705 writes to Y
System.Drawing (3)
commonui\System\Drawing\Graphics.cs (2)
4146currentOffset.Y = elements[5]; 4162totalOffset.Y += currentOffset.Y;
commonui\System\Drawing\GraphicsContext.cs (1)
65this.transformOffset.Y = elements[5];
System.Web.DataVisualization (351)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (6)
3167 firstPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3173 firstPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3178 firstPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3209 anchorPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3214 firstPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3239 firstPoint.Y = float.NaN;
Common\Annotation\CalloutAnnotation.cs (10)
1218 ellipseLocation.Y -= dyAbs / 3f + (index * (dyAbs / 10f) ); 1507 lineSecondPoint.Y = rectanglePosition.Y; 1511 lineSecondPoint.Y = rectanglePosition.Bottom; 1515 lineSecondPoint.Y = rectanglePosition.Y + rectanglePosition.Height / 2f; 1590 textLinePoint1.Y = rectanglePosition.Y; 1591 textLinePoint2.Y = rectanglePosition.Y; 1596 textLinePoint1.Y = rectanglePosition.Y; 1597 textLinePoint2.Y = rectanglePosition.Bottom; 1805 intersectionPoint.Y = pointY; 1825 intersectionPoint.Y = (pointX - firstPoint.X) *
Common\Annotation\LineAnnotation.cs (5)
522 point1.Y = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? 0f : 100f; 523 point2.Y = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? 100f : 0f; 534 intersectionPoint1.Y = 0f; 540 intersectionPoint2.Y = 100f; 888 point2.Y = point1.Y;
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (2)
606 pathPoints[pointIndex].Y = rectanglePositionAbs.Y + pathPoints[pointIndex].Y * groupScaleY; 899 pathPoints[pointIndex].Y -= movingDistance.Height;
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (6)
298point1.Y = (float)Math.Round(point1.Y); 300point2.Y = (float)Math.Round(point2.Y); 304axisPos.Y = (float)VAxis.GetPosition(this.VAxis.Crossing); 307axisPos.Y = (float)Math.Round(axisPos.Y); 1039 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 1043 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (5)
785 markerPosition.Y = rectSize.Y + rectSize.Height/2F; 1768 markerPosition.Y = rectSize.Y + rectSize.Height/2F; 2060rotationCenter.Y = rectLabel.Top + size.Height / 2; 2064rotationCenter.Y = rectLabel.Bottom - size.Height / 2; 2068rotationCenter.Y = (rectLabel.Bottom + rectLabel.Top) / 2;
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (1)
916position.Y -= markerSizes.Height / 2f;
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (4)
1113 markerPosition.Y = intersection.Y; 1240labelPosition.Y = intersection.Y + intersection.Height / 2f; 1354labelPosition.Y = columnPosition.Y + columnPosition.Height / 2f; 1362labelPosition.Y = marker3DPosition[0].Y;
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (1)
973position.Y -= markerSizes.Height / 2f;
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (5)
447 lastVerticalSegmentPoint.Y = (float)yValue; 458 currentPoint.Y = (float) 466 prevPoint.Y = (float) 494 prevPoint.Y = (float) 532 prevPoint.Y = (float)
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (21)
388 currentPoint.Y = (float) 455 location.Y = points[0].Y; 537 points[0].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 539 points[1].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 542 points[2].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 544 points[3].Y = location.Y - crossSize/2F; 546 points[4].Y = location.Y - crossSize/2F; 549 points[5].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 551 points[6].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 553 points[7].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 556 points[8].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 558 points[9].Y = location.Y + crossSize/2F; 560 points[10].Y = location.Y + crossSize/2F; 562 points[11].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 584 points[0].Y = markerBounds.Y + markerBounds.Height/2F; 586 points[1].Y = markerBounds.Top; 588 points[2].Y = markerBounds.Y + markerBounds.Height/2F; 590 points[3].Y = markerBounds.Bottom; 605 points[0].Y = markerBounds.Bottom; 607 points[1].Y = markerBounds.Top; 609 points[2].Y = markerBounds.Bottom;
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (8)
1057 intersection.Y = plotAreaPositionAbs.Bottom - this._funnelNeckSize.Height; 1131 intersection.Y = plotAreaPositionAbs.Bottom - this._funnelNeckSize.Height; 1895 labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y = segmentInfo.Location + segmentInfo.Height / 2f; 1896 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y = labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y; 1982 labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y = segmentInfo.Location; 1985 labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y += segmentInfo.Height; 1987 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y = labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y; 2053 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y += shiftSize;
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (5)
534 point4.Y = prevPoint.Y; 542 point1.Y = (float)Math.Round(point1.Y); 544 point2.Y = (float)Math.Round(point2.Y); 546 point3.Y = (float)Math.Round(point3.Y); 550 point4.Y = (float)Math.Round(point4.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (16)
449 dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y = dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y + minDifference; 453 dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y = dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y - minDifference; 877first.Y = (first.Y + second.Y) / 2f; 900second.Y = (first.Y + second.Y) / 2f; 1017intersectionPoint.Y = pointY; 1037intersectionPoint.Y = (pointX - firstPoint.X) * 2053 thirdPoint.Y = (float)Math.Round(thirdPoint.Y, decimals); 2056 fourthPoint.Y = (float)Math.Round(fourthPoint.Y, decimals); 2080 thirdPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2081 fourthPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2087 thirdPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2088 fourthPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2205 thirdPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2211 thirdPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2220 fourthPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2225 fourthPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom;
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (3)
1035 point.positionRel.Y = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * rectangle.Height * expShift / 2 + middlePoint.Y; 2738point.positionRel.Y = points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLine].Y; 4940 position.Y = GetLabelPosition( pointIndex );
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (17)
426 markerPosition.Y = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(yValue); 785position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 786position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 790position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 791position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 800position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 801position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 806position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 807position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 816position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 817position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 822position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 823position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 865position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 869position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1163 markerPosition.Y = (float)pointEx.yPosition; 1707 markerPosition.Y = (float)vAxis.GetLinearPosition(yValue);
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (13)
937 middlePoint.Y = (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2f; 1152position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1153position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1157position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1158position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1168position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1169position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1174position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1175position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1184position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1185position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1190position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1191position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F;
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (4)
973 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 977 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y; 1611 thirdPoint.Y = _thirdPointY2Value; 1616 fourthPoint.Y = _fourthPointY2Value;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (14)
498 axisPos.Y = (float)VAxis.GetPosition(this.VAxis.Crossing); 554 firstPoint.Y = yPosition; 568 secondPoint.Y = yPosition; 820 axisPos.Y = (float)VAxis.GetPosition(this.VAxis.Crossing); 862 firstPoint.Y = yPosition; 875 secondPoint.Y = yPosition; 926 axisPos.Y = (float)VAxis.GetPosition(this.VAxis.Crossing); 968 firstPoint.Y = yPosition; 981 secondPoint.Y = yPosition; 1029labelPosition.Y = secondPoint.Y - (secondPoint.Y - prevYValue2) / 2f; 1375 thirdPoint.Y = (thirdPointPosition.X - fourthPoint.X) / 1385 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 1394 fourthPoint.Y = (fourthPointPosition.X - fourthPoint.X) / 1404 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (4)
1079labelPosition.Y = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2f; 1973rotationCenter.Y = rectLabel.Top + size.Height / 2; 1977rotationCenter.Y = rectLabel.Bottom - size.Height / 2; 1981rotationCenter.Y = (rectLabel.Bottom + rectLabel.Top) / 2;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (3)
1159labelPosition.Y = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2f; 1875labelPosition.Y = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2f; 1883labelPosition.Y = marker3DPosition[0].Y;
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (4)
555 markerPosition.Y = (float)high - graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize).Height/2f; 1059position.Y -= sizeFont.Height / 8; 1382 markerPosition.Y = (float)high - graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize).Height/2f; 1856 markerPosition.Y = (float)vAxis.GetLinearPosition(yValue);
Common\General\Axis.cs (31)
2009center.Y = titlePosition.Y + titlePosition.Height / 2F; 2289rotationCenter.Y = ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom - axisTitleSize.Height / 2f; 2293rotationCenter.Y = ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y + axisTitleSize.Height / 2f; 2301rotationCenter.Y = ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom - axisTitleSize.Height / 2f; 2305rotationCenter.Y = ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y + axisTitleSize.Height / 2f; 2402rotationCenter.Y -= dY; 2416rotationCenter.Y += dY; 2481first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2483second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2494first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2496second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2507first.Y = (float)GetAxisPosition(); 2509second.Y = (float)GetAxisPosition(); 2520first.Y = (float)GetAxisPosition(); 2522second.Y = (float)GetAxisPosition(); 2535first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y + PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f; 2633first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2635second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2640first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2642second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2647first.Y = axisPosition; 2649second.Y = axisPosition + labelSize + markSize; 2654first.Y = axisPosition - (labelSize + markSize); 2656second.Y = axisPosition; 2663second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y + PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f; 2783point1.Y = point2.Y; 4909outsidePoint.Y += labelsSizeEstimate; 4910outsidePoint.Y -= textSize.Height; 4911outsidePoint.Y -= spacing; 4942labelPosition[0].Y += labelsSizeEstimate; 4943labelPosition[0].Y -= spacing;
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (60)
867focusScale.Y = 0; 903points[0].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 905points[1].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 908points[2].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 910points[3].Y = point.Y - crossSize / 2F; 912points[4].Y = point.Y - crossSize / 2F; 915points[5].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 917points[6].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 919points[7].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 922points[8].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 924points[9].Y = point.Y + crossSize / 2F; 926points[10].Y = point.Y + crossSize / 2F; 928points[11].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 978focusScale.Y = 0; 1007points[0].Y = rect.Y + rect.Height / 2F; 1009points[1].Y = rect.Top; 1011points[2].Y = rect.Y + rect.Height / 2F; 1013points[3].Y = rect.Bottom; 1062points[0].Y = rect.Bottom; 1064points[1].Y = rect.Top; 1066points[2].Y = rect.Bottom; 1107focusScale.Y = 0; 1847rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height / 2F; 1852rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height / 2F; 1857rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Bottom; 1862rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Top; 1873rotationPoint.Y = (axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Top) ? absPosition.Bottom : absPosition.Y; 1929rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height / 2F; 2569 leftLine[0].Y = absPositionRounded.Bottom; 2571 leftLine[1].Y = center.Y; 2573 leftLine[2].Y = center.Y; 2576 rightLine[0].Y = absPositionRounded.Bottom; 2578 rightLine[1].Y = center.Y; 2580 rightLine[2].Y = center.Y; 2584 leftLine[0].Y = absPositionRounded.Top; 2585 rightLine[0].Y = absPositionRounded.Top; 2782 rotationCenter.Y = ( rect.Bottom + rect.Top ) / 2; 2787 rotationCenter.Y = ( rect.Bottom + rect.Top ) / 2; 2792 rotationCenter.Y = ( rect.Bottom + rect.Top ) / 2; 3837 focusScale.Y = 0; 4679 relative.Y = point.Y * 100F / ((float)(_height - 1)); 4724 absolute.Y = point.Y * (_height - 1) / 100F; 5422 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)shift; 5424 points[1].Y = position.Y - (float)shift; 5426 points[2].Y = position.Y - (float)shift - (float)sharp; 5430 endPoint.Y = points[1].Y; 5432 endPoint.Y = points[2].Y; 5451 points[0].Y = position.Y + (float)shift; 5453 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)shift; 5455 points[2].Y = position.Y + (float)shift + (float)sharp; 5459 endPoint.Y = points[1].Y; 5461 endPoint.Y = points[2].Y; 5475 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)size; 5477 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)size; 5479 points[2].Y = position.Y; 5482 endPoint.Y = position.Y; 5500 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)size; 5502 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)size; 5504 points[2].Y = position.Y; 5507 endPoint.Y = position.Y;
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (18)
383 point1.Y = Math.Max(point1.Y, point2.Y); 3584focusScale.Y = 0; 3893 result.Y = y3; 3899 result.Y = y1; 3905 result.Y = (result.X - x3) * (y4 - y3); 3906 result.Y /= x4 - x3; 3907 result.Y += y3; 3913 result.Y = (result.X - x1) * (y2 - y1); 3914 result.Y /= x2 - x1; 3915 result.Y += y1; 3927 result.Y = a1*result.X + b1; 4176 boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y = boundsRect.Y + boundsRect.Height/2f; 4183 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y; 4188 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y + 100f; 4193 centralLinePoint.Y = (float)(Math.Tan(centralLineAngle) * centralLinePoint.X); 4194 centralLinePoint.Y += (float)(boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y - Math.Tan(centralLineAngle) * boundsRectMiddlePoint.X); 4198 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y + 100f; 4665this._coordXY.Y = value;
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (48)
