File: net\System\Net\SecureProtocols\SslEnumTypes.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)
Copyright (c) 2003 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
    Public enum types used in conjunction SslStream class
    Alexei Vopilov    Sept 28-2003
Revision History:
namespace System.Security.Authentication {
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Net;
    public enum SslProtocols
        None          = 0,
        Ssl2          = SchProtocols.Ssl2,
        Ssl3          = SchProtocols.Ssl3,
        Tls           = SchProtocols.Tls10,
        Tls11         = SchProtocols.Tls11,
        Tls12         = SchProtocols.Tls12,
        Tls13         = SchProtocols.Tls13,
        Default       = Ssl3 | Tls
    public enum ExchangeAlgorithmType
        None            = 0,
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming","CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId="Rsa", Justification="this would be a breaking change; has previously shipped")]
        RsaSign         = (Alg.ClassSignture| Alg.TypeRSA | Alg.Any),
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming","CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId="Rsa", Justification="this would be a breaking change; has previously shipped")]
        RsaKeyX         = (Alg.ClassKeyXch  | Alg.TypeRSA | Alg.Any),
        [SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming","CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly", MessageId="Diffie", Justification="this would be a breaking change; has previously shipped")]
        DiffieHellman  = (Alg.ClassKeyXch  | Alg.TypeDH  | Alg.NameDH_Ephem),
    public enum CipherAlgorithmType
        None        = 0,   //No encrytpion
        Rc2         = (Alg.ClassEncrypt | Alg.TypeBlock  | Alg.NameRC2),
        Rc4         = (Alg.ClassEncrypt | Alg.TypeStream | Alg.NameRC4),
        Des         = (Alg.ClassEncrypt | Alg.TypeBlock  | Alg.NameDES),
        TripleDes   = (Alg.ClassEncrypt | Alg.TypeBlock  | Alg.Name3DES),
        Aes         = (Alg.ClassEncrypt | Alg.TypeBlock  | Alg.NameAES),
        Aes128      = (Alg.ClassEncrypt | Alg.TypeBlock  | Alg.NameAES_128),
        Aes192      = (Alg.ClassEncrypt | Alg.TypeBlock  | Alg.NameAES_192),
        Aes256      = (Alg.ClassEncrypt | Alg.TypeBlock  | Alg.NameAES_256),
        Null        = (Alg.ClassEncrypt)  // 0-bit NULL cipher algorithm
    public enum HashAlgorithmType
        None        = 0,
        Md5         = (Alg.ClassHash | Alg.Any  | Alg.NameMD5),
        Sha1        = (Alg.ClassHash | Alg.Any  | Alg.NameSHA),
        Sha256      = (Alg.ClassHash | Alg.Any  | Alg.NameSHA256),
        Sha384      = (Alg.ClassHash | Alg.Any  | Alg.NameSHA384),
        Sha512      = (Alg.ClassHash | Alg.Any  | Alg.NameSHA512)