// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
** Class: TypeInfo
** Purpose: Abstracts out the notion of a type, so we can
** support generic type parameters & possible "pipeline
** constraints" based on the types present in the pipeline.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Security;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Text;
using System.AddIn.MiniReflection.MetadataReader;
using System.AddIn.Hosting;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
namespace System.AddIn.MiniReflection
// While this is currently just a wrapper for a String (the
// assembly-qualified type name), eventually we should store more info
// here, such as what the generic type parameters are to a class,
// and perhaps constraint-like info. Say we have an add-in adapter
// w/ a constructor taking an add-in base called AB<int>. The add-in base
// of course is AB<T>. We can only connect from the add-in adapter
// all the way through the add-in if the add-in subclasses AB<int>.
// The hope is this class will provide the right level of abstraction to
// support generic add-in parts in the future.
internal sealed class TypeInfo : IEquatable<TypeInfo>, ISerializable
internal enum Representation {
None = 0,
Token = 1,
Name = 2,
AssemblyQualifiedName = 4,
ReflectionType = 8,
TypeRef = 0x10,
private static volatile ICollection<String> Warnings;
private const String AssemblyFieldName = "_assembly";
private const String ModuleFieldName = "_module";
private const String MDTokenFieldName = "_mdToken";
private const String TypeNameFieldName = "_typeName";
private const String NameSpaceFieldName = "_nameSpace";
private const String AssemblyQualifiedFieldName = "_assemblyQualifiedName";
private const String RepresentationFieldName = "_representation";
private const String IsGenericFieldName = "_isGeneric";
private readonly MiniAssembly _assembly; // note that for TypeInfos coming from TypeRefs, this is the referencing assembly
private readonly MiniModule _module;
private readonly MetadataToken _mdToken;
private volatile String _typeName;
private volatile String _nameSpace;
private volatile String _assemblyQualifiedName;
private readonly static UTF8Encoding s_encoder = new UTF8Encoding(false, true);
private readonly Type _reflectionType; // Don't load Type objects in the wrong AD!
private volatile Representation _representation;
private bool _isGeneric;
internal TypeInfo(MetadataToken typeDef, MiniAssembly assembly)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(assembly != null);
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(typeDef.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
_mdToken = typeDef;
_assembly = assembly;
_representation = Representation.Token;
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables mdScope = peFile.MetaData;
peFile.B.ReadUInt32(); // TypeAttributes;
_typeName = mdScope.ReadString(); // this type's name
_nameSpace = mdScope.ReadString(); // this type's namespace
_representation |= Representation.Name;
internal TypeInfo(MetadataToken typeDef, MiniAssembly assembly, String typeName, String nameSpace)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(assembly != null);
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(typeDef.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
_mdToken = typeDef;
_assembly = assembly;
_typeName = typeName;
_nameSpace = nameSpace;
_assemblyQualifiedName = FullTypeName + ", " + assembly.FullName;
_representation = Representation.Token | Representation.Name | Representation.AssemblyQualifiedName;
internal TypeInfo(MetadataToken typeDef, MiniAssembly assembly, MiniModule module, String typeName, String nameSpace, bool isGeneric)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(assembly != null);
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(module != null);
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(typeDef.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
_mdToken = typeDef;
_assembly = assembly;
_module = module;
_typeName = typeName;
_nameSpace = nameSpace;
_assemblyQualifiedName = FullTypeName + ", " + assembly.FullName;
_representation = Representation.Token | Representation.Name | Representation.AssemblyQualifiedName;
_isGeneric = isGeneric;
internal String FullTypeName
get { return String.IsNullOrEmpty(_nameSpace) ? _typeName : _nameSpace + "." + _typeName; }
// security attributes are needed because of mscorlib.GetName() calls
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Usage", "CA1801:ReviewUnusedParameters", MessageId = "disambiguatingJunkForTypeRefOverload")]
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Security", "CA2128:SecurityTransparentCodeShouldNotAssert", Justification = "This is a SecurityRules.Level1 assembly, in which this rule is being incorrectly applied")]
internal TypeInfo(MetadataToken typeRefToken, MiniAssembly referencingAssembly, bool disambiguatingJunkForTypeRefOverload)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(referencingAssembly != null);