328 first.Y = axisPosition; 329 second.Y = axisPosition + _size; 333 first.Y = axisPosition - _size - scrollBarSize; 334 second.Y = axisPosition; 338 first.Y = axisPosition - _size/2 - scrollBarSize; 339 second.Y = axisPosition + _size/2; 355 first.Y = axisPosition - _size; 356 second.Y = axisPosition; 360 first.Y = axisPosition; 361 second.Y = axisPosition + _size + scrollBarSize; 365 first.Y = axisPosition - _size/2; 366 second.Y = axisPosition + _size/2 + scrollBarSize; 472first.Y = (float)Axis.GetLinearPosition(current); 473 second.Y = first.Y; 479first.Y = (float)Axis.GetLinearPosition(current); 480 second.Y = first.Y; 668 first.Y = axisPosition; 669 second.Y = axisPosition + _size; 673 first.Y = axisPosition - _size - scrollBarSize; 674 second.Y = axisPosition; 678 first.Y = axisPosition - _size/2 - scrollBarSize; 679 second.Y = axisPosition + _size/2; 695 first.Y = axisPosition - _size; 696 second.Y = axisPosition; 700 first.Y = axisPosition; 701 second.Y = axisPosition + _size + scrollBarSize; 705 first.Y = axisPosition - _size/2; 706 second.Y = axisPosition + _size/2 + scrollBarSize; 721first.Y = (float)Axis.GetLinearPosition(position); 722 second.Y = first.Y; 728first.Y = (float)Axis.GetLinearPosition(position); 729 second.Y = first.Y; 829 point2.Y += area.areaSceneWallWidth.Height; 846 point1.Y -= area.areaSceneWallWidth.Height; 862 point1.Y = axisPosition; 863 point2.Y = axisPosition + _size; 870 point1.Y = axisPosition; 871 point2.Y = axisPosition; 878 point1.Y = axisPosition; 879 point2.Y = axisPosition + _size/2; 1474 first.Y = (float)_axis.GetLinearPosition( current ); 1475 second.Y = first.Y; 1481 first.Y = plotArea.Y; 1482 second.Y = plotArea.Bottom; 1572 first.Y = (float)_axis.GetLinearPosition( position ); 1573 second.Y = first.Y; 1580 first.Y = plotArea.Y; 1581 second.Y = plotArea.Bottom;
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (1)
397pOriginal.Y = this.Coordinates[index + 1];
Common\General\Label.cs (1)
1166labelRelativePosition.Y -= _axis.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing;
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (1)
2462 pointF.Y -= 0.5f;
Common\General\Selection.cs (11)
3044first.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 3046second.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 3053first.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 3055second.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 3062first.Y = (float)axis.GetAxisPosition(); 3064second.Y = (float)axis.GetAxisPosition(); 3065second.Y += axis.labelSize + axis.markSize; 3071first.Y = (float)axis.GetAxisPosition(); 3073second.Y = (float)axis.GetAxisPosition(); 3074first.Y -= axis.labelSize + axis.markSize; 3081second.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Y + axis.PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f;
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (15)
970 connectorPosition.Y = labelRectAbs.Bottom; 974 connectorPosition.Y = labelRectAbs.Top; 984 connectorPosition.Y = labelRectAbs.Bottom; 1495 position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1496 position.Y += sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1500 position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1501 position.Y -= sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1510 position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1511 position.Y -= sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1516 position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1517 position.Y += sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1524 position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1525 position.Y -= sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1529 position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1530 position.Y += sizeFont.Height/ 2F;
Common\General\StripLine.cs (7)
443 point1.Y = (float)this.Axis.GetLinearPosition(currentPosition); 445 point2.Y = point1.Y; 450 point1.Y = plotAreaPosition.Y; 452 point2.Y = plotAreaPosition.Bottom; 738rotationCenter.Y = rect.Top + size.Height / 2 + sizeBorder.Height; 742rotationCenter.Y = rect.Bottom - size.Height / 2 - sizeBorder.Height; 746rotationCenter.Y = (rect.Bottom + rect.Top) / 2;
Common\General\Title.cs (1)
1650center.Y = absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height / 2F;
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (351)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (6)
3167 firstPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3173 firstPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3178 firstPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3209 anchorPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3214 firstPoint.Y -= movingDistance.Height; 3239 firstPoint.Y = float.NaN;
Common\Annotation\CalloutAnnotation.cs (10)
1218 ellipseLocation.Y -= dyAbs / 3f + (index * (dyAbs / 10f) ); 1507 lineSecondPoint.Y = rectanglePosition.Y; 1511 lineSecondPoint.Y = rectanglePosition.Bottom; 1515 lineSecondPoint.Y = rectanglePosition.Y + rectanglePosition.Height / 2f; 1590 textLinePoint1.Y = rectanglePosition.Y; 1591 textLinePoint2.Y = rectanglePosition.Y; 1596 textLinePoint1.Y = rectanglePosition.Y; 1597 textLinePoint2.Y = rectanglePosition.Bottom; 1805 intersectionPoint.Y = pointY; 1825 intersectionPoint.Y = (pointX - firstPoint.X) *
Common\Annotation\LineAnnotation.cs (5)
522 point1.Y = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? 0f : 100f; 523 point2.Y = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? 100f : 0f; 534 intersectionPoint1.Y = 0f; 540 intersectionPoint2.Y = 100f; 888 point2.Y = point1.Y;
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (2)
606 pathPoints[pointIndex].Y = rectanglePositionAbs.Y + pathPoints[pointIndex].Y * groupScaleY; 899 pathPoints[pointIndex].Y -= movingDistance.Height;
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (6)
298point1.Y = (float)Math.Round(point1.Y); 300point2.Y = (float)Math.Round(point2.Y); 304axisPos.Y = (float)VAxis.GetPosition(this.VAxis.Crossing); 307axisPos.Y = (float)Math.Round(axisPos.Y); 1039 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 1043 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (5)
785 markerPosition.Y = rectSize.Y + rectSize.Height/2F; 1768 markerPosition.Y = rectSize.Y + rectSize.Height/2F; 2060rotationCenter.Y = rectLabel.Top + size.Height / 2; 2064rotationCenter.Y = rectLabel.Bottom - size.Height / 2; 2068rotationCenter.Y = (rectLabel.Bottom + rectLabel.Top) / 2;
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (1)
916position.Y -= markerSizes.Height / 2f;
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (4)
1113 markerPosition.Y = intersection.Y; 1240labelPosition.Y = intersection.Y + intersection.Height / 2f; 1354labelPosition.Y = columnPosition.Y + columnPosition.Height / 2f; 1362labelPosition.Y = marker3DPosition[0].Y;
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (1)
973position.Y -= markerSizes.Height / 2f;
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (5)
447 lastVerticalSegmentPoint.Y = (float)yValue; 458 currentPoint.Y = (float) 466 prevPoint.Y = (float) 494 prevPoint.Y = (float) 532 prevPoint.Y = (float)
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (21)
388 currentPoint.Y = (float) 455 location.Y = points[0].Y; 537 points[0].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 539 points[1].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 542 points[2].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 544 points[3].Y = location.Y - crossSize/2F; 546 points[4].Y = location.Y - crossSize/2F; 549 points[5].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 551 points[6].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 553 points[7].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 556 points[8].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 558 points[9].Y = location.Y + crossSize/2F; 560 points[10].Y = location.Y + crossSize/2F; 562 points[11].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 584 points[0].Y = markerBounds.Y + markerBounds.Height/2F; 586 points[1].Y = markerBounds.Top; 588 points[2].Y = markerBounds.Y + markerBounds.Height/2F; 590 points[3].Y = markerBounds.Bottom; 605 points[0].Y = markerBounds.Bottom; 607 points[1].Y = markerBounds.Top; 609 points[2].Y = markerBounds.Bottom;
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (8)
1057 intersection.Y = plotAreaPositionAbs.Bottom - this._funnelNeckSize.Height; 1131 intersection.Y = plotAreaPositionAbs.Bottom - this._funnelNeckSize.Height; 1895 labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y = segmentInfo.Location + segmentInfo.Height / 2f; 1896 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y = labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y; 1982 labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y = segmentInfo.Location; 1985 labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y += segmentInfo.Height; 1987 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y = labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y; 2053 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y += shiftSize;
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (5)
534 point4.Y = prevPoint.Y; 542 point1.Y = (float)Math.Round(point1.Y); 544 point2.Y = (float)Math.Round(point2.Y); 546 point3.Y = (float)Math.Round(point3.Y); 550 point4.Y = (float)Math.Round(point4.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (16)
449 dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y = dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y + minDifference; 453 dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y = dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y - minDifference; 877first.Y = (first.Y + second.Y) / 2f; 900second.Y = (first.Y + second.Y) / 2f; 1017intersectionPoint.Y = pointY; 1037intersectionPoint.Y = (pointX - firstPoint.X) * 2053 thirdPoint.Y = (float)Math.Round(thirdPoint.Y, decimals); 2056 fourthPoint.Y = (float)Math.Round(fourthPoint.Y, decimals); 2080 thirdPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2081 fourthPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2087 thirdPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2088 fourthPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2205 thirdPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2211 thirdPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2220 fourthPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2225 fourthPoint.Y = area.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom;
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (3)
1035 point.positionRel.Y = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * rectangle.Height * expShift / 2 + middlePoint.Y; 2738point.positionRel.Y = points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLine].Y; 4940 position.Y = GetLabelPosition( pointIndex );
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (17)
426 markerPosition.Y = (float)VAxis.GetLinearPosition(yValue); 785position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 786position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 790position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 791position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 800position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 801position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 806position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 807position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 816position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 817position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 822position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 823position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 865position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 869position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1163 markerPosition.Y = (float)pointEx.yPosition; 1707 markerPosition.Y = (float)vAxis.GetLinearPosition(yValue);
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (13)
937 middlePoint.Y = (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2f; 1152position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1153position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1157position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1158position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1168position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1169position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1174position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1175position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1184position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1185position.Y -= sizeLabel.Height / 2F; 1190position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1191position.Y += sizeLabel.Height / 2F;
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (4)
973 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 977 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y; 1611 thirdPoint.Y = _thirdPointY2Value; 1616 fourthPoint.Y = _fourthPointY2Value;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (14)
498 axisPos.Y = (float)VAxis.GetPosition(this.VAxis.Crossing); 554 firstPoint.Y = yPosition; 568 secondPoint.Y = yPosition; 820 axisPos.Y = (float)VAxis.GetPosition(this.VAxis.Crossing); 862 firstPoint.Y = yPosition; 875 secondPoint.Y = yPosition; 926 axisPos.Y = (float)VAxis.GetPosition(this.VAxis.Crossing); 968 firstPoint.Y = yPosition; 981 secondPoint.Y = yPosition; 1029labelPosition.Y = secondPoint.Y - (secondPoint.Y - prevYValue2) / 2f; 1375 thirdPoint.Y = (thirdPointPosition.X - fourthPoint.X) / 1385 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 1394 fourthPoint.Y = (fourthPointPosition.X - fourthPoint.X) / 1404 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (4)
1079labelPosition.Y = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2f; 1973rotationCenter.Y = rectLabel.Top + size.Height / 2; 1977rotationCenter.Y = rectLabel.Bottom - size.Height / 2; 1981rotationCenter.Y = (rectLabel.Bottom + rectLabel.Top) / 2;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (3)
1159labelPosition.Y = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2f; 1875labelPosition.Y = rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2f; 1883labelPosition.Y = marker3DPosition[0].Y;
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (4)
555 markerPosition.Y = (float)high - graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize).Height/2f; 1059position.Y -= sizeFont.Height / 8; 1382 markerPosition.Y = (float)high - graph.GetRelativeSize(markerSize).Height/2f; 1856 markerPosition.Y = (float)vAxis.GetLinearPosition(yValue);
Common\General\Axis.cs (31)
2009center.Y = titlePosition.Y + titlePosition.Height / 2F; 2289rotationCenter.Y = ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom - axisTitleSize.Height / 2f; 2293rotationCenter.Y = ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y + axisTitleSize.Height / 2f; 2301rotationCenter.Y = ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom - axisTitleSize.Height / 2f; 2305rotationCenter.Y = ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y + axisTitleSize.Height / 2f; 2402rotationCenter.Y -= dY; 2416rotationCenter.Y += dY; 2481first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2483second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2494first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2496second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2507first.Y = (float)GetAxisPosition(); 2509second.Y = (float)GetAxisPosition(); 2520first.Y = (float)GetAxisPosition(); 2522second.Y = (float)GetAxisPosition(); 2535first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y + PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f; 2633first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2635second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2640first.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y; 2642second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 2647first.Y = axisPosition; 2649second.Y = axisPosition + labelSize + markSize; 2654first.Y = axisPosition - (labelSize + markSize); 2656second.Y = axisPosition; 2663second.Y = PlotAreaPosition.Y + PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f; 2783point1.Y = point2.Y; 4909outsidePoint.Y += labelsSizeEstimate; 4910outsidePoint.Y -= textSize.Height; 4911outsidePoint.Y -= spacing; 4942labelPosition[0].Y += labelsSizeEstimate; 4943labelPosition[0].Y -= spacing;
