File: Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\DataVisualization\System.Web.DataVisualization.csproj (System.Web.DataVisualization)
// <copyright company=’Microsoft Corporation’>
//   Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// </copyright>
// @owner=alexgor, deliant
//  File:		StockChart.cs
//  Namespace:	DataVisualization.Charting.ChartTypes
//	Classes:	StockChart, CandleStickChart
//  Purpose:    Stock chart requires 4 Y values High, Low, Open and Close.
//  The Stock chart displays opening and closing values by using 
//  markers, which are typically lines or triangles. “OpenCloseStyle” 
//  custom attribute may be used to control the style of the markers. 
//  The opening values are shown by the markers on the left, and the 
//  closing values are shown by the markers on the right.
//  A stock chart is typically used to illustrate significant stock 
//  price points including a stock's open, close, high, and low price 
//  points. However, this type of chart can also be used to analyze 
//  scientific data, because each series of data displays a high, low, 
//  open, and close value.
//	Reviewed:	AG - Aug 6, 2002
//              AG - Microsoft 7, 2007
#region Used namespaces
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Collections.Generic;
#if Microsoft_CONTROL
	using System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.Utilities;
	using System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.Utilities;
#if Microsoft_CONTROL
	namespace System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartTypes
	namespace System.Web.UI.DataVisualization.Charting.ChartTypes
	#region Open/close marks style enumeration
	/// <summary>
	/// Style of the Open-Close marks in the stock chart
	/// </summary>
	internal enum StockOpenCloseMarkStyle
		/// <summary>
		/// Line
		/// </summary>
		/// <summary>
		/// Triangle
		/// </summary>
		/// <summary>
		/// CandleStick. Color of the bar depends if Open value was bigger than Close value.
		/// </summary>
	/// <summary>
	/// CandleStick class provides chart unique name and changes the marking 
    /// style in the StockChart class to StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.CandleStick.
	/// </summary>
	internal class CandleStickChart : StockChart
		#region Constructor
		/// <summary>
		/// CandleStick chart constructor.
		/// </summary>
		public CandleStickChart() : base(StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Candlestick)
			forceCandleStick = true;
		#region IChartType interface implementation
		/// <summary>
		/// Chart type name
		/// </summary>
		override public string Name			{ get{ return ChartTypeNames.Candlestick;}}
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets chart type image.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="registry">Chart types registry object.</param>
		/// <returns>Chart type image.</returns>
		override public System.Drawing.Image GetImage(ChartTypeRegistry registry)
			return (System.Drawing.Image)registry.ResourceManager.GetObject(this.Name + "ChartType");
	/// <summary>
    /// StockChart class provides 2D/3D drawing and hit testing 
    /// functionality for the Stock and CandleStick charts.
	/// </summary>
	internal class StockChart : IChartType
		#region Fields
		/// <summary>
		/// Vertical axis
		/// </summary>
        internal Axis VAxis { get; set; }
		/// <summary>
		/// Horizontal axis
		/// </summary>
        internal Axis HAxis { get; set; }
		/// <summary>
		/// Default open-close style
		/// </summary>
		protected	StockOpenCloseMarkStyle	openCloseStyle = StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Line;
		/// <summary>
		/// Indicates that only candle-stick type of the open-close marks should be used
		/// </summary>
		protected	bool	forceCandleStick = false;
		#region Constructor
		/// <summary>
		/// Stock chart constructor.
		/// </summary>
		public StockChart()
		/// <summary>
		/// Stock chart constructor.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="style">Open-close marks default style.</param>
		public StockChart(StockOpenCloseMarkStyle style)
			this.openCloseStyle = style;
		#region IChartType interface implementation
		/// <summary>
		/// Chart type name
		/// </summary>
		virtual public string Name			{ get{ return ChartTypeNames.Stock;}}
		/// <summary>
		/// True if chart type is stacked
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool Stacked		{ get{ return false;}}
		/// <summary>
		/// True if stacked chart type supports groups
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool SupportStackedGroups	{ get { return false; } }
		/// <summary>
		/// True if stacked chart type should draw separately positive and 
		/// negative data points ( Bar and column Stacked types ).
		/// </summary>
		public bool StackSign		{ get{ return false;}}
		/// <summary>
		/// True if chart type supports axeses
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool RequireAxes	{ get{ return true;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// Chart type with two y values used for scale ( bubble chart type )
		/// </summary>
		public bool SecondYScale{ get{ return false;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// True if chart type requires circular chart area.
		/// </summary>
		public bool CircularChartArea	{ get{ return false;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// True if chart type supports Logarithmic axes
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool SupportLogarithmicAxes	{ get{ return true;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// True if chart type requires to switch the value (Y) axes position
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool SwitchValueAxes	{ get{ return false;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// True if chart series can be placed side-by-side.
		/// </summary>
		public bool SideBySideSeries { get{ return false;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// True if each data point of a chart must be represented in the legend
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool DataPointsInLegend	{ get{ return false;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// If the crossing value is auto Crossing value should be 
		/// automatically set to zero for some chart 
		/// types (Bar, column, area etc.)
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool ZeroCrossing { get{ return false;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// True if palette colors should be applied for each data paoint.
		/// Otherwise the color is applied to the series.
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool ApplyPaletteColorsToPoints	{ get { return false; } }
		/// <summary>
		/// Indicates that extra Y values are connected to the scale of the Y axis
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool ExtraYValuesConnectedToYAxis{ get { return true; } }
		/// <summary>
		/// Indicates that it's a hundredred percent chart.
		/// Axis scale from 0 to 100 percent should be used.
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool HundredPercent{ get{return false;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// Indicates that it's a hundredred percent chart.
		/// Axis scale from 0 to 100 percent should be used.
