File: winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\ComponentModel\COM2Interop\COM2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.Windows.Forms.csproj (System.Windows.Forms)
// <copyright file="COM2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>                                                                
namespace System.Windows.Forms.ComponentModel.Com2Interop {
    using System.Runtime.Remoting;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using System;
    using System.Collections;
    using Microsoft.Win32;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Drawing.Design;
    internal class Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler : Com2ExtendedBrowsingHandler {
        public override Type Interface {
            get {
                return typeof(NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing);
        public override void SetupPropertyHandlers(Com2PropertyDescriptor[] propDesc) {
            if (propDesc == null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < propDesc.Length; i++) {
                propDesc[i].QueryGetBaseAttributes += new GetAttributesEventHandler(this.OnGetBaseAttributes);
                propDesc[i].QueryGetDisplayValue += new GetNameItemEventHandler(this.OnGetDisplayValue);
                propDesc[i].QueryGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor += new GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditorEventHandler(this.OnGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor);
        private Guid GetPropertyPageGuid(NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing target, int dispid) {
            // check for a property page
            Guid guid;
            int hr = target.MapPropertyToPage(dispid, out guid);
            if (hr == NativeMethods.S_OK) {
                return guid;
            return Guid.Empty;
        internal static string GetDisplayString(NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing ppb, int dispid, ref bool success) {
            string[] strVal = new string[1];
            int hr = ppb.GetDisplayString(dispid, strVal);
            if (hr == NativeMethods.S_OK) {
                success = (strVal[0] != null);
                //Debug.Assert(success, "IPerPropertyBrowsing::GetDisplayString returned NULL and S_OK -- this is not a valid state. This component does not property implement IPerPropertyBrowsing. (component class=" + TypeDescriptor.GetClassName(ppb) + ")");
                return strVal[0];
            else {
                success = false;
            return null;
        /// <include file='doc\COM2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.OnGetAttributes"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        /// Here is where we handle IVsPerPropertyBrowsing.GetLocalizedPropertyInfo and IVsPerPropertyBrowsing.   HideProperty
        /// such as IPerPropertyBrowsing, IProvidePropertyBuilder, etc.
        /// </devdoc>
        private void OnGetBaseAttributes(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetAttributesEvent attrEvent) {
            NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing target = sender.TargetObject as NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing;
            if (target != null) {
                // we hide IDispatch props by default, we we need to force showing them here
                bool validPropPage = !Guid.Empty.Equals(GetPropertyPageGuid(target, sender.DISPID));
                if (sender.CanShow && validPropPage) {
                    if (typeof(UnsafeNativeMethods.IDispatch).IsAssignableFrom(sender.PropertyType)) {
        private void OnGetDisplayValue(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetNameItemEvent gnievent) {
            try {
                if (sender.TargetObject is NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing) {
                    // if we are using the dropdown, don't convert the value
                    // or the values will change when we select them and call back
                    // for the display value.
                    if (sender.Converter is Com2IPerPropertyEnumConverter || sender.ConvertingNativeType) {
                    bool success = true;
                    string displayString = GetDisplayString((NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing)sender.TargetObject, sender.DISPID, ref success);
                    if (success) {
                        gnievent.Name = displayString;
            catch {
        private void OnGetTypeConverterAndTypeEditor(Com2PropertyDescriptor sender, GetTypeConverterAndTypeEditorEvent gveevent) {
            if (sender.TargetObject is NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing) {
                NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing ppb = (NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing)sender.TargetObject;
                bool hasStrings = false;
                // check for enums
                NativeMethods.CA_STRUCT caStrings = new NativeMethods.CA_STRUCT();
                NativeMethods.CA_STRUCT caCookies = new NativeMethods.CA_STRUCT();
                int hr = NativeMethods.S_OK;
                try {
                    hr = ppb.GetPredefinedStrings(sender.DISPID, caStrings, caCookies);
                catch(ExternalException ex){
                    hr = ex.ErrorCode;
                    Debug.Fail("An exception occurred inside IPerPropertyBrowsing::GetPredefinedStrings(dispid=" + sender.DISPID + "), object type=" + new ComNativeDescriptor().GetClassName(ppb) + ".  This is caused by an exception (usually an AV) inside the object being browsed, and is not a problem in the properties window.");
                // Terminate the existing editor if we created the current one
                // so if the items have disappeared, we don't hold onto the old
                // items.
                if (gveevent.TypeConverter is Com2IPerPropertyEnumConverter) {
                    gveevent.TypeConverter = null;
                if (hr != NativeMethods.S_OK) {
                    hasStrings = false;
                else {
                    hasStrings = true;
                if (hasStrings) {
                    OleStrCAMarshaler stringMarshaler = new OleStrCAMarshaler(caStrings);
                    Int32CAMarshaler  intMarshaler = new Int32CAMarshaler(caCookies);
                    if (stringMarshaler.Count > 0 && intMarshaler.Count > 0) {
                        gveevent.TypeConverter = new Com2IPerPropertyEnumConverter(new Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingEnum(sender, this, stringMarshaler, intMarshaler, true));
                    else {
                        //hasStrings = false;
               // if we didn't get any strings, try the proppage edtior
               if (!hasStrings){
                 // this is a _bit_ of a backwards-compat work around...
