// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
** File: RemotingAttributes.cs
** Purpose: Custom attributes for modifying remoting interactions.
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using TypeInfo = System.Runtime.Remoting.TypeInfo;
// This is the data we store in MemberInfo.CachedData, mainly to cache custom
// attributes.
internal abstract class RemotingCachedData
private SoapAttribute _soapAttr = null; // Soap related attributes derive from SoapAttribute
// Retrieve SOAP attribute info for _mi (or create for caching if not specified)
internal SoapAttribute GetSoapAttribute()
if (_soapAttr == null)
lock (this)
if (_soapAttr == null)
_soapAttr = GetSoapAttributeNoLock();
} // if (_soapAttr == null)
} // lock (this)
return _soapAttr;
} // GetSoapAttribute
abstract internal SoapAttribute GetSoapAttributeNoLock();
} // class RemotingCachedData
internal class RemotingFieldCachedData : RemotingCachedData
private FieldInfo RI; // reflection structure on which this data structure is stored
internal RemotingFieldCachedData(RuntimeFieldInfo ri)
RI = ri;
internal RemotingFieldCachedData(SerializationFieldInfo ri)
RI = ri;
// Retrieve SOAP attribute info for _mi (or create for caching if not specified)
internal override SoapAttribute GetSoapAttributeNoLock()
SoapAttribute tempSoapAttr = null;
Object[] attrs = RI.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SoapFieldAttribute), false);
if ((attrs != null) && (attrs.Length != 0))
tempSoapAttr = (SoapAttribute)attrs[0];
tempSoapAttr = new SoapFieldAttribute();
// IMPORTANT: This has to be done for certain values to be automatically
// generated in the attribute.
return tempSoapAttr;
internal class RemotingParameterCachedData : RemotingCachedData
private RuntimeParameterInfo RI; // reflection structure on which this data structure is stored
internal RemotingParameterCachedData(RuntimeParameterInfo ri)
RI = ri;
internal override SoapAttribute GetSoapAttributeNoLock()
SoapAttribute tempSoapAttr = null;
Object[] attrs = RI.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SoapParameterAttribute), true);
if ((attrs != null) && (attrs.Length != 0))
tempSoapAttr = (SoapParameterAttribute)attrs[0];
tempSoapAttr = new SoapParameterAttribute();
// IMPORTANT: This has to be done for certain values to be automatically
// generated in the attribute.
return tempSoapAttr;
internal class RemotingTypeCachedData : RemotingCachedData
private RuntimeType RI;
private class LastCalledMethodClass
public String methodName;
public MethodBase MB;
private LastCalledMethodClass _lastMethodCalled; // cache for last method that was called
private TypeInfo _typeInfo; // type info to be used for ObjRef's of this type
private String _qualifiedTypeName;
private String _assemblyName;
private String _simpleAssemblyName; // (no strong name, version, etc.)
internal RemotingTypeCachedData(RuntimeType ri)
RI = ri;
internal override SoapAttribute GetSoapAttributeNoLock()
SoapAttribute tempSoapAttr = null;
Object[] attrs = RI.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SoapTypeAttribute), true);
if ((attrs != null) && (attrs.Length != 0))
tempSoapAttr = (SoapAttribute)attrs[0];
tempSoapAttr = new SoapTypeAttribute();
// IMPORTANT: This has to be done for certain values to be automatically
// generated in the attribute.
return tempSoapAttr;
internal MethodBase GetLastCalledMethod(String newMeth)
LastCalledMethodClass lastMeth = _lastMethodCalled;
if (lastMeth == null)
return null;
String methodName = lastMeth.methodName;
MethodBase mbToReturn = lastMeth.MB;
if (mbToReturn==null || methodName==null)
return null;
if (methodName.Equals(newMeth))
return mbToReturn;
return null;
} // GetLastCalledMethod
internal void SetLastCalledMethod(String newMethName, MethodBase newMB)
LastCalledMethodClass lastMeth = new LastCalledMethodClass();
lastMeth.methodName = newMethName;
lastMeth.MB = newMB;
_lastMethodCalled = lastMeth;
} // SetLastCalledMethod
// Retrieve TypeInfo object to be used in ObjRef.
