using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
namespace System.AddIn.MiniReflection.MetadataReader
internal sealed class StreamDesc
private UInt32 offset; // Offset from metadata root
private UInt32 position; // Absolute start in file
internal String Name;
internal StreamDesc(BinaryReader B, UInt32 metadataRoot)
this.offset = B.ReadUInt32();
this.position = offset + metadataRoot;
/*Size =*/ B.ReadUInt32();
int i = 1;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char c;
while ((c = (char)B.ReadByte()) != 0)
i += 1;
while ((i++ & 0x3) != 0)
this.Name = sb.ToString();
// Console.WriteLine("Stream {0}", this.Name);
internal void SeekTo(BinaryReader B, UInt32 Nth)
B.BaseStream.Seek(position + Nth, SeekOrigin.Begin);
internal sealed class PEFileReader : IDisposable
private static readonly UTF8Encoding Encoder = new UTF8Encoding(false, true);
internal BinaryReader B;
private SectionDesc[] Sections;
private UInt32 MetadataRoot; // Absolute start of metadata in file
private StreamDesc[] Streams;
private UInt32 MetaDataDDRVA;
private MDTables metaData;
private bool parsedMetaData;
private string _fileName;
public PEFileReader(String fileName)
_fileName = fileName;
FileStream TheFile = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 4096, FileOptions.RandomAccess);
B = new BinaryReader(TheFile);
B.BaseStream.Seek(0x3C, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Pointer to signature
UInt32 signatureAt = B.ReadUInt32();
B.BaseStream.Seek(signatureAt, SeekOrigin.Begin);
if ((B.ReadByte() != (byte)'P') || (B.ReadByte() != (byte)'E') ||
(B.ReadByte() != 0) || (B.ReadByte() != 0))
throw new BadImageFormatException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Res.BadPEFile, fileName));
// Read the magic number to determine whether this is a PE32 or a PE32+ file
UInt32 MagicAt = signatureAt + 24;
B.BaseStream.Seek(MagicAt, SeekOrigin.Begin);
UInt16 magic = B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 dataDirectoriesOffset = 0;
if (magic == 0x10B) {
dataDirectoriesOffset = 96; // PE32
else if (magic == 0x20B) {
dataDirectoriesOffset = 112; // PE32+ (applies to /platform:x64)
throw new BadImageFormatException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Res.BadPEFile, fileName));
UInt32 PEFileHeaderAt = signatureAt + 4;
UInt32 NSectionsAt = PEFileHeaderAt + 2;
UInt32 PEOptionalHeaderAt = PEFileHeaderAt + 20;
UInt32 CLIHeaderDDAt = PEOptionalHeaderAt + dataDirectoriesOffset + 112;
B.BaseStream.Seek(CLIHeaderDDAt, SeekOrigin.Begin);
UInt32 CLIHeaderRVA = B.ReadUInt32();
MetaDataDDRVA = CLIHeaderRVA + 8;
UInt32 sectionHeadersAt = PEOptionalHeaderAt + dataDirectoriesOffset + 128;
B.BaseStream.Seek(NSectionsAt, SeekOrigin.Begin);
UInt16 NSections = B.ReadUInt16();
B.BaseStream.Seek(sectionHeadersAt, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Sections = new SectionDesc[NSections];
for (UInt16 i = 0; i < NSections; i++)
B.BaseStream.Seek(sectionHeadersAt + i * 40, SeekOrigin.Begin);
public void Dispose()
if (B != null) {
B = null;
private struct SectionDesc
private String Name;
UInt32 VirtualAddress;
UInt32 Size;
UInt32 FileOffset;
internal UInt32 RVAToFileAddress(UInt32 RVA)
{ // returns 0 if not in this section
if ((RVA < VirtualAddress) || (RVA >= VirtualAddress + Size)) return 0;
return (RVA - VirtualAddress) + FileOffset;