		/// </summary>
		virtual public bool HundredPercentSupportNegative{ get{return false;} }
		/// <summary>
		/// How to draw series/points in legend:
		/// Filled rectangle, Line or Marker
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="series">Legend item series.</param>
		/// <returns>Legend item style.</returns>
		virtual public LegendImageStyle GetLegendImageStyle(Series series)
			return LegendImageStyle.Line;
		/// <summary>
		/// Number of supported Y value(s) per point 
		/// </summary>
		virtual public int YValuesPerPoint	{ get { return 4; } }
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets chart type image.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="registry">Chart types registry object.</param>
		/// <returns>Chart type image.</returns>
		virtual public System.Drawing.Image GetImage(ChartTypeRegistry registry)
			return (System.Drawing.Image)registry.ResourceManager.GetObject(this.Name + "ChartType");
		#region Painting and Selection methods
		/// <summary>
		/// Paint stock chart.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="graph">The Chart Graphics object.</param>
		/// <param name="common">The Common elements object.</param>
		/// <param name="area">Chart area for this chart.</param>
		/// <param name="seriesToDraw">Chart series to draw.</param>
		virtual public void Paint( ChartGraphics graph, CommonElements common, ChartArea area, Series seriesToDraw )
			ProcessChartType( false, graph, common, area, seriesToDraw );
		/// <summary>
		/// This method recalculates size of the bars. This method is used 
		/// from Paint or Select method.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selection">If True selection mode is active, otherwise paint mode is active.</param>
		/// <param name="graph">The Chart Graphics object.</param>
		/// <param name="common">The Common elements object.</param>
		/// <param name="area">Chart area for this chart.</param>
		/// <param name="seriesToDraw">Chart series to draw.</param>
		virtual protected void ProcessChartType( 
			bool selection, 
			ChartGraphics graph, 
			CommonElements common, 
			ChartArea area, 
			Series seriesToDraw )
			// Prosess 3D chart type
				ProcessChartType3D( selection, graph, common, area, seriesToDraw );
			// All data series from chart area which have Stock chart type
			List<string>	typeSeries = area.GetSeriesFromChartType(this.Name);
			// Zero X values mode.
			bool indexedSeries = ChartHelper.IndexedSeries(common, typeSeries.ToArray() );
			//** Loop through all series
			foreach( Series ser in common.DataManager.Series )
				// Process non empty series of the area with stock chart type
				if( String.Compare( ser.ChartTypeName, this.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) != 0 
					|| ser.ChartArea != area.Name || !ser.IsVisible())
				// Check that we have at least 4 Y values
				if(ser.YValuesPerPoint < 4)
					throw(new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionChartTypeRequiresYValues("StockChart", "4")));
				// Set active horizontal/vertical axis
				HAxis = area.GetAxis(AxisName.X, ser.XAxisType, ser.XSubAxisName);
				VAxis = area.GetAxis(AxisName.Y, ser.YAxisType, ser.YSubAxisName);
				// Get interval between points
				double interval = (indexedSeries) ? 1 : area.GetPointsInterval( HAxis.IsLogarithmic, HAxis.logarithmBase );
				// Calculates the width of the candles.
				float width = (float)(ser.GetPointWidth(graph, HAxis, interval, 0.8));
				// Call Back Paint event
				if( !selection )
                    common.Chart.CallOnPrePaint(new ChartPaintEventArgs(ser, graph, common, area.PlotAreaPosition));
				//** Series data points loop
				int	index = 1;
				foreach( DataPoint point in ser.Points )
					// Reset pre-calculated point position
					point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN);
					// Get point X position
					double	xValue = point.XValue;
					if( indexedSeries )
						xValue = (double)index;
					float xPosition = (float)HAxis.GetPosition( xValue );
					double yValue0 = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[0] );
					double yValue1 = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[1] );
					xValue = HAxis.GetLogValue(xValue);
					// Check if chart is completly out of the data scaleView
					if(xValue < HAxis.ViewMinimum || 
						xValue > HAxis.ViewMaximum ||
						(yValue0 < VAxis.ViewMinimum && yValue1 < VAxis.ViewMinimum) ||
						(yValue0 > VAxis.ViewMaximum && yValue1 > VAxis.ViewMaximum) )
					// Make sure High/Low values are in data scaleView range						
					double	high = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[0] );
					double	low = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[1] );
					if( high > VAxis.ViewMaximum )
						high = VAxis.ViewMaximum;
					if( high < VAxis.ViewMinimum )
						high = VAxis.ViewMinimum;
					high = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(high);
					if( low > VAxis.ViewMaximum )
						low = VAxis.ViewMaximum;
					if( low < VAxis.ViewMinimum )
						low = VAxis.ViewMinimum;
					low = VAxis.GetLinearPosition(low);
					// Remeber pre-calculated point position
					point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)high);
					if( common.ProcessModePaint )
						// Check if chart is partialy in the data scaleView
						bool	clipRegionSet = false;
						if(xValue == HAxis.ViewMinimum || xValue == HAxis.ViewMaximum )
							// Set clipping region for line drawing 
							graph.SetClip( area.PlotAreaPosition.ToRectangleF() );
							clipRegionSet = true;
						// Start Svg Selection mode
						graph.StartHotRegion( point );
						// Draw Hi-Low line
							new PointF(xPosition, (float)high), 
							new PointF(xPosition, (float)low),
							ser.ShadowOffset );
						// Draw Open-Close marks
						DrawOpenCloseMarks(graph, area, ser, point, xPosition, width);
						// End Svg Selection mode
						graph.EndHotRegion( );
						// Reset Clip Region
					if( common.ProcessModeRegions )
						// Calculate rect around the hi-lo line and open-close marks
						RectangleF	areaRect = RectangleF.Empty;
						areaRect.X = xPosition - width / 2f;
						areaRect.Y = (float)Math.Min(high, low);
						areaRect.Width = width;
						areaRect.Height = (float)Math.Max(high, low) - areaRect.Y;
							index - 1 );
				//** Second series data points loop, when markers and labels
				//** are drawn.
