30 instantiations of SqlInt16
System.Data (30)
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\ValueUtilsSmi.cs (2)
530result = new SqlInt16( temp ); 1044result = new SqlInt16( GetInt16_Unchecked( sink, getters, ordinal ) );
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\SQLConvert.cs (1)
642return new SqlInt16(XmlConvert.ToInt16((string)value));
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\SQLTypes\SQLInt16Storage.cs (1)
189SqlInt16 newValue = new SqlInt16();
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlBuffer.cs (1)
566return new SqlInt16(_value._int16);
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlEnums.cs (1)
513sqlVal = new SqlInt16((Int16)comVal);
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLInt16.cs (24)
94return new SqlInt16(x); 119return new SqlInt16(Int16.Parse(s, (IFormatProvider)null)); 128return x.IsNull ? Null : new SqlInt16((short)-x.m_value); 135return x.IsNull ? Null : new SqlInt16((short)~x.m_value); 153return new SqlInt16((short)iResult); 167return new SqlInt16((short)iResult); 182return new SqlInt16((short)iResult); 196return new SqlInt16((short)(x.m_value / y.m_value)); 213return new SqlInt16((short)(x.m_value % y.m_value)); 224return(x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? Null : new SqlInt16((short)(x.m_value & y.m_value)); 231return(x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? Null : new SqlInt16((short)((ushort)x.m_value | (ushort)y.m_value)); 238return(x.IsNull || y.IsNull) ? Null : new SqlInt16((short)(x.m_value ^ y.m_value)); 250return x.IsNull ? Null : new SqlInt16((short)(x.ByteValue)); 258return x.IsNull ? Null : new SqlInt16((short)(x.Value)); 275return new SqlInt16((short)value); 290return new SqlInt16((short)value); 305return new SqlInt16((short)value); 320return new SqlInt16((short)value); 328return x.IsNull ? Null : new SqlInt16(checked((short)x.ToInt32())); 344return x.IsNull ? Null : new SqlInt16(Int16.Parse(x.Value, (IFormatProvider)null)); 612public static readonly SqlInt16 Null = new SqlInt16(true); 616public static readonly SqlInt16 Zero = new SqlInt16(0); 620public static readonly SqlInt16 MinValue = new SqlInt16(Int16.MinValue); 624public static readonly SqlInt16 MaxValue = new SqlInt16(Int16.MaxValue);
210 references to SqlInt16
System.Data (210)
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\ITypedGetters.cs (1)
57SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16( int ordinal );
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\ITypedSetters.cs (1)
56void SetSqlInt16( int ordinal, SqlInt16 value );
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\MetadataUtilsSmi.cs (2)
120ht.Add( typeof( SqlInt16 ), ExtendedClrTypeCode.SqlInt16 ); 320else if (value.GetType() == typeof( SqlInt16 ))
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\SmiRecordBuffer.cs (2)
272public virtual SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16( int ordinal ) { 625public virtual void SetSqlInt16( int ordinal, SqlInt16 value ) {
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\SmiRequestExecutor.cs (2)
330public virtual SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16( int ordinal ) { 683public virtual void SetSqlInt16( int ordinal, SqlInt16 value ) {
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\SqlDataRecord.cs (2)
303public virtual SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16(int ordinal) { 503public virtual void SetSqlInt16(int ordinal, SqlInt16 value) {
fx\src\data\Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\ValueUtilsSmi.cs (8)
522internal static SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16( SmiEventSink_Default sink, ITypedGettersV3 getters, int ordinal, SmiMetaData metaData ) { 523SqlInt16 result; 526result = SqlInt16.Null; 538result = (SqlInt16) obj; 1100SqlInt16.Null, // SqlDbType.SmallInt 1510internal static void SetSqlInt16( SmiEventSink_Default sink, ITypedSettersV3 setters, int ordinal, SmiMetaData metaData, SqlInt16 value ) { 1622case ExtendedClrTypeCode.SqlInt16: SetSqlInt16_Unchecked( sink, setters, ordinal, (SqlInt16) value ); break; 3518private static void SetSqlInt16_Unchecked( SmiEventSink_Default sink, ITypedSettersV3 setters, int ordinal, SqlInt16 value ) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\ColumnTypeConverter.cs (1)
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\DataStorage.cs (1)
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\SQLConvert.cs (11)
