
                        // Async write is pending, start it on other thread.
                        // Consider: we could start it in on this thread but that will delay THIS handshake completion
                        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(CompleteRequestWaitCallback), obj);
                if (asyncRequest != null)
                    if (e != null)
        private static byte[] EnsureBufferSize(byte[] buffer, int copyCount, int size) {
            if (buffer == null || buffer.Length < size) {
                byte[] saved = buffer;
                buffer = new byte[size];
                if (saved != null && copyCount != 0)
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(saved, 0, buffer, 0, copyCount);
            return buffer;
        private enum Framing
            None = 0,
        // This is set on the first packet to figure out the framing style
        private Framing _Framing = Framing.None;
        //SSL3/TLS protocol frames definitions
        private enum FrameType: byte
           ChangeCipherSpec = 20,
           Alert            = 21,
           Handshake        = 22,
           AppData          = 23
        // We need at least 5 bytes to determine what we have.
        private Framing DetectFraming(byte[] bytes, int length) {
            /* PCTv1.0 Hello starts with
             * RECORD_LENGTH_MSB  (ignore)
             * RECORD_LENGTH_LSB  (ignore)
             * PCT1_CLIENT_HELLO  (must be equal)
             * PCT1_CLIENT_VERSION_MSB (if version greater than PCTv1)
             * PCT1_CLIENT_VERSION_LSB (if version greater than PCTv1)
             * ... PCT hello ...
            /* Microsft Unihello starts with
             * RECORD_LENGTH_MSB  (ignore)
             * RECORD_LENGTH_LSB  (ignore)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_HELLO  (must be equal)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_VERSION_MSB (if version greater than SSLv2) ( or v3)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_VERSION_LSB (if version greater than SSLv2) ( or v3)
             * ... SSLv2 Compatible Hello ...
            /* SSLv2 CLIENT_HELLO starts with
             * RECORD_LENGTH_MSB  (ignore)
             * RECORD_LENGTH_LSB  (ignore)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_HELLO  (must be equal)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_VERSION_MSB (if version greater than SSLv2) ( or v3)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_VERSION_LSB (if version greater than SSLv2) ( or v3)
             * ... SSLv2 CLIENT_HELLO ...
            /* SSLv2 SERVER_HELLO starts with
             * RECORD_LENGTH_MSB  (ignore)
             * RECORD_LENGTH_LSB  (ignore)
             * SSL2_SERVER_HELLO  (must be equal)
             * SSL2_SESSION_ID_HIT (ignore)
             * SSL2_CERTIFICATE_TYPE (ignore)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_VERSION_MSB (if version greater than SSLv2) ( or v3)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_VERSION_LSB (if version greater than SSLv2) ( or v3)
             * ... SSLv2 SERVER_HELLO ...
           /* SSLv3 Type 2 Hello starts with
             * RECORD_LENGTH_MSB  (ignore)
             * RECORD_LENGTH_LSB  (ignore)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_HELLO  (must be equal)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_VERSION_MSB (if version greater than SSLv3)
             * SSL2_CLIENT_VERSION_LSB (if version greater than SSLv3)
             * ... SSLv2 Compatible Hello ...
            /* SSLv3 Type 3 Hello starts with
             * 22 (HANDSHAKE MESSAGE)
             * VERSION MSB
             * VERSION LSB
             * RECORD_LENGTH_MSB  (ignore)
             * RECORD_LENGTH_LSB  (ignore)
             * HS TYPE (CLIENT_HELLO)
             * 3 bytes HS record length
             * HS Version
             * HS Version
            /* SSLv2 message codes
             * SSL_MT_ERROR                0
             * SSL_MT_CLIENT_HELLO         1
             * SSL_MT_CLIENT_MASTER_KEY    2
             * SSL_MT_CLIENT_FINISHED      3
             * SSL_MT_SERVER_HELLO         4
             * SSL_MT_SERVER_VERIFY        5
             * SSL_MT_SERVER_FINISHED      6
             * SSL_MT_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE   8
            int version=-1;
            GlobalLog.Assert((bytes != null && bytes.Length > 0), "SslState::DetectFraming()|Header buffer is not allocated will boom shortly.");
            // If the first byte is SSL3 HandShake, then check if we have a
            // SSLv3 Type3 client hello
            if(bytes[0] == (byte)FrameType.Handshake || bytes[0] == (byte)FrameType.AppData
                || bytes[0] == (byte)FrameType.Alert)
                if (length < 3) {
                    return Framing.Invalid;
                if (bytes[1] != 3)
                    GlobalLog.Print("WARNING: SslState::DetectFraming() SSL protocol is > 3, trying SSL3 framing in retail = " + bytes[1].ToString("x", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                version = (bytes[1]<<8) | bytes[2];
                if (version < 0x300 || version >= 0x500) {
                    return Framing.Invalid;
                // This is an SSL3 Framing
                return Framing.SinceSSL3;
            if ((bytes[0] & 0x80) == 0)
                // We have a three-byte header format
                GlobalLog.Print("WARNING: SslState::DetectFraming() SSL v <=2 HELLO has no high bit set for 3 bytes header, we are broken, received byte = " + bytes[0].ToString("x", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
            if (length < 3) {
                return Framing.Invalid;
            if (bytes[2] > 8)
                return Framing.Invalid;
            if (bytes[2] == 0x1)  // SSL_MT_CLIENT_HELLO
                if (length >= 5)
                    version = (bytes[3]<<8) | bytes[4];
            else if (bytes[2] == 0x4) // SSL_MT_SERVER_HELLO
                if (length >= 7)
                    version = (bytes[5]<<8) | bytes[6];
            if (version != -1)
                // If this is the first packet, the client may start with an SSL2 packet
                // but stating that the version is 3.x, so check the full range.