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (60)
867focusScale.Y = 0; 903points[0].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 905points[1].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 908points[2].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 910points[3].Y = point.Y - crossSize / 2F; 912points[4].Y = point.Y - crossSize / 2F; 915points[5].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 917points[6].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 919points[7].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 922points[8].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 924points[9].Y = point.Y + crossSize / 2F; 926points[10].Y = point.Y + crossSize / 2F; 928points[11].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 978focusScale.Y = 0; 1007points[0].Y = rect.Y + rect.Height / 2F; 1009points[1].Y = rect.Top; 1011points[2].Y = rect.Y + rect.Height / 2F; 1013points[3].Y = rect.Bottom; 1062points[0].Y = rect.Bottom; 1064points[1].Y = rect.Top; 1066points[2].Y = rect.Bottom; 1107focusScale.Y = 0; 1847rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height / 2F; 1852rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height / 2F; 1857rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Bottom; 1862rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Top; 1873rotationPoint.Y = (axis.AxisPosition == AxisPosition.Top) ? absPosition.Bottom : absPosition.Y; 1929rotationPoint.Y = absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height / 2F; 2569 leftLine[0].Y = absPositionRounded.Bottom; 2571 leftLine[1].Y = center.Y; 2573 leftLine[2].Y = center.Y; 2576 rightLine[0].Y = absPositionRounded.Bottom; 2578 rightLine[1].Y = center.Y; 2580 rightLine[2].Y = center.Y; 2584 leftLine[0].Y = absPositionRounded.Top; 2585 rightLine[0].Y = absPositionRounded.Top; 2782 rotationCenter.Y = ( rect.Bottom + rect.Top ) / 2; 2787 rotationCenter.Y = ( rect.Bottom + rect.Top ) / 2; 2792 rotationCenter.Y = ( rect.Bottom + rect.Top ) / 2; 3837 focusScale.Y = 0; 4679 relative.Y = point.Y * 100F / ((float)(_height - 1)); 4724 absolute.Y = point.Y * (_height - 1) / 100F; 5422 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)shift; 5424 points[1].Y = position.Y - (float)shift; 5426 points[2].Y = position.Y - (float)shift - (float)sharp; 5430 endPoint.Y = points[1].Y; 5432 endPoint.Y = points[2].Y; 5451 points[0].Y = position.Y + (float)shift; 5453 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)shift; 5455 points[2].Y = position.Y + (float)shift + (float)sharp; 5459 endPoint.Y = points[1].Y; 5461 endPoint.Y = points[2].Y; 5475 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)size; 5477 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)size; 5479 points[2].Y = position.Y; 5482 endPoint.Y = position.Y; 5500 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)size; 5502 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)size; 5504 points[2].Y = position.Y; 5507 endPoint.Y = position.Y;
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (18)
383 point1.Y = Math.Max(point1.Y, point2.Y); 3584focusScale.Y = 0; 3893 result.Y = y3; 3899 result.Y = y1; 3905 result.Y = (result.X - x3) * (y4 - y3); 3906 result.Y /= x4 - x3; 3907 result.Y += y3; 3913 result.Y = (result.X - x1) * (y2 - y1); 3914 result.Y /= x2 - x1; 3915 result.Y += y1; 3927 result.Y = a1*result.X + b1; 4176 boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y = boundsRect.Y + boundsRect.Height/2f; 4183 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y; 4188 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y + 100f; 4193 centralLinePoint.Y = (float)(Math.Tan(centralLineAngle) * centralLinePoint.X); 4194 centralLinePoint.Y += (float)(boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y - Math.Tan(centralLineAngle) * boundsRectMiddlePoint.X); 4198 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y + 100f; 4665this._coordXY.Y = value;
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (48)
328 first.Y = axisPosition; 329 second.Y = axisPosition + _size; 333 first.Y = axisPosition - _size - scrollBarSize; 334 second.Y = axisPosition; 338 first.Y = axisPosition - _size/2 - scrollBarSize; 339 second.Y = axisPosition + _size/2; 355 first.Y = axisPosition - _size; 356 second.Y = axisPosition; 360 first.Y = axisPosition; 361 second.Y = axisPosition + _size + scrollBarSize; 365 first.Y = axisPosition - _size/2; 366 second.Y = axisPosition + _size/2 + scrollBarSize; 472first.Y = (float)Axis.GetLinearPosition(current); 473 second.Y = first.Y; 479first.Y = (float)Axis.GetLinearPosition(current); 480 second.Y = first.Y; 668 first.Y = axisPosition; 669 second.Y = axisPosition + _size; 673 first.Y = axisPosition - _size - scrollBarSize; 674 second.Y = axisPosition; 678 first.Y = axisPosition - _size/2 - scrollBarSize; 679 second.Y = axisPosition + _size/2; 695 first.Y = axisPosition - _size; 696 second.Y = axisPosition; 700 first.Y = axisPosition; 701 second.Y = axisPosition + _size + scrollBarSize; 705 first.Y = axisPosition - _size/2; 706 second.Y = axisPosition + _size/2 + scrollBarSize; 721first.Y = (float)Axis.GetLinearPosition(position); 722 second.Y = first.Y; 728first.Y = (float)Axis.GetLinearPosition(position); 729 second.Y = first.Y; 829 point2.Y += area.areaSceneWallWidth.Height; 846 point1.Y -= area.areaSceneWallWidth.Height; 862 point1.Y = axisPosition; 863 point2.Y = axisPosition + _size; 870 point1.Y = axisPosition; 871 point2.Y = axisPosition; 878 point1.Y = axisPosition; 879 point2.Y = axisPosition + _size/2; 1474 first.Y = (float)_axis.GetLinearPosition( current ); 1475 second.Y = first.Y; 1481 first.Y = plotArea.Y; 1482 second.Y = plotArea.Bottom; 1572 first.Y = (float)_axis.GetLinearPosition( position ); 1573 second.Y = first.Y; 1580 first.Y = plotArea.Y; 1581 second.Y = plotArea.Bottom;
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (1)
397pOriginal.Y = this.Coordinates[index + 1];
Common\General\Label.cs (1)
1166labelRelativePosition.Y -= _axis.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing;
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (1)
2462 pointF.Y -= 0.5f;
Common\General\Selection.cs (11)
3044first.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 3046second.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 3053first.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Y; 3055second.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom; 3062first.Y = (float)axis.GetAxisPosition(); 3064second.Y = (float)axis.GetAxisPosition(); 3065second.Y += axis.labelSize + axis.markSize; 3071first.Y = (float)axis.GetAxisPosition(); 3073second.Y = (float)axis.GetAxisPosition(); 3074first.Y -= axis.labelSize + axis.markSize; 3081second.Y = axis.PlotAreaPosition.Y + axis.PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f;
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (15)
970 connectorPosition.Y = labelRectAbs.Bottom; 974 connectorPosition.Y = labelRectAbs.Top; 984 connectorPosition.Y = labelRectAbs.Bottom; 1495 position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1496 position.Y += sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1500 position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1501 position.Y -= sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1510 position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1511 position.Y -= sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1516 position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1517 position.Y += sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1524 position.Y -= sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1525 position.Y -= sizeFont.Height/ 2F; 1529 position.Y += sizeMarker.Height / 1.75F; 1530 position.Y += sizeFont.Height/ 2F;
Common\General\StripLine.cs (7)
443 point1.Y = (float)this.Axis.GetLinearPosition(currentPosition); 445 point2.Y = point1.Y; 450 point1.Y = plotAreaPosition.Y; 452 point2.Y = plotAreaPosition.Bottom; 738rotationCenter.Y = rect.Top + size.Height / 2 + sizeBorder.Height; 742rotationCenter.Y = rect.Bottom - size.Height / 2 - sizeBorder.Height; 746rotationCenter.Y = (rect.Bottom + rect.Top) / 2;
Common\General\Title.cs (1)
1650center.Y = absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height / 2F;
1643 references to Y
System.Drawing (50)
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GPPOINT.cs (1)
28 Y = (int) pt.Y;
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GPPOINTF.cs (1)
25Y = pt.Y;
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GraphicsPath.cs (9)
491pt.Y, 605pt.Y, 689AddLine(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y); 833AddBezier(pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X, pt4.Y); 1363GPRECTF rectf = new GPRECTF(origin.X, origin.Y, 0, 0);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\Matrix.cs (4)
375status = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipTranslateMatrix(new HandleRef(this, nativeMatrix), point.X, point.Y, order); 377status |= SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipTranslateMatrix(new HandleRef(this, nativeMatrix), -point.X, -point.Y, order); 380status = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipTranslateMatrix(new HandleRef(this, nativeMatrix), -point.X, -point.Y, order); 382status |= SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipTranslateMatrix(new HandleRef(this, nativeMatrix), point.X, point.Y, order);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\PathGradientBrush.cs (1)
823int status = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipSetPathGradientFocusScales(new HandleRef(this, this.NativeBrush), value.X, value.Y);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\PointF.cs (10)
142/// whether the values of the <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF.X'/> and <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF.Y'/> properties of the two <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> 147return left.X == right.X && left.Y == right.Y; 154/// of the <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF.X'/> or <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF.Y'/> properties of the two 169return new PointF(pt.X + sz.Width, pt.Y + sz.Height); 178return new PointF(pt.X - sz.Width, pt.Y - sz.Height); 187return new PointF(pt.X + sz.Width, pt.Y + sz.Height); 196return new PointF(pt.X - sz.Width, pt.Y - sz.Height); 208comp.Y == this.Y &&
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\RectangleF.cs (4)
66this.y = location.Y; 100Y = value.Y; 321return Contains(pt.X, pt.Y); 453Offset(pos.X, pos.Y);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\SizeF.cs (1)
68height = pt.Y;
commonui\System\Drawing\Graphics.cs (15)
1166DrawLine(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y); 1338DrawBezier(pen, pt1.X, pt1.Y, pt2.X, pt2.Y, pt3.X, pt3.Y, pt4.X, pt4.Y); 2463DrawString(s, font, brush, new RectangleF(point.X, point.Y, 0, 0), null); 2477DrawString(s, font, brush, new RectangleF(point.X, point.Y, 0, 0), format); 2551grf.Y = origin.Y; 2752DrawImage(image, point.X, point.Y); 4153cumulTransform.Translate(context.TransformOffset.X, context.TransformOffset.Y); 4160cumulClip.Translate(currentOffset.X, currentOffset.Y); 4162totalOffset.Y += currentOffset.Y; 4184cumulClip.Translate(-totalOffset.X, -totalOffset.Y); 4333int status = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipIsVisiblePoint(new HandleRef(this, this.NativeGraphics), point.X, point.Y, out isVisible);
commonui\System\Drawing\Point.cs (3)
209return new Point((int)Math.Ceiling(value.X), (int)Math.Ceiling(value.Y)); 218return new Point((int)value.X, (int)value.Y); 227return new Point((int)Math.Round(value.X), (int)Math.Round(value.Y));
commonui\System\Drawing\Region.cs (1)
817int status = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.GdipIsVisibleRegionPoint(new HandleRef(this, nativeRegion), point.X, point.Y,
System.Web.DataVisualization (793)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (12)
2139 handlePosition.Y - markerSizeRel.Height/2f, 2373 anchorY = this.AnchorDataPoint.positionRel.Y; 2419 vertAxis.PositionToValue(this._anchorDataPoint2.positionRel.Y, false) - 2420 vertAxis.PositionToValue(this._anchorDataPoint.positionRel.Y, false); 2646 relativeY += groupLocation.Y; 2767 relativeY = groupLocation.Y; 2810 float maxAnchorOffsetAbs = Math.Max(anchorOffsetAbs.X, anchorOffsetAbs.Y); 2880 currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(anchorLocation.X, anchorLocation.Y); 2913 double newAnchorY = anchorPoint.Y; 2919 this.currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y); 3030 !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y) ) 3032 newBottom = vertAxis.PositionToValue(anchorPoint.Y + position.Height, false);
Common\Annotation\ArrowAnnotation.cs (29)
314 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 317 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 321 float.IsNaN(firstPoint.Y) || 323 float.IsNaN(secondPoint.Y) ) 397 float deltaY = secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y; 410 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 411 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 412 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 413 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 414 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 415 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) }; 421 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 422 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 423 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 424 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 425 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y), 426 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 427 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 428 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 429 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) }; 436 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 437 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 438 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*tailRatio), 439 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*tailRatio, firstPoint.Y), 440 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*tailRatio), 441 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 442 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) };
Common\Annotation\CalloutAnnotation.cs (56)
651 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 654 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 838 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 841 if(!rectanglePosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 844 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 857 float deltaY = point.Y - anchorPointAbs.Y; 916 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 926 if(!inflatedPosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 934 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 943 anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 955 anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 966 anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 977 anchorPoint.Y <= rectanglePosition.Bottom && 978 anchorPoint.Y >= rectanglePosition.Y) 989 anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1001 anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1012 anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1023 anchorPoint.Y >= rectanglePosition.Y && 1024 anchorPoint.Y <= rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1109 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 1112 if(!rectanglePosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 1126 new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 1131 float dyAbs = anchorPointAbs.Y - cloudCenterAbs.Y; 1134 if(anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1146 else if(anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1170 SizeF size = new SizeF(Math.Abs(cloudCenterAbs.X - point.X), Math.Abs(cloudCenterAbs.Y - point.Y)); 1190 ellipseLocation.Y - ellipseSize.Height / 2f, 1308 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 1311 if(!rectanglePosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 1327 if(anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1332 points1[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1339 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1347 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1351 else if(anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1356 points1[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1363 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1371 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1382 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1390 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1486 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 1489 if(!rectanglePosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 1505 if(anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1509 else if(anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1588 if(anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1593 else if(anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Y && 1594 anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1806 intersectionPoint.X = (pointY - firstPoint.Y) * 1808 (secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y) + 1826 (secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y) / 1828 firstPoint.Y;