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(typeRefToken.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeRef);
_mdToken = typeRefToken;
_assembly = referencingAssembly;
_representation = Representation.TypeRef | Representation.Name;
PEFileReader peFile = referencingAssembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables MetaData = peFile.MetaData;
MetadataToken assemblyRef = MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.ResolutionScope);
_typeName = MetaData.ReadString();
_nameSpace = MetaData.ReadString();
// Read assembly information
UInt16 major = peFile.B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 minor = peFile.B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 build = peFile.B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 revision = peFile.B.ReadUInt16();
peFile.B.ReadUInt32(); // assembly flags
byte[] publicKeyOrToken = MetaData.ReadBlob();
String simpleName = MetaData.ReadString();
String culture = MetaData.ReadString();
// assert so we can get the AssemblyName of mscorlib.dll
FileIOPermission permission = new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.None);
permission.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.PathDiscovery;
System.Reflection.Assembly mscorlib = typeof(Object).Assembly;
if (simpleName == "mscorlib" && (culture.Length == 0) && Utils.PublicKeyMatches(mscorlib.GetName(), publicKeyOrToken))
// Upgrade to using a Type!
Type t = mscorlib.GetType(FullName, false);
if (t != null)
_reflectionType = t;
_representation |= Representation.ReflectionType;
String typeRefDefiningAssemblyName = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"{0}, Version={1}.{2}.{3}.{4}, Culture={5}, PublicKeyToken={6}",
simpleName, major, minor, build, revision,
(culture.Length == 0 ? "neutral" : culture), Utils.PublicKeyToString(publicKeyOrToken));
_assemblyQualifiedName = FullName + ", " + typeRefDefiningAssemblyName;
_representation |= Representation.AssemblyQualifiedName;
internal TypeInfo(Type type)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(type != null);
_reflectionType = type;
_assemblyQualifiedName = type.AssemblyQualifiedName;
_isGeneric = type.ContainsGenericParameters || type.IsGenericType || type.GetGenericArguments().Length > 0;
_typeName = type.Name;
_nameSpace = type.Namespace;
if (_nameSpace == null)
_nameSpace = String.Empty;
_representation = Representation.Name | Representation.AssemblyQualifiedName | Representation.ReflectionType;
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(_assembly == null); // Don't do this, or we might serialize assemblies!
internal TypeInfo(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
_assembly = (MiniAssembly) info.GetValue(AssemblyFieldName, typeof(MiniAssembly));
_module = (MiniModule) info.GetValue(ModuleFieldName, typeof(MiniModule));
_mdToken = (MetadataToken) info.GetValue(MDTokenFieldName, typeof(MetadataToken));
_typeName = info.GetString(TypeNameFieldName);
_nameSpace = info.GetString(NameSpaceFieldName);
_assemblyQualifiedName = info.GetString(AssemblyQualifiedFieldName);
_representation = (Representation) info.GetInt32(RepresentationFieldName);
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert((_representation & Representation.ReflectionType) == 0);
_isGeneric = info.GetBoolean(IsGenericFieldName);
void ISerializable.GetObjectData(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
info.AddValue(AssemblyFieldName, _assembly);
info.AddValue(ModuleFieldName, _module);
info.AddValue(MDTokenFieldName, _mdToken);
info.AddValue(TypeNameFieldName, _typeName);
info.AddValue(NameSpaceFieldName, _nameSpace);
info.AddValue(AssemblyQualifiedFieldName, _assemblyQualifiedName);
Representation r = _representation & ~Representation.ReflectionType;
info.AddValue(RepresentationFieldName, r);
info.AddValue(IsGenericFieldName, _isGeneric);
internal static void SetWarnings(ICollection<String> warnings)
Warnings = warnings;
internal Type ReflectionType
get {
return _reflectionType;
private bool HasAssemblyQualifiedName {
get { return (_representation & Representation.AssemblyQualifiedName) != 0; }
private bool HasName {
get { return (_representation & Representation.Name) != 0; }
private bool HasToken
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode", Justification = "Needed for Contracts conditional compilation")]
get { return (_representation & Representation.Token) != 0; }
internal bool HasReflectionType {
get { return (_representation & Representation.ReflectionType) != 0; }
private bool HasTypeRef {
get { return (_representation & Representation.TypeRef) != 0; }
internal MiniAssembly Assembly {
get {
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Ensures(System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Result<MiniAssembly>() != null);
// Do not store the assembly in this object - make sure it doesn't
// leak across appdomains, etc.
