1000 instantiations of PointF
System.Drawing (19)
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\Gdiplus.cs (1)
3223points[index] = new PointF(pt.X, pt.Y);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GPPOINT.cs (1)
39 return new PointF(X, Y);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GPPOINTF.cs (1)
34return new PointF(X, Y);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GraphicsPath.cs (4)
455return IsVisible(new PointF(x,y), (Graphics)null); 477return IsVisible(new PointF(x,y), graphics); 562return IsOutlineVisible(new PointF(x,y), pen, (Graphics)null); 585return IsOutlineVisible(new PointF(x,y), pen, graphics);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\PathGradientBrush.cs (1)
820return new PointF(scaleX[0], scaleY[0]);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\PointF.cs (5)
38public static readonly PointF Empty = new PointF(); 169return new PointF(pt.X + sz.Width, pt.Y + sz.Height); 178return new PointF(pt.X - sz.Width, pt.Y - sz.Height); 187return new PointF(pt.X + sz.Width, pt.Y + sz.Height); 196return new PointF(pt.X - sz.Width, pt.Y - sz.Height);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\RectangleF.cs (1)
96return new PointF(X, Y);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\SizeF.cs (1)
134return new PointF(size.Width, size.Height);
commonui\System\Drawing\Graphics.cs (1)
4324return IsVisible(new PointF(x,y));
commonui\System\Drawing\Point.cs (1)
127return new PointF(p.X, p.Y);
commonui\System\Drawing\Region.cs (2)
783return IsVisible(new PointF(x, y), null); 804return IsVisible(new PointF(x, y), g);
System.Web.DataVisualization (488)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (19)
227 internal PointF currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 2090 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom), 2114 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Y); 2117 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y); 2120 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2f); 2123 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom); 2126 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Bottom); 2129 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.X, rect.Bottom); 2132 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2f); 2237 new PointF((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY), 2785 location = new PointF( (float)relativeX, (float)relativeY ); 2787 anchorLocation = new PointF( (float)anchorX, (float)anchorY ); 2809 new PointF((float)this.AnchorOffsetX, (float)this.AnchorOffsetY)); 2842location = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 2880 currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(anchorLocation.X, anchorLocation.Y); 2919 this.currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y); 2949 this.currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF((float)newAnchorX, (float)newAnchorY); 3244 anchorPoint = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 4000 this.currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN);
Common\Annotation\ArrowAnnotation.cs (24)
314 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 393 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(positionAbs.Right, positionAbs.Bottom); 410 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 411 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 412 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 413 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 414 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 415 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) }; 421 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 422 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 423 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 424 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 425 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y), 426 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 427 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 428 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 429 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) }; 436 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 437 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 438 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*tailRatio), 439 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*tailRatio, firstPoint.Y), 440 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*tailRatio), 441 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 442 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) };
Common\Annotation\CalloutAnnotation.cs (74)
651 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 844 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 934 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 946 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 947 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 948 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + size, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 950 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom - size); 951 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom - size); 958 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 959 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 960 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + rectanglePositionAbs.Width / 2f + size, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 962 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + rectanglePositionAbs.Width / 2f - size, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 963 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 969 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 970 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom - size); 972 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right - size, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 973 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 974 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 981 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 982 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + rectanglePositionAbs.Height / 2f - size); 984 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + rectanglePositionAbs.Height / 2f + size); 985 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 986 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 992 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right - size, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 994 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + size); 995 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 996 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 997 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1004 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + rectanglePositionAbs.Width/2f - size, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1006 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + rectanglePositionAbs.Width/2f + size, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1007 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1008 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1009 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1015 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + size, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1016 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1017 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1018 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1019 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + size); 1020 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + size); 1027 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1028 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1029 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1030 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + rectanglePositionAbs.Height/2f + size ); 1032 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + rectanglePositionAbs.Height/2f - size ); 1116 new PointF( 1126 new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 1330 points1[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1331 points1[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1332 points1[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1337 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1338 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1339 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1345 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1346 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1347 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1354 points1[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1355 points1[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1356 points1[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1361 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1362 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1363 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1369 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1370 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1371 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1380 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1381 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1382 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1388 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1389 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1390 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1482 PointF textLinePoint1 = new PointF(rectanglePosition.X, rectanglePosition.Bottom); 1483 PointF textLinePoint2 = new PointF(rectanglePosition.Right, rectanglePosition.Bottom); 1804 PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1823 PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF();
Common\Annotation\GroupAnnotation.cs (1)
921 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\ImageAnnotation.cs (1)
525 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\LineAnnotation.cs (1)
569 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (2)
566 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 1515points[index] = new PointF(this[index].X, this[index].Y);
Common\Annotation\RectangleAnnotation.cs (2)
389 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 627 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\TextAnnotation.cs (1)
419 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (8)
851 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 852 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1140 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1141 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1157 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1158 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1590 thirdPoint = new PointF((float)firstPoint.xPosition, axisPosition); 1591 fourthPoint = new PointF((float)secondPoint.xPosition, axisPosition);
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (4)
477 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 582 point.positionRel = new PointF(( barStartPosition < barSize ) ? rectSize.Right : rectSize.X, (float)xPosition); 1395 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1494 point.positionRel = new PointF(rectSize.Right, (float)xPosition);
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (21)
330 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 390 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)); 419 new PointF(xPosition, (float)low), 420 new PointF(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition( point.YValues[2] )), 429 new PointF(xPosition, (float)high), 430 new PointF(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition( point.YValues[3] )), 507 new PointF(rectSize.Left + relBorderWidth.Width, (float)vAxis.GetPosition( point.YValues[4])), 508 new PointF(rectSize.Right - relBorderWidth.Width, (float)vAxis.GetPosition( point.YValues[4])), 552 new PointF(curPosition, medianValue), 553 new PointF((float) Math.Min(rectSize.Right, curPosition + dashWidth), medianValue), 655 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)high), index); 784 new PointF(xPosition - width/4f, yPosition), 785 new PointF(xPosition + width/4f, yPosition), 813 new PointF(xPosition, yPosition), 1111 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1169 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)); 1287 new PointF(rectSize.Left, (float)points[4].Y), 1288 new PointF(rectSize.Right, (float)points[4].Y), 1332 new PointF(curPosition, medianValue), 1333 new PointF((float) Math.Min(rectSize.Right, curPosition + dashWidth), medianValue), 1449 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index);
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (1)
1116 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (11)
458 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 550 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)); 572 new PointF(xPosition, (float)high), 573 new PointF(xPosition, (float)low), 701 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index); 845 new PointF(xPosition - width/2f, yPosition), 846 new PointF(xPosition + width/2f, yPosition), 870 new PointF(xPosition, yPosition), 1212 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1301 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)); 1477 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index);
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (2)
603 PointF firstPoint = Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(firstPointX, firstPointY)); 604 PointF secondPoint = Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(secondPointX, secondPointY));
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (27)
570 pointPositionAbs = new PointF( 607 pointPositionAbs = new PointF( 828 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + startWidth / 2f, location); 829 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + topRotationHeight); 830 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - startWidth / 2f, location); 831 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location - topRotationHeight); 878 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + endWidth / 2f, location + height); 879 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height + bottomRotationHeight); 880 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - endWidth / 2f, location + height); 881 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height - bottomRotationHeight); 1016 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + startWidth / 2f, location); 1017 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + topRotationHeight); 1018 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - startWidth / 2f, location); 1019 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location - topRotationHeight); 1081 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + endWidth / 2f, location + height); 1082 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height + bottomRotationHeight); 1083 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - endWidth / 2f, location + height); 1084 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height - bottomRotationHeight); 1254 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + startWidth / 2f, location); 1255 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + topRotationHeight); 1256 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - startWidth / 2f, location); 1257 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location - topRotationHeight); 1303 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + endWidth / 2f, location + height); 1304 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height + bottomRotationHeight); 1305 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - endWidth / 2f, location + height); 1306 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height - bottomRotationHeight); 2960 pointPositionAbs = new PointF(
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (2)
501 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 656 pointPos[index] = new PointF(
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (31)
476 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 591 dataPointPos[index - 1] = new PointF( 604 dataPointPos[index] = new PointF( 666 point.positionRel = new PointF( 1016PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1035PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1180 pointPos[index] = new PointF( 1426 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1427 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1780 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1781 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1905 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1906 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, float.NaN), 1928 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, float.NaN), 1929 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, float.NaN), 1949 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, float.NaN), 1950 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 2069 PointF prevThirdPoint = new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y); 2070 PointF prevFourthPoint = new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y); 2099 new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y), 2100 new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y), 2105 thirdPoint = new PointF(prevThirdPoint.X, prevThirdPoint.Y); 2106 fourthPoint = new PointF(prevFourthPoint.X, prevFourthPoint.Y); 2267 new PointF(float.NaN, thirdPoint.Y), 2268 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, (!firstSegmentVisible || segmentNumber == 3) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y), 2312 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, thirdPoint.Y), 2313 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, fourthPoint.Y), 2361 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, thirdPointNewY), 2362 new PointF(float.NaN, fourthPoint.Y), 2387 thirdPoint = new PointF(prevThirdPoint.X, prevThirdPoint.Y); 2388 fourthPoint = new PointF(prevFourthPoint.X, prevFourthPoint.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (15)
