1 instantiation of XmlCharType
System.Xml (1)
System\Xml\XmlCharType.cs (1)
490return new XmlCharType( s_CharProperties );
278 references to XmlCharType
System.Xml (278)
System\Xml\Base64Decoder.cs (4)
153XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 163if ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace ) != 0 ) { // if ( xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace(ch) ) { 196if ( !( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[*pChar++] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace ) != 0 ) ) { // if ( !( xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace( chars[charPos++] ) ) ) {
System\Xml\BinaryXml\XmlBinaryReader.cs (7)
307XmlCharType xmlCharType; 315xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 3095XmlCharType xmlCharType = this.xmlCharType; 3107if (pb[pos + 1] != 0 || (xmlCharType.charProperties[pb[pos]] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) == 0) 3120if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fCharData) == 0) 3125if (!XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { 3133if (!XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chNext)) {
System\Xml\BinHexDecoder.cs (3)
177XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 191else if ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace ) != 0 ) { // else if ( xmlCharType.IsWhiteSpace( ch ) ) {
System\Xml\Core\CharEntityEncoderFallback.cs (1)
180return XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(lowSurrogate, highSurrogate);
System\Xml\Core\HtmlEncodedRawTextWriter.cs (2)
565while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) ) { 642while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch < 0x80 ) ) {
System\Xml\Core\HtmlUtf8RawTextWriter.cs (2)
563while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 642while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch < 0x80 ) ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlAutoDetectWriter.cs (1)
346if (XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(textBlock)) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlCharCheckingReader.cs (2)
47XmlCharType xmlCharType; 70xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
System\Xml\Core\XmlCharCheckingWriter.cs (2)
59XmlCharType xmlCharType; 73xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
System\Xml\Core\XmlEncodedRawTextWriter.cs (23)
53protected XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 598int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, highChar ); 827while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) ) { 899if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 924while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) ) { 997if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1030while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ch = *pSrc ) < XmlCharType.SurHighStart ) ) { 1053if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1074while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) ) ) { 1134if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1169while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch != stopChar ) ) { 1254if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1290while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch != ']' ) ) { 1370if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1381Debug.Assert( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( *pSrc ) ); 1384if ( ch <= XmlCharType.SurHighEnd ) { 1387if ( lowChar >= XmlCharType.SurLowStart && 1388(LocalAppContextSwitches.DontThrowOnInvalidSurrogatePairs || lowChar <= XmlCharType.SurLowEnd)) { 1427if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1599if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(chars[i]) ) { 1601if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i + 1]) ) { 1609else if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i]) ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlEncodedRawTextWriterAsync.cs (13)
417int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, highChar ); 602while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) ) { 672if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 772while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) ) { 846if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 976while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ch = *pSrc ) < XmlCharType.SurHighStart ) ) { 997if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1064while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) ) ) { 1126if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1237while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch != stopChar ) ) { 1324if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; }; 1397while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch != ']' ) ) { 1479if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { *pDst = (char)ch; pDst++; pSrc++; };
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextEncoder.cs (19)
38XmlCharType xmlCharType; 46this.xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 91if ( !XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar) || 92!XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( highChar ) ) { 130while ( i < endPos && ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = array[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) { // ( xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar( ( ch = array[i] ) ) ) ) { 182if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( ch ) ) { 190else if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( ch ) ) { 204if ( !XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( lowChar ) || 205!XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( highChar ) ) { 209int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, highChar ); 240while ( i < len && ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) { // ( xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar( ( ch = text[i] ) ) ) ) { 313if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( ch ) ) { 321else if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( ch ) ) { 333while ( i < len && ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) { // ( xmlCharType.IsAttributeValueChar( ( text[i] ) ) ) ) { 358( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = text[i]] & XmlCharType.fCharData ) != 0 // ( xmlCharType.IsCharData( ( ch = text[i] ) ) 366if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( ch ) ) { 369if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( lowChar ) ) { 379else if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( ch ) ) { 424if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate(ch) ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImpl.cs (39)
161XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 1761if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 1797if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 3440while ( ( (xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) ) { 3911if ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC ) != 0 ) { 3932if( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC ) != 0 ) ) { 4006isWs = ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace ) != 0 ); 4170if ( ( (xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0 ) || 4272while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch0 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace ) != 0 ) ) { 4304if ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch1 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC ) != 0 ) { 4376if (((xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch2 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0)) { 4410if ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC ) != 0 ) ) { 4474while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch3 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) { 4671while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) { 4833if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 4838if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) { 5069while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[c = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) ) { 5187if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 5192if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) { 5745while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && 5826if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 5831if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) { 5923while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && 6011if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 6016if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) { 6225while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && chars[pos] != stopChar && ch != '-' && ch != '?') { 6346if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( tmpCh ) ) { 6351if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) { 6590XmlCharType.SplitSurrogateChar(val, out low, out high); 6593if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( high ) ) { 6594if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( low ) ) { 6772if ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC ) != 0 ) { 6801if ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC ) != 0 ) ) { 7439while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[c = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && c != '/' ) { 7444while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[c = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) { 7703while ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) ) 7771if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 7776if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextReaderImplAsync.cs (29)
633if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 675if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 1273while (((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0)) { 1718if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) { 1740if (((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0)) { 1841isWs = ((xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) != 0); 2029if (((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0) || 2147while (((xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch0 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) != 0)) { 2179if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch1 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) { 2251if (((xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch2 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0)) { 2285if (((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0)) { 2360while (((xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch3 = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0)) { 2453while (((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0)) { 2620if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 2625if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) { 3042while (((xmlCharType.charProperties[c = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0)) { 3194if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch)) { 3201if (XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[pos])) { 3762while (((xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0) && 3845if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 3850if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) { 3971while (((xmlCharType.charProperties[tmpch = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0) && 4061if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 4066if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) { 4282while (((xmlCharType.charProperties[ch = chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0) && chars[pos] != stopChar && ch != '-' && ch != '?') { 4403if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( tmpCh ) ) { 4408if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( chars[pos] ) ) { 4607if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) { 4644if (((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[pos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0)) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlTextWriter.cs (2)
163XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
System\Xml\Core\XmlUtf8RawTextWriter.cs (25)
53protected XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 530int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, highChar ); 687while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 759if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 784while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 857if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 913if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 934while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 994if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 1029while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch != stopChar && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 1114if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 1150while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch != ']' && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 1230if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 1247Debug.Assert( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( *pSrc ) ); 1249if ( ch <= XmlCharType.SurHighEnd ) { 1252if ( lowChar >= XmlCharType.SurLowStart && 1253(LocalAppContextSwitches.DontThrowOnInvalidSurrogatePairs || lowChar <= XmlCharType.SurLowEnd)) { 1258ch = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, ch ); 1306if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 1310Debug.Assert( ch >= 0x80 && !XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ); 1337else if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { 1499if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(chars[i]) ) { 1501if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i + 1]) ) { 1509else if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[i]) ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlUtf8RawTextWriterAsync.cs (12)
391int surrogateChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar( lowChar, highChar ); 520while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 590if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 689while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 763if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, true ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 914if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 981while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 1043if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 1154while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 ) && ch != stopChar && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 1241if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; }; 1314while ( pDst < pDstEnd && ( ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[( ch = *pSrc )] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 ) && ch != ']' && ch <= 0x7F ) ) { 1396if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( ch ) ) { pDst = EncodeSurrogate( pSrc, pSrcEnd, pDst ); pSrc += 2; } else if ( ch <= 0x7F || ch >= 0xFFFE ) { pDst = InvalidXmlChar( ch, pDst, false ); pSrc++; } else { pDst = EncodeMultibyteUTF8( ch, pDst ); pSrc++; };
System\Xml\Core\XmlWellFormedWriter.cs (5)
72XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 897if (!XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(ws)) { 1781if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[ncname[0]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) { // if ( xmlCharType.IsStartNCNameChar( ncname[0] ) ) { 1795if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[ncname[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0) { // if ( xmlCharType.IsNCNameChar( ncname[i] ) ) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlWellFormedWriterAsync.cs (1)
748if (!XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace(ws)) {
System\Xml\Core\XmlWellFormedWriterHelpers.cs (2)
355XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
System\Xml\Core\XsdValidatingReader.cs (2)
114private XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
System\Xml\Dom\XmlCharacterData.cs (1)
167return XmlCharType.Instance.IsOnlyWhitespace( data );
System\Xml\Dom\XmlDeclaration.cs (1)
150return ver.Length >= 3 && ver[0] == '1' && ver[1] == '.' && XmlCharType.IsOnlyDigits(ver, 2, ver.Length - 2);
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParser.cs (11)
157XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 2328while ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue ) != 0 && chars[curPos] != '%' ) { 2484if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 2489if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[curPos]) ) { 2721while ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fText ) != 0 && chars[curPos] != ']' ) { 2788if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 2793if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[curPos])) { 2834if ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC ) != 0 || chars[curPos] == ':') { // if ( xmlCharType.IsStartNCNameSingleChar(chars[curPos]) || chars[curPos] == ':' ) { 2864if ( ( xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC ) != 0 ) { // while ( xmlCharType.IsNCNameSingleChar(chars[curPos]) ) { 2932if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0 || chars[curPos] == ':') { // if ( xmlCharType.IsNCNameChar(chars[curPos]) || chars[curPos] == ':' ) {
System\Xml\Schema\DtdParserAsync.cs (9)
1785while ((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fAttrValue) != 0 && chars[curPos] != '%') { 1941if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 1946if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[curPos]) ) { 2152while ((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fText) != 0 && chars[curPos] != ']') { 2219if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(ch) ) { 2224if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(chars[curPos])) { 2266if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0 || chars[curPos] == ':') { // if ( xmlCharType.IsStartNCNameSingleChar(chars[curPos]) || chars[curPos] == ':' ) { 2298if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0) { // while ( xmlCharType.IsNCNameSingleChar(chars[curPos]) ) { 2366if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[chars[curPos]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0 || chars[curPos] == ':') { // if ( xmlCharType.IsNCNameChar(chars[curPos]) || chars[curPos] == ':' ) {
System\Xml\Schema\Parser.cs (2)
43XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
System\Xml\Schema\XmlSchemaValidator.cs (2)
148XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
System\Xml\ValidateNames.cs (9)
37static XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 54if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0) { // if (xmlCharType.IsNCNameSingleChar(s[i])) { 91if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0 || s[i] == ':') { // if (xmlCharType.IsNameSingleChar(s[i])) { 133if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0 || s[i] == ':') { // xmlCharType.IsStartNCNameSingleChar(s[i])) { 147if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0 || s[i] == ':') { // if (xmlCharType.IsNCNameSingleChar(s[i])) 189if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0) { // xmlCharType.IsStartNCNameSingleChar(s[i])) { 203if ((xmlCharType.charProperties[s[i]] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0) { // if (xmlCharType.IsNCNameSingleChar(s[i])) 385if (xmlCharType.IsNCNameSingleChar(s[offsetBadChar]) && !XmlCharType.Instance.IsStartNCNameSingleChar(s[offsetBadChar])) {
System\Xml\XmlCharType.cs (3)
482public static XmlCharType Instance { 699if ( i + 1 >= str.Length || !(XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(str[i]) && XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(str[i+1]))) {
System\Xml\XmlComplianceUtil.cs (4)
27XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 140XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
System\Xml\XmlConvert.cs (21)
41static XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 142XmlCharType.SplitSurrogateChar(u, out lowChar, out highChar); 213if (length > 1 && XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(name[0]) && XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(name[1]) ) { 216Int32 u = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(y, x); 255if ((length > position + 1) && XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(name[position]) && XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(name[position + 1])) { 258Int32 u = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(y, x); 544return (xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fNCStartNameSC) != 0; 560return (xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fNCNameSC) != 0; 575return (xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fCharData) != 0; 580return XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(highChar) && XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate(lowChar); 593return (xmlCharType.charProperties[ch] & XmlCharType.fWhitespace) != 0; 1475while ( i < len && ( xmlCharType.charProperties[data[i]] & XmlCharType.fCharData ) != 0 ) { 1484if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( ch ) ) { 1489if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( ch ) ) { 1516while ( i < endPos && ( xmlCharType.charProperties[data[i]] & XmlCharType.fCharData ) != 0 ) { 1525if ( XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate( ch ) ) { 1530if ( XmlCharType.IsLowSurrogate( ch ) ) {
System\Xml\XmlEncoding.cs (6)
436chars[charIndex] = (char)(XmlCharType.SurHighStart + (char)((code >> 16) - 1) + (char)((code >> 10) & 0x3F)); 437chars[charIndex + 1] = (char)(XmlCharType.SurLowStart + (char)(code & 0x3FF)); 459if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( (int)code ) ) { 491if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( (int)code ) ) { 524if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( (int)code ) ) { 557if ( XmlCharType.IsSurrogate( (int)code ) ) {
System\Xml\XmlException.cs (2)
255if (XmlCharType.IsHighSurrogate(invChar) && nextChar != 0) { 256int combinedChar = XmlCharType.CombineSurrogateChar(nextChar, invChar);
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\StringFunctions.cs (2)
191XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance;
System\Xml\XPath\Internal\XPathScanner.cs (9)
27private XmlCharType xmlCharType = XmlCharType.Instance; 158else if (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)) { 177if (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)) { 243Debug.Assert(this.CurerntChar == '.' || XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)); 246 while (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)) { 251 while (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)) { 259Debug.Assert(XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)); 263 while (XmlCharType.IsDigit(this.CurerntChar)) {