				int markerIndex = 0;
				index = 1;
				foreach( DataPoint point in ser.Points )
					// Get point X position
					double	xValue = point.XValue;
					if( indexedSeries )
						xValue = (double)index;
					float xPosition = (float)HAxis.GetPosition( xValue );
					double yValue0 = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[0] );
					double yValue1 = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[1] );
					xValue = HAxis.GetLogValue(xValue);
					// Check if chart is completly out of the data scaleView
					if(xValue < HAxis.ViewMinimum || 
						xValue > HAxis.ViewMaximum ||
						(yValue0 < VAxis.ViewMinimum && yValue1 < VAxis.ViewMinimum) ||
						(yValue0 > VAxis.ViewMaximum && yValue1 > VAxis.ViewMaximum) )
					// Make sure High/Low values are in data scaleView range						
					double	high = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[0] );
					double	low = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[1] );
					if( high > VAxis.ViewMaximum )
						high = VAxis.ViewMaximum;
					if( high < VAxis.ViewMinimum )
						high = VAxis.ViewMinimum;
					high = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(high);
					if( low > VAxis.ViewMaximum )
						low = VAxis.ViewMaximum;
					if( low < VAxis.ViewMinimum )
						low = VAxis.ViewMinimum;
					low = VAxis.GetLinearPosition(low);
					// Draw marker
					if(point.MarkerStyle != MarkerStyle.None || point.MarkerImage.Length > 0)
						// Get marker size
						SizeF markerSize = SizeF.Empty;
						markerSize.Width = point.MarkerSize;
						markerSize.Height = point.MarkerSize;
                        if (graph != null && graph.Graphics != null)
                            // Marker size is in pixels and we do the mapping for higher DPIs
                            markerSize.Width = point.MarkerSize * graph.Graphics.DpiX / 96;
                            markerSize.Height = point.MarkerSize * graph.Graphics.DpiY / 96;
                        if (point.MarkerImage.Length > 0)
                            common.ImageLoader.GetAdjustedImageSize(point.MarkerImage, graph.Graphics, ref markerSize);
						// Get marker position
						PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty;
						markerPosition.X = xPosition;
						markerPosition.Y = (float)high - graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize).Height/2f;
						// Draw marker
						if(markerIndex == 0)
							// Draw the marker
								(point.MarkerColor == Color.Empty) ? point.Color : point.MarkerColor,
								(point.MarkerBorderColor == Color.Empty) ? point.BorderColor : point.MarkerBorderColor,
								(point.series != null) ? point.series.ShadowOffset : 0,
								(point.series != null) ? point.series.ShadowColor : Color.Empty,
								new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height));
							if( common.ProcessModeRegions )
								// Get relative marker size
								SizeF relativeMarkerSize = graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize);
								// Insert area just after the last custom area
								int insertIndex = common.HotRegionsList.FindInsertIndex();
								// Insert circle area
								if(point.MarkerStyle == MarkerStyle.Circle)
									float[]	circCoord = new float[3];
									circCoord[0] = markerPosition.X;
									circCoord[1] = markerPosition.Y;
									circCoord[2] = relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f;
										index - 1 );
								// All other markers represented as rectangles
										new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height),
										index - 1 );
						// Increase the markers counter
						if(ser.MarkerStep == markerIndex)
							markerIndex = 0;
					// Draw label
					DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index);
					// Increase point counter
				// Call Paint event
				if( !selection )
                    common.Chart.CallOnPostPaint(new ChartPaintEventArgs(ser, graph, common, area.PlotAreaPosition));
		/// <summary>
		/// Draws stock chart open-close marks depending on selected style.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="graph">Chart graphics object.</param>
		/// <param name="area">Chart area.</param>
		/// <param name="ser">Data point series.</param>
		/// <param name="point">Data point to draw.</param>
		/// <param name="xPosition">X position.</param>
		/// <param name="width">Point width.</param>
		virtual protected void DrawOpenCloseMarks(
			ChartGraphics graph, 
			ChartArea area,
			Series ser, 
			DataPoint point, 
			float xPosition, 
			float width)
			double openY = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[2] );
			double closeY = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[3] );
			// Check if mark is inside data scaleView
			if( (openY > VAxis.ViewMaximum ||
				openY < VAxis.ViewMinimum) &&
				(closeY > VAxis.ViewMaximum ||
				closeY < VAxis.ViewMinimum) )
			// Calculate open-close position
			float	open = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(openY);
			float	close = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(closeY);
			SizeF	absSize = graph.GetAbsoluteSize(new SizeF(width, width));
			float	height = graph.GetRelativeSize(absSize).Height;
			// Detect style
			StockOpenCloseMarkStyle	style = openCloseStyle;
			string	styleType = "";
				styleType = point[CustomPropertyName.OpenCloseStyle];
			else if(ser.IsCustomPropertySet(CustomPropertyName.OpenCloseStyle))
				styleType = ser[CustomPropertyName.OpenCloseStyle];
			if(styleType != null && styleType.Length > 0)
				if(String.Compare(styleType, "Candlestick", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					style = StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Candlestick;
                else if (String.Compare(styleType, "Triangle", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					style = StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Triangle;
                else if (String.Compare(styleType, "Line", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					style = StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Line;
			// Get attribute which controls if open/close marks are shown
			bool	showOpen = true;
			bool	showClose = true;
			string	showOpenClose = "";
				showOpenClose = point[CustomPropertyName.ShowOpenClose];
			else if(ser.IsCustomPropertySet(CustomPropertyName.ShowOpenClose))
				showOpenClose = ser[CustomPropertyName.ShowOpenClose];
			if(showOpenClose != null && showOpenClose.Length > 0)
				if(String.Compare(showOpenClose, "Both", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					showOpen = true;
					showClose = true;
                else if (String.Compare(showOpenClose, "Open", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					showOpen = true;
					showClose = false;
                else if (String.Compare(showOpenClose, "Close", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					showOpen = false;
					showClose = true;
			// Check if chart is partialy in the data scaleView
			bool	clipRegionSet = false;
			if( style == StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Candlestick || (xPosition - width / 2f) < area.PlotAreaPosition.X || (xPosition + width / 2f) > area.PlotAreaPosition.Right)
				// Set clipping region for line drawing 
				graph.SetClip( area.PlotAreaPosition.ToRectangleF() );
				clipRegionSet = true;
			// Draw open-close marks as bar
			if(forceCandleStick || style == StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Candlestick)
				// Colors used to draw bar of the open-close style
				ColorConverter	colorConverter = new ColorConverter();
				Color			priceUpColor = point.Color;
				Color			priceDownColor = point.BackSecondaryColor;