799 PointF middlePoint = new PointF( rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2 ); 1023 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1265new PointF(x, y), 1278new PointF(x, y), 1323 graph.DrawLineRel( pieLineColor, point.BorderWidth, ChartDashStyle.Solid, new PointF( x1, y1 ), new PointF( x2, y2 ) ); 1353labelRect = GetLabelRect(new PointF(x3, y3), area, text, format, graph, point, true); 1354labelRectOver = GetLabelRect(new PointF(x3Overlap, y3), area, text, format, graph, point, true); 1370labelRect = GetLabelRect(new PointF(x3, y3), area, text, format, graph, point, false); 1371labelRectOver = GetLabelRect(new PointF(x3Overlap, y3), area, text, format, graph, point, false); 1380graph.DrawLineRel(pieLineColor, point.BorderWidth, ChartDashStyle.Solid, new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3Overlap, calculatedY3)); 1384graph.DrawLineRel(pieLineColor, point.BorderWidth, ChartDashStyle.Solid, new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3, y3)); 2562 PointF middlePoint = new PointF( rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2 );
Common\ChartTypes\PointAndFigureChart.cs (8)
842 new PointF(shadowPosition.Left, shadowPosition.Top), 843 new PointF(shadowPosition.Right, shadowPosition.Bottom)); 848 new PointF(shadowPosition.Left, shadowPosition.Bottom), 849 new PointF(shadowPosition.Right, shadowPosition.Top)); 857 new PointF(position.Left, position.Top), 858 new PointF(position.Right, position.Bottom)); 863 new PointF(position.Left, position.Bottom), 864 new PointF(position.Right, position.Top));
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (5)
371 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 443 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 777PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1110 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1171 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\PolarChart.cs (1)
249 pointPos[index] = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)yPosition));
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (2)
996 pointPos[index] = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)yPosition)); 1144PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (6)
1058 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1059 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1078 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1079 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1604 thirdPoint = new PointF((float)firstPoint.xPosition, secondYValue); 1606 fourthPoint = new PointF((float)secondPoint.xPosition, secondYValue);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (10)
527 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 545 point.positionRel = new PointF(xPosition, yPosition); 558 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 572 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 866 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 879 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 972 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 985 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 1337 thirdPoint = new PointF((float)xValue, (float)yValue); 1366 fourthPoint = new PointF((float)xValue, (float)yValue);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (4)
685 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 837 point.positionRel = new PointF(rectSize.Right, (float)xPosition); 1402 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1590 point.positionRel = new PointF(rectSize.Right, (float)pointEx.xPosition);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (4)
694 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 858 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, rectSize.Top); 1443 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1628 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)pointEx.xPosition, rectSize.Top);
Common\ChartTypes\StepLineChart.cs (1)
121 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y);
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (22)
372 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 421 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)high); 443 new PointF(xPosition, (float)high), 444 new PointF(xPosition, (float)low), 622 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index); 834 new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y), 835 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y), 845PointF point1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition, open)); 846PointF point2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open + height / 2f)); 847PointF point3 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open - height / 2f)); 869point1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition, close)); 870point2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition + width / 2f, close + height / 2f)); 871point3 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition + width / 2f, close - height / 2f)); 892 new PointF(xPosition - width/2f, open), 893 new PointF(xPosition, open), 904 new PointF(xPosition, close), 905 new PointF(xPosition + width/2f, close), 1181 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1239 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)high); 1360 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index); 1664 new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y), 1665 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y),
Common\General\Axis.cs (16)
1962 new PointF(transformedTitlePosition.X, transformedTitlePosition.Y), 1963 new PointF(transformedTitlePosition.Right, transformedTitlePosition.Bottom) }; 2080PointF endPoint = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Y); 2159PointF absPoint = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(position, position)); 2286rotationCenter = new PointF(ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.X, ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y + ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f); 2298rotationCenter = new PointF(ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Right, ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y + ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f); 2310rotationCenter = new PointF(ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.X + ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Width / 2f, ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y); 2322rotationCenter = new PointF(ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.X + ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Width / 2f, ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom); 2681new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top), 2682new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top), 2683new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom), 2684new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)}; 2781PointF tempPoint = new PointF(point1.X, point1.Y); 4844float spacing = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(0, this.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing)).Y; 4908PointF outsidePoint = new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y); 4941PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y) };
Common\General\AxisScaleSegments.cs (12)
566 points[pointIndex] = new PointF( 571 points[0] = new PointF(startX, y); 572 points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(endX, y); 588 points[pointIndex] = new PointF( 593 points[0] = new PointF(x, startY); 594 points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(x, endY); 618 points[pointIndex] = new PointF( 623 points[0] = new PointF(startX, y); 624 points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(endX, y); 641 points[pointIndex] = new PointF( 646 points[0] = new PointF(x, startY); 647 points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(x, endY);
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (3)
1825 this.circularCenter = new PointF(plottingRect.X + plottingRect.Width/2f, plottingRect.Y + plottingRect.Height/2f); 2581 float spacing = chartGraph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(0, this.AxisX.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing)).Y; 2738 PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y) };
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (38)
331 PointF firstShadow = new PointF( firstPoint.X + shadowOffset, firstPoint.Y + shadowOffset); 332 PointF secondShadow = new PointF( secondPoint.X + shadowOffset, secondPoint.Y + shadowOffset ); 626 tempPoints[0] = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width/2f, (outside == true) ? rect.Y : rect.Y + rect.Height/4f); 628 matrix.RotateAt(pointIndex*(360f/(numberOfCorners*2f)), new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width/2f, rect.Y + rect.Height/2f)); 857shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 860PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 968shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 971PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 1097shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 1100PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 1500 rotationPoint = new PointF(backPositionAbs.X + backPositionAbs.Width/2f, backPositionAbs.Y + backPositionAbs.Height/2f); 1719new PointF(absCenter.X - size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y - size.Height / 2f), 1720new PointF(absCenter.X + size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y - size.Height / 2f), 1721new PointF(absCenter.X + size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y + size.Height / 2f), 1722new PointF(absCenter.X - size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y + size.Height / 2f)}; 2398 PointF centerNotRound = new PointF(absPosition.X + absPosition.Width/2F, absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height/2F); 2413 PointF axisPositionAbs = new PointF(axisPosRelative, axisPosRelative); 2553 Point center = Point.Round(new PointF(absPosition.X + absPosition.Width/2F, absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height/2F)); 2917 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), 2918 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top), 2919 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top), 2920 new PointF(rect.Right - shadowSize, rect.Top + shadowSize), 2921 new PointF(rect.Left + shadowSize, rect.Top + shadowSize), 2922 new PointF(rect.Left + shadowSize, rect.Bottom - shadowSize) }; 2938 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top), 2939 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom), 2940 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), 2941 new PointF(rect.Left + shadowSize, rect.Bottom - shadowSize), 2942 new PointF(rect.Right - shadowSize, rect.Bottom - shadowSize), 2943 new PointF(rect.Right - shadowSize, rect.Top + shadowSize) }; 3830 shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(offset.X + offset.Width/2f, offset.Y + offset.Height/2f); 3833 PointF focusScale = new PointF(1-2f*shadowOffset/offset.Width, 1-2f*shadowOffset/offset.Height); 3861 PointF firstPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y); 3862 PointF centerPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y + position.Height/2f); 3934 PointF firstPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y); 3935 PointF centerPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y + position.Height/2f); 4824 shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width/2f, rect.Y + rect.Height/2f); 4827 PointF focusScale = new PointF(1-shadowScale*radius/rect.Width, 1-shadowScale*radius/rect.Height);
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (37)
1434 polygonPointsFront[0] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[0].xPosition, (float)splineDataPoints[0].yPosition); 1435 polygonPointsFront[1] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[1].xPosition, (float)splineDataPoints[1].yPosition); 1437 polygonPointsFront[2] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[2].xPosition, (float)splineDataPoints[2].yPosition); 1439 polygonPointsFront[3] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[3].xPosition, (float)splineDataPoints[3].yPosition); 1447 polygonPointsFront[0] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[0].xPosition, secondYValue); 1449 polygonPointsFront[1] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[1].xPosition, secondYValue); 1453 polygonPointsFront[2] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[2].xPosition, secondYValue); 1458 polygonPointsFront[3] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[3].xPosition, secondYValue); 2961 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[0].X, cubePoints[0].Y); 2962 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[1].X, cubePoints[1].Y); 2963 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[2].X, cubePoints[2].Y); 2964 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[3].X, cubePoints[3].Y); 2968 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[4].X, cubePoints[4].Y); 2969 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[5].X, cubePoints[5].Y); 2970 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[6].X, cubePoints[6].Y); 2971 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[7].X, cubePoints[7].Y); 2975 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[0].X, cubePoints[0].Y); 2976 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[1].X, cubePoints[1].Y); 2977 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[5].X, cubePoints[5].Y); 2978 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[4].X, cubePoints[4].Y); 2982 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[3].X, cubePoints[3].Y); 2983 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[2].X, cubePoints[2].Y); 2984 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[6].X, cubePoints[6].Y); 2985 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[7].X, cubePoints[7].Y); 2989 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[0].X, cubePoints[0].Y); 2990 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[3].X, cubePoints[3].Y); 2991 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[7].X, cubePoints[7].Y); 2992 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[4].X, cubePoints[4].Y); 2996 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[1].X, cubePoints[1].Y); 2997 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[2].X, cubePoints[2].Y); 2998 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[6].X, cubePoints[6].Y); 2999 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[5].X, cubePoints[5].Y); 3574shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(markerRotatedPosition.X, markerRotatedPosition.Y); 3577PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 4618 private PointF _coordXY = new PointF(0f, 0f); 4706this._coordXY = new PointF(value.X, value.Y); 4721 this._coordXY = new PointF(x, y);
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (4)
365PointF p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[0], this.Coordinates[1])); 368p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[2], this.Coordinates[1])); 373PointF p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[0], this.Coordinates[1])); 376p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[2], this.Coordinates[3]));
Common\General\Label.cs (4)
1161PointF labelRelativePosition = new PointF( 1279 new PointF(labelRect.Right, labelRect.Y), 1280 new PointF(labelRect.Right, labelRect.Bottom), 1281 new PointF(labelRect.X, labelRect.Bottom)
Common\General\Legend.cs (25)
2540 PointF point = new PointF( 4454 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1), 4455 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1) ); 4465 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Top), 4466 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom) ); 4478 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1), 4479 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1) ); 4489 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Top), 4490 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom) ); 4502 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1), 4503 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1) ); 4513 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Top), 4514 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom) ); 4526 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1f), 4527 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1f) ); 4536 new PointF(rect.Right - 1f, rect.Top), 4537 new PointF(rect.Right - 1f, rect.Bottom) ); 4549 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 3), 4550 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 3) ); 4555 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1), 4556 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1) ); 4565 new PointF(rect.Right - 3, rect.Top), 4566 new PointF(rect.Right - 3, rect.Bottom) ); 4571 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Top), 4572 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom) );
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (1)
2458 PointF pointF = new PointF(point.X, point.Y);
Common\General\Selection.cs (31)
854 PointF circleCenter = graph.GetAbsolutePoint( new PointF( x, y ) ); 2037relativeX = this.Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(x, y)).X; 2038relativeY = this.Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(x, y)).Y; 2772list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Top)); 2773list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); 2774list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right - rect.Width / 2, rect.Bottom)); 2775list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - rect.Height / 2)); 2809PointF middleP0P3 = new PointF((points[i].X + points[i + 3].X) / 2f, (points[i].Y + points[i + 3].Y) / 2f); 2810PointF middleP1P2 = new PointF((points[i + 1].X + points[i + 2].X) / 2f, (points[i + 1].Y + points[i + 2].Y) / 2f); 3201list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3202list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top)); 3203list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)); 3204list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)); 3208list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3209list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top)); 3213list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3214list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)); 3221list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3225list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Top)); 3228list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top)); 3232list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); 3235list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)); 3238list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Bottom)); 3241list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)); 3244list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); 3250list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3254list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Top)); 3257list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top)); 3261list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)); 3264list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); 3266list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top));
