// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// File: IpcHandler.cs
// Author: Microsoft@Microsoft.com
// Summary: Class for managing a socket connection.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp;
using System.Globalization;
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc
internal class IpcServerHandler : TcpSocketHandler
// The stream to manage incoming request data
private Stream _stream = null;
protected Stream _requestStream = null;
// NamePipe associated with this manager
protected IpcPort _port;
private RequestQueue _requestQueue;
bool _bOneWayRequest;
int _contentLength;
internal IpcServerHandler(IpcPort port, RequestQueue requestQueue, Stream stream) : base (null, requestQueue, stream)
_requestQueue = requestQueue;
_port = port;
_stream = stream;
internal Stream GetRequestStream()
_requestStream = new TcpFixedLengthReadingStream(this, _contentLength);
return _requestStream;
internal IpcPort Port {
get {
return _port;
internal ITransportHeaders ReadHeaders()
BaseTransportHeaders headers = new BaseTransportHeaders();
UInt16 operation;
ReadVersionAndOperation(out operation);
if (operation == TcpOperations.OneWayRequest)
_bOneWayRequest = true;
bool bChunked = false;
// content length must come next (may be chunked or a specific length)
ReadContentLength(out bChunked, out _contentLength);
// read to end of headers
return headers;
protected new void ReadToEndOfHeaders(BaseTransportHeaders headers)
bool bError = false;
String statusPhrase = null;
UInt16 headerType = ReadUInt16();
while (headerType != TcpHeaders.EndOfHeaders)
if (headerType == TcpHeaders.Custom)
String headerName = ReadCountedString();
String headerValue = ReadCountedString();
headers[headerName] = headerValue;
if (headerType == TcpHeaders.RequestUri)
ReadAndVerifyHeaderFormat("RequestUri", TcpHeaderFormat.CountedString);
// read uri (and make sure that no channel specific data is present)
String uri = ReadCountedString();
String channelURI;
String objectURI;
channelURI = IpcChannelHelper.ParseURL(uri, out objectURI);
if (channelURI == null)
objectURI = uri;
headers.RequestUri = objectURI;
if (headerType == TcpHeaders.StatusCode)
ReadAndVerifyHeaderFormat("StatusCode", TcpHeaderFormat.UInt16);
UInt16 statusCode = ReadUInt16();
// We'll throw an exception here if there was an error. If an error
// occurs above the transport level, the status code will still be
// success here.
if (statusCode != TcpStatusCode.Success)
bError = true;
if (headerType == TcpHeaders.StatusPhrase)
ReadAndVerifyHeaderFormat("StatusPhrase", TcpHeaderFormat.CountedString);
statusPhrase = ReadCountedString();
if (headerType == TcpHeaders.ContentType)
ReadAndVerifyHeaderFormat("Content-Type", TcpHeaderFormat.CountedString);
String contentType = ReadCountedString();
headers.ContentType = contentType;
// unknown header: Read header format and ignore rest of data
byte headerFormat = (byte)ReadByte();
switch (headerFormat)
case TcpHeaderFormat.Void: break;
case TcpHeaderFormat.CountedString: ReadCountedString(); break;
case TcpHeaderFormat.Byte: ReadByte(); break;
case TcpHeaderFormat.UInt16: ReadUInt16(); break;
case TcpHeaderFormat.Int32: ReadInt32(); break;
// unknown format
throw new RemotingException(
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_Tcp_UnknownHeaderType"),
headerType, headerFormat));
} // switch (format)
// read next header token
headerType = ReadUInt16();
} // loop until end of headers
// if an error occurred, throw an exception
if (bError)
if (statusPhrase == null)
statusPhrase = "";
throw new RemotingException(
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_Tcp_GenericServerError"),
} // ReadToEndOfHeaders
private void ReadAndVerifyHeaderFormat(String headerName, byte expectedFormat)
byte headerFormat = (byte)ReadByte();
if (headerFormat != expectedFormat)
throw new RemotingException(
CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, CoreChannel.GetResourceString("Remoting_Tcp_IncorrectHeaderFormat"),
expectedFormat, headerName));
} // ReadAndVerifyHeaderFormat
// Prepare for reading a new request off of the same socket
protected override void PrepareForNewMessage()
} // PrepareForNewRequest
protected override void SendErrorMessageIfPossible(Exception e)
// bail out if the original request was OneWay (means the client doesn't even
// want or expect to receive responses or error messages)
if (_bOneWayRequest)
// build up headers and send
ChunkedMemoryStream headerStream = new ChunkedMemoryStream(CoreChannel.BufferPool);
// output preamble and version
// output opcode
WriteUInt16(TcpOperations.Reply, headerStream);
// output content length delimiter (0-length stream)
WriteUInt16(TcpContentDelimiter.ContentLength, headerStream);
WriteInt32(0, headerStream);
// output status code and reason
WriteUInt16(TcpHeaders.StatusCode, headerStream);
WriteByte(TcpHeaderFormat.UInt16, headerStream);
WriteUInt16(TcpStatusCode.GenericError, headerStream);
// we purposely don't include the stack trace to avoid giving
// out too much information for security purposes.
WriteUInt16(TcpHeaders.StatusPhrase, headerStream);
WriteByte(TcpHeaderFormat.CountedString, headerStream);
WriteCountedString(e.ToString(), headerStream);
// indicate that we are about to close the connection
WriteUInt16(TcpHeaders.CloseConnection, headerStream);
WriteByte(TcpHeaderFormat.Void, headerStream);
// end of headers
WriteUInt16(TcpHeaders.EndOfHeaders, headerStream);
internal void SendResponse(ITransportHeaders headers, Stream contentStream)
// bail out if the original request was OneWay (means the client doesn't even
// want or expect to receive responses or error messages)
if (_bOneWayRequest)
// build up headers and send
ChunkedMemoryStream headerStream = new ChunkedMemoryStream(CoreChannel.BufferPool);
// output preamble and version
// output opcode
WriteUInt16(TcpOperations.Reply, headerStream);
// output content length delimiter
WriteUInt16(TcpContentDelimiter.ContentLength, headerStream);
WriteInt32((int)contentStream.Length, headerStream);
// No status code header is needed because if we're in this code path
// the data transfer succeeded as far as the transport protocol is
// concerned (and the success status code is optional).
WriteHeaders(headers, headerStream);
StreamHelper.CopyStream(contentStream, NetStream);