Common\Annotation\GroupAnnotation.cs (3)
921 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 924 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y));
Common\Annotation\ImageAnnotation.cs (3)
525 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 528 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y));
Common\Annotation\LineAnnotation.cs (22)
522 point1.Y = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? 0f : 100f; 523 point2.Y = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? 100f : 0f; 525 else if(Math.Round(point1.Y , 3) == Math.Round(point2.Y, 3)) 535 intersectionPoint1.X = (0f - point1.Y) * 537 (point2.Y - point1.Y) + 541 intersectionPoint2.X = (100f - point1.Y) * 543 (point2.Y - point1.Y) + 547 point1 = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? intersectionPoint1 : intersectionPoint2; 548 point2 = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? intersectionPoint2 : intersectionPoint1; 569 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 572 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 579 float.IsNaN(firstPoint.Y) || 581 float.IsNaN(secondPoint.Y) ) 888 point2.Y = point1.Y;
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (5)
527_pathPoints.Add(new AnnotationPathPoint(points[index].X, points[index].Y, types[index])); 566 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 569 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 606 pathPoints[pointIndex].Y = rectanglePositionAbs.Y + pathPoints[pointIndex].Y * groupScaleY;
Common\Annotation\RectangleAnnotation.cs (6)
389 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 392 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 627 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 630 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y));
Common\Annotation\TextAnnotation.cs (3)
419 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 422 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y));
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (41)
298point1.Y = (float)Math.Round(point1.Y); 300point2.Y = (float)Math.Round(point2.Y); 307axisPos.Y = (float)Math.Round(axisPos.Y); 339path.AddLine(point1.X, axisPos.Y, point1.X, point1.Y); 348path.AddLine(point2.X, point2.Y, point2.X, axisPos.Y); 427points[pointIndex - 1].Y == points[pointIndex].Y)) 451areaPath.AddLine(point1.X, axisPos.Y, point1.X, point1.Y); 496mapAreaPath.AddLine(point1.X, axisPos.Y, point1.X, point1.Y); 506mapAreaPath.AddLine(point2.X, point2.Y, point2.X, axisPos.Y); 507mapAreaPath.AddLine(point2.X, axisPos.Y, point1.X, axisPos.Y); 517coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 573coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 602 areaPath.AddLine(areaPath.GetLastPoint().X, areaPath.GetLastPoint().Y, areaPath.GetLastPoint().X, axisPos.Y); 807 dp1.yPosition = splinePoints[pIndex - 1].Y; 812 dp2.yPosition = splinePoints[pIndex].Y; 819 dp2.yPosition = splinePoints[pIndex - 1].Y; 824 dp1.yPosition = splinePoints[pIndex].Y; 1037 if(!float.IsNaN(thirdPointPosition.Y)) 1039 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 1041 if(!float.IsNaN(fourthPointPosition.Y)) 1043 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y; 1047 float.IsNaN(thirdPoint.Y) || 1049 float.IsNaN(fourthPoint.Y) ) 1288 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1293 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1322 dp1.yPosition = (firstPoint.xPosition <= secondPoint.xPosition) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y; 1351 dp1.yPosition = (secondPoint.xPosition >= firstPoint.xPosition) ? fourthPoint.Y : thirdPoint.Y; 1375 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1380 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1409 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1415 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (6)
1116 common.HotRegionsList.AddHotRegion( insertIndex, graph, markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, point, seriesName, pointIndex ); 1123 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1775 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth/2f)); 2083 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth), 2084 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth) }; 2119rotationCenter.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2,
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (5)
1116 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1152 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height)); 1174 circCoord[1] = markerPosition.Y; 1191 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1358marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth));
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (5)
495 (vAxis.GetLinearPosition( lastVerticalSegmentPoint.Y ) * yPixelConverter); 509 prevPoint.Y, 511 currentPoint.Y); 606 points[0] = new Point3D(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, seriesZCoordinate); 607 points[1] = new Point3D(secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y, seriesZCoordinate);
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (14)
452 points[0] = new Point3D(location.X, location.Y, this.seriesZCoordinate); 461 location.X - markerSize / 2f, location.Y - markerSize / 2f, markerSize, markerSize); 537 points[0].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 539 points[1].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 542 points[2].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 544 points[3].Y = location.Y - crossSize/2F; 546 points[4].Y = location.Y - crossSize/2F; 549 points[5].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 551 points[6].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 553 points[7].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 556 points[8].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 558 points[9].Y = location.Y + crossSize/2F; 560 points[10].Y = location.Y + crossSize/2F; 562 points[11].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F;
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (9)
1062 intersection.X, intersection.Y); 1064 intersection.X, intersection.Y, 1136 intersection.X, intersection.Y); 1138 intersection.X, intersection.Y, 1379 float currentLocation = this.Graph.GetAbsolutePoint(this.PlotAreaPosition.Location).Y; 1528 !float.IsNaN(labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y) && 1530 !float.IsNaN(labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y) ) 1896 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y = labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y; 1987 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y = labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (23)
492 currentKagiDirection = (points[pointIndex - 1].Y > points[pointIndex].Y) ? 501 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 509 int direction = (points[pointIndex - 1].Y > points[pointIndex].Y) ? 518 if(point1.Y > prevPoint.Y && 519 point1.Y > point3.Y && 520 prevPoint.Y > point3.Y) 524 else if(point1.Y < prevPoint.Y && 525 point1.Y < point3.Y && 526 prevPoint.Y < point3.Y) 534 point4.Y = prevPoint.Y; 542 point1.Y = (float)Math.Round(point1.Y); 544 point2.Y = (float)Math.Round(point2.Y); 546 point3.Y = (float)Math.Round(point3.Y); 550 point4.Y = (float)Math.Round(point4.Y); 614coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (88)
445 if( Math.Abs(dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y - dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y ) < minDifference ) 447 if(dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y > dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y) 449 dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y = dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y + minDifference; 453 dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y = dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y - minDifference; 877first.Y = (first.Y + second.Y) / 2f; 879if (Math.Abs(first.X - second.X) > Math.Abs(first.Y - second.Y)) 881path.AddLine(first.X, first.Y - width, second.X, second.Y - width); 882path.AddLine(second.X, second.Y + width, first.X, first.Y + width); 887path.AddLine(first.X - width, first.Y, second.X - width, second.Y); 888path.AddLine(second.X + width, second.Y, first.X + width, first.Y); 900second.Y = (first.Y + second.Y) / 2f; 908if (Math.Abs(first.X - second.X) > Math.Abs(first.Y - second.Y)) 910path.AddLine(first.X, first.Y - width, second.X, second.Y - width); 911path.AddLine(second.X, second.Y + width, first.X, first.Y + width); 916path.AddLine(first.X - width, first.Y, second.X - width, second.Y); 917path.AddLine(second.X + width, second.Y, first.X + width, first.Y); 955coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 968return point.X <= -maxGDIRange || point.X >= maxGDIRange || point.Y <= -maxGDIRange || point.Y >= maxGDIRange; 987bool topBottomLine = (Math.Abs(pt2.Y - pt1.Y) > Math.Abs(pt2.X - pt1.X)); 1018intersectionPoint.X = (pointY - firstPoint.Y) * 1020(secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y) + 1038(secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y) / 1040firstPoint.Y; 2053 thirdPoint.Y = (float)Math.Round(thirdPoint.Y, decimals); 2056 fourthPoint.Y = (float)Math.Round(fourthPoint.Y, decimals); 2063 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY || 2064 (decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom || 2065 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY || 2066 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom ) 2069 PointF prevThirdPoint = new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y); 2070 PointF prevFourthPoint = new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y); 2075 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY && 2076 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY) 2083 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom && 2084 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) 2099 new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y), 2100 new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y), 2105 thirdPoint = new PointF(prevThirdPoint.X, prevThirdPoint.Y); 2106 fourthPoint = new PointF(prevFourthPoint.X, prevFourthPoint.Y); 2115 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom || 2116 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom ) 2121 intersectionPoint.xPosition = (intersectionPoint.yPosition - fourthPoint.Y) * 2123 (thirdPoint.Y - fourthPoint.Y) + 2144 if( ((decimal)thirdPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY && 2145 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) || 2146 ((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom && 2147 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY)) 2159 intersectionPoint2.xPosition = (intersectionPoint2.yPosition - fourthPoint.Y) * 2161 (thirdPoint.Y - fourthPoint.Y) + 2180 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) 2201 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY) 2208 else if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) 2212 if(firstPoint.yPosition >= thirdPoint.Y) 2217 if((decimal)fourthPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY) 2223 else if((decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) 2226 if(fourthPoint.Y <= secondPoint.yPosition) 2267 new PointF(float.NaN, thirdPoint.Y), 2268 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, (!firstSegmentVisible || segmentNumber == 3) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y), 2312 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, thirdPoint.Y), 2313 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, fourthPoint.Y), 2349 float thirdPointNewY = (!firstSegmentVisible || segmentNumber == 3) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y; 2352 thirdPointNewY = (secondSegmentOutsideTop) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y; 2362 new PointF(float.NaN, fourthPoint.Y), 2387 thirdPoint = new PointF(prevThirdPoint.X, prevThirdPoint.Y); 2388 fourthPoint = new PointF(prevFourthPoint.X, prevFourthPoint.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (16)
802 rectangle = new RectangleF( middlePoint.X - relativeSize.Width / 2, middlePoint.Y - relativeSize.Height / 2, relativeSize.Width, relativeSize.Height ); 1035 point.positionRel.Y = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * rectangle.Height * expShift / 2 + middlePoint.Y; 1243 y = (float)Math.Sin( (startAngle + sweepAngle / 2) * Math.PI / 180 ) * height + middlePoint.Y; 1310 float y1 = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * relativeSize.Height * expShift / 2 + middlePoint.Y; 1313 float y2 = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * relativeSize.Height * shift * expShift + middlePoint.Y; 1333float y3 = (float)Math.Sin((midAngle) * Math.PI / 180) * relativeSize.Height * shift * expShift + middlePoint.Y; 1502 labelRect.Y = labelPosition.Y - size.Height / 2 * 1.8f; 1715 float y3 = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * relativeSize.Height * shift * expShift + middlePoint.Y; 1862coord[2 * index + 1] = pointNew[index].Y; 2565 rectangle = new RectangleF( middlePoint.X - relativeSize.Width / 2, middlePoint.Y - relativeSize.Height / 2, relativeSize.Width, relativeSize.Height ); 2738point.positionRel.Y = points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLine].Y; 4959 angle = (float)Math.Atan( ( position.Y - _innerPlotPosition.Top - _innerPlotPosition.Height / 2) / ( position.X - _innerPlotPosition.Left - _innerPlotPosition.Width / 2 )); 5401 float y = piePoints[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLineout].Y; 5467labelPosition.Y = labelPoint.Y - labelVertSize / 2; 5487labelPosition.Y = labelPoint.Y - labelVertSize / 2; 5581 labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height/2 - sizeFont.Height / 10,
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (15)
443 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 493 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height)); 628 common.HotRegionsList.AddHotRegion( insertIndex, graph, markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, point, seriesName, pointIndex ); 635 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 777PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1013 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height; 1017 labelPosition.Y = position.Y; 1021 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height/2F; 1171 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1192 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + ((this.middleMarker) ? pointEx.depth/2f : pointEx.depth))); 1235 new RectangleF(markerRotatedPosition.X, markerRotatedPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height), 1284 circCoord[1] = markerRotatedPosition.Y; 1316 new RectangleF(markerRotatedPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerRotatedPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1747 markerPosition.Y, 1768 markerPosition.Y - markerSize.Height / 2f,
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (7)
768 new RectangleF(dataPointPos[index].X, dataPointPos[index].Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height), 811 circCoord[1] = relativeMarkerPosition.Y; 829 new RectangleF(relativeMarkerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, relativeMarkerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 937 middlePoint.Y = (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2f; 1144PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1593 markerPosition.Y - markerSize.Height/2f,
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (65)