				// Check if special color properties are set
				string	attrValue = point[CustomPropertyName.PriceUpColor];
				if(attrValue != null && attrValue.Length > 0)
                    bool failed = false;
                        priceUpColor = (Color)colorConverter.ConvertFromString(attrValue);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        failed = true;
                    catch (NotSupportedException)
                        failed = true;
                    if (failed)
                        priceUpColor = (Color)colorConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(attrValue);
				attrValue = point[CustomPropertyName.PriceDownColor];
				if(attrValue != null && attrValue.Length > 0)
                    bool failed = false;
                        priceDownColor = (Color)colorConverter.ConvertFromString(attrValue);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        failed = true;
                    catch (NotSupportedException)
                        failed = true;
                    if (failed)
                        priceDownColor = (Color)colorConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(attrValue);
				// Calculate bar rectangle
				RectangleF	rect = RectangleF.Empty;
				rect.Y = (float)Math.Min(open, close);
				rect.X = xPosition - width / 2f;
				rect.Height = (float)Math.Max(open, close) - rect.Y;
				rect.Width = width;
				// Bar and border color
				Color	barColor = (open > close) ? priceUpColor : priceDownColor;
				Color	barBorderColor = (point.BorderColor == Color.Empty) ? (barColor == Color.Empty) ? point.Color : barColor : point.BorderColor;
				// Get absolute height
				SizeF sizeOfHeight = new SizeF( rect.Height, rect.Height );
				sizeOfHeight = graph.GetAbsoluteSize( sizeOfHeight );
				// Draw open-close bar
				if( sizeOfHeight.Height > 1 )
						PenAlignment.Inset );
					graph.DrawLineRel(barBorderColor, point.BorderWidth, point.BorderDashStyle, 
						new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y), 
						new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y),
						ser.ShadowColor, ser.ShadowOffset );
			// Draw open-close marks as triangals
			else if(style == StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Triangle)
                using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath())
                    PointF point1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition, open));
                    PointF point2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open + height / 2f));
                    PointF point3 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open - height / 2f));
                    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(point.Color))
                        // Draw Open mark line
                        if (showOpen)
                            if (openY <= VAxis.ViewMaximum && openY >= VAxis.ViewMinimum)
                                path.AddLine(point2, point1);
                                path.AddLine(point1, point3);
                                path.AddLine(point3, point3);
                                graph.FillPath(brush, path);
                        // Draw close mark line
                        if (showClose)
                            if (closeY <= VAxis.ViewMaximum && closeY >= VAxis.ViewMinimum)
                                point1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition, close));
                                point2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition + width / 2f, close + height / 2f));
                                point3 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition + width / 2f, close - height / 2f));
                                path.AddLine(point2, point1);
                                path.AddLine(point1, point3);
                                path.AddLine(point3, point3);
                                graph.FillPath(brush, path);
			// Draw ope-close marks as lines
				// Draw Open mark line
					if(openY <= VAxis.ViewMaximum && openY >= VAxis.ViewMinimum)
						graph.DrawLineRel(point.Color, point.BorderWidth, point.BorderDashStyle, 
							new PointF(xPosition - width/2f, open), 
							new PointF(xPosition, open),
							ser.ShadowColor, ser.ShadowOffset );
				// Draw Close mark line
					if(closeY <= VAxis.ViewMaximum && closeY >= VAxis.ViewMinimum)
						graph.DrawLineRel(point.Color, point.BorderWidth, point.BorderDashStyle, 
							new PointF(xPosition, close), 
							new PointF(xPosition + width/2f, close),
							ser.ShadowColor, ser.ShadowOffset );
			// Reset Clip Region
		/// <summary>
		/// Draws stock chart data point label.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="common">The Common elements object</param>
		/// <param name="area">Chart area for this chart</param>
		/// <param name="graph">Chart graphics object.</param>
		/// <param name="ser">Data point series.</param>
		/// <param name="point">Data point to draw.</param>
		/// <param name="position">Label position.</param>
		/// <param name="pointIndex">Data point index in the series.</param>
		virtual protected void DrawLabel(
			CommonElements common,
			ChartArea area, 
			ChartGraphics graph, 
			Series ser, 
			DataPoint point, 
			PointF position,
			int pointIndex)
			if(ser.IsValueShownAsLabel || point.IsValueShownAsLabel || point.Label.Length > 0)
				// Label text format
                using (StringFormat format = new StringFormat())
                    format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
                    format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                    if (point.LabelAngle == 0)
                        format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
                        format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Far;
                    // Get label text
                    string text;
                    if (point.Label.Length == 0)
                        // Check what value to show (High, Low, Open, Close)
                        int valueIndex = 3;
                        string valueType = "";
                        if (point.IsCustomPropertySet(CustomPropertyName.LabelValueType))
                            valueType = point[CustomPropertyName.LabelValueType];
                        else if (ser.IsCustomPropertySet(CustomPropertyName.LabelValueType))
                            valueType = ser[CustomPropertyName.LabelValueType];
                        if (String.Compare(valueType, "High", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            valueIndex = 0;
                        else if (String.Compare(valueType, "Low", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            valueIndex = 1;
                        else if (String.Compare(valueType, "Open", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
                            valueIndex = 2;
                        text = ValueConverter.FormatValue(
                        text = point.ReplaceKeywords(point.Label);
                    // Get text angle
                    int textAngle = point.LabelAngle;
                    // Check if text contains white space only
                    if (text.Trim().Length != 0)
                        SizeF sizeFont = SizeF.Empty;
                        // Check if Smart Labels are enabled
                        if (ser.SmartLabelStyle.Enabled)
                            // Get marker size
                            SizeF markerSize = SizeF.Empty;
                            markerSize.Width = point.MarkerSize;
                            markerSize.Height = point.MarkerSize;
