111 references to Remove
mscorlib (4)
system\globalization\datetimeparse.cs (2)
4797Value = Value.Remove(i, Value.Length - 1 - i); 4817Value = Value.Remove(1, i);
system\io\path.cs (1)
970return path.Remove(2, 6); // Given \\?\UNC\server\share we return \\server\share => @'\\' + path.SubString(UNCLongPathPrefix.Length) => The actual command simply reduces the operation cost.
system\io\pathinternal.cs (1)
190return path.Remove(2, 6);
PresentationFramework (3)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\AccessText.cs (1)
685text = text.Remove(index, 1);
src\Framework\System\windows\Documents\TextEditorTyping.cs (1)
1558textData = textData.Remove(i--, 1); // decrement i to compensate for character removal
src\Framework\System\Windows\SystemKeyConverter.cs (1)
275return propName.Remove(0, 7); // Remove the "ToolBar" prefix
System (3)
net\System\Net\mail\smtpconnection.cs (1)
254extension.Remove(0, sizeOfAuthExtension).Split(new char[] { ' ', '=' },
net\System\URI.cs (2)
1060str = str.Remove(1, 1); 4618str = str.Remove(dosPathIdx + m_Info.Offset.Path -1, 1);
System.Activities (1)
System\Activities\WorkflowIdentity.cs (1)
263result = result.Remove(i, 1);
System.Activities.Presentation (2)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\ErrorReporting.cs (2)
78stackTrace = stackTrace.Remove(0, stackTrace.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1); 91stackTrace = stackTrace.Remove(0, stackTrace.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
System.Data (4)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\ErrorReporting.cs (2)
78stackTrace = stackTrace.Remove(0, stackTrace.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1); 91stackTrace = stackTrace.Remove(0, stackTrace.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine, StringComparison.Ordinal) + 1);
fx\src\data\System\Data\Sql\SqlMetaData.cs (2)
759value = value.Remove((int)MaxLength, (int)(value.Length - MaxLength)); 894value = new SqlString(value.Value.Remove((int)MaxLength, (int)(value.Value.Length - MaxLength)));
System.Data.Entity (1)
System\Data\Metadata\MetadataCache.cs (1)
158paths = paths.Remove(macroPathBeginIndex, indexEnd - macroPathBeginIndex);
System.Data.Entity.Design (30)
System\Data\Entity\Design\PluralizationService\EnglishPluralizationService.cs (29)
421(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "en", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 429(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ice", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 436(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eeth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 442(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "eese", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 448(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "eet", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 454(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oa", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 460(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "es", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 480(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ces", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 506(s) => s.EndsWith("deaf", true, this.Culture) ? s : s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 513(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "ves", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 530return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1) + "ies"; 636(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "an", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 644(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "ouse", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 651(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "ooth", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 657(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 4, 4) + "oose", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 663(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "oot", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 669(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2) + "oon", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 677(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 698(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "x", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 705(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 718(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "f", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 725(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 3, 3) + "fe", this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 733(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 742return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 3, 3) + "y"; 753(s) => suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 765(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 1, 1), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 772(s) => s.Remove(s.Length - 2, 2), this.Culture, out newSuffixWord)) 779return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 2, 2); 789return prefixWord + suffixWord.Remove(suffixWord.Length - 1, 1);