264 areaPath.GetLastPoint().Y, 266 areaBottomPath.GetLastPoint().Y); 423 path.AddLine(highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 433 path.AddLine(highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 538graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 542graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 593 graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 597 graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 624 areaPath.AddLine(highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 668 path.AddLine(highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 677 path.AddLine(highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 689 mapAreaPath.AddLine(highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 699 mapAreaPath.AddLine(highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 718 coord[2*i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 971 if(!float.IsNaN(thirdPointPosition.Y)) 973 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 975 if(!float.IsNaN(fourthPointPosition.Y)) 977 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y; 985if (Math.Abs(firstPoint.yPosition - (double)thirdPoint.Y) > smallDouble && 986Math.Abs(secondPoint.yPosition - (double)fourthPoint.Y) > smallDouble && 987((firstPoint.yPosition > thirdPoint.Y && secondPoint.yPosition < fourthPoint.Y) || 988(firstPoint.yPosition < thirdPoint.Y && secondPoint.yPosition > fourthPoint.Y))) 1000 thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y, 1001 fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y); 1004 intersectionPoint.yPosition = intersectionCoordinates.Y; 1009 double.IsNaN(intersectionCoordinates.Y) ) 1016 (decimal)intersectionCoordinates.Y == (decimal)firstPoint.yPosition ) 1021 (decimal)intersectionCoordinates.Y == (decimal)secondPoint.yPosition ) 1115 if(firstPoint.yPosition >= thirdPoint.Y && secondPoint.yPosition >= fourthPoint.Y) 1282 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1287 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1309 dp1.yPosition = (firstPoint.xPosition <= secondPoint.xPosition) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y; 1334 dp1.yPosition = (secondPoint.xPosition >= firstPoint.xPosition) ? fourthPoint.Y : thirdPoint.Y; 1355 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1360 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1379 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1384 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1541 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1542 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1543 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1547 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1548 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1549 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1557 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1558 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1559 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1563 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1564 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1565 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ );
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (40)
520 float prevYValue1 = axisPos.Y; 521 float prevYValue2 = axisPos.Y; 558 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 572 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 585path.AddLine(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y); 586path.AddLine(secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, prevYValue2); 588path.AddLine(firstPoint.X, prevYValue1, firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y); 663if (!(firstPoint.X == secondPoint.X || firstPoint.Y == secondPoint.Y)) 665graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y); 680areaPath.AddLine(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y); 702coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 723linePath.AddLine(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y); 744coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 836 float prevYValue1 = axisPos.Y; 837 float prevYValue2 = axisPos.Y; 866 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 879 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 942 float prevYValue1 = axisPos.Y; 943 float prevYValue2 = axisPos.Y; 972 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 985 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 1029labelPosition.Y = secondPoint.Y - (secondPoint.Y - prevYValue2) / 2f; 1047labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10, 1377 (thirdPoint.Y - fourthPoint.Y) + 1378 fourthPoint.Y; 1383 if(!float.IsNaN(thirdPointPosition.Y)) 1385 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 1396 (thirdPoint.Y - fourthPoint.Y) + 1397 fourthPoint.Y; 1402 if(!float.IsNaN(fourthPointPosition.Y)) 1404 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y; 1529points[0].PointF.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10,
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (4)
1185labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10, 1996 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth), 1997 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth) }; 2089rotationCenter.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10,
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (3)
1242labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10, 1879marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth)); 1954labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10,
Common\ChartTypes\StepLineChart.cs (3)
121 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 156 coord[2*i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 190 coord[2*i + 1] = pointNew.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (8)
571 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height)); 587 circCoord[1] = markerPosition.Y; 604 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1398 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height)); 1414 circCoord[1] = markerPosition.Y; 1431 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1897 markerPosition.Y, 1917 markerPosition.Y - markerSize.Height,
Common\General\Axis.cs (30)
1967rectPoints[0].Y, 1969rectPoints[1].Y - rectPoints[0].Y); 2160float rectInflate = absPoint.Y - rect.Top; 2341 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition), 2342 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition) }; 2360 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition), 2361 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y - 20f, zPosition) }; 2432if (rotationCenter.IsEmpty || float.IsNaN(rotationCenter.X) || float.IsNaN(rotationCenter.Y)) 2667RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(first.X, first.Y, second.X - first.X, second.Y - first.Y); 2696points3D[i] = new Point3D(points[i].X, points[i].Y, zPositon); 2779(!horizontal && point1.Y > point2.Y)) 2781PointF tempPoint = new PointF(point1.X, point1.Y); 2783point1.Y = point2.Y; 2800new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 2801new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 2830new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 2831new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 2861new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, ChartArea.areaSceneDepth), 2862new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 2893new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, ChartArea.areaSceneDepth), 2894new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, 0f), 4844float spacing = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(0, this.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing)).Y; 4879float plotAreaRadius = areaCenterAbs.Y - plotAreaRectAbs.Y; 4951labelPosition[0].Y - textSize.Height / 2f, 4957curLabelPosition.Y = labelPosition[0].Y - textSize.Height; 4962curLabelPosition.Y = labelPosition[0].Y;
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (1)
2581 float spacing = chartGraph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(0, this.AxisX.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing)).Y;
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (56)
251 firstPoint.Y == secondPoint.Y) 260 (float)Math.Round(firstPoint.Y), 262 (float)Math.Round(secondPoint.Y) ); 331 PointF firstShadow = new PointF( firstPoint.X + shadowOffset, firstPoint.Y + shadowOffset); 332 PointF secondShadow = new PointF( secondPoint.X + shadowOffset, secondPoint.Y + shadowOffset ); 723rect.Y = point.Y - imageScaleRect.Height / 2F; 779rect.Y = point.Y - ((float)markerSize) / 2F; 857shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 865if (focusScale.Y < 0) 903points[0].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 905points[1].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 908points[2].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 910points[3].Y = point.Y - crossSize / 2F; 912points[4].Y = point.Y - crossSize / 2F; 915points[5].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 917points[6].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 919points[7].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 922points[8].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 924points[9].Y = point.Y + crossSize / 2F; 926points[10].Y = point.Y + crossSize / 2F; 928points[11].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 968shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 976if (focusScale.Y < 0) 1039diamondRect.Y = point.Y - ((float)diamondSize) / 2F - shadowSize; 1097shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 1105if (focusScale.Y < 0) 1719new PointF(absCenter.X - size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y - size.Height / 2f), 1720new PointF(absCenter.X + size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y - size.Height / 2f), 1721new PointF(absCenter.X + size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y + size.Height / 2f), 1722new PointF(absCenter.X - size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y + size.Height / 2f)}; 1934newRect.Y = rotationPoint.Y - absPosition.Width / 2F; 2405 newRect.Y = centerNotRound.Y - absPosition.Width / 2F; 2462 axisPositionAbs.Y); 2485 axisPositionAbs.Y); 3836 if(focusScale.Y < 0) 4679 relative.Y = point.Y * 100F / ((float)(_height - 1)); 4724 absolute.Y = point.Y * (_height - 1) / 100F; 5422 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)shift; 5424 points[1].Y = position.Y - (float)shift; 5426 points[2].Y = position.Y - (float)shift - (float)sharp; 5430 endPoint.Y = points[1].Y; 5432 endPoint.Y = points[2].Y; 5451 points[0].Y = position.Y + (float)shift; 5453 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)shift; 5455 points[2].Y = position.Y + (float)shift + (float)sharp; 5459 endPoint.Y = points[1].Y; 5461 endPoint.Y = points[2].Y; 5475 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)size; 5477 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)size; 5479 points[2].Y = position.Y; 5482 endPoint.Y = position.Y; 5500 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)size; 5502 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)size; 5504 points[2].Y = position.Y; 5507 endPoint.Y = position.Y;
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (108)
350 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 351 new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 372 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 373 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, area.areaSceneDepth), 383 point1.Y = Math.Max(point1.Y, point2.Y); 388 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 389 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, area.areaSceneDepth), 713pieTopRectangle.Y = topFirstRectPoint.Y; 714pieTopRectangle.Height = topSecondRectPoint.Y - topFirstRectPoint.Y; 719pieBottomRectangle.Y = bottomFirstRectPoint.Y; 720pieBottomRectangle.Height = bottomSecondRectPoint.Y - bottomFirstRectPoint.Y; 739path.AddLine(bottomFirstPoint.X, bottomFirstPoint.Y, bottomSecondPoint.X, bottomSecondPoint.Y); 753path.AddLine(topFirstPoint.X, topFirstPoint.Y, topSecondPoint.X, topSecondPoint.Y); 844pieRectangle.Y = firstRectPoint.Y; 845pieRectangle.Height = secondRectPoint.Y - firstRectPoint.Y; 970pieRectangle.Y = firstRectPoint.Y; 971pieRectangle.Height = secondRectPoint.Y - firstRectPoint.Y; 1306 frontLinePoint1.Y == polygonPoints[0].Y || 1308 frontLinePoint2.Y == polygonPoints[1].Y ) || 1311 frontLinePoint1.Y == polygonPoints[1].Y || 1313 frontLinePoint2.Y == polygonPoints[0].Y ) || 1316 frontLinePoint1.Y == polygonPoints[3].Y || 1318 frontLinePoint2.Y == polygonPoints[2].Y) || 1321 frontLinePoint1.Y == polygonPoints[2].Y || 1323 frontLinePoint2.Y == polygonPoints[3].Y) ) 1333 (float)Math.Round(frontLinePoint1.Y), 1335 (float)Math.Round(frontLinePoint2.Y) ); 1469 points3D[index] = new Point3D(polygonPointsFront[index].X, polygonPointsFront[index].Y, positionZ); 1621 dp1.yPosition = splinePathPoints[pIndex - 1].Y; 1626 dp2.yPosition = splinePathPoints[pIndex].Y; 1633 dp2.yPosition = splinePathPoints[pIndex - 1].Y; 1638 dp1.yPosition = splinePathPoints[pIndex].Y; 2295 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[0].Y), 2297 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[1].Y) ); 2306 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[0].Y), 2308 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[1].Y)); 2330 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[3].Y), 2332 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[0].Y) ); 2341 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[3].Y), 2343 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[0].Y)); 2360 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[1].Y), 2362 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[2].Y) ); 2371 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[1].Y), 2373 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[2].Y)); 2391 (float)Math.Round(frontLinePoint1.Y), 2393 (float)Math.Round(frontLinePoint2.Y) ); 3483 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ); 3510 rect.Y = markerRotatedPosition.Y - ((float)markerSize)/2F; 3532rect.Y = markerRotatedPosition.Y - ((float)markerSize) / 2F; 3574shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(markerRotatedPosition.X, markerRotatedPosition.Y); 3582if (focusScale.Y < 0) 3607Point3D[] centerPoint = new Point3D[] { new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ + markerRelativeSize.Width) }; 3633rectNonRotated.Y = point.Y - ((float)markerRelativeSize.Height) / 2F; 4085 if(cubePoints[5].PointF.Y != cubePoints[4].PointF.Y) 4089 (cubePoints[5].PointF.Y - cubePoints[4].PointF.Y) ); 4183 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y; 4188 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y + 100f; 4194 centralLinePoint.Y += (float)(boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y - Math.Tan(centralLineAngle) * boundsRectMiddlePoint.X); 4198 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y + 100f; 4199 centralLinePoint.X = (float)(centralLinePoint.Y - (boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y - Math.Tan(centralLineAngle) * boundsRectMiddlePoint.X)); 4205 boundsRectMiddlePoint.X, boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y, 4206 centralLinePoint.X, centralLinePoint.Y, 4207 leftSideLinePoint.X, leftSideLinePoint.Y, 4208 leftOppSideLinePoint.X, leftOppSideLinePoint.Y); 4211 boundsRectMiddlePoint.X, boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y, 4212 centralLinePoint.X, centralLinePoint.Y, 4213 rightSideLinePoint.X, rightSideLinePoint.Y, 4214 rightOppSideLinePoint.X, rightOppSideLinePoint.Y); 4217 if(middlePoint1.X != middlePoint2.X || middlePoint1.Y != middlePoint2.Y) 4412 if(oppositeEllipsePoints[pointOppositeIndex].Y == ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y) 4418 linePointX /= oppositeEllipsePoints[pointOppositeIndex].Y - ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4430 x *= ellipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y - ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4458 x *= oppositeEllipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y - ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4483 float linePointY = oppositeEllipsePoints[pointOppositeIndex].Y - ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4497 y += ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4499 if(y > ellipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y) 4503 if(y < ellipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y) 4525 y += ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4527 if(y > oppositeEllipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y) 4531 if(y < oppositeEllipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y) 4560 if(ellipsePoints[leftBottomPoint].Y > oppositeEllipsePoints[this._oppLeftBottomPoint].Y) 4661return this._coordXY.Y; 4706this._coordXY = new PointF(value.X, value.Y);
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (54)
473 second.Y = first.Y; 480 second.Y = first.Y; 501 RectangleF rect = new RectangleF( first.X - 0.5f, first.Y - 0.5f, Math.Abs( second.X - first.X ) + 1, Math.Abs( second.Y - first.Y ) + 1 ); 515 RectangleF rect = new RectangleF( first.X - 0.5f, first.Y - 0.5f, Math.Abs( second.X - first.X ) + 1, Math.Abs( second.Y - first.Y ) + 1 ); 722 second.Y = first.Y; 729 second.Y = first.Y; 750 RectangleF rect = new RectangleF( first.X - 0.5f, first.Y - 0.5f, Math.Abs( second.X - first.X ) + 1, Math.Abs( second.Y - first.Y ) + 1 ); 865 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 866 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f); 874 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - _size - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 882 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - _size/2 - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 906 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 907 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f); 914 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 915 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 922 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 923 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size/2 - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 947 point3 = new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 948 point4 = new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, 0f); 955 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 956 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 964 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 965 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size/2 - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 983 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, wallZPosition), 984 new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, wallZPosition), 1475 second.Y = first.Y; 1498if (Math.Abs(first.X - second.X) > Math.Abs(first.Y - second.Y)) 1500path.AddLine(first.X, first.Y - 1, second.X, second.Y - 1); 1501path.AddLine(second.X, second.Y + 1, first.X, first.Y + 1); 1506path.AddLine(first.X - 1, first.Y, second.X - 1, second.Y); 1507path.AddLine(second.X + 1, second.Y, first.X + 1, first.Y); 1523 _axis.DrawCircularLine( this, graph, borderColor, borderWidth, borderDashStyle, first.Y ); 1573 second.Y = first.Y; 1593if (Math.Abs(first.X - second.X) > Math.Abs(first.Y - second.Y)) 1595path.AddLine(first.X, first.Y - 1, second.X, second.Y - 1); 1596path.AddLine(second.X, second.Y + 1, first.X, first.Y + 1); 1601path.AddLine(first.X - 1, first.Y, second.X - 1, second.Y); 1602path.AddLine(second.X + 1, second.Y, first.X + 1, first.Y);
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (6)
252 coord[index++] = point.Y; 367transformedCoord[1] = p.Y; 375transformedCoord[1] = p.Y; 378transformedCoord[3] = p.Y; 400transformedCoord[index + 1] = pConverted.Y; 861 coord[i++] = point.Y;
Common\General\Label.cs (3)
1342 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height; 1346 labelPosition.Y = position.Y; 1350 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height/2F;
Common\General\Selection.cs (16)
860 circleCenter.Y - circleRadius.Width, 2038relativeY = this.Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(x, y)).Y; 2533RectangleF rect = RectangleF.FromLTRB(points[i].X, points[i].Y, points[i + 2].X, points[i + 2].Y); 2809PointF middleP0P3 = new PointF((points[i].X + points[i + 3].X) / 2f, (points[i].Y + points[i + 3].Y) / 2f); 2810PointF middleP1P2 = new PointF((points[i + 1].X + points[i + 2].X) / 2f, (points[i + 1].Y + points[i + 2].Y) / 2f); 2830if (!(float.IsNaN(pp.X) || float.IsNaN(pp.Y))) 3010if (float.IsNaN(pp.X) || float.IsNaN(pp.Y)) 3084RectangleF rect1 = new RectangleF(first.X, first.Y, second.X - first.X, second.Y - first.Y); 3107points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3147points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3308annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D(pf.X, pf.Y, positionZ);
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (18)
1013 markerPositionAbs.Y, 1015 connectorPosition.Y); 1226 if(point1.Y < rect.Y && point2.Y < rect.Y) 1230 if(point1.Y > rect.Bottom && point2.Y > rect.Bottom) 1240 if(point1.Y == point2.Y) 1242 if(point1.Y >= rect.Y && point1.Y <= rect.Bottom) 1267 else if(point1.Y < rect.Y && point2.Y < rect.Y) 1271 else if(point1.Y > rect.Bottom && point2.Y > rect.Bottom) 1453 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height; 1457 labelPosition.Y = position.Y; 1461 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height/2F; 1487 PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
Common\General\StripLine.cs (10)
445 point2.Y = point1.Y; 486 lineRect.Y = point1.Y - relBorderWidth.Height / 2f; 493 lineRect.Y = point1.Y; 495 lineRect.Height = point2.Y - point1.Y; 624 rect.Y = point1.Y; 625 rect.Height = point2.Y - rect.Y; 757rotationCenterProjection[0] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPositon); 760rotationCenterProjection[1] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y - 20f, zPositon); 764rotationCenterProjection[1] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, zPositon);
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (796)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (12)
2139 handlePosition.Y - markerSizeRel.Height/2f, 2373 anchorY = this.AnchorDataPoint.positionRel.Y; 2419 vertAxis.PositionToValue(this._anchorDataPoint2.positionRel.Y, false) - 2420 vertAxis.PositionToValue(this._anchorDataPoint.positionRel.Y, false); 2646 relativeY += groupLocation.Y; 2767 relativeY = groupLocation.Y; 2810 float maxAnchorOffsetAbs = Math.Max(anchorOffsetAbs.X, anchorOffsetAbs.Y); 2880 currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(anchorLocation.X, anchorLocation.Y); 2913 double newAnchorY = anchorPoint.Y; 2919 this.currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y); 3030 !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y) ) 3032 newBottom = vertAxis.PositionToValue(anchorPoint.Y + position.Height, false);
Common\Annotation\ArrowAnnotation.cs (29)
314 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 317 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 321 float.IsNaN(firstPoint.Y) || 323 float.IsNaN(secondPoint.Y) ) 397 float deltaY = secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y; 410 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 411 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 412 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 413 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 414 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 415 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) }; 421 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 422 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 423 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 424 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 425 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y), 426 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 427 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 428 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 429 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) }; 436 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 437 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 438 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*tailRatio), 439 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*tailRatio, firstPoint.Y), 440 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*tailRatio), 441 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 442 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) };
Common\Annotation\CalloutAnnotation.cs (56)
651 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 654 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 838 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 841 if(!rectanglePosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 844 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 857 float deltaY = point.Y - anchorPointAbs.Y; 916 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 926 if(!inflatedPosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 934 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 943 anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 955 anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 966 anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 977 anchorPoint.Y <= rectanglePosition.Bottom && 978 anchorPoint.Y >= rectanglePosition.Y) 989 anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1001 anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1012 anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1023 anchorPoint.Y >= rectanglePosition.Y && 1024 anchorPoint.Y <= rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1109 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 1112 if(!rectanglePosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 1126 new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 1131 float dyAbs = anchorPointAbs.Y - cloudCenterAbs.Y; 1134 if(anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1146 else if(anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1170 SizeF size = new SizeF(Math.Abs(cloudCenterAbs.X - point.X), Math.Abs(cloudCenterAbs.Y - point.Y)); 1190 ellipseLocation.Y - ellipseSize.Height / 2f, 1308 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 1311 if(!rectanglePosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 1327 if(anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1332 points1[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1339 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1347 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1351 else if(anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1356 points1[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1363 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1371 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1382 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1390 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1486 if(!float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.X) && !float.IsNaN(anchorPoint.Y)) 1489 if(!rectanglePosition.Contains(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)) 1505 if(anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1509 else if(anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1588 if(anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Y) 1593 else if(anchorPoint.Y > rectanglePosition.Y && 1594 anchorPoint.Y < rectanglePosition.Bottom) 1806 intersectionPoint.X = (pointY - firstPoint.Y) * 1808 (secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y) + 1826 (secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y) / 1828 firstPoint.Y;
Common\Annotation\GroupAnnotation.cs (3)
921 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 924 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y));
Common\Annotation\ImageAnnotation.cs (3)
525 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 528 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y));
Common\Annotation\LineAnnotation.cs (22)
522 point1.Y = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? 0f : 100f; 523 point2.Y = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? 100f : 0f; 525 else if(Math.Round(point1.Y , 3) == Math.Round(point2.Y, 3)) 535 intersectionPoint1.X = (0f - point1.Y) * 537 (point2.Y - point1.Y) + 541 intersectionPoint2.X = (100f - point1.Y) * 543 (point2.Y - point1.Y) + 547 point1 = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? intersectionPoint1 : intersectionPoint2; 548 point2 = (point1.Y < point2.Y) ? intersectionPoint2 : intersectionPoint1; 569 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 572 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 579 float.IsNaN(firstPoint.Y) || 581 float.IsNaN(secondPoint.Y) ) 888 point2.Y = point1.Y;
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (5)
527_pathPoints.Add(new AnnotationPathPoint(points[index].X, points[index].Y, types[index])); 566 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 569 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 606 pathPoints[pointIndex].Y = rectanglePositionAbs.Y + pathPoints[pointIndex].Y * groupScaleY;
Common\Annotation\RectangleAnnotation.cs (6)
389 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 392 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y)); 627 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 630 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y));
Common\Annotation\TextAnnotation.cs (3)
419 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 422 RectangleF selectionRect = new RectangleF(firstPoint, new SizeF(secondPoint.X - firstPoint.X, secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y));
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (41)
298point1.Y = (float)Math.Round(point1.Y); 300point2.Y = (float)Math.Round(point2.Y); 307axisPos.Y = (float)Math.Round(axisPos.Y); 339path.AddLine(point1.X, axisPos.Y, point1.X, point1.Y); 348path.AddLine(point2.X, point2.Y, point2.X, axisPos.Y); 427points[pointIndex - 1].Y == points[pointIndex].Y)) 451areaPath.AddLine(point1.X, axisPos.Y, point1.X, point1.Y); 496mapAreaPath.AddLine(point1.X, axisPos.Y, point1.X, point1.Y); 506mapAreaPath.AddLine(point2.X, point2.Y, point2.X, axisPos.Y); 507mapAreaPath.AddLine(point2.X, axisPos.Y, point1.X, axisPos.Y); 517coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 573coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 602 areaPath.AddLine(areaPath.GetLastPoint().X, areaPath.GetLastPoint().Y, areaPath.GetLastPoint().X, axisPos.Y); 807 dp1.yPosition = splinePoints[pIndex - 1].Y; 812 dp2.yPosition = splinePoints[pIndex].Y; 819 dp2.yPosition = splinePoints[pIndex - 1].Y; 824 dp1.yPosition = splinePoints[pIndex].Y; 1037 if(!float.IsNaN(thirdPointPosition.Y)) 1039 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 1041 if(!float.IsNaN(fourthPointPosition.Y)) 1043 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y; 1047 float.IsNaN(thirdPoint.Y) || 1049 float.IsNaN(fourthPoint.Y) ) 1288 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1293 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1322 dp1.yPosition = (firstPoint.xPosition <= secondPoint.xPosition) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y; 1351 dp1.yPosition = (secondPoint.xPosition >= firstPoint.xPosition) ? fourthPoint.Y : thirdPoint.Y; 1375 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1380 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1409 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1415 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (6)
1116 common.HotRegionsList.AddHotRegion( insertIndex, graph, markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, point, seriesName, pointIndex ); 1123 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1775 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth/2f)); 2083 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth), 2084 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth) }; 2119rotationCenter.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2,
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (5)
1116 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1152 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height)); 1174 circCoord[1] = markerPosition.Y; 1191 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1358marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth));
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (5)
495 (vAxis.GetLinearPosition( lastVerticalSegmentPoint.Y ) * yPixelConverter); 509 prevPoint.Y, 511 currentPoint.Y); 606 points[0] = new Point3D(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, seriesZCoordinate); 607 points[1] = new Point3D(secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y, seriesZCoordinate);
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (14)