MiniAssembly retVal = _assembly;
if (retVal == null)
retVal = new MiniAssembly(_reflectionType.Assembly);
return retVal;
internal bool IsClass {
get {
if (HasReflectionType)
return _reflectionType.IsClass;
if (HasTypeRef) {
TypeInfo def = TypeRefToTypeDef(_mdToken, true);
return def.IsClass;
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables mdScope = peFile.MetaData;
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes attrs = (System.Reflection.TypeAttributes)peFile.B.ReadUInt32(); // TypeAttributes;
return (attrs & System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Class) != 0;
internal bool IsGeneric {
get { return _isGeneric; }
public bool IsInterface {
get {
if (HasReflectionType)
return _reflectionType.IsInterface;
if (HasTypeRef) {
TypeInfo def = TypeRefToTypeDef(_mdToken, true);
return def.IsInterface;
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables mdScope = peFile.MetaData;
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes attrs = (System.Reflection.TypeAttributes) peFile.B.ReadUInt32(); // TypeAttributes;
return (attrs & System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Interface) != 0;
public bool IsMarshalByRef {
get {
if (HasReflectionType)
return _reflectionType.IsMarshalByRef;
throw new NotImplementedException("TypeInfo::IsMarshalByRef on non-Reflection types is not implemented");
public bool IsSealed {
get {
if (HasReflectionType)
return _reflectionType.IsSealed;
if (HasTypeRef) {
TypeInfo def = TypeRefToTypeDef(_mdToken, true);
return def.IsSealed;
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables mdScope = peFile.MetaData;
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes attrs = (System.Reflection.TypeAttributes)peFile.B.ReadUInt32(); // TypeAttributes;
return (attrs & System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Sealed) != 0;
public String Name
get {
return _typeName;
public String FullName {
get {
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_nameSpace))
return _typeName;
return _nameSpace + "." + _typeName;
public String AssemblyQualifiedName {
get {
if (HasAssemblyQualifiedName)
return _assemblyQualifiedName;
if (HasName) {
_assemblyQualifiedName = FullName + ", " + _assembly.FullName;
_representation |= Representation.AssemblyQualifiedName;
return _assemblyQualifiedName;
throw new NotImplementedException();
public String AssemblyName {
get {
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(_assembly != null || HasAssemblyQualifiedName);
if (HasAssemblyQualifiedName)
int firstComma = _assemblyQualifiedName.IndexOf(',');
return _assemblyQualifiedName.Substring(firstComma + 2);
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(_assembly != null);
String asmName = _assembly.FullName;
_assemblyQualifiedName = FullName + ", " + _assembly.FullName;
_representation |= Representation.AssemblyQualifiedName;
return asmName;
public TypeInfo BaseType {
get {
if (HasTypeRef)
TypeInfo defInfo = TypeRefToTypeDef(_mdToken, true);
return defInfo.BaseType;
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables mdScope = peFile.MetaData;
peFile.B.ReadUInt32(); // TypeAttributes;
if (HasName) {
mdScope.ReadStringIndex(); // this type's name
mdScope.ReadStringIndex(); // this type's namespace
else {
_typeName = mdScope.ReadString(); // this type's name
_nameSpace = mdScope.ReadString(); // this type's namespace
_representation |= Representation.Name;
MetadataToken baseClass = peFile.MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.TypeDefOrRef);
return TypeInfoFromTypeDefOrRef(baseClass);
private TypeInfo TypeInfoFromTypeDefOrRef(MetadataToken token)
if (token.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeRef)
// Call our TypeRef constructor. The HAV will be in another assembly.