internal TypeInfo TypeInfo
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
if (_typeInfo == null)
_typeInfo = new TypeInfo(RI);
return _typeInfo;
} // TypeInfo
internal String QualifiedTypeName
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
if (_qualifiedTypeName == null)
_qualifiedTypeName = RemotingServices.DetermineDefaultQualifiedTypeName(RI);
return _qualifiedTypeName;
} // QualifiedTypeName
internal String AssemblyName
if (_assemblyName == null)
_assemblyName = RI.Module.Assembly.FullName;
return _assemblyName;
} // AssemblyName
internal String SimpleAssemblyName
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
if (_simpleAssemblyName == null)
_simpleAssemblyName = RI.GetRuntimeAssembly().GetSimpleName();
return _simpleAssemblyName;
} // SimpleAssemblyName
} // class RemotingTypeCachedData
internal class RemotingMethodCachedData : RemotingCachedData
private MethodBase RI;
private ParameterInfo[] _parameters = null; // list of parameters (cached because reflection always
// generates a new copy of this array)
private enum MethodCacheFlags
None = 0x00,
CheckedOneWay = 0x01, // Have we checked for OneWay attribute?
IsOneWay = 0x02, // Is the OneWay attribute present?
CheckedOverloaded = 0x04, // Have we checked to see if this method is overloaded
IsOverloaded = 0x08, // Is the method overloaded?
CheckedForAsync = 0x10, // Have we looked for async versions of this method?
CheckedForReturnType = 0x20, // Have we looked for the return type?
private MethodCacheFlags flags;
// Names
private String _typeAndAssemblyName = null;
private String _methodName = null;
private Type _returnType = null; // null if return type is void or .ctor
// parameter maps
// NOTE: these fields are all initialized at the same time however access to
// the internal property of each field is locked only on that specific field
// having been initialized. - Microsoft
private int[] _inRefArgMap = null; // parameter map of input and ref parameters
private int[] _outRefArgMap = null; // parameter map of out and ref parameters (exactly all byref parameters)
private int[] _outOnlyArgMap = null; // parameter map of only output parameters
private int[] _nonRefOutArgMap = null; // parameter map of non byref parameters marked with [In, Out] (or [Out])
private int[] _marshalRequestMap = null; // map of parameters that should be marshaled in
private int[] _marshalResponseMap = null; // map of parameters that should be marshaled out
internal RemotingMethodCachedData(RuntimeMethodInfo ri)
RI = ri;
internal RemotingMethodCachedData(RuntimeConstructorInfo ri)
RI = ri;
internal override SoapAttribute GetSoapAttributeNoLock()
SoapAttribute tempSoapAttr = null;
Object[] attrs = RI.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SoapMethodAttribute), true);
if ((attrs != null) && (attrs.Length != 0))
tempSoapAttr = (SoapAttribute)attrs[0];
tempSoapAttr = new SoapMethodAttribute();
// IMPORTANT: This has to be done for certain values to be automatically
// generated in the attribute.
