19 references to Stack
mscorlib (3)
system\collections\stack.cs (2)
61public Stack(ICollection col) : this((col==null ? 32 : col.Count)) 101Stack s = new Stack(_size);
system\environment.cs (1)
181rh.currentlyLoading = new Stack(4);
PresentationBuildTasks (2)
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\ParserContext.cs (1)
503_langSpaceStack = new Stack(1);
Framework\System\Windows\Markup\TemplateXamlParser.cs (1)
1876Stack _elementTypeStack = new Stack(5);
PresentationCore (1)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Media\Animation\Subtree.cs (1)
304_indexStack = new Stack(9);
PresentationFramework (7)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Documents\ParentUndoUnit.cs (1)
505_units = new Stack(2);
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Documents\UndoManager.cs (2)
85_redoStack = new Stack(2); 695value = new Stack(2);
src\Framework\MS\Internal\IO\Packaging\XamlFilter.cs (1)
131_contextStack = new Stack(32);
src\Framework\System\Windows\Markup\ParserContext.cs (2)
373_nameScopeStack = new Stack(2); 503_langSpaceStack = new Stack(1);
src\Framework\System\Windows\Style.cs (1)
607Stack basedOnHierarchy = new Stack(10); // 10 because that's the default value (see MSDN) and the perf team wants us to specify something.
System.Data (2)
fx\src\data\System\Data\XmlDataLoader.cs (2)
52childRowsStack = new Stack(50); 78childRowsStack = new Stack(50);
System.Runtime.Remoting (2)
metadata\wsdlparser.cs (2)
3031private Stack _currentReaderStack = new Stack(5); 3032private Stack _currentSchemaReaderStack = new Stack(5);
System.Web (1)
UI\Html32TextWriter.cs (1)
80_fontStack = new Stack(3);
System.Web.Mobile (1)
UI\MobileControls\Design\Util\SimpleParser.cs (1)
272_tagStack = new Stack(initialCapacity);