return new TypeInfo(token, _assembly, false);
else if (token.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeDef)
// The base is defined in this same assembly, not in the separate HAV.
return new TypeInfo(token, _assembly);
// else it is a TypeSpec -- a generic type
throw new GenericsNotImplementedException();
public MiniConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors()
return GetConstructors(false);
public MiniConstructorInfo[] GetConstructors(bool includePrivate)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(HasToken/* || HasReflectionType*/, "GetConstructors needs a token (or you should uncomment the support for Reflection types)");
List<MiniConstructorInfo> ctors = new List<MiniConstructorInfo>();
if (HasReflectionType) {
System.Reflection.BindingFlags visibility = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public;
if (includePrivate)
visibility |= System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic;
foreach (System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ctor in _reflectionType.GetConstructors(visibility))
ctors.Add(new MiniConstructorInfo(ctor));
return ctors.ToArray();
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(_mdToken.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables MetaData = peFile.MetaData;
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes flags = (System.Reflection.TypeAttributes) peFile.B.ReadUInt32();
System.Reflection.TypeAttributes vis = System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.VisibilityMask & flags;
bool isPublic = (vis == System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Public); // don't support NestedPublic
if (!includePrivate && !isPublic)
return new MiniConstructorInfo[0];
MetaData.ReadStringIndex(); // typename
MetaData.ReadStringIndex(); // namespace
MetadataToken baseClass = MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.TypeDefOrRef); // Base class
uint firstMemberIndex = MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.FieldDef); // Field list
uint firstMethodIndex = MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef); // Method list
uint lastMethodIndex;
// If this is the last entry in the TypeDef table, then all the rest of the methods in the MethodDef
// table belong to this type. Otherwise, look for the methods belonging to the next type.
if (_mdToken.Index == MetaData.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.TypeDef))
lastMethodIndex = MetaData.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef);
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.TypeDef, _mdToken.Index); // Seek to next type (not off by 1!)
peFile.B.ReadUInt32(); // Flags
MetaData.ReadStringIndex(); // type name
MetaData.ReadStringIndex(); // namespace
MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.TypeDefOrRef); // Next type's base class
MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.FieldDef); // field list;
uint firstMethodOfNextType = MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef); // method list
lastMethodIndex = firstMethodOfNextType - 1;
// Now walk through list of methods, looking for ones w/ the name ".ctor".
for (uint i = firstMethodIndex; i <= lastMethodIndex; i++)
MetadataToken method = new MetadataToken(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef, i);
UInt32 rva = peFile.B.ReadUInt32();
UInt16 implFlags = peFile.B.ReadUInt16(); // MethodImplAttributes
System.Reflection.MethodAttributes attrs = (System.Reflection.MethodAttributes)peFile.B.ReadUInt16(); // Flags - MethodAttributes
// Visibility check
if (!includePrivate && (attrs & System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.Public) == 0)
String methodName = MetaData.ReadString(); // Name
// @
if (!String.Equals(methodName, ".ctor"))
byte[] sig = MetaData.ReadBlob();
MiniParameterInfo[] parameters = ParseSig(sig);
ctors.Add(new MiniConstructorInfo(parameters));
catch (GenericsNotImplementedException)
// may be caused by a Generic contract. The user will be warned elsewhere that generic contracts are not supported.
if (Warnings != null) {
lock (Warnings) {
Warnings.Add(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Res.UnparsibleConstructorSignature, this.Name, e.GetType().Name, e.Message));
} // for each .ctor
return ctors.ToArray();
// See the ECMA CLI spec, Partition II, section 23.2.1.
