namespace System
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text;
using System.Diagnostics;
internal static class UriHelper
private static readonly char[] HexUpperChars = {
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
'8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' };
// http://host/Path/Path/File?Query is the base of
// - http://host/Path/Path/File/ ... (those "File" words may be different in semantic but anyway)
// - http://host/Path/Path/#Fragment
// - http://host/Path/Path/?Query
// - http://host/Path/Path/MoreDir/ ...
// - http://host/Path/Path/OtherFile?Query
// - http://host/Path/Path/Fl
// - http://host/Path/Path/
// It is not a base for
// - http://host/Path/Path (that last "Path" is not considered as a directory)
// - http://host/Path/Path?Query
// - http://host/Path/Path#Fragment
// - http://host/Path/Path2/
// - http://host/Path/Path2/MoreDir
// - http://host/Path/File
// ASSUMES that strings like http://host/Path/Path/MoreDir/../../ have been canonicalized before going to this method.
// ASSUMES that back slashes already have been converted if applicable.
internal static unsafe bool TestForSubPath( char* pMe, ushort meLength, char* pShe, ushort sheLength,
bool ignoreCase)
ushort i = 0;
char chMe;
char chShe;
bool AllSameBeforeSlash = true;
for( ;i < meLength && i < sheLength; ++i)
chMe = *(pMe+i);
chShe = *(pShe+i);
if (chMe == '?' || chMe == '#')
// survived so far and pMe does not have any more path segments
return true;
// If pMe terminates a path segment, so must pShe
if (chMe == '/')
if (chShe != '/')
// comparison has falied
return false;
// plus the segments must be the same
if (!AllSameBeforeSlash)
// comparison has falied
return false;
//so far so good
AllSameBeforeSlash = true;
// if pShe terminates then pMe must not have any more path segments
if (chShe == '?' || chShe == '#')
if (!ignoreCase)
if (chMe != chShe)
AllSameBeforeSlash = false;
if (Char.ToLower(chMe, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) != Char.ToLower(chShe, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))
AllSameBeforeSlash = false;
// If me is longer then it must not have any more path segments
for (; i < meLength; ++i)
if ((chMe = *(pMe+i)) == '?' || chMe == '#')
return true;
if (chMe == '/')
return false;
//survived by getting to the end of pMe
return true;
// - forceX characters are always escaped if found
// - rsvd character will remain unescaped
// start - starting offset from input
// end - the exclusive ending offset in input
// destPos - starting offset in dest for output, on return this will be an exclusive "end" in the output.
// In case "dest" has lack of space it will be reallocated by preserving the _whole_ content up to current destPos
// Returns null if nothing has to be escaped AND passed dest was null, otherwise the resulting array with the updated destPos
const short c_MaxAsciiCharsReallocate = 40;
const short c_MaxUnicodeCharsReallocate = 40;
const short c_MaxUTF_8BytesPerUnicodeChar = 4;
const short c_EncodedCharsPerByte = 3;
internal unsafe static char[] EscapeString(string input, int start, int end, char[] dest, ref int destPos,
bool isUriString, char force1, char force2, char rsvd)
if (end - start >= Uri.c_MaxUriBufferSize)
throw new UriFormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_uri_SizeLimit));
int i = start;
int prevInputPos = start;
byte *bytes = stackalloc byte[c_MaxUnicodeCharsReallocate*c_MaxUTF_8BytesPerUnicodeChar]; // 40*4=160
fixed (char* pStr = input)
for(; i < end; ++i)
char ch = pStr[i];
// a Unicode ?
if (ch > '\x7F')
short maxSize = (short)Math.Min(end - i, (int)c_MaxUnicodeCharsReallocate-1);
short count = 1;
for (; count < maxSize && pStr[i + count] > '\x7f'; ++count)
// Is the last a high surrogate?
if (pStr[i + count-1] >= 0xD800 && pStr[i + count-1] <= 0xDBFF)
// Should be a rare case where the app tries to feed an invalid Unicode surrogates pair
if (count == 1 || count == end - i)
throw new UriFormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_uri_BadString));
// need to grab one more char as a Surrogate except when it's a bogus input
dest = EnsureDestinationSize(pStr, dest, i,
(short)(count * c_MaxUTF_8BytesPerUnicodeChar * c_EncodedCharsPerByte),
c_MaxUnicodeCharsReallocate * c_MaxUTF_8BytesPerUnicodeChar * c_EncodedCharsPerByte,
ref destPos, prevInputPos);
short numberOfBytes = (short)Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(pStr+i, count, bytes,
// This is the only exception that built in UriParser can throw after a Uri ctor.