452 points[0] = new Point3D(location.X, location.Y, this.seriesZCoordinate); 461 location.X - markerSize / 2f, location.Y - markerSize / 2f, markerSize, markerSize); 537 points[0].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 539 points[1].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 542 points[2].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 544 points[3].Y = location.Y - crossSize/2F; 546 points[4].Y = location.Y - crossSize/2F; 549 points[5].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 551 points[6].Y = location.Y - crossLineWidth/2F; 553 points[7].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 556 points[8].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F; 558 points[9].Y = location.Y + crossSize/2F; 560 points[10].Y = location.Y + crossSize/2F; 562 points[11].Y = location.Y + crossLineWidth/2F;
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (9)
1062 intersection.X, intersection.Y); 1064 intersection.X, intersection.Y, 1136 intersection.X, intersection.Y); 1138 intersection.X, intersection.Y, 1379 float currentLocation = this.Graph.GetAbsolutePoint(this.PlotAreaPosition.Location).Y; 1528 !float.IsNaN(labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y) && 1530 !float.IsNaN(labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y) ) 1896 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y = labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y; 1987 labelInfo.CalloutPoint2.Y = labelInfo.CalloutPoint1.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (23)
492 currentKagiDirection = (points[pointIndex - 1].Y > points[pointIndex].Y) ? 501 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 509 int direction = (points[pointIndex - 1].Y > points[pointIndex].Y) ? 518 if(point1.Y > prevPoint.Y && 519 point1.Y > point3.Y && 520 prevPoint.Y > point3.Y) 524 else if(point1.Y < prevPoint.Y && 525 point1.Y < point3.Y && 526 prevPoint.Y < point3.Y) 534 point4.Y = prevPoint.Y; 542 point1.Y = (float)Math.Round(point1.Y); 544 point2.Y = (float)Math.Round(point2.Y); 546 point3.Y = (float)Math.Round(point3.Y); 550 point4.Y = (float)Math.Round(point4.Y); 614coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (88)
445 if( Math.Abs(dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y - dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y ) < minDifference ) 447 if(dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y > dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y) 449 dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y = dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y + minDifference; 453 dataPointPos[pointIndex].Y = dataPointPos[pointIndex - 1].Y - minDifference; 877first.Y = (first.Y + second.Y) / 2f; 879if (Math.Abs(first.X - second.X) > Math.Abs(first.Y - second.Y)) 881path.AddLine(first.X, first.Y - width, second.X, second.Y - width); 882path.AddLine(second.X, second.Y + width, first.X, first.Y + width); 887path.AddLine(first.X - width, first.Y, second.X - width, second.Y); 888path.AddLine(second.X + width, second.Y, first.X + width, first.Y); 900second.Y = (first.Y + second.Y) / 2f; 908if (Math.Abs(first.X - second.X) > Math.Abs(first.Y - second.Y)) 910path.AddLine(first.X, first.Y - width, second.X, second.Y - width); 911path.AddLine(second.X, second.Y + width, first.X, first.Y + width); 916path.AddLine(first.X - width, first.Y, second.X - width, second.Y); 917path.AddLine(second.X + width, second.Y, first.X + width, first.Y); 955coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 968return point.X <= -maxGDIRange || point.X >= maxGDIRange || point.Y <= -maxGDIRange || point.Y >= maxGDIRange; 987bool topBottomLine = (Math.Abs(pt2.Y - pt1.Y) > Math.Abs(pt2.X - pt1.X)); 1018intersectionPoint.X = (pointY - firstPoint.Y) * 1020(secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y) + 1038(secondPoint.Y - firstPoint.Y) / 1040firstPoint.Y; 2053 thirdPoint.Y = (float)Math.Round(thirdPoint.Y, decimals); 2056 fourthPoint.Y = (float)Math.Round(fourthPoint.Y, decimals); 2063 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY || 2064 (decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom || 2065 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY || 2066 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom ) 2069 PointF prevThirdPoint = new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y); 2070 PointF prevFourthPoint = new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y); 2075 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY && 2076 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY) 2083 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom && 2084 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) 2099 new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y), 2100 new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y), 2105 thirdPoint = new PointF(prevThirdPoint.X, prevThirdPoint.Y); 2106 fourthPoint = new PointF(prevFourthPoint.X, prevFourthPoint.Y); 2115 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom || 2116 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom ) 2121 intersectionPoint.xPosition = (intersectionPoint.yPosition - fourthPoint.Y) * 2123 (thirdPoint.Y - fourthPoint.Y) + 2144 if( ((decimal)thirdPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY && 2145 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) || 2146 ((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom && 2147 (decimal)fourthPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY)) 2159 intersectionPoint2.xPosition = (intersectionPoint2.yPosition - fourthPoint.Y) * 2161 (thirdPoint.Y - fourthPoint.Y) + 2180 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) 2201 if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY) 2208 else if((decimal)thirdPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) 2212 if(firstPoint.yPosition >= thirdPoint.Y) 2217 if((decimal)fourthPoint.Y < plotAreaPositionY) 2223 else if((decimal)fourthPoint.Y > plotAreaPositionBottom) 2226 if(fourthPoint.Y <= secondPoint.yPosition) 2267 new PointF(float.NaN, thirdPoint.Y), 2268 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, (!firstSegmentVisible || segmentNumber == 3) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y), 2312 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, thirdPoint.Y), 2313 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, fourthPoint.Y), 2349 float thirdPointNewY = (!firstSegmentVisible || segmentNumber == 3) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y; 2352 thirdPointNewY = (secondSegmentOutsideTop) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y; 2362 new PointF(float.NaN, fourthPoint.Y), 2387 thirdPoint = new PointF(prevThirdPoint.X, prevThirdPoint.Y); 2388 fourthPoint = new PointF(prevFourthPoint.X, prevFourthPoint.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (16)
802 rectangle = new RectangleF( middlePoint.X - relativeSize.Width / 2, middlePoint.Y - relativeSize.Height / 2, relativeSize.Width, relativeSize.Height ); 1035 point.positionRel.Y = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * rectangle.Height * expShift / 2 + middlePoint.Y; 1243 y = (float)Math.Sin( (startAngle + sweepAngle / 2) * Math.PI / 180 ) * height + middlePoint.Y; 1310 float y1 = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * relativeSize.Height * expShift / 2 + middlePoint.Y; 1313 float y2 = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * relativeSize.Height * shift * expShift + middlePoint.Y; 1333float y3 = (float)Math.Sin((midAngle) * Math.PI / 180) * relativeSize.Height * shift * expShift + middlePoint.Y; 1502 labelRect.Y = labelPosition.Y - size.Height / 2 * 1.8f; 1715 float y3 = (float)Math.Sin( (midAngle) * Math.PI / 180 ) * relativeSize.Height * shift * expShift + middlePoint.Y; 1862coord[2 * index + 1] = pointNew[index].Y; 2565 rectangle = new RectangleF( middlePoint.X - relativeSize.Width / 2, middlePoint.Y - relativeSize.Height / 2, relativeSize.Width, relativeSize.Height ); 2738point.positionRel.Y = points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLine].Y; 4959 angle = (float)Math.Atan( ( position.Y - _innerPlotPosition.Top - _innerPlotPosition.Height / 2) / ( position.X - _innerPlotPosition.Left - _innerPlotPosition.Width / 2 )); 5401 float y = piePoints[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelLineout].Y; 5467labelPosition.Y = labelPoint.Y - labelVertSize / 2; 5487labelPosition.Y = labelPoint.Y - labelVertSize / 2; 5581 labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height/2 - sizeFont.Height / 10,
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (15)
443 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 493 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height)); 628 common.HotRegionsList.AddHotRegion( insertIndex, graph, markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, point, seriesName, pointIndex ); 635 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 777PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1013 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height; 1017 labelPosition.Y = position.Y; 1021 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height/2F; 1171 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1192 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + ((this.middleMarker) ? pointEx.depth/2f : pointEx.depth))); 1235 new RectangleF(markerRotatedPosition.X, markerRotatedPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height), 1284 circCoord[1] = markerRotatedPosition.Y; 1316 new RectangleF(markerRotatedPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerRotatedPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1747 markerPosition.Y, 1768 markerPosition.Y - markerSize.Height / 2f,
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (7)
768 new RectangleF(dataPointPos[index].X, dataPointPos[index].Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height), 811 circCoord[1] = relativeMarkerPosition.Y; 829 new RectangleF(relativeMarkerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, relativeMarkerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 937 middlePoint.Y = (p1.Y + p2.Y) / 2f; 1144PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1593 markerPosition.Y - markerSize.Height/2f,
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (65)
264 areaPath.GetLastPoint().Y, 266 areaBottomPath.GetLastPoint().Y); 423 path.AddLine(highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 433 path.AddLine(highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 538graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 542graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 593 graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 597 graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 624 areaPath.AddLine(highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 668 path.AddLine(highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 677 path.AddLine(highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 689 mapAreaPath.AddLine(highPoint1.X, lowPoint1.Y, highPoint1.X, highPoint1.Y); 699 mapAreaPath.AddLine(highPoint2.X, highPoint2.Y, highPoint2.X, lowPoint2.Y); 718 coord[2*i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 971 if(!float.IsNaN(thirdPointPosition.Y)) 973 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 975 if(!float.IsNaN(fourthPointPosition.Y)) 977 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y; 985if (Math.Abs(firstPoint.yPosition - (double)thirdPoint.Y) > smallDouble && 986Math.Abs(secondPoint.yPosition - (double)fourthPoint.Y) > smallDouble && 987((firstPoint.yPosition > thirdPoint.Y && secondPoint.yPosition < fourthPoint.Y) || 988(firstPoint.yPosition < thirdPoint.Y && secondPoint.yPosition > fourthPoint.Y))) 1000 thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y, 1001 fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y); 1004 intersectionPoint.yPosition = intersectionCoordinates.Y; 1009 double.IsNaN(intersectionCoordinates.Y) ) 1016 (decimal)intersectionCoordinates.Y == (decimal)firstPoint.yPosition ) 1021 (decimal)intersectionCoordinates.Y == (decimal)secondPoint.yPosition ) 1115 if(firstPoint.yPosition >= thirdPoint.Y && secondPoint.yPosition >= fourthPoint.Y) 1282 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1287 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1309 dp1.yPosition = (firstPoint.xPosition <= secondPoint.xPosition) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y; 1334 dp1.yPosition = (secondPoint.xPosition >= firstPoint.xPosition) ? fourthPoint.Y : thirdPoint.Y; 1355 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1360 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1379 dp1.yPosition = thirdPoint.Y; 1384 dp2.yPosition = fourthPoint.Y; 1541 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1542 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1543 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1547 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1548 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1549 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1557 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1558 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1559 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1563 cubePoints[0] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ + depth ); 1564 cubePoints[1] = new Point3D( (float)firstPoint.xPosition, (float)thirdPoint.Y, positionZ ); 1565 cubePoints[2] = new Point3D( (float)secondPoint.xPosition, (float)fourthPoint.Y, positionZ );
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (40)
520 float prevYValue1 = axisPos.Y; 521 float prevYValue2 = axisPos.Y; 558 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 572 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 585path.AddLine(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y); 586path.AddLine(secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, prevYValue2); 588path.AddLine(firstPoint.X, prevYValue1, firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y); 663if (!(firstPoint.X == secondPoint.X || firstPoint.Y == secondPoint.Y)) 665graph.DrawLine(areaLinePen, firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y); 680areaPath.AddLine(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y); 702coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 723linePath.AddLine(firstPoint.X, firstPoint.Y, secondPoint.X, secondPoint.Y); 744coord[2 * i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 836 float prevYValue1 = axisPos.Y; 837 float prevYValue2 = axisPos.Y; 866 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 879 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 942 float prevYValue1 = axisPos.Y; 943 float prevYValue2 = axisPos.Y; 972 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 985 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 1029labelPosition.Y = secondPoint.Y - (secondPoint.Y - prevYValue2) / 2f; 1047labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10, 1377 (thirdPoint.Y - fourthPoint.Y) + 1378 fourthPoint.Y; 1383 if(!float.IsNaN(thirdPointPosition.Y)) 1385 thirdPoint.Y = thirdPointPosition.Y; 1396 (thirdPoint.Y - fourthPoint.Y) + 1397 fourthPoint.Y; 1402 if(!float.IsNaN(fourthPointPosition.Y)) 1404 fourthPoint.Y = fourthPointPosition.Y; 1529points[0].PointF.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10,
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (4)
1185labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10, 1996 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth), 1997 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth) }; 2089rotationCenter.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10,
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (3)
1242labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10, 1879marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Y, (float)(pointEx.zPosition + pointEx.depth)); 1954labelPosition.Y - sizeLabel.Height / 2 - sizeFont.Height / 10,
Common\ChartTypes\StepLineChart.cs (3)
121 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 156 coord[2*i + 1] = pointNew.Y; 190 coord[2*i + 1] = pointNew.Y;
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (8)
571 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height)); 587 circCoord[1] = markerPosition.Y; 604 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1398 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height)); 1414 circCoord[1] = markerPosition.Y; 1431 new RectangleF(markerPosition.X - relativeMarkerSize.Width/2f, markerPosition.Y - relativeMarkerSize.Height/2f, relativeMarkerSize.Width, relativeMarkerSize.Height), 1897 markerPosition.Y, 1917 markerPosition.Y - markerSize.Height,
Common\General\Axis.cs (30)