private MiniParameterInfo[] ParseSig(byte[] sig)
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables MetaData = peFile.MetaData;
uint i = 0;
// The first byte of the Signature holds bits for HASTHIS, EXPLICITTHIS
// and calling convention (DEFAULT, VARARG, or GENERIC). These are OR'ed
// together.
uint numParams = DecodeInteger(sig, ref i);
// Skip over return type
// Skip custom modifiers.
if (sig[i] == (byte) CorElementType.CModOpt) i++;
else if (sig[i] == (byte) CorElementType.CModReqd) i++;
else break;
} while (true);
// Skip return type. Note that for constructors, it should be void.
if (sig[i] == (byte) CorElementType.Void) i++;
else if (sig[i] == (byte) CorElementType.TypedByRef) i++;
if (sig[i] == (byte) CorElementType.ByRef) i++;
ParseType(sig, ref i, false, true);
MiniParameterInfo[] parameters = new MiniParameterInfo[numParams];
for (uint paramNum = 0; paramNum < numParams; paramNum++)
parameters[paramNum] = ParseType(sig, ref i, false, false);
//Console.WriteLine("Read a parameter: {0}", parameters[paramNum]);
return parameters;
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Maintainability", "CA1502:AvoidExcessiveComplexity", Justification="bogus warning")]
private MiniParameterInfo ParseType(byte[] sig, ref uint i,
bool allowTypedByRef, bool allowVoid)
CorElementType b = (CorElementType) sig[i++];
switch (b)
case CorElementType.Boolean:
case CorElementType.Char:
case CorElementType.I1:
case CorElementType.U1:
case CorElementType.I2:
case CorElementType.U2:
case CorElementType.I4:
case CorElementType.U4:
case CorElementType.I8:
case CorElementType.U8:
case CorElementType.R4:
case CorElementType.R8:
case CorElementType.I:
case CorElementType.U:
case CorElementType.String:
case CorElementType.Object:
return new MiniParameterInfo(b);
case CorElementType.TypedByRef:
//AddPrimitiveTypeName((Int32)B, SB);
if (!allowTypedByRef) throw new BadImageFormatException(Res.TypedByRefNotAllowed);//TypedByRef not allowed here
throw new NotImplementedException();
case CorElementType.Void:
if (!allowVoid) throw new BadImageFormatException();
return new MiniParameterInfo(b);
case CorElementType.Class:
case CorElementType.ValueType:
return new MiniParameterInfo(b, ParseTypeDefRefOrSpec(sig, ref i));
case CorElementType.Ptr:
// PTR CustomMod* VOID | PTR CustomMod* Type;
AddCustomMods(Bytes, ref i, SB);
SB.Append("Ptr to ");
AddType(Bytes, ref i, SB, false, true); // VOID is allowed here
throw new NotImplementedException();
case CorElementType.FnPtr:
// FNPTR MethodDefSig | FNPTR MethodRefSig;
//AddMethodSig(Bytes, ref i, SB);
throw new NotImplementedException();
case CorElementType.SzArray:
//AddSzArray(Bytes, ref i, SB);
throw new NotImplementedException();
case CorElementType.Array:
//AddArray(Bytes, ref i, SB);
throw new NotImplementedException();
case CorElementType.ByRef:
throw new NotImplementedException();
case CorElementType.GenericInst:
// may be caused by the contract being a generic type
throw new GenericsNotImplementedException();
case CorElementType.Var:
throw new NotImplementedException();
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(false, "Unrecognized CorElementType");
throw new BadImageFormatException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Res.UnrecognizedCorElementType, b));
private TypeInfo ParseTypeDefRefOrSpec(byte[] sig, ref uint i)
// The encoded version of this TypeRef token is made follows up:
// 1. encode the table that this token the indexes least significant 2 bits.