                // For the subsequent packets we assume that an SSL2 packet should have a 2.x version.
                if (_Framing == Framing.None)
                    if (version != 0x0002 && (version < 0x200 || version >= 0x500))
                        return Framing.Invalid;
                    if (version != 0x0002)
                        return Framing.Invalid;
            // When server has replied the framing is already fixed depending on the prior client packet
            if (!Context.IsServer || _Framing == Framing.Unified) {
                return Framing.BeforeSSL3;
            return Framing.Unified; //this will use Ssl2 just for this frame
        // This is called from SslStream class too
        internal int GetRemainingFrameSize(byte[] buffer, int dataSize) {
            GlobalLog.Enter("GetRemainingFrameSize", "dataSize = " + dataSize);
            int payloadSize = -1;
            switch (_Framing) {
            case Framing.Unified:
            case Framing.BeforeSSL3:
                                    if(dataSize < 2) {
                                        throw new System.IO.IOException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ssl_io_frame));
                                    // Note: Cannot detect version mismatch for <= SSL2
                                    if((buffer[0] & 0x80) != 0) {
                                        // two bytes
                                        payloadSize = (((buffer[0] & 0x7f) << 8) | buffer[1]) + 2;
                                        payloadSize -= dataSize;
                                    else {
                                        //three bytes
                                        payloadSize = (((buffer[0] & 0x3f) << 8) | buffer[1]) + 3;
                                        payloadSize -= dataSize;
            case Framing.SinceSSL3:
                                    if(dataSize < 5) {
                                        throw new System.IO.IOException(SR.GetString(SR.net_ssl_io_frame));
                                    payloadSize = ((buffer[3]<<8) | buffer[4]) + 5;
                                    payloadSize -= dataSize;
            GlobalLog.Leave("GetRemainingFrameSize", payloadSize);
            return payloadSize;
        // Called with no user stack
        private void AsyncResumeHandshake(object state)
            AsyncProtocolRequest request = state as AsyncProtocolRequest;
            Debug.Assert(request != null, "Expected an AsyncProtocolRequest reference.");
                ForceAuthentication(Context.IsServer, request.Buffer, request);
            catch (Exception e)
        // Called with no user stack
        private void AsyncResumeHandshakeRead(object state)
            AsyncProtocolRequest asyncRequest = (AsyncProtocolRequest)state;
            try {
                if (_PendingReHandshake)
                    // resume as read a blob
                    StartReceiveBlob(asyncRequest.Buffer, asyncRequest);
                    // resume as process the blob
                    ProcessReceivedBlob(asyncRequest.Buffer, asyncRequest.Buffer == null? 0: asyncRequest.Buffer.Length, asyncRequest);
            catch (Exception e)
               if (asyncRequest.IsUserCompleted) {
                   // This will throw on a worker thread.
               FinishHandshake(e, asyncRequest);
        // Called with no user stack
        private void CompleteRequestWaitCallback(object state)
            AsyncProtocolRequest request = (AsyncProtocolRequest)state;
            // Force async completion
            if (request.MustCompleteSynchronously)
                throw new InternalException();
        private void RehandshakeCompleteCallback(IAsyncResult result)
            LazyAsyncResult lazyAsyncResult = (LazyAsyncResult)result;
            GlobalLog.Assert(lazyAsyncResult != null, "SslState::RehandshakeCompleteCallback()|result is null!");
            GlobalLog.Assert(lazyAsyncResult.InternalPeekCompleted, "SslState::RehandshakeCompleteCallback()|result is not completed!");
            // If the rehandshake succeeded, FinishHandshake has already been called; if there was a SocketException
            // during the handshake, this gets called directly from FixedSizeReader, and we need to call
            // FinishHandshake to wake up the Read that triggered this rehandshake so the error gets back to the caller
            Exception exception = lazyAsyncResult.InternalWaitForCompletion() as Exception;
            if (exception != null)
                // We may be calling FinishHandshake reentrantly, as FinishHandshake can call
                // asyncRequest.CompleteWithError, which will result in this method being called.
                // This is not a problem because:
                // 1. We pass null as the asyncRequest parameter, so this second call to FinishHandshake won't loop
                //    back here.
                // 2. _QueuedWriteStateRequest and _QueuedReadStateRequest are set to null after the first call,
                //    so, we won't invoke their callbacks again.
                // 3. SetException won't overwrite an already-set _Exception.
                // 4. There are three possibilites for _LockReadState and _LockWriteState:
                //    a. They were set back to None by the first call to FinishHandshake, and this will set them to
                //       None again: a no-op.
                //    b. They were set to None by the first call to FinishHandshake, but as soon as the lock was given
                //       up, another thread took a read/write lock.  Calling FinishHandshake again will set them back
                //       to None, but that's fine because that thread will be throwing _Exception before it actually
                //       does any reading or writing and setting them back to None in a catch block anyways.
                //    c. If there is a Read/Write going on another thread, and the second FinishHandshake clears its
                //       read/write lock, it's fine because no other Read/Write can look at the lock until the current
                //       one gives up _SslStream._NestedRead/Write, and no handshake will look at the lock because
                //       handshakes are only triggered in response to successful reads (which won't happen once
                //       _Exception is set).
                FinishHandshake(exception, null);
        internal void DebugMembers() {
            GlobalLog.Print("_HandshakeCompleted: " + _HandshakeCompleted);
            GlobalLog.Print("_CertValidationFailed: " + _CertValidationFailed);
            GlobalLog.Print("_Context: ");