// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// File: TcpWireProtocol.cs
// Summary: Class for managing a socket connection.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp
// After the version, one of the following 16-bit opcodes will appear.
internal static class TcpOperations
internal const UInt16 Request = 0;
internal const UInt16 OneWayRequest = 1;
internal const UInt16 Reply = 2;
} // TcpOpcodes
internal static class TcpContentDelimiter
internal const UInt16 ContentLength = 0;
internal const UInt16 Chunked = 1;
// These are special header values. (Custom can be used for arbitrary
// pairs).
internal static class TcpHeaders
internal const UInt16 EndOfHeaders = 0; // (can appear once at end of headers)
internal const UInt16 Custom = 1;
internal const UInt16 StatusCode = 2;
internal const UInt16 StatusPhrase = 3;
internal const UInt16 RequestUri = 4;
internal const UInt16 CloseConnection = 5;
internal const UInt16 ContentType = 6;
} // TcpHeaders
// These are used by special headers (non-Custom) to indicate the format of the data,
// so that unknown special headers added in the future can be ignored.
internal static class TcpHeaderFormat
internal const byte Void = 0; // There is no further data.
internal const byte CountedString = 1; // A single counted string follows.
internal const byte Byte = 2; // A single byte follows
internal const byte UInt16 = 3; // A single unsigned 16-bit int follows.
internal const byte Int32 = 4; // A single 32-bit int follows.
} // TcpHeaderFormat
// status codes only apply to the transmission of data itself.
internal static class TcpStatusCode
internal const UInt16 Success = 0; // data was successfully received
internal const UInt16 GenericError = 1; // an unknown error occurred
} // TcpStatusCode
// string format indicators
// (strings have the following format on the wire:
// [format (1-byte)][encoded-size (int32)][string data (encoded-size bytes in length)]
internal static class TcpStringFormat
internal const byte Unicode = 0;
internal const byte UTF8 = 1;
} // TcpStringFormat
} // namespace System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Tcp