1967rectPoints[0].Y, 1969rectPoints[1].Y - rectPoints[0].Y); 2160float rectInflate = absPoint.Y - rect.Top; 2341 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition), 2342 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition) }; 2360 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPosition), 2361 new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y - 20f, zPosition) }; 2432if (rotationCenter.IsEmpty || float.IsNaN(rotationCenter.X) || float.IsNaN(rotationCenter.Y)) 2667RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(first.X, first.Y, second.X - first.X, second.Y - first.Y); 2696points3D[i] = new Point3D(points[i].X, points[i].Y, zPositon); 2779(!horizontal && point1.Y > point2.Y)) 2781PointF tempPoint = new PointF(point1.X, point1.Y); 2783point1.Y = point2.Y; 2800new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 2801new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 2830new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 2831new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 2861new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, ChartArea.areaSceneDepth), 2862new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 2893new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, ChartArea.areaSceneDepth), 2894new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, 0f), 4844float spacing = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(0, this.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing)).Y; 4879float plotAreaRadius = areaCenterAbs.Y - plotAreaRectAbs.Y; 4951labelPosition[0].Y - textSize.Height / 2f, 4957curLabelPosition.Y = labelPosition[0].Y - textSize.Height; 4962curLabelPosition.Y = labelPosition[0].Y;
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (1)
2581 float spacing = chartGraph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(0, this.AxisX.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing)).Y;
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (56)
251 firstPoint.Y == secondPoint.Y) 260 (float)Math.Round(firstPoint.Y), 262 (float)Math.Round(secondPoint.Y) ); 331 PointF firstShadow = new PointF( firstPoint.X + shadowOffset, firstPoint.Y + shadowOffset); 332 PointF secondShadow = new PointF( secondPoint.X + shadowOffset, secondPoint.Y + shadowOffset ); 723rect.Y = point.Y - imageScaleRect.Height / 2F; 779rect.Y = point.Y - ((float)markerSize) / 2F; 857shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 865if (focusScale.Y < 0) 903points[0].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 905points[1].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 908points[2].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 910points[3].Y = point.Y - crossSize / 2F; 912points[4].Y = point.Y - crossSize / 2F; 915points[5].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 917points[6].Y = point.Y - crossLineWidth / 2F; 919points[7].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 922points[8].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 924points[9].Y = point.Y + crossSize / 2F; 926points[10].Y = point.Y + crossSize / 2F; 928points[11].Y = point.Y + crossLineWidth / 2F; 968shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 976if (focusScale.Y < 0) 1039diamondRect.Y = point.Y - ((float)diamondSize) / 2F - shadowSize; 1097shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 1105if (focusScale.Y < 0) 1719new PointF(absCenter.X - size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y - size.Height / 2f), 1720new PointF(absCenter.X + size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y - size.Height / 2f), 1721new PointF(absCenter.X + size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y + size.Height / 2f), 1722new PointF(absCenter.X - size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y + size.Height / 2f)}; 1934newRect.Y = rotationPoint.Y - absPosition.Width / 2F; 2405 newRect.Y = centerNotRound.Y - absPosition.Width / 2F; 2462 axisPositionAbs.Y); 2485 axisPositionAbs.Y); 3836 if(focusScale.Y < 0) 4679 relative.Y = point.Y * 100F / ((float)(_height - 1)); 4724 absolute.Y = point.Y * (_height - 1) / 100F; 5422 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)shift; 5424 points[1].Y = position.Y - (float)shift; 5426 points[2].Y = position.Y - (float)shift - (float)sharp; 5430 endPoint.Y = points[1].Y; 5432 endPoint.Y = points[2].Y; 5451 points[0].Y = position.Y + (float)shift; 5453 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)shift; 5455 points[2].Y = position.Y + (float)shift + (float)sharp; 5459 endPoint.Y = points[1].Y; 5461 endPoint.Y = points[2].Y; 5475 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)size; 5477 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)size; 5479 points[2].Y = position.Y; 5482 endPoint.Y = position.Y; 5500 points[0].Y = position.Y - (float)size; 5502 points[1].Y = position.Y + (float)size; 5504 points[2].Y = position.Y; 5507 endPoint.Y = position.Y;
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (108)
350 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, zPositon), 351 new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, zPositon), 372 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 373 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, area.areaSceneDepth), 383 point1.Y = Math.Max(point1.Y, point2.Y); 388 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f), 389 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, area.areaSceneDepth), 713pieTopRectangle.Y = topFirstRectPoint.Y; 714pieTopRectangle.Height = topSecondRectPoint.Y - topFirstRectPoint.Y; 719pieBottomRectangle.Y = bottomFirstRectPoint.Y; 720pieBottomRectangle.Height = bottomSecondRectPoint.Y - bottomFirstRectPoint.Y; 739path.AddLine(bottomFirstPoint.X, bottomFirstPoint.Y, bottomSecondPoint.X, bottomSecondPoint.Y); 753path.AddLine(topFirstPoint.X, topFirstPoint.Y, topSecondPoint.X, topSecondPoint.Y); 844pieRectangle.Y = firstRectPoint.Y; 845pieRectangle.Height = secondRectPoint.Y - firstRectPoint.Y; 970pieRectangle.Y = firstRectPoint.Y; 971pieRectangle.Height = secondRectPoint.Y - firstRectPoint.Y; 1306 frontLinePoint1.Y == polygonPoints[0].Y || 1308 frontLinePoint2.Y == polygonPoints[1].Y ) || 1311 frontLinePoint1.Y == polygonPoints[1].Y || 1313 frontLinePoint2.Y == polygonPoints[0].Y ) || 1316 frontLinePoint1.Y == polygonPoints[3].Y || 1318 frontLinePoint2.Y == polygonPoints[2].Y) || 1321 frontLinePoint1.Y == polygonPoints[2].Y || 1323 frontLinePoint2.Y == polygonPoints[3].Y) ) 1333 (float)Math.Round(frontLinePoint1.Y), 1335 (float)Math.Round(frontLinePoint2.Y) ); 1469 points3D[index] = new Point3D(polygonPointsFront[index].X, polygonPointsFront[index].Y, positionZ); 1621 dp1.yPosition = splinePathPoints[pIndex - 1].Y; 1626 dp2.yPosition = splinePathPoints[pIndex].Y; 1633 dp2.yPosition = splinePathPoints[pIndex - 1].Y; 1638 dp1.yPosition = splinePathPoints[pIndex].Y; 2295 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[0].Y), 2297 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[1].Y) ); 2306 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[0].Y), 2308 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[1].Y)); 2330 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[3].Y), 2332 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[0].Y) ); 2341 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[3].Y), 2343 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[0].Y)); 2360 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[1].Y), 2362 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[2].Y) ); 2371 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[1].Y), 2373 (float)Math.Round(polygonPoints[2].Y)); 2391 (float)Math.Round(frontLinePoint1.Y), 2393 (float)Math.Round(frontLinePoint2.Y) ); 3483 marker3DPosition[0] = new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ); 3510 rect.Y = markerRotatedPosition.Y - ((float)markerSize)/2F; 3532rect.Y = markerRotatedPosition.Y - ((float)markerSize) / 2F; 3574shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(markerRotatedPosition.X, markerRotatedPosition.Y); 3582if (focusScale.Y < 0) 3607Point3D[] centerPoint = new Point3D[] { new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, positionZ + markerRelativeSize.Width) }; 3633rectNonRotated.Y = point.Y - ((float)markerRelativeSize.Height) / 2F; 4085 if(cubePoints[5].PointF.Y != cubePoints[4].PointF.Y) 4089 (cubePoints[5].PointF.Y - cubePoints[4].PointF.Y) ); 4183 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y; 4188 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y + 100f; 4194 centralLinePoint.Y += (float)(boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y - Math.Tan(centralLineAngle) * boundsRectMiddlePoint.X); 4198 centralLinePoint.Y = boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y + 100f; 4199 centralLinePoint.X = (float)(centralLinePoint.Y - (boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y - Math.Tan(centralLineAngle) * boundsRectMiddlePoint.X)); 4205 boundsRectMiddlePoint.X, boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y, 4206 centralLinePoint.X, centralLinePoint.Y, 4207 leftSideLinePoint.X, leftSideLinePoint.Y, 4208 leftOppSideLinePoint.X, leftOppSideLinePoint.Y); 4211 boundsRectMiddlePoint.X, boundsRectMiddlePoint.Y, 4212 centralLinePoint.X, centralLinePoint.Y, 4213 rightSideLinePoint.X, rightSideLinePoint.Y, 4214 rightOppSideLinePoint.X, rightOppSideLinePoint.Y); 4217 if(middlePoint1.X != middlePoint2.X || middlePoint1.Y != middlePoint2.Y) 4412 if(oppositeEllipsePoints[pointOppositeIndex].Y == ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y) 4418 linePointX /= oppositeEllipsePoints[pointOppositeIndex].Y - ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4430 x *= ellipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y - ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4458 x *= oppositeEllipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y - ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4483 float linePointY = oppositeEllipsePoints[pointOppositeIndex].Y - ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4497 y += ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4499 if(y > ellipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y) 4503 if(y < ellipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y) 4525 y += ellipsePoints[pointIndex].Y; 4527 if(y > oppositeEllipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y) 4531 if(y < oppositeEllipsePoints[innerPointIndex].Y) 4560 if(ellipsePoints[leftBottomPoint].Y > oppositeEllipsePoints[this._oppLeftBottomPoint].Y) 4661return this._coordXY.Y; 4706this._coordXY = new PointF(value.X, value.Y);
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (54)
473 second.Y = first.Y; 480 second.Y = first.Y; 501 RectangleF rect = new RectangleF( first.X - 0.5f, first.Y - 0.5f, Math.Abs( second.X - first.X ) + 1, Math.Abs( second.Y - first.Y ) + 1 ); 515 RectangleF rect = new RectangleF( first.X - 0.5f, first.Y - 0.5f, Math.Abs( second.X - first.X ) + 1, Math.Abs( second.Y - first.Y ) + 1 ); 722 second.Y = first.Y; 729 second.Y = first.Y; 750 RectangleF rect = new RectangleF( first.X - 0.5f, first.Y - 0.5f, Math.Abs( second.X - first.X ) + 1, Math.Abs( second.Y - first.Y ) + 1 ); 865 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 866 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f); 874 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - _size - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 882 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - _size/2 - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 906 point3 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 907 point4 = new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, 0f); 914 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 915 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 922 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 923 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size/2 - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 947 point3 = new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 948 point4 = new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, 0f); 955 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 956 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 964 point3 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, wallZPosition); 965 point4 = new Point3D(axisPosition, point1.Y, - _size/2 - area.areaSceneWallWidth.Width); 983 new Point3D(point1.X, point1.Y, wallZPosition), 984 new Point3D(point2.X, point2.Y, wallZPosition), 1475 second.Y = first.Y; 1498if (Math.Abs(first.X - second.X) > Math.Abs(first.Y - second.Y)) 1500path.AddLine(first.X, first.Y - 1, second.X, second.Y - 1); 1501path.AddLine(second.X, second.Y + 1, first.X, first.Y + 1); 1506path.AddLine(first.X - 1, first.Y, second.X - 1, second.Y); 1507path.AddLine(second.X + 1, second.Y, first.X + 1, first.Y); 1523 _axis.DrawCircularLine( this, graph, borderColor, borderWidth, borderDashStyle, first.Y ); 1573 second.Y = first.Y; 1593if (Math.Abs(first.X - second.X) > Math.Abs(first.Y - second.Y)) 1595path.AddLine(first.X, first.Y - 1, second.X, second.Y - 1); 1596path.AddLine(second.X, second.Y + 1, first.X, first.Y + 1); 1601path.AddLine(first.X - 1, first.Y, second.X - 1, second.Y); 1602path.AddLine(second.X + 1, second.Y, first.X + 1, first.Y);
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (6)
252 coord[index++] = point.Y; 367transformedCoord[1] = p.Y; 375transformedCoord[1] = p.Y; 378transformedCoord[3] = p.Y; 400transformedCoord[index + 1] = pConverted.Y; 861 coord[i++] = point.Y;
Common\General\Label.cs (3)
1342 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height; 1346 labelPosition.Y = position.Y; 1350 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height/2F;
Common\General\Selection.cs (16)
860 circleCenter.Y - circleRadius.Width, 2038relativeY = this.Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(x, y)).Y; 2533RectangleF rect = RectangleF.FromLTRB(points[i].X, points[i].Y, points[i + 2].X, points[i + 2].Y); 2809PointF middleP0P3 = new PointF((points[i].X + points[i + 3].X) / 2f, (points[i].Y + points[i + 3].Y) / 2f); 2810PointF middleP1P2 = new PointF((points[i + 1].X + points[i + 2].X) / 2f, (points[i + 1].Y + points[i + 2].Y) / 2f); 2830if (!(float.IsNaN(pp.X) || float.IsNaN(pp.Y))) 3010if (float.IsNaN(pp.X) || float.IsNaN(pp.Y)) 3084RectangleF rect1 = new RectangleF(first.X, first.Y, second.X - first.X, second.Y - first.Y); 3107points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3147points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3308annot3DPoints[0] = new Point3D(pf.X, pf.Y, positionZ);
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (18)
1013 markerPositionAbs.Y, 1015 connectorPosition.Y); 1226 if(point1.Y < rect.Y && point2.Y < rect.Y) 1230 if(point1.Y > rect.Bottom && point2.Y > rect.Bottom) 1240 if(point1.Y == point2.Y) 1242 if(point1.Y >= rect.Y && point1.Y <= rect.Bottom) 1267 else if(point1.Y < rect.Y && point2.Y < rect.Y) 1271 else if(point1.Y > rect.Bottom && point2.Y > rect.Bottom) 1453 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height; 1457 labelPosition.Y = position.Y; 1461 labelPosition.Y = position.Y - size.Height/2F; 1487 PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
Common\General\StripLine.cs (10)
445 point2.Y = point1.Y; 486 lineRect.Y = point1.Y - relBorderWidth.Height / 2f; 493 lineRect.Y = point1.Y; 495 lineRect.Height = point2.Y - point1.Y; 624 rect.Y = point1.Y; 625 rect.Height = point2.Y - rect.Y; 757rotationCenterProjection[0] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y, zPositon); 760rotationCenterProjection[1] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X, rotationCenter.Y - 20f, zPositon); 764rotationCenterProjection[1] = new Point3D(rotationCenter.X - 20f, rotationCenter.Y, zPositon);
WinForm\Utilities\AccessibleObject.cs (3)
313if (this._chartScale.X != 1f || this._chartScale.Y != 1f) 317rect.Y = (int)(rect.Y * this._chartScale.Y); 320rectSize.Height *= this._chartScale.Y;
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (4)
AuthoringOM\Design\Dialogs\ThemeConfigurationDialog.cs (1)
1219Zoom = Convert.ToInt32((Math.Min(zoom.X, zoom.Y) * 100));
AuthoringOM\Design\MessageFilters\ZoomingMessageFilter.cs (1)
187Point newCenter = new Point((int)((float)parentView.HScrollBar.Maximum * relativeCenterF.X), (int)((float)parentView.VScrollBar.Maximum * relativeCenterF.Y));
AuthoringOM\Design\WorkflowLayouts.cs (1)
749this.scaling = Math.Min(scaleFactor.X, scaleFactor.Y);
AuthoringOM\Design\WorkflowView.cs (1)
358Point newCenter = new Point((int)((float)hScrollBar.Maximum * oldRelativeCenter.X), (int)((float)vScrollBar.Maximum * oldRelativeCenter.Y));