36public static SqlInt16 ConvertToSqlInt16(object value) { 39return SqlInt16.Null; 51return (SqlInt16) value; 53throw ExceptionBuilder.ConvertFailed(valueType, typeof(SqlInt16)); 70return (SqlInt16)value; 98return (SqlInt16)value; 138return (SqlInt16)value; 186return (SqlInt16)value; 228return (SqlInt16)value; 272return (SqlInt16)value; 731return XmlConvert.ToString(((SqlInt16)value).Value);
fx\src\data\System\Data\Common\SQLTypes\SQLInt16Storage.cs (22)
22private SqlInt16[] values; 25: base(column, typeof(SqlInt16), SqlInt16.Null, SqlInt16.Null, StorageType.SqlInt16) { 56SqlInt16 mean = 0; 99SqlInt16 min = SqlInt16.MaxValue; 104if ((SqlInt16.LessThan(values[record], min)).IsTrue) 114SqlInt16 max = SqlInt16.MinValue; 119if ((SqlInt16.GreaterThan(values[record], max)).IsTrue) 144throw ExprException.Overflow(typeof(SqlInt16)); 154return values[recordNo].CompareTo((SqlInt16)value); 181SqlInt16[] newValues = new SqlInt16[capacity]; 189SqlInt16 newValue = new SqlInt16(); 198return ((SqlInt16)tmp); 203Debug.Assert((value.GetType() == typeof(SqlInt16)), "wrong input type"); 214return new SqlInt16[recordCount]; 218SqlInt16[] typedStore = (SqlInt16[]) store; 224values = (SqlInt16[]) store;
fx\src\data\System\Data\DataColumn.cs (1)
1563(dataType == typeof(SqlInt32)) || (dataType == typeof(SqlInt64)) || (dataType == typeof(SqlInt16)) || (dataType == typeof(SqlDecimal)));
fx\src\data\System\Data\Filter\BinaryNode.cs (1)
794value = (SqlInt16) res.ToSqlInt16();
fx\src\data\System\Data\Filter\UnaryNode.cs (1)
107value = -(SqlInt16) vl;
fx\src\data\System\Data\Sql\SqlMetaData.cs (5)
812public SqlInt16 Adjust(SqlInt16 value) { 1088else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt16)) 1089value = this.Adjust((SqlInt16)value); 1217else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt16))
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlBuffer.cs (4)
560internal SqlInt16 SqlInt16 { 564return SqlInt16.Null; 568return (SqlInt16)this.SqlValue; // anything else we haven't thought of goes through boxing. 747case SqlBuffer.StorageType.Int16: return typeof(SqlInt16);
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlDataReader.cs (1)
2338virtual public SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16(int i) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlDataReaderSmi.cs (1)
743public override SqlInt16 GetSqlInt16(int ordinal) {
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\SqlEnums.cs (6)
320else if (dataType == typeof(SqlInt16)) 396else if (sqlType == typeof(SqlInt16)) return SqlInt16.Null; 444else if (sqlVal is SqlInt16) 445comVal = ((SqlInt16)sqlVal).Value; 746(5, 255, 2, true, false, false, TdsEnums.SQLINT2, TdsEnums.SQLINTN, MetaTypeName.SMALLINT, typeof(System.Int16), typeof(SqlInt16), SqlDbType.SmallInt, DbType.Int16, 0);
fx\src\data\System\Data\SqlClient\TdsParser.cs (2)
10009WriteShort(((SqlInt16)value).Value, stateObj); 10969return SerializeLong(((SqlInt16)value).Value, stateObj);
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLBoolean.cs (3)
304public static explicit operator SqlBoolean(SqlInt16 x) { 473public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { 474return (SqlInt16)this;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLByte.cs (3)
254public static explicit operator SqlByte(SqlInt16 x) { 473public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { 474return (SqlInt16)this;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLDecimal.cs (3)
1719public static implicit operator SqlDecimal(SqlInt16 x) { 2886public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { 2887return (SqlInt16)this;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLDouble.cs (3)
226public static implicit operator SqlDouble(SqlInt16 x) { 393public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { 394return (SqlInt16)this;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLInt16.cs (107)
