320 instantiations of Point3D
System.Web.DataVisualization (320)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (6)
2218annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY, positionZ); 2734 annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D((float)relativeX, (float)relativeY, positionZ); 2735 annot3DPoints[1] = new Point3D((float)(relativeX + relativeWidth), (float)(relativeY + relativeHeight), positionZ); 2736 annot3DPoints[2] = new Point3D((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY, positionZ); 3525 annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY, positionZ); 4086annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY, positionZ);
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (12)
1511 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1512 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1513 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1517 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1518 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1519 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1527 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1528 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1529 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1533 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1534 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1535 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ );
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (4)
1775 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth/2f)); 2083 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth), 2084 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth) }; 2213 private Point3D _areaProjectionCenter = new Point3D(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN);
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (9)
764 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, yPosition, zPosition); 1173 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1174 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1175 points[2] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition(point.YValues[2]), seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1176 points[3] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition(point.YValues[3]), seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1177 points[4] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition(point.YValues[4]), seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1178 points[5] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition(point.YValues[5]), seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1441 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1442 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f);
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (1)
1358marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth));
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (5)
832 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, yPosition, zPosition); 1305 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1306 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1469 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1470 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f);
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (2)
606 points[0] = new Point3D(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, seriesZCoordinate); 607 points[1] = new Point3D(secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y, seriesZCoordinate);
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (1)
452 points[0] = new Point3D(location.X, location.Y, this.seriesZCoordinate);
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (30)
3079 points[(int)PiePoints.Top180] = new Point3D( 3085 points[(int)PiePoints.Bottom180] = new Point3D( 3091 points[(int)PiePoints.Top0] = new Point3D( 3097 points[(int)PiePoints.Bottom0] = new Point3D( 3103 points[(int)PiePoints.TopStart] = new Point3D( 3109 points[(int)PiePoints.TopEnd] = new Point3D( 3115 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomStart] = new Point3D( 3121 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomEnd] = new Point3D( 3127 points[(int)PiePoints.TopCenter] = new Point3D( 3133 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomCenter] = new Point3D( 3139 points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLine] = new Point3D( 3156 points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLineout] = new Point3D( 3164 points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelCenter] = new Point3D( 3171 points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelCenter] = new Point3D( 3179 points[(int)PiePoints.TopRectTopLeftPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.X,rectangle.Y,pieWidth); 3182 points[(int)PiePoints.TopRectBottomRightPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.Right,rectangle.Bottom,pieWidth); 3185 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomRectTopLeftPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.X,rectangle.Y,0); 3188 points[(int)PiePoints.BottomRectBottomRightPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.Right,rectangle.Bottom,0); 3193 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTop180] = new Point3D( 3199 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottom180] = new Point3D( 3205 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTop0] = new Point3D( 3211 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottom0] = new Point3D( 3217 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTopStart] = new Point3D( 3223 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTopEnd] = new Point3D( 3229 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottomStart] = new Point3D( 3235 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottomEnd] = new Point3D( 3243 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTopRectTopLeftPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.X,rectangle.Y,pieWidth); 3246 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutTopRectBottomRightPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.Right,rectangle.Bottom,pieWidth); 3249 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottomRectTopLeftPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.X,rectangle.Y,0); 3252 points[(int)PiePoints.DoughnutBottomRectBottomRightPoint] = new Point3D(rectangle.Right,rectangle.Bottom,0);
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (2)
1192 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + ((this.middleMarker) ? pointEx.depth/2f : pointEx.depth))); 1745 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (27)
