File: system\reflection\methodimplattributes.cs
Project: ndp\clr\src\bcl\mscorlib.csproj (mscorlib)
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
namespace System.Reflection 
    using System;
    // This Enum matchs the CorMethodImpl defined in CorHdr.h
    public enum MethodImplAttributes
        // code impl mask
        CodeTypeMask       =   0x0003,   // Flags about code type.   
        IL                 =   0x0000,   // Method impl is IL.
        Native             =   0x0001,   // Method impl is native.     
        /// <internalonly/>
        OPTIL              =   0x0002,   // Method impl is OPTIL 
        Runtime            =   0x0003,   // Method impl is provided by the runtime.
        // end code impl mask
        // managed mask
        ManagedMask        =   0x0004,   // Flags specifying whether the code is managed or unmanaged.
        Unmanaged          =   0x0004,   // Method impl is unmanaged, otherwise managed.
        Managed            =   0x0000,   // Method impl is managed.
        // end managed mask
        // implementation info and interop
        ForwardRef         =   0x0010,   // Indicates method is not defined; used primarily in merge scenarios.
        PreserveSig        =   0x0080,   // Indicates method sig is exported exactly as declared.
        InternalCall       =   0x1000,   // Internal Call...
        Synchronized       =   0x0020,   // Method is single threaded through the body.
        NoInlining         =   0x0008,   // Method may not be inlined.
        AggressiveInlining =   0x0100,   // Method should be inlined if possible.
        NoOptimization     =   0x0040,   // Method may not be optimized.
        SecurityMitigations =  0x0400,   // Method may have security mitigation attributes
        MaxMethodImplVal   =   0xFFFF,   // Range check value