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (7)
1076 PointF centerPos = new PointF( 1094 !areaPath.IsVisible(new PointF(labelPosition.Right, labelPosition.Y)) || 1095 !areaPath.IsVisible(new PointF(labelPosition.Right, labelPosition.Bottom)) || 1096 !areaPath.IsVisible(new PointF(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Bottom)) ) 1114 PointF centerPos = new PointF( 1173 PointF labelCenter = new PointF( 1487 PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (489)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (19)
227 internal PointF currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 2090 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom), 2114 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Y); 2117 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y); 2120 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2f); 2123 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom); 2126 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Bottom); 2129 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.X, rect.Bottom); 2132 handlePosition = new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y + rect.Height / 2f); 2237 new PointF((float)anchorX, (float)anchorY), 2785 location = new PointF( (float)relativeX, (float)relativeY ); 2787 anchorLocation = new PointF( (float)anchorX, (float)anchorY ); 2809 new PointF((float)this.AnchorOffsetX, (float)this.AnchorOffsetY)); 2842location = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 2880 currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(anchorLocation.X, anchorLocation.Y); 2919 this.currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y); 2949 this.currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF((float)newAnchorX, (float)newAnchorY); 3244 anchorPoint = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 4000 this.currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN);
Common\Annotation\ArrowAnnotation.cs (24)
314 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 393 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(positionAbs.Right, positionAbs.Bottom); 410 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 411 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 412 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 413 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 414 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 415 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) }; 421 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 422 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 423 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 424 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 425 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y), 426 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 427 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 428 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 429 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) }; 436 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio), 437 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize), 438 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y - this.ArrowSize*tailRatio), 439 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength - this.ArrowSize*tailRatio, firstPoint.Y), 440 new PointF(firstPoint.X + arrowLength, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*tailRatio), 441 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize), 442 new PointF(firstPoint.X + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio, firstPoint.Y + this.ArrowSize*pointerRatio) };
Common\Annotation\CalloutAnnotation.cs (74)
651 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 844 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 934 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 946 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 947 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 948 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + size, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 950 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom - size); 951 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom - size); 958 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 959 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 960 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + rectanglePositionAbs.Width / 2f + size, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 962 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + rectanglePositionAbs.Width / 2f - size, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 963 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 969 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 970 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom - size); 972 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right - size, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 973 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 974 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 981 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 982 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + rectanglePositionAbs.Height / 2f - size); 984 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + rectanglePositionAbs.Height / 2f + size); 985 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 986 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 992 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right - size, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 994 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + size); 995 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 996 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 997 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1004 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + rectanglePositionAbs.Width/2f - size, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1006 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + rectanglePositionAbs.Width/2f + size, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1007 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1008 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1009 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1015 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X + size, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1016 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1017 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1018 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1019 points[5] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + size); 1020 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + size); 1027 points[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1028 points[2] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1029 points[3] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1030 points[4] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + rectanglePositionAbs.Height/2f + size ); 1032 points[6] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y + rectanglePositionAbs.Height/2f - size ); 1116 new PointF( 1126 new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 1330 points1[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1331 points1[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1332 points1[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1337 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1338 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1339 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1345 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1346 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1347 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1354 points1[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1355 points1[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1356 points1[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1361 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1362 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1363 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1369 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1370 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1371 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1380 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1381 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.X, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1382 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1388 points2[0] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Bottom); 1389 points2[1] = new PointF(rectanglePositionAbs.Right, rectanglePositionAbs.Y); 1390 points2[2] = new PointF(anchorPointAbs.X, anchorPointAbs.Y); 1482 PointF textLinePoint1 = new PointF(rectanglePosition.X, rectanglePosition.Bottom); 1483 PointF textLinePoint2 = new PointF(rectanglePosition.Right, rectanglePosition.Bottom); 1804 PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1823 PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF();
Common\Annotation\GroupAnnotation.cs (1)
921 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\ImageAnnotation.cs (1)
525 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\LineAnnotation.cs (1)
569 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (2)
566 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 1515points[index] = new PointF(this[index].X, this[index].Y);
Common\Annotation\RectangleAnnotation.cs (2)
389 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 627 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\TextAnnotation.cs (1)
419 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (8)
851 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 852 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1140 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1141 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1157 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1158 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1590 thirdPoint = new PointF((float)firstPoint.xPosition, axisPosition); 1591 fourthPoint = new PointF((float)secondPoint.xPosition, axisPosition);
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (4)
477 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 582 point.positionRel = new PointF(( barStartPosition < barSize ) ? rectSize.Right : rectSize.X, (float)xPosition); 1395 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1494 point.positionRel = new PointF(rectSize.Right, (float)xPosition);
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (21)
330 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 390 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)); 419 new PointF(xPosition, (float)low), 420 new PointF(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition( point.YValues[2] )), 429 new PointF(xPosition, (float)high), 430 new PointF(xPosition, (float)vAxis.GetPosition( point.YValues[3] )), 507 new PointF(rectSize.Left + relBorderWidth.Width, (float)vAxis.GetPosition( point.YValues[4])), 508 new PointF(rectSize.Right - relBorderWidth.Width, (float)vAxis.GetPosition( point.YValues[4])), 552 new PointF(curPosition, medianValue), 553 new PointF((float) Math.Min(rectSize.Right, curPosition + dashWidth), medianValue), 655 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)high), index); 784 new PointF(xPosition - width/4f, yPosition), 785 new PointF(xPosition + width/4f, yPosition), 813 new PointF(xPosition, yPosition), 1111 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1169 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)); 1287 new PointF(rectSize.Left, (float)points[4].Y), 1288 new PointF(rectSize.Right, (float)points[4].Y), 1332 new PointF(curPosition, medianValue), 1333 new PointF((float) Math.Min(rectSize.Right, curPosition + dashWidth), medianValue), 1449 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index);
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (1)
1116 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (11)
458 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 550 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)); 572 new PointF(xPosition, (float)high), 573 new PointF(xPosition, (float)low), 701 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index); 845 new PointF(xPosition - width/2f, yPosition), 846 new PointF(xPosition + width/2f, yPosition), 870 new PointF(xPosition, yPosition), 1212 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1301 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)); 1477 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index);
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (2)
603 PointF firstPoint = Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(firstPointX, firstPointY)); 604 PointF secondPoint = Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(secondPointX, secondPointY));
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (27)
570 pointPositionAbs = new PointF( 607 pointPositionAbs = new PointF( 828 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + startWidth / 2f, location); 829 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + topRotationHeight); 830 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - startWidth / 2f, location); 831 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location - topRotationHeight); 878 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + endWidth / 2f, location + height); 879 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height + bottomRotationHeight); 880 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - endWidth / 2f, location + height); 881 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height - bottomRotationHeight); 1016 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + startWidth / 2f, location); 1017 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + topRotationHeight); 1018 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - startWidth / 2f, location); 1019 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location - topRotationHeight); 1081 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + endWidth / 2f, location + height); 1082 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height + bottomRotationHeight); 1083 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - endWidth / 2f, location + height); 1084 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height - bottomRotationHeight); 1254 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + startWidth / 2f, location); 1255 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + topRotationHeight); 1256 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - startWidth / 2f, location); 1257 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location - topRotationHeight); 1303 sidePoints[0] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs + endWidth / 2f, location + height); 1304 sidePoints[1] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height + bottomRotationHeight); 1305 sidePoints[2] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs - endWidth / 2f, location + height); 1306 sidePoints[3] = new PointF(xCenterPointAbs, location + height - bottomRotationHeight); 2960 pointPositionAbs = new PointF(
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (2)
501 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 656 pointPos[index] = new PointF(
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (31)
476 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 591 dataPointPos[index - 1] = new PointF( 604 dataPointPos[index] = new PointF( 666 point.positionRel = new PointF( 1016PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1035PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1180 pointPos[index] = new PointF( 1426 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1427 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1780 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1781 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1905 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1906 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, float.NaN), 1928 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, float.NaN), 1929 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, float.NaN), 1949 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, float.NaN), 1950 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 2069 PointF prevThirdPoint = new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y); 2070 PointF prevFourthPoint = new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y); 2099 new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y), 2100 new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y), 2105 thirdPoint = new PointF(prevThirdPoint.X, prevThirdPoint.Y); 2106 fourthPoint = new PointF(prevFourthPoint.X, prevFourthPoint.Y); 2267 new PointF(float.NaN, thirdPoint.Y), 2268 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, (!firstSegmentVisible || segmentNumber == 3) ? thirdPoint.Y : fourthPoint.Y), 2312 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, thirdPoint.Y), 2313 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint2.xPosition, fourthPoint.Y), 2361 new PointF((float)intersectionPoint.xPosition, thirdPointNewY), 2362 new PointF(float.NaN, fourthPoint.Y), 2387 thirdPoint = new PointF(prevThirdPoint.X, prevThirdPoint.Y); 2388 fourthPoint = new PointF(prevFourthPoint.X, prevFourthPoint.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (15)
799 PointF middlePoint = new PointF( rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2 ); 1023 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1265new PointF(x, y), 1278new PointF(x, y), 1323 graph.DrawLineRel( pieLineColor, point.BorderWidth, ChartDashStyle.Solid, new PointF( x1, y1 ), new PointF( x2, y2 ) ); 1353labelRect = GetLabelRect(new PointF(x3, y3), area, text, format, graph, point, true); 1354labelRectOver = GetLabelRect(new PointF(x3Overlap, y3), area, text, format, graph, point, true); 1370labelRect = GetLabelRect(new PointF(x3, y3), area, text, format, graph, point, false); 1371labelRectOver = GetLabelRect(new PointF(x3Overlap, y3), area, text, format, graph, point, false); 1380graph.DrawLineRel(pieLineColor, point.BorderWidth, ChartDashStyle.Solid, new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3Overlap, calculatedY3)); 1384graph.DrawLineRel(pieLineColor, point.BorderWidth, ChartDashStyle.Solid, new PointF(x2, y2), new PointF(x3, y3)); 2562 PointF middlePoint = new PointF( rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2 );
Common\ChartTypes\PointAndFigureChart.cs (8)