1481 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1482 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1483 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1487 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1488 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1489 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1497 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1498 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1499 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1503 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth ); 1504 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1505 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ ); 1541 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1542 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1543 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1547 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1548 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1549 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1557 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1558 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1559 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1563 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1564 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1565 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1702 points3D[0] = new Point3D((float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1703 points3D[1] = new Point3D((float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1704 points3D[2] = new Point3D((float)thirdPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.yPosition, positionZ);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (1)
1511points[0] = new Point3D((float)pointEx.xPosition, (float)(pointEx.yPosition + pointEx.height) / 2f, positionZ + depth);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (2)
1996 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth), 1997 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth) };
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (1)
1879marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth));
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (17)
1243 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1244 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1352 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1353 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f); 1634 points[0] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Y, zPosition + depth/2f); 1635 points[1] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, zPosition + depth/2f); 1678points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, open, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1679points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition - width / 2f, open + height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1680points[2] = new Point3D(xPosition - width / 2f, open - height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1705points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, close, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1706points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition + width / 2f, close + height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1707points[2] = new Point3D(xPosition + width / 2f, close - height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f); 1734 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition - width/2f, open, zPosition + depth/2f); 1735 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, open, zPosition + depth/2f); 1752 points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, close, zPosition + depth/2f); 1753 points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition + width/2f, close, zPosition + depth/2f); 1895 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(
Common\General\Axis.cs (17)
2341 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition), 2342 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition) }; 2360 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition), 2361 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y - 20f, zPosition) }; 2696points3D[i] = new Point3D(points[i].X, points[i].Y, zPositon); 2800new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 2801new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 2830new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 2831new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 2861new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, ChartArea.areaSceneDepth), 2862new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 2893new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, ChartArea.areaSceneDepth), 2894new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, 0f), 6421axisPoints[0] = new Point3D(0f, axisPosition, zPosition); 6422axisPoints[1] = new Point3D(100f, axisPosition, zPosition); 6426axisPoints[0] = new Point3D(axisPosition, 0f, zPosition); 6427axisPoints[1] = new Point3D(axisPosition, 100f, zPosition);
Common\General\ChartArea3D.cs (40)
1313 points[0] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Y, zPosition ); 1314 points[1] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Bottom, zPosition ); 1319 points[2] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Bottom, zPosition ); 1320 points[3] = new Point3D( plottingRect.Right, plottingRect.Bottom, zPosition ); 1325 points[4] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Y, zPosition ); 1326 points[5] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Bottom, zPosition ); 1331 points[6] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Y, zPosition ); 1332 points[7] = new Point3D( plottingRect.Right, plottingRect.Y, zPosition ); 1339 points[0] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Bottom, zPosition ); 1340 points[1] = new Point3D( plottingRect.Right, plottingRect.Bottom, zPosition ); 1345 points[2] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Y, zPosition ); 1346 points[3] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Bottom, zPosition ); 1351 points[4] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Y, zPosition ); 1352 points[5] = new Point3D( plottingRect.Right, plottingRect.Y, zPosition ); 1357 points[6] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Y, zPosition ); 1358 points[7] = new Point3D( plottingRect.X, plottingRect.Bottom, zPosition ); 1627 Point3D areaProjectionCenter = new Point3D(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN); 1921 private Point3D _areaProjectionCenter = new Point3D(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN); 2061 points[0] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, 0f); 2062 points[1] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.Right, this.PlotAreaPosition.Y, this.areaSceneDepth); 2075 Point3D resultPoint = new Point3D( 2101 Point3D middlePoint = new Point3D( 2178 pointsSurface[0] = new Point3D(point1.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Y, 0f); 2179 pointsSurface[1] = new Point3D(point1.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, 0f); 2180 pointsSurface[2] = new Point3D(point1.