return tempSoapAttr;
internal String TypeAndAssemblyName
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
if (_typeAndAssemblyName == null)
return _typeAndAssemblyName;
} // TypeAndAssemblyName
internal String MethodName
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
if (_methodName == null)
return _methodName;
} // MethodName
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
private void UpdateNames()
MethodBase mb = RI;
_methodName = mb.Name;
if (mb.DeclaringType != null) {
_typeAndAssemblyName = RemotingServices.GetDefaultQualifiedTypeName((RuntimeType)mb.DeclaringType);
} // UpdateNames
internal ParameterInfo[] Parameters
if (_parameters == null)
_parameters = RI.GetParameters();
return _parameters;
} // Parameters
// contains index of all byref parameters (marked as "out" or "ref")
internal int[] OutRefArgMap
if (_outRefArgMap == null)
return _outRefArgMap;
} // OutRefArgMap
// contains index of parameters marked as out
internal int[] OutOnlyArgMap
if (_outOnlyArgMap == null)
return _outOnlyArgMap;
} // OutOnlyArgMap
// contains index of non byref parameters marked with [In, Out]
internal int[] NonRefOutArgMap
if (_nonRefOutArgMap == null)
return _nonRefOutArgMap;
} // NonRefOutArgMap
// contains index of parameters that should be marshalled for a request
internal int[] MarshalRequestArgMap
if (_marshalRequestMap == null)
return _marshalRequestMap;
} // MarshalRequestMap
// contains index of parameters that should be marshalled for a response
internal int[] MarshalResponseArgMap
if (_marshalResponseMap == null)
return _marshalResponseMap;
} // MarshalResponseArgMap
private void GetArgMaps()
lock (this)
if (_inRefArgMap == null)
int[] inRefArgMap = null;
int[] outRefArgMap = null;
int[] outOnlyArgMap = null;
int[] nonRefOutArgMap = null;
int[] marshalRequestMap = null;
int[] marshalResponseMap = null;
out inRefArgMap, out outRefArgMap, out outOnlyArgMap,
out nonRefOutArgMap,
out marshalRequestMap, out marshalResponseMap);
_inRefArgMap = inRefArgMap;
_outRefArgMap = outRefArgMap;
_outOnlyArgMap = outOnlyArgMap;
_nonRefOutArgMap = nonRefOutArgMap;
_marshalRequestMap = marshalRequestMap;
_marshalResponseMap = marshalResponseMap;
} // GetArgMaps
internal bool IsOneWayMethod()
// We are not protecting against a ----
// If there is a ---- while setting flags
// we will have to compute the result again,
// but we will always return the correct result
if ((flags & MethodCacheFlags.CheckedOneWay) == 0)
MethodCacheFlags isOneWay = MethodCacheFlags.CheckedOneWay;
Object[] attrs = RI.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(OneWayAttribute), true);
if ((attrs != null) && (attrs.Length > 0))
isOneWay |= MethodCacheFlags.IsOneWay;
flags |= isOneWay;
return (isOneWay & MethodCacheFlags.IsOneWay) != 0;
return (flags & MethodCacheFlags.IsOneWay) != 0;
} // IsOneWayMethod
internal bool IsOverloaded()
// We are not protecting against a ----
// If there is a ---- while setting flags
// we will have to compute the result again,
// but we will always return the correct result
if ((flags & MethodCacheFlags.CheckedOverloaded) == 0)
MethodCacheFlags isOverloaded = MethodCacheFlags.CheckedOverloaded;
MethodBase mb = RI;
RuntimeMethodInfo rmi = null;
RuntimeConstructorInfo rci = null;
if ((rmi = mb as RuntimeMethodInfo) != null)
if (rmi.IsOverloaded)
isOverloaded |= MethodCacheFlags.IsOverloaded;
else if ((rci = mb as RuntimeConstructorInfo) != null)
if (rci.IsOverloaded)
isOverloaded |= MethodCacheFlags.IsOverloaded;
throw new NotSupportedException(Environment.GetResourceString("InvalidOperation_Method"));
flags |= isOverloaded;
return (flags & MethodCacheFlags.IsOverloaded) != 0;
} // IsOverloaded
// This will return the return type of the method, or null
// if the return type is void or this is a .ctor.
internal Type ReturnType
if ((flags & MethodCacheFlags.CheckedForReturnType) == 0)
MethodInfo mi = RI as MethodInfo;
if (mi != null)
Type returnType = mi.ReturnType;
if (returnType != typeof(void))
_returnType = returnType;
flags |= MethodCacheFlags.CheckedForReturnType;
return _returnType;
} // get
} // ReturnType
} // class RemotingMethodCachedData
// Options for use with SoapOptionAttribute (combine with OR to get any combination)
public enum SoapOption
None = 0x0,
AlwaysIncludeTypes = 0x1, // xsi:type always included on SOAP elements
XsdString = 0x2, // xsi:type always included on SOAP elements
EmbedAll = 0x4, // Soap will be generated without references
/// <internalonly/>
Option1 = 0x8, // Option for temporary interop conditions, the use will change over time
/// <internalonly/>
Option2 = 0x10, // Option for temporary interop conditions, the use will change over time
} // SoapOption
/// <internalonly/>
public enum XmlFieldOrderOption
} // XmlFieldOrderOption
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Enum)]
public sealed class SoapTypeAttribute : SoapAttribute
// Used to track which values have been explicitly set. Information needed
// by SoapServices.