private static String ReadString(BinaryReader B, UInt32 NChars)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((Int32)NChars);
for (int i = 1; i <= NChars; i++)
byte Next = B.ReadByte();
sb.Append(Next == 0 ? ' ' : (char)Next);
return sb.ToString();
internal void Read(BinaryReader B)
this.Name = ReadString(B, 8);
// Console.WriteLine("Section {0}", Name);
this.Size = B.ReadUInt32();
this.VirtualAddress = B.ReadUInt32();
B.ReadUInt32(); // SizeOfRawData
this.FileOffset = B.ReadUInt32();
internal MDTables MetaData {
get {
if (!parsedMetaData)
return metaData;
private bool FindStream(String name, out StreamDesc result)
foreach (StreamDesc s in Streams) {
if (s.Name.Equals(name)) {
result = s;
return true;
result = null;
return false;
private String ReadUTF8String(UInt32 NChars)
return Encoder.GetString(B.ReadBytes((Int32) NChars));
private UInt32 RVAToFileAddress(UInt32 RVA)
foreach (SectionDesc s in Sections)
UInt32 FileOffset = s.RVAToFileAddress(RVA);
if (FileOffset != 0) return FileOffset;
throw new BadImageFormatException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Res.BadRVA, _fileName));
private void SeekToRVA(UInt32 RVA)
B.BaseStream.Seek(RVAToFileAddress(RVA), SeekOrigin.Begin);
private static UInt32 PadTo4(UInt32 RVA)
UInt32 Cleared = RVA & ~0x3U;
return (RVA == Cleared) ? RVA : RVA + 0x4U;
internal void InitMetaData()
if (B == null)
throw new ObjectDisposedException(null);
if (parsedMetaData)
UInt32 MetaDataRVA = B.ReadUInt32();
UInt32 MetaDataSize = B.ReadUInt32();
if ((MetaDataRVA == 0) || (MetaDataSize == 0))
throw new BadImageFormatException();
MetadataRoot = RVAToFileAddress(MetaDataRVA);
UInt32 VersionLengthRVA = MetaDataRVA + 12;
UInt32 VersionStringRVA = VersionLengthRVA + 4;
UInt32 VersionLength = B.ReadUInt32();
String Version = ReadUTF8String(VersionLength);
UInt32 FlagsRVA = VersionStringRVA + VersionLength;
UInt32 NStreamsRVA = FlagsRVA + 2;
UInt16 NStreams = B.ReadUInt16();
Streams = new StreamDesc[NStreams];
for (int i = 0; i < NStreams; i++) Streams[i] = new StreamDesc(B, MetadataRoot);
StreamDesc stringStream, blobStream, TablesStream;
if (!FindStream("#~", out TablesStream))
if (!FindStream("#-", out TablesStream))
throw new BadImageFormatException();
if (!FindStream("#Strings", out stringStream))
throw new BadImageFormatException();
if (!FindStream("#Blob", out blobStream))
throw new BadImageFormatException();
TablesStream.SeekTo(B, 0);
metaData = new MDTables(B, stringStream, blobStream);
// metaData.DumpStringHeap();
parsedMetaData = true;
private static String HexChar(int x)
switch (x)
case 0: return "0";
case 1: return "1";
case 2: return "2";
case 3: return "3";
case 4: return "4";
case 5: return "5";
case 6: return "6";
case 7: return "7";
case 8: return "8";
case 9: return "9";
case 10: return "a";
case 11: return "b";
case 12: return "c";
case 13: return "d";
case 14: return "e";
case 15: return "f";
default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("x");
internal static String ByteToHexString(byte b)
String result = HexChar((b & 0xF0) >> 4) + HexChar(b & 0xF);
return result;
internal static String BytesToHexString(byte[] bytes)
if (bytes == null) return null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(2 * bytes.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
return sb.ToString();
public bool GetAssemblyInfo(ref AssemblyInfo result)
// Bunches of test code below here; may be out of date!