                 // many older ActiveX controls will show a property page
                 // for all properties since the old grid would only put up the
                 // [...] button for "(Custom)".  If we have a conversion editor,
                 // don't allow this to override it...
                 if (sender.ConvertingNativeType){
                 Guid g = GetPropertyPageGuid(ppb, sender.DISPID);
                 if (!Guid.Empty.Equals(g)){
                    gveevent.TypeEditor = new Com2PropertyPageUITypeEditor(sender, g, (UITypeEditor)gveevent.TypeEditor);
         // this is just here so we can identify the enums that we added
         private class Com2IPerPropertyEnumConverter : Com2EnumConverter {
             private Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingEnum itemsEnum;
             public Com2IPerPropertyEnumConverter(Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingEnum items) : base(items) {
                this.itemsEnum = items;
             public override object ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext context, CultureInfo culture, object value, Type destType) {
                 if (destType == typeof(string) && !itemsEnum.arraysFetched) {
                     object curValue =;
                     if (curValue == value || (curValue != null && curValue.Equals(value))) {
                         bool success = false;
                         string val = GetDisplayString((NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing),, ref success);
                         if (success) {
                             return val;
                 return base.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destType);
         // This exists for perf reasons.   We delay doing this until we
         // are actually asked for the array of values. 
         private class Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingEnum : Com2Enum {
             internal Com2PropertyDescriptor target;
             private Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler handler;
             private OleStrCAMarshaler    nameMarshaller;
             private Int32CAMarshaler     valueMarshaller;
             internal bool                 arraysFetched;
             //private bool                 standardValuesQueried;
             public Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingEnum(Com2PropertyDescriptor targetObject, Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler handler, OleStrCAMarshaler names, Int32CAMarshaler values, bool allowUnknowns) : base(new string[0], new object[0], allowUnknowns) {
       = targetObject;
                this.nameMarshaller = names;
                this.valueMarshaller = values;
                this.handler = handler;
                this.arraysFetched = false;
             /// <include file='doc\COM2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingEnum.Values"]/*' />
             /// <devdoc>
             /// Retrieve a copy of the value array
             /// </devdoc>
             public override object[] Values {
                get {
                    return base.Values;
             /// <include file='doc\COM2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingEnum.Names"]/*' />
             /// <devdoc>
             /// Retrieve a copy of the nme array.
             /// </devdoc>
             public override string[] Names {
                get {
                    return base.Names;
             /*internal bool StandardValuesQueried {
                get {
                    this.standardValuesQueried = value;
             } */
             // ensure that we have processed the caStructs into arrays
             // of values and strings
             private void EnsureArrays() {
                if (this.arraysFetched) {
                this.arraysFetched = true;
                try {
                    // marshal the items.
                    object[] nameItems = nameMarshaller.Items;
                    object[] cookieItems=   valueMarshaller.Items;
                    NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing ppb = (NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing)target.TargetObject;
                    int itemCount = 0;
                    Debug.Assert(cookieItems != null && nameItems != null, "An item array is null");
                    if (nameItems.Length > 0){
                        object[] valueItems = new object[cookieItems.Length];
                        NativeMethods.VARIANT var = new NativeMethods.VARIANT();
                        int cookie;
                        Debug.Assert(cookieItems.Length == nameItems.Length, "Got uneven names and cookies");
                        // for each name item, we ask the object for it's corresponding value.
                        Type targetType = target.PropertyType;
                        for (int i = nameItems.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                            cookie = (int)cookieItems[i];
                            if (nameItems[i] == null || !(nameItems[i] is string)) {
                                Debug.Fail("Bad IPerPropertyBrowsing item [" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "], name=" + (nameItems == null ? "(unknown)" : nameItems[i].ToString()));
                            var.vt = (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_EMPTY;
                            int hr = ppb.GetPredefinedValue(target.DISPID, cookie, var);
                            if (hr == NativeMethods.S_OK && var.vt != (short)NativeMethods.tagVT.VT_EMPTY) {
                                valueItems[i] = var.ToObject();
                                if (valueItems[i].GetType() != targetType) {
                                    if (targetType.IsEnum) {
                                        valueItems[i] = Enum.ToObject(targetType, valueItems[i]);
                                    else {
                                        try {
                                            valueItems[i] = Convert.ChangeType(valueItems[i], targetType, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                                        catch {
                                            // oh well...
                            if (hr == NativeMethods.S_OK) {
                            else if (itemCount > 0){
                                // shorten the arrays to ignore the failed ones.  this isn't terribly
                                // efficient but shouldn't happen very often.  It's rare for these to fail.
                                Array.Copy(nameItems, i, nameItems, i+1, itemCount);
                                Array.Copy(valueItems, i, valueItems, i+1, itemCount);
                        // pass this data down to the base Com2Enum object... 
                        string[] strings = new string[itemCount];
                        Array.Copy(nameItems, 0, strings, 0, itemCount);
                        base.PopulateArrays(strings, valueItems);
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    base.PopulateArrays(new string[0], new object[0]);
                    Debug.Fail("Failed to build IPerPropertyBrowsing editor. " + ex.GetType().Name + ", " + ex.Message);
             protected override void PopulateArrays(string[] names, object[] values) {
                // we call base.PopulateArrays directly when we actually want to do this.
             public override object FromString(string s) {
                return base.FromString(s);
             public override string ToString(object v) {
                // If the value is the object's current value, then
                // ask GetDisplay string first.  This is a perf improvement
                // because this way we don't populate the arrays when an object is selected, only
                // when the dropdown is actually opened.
                if (target.IsCurrentValue(v)) {
                    bool success = false;
                    string displayString = Com2IPerPropertyBrowsingHandler.GetDisplayString((NativeMethods.IPerPropertyBrowsing)target.TargetObject, target.DISPID, ref success);
                    if (success) {
                        return displayString;
                // couldn't get a display the normal thing.
                return base.ToString(v);