842 new PointF(shadowPosition.Left, shadowPosition.Top), 843 new PointF(shadowPosition.Right, shadowPosition.Bottom)); 848 new PointF(shadowPosition.Left, shadowPosition.Bottom), 849 new PointF(shadowPosition.Right, shadowPosition.Top)); 857 new PointF(position.Left, position.Top), 858 new PointF(position.Right, position.Bottom)); 863 new PointF(position.Left, position.Bottom), 864 new PointF(position.Right, position.Top));
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (5)
371 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 443 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 777PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1110 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1171 point.positionRel = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\PolarChart.cs (1)
249 pointPos[index] = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)yPosition));
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (2)
996 pointPos[index] = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)yPosition)); 1144PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (6)
1058 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1059 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1078 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1079 new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN), 1604 thirdPoint = new PointF((float)firstPoint.xPosition, secondYValue); 1606 fourthPoint = new PointF((float)secondPoint.xPosition, secondYValue);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (10)
527 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 545 point.positionRel = new PointF(xPosition, yPosition); 558 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 572 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 866 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 879 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 972 prevYValue1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue1, prevYValue1)).Y; 985 prevYValue2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(prevYValue2, prevYValue2)).Y; 1337 thirdPoint = new PointF((float)xValue, (float)yValue); 1366 fourthPoint = new PointF((float)xValue, (float)yValue);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (4)
685 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 837 point.positionRel = new PointF(rectSize.Right, (float)xPosition); 1402 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1590 point.positionRel = new PointF(rectSize.Right, (float)pointEx.xPosition);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (4)
694 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 858 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, rectSize.Top); 1443 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1628 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)pointEx.xPosition, rectSize.Top);
Common\ChartTypes\StepLineChart.cs (1)
121 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y);
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (22)
372 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 421 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)high); 443 new PointF(xPosition, (float)high), 444 new PointF(xPosition, (float)low), 622 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index); 834 new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y), 835 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y), 845PointF point1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition, open)); 846PointF point2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open + height / 2f)); 847PointF point3 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open - height / 2f)); 869point1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition, close)); 870point2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition + width / 2f, close + height / 2f)); 871point3 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition + width / 2f, close - height / 2f)); 892 new PointF(xPosition - width/2f, open), 893 new PointF(xPosition, open), 904 new PointF(xPosition, close), 905 new PointF(xPosition + width/2f, close), 1181 point.positionRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 1239 point.positionRel = new PointF((float)xPosition, (float)high); 1360 DrawLabel(common, area, graph, ser, point, new PointF(xPosition, (float)Math.Min(high, low)), index); 1664 new PointF(rect.X, rect.Y), 1665 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Y),
Common\General\Axis.cs (16)
1962 new PointF(transformedTitlePosition.X, transformedTitlePosition.Y), 1963 new PointF(transformedTitlePosition.Right, transformedTitlePosition.Bottom) }; 2080PointF endPoint = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Y); 2159PointF absPoint = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(position, position)); 2286rotationCenter = new PointF(ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.X, ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y + ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f); 2298rotationCenter = new PointF(ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Right, ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y + ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Height / 2f); 2310rotationCenter = new PointF(ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.X + ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Width / 2f, ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Y); 2322rotationCenter = new PointF(ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.X + ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Width / 2f, ChartArea.PlotAreaPosition.Bottom); 2681new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top), 2682new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top), 2683new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom), 2684new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)}; 2781PointF tempPoint = new PointF(point1.X, point1.Y); 4844float spacing = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(0, this.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing)).Y; 4908PointF outsidePoint = new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y); 4941PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y) };
Common\General\AxisScaleSegments.cs (12)
566 points[pointIndex] = new PointF( 571 points[0] = new PointF(startX, y); 572 points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(endX, y); 588 points[pointIndex] = new PointF( 593 points[0] = new PointF(x, startY); 594 points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(x, endY); 618 points[pointIndex] = new PointF( 623 points[0] = new PointF(startX, y); 624 points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(endX, y); 641 points[pointIndex] = new PointF( 646 points[0] = new PointF(x, startY); 647 points[points.Length - 1] = new PointF(x, endY);
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (3)
1825 this.circularCenter = new PointF(plottingRect.X + plottingRect.Width/2f, plottingRect.Y + plottingRect.Height/2f); 2581 float spacing = chartGraph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(0, this.AxisX.markSize + Axis.elementSpacing)).Y; 2738 PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y) };
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (38)
331 PointF firstShadow = new PointF( firstPoint.X + shadowOffset, firstPoint.Y + shadowOffset); 332 PointF secondShadow = new PointF( secondPoint.X + shadowOffset, secondPoint.Y + shadowOffset ); 626 tempPoints[0] = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width/2f, (outside == true) ? rect.Y : rect.Y + rect.Height/4f); 628 matrix.RotateAt(pointIndex*(360f/(numberOfCorners*2f)), new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width/2f, rect.Y + rect.Height/2f)); 857shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 860PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 968shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 971PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 1097shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(point.X, point.Y); 1100PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 1500 rotationPoint = new PointF(backPositionAbs.X + backPositionAbs.Width/2f, backPositionAbs.Y + backPositionAbs.Height/2f); 1719new PointF(absCenter.X - size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y - size.Height / 2f), 1720new PointF(absCenter.X + size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y - size.Height / 2f), 1721new PointF(absCenter.X + size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y + size.Height / 2f), 1722new PointF(absCenter.X - size.Width / 2f, absCenter.Y + size.Height / 2f)}; 2398 PointF centerNotRound = new PointF(absPosition.X + absPosition.Width/2F, absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height/2F); 2413 PointF axisPositionAbs = new PointF(axisPosRelative, axisPosRelative); 2553 Point center = Point.Round(new PointF(absPosition.X + absPosition.Width/2F, absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height/2F)); 2917 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), 2918 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top), 2919 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top), 2920 new PointF(rect.Right - shadowSize, rect.Top + shadowSize), 2921 new PointF(rect.Left + shadowSize, rect.Top + shadowSize), 2922 new PointF(rect.Left + shadowSize, rect.Bottom - shadowSize) }; 2938 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top), 2939 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom), 2940 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom), 2941 new PointF(rect.Left + shadowSize, rect.Bottom - shadowSize), 2942 new PointF(rect.Right - shadowSize, rect.Bottom - shadowSize), 2943 new PointF(rect.Right - shadowSize, rect.Top + shadowSize) }; 3830 shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(offset.X + offset.Width/2f, offset.Y + offset.Height/2f); 3833 PointF focusScale = new PointF(1-2f*shadowOffset/offset.Width, 1-2f*shadowOffset/offset.Height); 3861 PointF firstPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y); 3862 PointF centerPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y + position.Height/2f); 3934 PointF firstPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y); 3935 PointF centerPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y + position.Height/2f); 4824 shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width/2f, rect.Y + rect.Height/2f); 4827 PointF focusScale = new PointF(1-shadowScale*radius/rect.Width, 1-shadowScale*radius/rect.Height);
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (37)
1434 polygonPointsFront[0] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[0].xPosition, (float)splineDataPoints[0].yPosition); 1435 polygonPointsFront[1] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[1].xPosition, (float)splineDataPoints[1].yPosition); 1437 polygonPointsFront[2] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[2].xPosition, (float)splineDataPoints[2].yPosition); 1439 polygonPointsFront[3] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[3].xPosition, (float)splineDataPoints[3].yPosition); 1447 polygonPointsFront[0] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[0].xPosition, secondYValue); 1449 polygonPointsFront[1] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[1].xPosition, secondYValue); 1453 polygonPointsFront[2] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[2].xPosition, secondYValue); 1458 polygonPointsFront[3] = new PointF((float)splineDataPoints[3].xPosition, secondYValue); 2961 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[0].X, cubePoints[0].Y); 2962 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[1].X, cubePoints[1].Y); 2963 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[2].X, cubePoints[2].Y); 2964 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[3].X, cubePoints[3].Y); 2968 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[4].X, cubePoints[4].Y); 2969 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[5].X, cubePoints[5].Y); 2970 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[6].X, cubePoints[6].Y); 2971 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[7].X, cubePoints[7].Y); 2975 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[0].X, cubePoints[0].Y); 2976 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[1].X, cubePoints[1].Y); 2977 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[5].X, cubePoints[5].Y); 2978 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[4].X, cubePoints[4].Y); 2982 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[3].X, cubePoints[3].Y); 2983 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[2].X, cubePoints[2].Y); 2984 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[6].X, cubePoints[6].Y); 2985 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[7].X, cubePoints[7].Y); 2989 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[0].X, cubePoints[0].Y); 2990 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[3].X, cubePoints[3].Y); 2991 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[7].X, cubePoints[7].Y); 2992 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[4].X, cubePoints[4].Y); 2996 pointsSurface[0] = new PointF(cubePoints[1].X, cubePoints[1].Y); 2997 pointsSurface[1] = new PointF(cubePoints[2].X, cubePoints[2].Y); 2998 pointsSurface[2] = new PointF(cubePoints[6].X, cubePoints[6].Y); 2999 pointsSurface[3] = new PointF(cubePoints[5].X, cubePoints[5].Y); 3574shadowBrush.CenterPoint = new PointF(markerRotatedPosition.X, markerRotatedPosition.Y); 3577PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 4618 private PointF _coordXY = new PointF(0f, 0f); 4706this._coordXY = new PointF(value.X, value.Y); 4721 this._coordXY = new PointF(x, y);
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (4)
365PointF p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[0], this.Coordinates[1])); 368p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[2], this.Coordinates[1])); 373PointF p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[0], this.Coordinates[1])); 376p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[2], this.Coordinates[3]));
Common\General\Label.cs (4)
1161PointF labelRelativePosition = new PointF( 1279 new PointF(labelRect.Right, labelRect.Y), 1280 new PointF(labelRect.Right, labelRect.Bottom), 1281 new PointF(labelRect.X, labelRect.Bottom)
Common\General\Legend.cs (25)
2540 PointF point = new PointF( 4454 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1), 4455 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1) ); 4465 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Top), 4466 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom) ); 4478 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1), 4479 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1) ); 4489 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Top), 4490 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom) ); 4502 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1), 4503 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1) ); 4513 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Top), 4514 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom) ); 4526 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1f), 4527 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1f) ); 4536 new PointF(rect.Right - 1f, rect.Top), 4537 new PointF(rect.Right - 1f, rect.Bottom) ); 4549 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 3), 4550 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 3) ); 4555 new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - 1), 4556 new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom - 1) ); 4565 new PointF(rect.Right - 3, rect.Top), 4566 new PointF(rect.Right - 3, rect.Bottom) ); 4571 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Top), 4572 new PointF(rect.Right - 1, rect.Bottom) );
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (1)
2458 PointF pointF = new PointF(point.X, point.Y);
Common\General\Selection.cs (31)
854 PointF circleCenter = graph.GetAbsolutePoint( new PointF( x, y ) ); 2037relativeX = this.Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(x, y)).X; 2038relativeY = this.Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(x, y)).Y; 2772list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Top)); 2773list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); 2774list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right - rect.Width / 2, rect.Bottom)); 2775list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom - rect.Height / 2)); 2809PointF middleP0P3 = new PointF((points[i].X + points[i + 3].X) / 2f, (points[i].Y + points[i + 3].Y) / 2f); 2810PointF middleP1P2 = new PointF((points[i + 1].X + points[i + 2].X) / 2f, (points[i + 1].Y + points[i + 2].Y) / 2f); 3201list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3202list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top)); 3203list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)); 3204list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)); 3208list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3209list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top)); 3213list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3214list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)); 3221list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3225list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Top)); 3228list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top)); 3232list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); 3235list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)); 3238list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Bottom)); 3241list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)); 3244list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); 3250list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top)); 3254list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left + rect.Width / 2, rect.Top)); 3257list.Add(new PointF(rect.Right, rect.Top)); 3261list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)); 3264list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top + rect.Height / 2)); 3266list.Add(new PointF(rect.Left, rect.Top));
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (7)
1076 PointF centerPos = new PointF( 1094 !areaPath.IsVisible(new PointF(labelPosition.Right, labelPosition.Y)) || 1095 !areaPath.IsVisible(new PointF(labelPosition.Right, labelPosition.Bottom)) || 1096 !areaPath.IsVisible(new PointF(labelPosition.X, labelPosition.Bottom)) ) 1114 PointF centerPos = new PointF( 1173 PointF labelCenter = new PointF( 1487 PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y);
