using System;
namespace System.AddIn.MiniReflection.MetadataReader
internal enum CorElementType : byte
End = 0x00,
Void = 0x01,
Boolean = 0x02,
Char = 0x03,
I1 = 0x04,
U1 = 0x05,
I2 = 0x06,
U2 = 0x07,
I4 = 0x08,
U4 = 0x09,
I8 = 0x0A,
U8 = 0x0B,
R4 = 0x0C,
R8 = 0x0D,
String = 0x0E,
Ptr = 0x0F,
ByRef = 0x10,
ValueType = 0x11,
Class = 0x12,
Var = 0x13, // Generic class's type parameter. class C<T> { M(T t) }
Array = 0x14,
GenericInst = 0x15,
TypedByRef = 0x16,
I = 0x18,
U = 0x19,
FnPtr = 0x1B,
Object = 0x1C,
SzArray = 0x1D,
MVar = 0x1E, // Generic method's type parameter. class C { M<T>(T t) }
CModReqd = 0x1F,
CModOpt = 0x20,
Internal = 0x21,
Max = 0x22,
Modifier = 0x40,
Sentinel = 0x41,
Pinned = 0x45,
[Serializable, Flags()]
internal enum MdSigCallingConvention : byte
CallConvMask = 0x0f, // Calling convention is bottom 4 bits
Default = 0x00,
C = 0x01,
StdCall = 0x02,
ThisCall = 0x03,
FastCall = 0x04,
Vararg = 0x05,
Field = 0x06,
LocalSig = 0x07,
Property = 0x08,
Unmgd = 0x09,
GenericInst = 0x0a, // generic method instantiation
Generic = 0x10, // Generic method sig with explicit number of type arguments (precedes ordinary parameter count)
HasThis = 0x20, // Top bit indicates a 'this' parameter
ExplicitThis = 0x40, // This parameter is explicitly in the signature
// Attributes for metadata's File table (ECMA Spec section 23.1.6)
// This is primarily for manifest resources & linked .netmodules.
internal enum MDFileAttributes
ContainsMetaData = 0,
ContainsNoMetaData = 1