System\Data\EntityModel\Emitters\FixUp.cs (1)
223line = line.Remove(idx, str1.Length);
System.Data.Services (3)
System\Data\Services\Parsing\WebConvert.cs (3)
222s = s.Remove(i, 1); 597s = s.Remove(i, 1); 790text = text.Remove(0, prefix.Length);
System.Data.Services.Design (1)
System\Data\EntityModel\Emitters\FixUp.cs (1)
221line = line.Remove(idx, str1.Length);
System.Management (29)
managementquery.cs (29)
124 q = q.Remove (0, token.Length).TrimStart (null); 133 q = q.Remove(0, op.Length).TrimStart(null); 146 q = q.Remove (0, tokenValue.Length).TrimStart(null); 155 q = q.Remove (0, token.Length).TrimStart (null); 992 q = q.Remove(0, i+1).TrimStart(null); 1002 q = q.Remove(0, i).TrimStart(null); 1012 q = q.Remove(0, 1).TrimStart(null); 1041 q = q.Remove (0, keyword.Length).TrimStart (null); 1047 q = q.Remove (0, 1).TrimStart (null); 1056 q = q.Remove (0, keyword.Length).TrimStart (null); 1065 q = q.Remove (0, keyword.Length).TrimStart (null); 1077 q = q.Remove (0, keyword.Length); 1651 q = q.Remove(0, tokenAssociators.Length); 1664 q = q.Remove(0, tokenOf.Length).TrimStart (null); 1671 q = q.Remove(0, 1).TrimStart(null); 1678 q = q.Remove(0, i+1).TrimStart(null); 1687 q = q.Remove (0, tokenWhere.Length); 2166 q = q.Remove(0, tokenReferences.Length); 2179 q = q.Remove(0, tokenOf.Length).TrimStart (null); 2186 q = q.Remove(0, 1).TrimStart(null); 2193 q = q.Remove(0, i+1).TrimStart(null); 2202 q = q.Remove (0, tokenWhere.Length); 3032 q = q.Remove(0, keyword.Length).TrimStart(null); 3036 q = q.Remove(0, 1).TrimStart(null); 3059 q = q.Remove(0, i); 3069 q = q.Remove(0, keyword.Length); 3081 q = q.Remove(0, i+1).TrimStart(null); 3091 q = q.Remove(0, i).TrimStart(null); 3108 q = q.Remove(0, keyword.Length);
System.ServiceModel (1)
System\ServiceModel\Diagnostics\PerformanceCountersBase.cs (1)
95string returnVal = str.Remove(startIndex, count);
System.ServiceModel.Web (1)
System\ServiceModel\Web\CachingParameterInspector.cs (1)
234str = str.Remove(currentIndex, 1);
System.Web (1)
Cache\SqlCacheDependency.cs (1)
326s = s.Remove(i, 1);
System.Web.DataVisualization (4)
Common\DataManager\DataPoint.cs (2)
2576result = result.Remove(keyIndex, keyEndIndex - keyIndex); 2639result = result.Remove(keyStartIndex, keyEndIndex - keyStartIndex);
Common\DataManager\DataSeries.cs (2)
1242 result = result.Remove(keyIndex, keyEndIndex - keyIndex); 1349 result = result.Remove(keyIndex, keyEndIndex - keyIndex);
System.Web.Entity.Design (1)
System\Data\WebControls\Design\EntityDataSourceDesignerHelper.cs (1)
901metadataPaths = metadataPaths.Remove(macroPathBeginIndex, indexEnd - macroPathBeginIndex);
System.Web.Extensions (1)
UI\WebControls\Dynamic.cs (1)
943s = s.Remove(i, 1);
System.Web.Mobile (9)
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\ChtmlCalendarAdapter.cs (2)
471abbreviatedYearMonthPattern.Remove(indexComma, 1); 711pattern = pattern.Remove(i, 1);
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\WmlCalendarAdapter.cs (2)
453abbreviatedYearMonthPattern.Remove(indexComma, 1); 688pattern = pattern.Remove(i, 1);
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\WmlMobileTextWriter.cs (1)
878queryString = queryString.Remove(valueStart, length);
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\XhtmlAdapters\XhtmlBasicCalendarAdapter.cs (2)
415abbreviatedYearMonthPattern.Remove(indexComma, 1); 634pattern = pattern.Remove(i, 1);
UI\MobileControls\Adapters\XhtmlAdapters\XhtmlBasicControlAdapter.cs (1)
758queryString = queryString.Remove(pos, pos2-pos+1);
UI\MobileControls\MobilePage.cs (1)
594queryStringText = queryStringText.Remove(i, j-i+1);
System.Windows.Forms (1)
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\TrustManagerPromptUI.cs (1)
704return text.Remove(ampIndex - 1, 4);
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (4)
Common\DataManager\DataPoint.cs (2)
2576result = result.Remove(keyIndex, keyEndIndex - keyIndex); 2639result = result.Remove(keyStartIndex, keyEndIndex - keyStartIndex);
Common\DataManager\DataSeries.cs (2)
1242 result = result.Remove(keyIndex, keyEndIndex - keyIndex); 1349 result = result.Remove(keyIndex, keyEndIndex - keyIndex);
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (3)
AuthoringOM\Compiler\XomlCompilerHelpers.cs (3)
328options = options.Remove(startPos - 1, length + 1); 332options = options.Remove(startPos, length + 1); 336options = options.Remove(startPos, length);
UIAutomationClientsideProviders (4)
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\CommonRemoteMemoryBlock.cs (1)
148str = str.Remove(nullTermination, maxLength - nullTermination);
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\Misc.cs (1)
615str = str.Remove(nullTermination, maxLength - nullTermination);
MS\Internal\AutomationProxies\WindowsMenu.cs (2)
2649menuText = menuText.Remove(nullTermination, readSize - nullTermination); 2759return menuRawText.Remove(0, pos + 1);