WinForm\Utilities\AccessibleObject.cs (1)
50private PointF _chartScale = new PointF(1f, 1f);
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (4)
AuthoringOM\Design\Dialogs\ThemeConfigurationDialog.cs (1)
1218PointF zoom = new PointF((float)size.Width / (float)maxExtent.Width, (float)size.Height / (float)maxExtent.Height);
AuthoringOM\Design\MessageFilters\ZoomingMessageFilter.cs (1)
183relativeCenterF = new PointF((float)center.X / (float)parentView.HScrollBar.Maximum, (float)center.Y / (float)parentView.VScrollBar.Maximum);
AuthoringOM\Design\WorkflowLayouts.cs (1)
744PointF scaleFactor = new PointF(
AuthoringOM\Design\WorkflowView.cs (1)
351oldRelativeCenter = new PointF((float)oldCenter.X / (float)hScrollBar.Maximum, (float)oldCenter.Y / (float)vScrollBar.Maximum);
1699 references to PointF
System.Drawing (168)
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\Gdiplus.cs (4)
3210internal static PointF[] ConvertGPPOINTFArrayF(IntPtr memory, int count) { 3214PointF[] points = new PointF[count]; 3254internal static IntPtr ConvertPointToMemory(PointF[] points) {
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GPPOINT.cs (2)
25 internal GPPOINT(PointF pt) 37 internal PointF ToPoint()
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GPPOINTF.cs (2)
23internal GPPOINTF(PointF pt) { 33internal PointF ToPoint() {
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GraphicsPath.cs (28)
81public GraphicsPath(PointF[] pts, byte[] types) : 94public GraphicsPath(PointF[] pts, byte[] types, FillMode fillMode) { 431public PointF GetLastPoint() { 465public bool IsVisible(PointF point) { 486public bool IsVisible(PointF pt, Graphics graphics) { 572public bool IsOutlineVisible(PointF point, Pen pen) { 597public bool IsOutlineVisible(PointF pt, Pen pen, Graphics graphics) { 688public void AddLine(PointF pt1, PointF pt2) { 708public void AddLines(PointF[] points) { 832public void AddBezier(PointF pt1, PointF pt2, PointF pt3, PointF pt4) { 859public void AddBeziers(PointF[] points) { 931public void AddCurve(PointF[] points) { 948public void AddCurve(PointF[] points, float tension) { 968public void AddCurve(PointF[] points, int offset, int numberOfSegments, 1055public void AddClosedCurve(PointF[] points) { 1075public void AddClosedCurve(PointF[] points, float tension) { 1301public void AddPolygon(PointF[] points) { 1362PointF origin, StringFormat format) { 1617public void Warp(PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect) 1625public void Warp(PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, Matrix matrix) 1633public void Warp(PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, Matrix matrix, 1642public void Warp(PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, Matrix matrix, 1719public PointF[] PathPoints { 1731PointF[] points = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.ConvertGPPOINTFArrayF(buf, count);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\GraphicsPathIterator.cs (2)
264public int Enumerate(ref PointF[] points, ref byte[] types) 306public int CopyData(ref PointF[] points, ref byte[] types, int startIndex, int endIndex)
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\LinearGradientBrush.cs (2)
40public LinearGradientBrush(PointF point1, PointF point2,
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\Matrix.cs (7)
80public Matrix(RectangleF rect, PointF[] plgpts) { 358public void RotateAt(float angle, PointF point) { 370public void RotateAt(float angle, PointF point, MatrixOrder order) { 435public void TransformPoints(PointF[] pts) { 449PointF[] newPts = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.ConvertGPPOINTFArrayF(buf, pts.Length); 497public void TransformVectors(PointF[] pts) { 514PointF[] newPts = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.ConvertGPPOINTFArrayF(buf, pts.Length);
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\PathData.cs (3)
23PointF[] points; 35/// Contains an array of <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> objects 38public PointF[] Points {
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\PathGradientBrush.cs (4)
39public PathGradientBrush(PointF[] points) 51public PathGradientBrush(PointF[] points, WrapMode wrapMode) 310public PointF CenterPoint 809public PointF FocusScales
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\PointF.cs (45)
34/// Creates a new instance of the <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> class 38public static readonly PointF Empty = new PointF(); 47/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> class 60/// Gets a value indicating whether this <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> is empty. 73/// Gets the x-coordinate of this <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/>. 88/// Gets the y-coordinate of this <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/>. 103/// Translates a <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> by a given <see cref='System.Drawing.Size'/> . 106public static PointF operator +(PointF pt, Size sz) { 113/// Translates a <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> by the negative of a given <see cref='System.Drawing.Size'/> . 116public static PointF operator -(PointF pt, Size sz) { 122/// Translates a <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> by a given <see cref='System.Drawing.SizeF'/> . 125public static PointF operator +(PointF pt, SizeF sz) { 131/// Translates a <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> by the negative of a given <see cref='System.Drawing.SizeF'/> . 134public static PointF operator -(PointF pt, SizeF sz) { 141/// Compares two <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> objects. The result specifies 142/// whether the values of the <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF.X'/> and <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF.Y'/> properties of the two <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> 146public static bool operator ==(PointF left, PointF right) { 153/// Compares two <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> objects. The result specifies whether the values 154/// of the <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF.X'/> or <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF.Y'/> properties of the two 155/// <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> 159public static bool operator !=(PointF left, PointF right) { 165/// Translates a <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> by a given <see cref='System.Drawing.Size'/> . 168public static PointF Add(PointF pt, Size sz) { 174/// Translates a <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> by the negative of a given <see cref='System.Drawing.Size'/> . 177public static PointF Subtract(PointF pt, Size sz) { 183/// Translates a <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> by a given <see cref='System.Drawing.SizeF'/> . 186public static PointF Add(PointF pt, SizeF sz){ 192/// Translates a <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> by the negative of a given <see cref='System.Drawing.SizeF'/> . 195public static PointF Subtract(PointF pt, SizeF sz){ 204if (!(obj is PointF)) return false; 205PointF comp = (PointF)obj;
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\RectangleF.cs (4)
64public RectangleF(PointF location, SizeF size) { 94public PointF Location { 320public bool Contains(PointF pt) { 452public void Offset(PointF pos) {
commonui\System\Drawing\Advanced\SizeF.cs (6)
63/// the specified <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/>. 66public SizeF(PointF pt) { 130/// <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/>. 133public static explicit operator PointF(SizeF size) { 240public PointF ToPointF() { 241return (PointF) this;
commonui\System\Drawing\Graphics.cs (48)
1060PointF[] pts) { 1075PointF[] newPts = SafeNativeMethods.Gdip.ConvertGPPOINTFArrayF(buf, pts.Length); 1165public void DrawLine(Pen pen, PointF pt1, PointF pt2) { 1176public void DrawLines(Pen pen, PointF[] points) { 1337public void DrawBezier(Pen pen, PointF pt1, PointF pt2, PointF pt3, PointF pt4) { 1348public void DrawBeziers(Pen pen, PointF[] points) { 1636public void DrawPolygon(Pen pen, PointF[] points) { 1708public void DrawCurve(Pen pen, PointF[] points) { 1734public void DrawCurve(Pen pen, PointF[] points, float tension) { 1757public void DrawCurve(Pen pen, PointF[] points, int offset, int numberOfSegments) { 1768public void DrawCurve(Pen pen, PointF[] points, int offset, int numberOfSegments, 1875public void DrawClosedCurve(Pen pen, PointF[] points) { 1901public void DrawClosedCurve(Pen pen, PointF[] points, float tension, FillMode fillmode) { 2105public void FillPolygon(Brush brush, PointF[] points) { 2115public void FillPolygon(Brush brush, PointF[] points, FillMode fillMode) { 2310public void FillClosedCurve(Brush brush, PointF[] points) { 2336public void FillClosedCurve(Brush brush, PointF[] points, FillMode fillmode) { 2344public void FillClosedCurve(Brush brush, PointF[] points, FillMode fillmode, float tension) { 2462public void DrawString(String s, Font font, Brush brush, PointF point) { 2476public void DrawString(String s, Font font, Brush brush, PointF point, StringFormat format) { 2541public SizeF MeasureString(String text, Font font, PointF origin, StringFormat stringFormat) { 2751public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF point) { 2919public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints) { 3111public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, 3152public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, 3159public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, 3167public void DrawImage(Image image, PointF[] destPoints, RectangleF srcRect, 3387public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF destPoint, 3394public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF destPoint, 3402public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF destPoint, 3531public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF[] destPoints, 3538public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF[] destPoints, 3546public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF[] destPoints, 3622public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF destPoint, 3630public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF destPoint, 3639public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF destPoint, 3800public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF[] destPoints, 3811public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF[] destPoints, 3823public void EnumerateMetafile(Metafile metafile, PointF[] destPoints, 4140PointF currentOffset = PointF.Empty; // offset of current context. 4141PointF totalOffset = PointF.Empty; // absolute coord offset of top context. 4330public bool IsVisible(PointF point) {
commonui\System\Drawing\GraphicsContext.cs (2)
26private PointF transformOffset; 117public PointF TransformOffset {
commonui\System\Drawing\Point.cs (5)
121/// Creates a <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> with the coordinates of the specified 126public static implicit operator PointF(Point p) { 208public static Point Ceiling(PointF value) { 217public static Point Truncate(PointF value) { 226public static Point Round(PointF value) {
commonui\System\Drawing\Region.cs (4)
789/// Tests whether the specified <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> is contained within this <see cref='System.Drawing.Region'/>. 792public bool IsVisible(PointF point) { 810/// Tests whether the specified <see cref='System.Drawing.PointF'/> is 814public bool IsVisible(PointF point, Graphics g) {
System.Web.DataVisualization (766)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (16)
227 internal PointF currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 2107 PointF handlePosition = PointF.Empty; 2386 virtual internal void GetRelativePosition(out PointF location, out SizeF size, out PointF anchorLocation) 2451 PointF groupLocation = PointF.Empty; 2461 PointF groupAnchorLocation = PointF.Empty; 2808 PointF anchorOffsetAbs = this.GetGraphics().GetAbsolutePoint( 2822PointF newlocation = this.Chart.chartPicture.annotationSmartLabel.AdjustSmartLabelPosition( 2904 internal void SetPositionRelative(RectangleF position, PointF anchorPoint, bool userInput) 3136 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 3137 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty;
Common\Annotation\ArrowAnnotation.cs (11)
310 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 311 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 314 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 392 PointF firstPoint = positionAbs.Location; 393 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(positionAbs.Right, positionAbs.Bottom); 404 PointF[] points = null; 408 points = new PointF[] { 419 points = new PointF[] { 434 points = new PointF[] {
Common\Annotation\CalloutAnnotation.cs (50)
647 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 648 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 651 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 809 PointF anchorPoint, 844 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 850 PointF[] points = ellipsePath.PathPoints; 854 foreach(PointF point in points) 911 PointF anchorPoint) 934 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 941 PointF[] points = new PointF[7]; 1103 PointF anchorPoint) 1115 PointF cloudCenterAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint( 1125 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint( 1127 PointF ellipseLocation = anchorPointAbs; 1133 PointF point = PointF.Empty; 1280 PointF anchorPoint) 1324 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(anchorPoint); 1329 PointF[] points1 = new PointF[3]; 1336 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1344 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1353 PointF[] points1 = new PointF[3]; 1360 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1368 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1379 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1387 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1442 PointF anchorPoint, 1482 PointF textLinePoint1 = new PointF(rectanglePosition.X, rectanglePosition.Bottom); 1483 PointF textLinePoint2 = new PointF(rectanglePosition.Right, rectanglePosition.Bottom); 1491 PointF lineSecondPoint = PointF.Empty; 1802 internal static PointF GetIntersectionY(PointF firstPoint, PointF secondPoint, float pointY) 1804 PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1821 internal static PointF GetIntersectionX(PointF firstPoint, PointF secondPoint, float pointX) 1823 PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF();
Common\Annotation\GroupAnnotation.cs (5)
917 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 918 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 921 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\ImageAnnotation.cs (5)
521 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 522 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 525 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\LineAnnotation.cs (15)
515 virtual internal void AdjustLineCoordinates(ref PointF point1, ref PointF point2, ref RectangleF selectionRect) 533 PointF intersectionPoint1 = PointF.Empty; 539 PointF intersectionPoint2 = PointF.Empty; 565 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 566 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 569 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 796 override internal void AdjustLineCoordinates(ref PointF point1, ref PointF point2, ref RectangleF selectionRect) 885 override internal void AdjustLineCoordinates(ref PointF point1, ref PointF point2, ref RectangleF selectionRect)
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (14)
523PointF[] points = _graphicsPath.PathPoints; 562 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 563 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 566 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 601 PointF[] pathPoints = _graphicsPath.PathPoints; 860 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 861 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 888 PointF[] pathPoints = pathToMove.PathPoints; 1511PointF[] points = new PointF[this.Count];
Common\Annotation\RectangleAnnotation.cs (10)
385 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 386 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 389 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 623 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 624 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 627 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\TextAnnotation.cs (5)
415 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 416 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 419 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (23)
147 protected PointF axisPos = PointF.Empty; 164 axisPos = PointF.Empty; 241 axisPos = PointF.Empty; 269 PointF[] points, 295PointF point1 = points[pointIndex - 1]; 296PointF point2 = points[pointIndex]; 301if (axisPos == PointF.Empty) 510PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 512PointF[] areaPoints = mapAreaPath.PathPoints; 566pointNew = PointF.Empty; 568PointF[] mapAreaPathPoints = mapAreaPath.PathPoints; 679 PointF thirdPointPosition, 680 PointF fourthPointPosition, 786 PointF[] splinePoints = null; 924 PointF thirdPointPosition, 925 PointF fourthPointPosition, 1024 PointF thirdPoint, fourthPoint; 1585 PointF thirdPointPosition, 1586 PointF fourthPointPosition, 1587 out PointF thirdPoint, 1588 out PointF fourthPoint)
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (7)
776 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1105 private void SetHotRegions( CommonElements common, ChartGraphics graph, DataPoint point, SizeF markerSize, string seriesName, int pointIndex, MarkerStyle pointMarkerStyle, PointF markerPosition ) 1759 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 2044PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (1)
877 PointF position,
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (6)
1111 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1238PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 1352PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (1)
934 PointF position,
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (8)
336 PointF lastVerticalSegmentPoint = PointF.Empty; 337 PointF prevPoint = PointF.Empty; 338 PointF currentPoint = PointF.Empty; 603 PointF firstPoint = Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(firstPointX, firstPointY)); 604 PointF secondPoint = Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(secondPointX, secondPointY));