// The bit values to use are 0, 1 and 2, specifying the target table is the
// TypeDef, TypeRef or TypeSpec table, respectively
// 2. shift the 3-byte row index (0x000012 in this example) left by 2 bits
// and OR into the 2-bit encoding from step 1;
// 3. compress the resulting value (see Section 22.2)
uint compressed = DecodeInteger(sig, ref i);
uint tableCode = compressed & 0x3;
uint index = (uint) ((compressed & (~0x3)) / 4);
MDTables.Tables[] mapToTable = new MDTables.Tables[]{MDTables.Tables.TypeDef, MDTables.Tables.TypeRef, MDTables.Tables.TypeSpec};
MetadataToken token = new MetadataToken(mapToTable[tableCode], index);
switch (tableCode)
case 0: // TypeDef
return new TypeInfo(token, _assembly);
case 1: // TypeRef
return new TypeInfo(token, _assembly, false); // TypeRef-specific constructor.
case 2: // TypeSpec
throw new NotImplementedException();
throw new BadImageFormatException(Res.InvalidMetadataToken);
private static UInt32 DecodeInteger(byte[] bytes, ref uint i)
UInt32 b = bytes[i];
i += 1;
if ((b & 0x80) == 0) return b;
else if ((b & 0xC0) == 0x80)
UInt32 nextB = bytes[i];
i += 1;
return ((b & 0x7F) * 0x100) | nextB;
else if ((b & 0xE0) == 0xC0)
UInt32 nextB, afterNext, final;
nextB = bytes[i];
afterNext = bytes[i + 1];
final = bytes[i + 2];
i += 3;
return ((b & 0x1F) * 0x100000) | (nextB * 0x10000) |
(afterNext * 0x100) | final;
else throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("bytes",
b, Res.CodedIntegerTooLong);// "Coded integer more than 4 bytes long");
public bool Implements(TypeInfo ifaceType)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(ifaceType != null);
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(HasToken || HasReflectionType || HasTypeRef);
if (HasReflectionType)
foreach(Type implementsIFace in _reflectionType.GetInterfaces())
if (Utils.FullTypeNameDefEqualsDef(implementsIFace.AssemblyQualifiedName, ifaceType.AssemblyQualifiedName))
return true;
return false;
// This can be a typeref. ---- the other assembly to parse this.
// I need to support the HAV in assembly A, the HA in B, the specific contract
// interface in assembly C, and IContract in assembly D. I'm inspecting the HA,
// and I'll get a typeref for C, and I need to make sure it implements IContract in D.
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables thisMetaData = peFile.MetaData;
if (_mdToken.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeRef)
TypeInfo def = TypeRefToTypeDef(_mdToken, true);
return def.ImplementsHelper(def._assembly.PEFileReader, def._mdToken, ifaceType);
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(_mdToken.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
throw new NotImplementedException();
// Does a given typedef in the specified PE file implement the specified interface?
private bool ImplementsHelper(PEFileReader peFile, MetadataToken typeDefToken, TypeInfo ifaceType)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(typeDefToken.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
MDTables mdScope = peFile.MetaData;
// Walk through all rules of the interface implementation table,
// looking for this typeDefToken. If we find it, check to see if
// that row says this type implements the specified interface.
// If not, continue walking the interface impl table.
uint numRows = mdScope.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.InterfaceImpl);
for (uint i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
mdScope.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.InterfaceImpl, i);
uint typeDefRow = mdScope.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
if (typeDefRow == typeDefToken.Index)
// if we implement it, return true. Else continue.
MetadataToken interfaceToken = mdScope.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.TypeDefOrRef);
if (ifaceType.HasName)
// Interface for IContract should be a typeref.
switch (interfaceToken.Table)
case MDTables.Tables.TypeRef:
MetadataToken resolutionScope = mdScope.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.ResolutionScope);
String ifaceName = mdScope.ReadString();
if (!String.Equals(ifaceName, ifaceType._typeName))
String ifaceNameSpace = mdScope.ReadString();
if (!String.Equals(ifaceNameSpace, ifaceType._nameSpace))
if (MiniAssembly.Equals(ifaceType.Assembly, peFile, resolutionScope))
return true;
case MDTables.Tables.TypeDef:
// This type implements an interface defined in the same assembly.