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, this.areaSceneDepth); 2185 pointsSurface[0] = new Point3D(point2.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Y, 0f); 2186 pointsSurface[1] = new Point3D(point2.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, 0f); 2187 pointsSurface[2] = new Point3D(point2.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, this.areaSceneDepth); 2199 pointsSurface[0] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, point1.Y, this.areaSceneDepth); 2200 pointsSurface[1] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, point1.Y, 0f); 2201 pointsSurface[2] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.Right, point1.Y, 0f); 2206 pointsSurface[0] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, point2.Y, this.areaSceneDepth); 2207 pointsSurface[1] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, point2.Y, 0f); 2208 pointsSurface[2] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.Right, point2.Y, 0f); 2220 pointsSurface[0] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Y, point1.Z); 2221 pointsSurface[1] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, point1.Z); 2222 pointsSurface[2] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.Right, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, point1.Z); 2227 pointsSurface[0] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Y, point2.Z); 2228 pointsSurface[1] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.X, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, point2.Z); 2229 pointsSurface[2] = new Point3D(this.PlotAreaPosition.Right, this.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom, point2.Z);
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (77)
350 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 351 new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 372 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 373 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, area.areaSceneDepth), 388 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 389 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, area.areaSceneDepth), 1213 points3D[0] = new Point3D((float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1214 points3D[1] = new Point3D((float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1215 points3D[2] = new Point3D((float)thirdPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1216 points3D[3] = new Point3D((float)fourthPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 1469 points3D[index] = new Point3D(polygonPointsFront[index].X, polygonPointsFront[index].Y, positionZ); 2090 points3D[0] = new Point3D((float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth); 2091 points3D[1] = new Point3D((float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ + depth); 2092 points3D[2] = new Point3D((float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)secondPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 2093 points3D[3] = new Point3D((float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)firstPoint.yPosition, positionZ); 2866 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 2867 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 2868 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 2869 cubePoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 2872 cubePoints[4] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ ); 2873 cubePoints[5] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 2874 cubePoints[6] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 2875 cubePoints[7] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ ); 3103 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3104 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3105 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3106 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3109 gradientPoints[4] = new Point3D( position.X + position.Width / 2f, position.Top + sizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3110 gradientPoints[5] = new Point3D( position.X + position.Width / 2f, position.Bottom - sizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3114 gradientPoints[4] = new Point3D( position.X + sizeRel.Width, position.Top + position.Height / 2f, positionZ + depth ); 3115 gradientPoints[5] = new Point3D( position.Right - sizeRel.Width, position.Top + position.Height / 2f, positionZ + depth ); 3260 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Left, gradientRect.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3261 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Left, gradientRect.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3262 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Right, gradientRect.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3263 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Right, gradientRect.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3316 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Left, gradientRect.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3317 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Left, gradientRect.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3318 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Right, gradientRect.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3319 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( gradientRect.Right, gradientRect.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3372 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3373 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3374 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3375 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right - shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Top + shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3376 gradientPoints[4] = new Point3D( position.Left + shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Top + shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3377 gradientPoints[5] = new Point3D( position.Left + shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Bottom - shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3403 gradientPoints[0] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Top, positionZ + depth ); 3404 gradientPoints[1] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3405 gradientPoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Left, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3406 gradientPoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Left + shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Bottom - shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3407 gradientPoints[4] = new Point3D( position.Right - shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Bottom - shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3408 gradientPoints[5] = new Point3D( position.Right - shadowSizeRel.Width, position.Top + shadowSizeRel.Height, positionZ + depth ); 3483 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ); 3607Point3D[] centerPoint = new Point3D[] { new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ + markerRelativeSize.Width) }; 3734 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 3735 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3736 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3737 cubePoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 3740 cubePoints[4] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ ); 3741 cubePoints[5] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 3742 cubePoints[6] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 3743 cubePoints[7] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ ); 3979 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3980 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3981 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3982 cubePoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3985 cubePoints[4] = new Point3D( middleXValue, position.Y, positionZ + depth ); 3986 cubePoints[5] = new Point3D( middleXValue, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth ); 3987 cubePoints[6] = new Point3D( middleXValue, position.Bottom, positionZ ); 3988 cubePoints[7] = new Point3D( middleXValue, position.Y, positionZ ); 3992 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Y, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3993 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Y, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3994 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( position.X, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3995 cubePoints[3] = new Point3D( position.Right, position.Bottom, positionZ + depth / 2f ); 3998 cubePoints[4] = new Point3D( position.Right, middleYValue, positionZ + depth ); 3999 cubePoints[5] = new Point3D( position.X, middleYValue, positionZ + depth ); 4000 cubePoints[6] = new Point3D( position.X, middleYValue, positionZ ); 4001 cubePoints[7] = new Point3D( position.Right, middleYValue, positionZ );
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (20)
865 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 866 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f); 873 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, axisPosition, wallZPosition); 874 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - _size - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 881 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, axisPosition, wallZPosition); 882 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - _size/2 - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 906 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 907 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f); 914 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 915 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 922 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 923 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size/2 - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 947 point3 = new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 948 point4 = new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, 0f); 955 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 956 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 964 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 965 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size/2 - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 983 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, wallZPosition), 984 new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, wallZPosition),
Common\General\Label.cs (13)
2302rectPoints[0] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2303rectPoints[1] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2f, labelsZPosition); 2304rectPoints[2] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2312rectPoints[0] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2313rectPoints[1] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2f, labelsZPosition); 2314rectPoints[2] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2324rectPoints[0] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2325rectPoints[1] = new Point3D(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2326rectPoints[2] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, labelsZPosition); 2355rectPoints[0] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2356rectPoints[1] = new Point3D(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2357rectPoints[2] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Y, labelsZPosition); 2465labelPositionPoints[0] = new Point3D(initialRect.X, initialRect.Bottom - _axis.totlaGroupingLabelsSize - _axis.totlaGroupingLabelsSizeAdjustment, labelsZPosition);
Common\General\Matrix3D.cs (24)
804 points[0] = new Point3D(-dx/2, -dy/2, dz/2); 805 points[1] = new Point3D(dx/2, -dy/2, dz/2); 806 points[2] = new Point3D(dx/2, dy/2, dz/2); 807 points[3] = new Point3D(-dx/2, dy/2, dz/2); 812 points[4] = new Point3D(-dx/2, -dy/2, -dz/2); 813 points[5] = new Point3D(dx/2, -dy/2, -dz/2); 814 points[6] = new Point3D(dx/2, dy/2, -dz/2); 815 points[7] = new Point3D(-dx/2, dy/2, -dz/2); 835 _lightVectors[0] = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 0F ); 838 _lightVectors[1] = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F ); 841 _lightVectors[2] = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, -1F ); 844 _lightVectors[3] = new Point3D( -1F, 0F, 0F ); 847 _lightVectors[4] = new Point3D( 1F, 0F, 0F ); 850 _lightVectors[5] = new Point3D( 0F, -1F, 0F ); 853 _lightVectors[6] = new Point3D( 0F, 1F, 0F ); 944 Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, -1F ); 981 Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F ); 1028 lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F ); 1043 Point3D firstVector = new Point3D(); 1048 Point3D secondVector = new Point3D(); 1054 Point3D normalVector = new Point3D(); 1134 Point3D firstVector = new Point3D(); 1139 Point3D secondVector = new Point3D(); 1145 Point3D normalVector = new Point3D();
Common\General\Selection.cs (3)
3107points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3147points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3308annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D(pf.X, pf.Y, positionZ);
Common\General\StripLine.cs (6)
704textSizeProjection[0] = new Point3D(0f, 0f, zPositon); 705textSizeProjection[1] = new Point3D(size.Width, 0f, zPositon); 706textSizeProjection[2] = new Point3D(0f, size.Height, zPositon); 757rotationCenterProjection[0] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPositon); 760rotationCenterProjection[1] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y - 20f, zPositon); 764rotationCenterProjection[1] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, zPositon);
170 references to Point3D