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (10)
345 PointF currentPoint = PointF.Empty; 441 PointF location, 487 PointF[] points = graph.CreateStarPolygon(markerBounds, cornerNumber); 535 PointF[] points = new PointF[12]; 582 PointF[] points = new PointF[4]; 603 PointF[] points = new PointF[3];
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (30)
533 PointF pointPositionAbs = PointF.Empty; 584 PointF startIntersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 593 PointF endIntersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 827 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 877 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 952 PointF leftSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 953 PointF rightSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 1015 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 1050 PointF intersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 1080 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 1124 PointF intersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 1253 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 1302 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 2910 PointF pointPositionAbs = PointF.Empty; 2931 PointF startIntersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 2943 PointF endIntersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 3037 public PointF CalloutPoint1 = PointF.Empty; 3040 public PointF CalloutPoint2 = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (15)
463 PointF[] points, 500 PointF point1 = points[pointIndex - 1]; 501 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 502 PointF point3 = points[pointIndex]; 503 PointF point4 = PointF.Empty; 516 PointF prevPoint = points[pointIndex - 2]; 607PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 609PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 636 override protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition(ChartGraphics graph, Series series, bool indexedSeries) 638 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count]; 707 PointF thirdPointPosition, 708 PointF fourthPointPosition,
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (41)
101 override protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition( 415 PointF[] dataPointPos = null; 418 dataPointPos = new PointF[ser.Points.Count]; 734 PointF[] points, 874PointF first = points[pointIndex - 1]; 875PointF second = points[pointIndex]; 897PointF first = points[pointIndex]; 898PointF second = points[pointIndex + 1]; 948PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 950PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 966private bool IsLinePointsOverflow(PointF point) 981private void DrawTruncatedLine(ChartGraphics graph, Pen pen, PointF pt1, PointF pt2) 983PointF adjustedPoint1 = PointF.Empty; 984PointF adjustedPoint2 = PointF.Empty; 1014internal static PointF GetIntersectionY(PointF firstPoint, PointF secondPoint, float pointY) 1016PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1033internal static PointF GetIntersectionX(PointF firstPoint, PointF secondPoint, float pointX) 1035PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1056 PointF firstPoint, 1057 PointF secondPoint) 1158 virtual protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition(ChartGraphics graph, Series series, bool indexedSeries) 1160 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count]; 1212 graph.frontLinePoint1 = PointF.Empty; 1213 graph.frontLinePoint2 = PointF.Empty; 1497 PointF thirdPointPosition, 1498 PointF fourthPointPosition, 2002 ref PointF thirdPoint, 2003 ref PointF fourthPoint, 2069 PointF prevThirdPoint = new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y); 2070 PointF prevFourthPoint = new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y); 2441 PointF thirdPointPosition, 2442 PointF fourthPointPosition,
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (25)
799 PointF middlePoint = new PointF( rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2 ); 1074 public void DrawLabels( ChartGraphics graph, PointF middlePoint, SizeF relativeSize, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, DataPoint point, float doughnutRadius, bool exploded, ChartArea area, bool overlapTest, int pointIndex, Color pieLineColor ) 1482 private RectangleF GetLabelRect( PointF labelPosition, ChartArea area, string text, StringFormat format, ChartGraphics graph, DataPoint point, bool leftOrientation ) 1588 public bool EstimateLabels( ChartGraphics graph, PointF middlePoint, SizeF relativeSize, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, DataPoint point, bool exploded, ChartArea area ) 1849PointF[] pointNew = new PointF[path.PointCount]; 2535point.positionRel = PointF.Empty; 2562 PointF middlePoint = new PointF( rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2 ); 2731 PointF [] points = GetPiePoints( graph, area, pieWidth, rectangle, startAngle, sweepAngle, true, doughnutRadius, exploded ); 3049 private PointF [] GetPiePoints( 3064 PointF [] result; 3070 result = new PointF[29]; 3075 result = new PointF[17]; 3306 PointF [] points, 3530 PointF [] points, 3817 PointF [] points, 4045 PointF [] points, 4929 internal PointF GetLabelPosition( DataPoint dataPoint ) 4931 PointF position = PointF.Empty; 5399 PointF [] piePoints = GetPiePoints( graph, area, pieWidth, pieRectangle, startAngle, sweepAngle, false, doughnutRadius, exploded ); 5427 PointF [] points, 5449PointF labelPoint; 5553 private void Draw3DInsideLabels( ChartGraphics graph, PointF [] points, DataPoint point, int pointIndex ) 5564 PointF labelPosition = graph.GetRelativePoint(points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelCenter]);
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (14)
425 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 577 PointF point, 617 private void SetHotRegions( CommonElements common, ChartGraphics graph, DataPoint point, SizeF markerSize, string seriesName, int pointIndex, MarkerStyle pointMarkerStyle, PointF markerPosition ) 658 PointF markerPosition, 777PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 967 PointF position, 1162 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1196 PointF markerRotatedPosition = marker3DPosition[0].PointF; 1706 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1796 internal PointF MarkerPosition = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\PolarChart.cs (5)
233 override protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition(ChartGraphics graph, ChartArea area, Series series) 235 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count + 1]; 255 PointF[] rotatedPoint = new PointF[] { pointPos[index] };
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (22)
405 PointF[] dataPointPos = GetPointsPosition(graph, area, ser); 667AddSelectionPath(area, selectionPath, dataPointPos, index, secondPointIndex, PointF.Empty, borderWidth); 801 PointF relativeMarkerPosition = graph.GetRelativePoint(dataPointPos[index]); 860 PointF[] dataPointPos, 863 PointF centerPoint, 867 PointF rightSidePoint = GetMiddlePoint(dataPointPos[firstPointIndex], dataPointPos[secondPointIndex]); 868 PointF leftSidePoint = PointF.Empty; 933 private PointF GetMiddlePoint(PointF p1, PointF p2) 935 PointF middlePoint = PointF.Empty; 980 virtual protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition(ChartGraphics graph, ChartArea area, Series series) 982 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count + 1]; 1002 PointF[] rotatedPoint = new PointF[] { pointPos[index] }; 1030 PointF markerPosition, 1144PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1540 PointF[] dataPointPos = GetPointsPosition(common.graph, area, series); 1589 PointF markerPosition = common.graph.GetRelativePoint(dataPointPos[index]);
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (24)
156internal PointF[] lowPoints = null; 348 PointF[] points, 396 PointF highPoint1 = points[pointIndex-1]; 397 PointF highPoint2 = points[pointIndex]; 398 PointF lowPoint1 = lowPoints[pointIndex-1]; 399 PointF lowPoint2 = lowPoints[pointIndex]; 454PointF[] pointsReversed = pathReverse.PathPoints; 455PointF[] pointF = new PointF[pointsReversed.Length]; 457foreach (PointF pp in pointsReversed) 466PointF[] newPointF = new PointF[3]; 711 PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 713 PointF[] pathPoints = mapAreaPath.PathPoints; 783 PointF thirdPointPosition, 784 PointF fourthPointPosition, 916 PointF thirdPointPosition, 917 PointF fourthPointPosition, 960 PointF thirdPoint, fourthPoint; 997 PointF intersectionCoordinates = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 1524 PointF thirdPoint, fourthPoint; 1596 out PointF thirdPoint, 1597 out PointF fourthPoint)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (27)
522 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 523 PointF secondPoint = PointF.Empty; 551 if(firstPoint == PointF.Empty) 695PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 697PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 738pointNew = PointF.Empty; 838 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 839 PointF secondPoint = PointF.Empty; 859 if(firstPoint == PointF.Empty) 944 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 945 PointF secondPoint = PointF.Empty; 965 if(firstPoint == PointF.Empty) 1027PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 1131 PointF thirdPointPosition, 1132 PointF fourthPointPosition, 1301 PointF thirdPointPosition, 1302 PointF fourthPointPosition, 1303 out PointF thirdPoint, 1304 out PointF fourthPoint)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (4)
1077PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 1957PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (5)
1157PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 1217PointF absPosition = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(labelPosition); 1873PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\StepLineChart.cs (9)
109 PointF[] points, 120 PointF point1 = points[pointIndex - 1]; 121 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 122 PointF point3 = points[pointIndex]; 149 PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 151 PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 245 PointF thirdPointPosition, 246 PointF fourthPointPosition,
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (10)
553 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 845PointF point1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition, open)); 846PointF point2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open + height / 2f)); 847PointF point3 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open - height / 2f)); 934 PointF position, 1380 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1855 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty;
Common\DataManager\DataPoint.cs (2)
1814 internal PointF positionRel = PointF.Empty;
Common\General\Axis.cs (27)
1961PointF[] rectPoints = new PointF[] { 2007PointF center = PointF.Empty; 2069PointF centerPoint = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(ChartArea.circularCenter); 2080PointF endPoint = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Y); 2159PointF absPoint = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(position, position)); 2232PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty; 2471PointF first = Point.Empty; 2472PointF second = Point.Empty; 2576PointF arrowPosition; 2625PointF first = PointF.Empty; 2626PointF second = PointF.Empty; 2680PointF[] points = new PointF[] { 2757PointF point1, 2758PointF point2, 2781PointF tempPoint = new PointF(point1.X, point1.Y); 4841PointF areaCenterAbs = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(ChartArea.circularCenter); 4908PointF outsidePoint = new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y); 4913PointF[] rotatedPoint = new PointF[] { outsidePoint }; 4941PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y) };
Common\General\AxisScaleSegments.cs (6)
550 PointF[] points = null; 563 points = new PointF[pointNumber + 1]; 585 points = new PointF[pointNumber + 1]; 601 PointF[] points = null; 614 points = new PointF[pointNumber]; 637 points = new PointF[pointNumber];
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (5)
218 internal PointF circularCenter = PointF.Empty; 2670 PointF areaCenterAbs = chartGraph.GetAbsolutePoint(this.circularCenter); 2738 PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y) };
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (85)
191 PointF firstPointF, 192 PointF secondPointF 215 PointF firstPoint, 216 PointF secondPoint 282 PointF firstPoint, 283 PointF secondPoint, 312 PointF firstPoint, 313 PointF secondPoint, 331 PointF firstShadow = new PointF( firstPoint.X + shadowOffset, firstPoint.Y + shadowOffset); 332 PointF secondShadow = new PointF( secondPoint.X + shadowOffset, secondPoint.Y + shadowOffset ); 612 internal PointF[] CreateStarPolygon(RectangleF rect, int numberOfCorners) 621PointF[] points = new PointF[numberOfCornersX2]; 622PointF[] tempPoints = new PointF[1]; 652 PointF point, 684 PointF point, 807PointF[] points = CreateStarPolygon(rect, cornerNumber); 860PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 901PointF[] points = new PointF[12]; 971PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 1005PointF[] points = new PointF[4]; 1060PointF[] points = new PointF[3]; 1100PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 1242PointF position, 1352 PointF.Empty, 1410 PointF position, 1481 PointF textPosition, 1497 PointF rotationPoint = PointF.Empty; 1645 PointF position, 1672 PointF absPosition, 1710internal GraphicsPath GetTranformedTextRectPath(PointF center, SizeF size, int angle) 1717PointF absCenter = GetAbsolutePoint(center); 1718PointF[] points = new PointF[] { 1843PointF rotationPoint = PointF.Empty; 2398 PointF centerNotRound = new PointF(absPosition.X + absPosition.Width/2F, absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height/2F); 2413 PointF axisPositionAbs = new PointF(axisPosRelative, axisPosRelative); 2564 PointF[] leftLine = new PointF[3]; 2565 PointF[] rightLine = new PointF[3]; 2764 PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty; 2916 PointF[] points = new PointF[] { 2937 PointF[] points = new PointF[] { 3833 PointF focusScale = new PointF(1-2f*shadowOffset/offset.Width, 1-2f*shadowOffset/offset.Height); 3861 PointF firstPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y); 3862 PointF centerPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y + position.Height/2f); 3865 PointF prevPoint = PointF.Empty; 3888 PointF[] points = new PointF[] { firstPoint }; 3934 PointF firstPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y); 3935 PointF centerPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y + position.Height/2f); 3937 PointF prevPoint = PointF.Empty; 3969PointF[] points = new PointF[] { firstPoint }; 4669 public PointF GetRelativePoint( PointF point ) 4675PointF relative = PointF.Empty; 4714 public PointF GetAbsolutePoint( PointF point ) 4720 PointF absolute = PointF.Empty; 4827 PointF focusScale = new PointF(1-shadowScale*radius/rect.Width, 1-shadowScale*radius/rect.Height); 5321 internal void DrawArrowRel( PointF position, ArrowOrientation orientation, AxisArrowStyle type, Color color, int lineWidth, ChartDashStyle lineDashStyle, double shift, double size ) 5332PointF endPoint = PointF.Empty; // End point of axis line 5333PointF[] points; // arrow points 5334PointF absolutePosition; // Absolute position of axis 5398 private PointF[] GetArrowShape( PointF position, ArrowOrientation orientation, double shift, double size, AxisArrowStyle type, ref PointF endPoint ) 5400 PointF[] points = new PointF[3]; // Polygon points
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (95)
302 internal PointF frontLinePoint1 = PointF.Empty; 307 internal PointF frontLinePoint2 = PointF.Empty; 335 PointF point1, 336 PointF point2, 479 PointF [] points, 490 PointF topCenter = points[(int)PiePoints.TopCenter]; 491 PointF bottomCenter = points[(int)PiePoints.BottomCenter]; 492 PointF topStart = points[(int)PiePoints.TopStart]; 493 PointF bottomStart = points[(int)PiePoints.BottomStart]; 494 PointF topEnd = points[(int)PiePoints.TopEnd]; 495 PointF bottomEnd = points[(int)PiePoints.BottomEnd]; 498 PointF topDoughnutStart = PointF.Empty; 499 PointF bottomDoughnutStart = PointF.Empty; 500 PointF topDoughnutEnd = PointF.Empty; 501 PointF bottomDoughnutEnd = PointF.Empty; 688 PointF topFirstRectPoint, 689 PointF topSecondRectPoint, 690 PointF bottomFirstRectPoint, 691 PointF bottomSecondRectPoint, 692 PointF topFirstPoint, 693 PointF topSecondPoint, 694 PointF bottomFirstPoint, 695 PointF bottomSecondPoint, 830 internal void FillPieSlice( ChartArea area, DataPoint point, SolidBrush brush, Pen pen, PointF firstRectPoint, PointF firstPoint, PointF secondRectPoint, PointF secondPoint, PointF center, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool fill, int pointIndex ) 954 internal void FillDoughnutSlice( ChartArea area, DataPoint point, SolidBrush brush, Pen pen, PointF firstRectPoint, PointF firstPoint, PointF secondRectPoint, PointF secondPoint, PointF threePoint, PointF fourPoint, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool fill, float doughnutRadius, int pointIndex ) 1105 PointF [] pathPoints; 1112 PointF [] points; 1114 points = new PointF[2]; 1222 PointF[] polygonPoints = new PointF[4]; 1303 if(frontLinePoint1 != PointF.Empty && frontLinePen != null) 1340 frontLinePoint1 = PointF.Empty; 1341 frontLinePoint2 = PointF.Empty; 1431 PointF[] polygonPointsFront = new PointF[nonNullPoints]; 1606 PointF[] splinePathPoints = splineSurfacePath.PathPoints; 2099 PointF[] polygonPoints = new PointF[4]; 2385 if(frontLinePoint1 != PointF.Empty && frontLinePen != null) 2397 frontLinePoint1 = PointF.Empty; 2398 frontLinePoint2 = PointF.Empty; 2954 PointF [] pointsSurface = new PointF[4]; 3122 PointF [] gradientPointsAbs = new PointF[6]; 3269 PointF [] gradientPointsAbs = new PointF[4]; 3325 gradientPointsAbs = new PointF[4]; 3383 PointF [] gradientPointsAbs = new PointF[6]; 3461 PointF point, 3487 PointF markerRotatedPosition = marker3DPosition[0].PointF; 3577PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 3885 internal static PointF GetLinesIntersection(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4) 3887 PointF result = PointF.Empty; 4065 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 4130 PointF leftSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4131 PointF rightSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4143 PointF leftOppSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4144 PointF rightOppSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4174 PointF boundsRectMiddlePoint = PointF.Empty; 4178 PointF centralLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4204 PointF middlePoint1 = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 4210 PointF middlePoint2 = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 4346 out PointF leftSideLinePoint, 4347 out PointF rightSideLinePoint) 4350 leftSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4351 rightSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4362 PointF[] ellipsePoints = ellipseFlattenPath.PathPoints; 4394 PointF[] oppositeEllipsePoints = oppositeEllipseFlattenPath.PathPoints; 4618 private PointF _coordXY = new PointF(0f, 0f); 4698 public PointF PointF