UInt32 Flags;
String Name;
MDTables.MetadataToken Parent;
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.XModule, 0);
UInt16 Generation = B.ReadUInt16();
Name = MetaData.ReadString();
UInt32 MvidIndex = MetaData.ReadGUIDIndex();
UInt32 EncIdIndex = MetaData.ReadGUIDIndex();
UInt32 EncBaseIdIndex = MetaData.ReadGUIDIndex();
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < MetaData.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.TypeRef); i++)
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.TypeRef, i);
MDTables.MetadataToken Scope = MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.ResolutionScope);
Name = MetaData.ReadString();
String NameSpace = MetaData.ReadString();
Console.WriteLine("Type ref {0} to {1}, {2} in scope {3}", i, NameSpace, Name, Scope);
UInt32 NRows = MetaData.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef);
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < NRows; i++)
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.MethodDef, i);
UInt32 RVA = B.ReadUInt32();
UInt16 ImplFlags = B.ReadUInt16();
Flags = B.ReadUInt16();
Name = MetaData.ReadString();
UInt32 SigIndex = MetaData.ReadBlobIndex();
UInt32 ParamIndex = MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.ParamDef);
Console.WriteLine("Method {0}: {1}", i, Name);
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < MetaData.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.ParamDef); i++)
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.ParamDef, i);
Flags = B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 Sequence = B.ReadUInt16();
Name = MetaData.ReadString();
Console.WriteLine("Param {0} named {1}", i, Name);
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.InterfaceImpl, 0U);
UInt32 Class = MetaData.ReadRowIndex(MDTables.Tables.TypeDef);
MDTables.MetadataToken Iface = MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.TypeDefOrRef);
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.MemberRef, 3);
MDTables.MetadataToken MemberRefClass = MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.MemberRefParent);
Name = MetaData.ReadString();
UInt32 Signature = MetaData.ReadBlobIndex();
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.FieldMarshal, 0x10U);
Parent = MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.HasFieldMarshall);
UInt32 NativeType = MetaData.ReadBlobIndex();
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.FieldMarshal, 3U);
Parent = MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.HasFieldMarshall);
NativeType = MetaData.ReadBlobIndex();
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.XEvent, 0U);
Flags = B.ReadUInt16();
Name = MetaData.ReadString();
MDTables.MetadataToken EventType = MetaData.ReadMetadataToken(MDTables.Encodings.TypeDefOrRef);
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.XAssembly, 0U);
UInt32 HashAlgorithm = B.ReadUInt32();
UInt16 Major = B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 Minor = B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 Build = B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 Revision = B.ReadUInt16();
Version V = new Version(Major, Minor, Build, Revision);
UInt32 AssemblyFlags = B.ReadUInt32();
byte[] PublicKey = MetaData.ReadBlob();
String SimpleName = MetaData.ReadString();
String Culture = MetaData.ReadString();
if ((Culture != null) && (Culture.Length == 0)) Culture = null;
result = new AssemblyInfo(V, AssemblyFlags, PublicKey, SimpleName, Culture);
return true;
public AssemblyInfo[] GetReferencedAssemblies()
UInt32 NRefs = MetaData.RowsInTable(MDTables.Tables.AssemblyRef);
AssemblyInfo[] result = new AssemblyInfo[NRefs];
for (UInt32 i = 0; i < NRefs; i++)
MetaData.SeekToRowOfTable(MDTables.Tables.AssemblyRef, i);
UInt16 Major = B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 Minor = B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 Build = B.ReadUInt16();
UInt16 Revision = B.ReadUInt16();
Version V = new Version(Major, Minor, Build, Revision);
UInt32 Flags = B.ReadUInt32();
byte[] PublicKey = MetaData.ReadBlob();
String Name = MetaData.ReadString();
String Culture = MetaData.ReadString();
if ((Culture != null) && (Culture.Length == 0)) Culture = null;
// Ignore HashValue, index into Blob heap, which follows
result[i] = new AssemblyInfo(V, Flags, PublicKey, Name, Culture);
return result;