System.Web.DataVisualization (170)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (8)
2217Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[1]; 2733 Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[3]; 3524 Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[1]; 4085Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (2)
1505 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[3];
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (5)
1774 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1]; 2082Point3D[] rotationCenterProjection = new Point3D[] { 2213 private Point3D _areaProjectionCenter = new Point3D(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN);
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (6)
763 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[1]; 1172 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[6]; 1440 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2];
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (2)
1357Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (6)
831 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[1]; 1304 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1468 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2];
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (2)
599 Point3D [] points = new Point3D[2];
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (2)
450 Point3D [] points = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (4)
3063 Point3D [] points; 3069 points = new Point3D[29]; 3074 points = new Point3D[17]; 3261 foreach( Point3D point in points )
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (4)
1191 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1]; 1744 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (5)
1475 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[3]; 1535 cubePoints = new Point3D[3]; 1701 Point3D [] points3D = new Point3D[3];
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (2)
1510Point3D[] points = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (2)
1995Point3D[] rotationCenterProjection = new Point3D[] {
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (2)
1878Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1];
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (14)
1242 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1351 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1633 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1677Point3D[] points = new Point3D[3]; 1733 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1751 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 1894 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1];
Common\General\Axis.cs (7)
2336Point3D[] rotationCenterPoints = null; 2340rotationCenterPoints = new Point3D[] { 2359rotationCenterPoints = new Point3D[] { 2693Point3D[] points3D = new Point3D[points.Length]; 6418Point3D[] axisPoints = new Point3D[2];
Common\General\ChartArea3D.cs (15)
622 public void TransformPoints( Point3D[] points ) 625 foreach(Point3D pt in points) 1305 Point3D [] points = new Point3D[8]; 1627 Point3D areaProjectionCenter = new Point3D(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN); 1921 private Point3D _areaProjectionCenter = new Point3D(float.NaN, float.NaN, float.NaN); 2057 internal Point3D GetCenterOfProjection(COPCoordinates coord) 2060 Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2]; 2075 Point3D resultPoint = new Point3D( 2101 Point3D middlePoint = new Point3D( 2160 Point3D point1, 2161 Point3D point2, 2166 Point3D[] pointsSurface = new Point3D[3];
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (31)
414 Point3D firstPoint, 415 Point3D secondPoint, 423 Point3D [] points = new Point3D[] {firstPoint, secondPoint}; 1212 Point3D [] points3D = new Point3D[4]; 1466 Point3D[] points3D = new Point3D[nonNullPoints]; 2089 Point3D [] points3D = new Point3D[4]; 2861 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[8]; 3102 Point3D[] gradientPoints = new Point3D[6]; 3259 Point3D[] gradientPoints = new Point3D[4]; 3315 gradientPoints = new Point3D[4]; 3371 Point3D[] gradientPoints = new Point3D[6]; 3482 Point3D[] marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1]; 3607Point3D[] centerPoint = new Point3D[] { new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ + markerRelativeSize.Width) }; 3731 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[8]; 3758 internal SurfaceNames GetVisibleSurfacesWithPerspective(Point3D[] cubePoints) 3814 internal static bool IsSurfaceVisible( Point3D first, Point3D second, Point3D tree ) 3970 Point3D[] cubePoints = new Point3D[8];
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (1)
852 Point3D point3 = null, point4 = null;
Common\General\Label.cs (4)
2299Point3D[] rectPoints = new Point3D[3]; 2464Point3D[] labelPositionPoints = new Point3D[1];
Common\General\Matrix3D.cs (36)
163 Point3D [] _lightVectors = new Point3D[7]; 262 Point3D [] points = Set3DBarPoints( width, height, depth ); 298 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 327 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 351 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 381 public void TransformPoints( Point3D[] points ) 408 private void TransformPoints( Point3D[] points, bool withPerspective ) 420 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 457 private void RightAngleShift( Point3D [] points ) 459 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 470 private void RightAngleProjection( Point3D [] points ) 494 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 505 private void ApplyPerspective( Point3D [] points ) 510 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 523 private void Scale( Point3D [] points ) 525 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 763 private void GetValues( Point3D [] points ) 771 foreach( Point3D point in points ) 797 private Point3D [] Set3DBarPoints( float dx, float dy, float dz ) 799 Point3D [] points = new Point3D[8]; 944 Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, -1F ); 945 Point3D [] rightPRpoints = new Point3D[1]; 981 Point3D lightSource = new Point3D( 0F, 0F, 1F ); 1021internal Color GetPolygonLight(Point3D[] points, Color surfaceColor, bool visiblePolygon, float rotation, SurfaceNames surfaceName, bool switchSeriesOrder) 1027 Point3D lightSource; 1043 Point3D firstVector = new Point3D(); 1048 Point3D secondVector = new Point3D(); 1054 Point3D normalVector = new Point3D(); 1134 Point3D firstVector = new Point3D(); 1139 Point3D secondVector = new Point3D(); 1145 Point3D normalVector = new Point3D(); 1211 private float GetAngle(Point3D a,Point3D b)
Common\General\Selection.cs (6)
3104Point3D[] points = new Point3D[list1.Count]; 3144Point3D[] points = new Point3D[list1.Count]; 3307Point3D[] annot3DPoints = new Point3D[1];
Common\General\StripLine.cs (4)
702Point3D[] textSizeProjection = new Point3D[3]; 756Point3D[] rotationCenterProjection = new Point3D[2];