private enum ExplicitlySet
None = 0x0,
XmlElementName = 0x1,
XmlNamespace = 0x2,
XmlTypeName = 0x4,
XmlTypeNamespace = 0x8
private ExplicitlySet _explicitlySet = ExplicitlySet.None;
private SoapOption _SoapOptions = SoapOption.None;
private String _XmlElementName = null;
private String _XmlTypeName = null;
private String _XmlTypeNamespace = null;
private XmlFieldOrderOption _XmlFieldOrder = XmlFieldOrderOption.All;
// Returns true if this attribute specifies interop xml element values.
internal bool IsInteropXmlElement()
return (_explicitlySet & (ExplicitlySet.XmlElementName | ExplicitlySet.XmlNamespace)) != 0;
} // IsInteropXmlElement
internal bool IsInteropXmlType()
return (_explicitlySet & (ExplicitlySet.XmlTypeName | ExplicitlySet.XmlTypeNamespace)) != 0;
} // IsInteropXmlType
public SoapOption SoapOptions
get { return _SoapOptions; }
set { _SoapOptions = value; }
} // SoapOptions
public String XmlElementName
// generate this if it hasn't been set yet
if ((_XmlElementName == null) && (ReflectInfo != null))
_XmlElementName = GetTypeName((Type)ReflectInfo);
return _XmlElementName;
_XmlElementName = value;
_explicitlySet |= ExplicitlySet.XmlElementName;
} // XmlElementName
public override String XmlNamespace
// generate this if it hasn't been set
if ((ProtXmlNamespace == null) && (ReflectInfo != null))
ProtXmlNamespace = XmlTypeNamespace;
return ProtXmlNamespace;
ProtXmlNamespace = value;
_explicitlySet |= ExplicitlySet.XmlNamespace;
} // XmlNamespace
public String XmlTypeName // value for xml type name (this should always be valid)
// generate this if it hasn't been set yet
if ((_XmlTypeName == null) && (ReflectInfo != null))
_XmlTypeName = GetTypeName((Type)ReflectInfo);
return _XmlTypeName;
_XmlTypeName = value;
_explicitlySet |= ExplicitlySet.XmlTypeName;
} // XmlTypeName
public String XmlTypeNamespace // value for xml type namespace (this should always be valid)
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
// generate this if it hasn't been set yet
if ((_XmlTypeNamespace == null) && (ReflectInfo != null))
_XmlTypeNamespace =
XmlNamespaceEncoder.GetXmlNamespaceForTypeNamespace((RuntimeType)ReflectInfo, null);
return _XmlTypeNamespace;
_XmlTypeNamespace = value;
_explicitlySet |= ExplicitlySet.XmlTypeNamespace;
} // XmlTypeNamespace
/// <internalonly/>
public XmlFieldOrderOption XmlFieldOrder
get { return _XmlFieldOrder; }
set { _XmlFieldOrder = value; }
} // XmlFieldOrder
public override bool UseAttribute
get { return false; }
set { throw new RemotingException(
Environment.GetResourceString("Remoting_Attribute_UseAttributeNotsettable")); }
} // UseAttribute
private static string GetTypeName(Type t) {
if (t.IsNested) {
string name = t.FullName;
string ns = t.Namespace;
if (ns == null || ns.Length == 0) {
return name;
else {
name = name.Substring(ns.Length + 1);
return name;
return t.Name;
} // class SoapTypeAttribute
public sealed class SoapMethodAttribute : SoapAttribute
private String _SoapAction = null;
private String _responseXmlElementName = null;
private String _responseXmlNamespace = null;
private String _returnXmlElementName = null;
private bool _bSoapActionExplicitySet = false; // Needed by SoapServices to determine if
// SoapAction was actually set (otherwise,
// accessing it will return a generated
// value)
internal bool SoapActionExplicitySet { get { return _bSoapActionExplicitySet; } }
public String SoapAction // SoapAction value to place in protocol headers.