// This isn't really interesting for the add-in model, based on what
// we've currently designed and our limited use of this class.
mdScope.B.ReadUInt32(); // TypeAttributes
String ifaceName = mdScope.ReadString();
if (!String.Equals(ifaceName, ifaceType._typeName))
String ifaceNameSpace = mdScope.ReadString();
if (!String.Equals(ifaceNameSpace, ifaceType._nameSpace))
if (this._assembly.Equals(ifaceType._assembly))
return true;
case MDTables.Tables.TypeSpec:
// Since we're only looking for IContract, which is non-generic,
// we should ignore this row and move on.
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(false, "Checking whether a type implements a TypeSpec is NYI (generic interface?)");
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(false, "Support for this interface type is NYI");
throw new NotImplementedException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Res.UnsupportedInterfaceType, interfaceToken.Table));
throw new NotImplementedException();
return false;
internal TypeInfo TypeRefToTypeDef(MetadataToken typeRef, bool throwOnError)
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Requires(typeRef.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeRef);
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables thisMetaData = peFile.MetaData;
MetadataToken resolutionScope = thisMetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.ResolutionScope);
String refTypeName = thisMetaData.ReadString(); // Name
String refNamespace = thisMetaData.ReadString(); // Namespace
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(resolutionScope.Table == MDTables.Tables.AssemblyRef);
MiniAssembly definingAssembly = _assembly.ResolveAssemblyRef(resolutionScope, throwOnError);
if (definingAssembly != null) {
return definingAssembly.FindTypeInfo(refTypeName, refNamespace);
return null;
internal TypeInfo TryGetTypeDef()
//If the type came from mscorlib (e.g. MarshalByRefObject) then we have a reflection type.
//Currently we just return null in this case, but if we later support arbitrary AddInBase classes
//then we should return the real typedef
if (HasReflectionType)
return null;
if (HasTypeRef)
return TypeRefToTypeDef(_mdToken, false);
return this;
// Get the immediate interfaces on this type.
public TypeInfo[] GetInterfaces()
List<TypeInfo> interfaces = new List<TypeInfo>();
if (HasReflectionType)
foreach (Type interfaceType in _reflectionType.GetInterfaces())
interfaces.Add(new TypeInfo(interfaceType));
else if (HasTypeRef)
TypeInfo defInfo = TypeRefToTypeDef(_mdToken, true);
return defInfo.GetInterfaces();
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(_mdToken.Table == MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables mdScope = peFile.MetaData;
// Walk through all rows of the interface implementation table,
// looking for this _mdToken.
uint numRows = mdScope.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.InterfaceImpl);
for (uint i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
mdScope.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.InterfaceImpl, i);
uint typeDefRow = mdScope.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
if (typeDefRow == _mdToken.Index)
MetadataToken interfaceToken = mdScope.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.TypeDefOrRef);
catch (GenericsNotImplementedException) // ignore interfaces such as IComparable<int> that aren't relevant to the addin model
return interfaces.ToArray();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
TypeInfo that = obj as TypeInfo;
if (that == null)
return false;
return this.Equals(that);
public bool Equals(TypeInfo value)
if (value == null)
return false;
String thisType = AssemblyQualifiedName;
String thatType = value.AssemblyQualifiedName;
bool r = Utils.FullTypeNameDefEqualsDef(thisType, thatType);
return r;
public override int GetHashCode()
return AssemblyQualifiedName.GetHashCode();
public override String ToString()
if (_typeName != null)
return _nameSpace + "::" + _typeName;
return "MD Token: " + _mdToken.ToString();
// Return the attributes on this type of the given custom attribute type
internal MiniCustomAttributeInfo[] GetCustomAttributeInfos(Type caReflectedType)
List<MiniCustomAttributeInfo> result = new List<MiniCustomAttributeInfo>();
PEFileReader peFile = _assembly.PEFileReader;
MDTables metaData = peFile.MetaData;
uint numRows = metaData.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.CustomAttribute);
for (uint i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
metaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.CustomAttribute, i);
// Format: Parent type token, CA type token (really the constructor method), value (index into blob heap)
MetadataToken targetType = metaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.HasCustomAttribute);
MetadataToken caType = metaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.CustomAttributeType);
byte[] caBlob = metaData.ReadBlob();
if (targetType.Equals(this._mdToken)) {
//Console.WriteLine("CA - Applied to: {0} CA .ctor: {1} Value: {2}", targetType, caType, value);
//Console.WriteLine("CA MD Tokens Parent: {0} Type: {1}", targetType.ToMDToken(), caType.ToMDToken());
// Ensure the custom attribute type is the type we expect
String caTypeName = null, caNameSpace = null;
if (caType.Table != MDTables.Tables.MemberRef)
// Custom attribute was defined in the assembly we are currently inspecting?