                            if (graph != null && graph.Graphics != null)
                                // Marker size is in pixels and we do the mapping for higher DPIs
                                markerSize.Width = point.MarkerSize * graph.Graphics.DpiX / 96;
                                markerSize.Height = point.MarkerSize * graph.Graphics.DpiY / 96;
                            if (point.MarkerImage.Length > 0)
                                common.ImageLoader.GetAdjustedImageSize(point.MarkerImage, graph.Graphics, ref markerSize);
                            // Get point label style attribute
                            markerSize = graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize);
                            sizeFont = graph.GetRelativeSize(graph.MeasureString(text, point.Font, new SizeF(1000f, 1000f), StringFormat.GenericTypographic));
                            // Adjust label position using SmartLabelStyle algorithm
                            position = area.smartLabels.AdjustSmartLabelPosition(
                            // Smart labels always use 0 degrees text angle
                            textAngle = 0;
                        // Draw label
                        if (!position.IsEmpty)
                            RectangleF labelBackPosition = RectangleF.Empty;
                            if (!point.LabelBackColor.IsEmpty ||
                                point.LabelBorderWidth > 0 ||
                                // Get text size
                                if (sizeFont.IsEmpty)
                                    sizeFont = graph.GetRelativeSize(graph.MeasureString(text, point.Font, new SizeF(1000f, 1000f), StringFormat.GenericTypographic));
                                // Adjust label y coordinate
                                position.Y -= sizeFont.Height / 8;
                                // Get label background position
                                SizeF sizeLabel = new SizeF(sizeFont.Width, sizeFont.Height);
                                sizeLabel.Height += sizeFont.Height / 8;
                                sizeLabel.Width += sizeLabel.Width / text.Length;
                                labelBackPosition = PointChart.GetLabelPosition(
                            // Draw label text
                            using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(point.LabelForeColor))
                                    pointIndex - 1);
		#region 3D Drawing and Selection methods
		/// <summary>
		/// This method recalculates size of the bars. This method is used 
		/// from Paint or Select method.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="selection">If True selection mode is active, otherwise paint mode is active.</param>
		/// <param name="graph">The Chart Graphics object.</param>
		/// <param name="common">The Common elements object.</param>
		/// <param name="area">Chart area for this chart.</param>
		/// <param name="seriesToDraw">Chart series to draw.</param>
		virtual protected void ProcessChartType3D( 
			bool selection, 
			ChartGraphics graph, 
			CommonElements common, 
			ChartArea area, 
			Series seriesToDraw )
			// All data series from chart area which have Stock chart type
			List<string>	typeSeries = area.GetSeriesFromChartType(this.Name);
			// Zero X values mode.
			bool indexedSeries = ChartHelper.IndexedSeries(common, typeSeries.ToArray() );
			//** Loop through all series
			foreach( Series ser in common.DataManager.Series )
				// Process non empty series of the area with stock chart type
				if( String.Compare( ser.ChartTypeName, this.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) != 0 
					|| ser.ChartArea != area.Name || !ser.IsVisible())
				// Check if drawn series is specified
				if(seriesToDraw != null && seriesToDraw.Name != ser.Name)
				// Check that we have at least 4 Y values
				if(ser.YValuesPerPoint < 4)
					throw(new ArgumentException(SR.ExceptionChartTypeRequiresYValues("StockChart", "4" )));
				// Set active horizontal/vertical axis
				HAxis = area.GetAxis(AxisName.X, ser.XAxisType, ser.XSubAxisName);
				VAxis = area.GetAxis(AxisName.Y, ser.YAxisType, ser.YSubAxisName);
				// Get interval between points
				double interval = (indexedSeries) ? 1 : area.GetPointsInterval( HAxis.IsLogarithmic, HAxis.logarithmBase );
				// Calculates the width of the candles.
				float width = (float)(ser.GetPointWidth(graph, HAxis, interval, 0.8));
				// Call Back Paint event
				if( !selection )
                    common.Chart.CallOnPrePaint(new ChartPaintEventArgs(ser, graph, common, area.PlotAreaPosition));
				//** Get series depth and Z position
				float seriesDepth, seriesZPosition;
				area.GetSeriesZPositionAndDepth(ser, out seriesDepth, out seriesZPosition);
				//** Series data points loop
				int	index = 1;
				foreach( DataPoint point in ser.Points )
					// Reset pre-calculated point position
					point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN);
					// Get point X position
					double	xValue = point.XValue;
					if( indexedSeries )
						xValue = (double)index;
					float xPosition = (float)HAxis.GetPosition( xValue );
					double yValue0 = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[0] );
					double yValue1 = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[1] );
					xValue = HAxis.GetLogValue(xValue);
					// Check if chart is completly out of the data scaleView
					if(xValue < HAxis.ViewMinimum || 
						xValue > HAxis.ViewMaximum ||
						(yValue0 < VAxis.ViewMinimum && yValue1 < VAxis.ViewMinimum) ||
						(yValue0 > VAxis.ViewMaximum && yValue1 > VAxis.ViewMaximum) )
					// Check if chart is partialy in the data scaleView
					bool	clipRegionSet = false;
					if(xValue == HAxis.ViewMinimum || xValue == HAxis.ViewMaximum )
						// Set clipping region for line drawing 
						graph.SetClip( area.PlotAreaPosition.ToRectangleF() );
						clipRegionSet = true;
					// Make sure High/Low values are in data scaleView range						
					double	high = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[0] );
					double	low = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[1] );
					if( high > VAxis.ViewMaximum )
						high = VAxis.ViewMaximum;
					if( high < VAxis.ViewMinimum )
						high = VAxis.ViewMinimum;
					high = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(high);
					if( low > VAxis.ViewMaximum )
						low = VAxis.ViewMaximum;
					if( low < VAxis.ViewMinimum )
						low = VAxis.ViewMinimum;
					low = VAxis.GetLinearPosition(low);
					// Remeber pre-calculated point position
					point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)high);
					// 3D Transform coordinates
					Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2];
					points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f);
					points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f);
					// Start Svg Selection mode
					graph.StartHotRegion( point );
					// Draw Hi-Low line
						ser.ShadowOffset );
					// Draw Open-Close marks
					DrawOpenCloseMarks3D(graph, area, ser, point, xPosition, width, seriesZPosition, seriesDepth);
					xPosition = points[0].X;
					high = points[0].Y;
					low = points[1].Y;
					// End Svg Selection mode
					graph.EndHotRegion( );
					// Reset Clip Region
					if( common.ProcessModeRegions )
						// Calculate rect around the hi-lo line and open-close marks
						RectangleF	areaRect = RectangleF.Empty;
						areaRect.X = xPosition - width / 2f;
						areaRect.Y = (float)Math.Min(high, low);
						areaRect.Width = width;
						areaRect.Height = (float)Math.Max(high, low) - areaRect.Y;
							index - 1 );
				//** Second series data points loop, when markers and labels
				//** are drawn.