Common\General\ChartRenderingEngine.cs (11)
123 PointF pt1, 124 PointF pt2 215 PointF[] points, 232PointF[] pointsExact = null; 244pointsExact = new PointF[numberOfSegments + 2]; 253pointsExact = new PointF[numberOfSegments + 2]; 263pointsExact = new PointF[numberOfSegments + 3]; 303 PointF[] points 347 PointF point, 478 PointF[] points 574 PointF[] points
Common\General\GdiGraphics.cs (7)
80 PointF pt1, 81 PointF pt2 172 PointF[] points, 207 PointF[] points 244 PointF point, 387 PointF[] points 476 PointF[] points
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (18)
139 PointF first = PointF.Empty; // The First point of a tick mark 140 PointF second = PointF.Empty; // The Second point of a tick mark 586 PointF first = PointF.Empty; // The First point of a tick mark 587 PointF second = PointF.Empty; // The Second point of a tick mark 786 PointF point1, 787 PointF point2, 1463 PointF first = PointF.Empty; // The First point of a grid line 1464 PointF second = PointF.Empty; // The Second point of a grid line 1554 PointF first = PointF.Empty; // The First point of a grid line 1555 PointF second = PointF.Empty; // The Second point of a grid line
Common\General\IChartRenderingEngine.cs (7)
61 PointF pt1, 62 PointF pt2 132 PointF[] points, 161 PointF[] points 192 PointF point, 311 PointF[] points 382 PointF[] points
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (8)
244 PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 249 foreach(PointF point in pathPoints) 365PointF p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[0], this.Coordinates[1])); 373PointF p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[0], this.Coordinates[1])); 392PointF pConverted = Point.Empty; 393PointF pOriginal = Point.Empty; 844 PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 858 foreach(PointF point in pathPoints)
Common\General\Label.cs (6)
1161PointF labelRelativePosition = new PointF( 1169PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { graph.GetAbsolutePoint(labelRelativePosition) }; 1276PointF[] points = new PointF[] 1318 PointF position,
Common\General\Legend.cs (1)
2540 PointF point = new PointF(
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (1)
2458 PointF pointF = new PointF(point.X, point.Y);
Common\General\Selection.cs (27)
854 PointF circleCenter = graph.GetAbsolutePoint( new PointF( x, y ) ); 1375this.Markers = new ReadOnlyCollection<PointF>( new PointF[] {}); 1382public ReadOnlyCollection<PointF> Markers { get; internal set; } 2493result.Markers = new ReadOnlyCollection<PointF>((PointF[])list.ToArray(typeof(PointF))); 2525PointF[] points = new PointF[markers.Count]; 2803PointF[] points = rgn.Path.PathPoints; 2809PointF middleP0P3 = new PointF((points[i].X + points[i + 3].X) / 2f, (points[i].Y + points[i + 3].Y) / 2f); 2810PointF middleP1P2 = new PointF((points[i + 1].X + points[i + 2].X) / 2f, (points[i + 1].Y + points[i + 2].Y) / 2f); 2829PointF pp = this.Transform3D(area, dataPoint); 2849PointF[] points = rgn.Path.PathPoints; 3009PointF pp = this.Transform3D(chartArea, point); 3034PointF first = PointF.Empty; 3035PointF second = PointF.Empty; 3107points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3115foreach (PointF p in list1) 3147points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3155foreach (PointF p in list1) 3288private PointF Transform3D(ChartArea chartArea, DataPoint point) 3304PointF pf = point.positionRel;
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (32)
630 internal PointF AdjustSmartLabelPosition( 635 PointF labelPosition, 638 PointF markerPosition, 671 internal PointF AdjustSmartLabelPosition( 676 PointF labelPosition, 679 PointF markerPosition, 778 ref PointF labelPosition, 781 PointF markerPosition, 787 PointF newLabelPosition = PointF.Empty; 885 labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 911 PointF labelPosition, 914 PointF markerPosition, 967 PointF connectorPosition = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(labelPosition); 1009 PointF markerPositionAbs = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(markerPosition); 1037 PointF position, 1039 PointF markerPosition, 1076 PointF centerPos = new PointF( 1114 PointF centerPos = new PointF( 1173 PointF labelCenter = new PointF( 1219 private bool LineIntersectRectangle(RectangleF rect, PointF point1, PointF point2) 1284 PointF intersection = CalloutAnnotation.GetIntersectionY(point1, point2, rect.Y); 1380 PointF position, 1407 PointF position, 1476 private PointF CalculatePosition( 1478 PointF markerPosition, 1487 PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1581 PointF position, 1583 PointF markerPosition, 1698 PointF labelPosition, 1701 PointF markerPosition,
Common\General\StripLine.cs (8)
438 PointF point1 = PointF.Empty; 439 PointF point2 = PointF.Empty; 617 private void PaintTitle(ChartGraphics graph, PointF point1, PointF point2) 722PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty;
Common\General\Title.cs (2)
1647PointF center = PointF.Empty;
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (760)
Common\Annotation\AnnotationBase.cs (16)
227 internal PointF currentAnchorLocationRel = new PointF(float.NaN, float.NaN); 2107 PointF handlePosition = PointF.Empty; 2386 virtual internal void GetRelativePosition(out PointF location, out SizeF size, out PointF anchorLocation) 2451 PointF groupLocation = PointF.Empty; 2461 PointF groupAnchorLocation = PointF.Empty; 2808 PointF anchorOffsetAbs = this.GetGraphics().GetAbsolutePoint( 2822PointF newlocation = this.Chart.chartPicture.annotationSmartLabel.AdjustSmartLabelPosition( 2904 internal void SetPositionRelative(RectangleF position, PointF anchorPoint, bool userInput) 3136 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 3137 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty;
Common\Annotation\ArrowAnnotation.cs (11)
310 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 311 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 314 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 392 PointF firstPoint = positionAbs.Location; 393 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(positionAbs.Right, positionAbs.Bottom); 404 PointF[] points = null; 408 points = new PointF[] { 419 points = new PointF[] { 434 points = new PointF[] {
Common\Annotation\CalloutAnnotation.cs (50)
647 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 648 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 651 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 809 PointF anchorPoint, 844 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 850 PointF[] points = ellipsePath.PathPoints; 854 foreach(PointF point in points) 911 PointF anchorPoint) 934 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(anchorPoint.X, anchorPoint.Y)); 941 PointF[] points = new PointF[7]; 1103 PointF anchorPoint) 1115 PointF cloudCenterAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint( 1125 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint( 1127 PointF ellipseLocation = anchorPointAbs; 1133 PointF point = PointF.Empty; 1280 PointF anchorPoint) 1324 PointF anchorPointAbs = graphics.GetAbsolutePoint(anchorPoint); 1329 PointF[] points1 = new PointF[3]; 1336 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1344 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1353 PointF[] points1 = new PointF[3]; 1360 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1368 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1379 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1387 PointF[] points2 = new PointF[3]; 1442 PointF anchorPoint, 1482 PointF textLinePoint1 = new PointF(rectanglePosition.X, rectanglePosition.Bottom); 1483 PointF textLinePoint2 = new PointF(rectanglePosition.Right, rectanglePosition.Bottom); 1491 PointF lineSecondPoint = PointF.Empty; 1802 internal static PointF GetIntersectionY(PointF firstPoint, PointF secondPoint, float pointY) 1804 PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1821 internal static PointF GetIntersectionX(PointF firstPoint, PointF secondPoint, float pointX) 1823 PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF();
Common\Annotation\GroupAnnotation.cs (5)
917 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 918 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 921 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\ImageAnnotation.cs (5)
521 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 522 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 525 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\LineAnnotation.cs (15)
515 virtual internal void AdjustLineCoordinates(ref PointF point1, ref PointF point2, ref RectangleF selectionRect) 533 PointF intersectionPoint1 = PointF.Empty; 539 PointF intersectionPoint2 = PointF.Empty; 565 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 566 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 569 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 796 override internal void AdjustLineCoordinates(ref PointF point1, ref PointF point2, ref RectangleF selectionRect) 885 override internal void AdjustLineCoordinates(ref PointF point1, ref PointF point2, ref RectangleF selectionRect)
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (14)
523PointF[] points = _graphicsPath.PathPoints; 562 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 563 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 566 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 601 PointF[] pathPoints = _graphicsPath.PathPoints; 860 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 861 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 888 PointF[] pathPoints = pathToMove.PathPoints; 1511PointF[] points = new PointF[this.Count];
Common\Annotation\RectangleAnnotation.cs (10)
385 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 386 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 389 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height); 623 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 624 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 627 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\Annotation\TextAnnotation.cs (5)
415 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 416 PointF anchorPoint = PointF.Empty; 419 PointF secondPoint = new PointF(firstPoint.X + size.Width, firstPoint.Y + size.Height);
Common\ChartTypes\AreaChart.cs (23)
147 protected PointF axisPos = PointF.Empty; 164 axisPos = PointF.Empty; 241 axisPos = PointF.Empty; 269 PointF[] points, 295PointF point1 = points[pointIndex - 1]; 296PointF point2 = points[pointIndex]; 301if (axisPos == PointF.Empty) 510PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 512PointF[] areaPoints = mapAreaPath.PathPoints; 566pointNew = PointF.Empty; 568PointF[] mapAreaPathPoints = mapAreaPath.PathPoints; 679 PointF thirdPointPosition, 680 PointF fourthPointPosition, 786 PointF[] splinePoints = null; 924 PointF thirdPointPosition, 925 PointF fourthPointPosition, 1024 PointF thirdPoint, fourthPoint; 1585 PointF thirdPointPosition, 1586 PointF fourthPointPosition, 1587 out PointF thirdPoint, 1588 out PointF fourthPoint)
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (7)
776 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1105 private void SetHotRegions( CommonElements common, ChartGraphics graph, DataPoint point, SizeF markerSize, string seriesName, int pointIndex, MarkerStyle pointMarkerStyle, PointF markerPosition ) 1759 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 2044PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (1)
877 PointF position,
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (6)
1111 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1238PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 1352PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (1)
934 PointF position,
Common\ChartTypes\FastLineChart.cs (8)
336 PointF lastVerticalSegmentPoint = PointF.Empty; 337 PointF prevPoint = PointF.Empty; 338 PointF currentPoint = PointF.Empty; 603 PointF firstPoint = Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(firstPointX, firstPointY)); 604 PointF secondPoint = Graph.GetRelativePoint(new PointF(secondPointX, secondPointY));
Common\ChartTypes\FastPointChart.cs (10)
345 PointF currentPoint = PointF.Empty; 441 PointF location, 487 PointF[] points = graph.CreateStarPolygon(markerBounds, cornerNumber); 535 PointF[] points = new PointF[12]; 582 PointF[] points = new PointF[4]; 603 PointF[] points = new PointF[3];
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (30)
533 PointF pointPositionAbs = PointF.Empty; 584 PointF startIntersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 593 PointF endIntersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 827 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 877 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 952 PointF leftSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 953 PointF rightSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 1015 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 1050 PointF intersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 1080 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 1124 PointF intersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 1253 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 1302 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 2910 PointF pointPositionAbs = PointF.Empty; 2931 PointF startIntersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 2943 PointF endIntersection = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 3037 public PointF CalloutPoint1 = PointF.Empty; 3040 public PointF CalloutPoint2 = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (15)
463 PointF[] points, 500 PointF point1 = points[pointIndex - 1]; 501 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 502 PointF point3 = points[pointIndex]; 503 PointF point4 = PointF.Empty; 516 PointF prevPoint = points[pointIndex - 2]; 607PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 609PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 636 override protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition(ChartGraphics graph, Series series, bool indexedSeries) 638 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count]; 707 PointF thirdPointPosition, 708 PointF fourthPointPosition,
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (41)
101 override protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition( 415 PointF[] dataPointPos = null; 418 dataPointPos = new PointF[ser.Points.Count]; 734 PointF[] points, 874PointF first = points[pointIndex - 1]; 875PointF second = points[pointIndex]; 897PointF first = points[pointIndex]; 898PointF second = points[pointIndex + 1]; 948PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 950PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 966private bool IsLinePointsOverflow(PointF point) 981private void DrawTruncatedLine(ChartGraphics graph, Pen pen, PointF pt1, PointF pt2) 983PointF adjustedPoint1 = PointF.Empty; 984PointF adjustedPoint2 = PointF.Empty; 1014internal static PointF GetIntersectionY(PointF firstPoint, PointF secondPoint, float pointY) 1016PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1033internal static PointF GetIntersectionX(PointF firstPoint, PointF secondPoint, float pointX) 1035PointF intersectionPoint = new PointF(); 1056 PointF firstPoint, 1057 PointF secondPoint) 1158 virtual protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition(ChartGraphics graph, Series series, bool indexedSeries) 1160 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count]; 1212 graph.frontLinePoint1 = PointF.Empty; 1213 graph.frontLinePoint2 = PointF.Empty; 1497 PointF thirdPointPosition, 1498 PointF fourthPointPosition, 2002 ref PointF thirdPoint, 2003 ref PointF fourthPoint, 2069 PointF prevThirdPoint = new PointF(thirdPoint.X, thirdPoint.Y); 2070 PointF prevFourthPoint = new PointF(fourthPoint.X, fourthPoint.Y); 2441 PointF thirdPointPosition, 2442 PointF fourthPointPosition,
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (25)
799 PointF middlePoint = new PointF( rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2 ); 1074 public void DrawLabels( ChartGraphics graph, PointF middlePoint, SizeF relativeSize, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, DataPoint point, float doughnutRadius, bool exploded, ChartArea area, bool overlapTest, int pointIndex, Color pieLineColor ) 1482 private RectangleF GetLabelRect( PointF labelPosition, ChartArea area, string text, StringFormat format, ChartGraphics graph, DataPoint point, bool leftOrientation ) 1588 public bool EstimateLabels( ChartGraphics graph, PointF middlePoint, SizeF relativeSize, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, DataPoint point, bool exploded, ChartArea area ) 1849PointF[] pointNew = new PointF[path.PointCount]; 2535point.positionRel = PointF.Empty; 2562 PointF middlePoint = new PointF( rectangle.X + rectangle.Width / 2, rectangle.Y + rectangle.Height / 2 ); 2731 PointF [] points = GetPiePoints( graph, area, pieWidth, rectangle, startAngle, sweepAngle, true, doughnutRadius, exploded ); 3049 private PointF [] GetPiePoints( 3064 PointF [] result; 3070 result = new PointF[29]; 3075 result = new PointF[17]; 3306 PointF [] points, 3530 PointF [] points, 3817 PointF [] points, 4045 PointF [] points, 4929 internal PointF GetLabelPosition( DataPoint dataPoint ) 4931 PointF position = PointF.Empty; 5399 PointF [] piePoints = GetPiePoints( graph, area, pieWidth, pieRectangle, startAngle, sweepAngle, false, doughnutRadius, exploded ); 5427 PointF [] points, 5449PointF labelPoint; 5553 private void Draw3DInsideLabels( ChartGraphics graph, PointF [] points, DataPoint point, int pointIndex ) 5564 PointF labelPosition = graph.GetRelativePoint(points[(int)PiePoints.TopLabelCenter]);
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (14)