// Ignore it.
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract.Assert(caType.Table == MDTables.Tables.MethodDef);
MetadataToken customAttributeType = metaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.MemberRefParent);
//Console.WriteLine(" MemberRef: {0} Type of MemberRef: {1}", caType.ToMDToken(), customAttributeType.ToMDToken());
MetadataToken resolutionScope = metaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.ResolutionScope);
caTypeName = metaData.ReadString();
caNameSpace = metaData.ReadString();
if (caTypeName == caReflectedType.Name && caNameSpace == caReflectedType.Namespace) {
MiniCustomAttributeInfo customAttributeInfo = ParseCustomAttribute(caBlob, caReflectedType);
return result.ToArray();
private static MiniCustomAttributeInfo ParseCustomAttribute(byte[] caBlob, Type caReflectedType)
uint b = 2; //skip prolog
System.Reflection.BindingFlags visibility = System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public;
List<MiniCustomAttributeFixedArgInfo> fixedArgs = new List<MiniCustomAttributeFixedArgInfo>();
// to support multiple constructors we would need to look up the exact one in the method table
System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo[] ctors = caReflectedType.GetConstructors(visibility);
if (ctors.Length > 1)
throw new NotImplementedException();
System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo ctor = ctors[0];
foreach(System.Reflection.ParameterInfo parameterInfo in ctor.GetParameters())
if (parameterInfo.ParameterType == typeof(String))
String fixedParamString = ReadSerString(caBlob, ref b);
fixedArgs.Add(new MiniCustomAttributeFixedArgInfo(fixedParamString));
throw new NotImplementedException();
byte low = caBlob[b++];
byte high = caBlob[b++];
int numNamed = (high * 0x100) | low;
List<MiniCustomAttributeNamedArgInfo> namedArgs = new List<MiniCustomAttributeNamedArgInfo>();
for (int j=0; j < numNamed; j++)
String propName, value;
ReadNamedArg(caBlob, ref b, out propName, out value);
namedArgs.Add(new MiniCustomAttributeNamedArgInfo(CorElementType.String, propName, value));
return new MiniCustomAttributeInfo(caReflectedType.Name, fixedArgs.ToArray(), namedArgs.ToArray());
private static string ReadSerString(byte[] bytes, ref uint b)
if (bytes[b] == 0xFF)
return null;
uint len = DecodeInteger(bytes, ref b);
String result = s_encoder.GetString(bytes, (int)b, (int)len);
b+= len;
return result;
private static void ReadNamedArg(byte[] bytes, ref uint b, out String name, out String value)
int fieldOrProperty = bytes[b++];
int fieldOrPropType = bytes[b++];
if (fieldOrPropType != (int)CorElementType.String)
throw new NotImplementedException();
String fieldOrPropName = ReadSerString(bytes, ref b);
name = fieldOrPropName;
String fixedArg = ReadSerString(bytes, ref b);
value = fixedArg;