				int markerIndex = 0;
				index = 1;
				foreach( DataPoint point in ser.Points )
					// Get point X position
					double	xValue = point.XValue;
					if( indexedSeries )
						xValue = (double)index;
					float xPosition = (float)HAxis.GetPosition( xValue );
					double yValue0 = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[0] );
					double yValue1 = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[1] );
					xValue = HAxis.GetLogValue(xValue);
					// Check if chart is completly out of the data scaleView
					if(xValue < HAxis.ViewMinimum || 
						xValue > HAxis.ViewMaximum ||
						(yValue0 < VAxis.ViewMinimum && yValue1 < VAxis.ViewMinimum) ||
						(yValue0 > VAxis.ViewMaximum && yValue1 > VAxis.ViewMaximum) )
					// Make sure High/Low values are in data scaleView range						
					double	high = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[0] );
					double	low = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[1] );
					if( high > VAxis.ViewMaximum )
						high = VAxis.ViewMaximum;
					if( high < VAxis.ViewMinimum )
						high = VAxis.ViewMinimum;
					high = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(high);
					if( low > VAxis.ViewMaximum )
						low = VAxis.ViewMaximum;
					if( low < VAxis.ViewMinimum )
						low = VAxis.ViewMinimum;
					low = VAxis.GetLinearPosition(low);
					// 3D Transform coordinates
					Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2];
					points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)high, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f);
					points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, (float)low, seriesZPosition+seriesDepth/2f);
					xPosition = points[0].X;
					high = points[0].Y;
					low = points[1].Y;
					// Draw label
					DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index);
					// Draw marker
					if(point.MarkerStyle != MarkerStyle.None || point.MarkerImage.Length > 0)
						// Get marker size
						SizeF markerSize = SizeF.Empty;
						markerSize.Width = point.MarkerSize;
						markerSize.Height = point.MarkerSize;
                        if (graph != null && graph.Graphics != null)
                            // Marker size is in pixels and we do the mapping for higher DPIs
                            markerSize.Width = point.MarkerSize * graph.Graphics.DpiX / 96;
                            markerSize.Height = point.MarkerSize * graph.Graphics.DpiY / 96;
                        if (point.MarkerImage.Length > 0)
                            common.ImageLoader.GetAdjustedImageSize(point.MarkerImage, graph.Graphics, ref markerSize);
						// Get marker position
						PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty;
						markerPosition.X = xPosition;
						markerPosition.Y = (float)high - graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize).Height/2f;
						// Draw marker
						if(markerIndex == 0)
							// Draw the marker
								(point.MarkerColor == Color.Empty) ? point.Color : point.MarkerColor,
								(point.MarkerBorderColor == Color.Empty) ? point.BorderColor : point.MarkerBorderColor,
								(point.series != null) ? point.series.ShadowOffset : 0,
								(point.series != null) ? point.series.ShadowColor : Color.Empty,
								new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height));
							if( common.ProcessModeRegions )
								// Get relative marker size
								SizeF relativeMarkerSize = graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize);
								// Insert area just after the last custom area
								int insertIndex = common.HotRegionsList.FindInsertIndex();
								// Insert circle area
								if(point.MarkerStyle == MarkerStyle.Circle)
									float[]	circCoord = new float[3];
									circCoord[0] = markerPosition.X;
									circCoord[1] = markerPosition.Y;
									circCoord[2] = relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f;
										index - 1 );
									// All other markers represented as rectangles
										new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height),
										index - 1 );
						// Increase the markers counter
						if(ser.MarkerStep == markerIndex)
							markerIndex = 0;
				// Call Paint event
				if( !selection )
                    common.Chart.CallOnPostPaint(new ChartPaintEventArgs(ser, graph, common, area.PlotAreaPosition));
		/// <summary>
		/// Draws stock chart open-close marks depending on selected style.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="graph">Chart graphics object.</param>
		/// <param name="area">Chart area.</param>
		/// <param name="ser">Data point series.</param>
		/// <param name="point">Data point to draw.</param>
		/// <param name="xPosition">X position.</param>
		/// <param name="width">Point width.</param>
		/// <param name="zPosition">Series Z position.</param>
		/// <param name="depth">Series depth.</param>
		virtual protected void DrawOpenCloseMarks3D(
			ChartGraphics graph, 
			ChartArea area,
			Series ser, 
			DataPoint point, 
			float xPosition, 
			float width,
			float zPosition,
			float depth)
			double openY = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[2] );
			double closeY = VAxis.GetLogValue( point.YValues[3] );
			// Check if mark is inside data scaleView
			if( (openY > VAxis.ViewMaximum ||
				openY < VAxis.ViewMinimum) &&
				(closeY > VAxis.ViewMaximum ||
				closeY < VAxis.ViewMinimum) )
			// Calculate open-close position
			float	open = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(openY);
			float	close = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(closeY);
			SizeF	absSize = graph.GetAbsoluteSize(new SizeF(width, width));
			float	height = graph.GetRelativeSize(absSize).Height;
			// Detect style
			StockOpenCloseMarkStyle	style = openCloseStyle;
			string	styleType = "";
				styleType = point[CustomPropertyName.OpenCloseStyle];
			else if(ser.IsCustomPropertySet(CustomPropertyName.OpenCloseStyle))
				styleType = ser[CustomPropertyName.OpenCloseStyle];
			if(styleType != null && styleType.Length > 0)
				if(String.Compare(styleType, "Candlestick", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					style = StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Candlestick;
                else if (String.Compare(styleType, "Triangle", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					style = StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Triangle;
                else if (String.Compare(styleType, "Line", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					style = StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Line;
