File: UI\MobileControls\Design\Util\SimpleParser.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\mit\System\Web\System.Web.Mobile.csproj (System.Web.Mobile)
// <copyright file="SimpleParser.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>                                                                
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web.Util;
using System.Web.UI.MobileControls;
namespace System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Util
    [Obsolete("The System.Web.Mobile.dll assembly has been deprecated and should no longer be used. For information about how to develop ASP.NET mobile applications, see")]
    internal class SimpleParser : BaseParser
        private const int _stackInitialSize = 100;
        private static Regex _unclosedTagRegex = null;
        private const RegexOptions _options = 
            RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.Multiline;
        private const String _pattern = 
            @"\G<(?<tagname>[\w:\.]+)" +
            @"(" +
            @"\s+(?<attrname>\w[-\w:]*)(" +                     // Attribute name
            @"\s*=\s*""(?<attrval>[^""]*)""|" +                 // ="bar" attribute value
            @"\s*=\s*'(?<attrval>[^']*)'|" +                    // ='bar' attribute value
            @"\s*=\s*(?<attrval><%#.*?%>)|" +                   // =<%#expr%> attribute value
            @"\s*=\s*(?!'|"")(?<attrval>[^\s=/>]*)(?!'|"")|" +  // =bar attribute value
            @"(?<attrval>\s*?)" +                               // no attrib value (with no '=')
            @")" +
            @")*" +
        private static ElementTable _endTagOptionalElement = null;
        private readonly static Regex _tagRegex = new TagRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _directiveRegex = new DirectiveRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _endtagRegex = new EndTagRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _aspCodeRegex = new AspCodeRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _aspExprRegex = new AspExprRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _databindExprRegex = new DatabindExprRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _commentRegex = new CommentRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _includeRegex = new IncludeRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _textRegex = new TextRegex();
        // Regexes used in DetectSpecialServerTagError
        private readonly static Regex _gtRegex = new GTRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _ltRegex = new LTRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _serverTagsRegex = new ServerTagsRegex();
        private readonly static Regex _runatServerRegex = new RunatServerRegex();
/* Regex patterns
        AspCodeRegex : \G<%(?!@)(?<code>.*?)%>
        AspExprRegex : \G<%\s*?=(?<code>.*?)?%>
        CommentRegex : \G<%--(([^-]*)-)*?-%>
        DataBindExprRegex : \G<%#(?<code>.*?)?%>
        DirectiveRegex : \G<%\s*@(\s*(?<attrname>\w+(?=\W))(\s*(?<equal>=)\s*"(?<attrval>[^"]*)"|\s*(?<equal>=)\s*'(?<attrval>[^']*)'|\s*(?<equal>=)\s*(?<attrval>[^\s%>]*)|(?<equal>)(?<attrval>\s*?)))*\s*?%>
        EndTagRegex : \G</(?<tagname>[\w:\.]+)\s*>
        GTRegex : [^%]>
        IncludeRegex : \G<!--\s*#(?i:include)\s*(?<pathtype>[\w]+)\s*=\s*["']?(?<filename>[^\"']*?)["']?\s*-->
        LTRegex : <
        RunATServerRegex : runat\W*server
        ServerTagsRegex : <%(?!#)(([^%]*)%)*?>
        TagRegex : \G<(?<tagname>[\w:\.]+)(\s+(?<attrname>[-\w]+)(\s*=\s*"(?<attrval>[^"]*)"|\s*=\s*'(?<attrval>[^']*)'|\s*=\s*(?<attrval><%#.*?%>)|\s*=\s*(?<attrval>[^\s=/>]*)|(?<attrval>\s*?)))*\s*(?<empty>/)?>
        TextRegex : \G[^<]+
        //SimpleDirectiveRegex simpleDirectiveRegex = new SimpleDirectiveRegex();
        // static helper type should not be instantiated.