93public static implicit operator SqlInt16(short x) { 101public static explicit operator short(SqlInt16 x) { 115public static SqlInt16 Parse(String s) { 117return SqlInt16.Null; 127public static SqlInt16 operator -(SqlInt16 x) { 134public static SqlInt16 operator ~(SqlInt16 x) { 145public static SqlInt16 operator +(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 159public static SqlInt16 operator -(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 173public static SqlInt16 operator *(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 188public static SqlInt16 operator /(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 205public static SqlInt16 operator %(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 223public static SqlInt16 operator &(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 230public static SqlInt16 operator |(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 237public static SqlInt16 operator ^(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 249public static explicit operator SqlInt16(SqlBoolean x) { 257public static implicit operator SqlInt16(SqlByte x) { 267public static explicit operator SqlInt16(SqlInt32 x) { 282public static explicit operator SqlInt16(SqlInt64 x) { 297public static explicit operator SqlInt16(SqlSingle x) { 312public static explicit operator SqlInt16(SqlDouble x) { 327public static explicit operator SqlInt16(SqlMoney x) { 335public static explicit operator SqlInt16(SqlDecimal x) { 336return(SqlInt16)(SqlInt32)x; 343public static explicit operator SqlInt16(SqlString x) { 351public static SqlBoolean operator==(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 358public static SqlBoolean operator!=(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 365public static SqlBoolean operator<(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 372public static SqlBoolean operator>(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 379public static SqlBoolean operator<=(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 386public static SqlBoolean operator>=(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 395public static SqlInt16 OnesComplement(SqlInt16 x) { 400public static SqlInt16 Add(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 404public static SqlInt16 Subtract(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 409public static SqlInt16 Multiply(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 414public static SqlInt16 Divide(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 419public static SqlInt16 Mod(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 423public static SqlInt16 Modulus(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 428public static SqlInt16 BitwiseAnd(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 433public static SqlInt16 BitwiseOr(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 438public static SqlInt16 Xor(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 443public static SqlBoolean Equals(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 448public static SqlBoolean NotEquals(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 453public static SqlBoolean LessThan(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 458public static SqlBoolean GreaterThan(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 463public static SqlBoolean LessThanOrEqual(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 468public static SqlBoolean GreaterThanOrEqual(SqlInt16 x, SqlInt16 y) { 523if (value is SqlInt16) { 524SqlInt16 i = (SqlInt16)value; 528throw ADP.WrongType(value.GetType(), typeof(SqlInt16)); 531public int CompareTo(SqlInt16 value) { 549if (!(value is SqlInt16)) { 553SqlInt16 i = (SqlInt16)value; 612public static readonly SqlInt16 Null = new SqlInt16(true); 616public static readonly SqlInt16 Zero = new SqlInt16(0); 620public static readonly SqlInt16 MinValue = new SqlInt16(Int16.MinValue); 624public static readonly SqlInt16 MaxValue = new SqlInt16(Int16.MaxValue);
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLInt32.cs (3)
265public static implicit operator SqlInt32(SqlInt16 x) { 498public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { 499return (SqlInt16)this;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLInt64.cs (3)
311public static implicit operator SqlInt64(SqlInt16 x) { 553public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { 554return (SqlInt16)this;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLMoney.cs (3)
368public static implicit operator SqlMoney(SqlInt16 x) { 538public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { 539return (SqlInt16)this;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLSingle.cs (3)
229public static implicit operator SqlSingle(SqlInt16 x) { 402public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { 403return (SqlInt16)this;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLString.cs (3)
526public static explicit operator SqlString(SqlInt16 x) { 710public SqlInt16 ToSqlInt16() { 711return (SqlInt16)this;
fx\src\data\System\Data\xmlsaver.cs (1)
226if (type == typeof(Int16) || type == typeof(SqlInt16))