			// Get attribute which controls if open/close marks are shown
			bool	showOpen = true;
			bool	showClose = true;
			string	showOpenClose = "";
				showOpenClose = point[CustomPropertyName.ShowOpenClose];
			else if(ser.IsCustomPropertySet(CustomPropertyName.ShowOpenClose))
				showOpenClose = ser[CustomPropertyName.ShowOpenClose];
			if(showOpenClose != null && showOpenClose.Length > 0)
				if(String.Compare(showOpenClose, "Both", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					showOpen = true;
					showClose = true;
                else if (String.Compare(showOpenClose, "Open", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					showOpen = true;
					showClose = false;
                else if (String.Compare(showOpenClose, "Close", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)
					showOpen = false;
					showClose = true;
			// Check if chart is partialy in the data scaleView
			bool	clipRegionSet = false;
			if((xPosition - width / 2f) < area.PlotAreaPosition.X || (xPosition + width / 2f) > area.PlotAreaPosition.Right)
				// Set clipping region for line drawing 
				graph.SetClip( area.PlotAreaPosition.ToRectangleF() );
				clipRegionSet = true;
			// Draw open-close marks as bar
			if(forceCandleStick || style == StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Candlestick)
				// Colors used to draw bar of the open-close style
				ColorConverter	colorConverter = new ColorConverter();
				Color			priceUpColor = point.Color;
				Color			priceDownColor = point.BackSecondaryColor;
				// Check if special color properties are set
				string	attrValue = point[CustomPropertyName.PriceUpColor];
				if(attrValue != null && attrValue.Length > 0)
                    bool failed = false;
                        priceUpColor = (Color)colorConverter.ConvertFromString(attrValue);
                    catch (NotSupportedException)
                        failed = true;
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        failed = true;
                    if (failed)
                        priceUpColor = (Color)colorConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(attrValue);
				attrValue = point[CustomPropertyName.PriceDownColor];
				if(attrValue != null && attrValue.Length > 0)
                    bool failed = false;
                        priceDownColor = (Color)colorConverter.ConvertFromString(attrValue);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        failed = true;
                    catch (NotSupportedException)
                        failed = true;
                    if (failed)
                        priceDownColor = (Color)colorConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(attrValue);
				// Calculate bar rectangle
				RectangleF	rect = RectangleF.Empty;
				rect.Y = (float)Math.Min(open, close);
				rect.X = xPosition - width / 2f;
				rect.Height = (float)Math.Max(open, close) - rect.Y;
				rect.Width = width;
				// Bar and border color
				Color	barColor = (open > close) ? priceUpColor : priceDownColor;
				Color	barBorderColor = (point.BorderColor == Color.Empty) ? (barColor == Color.Empty) ? point.Color : barColor : point.BorderColor;
				// Translate coordinates
				Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2];
				points[0] = new Point3D(rect.X, rect.Y, zPosition + depth/2f);
				points[1] = new Point3D(rect.Right, rect.Bottom, zPosition + depth/2f);
				rect.Location = points[0].PointF;
				rect.Width = (float)Math.Abs(points[1].X - points[0].X);
				rect.Height = (float)Math.Abs(points[1].Y - points[0].Y);
				// Draw open-close bar
				if(rect.Height > 1)
					graph.DrawLineRel(barBorderColor, point.BorderWidth, point.BorderDashStyle, 
						new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y), 
						new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y),
						ser.ShadowColor, ser.ShadowOffset );
				// Draw open-close marks as triangals
			else if(style == StockOpenCloseMarkStyle.Triangle)
                using (GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath())
                    // Translate coordinates
                    Point3D[] points = new Point3D[3];
                    points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, open, zPosition + depth / 2f);
                    points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition - width / 2f, open + height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f);
                    points[2] = new Point3D(xPosition - width / 2f, open - height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f);
                    points[0].PointF = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(points[0].PointF);
                    points[1].PointF = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(points[1].PointF);
                    points[2].PointF = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(points[2].PointF);
                    using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(point.Color))
                        // Draw Open mark line
                        if (showOpen)
                            if (openY <= VAxis.ViewMaximum && openY >= VAxis.ViewMinimum)
                                path.AddLine(points[1].PointF, points[0].PointF);
                                path.AddLine(points[0].PointF, points[2].PointF);
                                path.AddLine(points[2].PointF, points[2].PointF);
                                graph.FillPath(brush, path);
                        // Draw close mark line
                        if (showClose)
                            if (closeY <= VAxis.ViewMaximum && closeY >= VAxis.ViewMinimum)
                                points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, close, zPosition + depth / 2f);
                                points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition + width / 2f, close + height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f);
                                points[2] = new Point3D(xPosition + width / 2f, close - height / 2f, zPosition + depth / 2f);
                                points[0].PointF = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(points[0].PointF);
                                points[1].PointF = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(points[1].PointF);
                                points[2].PointF = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(points[2].PointF);