        private SimpleParser() {
        static SimpleParser()
            _unclosedTagRegex = new Regex(_pattern, _options);
            _endTagOptionalElement = new ElementTable();
            /* following defnitions from MSDN Online WorkShop
                new String[] {
                                 "area", "base", "basefront", "bgsound", "br",
                                 "col", "colgroup", "dd", "dt", "embed", "frame",
                                 "hr", "img", "input", "isindex", "li", "link",
                                 "meta", "option", "p", "param", "rt"
        /// <summary>
        ///     Simple parsing to check if input fragment is well-formed,
        ///     HTML elements that do not required end tags (i.e. <BR>)
        ///     will be ignored by this parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">
        ///     text being parsed
        /// </param>
        internal static bool IsWellFormed(String text)
            int textPos = 0;
            TagStack stack = new TagStack();
            for (;;) 
                Match match = null;
                // 1: scan for text up to the next tag.
                if ((match = _textRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    textPos = match.Index + match.Length;
                // we might be done now
                if (textPos == text.Length)
                    while (!stack.IsEmpty())
                        if (!IsEndTagOptional(stack.Pop()))
                            return false;
                    return true;
                // First check if it's a unclosed tag (i.e. <mobile:Form >)
                if ((match = _unclosedTagRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    String startTag = match.Groups["tagname"].Value;
                // Check to see if it's a tag
                else if ((match = _tagRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    // skip
                // Check to see if it's an end tag
                else if ((match = _endtagRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    String endTag = match.Groups["tagname"].Value;
                    bool matched = false;
                    while (!stack.IsEmpty())
                        String startTag = stack.Pop();
                        if (String.Compare(endTag, startTag, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != 0)
                            if (IsEndTagOptional(startTag))
                            // no match against start tag that requires an end tag
                            return false;
                        // we found a match here.
                        matched = true;
                    if (!matched && stack.IsEmpty())
                        return false;
                // Check to see if it's a directive (i.e. <%@ %> block)
                else if ((match = _directiveRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    // skip
                // Check to see if it's a server side include
                // e.g. <!-- #include file="" -->
                else if ((match = _includeRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    // skip it
                // Check to see if it's a comment (<%-- --%> block
                // e.g. <!-- Blah! -->
                else if ((match = _commentRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    // skip
                // Check to see if it's an asp expression block (i.e. <%= %> block)
                else if ((match = _aspExprRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    // skip
                // Check to see if it's a databinding expression block (i.e. <%# %> block)
                // This does not include <%# %> blocks used as values for
                // attributes of server tags.
                else if ((match = _databindExprRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    // skip
                // Check to see if it's an asp code block
                else if ((match = _aspCodeRegex.Match(text, textPos)).Success)
                    // skip
                // Did we process the block that started with a '<'?
                if (match == null || !match.Success) 
                    // Skip the '<'
                    textPos = match.Index + match.Length;
                // we might be done now
                if (textPos == text.Length)
                    while (!stack.IsEmpty())
                        if (!IsEndTagOptional(stack.Pop()))
                            return false;
                    return true;
        private static bool IsEndTagOptional(String element)
            return (_endTagOptionalElement.Contains(element));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Private class used to store lowercase tags in a stack
        ///     return String.Empty if stack is empty 
        /// </summary>
        private class TagStack
            private Stack _tagStack = null;
            internal TagStack() : this(_stackInitialSize) 
            internal TagStack(int initialCapacity)
                _tagStack = new Stack(initialCapacity);
            internal void Push(String tagName)
            internal String Pop()
                if (IsEmpty())
                    return String.Empty;
                return (String)_tagStack.Pop();
            internal bool IsEmpty()
                return (_tagStack.Count == 0);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Private class used to store recognizable lowercase elements
        ///     return true if element is in the list, otherwise false 
        /// </summary>
        private class ElementTable
            private Hashtable _table = null;
            internal ElementTable() : this(_stackInitialSize) 
            internal ElementTable(int initialCapacity)
                _table = new Hashtable(initialCapacity, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            internal void Add(String key)
                _table.Add(key, true);
            internal bool Contains(String key)
                return (_table.Contains(key));
            internal void AddRange(String[] keysCollection)
                foreach (String key in keysCollection)