425 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 577 PointF point, 617 private void SetHotRegions( CommonElements common, ChartGraphics graph, DataPoint point, SizeF markerSize, string seriesName, int pointIndex, MarkerStyle pointMarkerStyle, PointF markerPosition ) 658 PointF markerPosition, 777PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 967 PointF position, 1162 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1196 PointF markerRotatedPosition = marker3DPosition[0].PointF; 1706 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1796 internal PointF MarkerPosition = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\PolarChart.cs (5)
233 override protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition(ChartGraphics graph, ChartArea area, Series series) 235 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count + 1]; 255 PointF[] rotatedPoint = new PointF[] { pointPos[index] };
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (22)
405 PointF[] dataPointPos = GetPointsPosition(graph, area, ser); 667AddSelectionPath(area, selectionPath, dataPointPos, index, secondPointIndex, PointF.Empty, borderWidth); 801 PointF relativeMarkerPosition = graph.GetRelativePoint(dataPointPos[index]); 860 PointF[] dataPointPos, 863 PointF centerPoint, 867 PointF rightSidePoint = GetMiddlePoint(dataPointPos[firstPointIndex], dataPointPos[secondPointIndex]); 868 PointF leftSidePoint = PointF.Empty; 933 private PointF GetMiddlePoint(PointF p1, PointF p2) 935 PointF middlePoint = PointF.Empty; 980 virtual protected PointF[] GetPointsPosition(ChartGraphics graph, ChartArea area, Series series) 982 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count + 1]; 1002 PointF[] rotatedPoint = new PointF[] { pointPos[index] }; 1030 PointF markerPosition, 1144PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1540 PointF[] dataPointPos = GetPointsPosition(common.graph, area, series); 1589 PointF markerPosition = common.graph.GetRelativePoint(dataPointPos[index]);
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (24)
156internal PointF[] lowPoints = null; 348 PointF[] points, 396 PointF highPoint1 = points[pointIndex-1]; 397 PointF highPoint2 = points[pointIndex]; 398 PointF lowPoint1 = lowPoints[pointIndex-1]; 399 PointF lowPoint2 = lowPoints[pointIndex]; 454PointF[] pointsReversed = pathReverse.PathPoints; 455PointF[] pointF = new PointF[pointsReversed.Length]; 457foreach (PointF pp in pointsReversed) 466PointF[] newPointF = new PointF[3]; 711 PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 713 PointF[] pathPoints = mapAreaPath.PathPoints; 783 PointF thirdPointPosition, 784 PointF fourthPointPosition, 916 PointF thirdPointPosition, 917 PointF fourthPointPosition, 960 PointF thirdPoint, fourthPoint; 997 PointF intersectionCoordinates = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 1524 PointF thirdPoint, fourthPoint; 1596 out PointF thirdPoint, 1597 out PointF fourthPoint)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (27)
522 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 523 PointF secondPoint = PointF.Empty; 551 if(firstPoint == PointF.Empty) 695PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 697PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 738pointNew = PointF.Empty; 838 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 839 PointF secondPoint = PointF.Empty; 859 if(firstPoint == PointF.Empty) 944 PointF firstPoint = PointF.Empty; 945 PointF secondPoint = PointF.Empty; 965 if(firstPoint == PointF.Empty) 1027PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 1131 PointF thirdPointPosition, 1132 PointF fourthPointPosition, 1301 PointF thirdPointPosition, 1302 PointF fourthPointPosition, 1303 out PointF thirdPoint, 1304 out PointF fourthPoint)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (4)
1077PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 1957PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (5)
1157PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 1217PointF absPosition = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(labelPosition); 1873PointF labelPosition = PointF.Empty;
Common\ChartTypes\StepLineChart.cs (9)
109 PointF[] points, 120 PointF point1 = points[pointIndex - 1]; 121 PointF point2 = new PointF(points[pointIndex].X, points[pointIndex - 1].Y); 122 PointF point3 = points[pointIndex]; 149 PointF pointNew = PointF.Empty; 151 PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 245 PointF thirdPointPosition, 246 PointF fourthPointPosition,
Common\ChartTypes\StockChart.cs (10)
553 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 845PointF point1 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition, open)); 846PointF point2 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open + height / 2f)); 847PointF point3 = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(xPosition - width / 2f, open - height / 2f)); 934 PointF position, 1380 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty; 1855 PointF markerPosition = PointF.Empty;
Common\DataManager\DataPoint.cs (2)
1814 internal PointF positionRel = PointF.Empty;
Common\General\Axis.cs (27)
1961PointF[] rectPoints = new PointF[] { 2007PointF center = PointF.Empty; 2069PointF centerPoint = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(ChartArea.circularCenter); 2080PointF endPoint = new PointF(rect.X + rect.Width / 2f, rect.Y); 2159PointF absPoint = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(position, position)); 2232PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty; 2471PointF first = Point.Empty; 2472PointF second = Point.Empty; 2576PointF arrowPosition; 2625PointF first = PointF.Empty; 2626PointF second = PointF.Empty; 2680PointF[] points = new PointF[] { 2757PointF point1, 2758PointF point2, 2781PointF tempPoint = new PointF(point1.X, point1.Y); 4841PointF areaCenterAbs = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(ChartArea.circularCenter); 4908PointF outsidePoint = new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y); 4913PointF[] rotatedPoint = new PointF[] { outsidePoint }; 4941PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y) };
Common\General\AxisScaleSegments.cs (6)
550 PointF[] points = null; 563 points = new PointF[pointNumber + 1]; 585 points = new PointF[pointNumber + 1]; 601 PointF[] points = null; 614 points = new PointF[pointNumber]; 637 points = new PointF[pointNumber];
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (5)
218 internal PointF circularCenter = PointF.Empty; 2670 PointF areaCenterAbs = chartGraph.GetAbsolutePoint(this.circularCenter); 2738 PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { new PointF(areaCenterAbs.X, plotAreaRectAbs.Y) };
Common\General\ChartGraphics.cs (85)
191 PointF firstPointF, 192 PointF secondPointF 215 PointF firstPoint, 216 PointF secondPoint 282 PointF firstPoint, 283 PointF secondPoint, 312 PointF firstPoint, 313 PointF secondPoint, 331 PointF firstShadow = new PointF( firstPoint.X + shadowOffset, firstPoint.Y + shadowOffset); 332 PointF secondShadow = new PointF( secondPoint.X + shadowOffset, secondPoint.Y + shadowOffset ); 612 internal PointF[] CreateStarPolygon(RectangleF rect, int numberOfCorners) 621PointF[] points = new PointF[numberOfCornersX2]; 622PointF[] tempPoints = new PointF[1]; 652 PointF point, 684 PointF point, 807PointF[] points = CreateStarPolygon(rect, cornerNumber); 860PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 901PointF[] points = new PointF[12]; 971PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 1005PointF[] points = new PointF[4]; 1060PointF[] points = new PointF[3]; 1100PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 1242PointF position, 1352 PointF.Empty, 1410 PointF position, 1481 PointF textPosition, 1497 PointF rotationPoint = PointF.Empty; 1645 PointF position, 1672 PointF absPosition, 1710internal GraphicsPath GetTranformedTextRectPath(PointF center, SizeF size, int angle) 1717PointF absCenter = GetAbsolutePoint(center); 1718PointF[] points = new PointF[] { 1843PointF rotationPoint = PointF.Empty; 2398 PointF centerNotRound = new PointF(absPosition.X + absPosition.Width/2F, absPosition.Y + absPosition.Height/2F); 2413 PointF axisPositionAbs = new PointF(axisPosRelative, axisPosRelative); 2564 PointF[] leftLine = new PointF[3]; 2565 PointF[] rightLine = new PointF[3]; 2764 PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty; 2916 PointF[] points = new PointF[] { 2937 PointF[] points = new PointF[] { 3833 PointF focusScale = new PointF(1-2f*shadowOffset/offset.Width, 1-2f*shadowOffset/offset.Height); 3861 PointF firstPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y); 3862 PointF centerPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y + position.Height/2f); 3865 PointF prevPoint = PointF.Empty; 3888 PointF[] points = new PointF[] { firstPoint }; 3934 PointF firstPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y); 3935 PointF centerPoint = new PointF(position.X + position.Width/2f, position.Y + position.Height/2f); 3937 PointF prevPoint = PointF.Empty; 3969PointF[] points = new PointF[] { firstPoint }; 4669 public PointF GetRelativePoint( PointF point ) 4675PointF relative = PointF.Empty; 4714 public PointF GetAbsolutePoint( PointF point ) 4720 PointF absolute = PointF.Empty; 4827 PointF focusScale = new PointF(1-shadowScale*radius/rect.Width, 1-shadowScale*radius/rect.Height); 5321 internal void DrawArrowRel( PointF position, ArrowOrientation orientation, AxisArrowStyle type, Color color, int lineWidth, ChartDashStyle lineDashStyle, double shift, double size ) 5332PointF endPoint = PointF.Empty; // End point of axis line 5333PointF[] points; // arrow points 5334PointF absolutePosition; // Absolute position of axis 5398 private PointF[] GetArrowShape( PointF position, ArrowOrientation orientation, double shift, double size, AxisArrowStyle type, ref PointF endPoint ) 5400 PointF[] points = new PointF[3]; // Polygon points
Common\General\ChartGraphics3D.cs (95)
302 internal PointF frontLinePoint1 = PointF.Empty; 307 internal PointF frontLinePoint2 = PointF.Empty; 335 PointF point1, 336 PointF point2, 479 PointF [] points, 490 PointF topCenter = points[(int)PiePoints.TopCenter]; 491 PointF bottomCenter = points[(int)PiePoints.BottomCenter]; 492 PointF topStart = points[(int)PiePoints.TopStart]; 493 PointF bottomStart = points[(int)PiePoints.BottomStart]; 494 PointF topEnd = points[(int)PiePoints.TopEnd]; 495 PointF bottomEnd = points[(int)PiePoints.BottomEnd]; 498 PointF topDoughnutStart = PointF.Empty; 499 PointF bottomDoughnutStart = PointF.Empty; 500 PointF topDoughnutEnd = PointF.Empty; 501 PointF bottomDoughnutEnd = PointF.Empty; 688 PointF topFirstRectPoint, 689 PointF topSecondRectPoint, 690 PointF bottomFirstRectPoint, 691 PointF bottomSecondRectPoint, 692 PointF topFirstPoint, 693 PointF topSecondPoint, 694 PointF bottomFirstPoint, 695 PointF bottomSecondPoint, 830 internal void FillPieSlice( ChartArea area, DataPoint point, SolidBrush brush, Pen pen, PointF firstRectPoint, PointF firstPoint, PointF secondRectPoint, PointF secondPoint, PointF center, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool fill, int pointIndex ) 954 internal void FillDoughnutSlice( ChartArea area, DataPoint point, SolidBrush brush, Pen pen, PointF firstRectPoint, PointF firstPoint, PointF secondRectPoint, PointF secondPoint, PointF threePoint, PointF fourPoint, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, bool fill, float doughnutRadius, int pointIndex ) 1105 PointF [] pathPoints; 1112 PointF [] points; 1114 points = new PointF[2]; 1222 PointF[] polygonPoints = new PointF[4]; 1303 if(frontLinePoint1 != PointF.Empty && frontLinePen != null) 1340 frontLinePoint1 = PointF.Empty; 1341 frontLinePoint2 = PointF.Empty; 1431 PointF[] polygonPointsFront = new PointF[nonNullPoints]; 1606 PointF[] splinePathPoints = splineSurfacePath.PathPoints; 2099 PointF[] polygonPoints = new PointF[4]; 2385 if(frontLinePoint1 != PointF.Empty && frontLinePen != null) 2397 frontLinePoint1 = PointF.Empty; 2398 frontLinePoint2 = PointF.Empty; 2954 PointF [] pointsSurface = new PointF[4]; 3122 PointF [] gradientPointsAbs = new PointF[6]; 3269 PointF [] gradientPointsAbs = new PointF[4]; 3325 gradientPointsAbs = new PointF[4]; 3383 PointF [] gradientPointsAbs = new PointF[6]; 3461 PointF point, 3487 PointF markerRotatedPosition = marker3DPosition[0].PointF; 3577PointF focusScale = new PointF(1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Width, 1 - 2f * shadowSize / rect.Height); 3885 internal static PointF GetLinesIntersection(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4) 3887 PointF result = PointF.Empty; 4065 PointF[] sidePoints = new PointF[4]; 4130 PointF leftSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4131 PointF rightSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4143 PointF leftOppSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4144 PointF rightOppSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4174 PointF boundsRectMiddlePoint = PointF.Empty; 4178 PointF centralLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4204 PointF middlePoint1 = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 4210 PointF middlePoint2 = ChartGraphics.GetLinesIntersection( 4346 out PointF leftSideLinePoint, 4347 out PointF rightSideLinePoint) 4350 leftSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4351 rightSideLinePoint = PointF.Empty; 4362 PointF[] ellipsePoints = ellipseFlattenPath.PathPoints; 4394 PointF[] oppositeEllipsePoints = oppositeEllipseFlattenPath.PathPoints; 4618 private PointF _coordXY = new PointF(0f, 0f); 4698 public PointF PointF
Common\General\ChartRenderingEngine.cs (11)
123 PointF pt1, 124 PointF pt2 215 PointF[] points, 232PointF[] pointsExact = null; 244pointsExact = new PointF[numberOfSegments + 2]; 253pointsExact = new PointF[numberOfSegments + 2]; 263pointsExact = new PointF[numberOfSegments + 3]; 303 PointF[] points 347 PointF point, 478 PointF[] points 574 PointF[] points
Common\General\GdiGraphics.cs (7)
80 PointF pt1, 81 PointF pt2 172 PointF[] points, 207 PointF[] points 244 PointF point, 387 PointF[] points 476 PointF[] points
Common\General\GridTickMarks.cs (18)
139 PointF first = PointF.Empty; // The First point of a tick mark 140 PointF second = PointF.Empty; // The Second point of a tick mark 586 PointF first = PointF.Empty; // The First point of a tick mark 587 PointF second = PointF.Empty; // The Second point of a tick mark 786 PointF point1, 787 PointF point2, 1463 PointF first = PointF.Empty; // The First point of a grid line 1464 PointF second = PointF.Empty; // The Second point of a grid line 1554 PointF first = PointF.Empty; // The First point of a grid line 1555 PointF second = PointF.Empty; // The Second point of a grid line
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (8)
244 PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 249 foreach(PointF point in pathPoints) 365PointF p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[0], this.Coordinates[1])); 373PointF p = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(new PointF(this.Coordinates[0], this.Coordinates[1])); 392PointF pConverted = Point.Empty; 393PointF pOriginal = Point.Empty; 844 PointF[] pathPoints = path.PathPoints; 858 foreach(PointF point in pathPoints)
Common\General\Label.cs (6)
1161PointF labelRelativePosition = new PointF( 1169PointF[] labelPosition = new PointF[] { graph.GetAbsolutePoint(labelRelativePosition) }; 1276PointF[] points = new PointF[] 1318 PointF position,
Common\General\Legend.cs (1)
2540 PointF point = new PointF(
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (1)
2458 PointF pointF = new PointF(point.X, point.Y);
Common\General\Selection.cs (27)
854 PointF circleCenter = graph.GetAbsolutePoint( new PointF( x, y ) ); 1375this.Markers = new ReadOnlyCollection<PointF>( new PointF[] {}); 1382public ReadOnlyCollection<PointF> Markers { get; internal set; } 2493result.Markers = new ReadOnlyCollection<PointF>((PointF[])list.ToArray(typeof(PointF))); 2525PointF[] points = new PointF[markers.Count]; 2803PointF[] points = rgn.Path.PathPoints; 2809PointF middleP0P3 = new PointF((points[i].X + points[i + 3].X) / 2f, (points[i].Y + points[i + 3].Y) / 2f); 2810PointF middleP1P2 = new PointF((points[i + 1].X + points[i + 2].X) / 2f, (points[i + 1].Y + points[i + 2].Y) / 2f); 2829PointF pp = this.Transform3D(area, dataPoint); 2849PointF[] points = rgn.Path.PathPoints; 3009PointF pp = this.Transform3D(chartArea, point); 3034PointF first = PointF.Empty; 3035PointF second = PointF.Empty; 3107points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3115foreach (PointF p in list1) 3147points[i] = new Point3D(((PointF)list1[i]).X, ((PointF)list1[i]).Y, zPositon); 3155foreach (PointF p in list1) 3288private PointF Transform3D(ChartArea chartArea, DataPoint point) 3304PointF pf = point.positionRel;
Common\General\SmartLabels.cs (32)
630 internal PointF AdjustSmartLabelPosition( 635 PointF labelPosition, 638 PointF markerPosition, 671 internal PointF AdjustSmartLabelPosition( 676 PointF labelPosition, 679 PointF markerPosition, 778 ref PointF labelPosition, 781 PointF markerPosition, 787 PointF newLabelPosition = PointF.Empty; 885 labelPosition = PointF.Empty; 911 PointF labelPosition, 914 PointF markerPosition, 967 PointF connectorPosition = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(labelPosition); 1009 PointF markerPositionAbs = graph.GetAbsolutePoint(markerPosition); 1037 PointF position, 1039 PointF markerPosition, 1076 PointF centerPos = new PointF( 1114 PointF centerPos = new PointF( 1173 PointF labelCenter = new PointF( 1219 private bool LineIntersectRectangle(RectangleF rect, PointF point1, PointF point2) 1284 PointF intersection = CalloutAnnotation.GetIntersectionY(point1, point2, rect.Y); 1380 PointF position, 1407 PointF position, 1476 private PointF CalculatePosition( 1478 PointF markerPosition, 1487 PointF position = new PointF(markerPosition.X, markerPosition.Y); 1581 PointF position, 1583 PointF markerPosition, 1698 PointF labelPosition, 1701 PointF markerPosition,
Common\General\StripLine.cs (8)
438 PointF point1 = PointF.Empty; 439 PointF point2 = PointF.Empty; 617 private void PaintTitle(ChartGraphics graph, PointF point1, PointF point2) 722PointF rotationCenter = PointF.Empty;
Common\General\Title.cs (2)
1647PointF center = PointF.Empty;
WinForm\Utilities\AccessibleObject.cs (1)
50private PointF _chartScale = new PointF(1f, 1f);
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (5)
AuthoringOM\Design\Dialogs\ThemeConfigurationDialog.cs (1)
1218PointF zoom = new PointF((float)size.Width / (float)maxExtent.Width, (float)size.Height / (float)maxExtent.Height);
AuthoringOM\Design\MessageFilters\ZoomingMessageFilter.cs (2)
178PointF relativeCenterF = PointF.Empty;
AuthoringOM\Design\WorkflowLayouts.cs (1)
744PointF scaleFactor = new PointF(
AuthoringOM\Design\WorkflowView.cs (1)
349PointF oldRelativeCenter = Point.Empty;