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
// generate this if it hasn't been set
if (_SoapAction == null)
_SoapAction = XmlTypeNamespaceOfDeclaringType + "#" +
((MemberInfo)ReflectInfo).Name; // This will be the method name.
return _SoapAction;
_SoapAction = value;
_bSoapActionExplicitySet = true;
public override bool UseAttribute
get { return false; }
set { throw new RemotingException(
Environment.GetResourceString("Remoting_Attribute_UseAttributeNotsettable")); }
public override String XmlNamespace
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
// generate this if it hasn't been set
if (ProtXmlNamespace == null)
ProtXmlNamespace = XmlTypeNamespaceOfDeclaringType;
return ProtXmlNamespace;
set { ProtXmlNamespace = value; }
} // XmlNamespace
public String ResponseXmlElementName
// generate this if it hasn't been set yet
if ((_responseXmlElementName == null) && (ReflectInfo != null))
_responseXmlElementName = ((MemberInfo)ReflectInfo).Name + "Response";
return _responseXmlElementName;
set { _responseXmlElementName = value; }
} // ResponseXmlElementName
public String ResponseXmlNamespace
// generate this if it hasn't been set
if (_responseXmlNamespace == null)
_responseXmlNamespace = XmlNamespace;
return _responseXmlNamespace;
set { _responseXmlNamespace = value; }
} // ResponseXmlNamespace
public String ReturnXmlElementName
// generate this if it hasn't been set yet
if (_returnXmlElementName == null)
_returnXmlElementName = "return";
return _returnXmlElementName;
set { _returnXmlElementName = value; }
} // ReturnXmlElementName
private String XmlTypeNamespaceOfDeclaringType
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
if (ReflectInfo != null)
Type declaringType = ((MemberInfo)ReflectInfo).DeclaringType;
return XmlNamespaceEncoder.GetXmlNamespaceForType((RuntimeType)declaringType, null);
return null;
} // XmlTypeNamespaceOfDeclaringType
} // class SoapMethodAttribute
public sealed class SoapFieldAttribute : SoapAttribute
// Used to track which values have been explicitly set. Information needed
// by SoapServices.
private enum ExplicitlySet
None = 0x0,
XmlElementName = 0x1
private ExplicitlySet _explicitlySet = ExplicitlySet.None;
private String _xmlElementName = null;
private int _order; // order in which fields should be serialized
// (if Sequence is specified on containing type's SoapTypeAttribute
// Returns true if this attribute specifies interop xml element values.
public bool IsInteropXmlElement()
return (_explicitlySet & ExplicitlySet.XmlElementName) != 0;
} // GetInteropXmlElement
public String XmlElementName
// generate this if it hasn't been set yet
if ((_xmlElementName == null) && (ReflectInfo != null))
_xmlElementName = ((FieldInfo)ReflectInfo).Name;
return _xmlElementName;
_xmlElementName = value;
_explicitlySet |= ExplicitlySet.XmlElementName;
} // XmlElementName
/// <internalonly/>
public int Order
get { return _order; }
set { _order = value; }
} // class SoapFieldAttribute
public sealed class SoapParameterAttribute : SoapAttribute
} // SoapParameterAttribute
// Not actually used as an attribute (just the base for the rest of them)
public class SoapAttribute : Attribute
/// <internalonly/>
protected String ProtXmlNamespace = null;
private bool _bUseAttribute = false;
private bool _bEmbedded = false;
/// <internalonly/>
protected Object ReflectInfo = null; // Reflection structure on which this attribute was defined
// IMPORTANT: The caching mechanism is required to set this value before
// handing back a SoapAttribute, so that certain values can be automatically
// generated.
internal void SetReflectInfo(Object info)
ReflectInfo = info;
public virtual String XmlNamespace // If this returns null, then this shouldn't be namespace qualified.
get { return ProtXmlNamespace; }
set { ProtXmlNamespace = value; }
public virtual bool UseAttribute
get { return _bUseAttribute; }
set { _bUseAttribute = value; }
public virtual bool Embedded // Determines if type should be nested when serializing for SOAP.
get { return _bEmbedded; }
set { _bEmbedded = value; }
} // class SoapAttribute
} // namespace System.Runtime.Remoting