                                path.AddLine(points[1].PointF, points[0].PointF);
                                path.AddLine(points[0].PointF, points[2].PointF);
                                path.AddLine(points[2].PointF, points[2].PointF);
                                graph.FillPath(brush, path);
				// Draw ope-close marks as lines
				// Draw Open mark line
					if(openY <= VAxis.ViewMaximum && openY >= VAxis.ViewMinimum)
						// Translate coordinates
						Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2];
						points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition - width/2f, open, zPosition + depth/2f);
						points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition, open, zPosition + depth/2f);
						graph.DrawLineRel(point.Color, point.BorderWidth, point.BorderDashStyle, 
							ser.ShadowColor, ser.ShadowOffset );
				// Draw Close mark line
					if(closeY <= VAxis.ViewMaximum && closeY >= VAxis.ViewMinimum)
						// Translate coordinates
						Point3D[] points = new Point3D[2];
						points[0] = new Point3D(xPosition, close, zPosition + depth/2f);
						points[1] = new Point3D(xPosition + width/2f, close, zPosition + depth/2f);
						graph.DrawLineRel(point.Color, point.BorderWidth, point.BorderDashStyle, 
							ser.ShadowColor, ser.ShadowOffset );
			// Reset Clip Region
		#region Y values related methods
		/// <summary>
		/// Helper function, which returns the Y value of the point.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="common">Chart common elements.</param>
		/// <param name="area">Chart area the series belongs to.</param>
		/// <param name="series">Sereis of the point.</param>
		/// <param name="point">Point object.</param>
		/// <param name="pointIndex">Index of the point.</param>
		/// <param name="yValueIndex">Index of the Y value to get.</param>
		/// <returns>Y value of the point.</returns>
		virtual public double GetYValue(
			CommonElements common, 
			ChartArea area, 
			Series series, 
			DataPoint point, 
			int pointIndex, 
			int yValueIndex)
			return point.YValues[yValueIndex];
		#region SmartLabelStyle methods
		/// <summary>
		/// Adds markers position to the list. Used to check SmartLabelStyle overlapping.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="common">Common chart elements.</param>
		/// <param name="area">Chart area.</param>
		/// <param name="series">Series values to be used.</param>
		/// <param name="list">List to add to.</param>
		public void AddSmartLabelMarkerPositions(CommonElements common, ChartArea area, Series series, ArrayList list)
			// Check if series is indexed
			bool indexedSeries = ChartHelper.IndexedSeries(common, area.GetSeriesFromChartType(this.Name).ToArray() );
			//** Set active horizontal/vertical axis
			Axis hAxis = area.GetAxis(AxisName.X, series.XAxisType, series.XSubAxisName);
			Axis vAxis = area.GetAxis(AxisName.Y, series.YAxisType, series.YSubAxisName);
			//** Loop through all data points in the series
			int	markerIndex = 0;		// Marker index
			int	index = 1;				// Data points loop
			foreach( DataPoint point in series.Points )
				//** Check if point values are in the chart area
				// Check for min/max Y values
				double	yValue = GetYValue(common, area, series, point, index - 1, 0);
				// Axis is Logarithmic
				yValue = vAxis.GetLogValue( yValue );
				if( yValue > vAxis.ViewMaximum || yValue < vAxis.ViewMinimum)
				// Check for min/max X values
				double xValue = (indexedSeries) ? (double)index : point.XValue;
				xValue = hAxis.GetLogValue(xValue);
				if(xValue > hAxis.ViewMaximum || xValue < hAxis.ViewMinimum)
				//** Get marker position and size
				// Get marker position
				PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty;
				markerPosition.Y = (float)vAxis.GetLinearPosition(yValue);
				if( indexedSeries )
					// The formula for position is based on a distance 
					// from the grid line or nPoints position.
					markerPosition.X = (float)hAxis.GetPosition( (double)index );
					markerPosition.X = (float)hAxis.GetPosition( point.XValue );
				// Get point some point properties and save them in variables
				string		pointMarkerImage = point.MarkerImage;
				MarkerStyle	pointMarkerStyle = point.MarkerStyle;
				// Get marker size
				SizeF markerSize = SizeF.Empty;
				markerSize.Width = point.MarkerSize;
				markerSize.Height = point.MarkerSize;
                if (common != null && common.graph != null && common.graph.Graphics != null)
                    // Marker size is in pixels and we do the mapping for higher DPIs
                    markerSize.Width = point.MarkerSize * common.graph.Graphics.DpiX / 96;
                    markerSize.Height = point.MarkerSize * common.graph.Graphics.DpiY / 96;
                if (point.MarkerImage.Length > 0)
                    if(common.graph != null)
                        common.ImageLoader.GetAdjustedImageSize(point.MarkerImage, common.graph.Graphics, ref markerSize);
				// Transform marker position in 3D space
					// Get series depth and Z position
					float seriesDepth, seriesZPosition;
					area.GetSeriesZPositionAndDepth(series, out seriesDepth, out seriesZPosition);
					Point3D[]	marker3DPosition = new Point3D[1];
					marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(
						(float)(seriesZPosition + seriesDepth/2f));
					// Transform coordinates
					markerPosition = marker3DPosition[0].PointF;
				// Check if marker visible
				if(pointMarkerStyle != MarkerStyle.None || 
					pointMarkerImage.Length > 0)
					// Check marker index
					if(markerIndex == 0)
						markerSize = common.graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize);
						// Add marker position into the list
						RectangleF	markerRect = new RectangleF(
							markerPosition.X - markerSize.Width / 2f,
							markerPosition.Y - markerSize.Height,
					// Increase the markers counter
					if(series.MarkerStep == markerIndex)
						markerIndex = 0;
        #region IDisposable interface implementation
        /// <summary>
        /// Releases unmanaged and - optionally - managed resources
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing"><c>true</c> to release both managed and unmanaged resources; <c>false</c> to release only unmanaged resources.</param>
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            //Nothing to dispose at the base class. 
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
        /// </summary>
        public void Dispose()