// Should not happen unless the app tries to feed an invalid Unicode String
if (numberOfBytes == 0)
throw new UriFormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_uri_BadString));
i += (count-1);
for (count = 0 ; count < numberOfBytes; ++count)
EscapeAsciiChar((char)bytes[count], dest, ref destPos);
prevInputPos = i+1;
else if (ch == '%' && rsvd == '%')
// Means we don't reEncode '%' but check for the possible escaped sequence
dest = EnsureDestinationSize(pStr, dest, i, c_EncodedCharsPerByte,
c_MaxAsciiCharsReallocate * c_EncodedCharsPerByte, ref destPos, prevInputPos);
if(i + 2 < end && EscapedAscii(pStr[i+1], pStr[i+2]) != Uri.c_DummyChar)
// leave it escaped
dest[destPos++] = '%';
dest[destPos++] = pStr[i+1];
dest[destPos++] = pStr[i+2];
i += 2;
EscapeAsciiChar('%', dest, ref destPos);
prevInputPos = i+1;
else if (ch == force1 || ch == force2)
dest = EnsureDestinationSize(pStr, dest, i, c_EncodedCharsPerByte,
c_MaxAsciiCharsReallocate * c_EncodedCharsPerByte, ref destPos, prevInputPos);
EscapeAsciiChar(ch, dest, ref destPos);
prevInputPos = i+1;
else if (ch != rsvd && (isUriString ? !IsReservedUnreservedOrHash(ch) : !IsUnreserved(ch)))
dest = EnsureDestinationSize(pStr, dest, i, c_EncodedCharsPerByte,
c_MaxAsciiCharsReallocate * c_EncodedCharsPerByte, ref destPos, prevInputPos);
EscapeAsciiChar(ch, dest, ref destPos);
prevInputPos = i+1;
if (prevInputPos != i)
// need to fill up the dest array ?
if (prevInputPos != start || dest != null)
dest = EnsureDestinationSize(pStr, dest, i, 0, 0, ref destPos, prevInputPos);
return dest;
// ensure destination array has enough space and contains all the needed input stuff
private unsafe static char[] EnsureDestinationSize(char* pStr, char[] dest, int currentInputPos,
short charsToAdd, short minReallocateChars, ref int destPos, int prevInputPos)
if ((object) dest == null || dest.Length < destPos + (currentInputPos-prevInputPos) + charsToAdd)
// allocating or reallocating array by ensuring enough space based on maxCharsToAdd.
char[] newresult = new char[destPos + (currentInputPos-prevInputPos) + minReallocateChars];
if ((object) dest != null && destPos != 0)
Buffer.BlockCopy(dest, 0, newresult, 0, destPos<<1);
dest = newresult;
// ensuring we copied everything form the input string left before last escaping
while (prevInputPos != currentInputPos)
dest[destPos++] = pStr[prevInputPos++];
return dest;
// This method will assume that any good Escaped Sequence will be unescaped in the output
// - Assumes Dest.Length - detPosition >= end-start
// - UnescapeLevel controls various modes of opearion
// - Any "bad" escape sequence will remain as is or '%' will be escaped.
// - destPosition tells the starting index in dest for placing the result.
// On return destPosition tells the last character + 1 postion in the "dest" array.
// - The control chars and chars passed in rsdvX parameters may be re-escaped depending on UnescapeLevel
// - It is a RARE case when Unescape actually needs escaping some characteres mentioned above.
// For this reason it returns a char[] that is usually the same ref as the input "dest" value.
internal unsafe static char[] UnescapeString(string input, int start, int end, char[] dest,
ref int destPosition, char rsvd1, char rsvd2, char rsvd3, UnescapeMode unescapeMode, UriParser syntax,
bool isQuery)
fixed (char *pStr = input)
return UnescapeString(pStr, start, end, dest, ref destPosition, rsvd1, rsvd2, rsvd3, unescapeMode,
syntax, isQuery);
internal unsafe static char[] UnescapeString(char* pStr, int start, int end, char[] dest, ref int destPosition,
char rsvd1, char rsvd2, char rsvd3, UnescapeMode unescapeMode, UriParser syntax, bool isQuery)
byte [] bytes = null;
byte escapedReallocations = 0;
bool escapeReserved = false;
int next = start;
bool iriParsing = Uri.IriParsingStatic(syntax)
&& ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.EscapeUnescape) == UnescapeMode.EscapeUnescape);
while (true)
// we may need to re-pin dest[]
fixed (char* pDest = dest)
if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.EscapeUnescape) == UnescapeMode.CopyOnly)
while (start < end)
pDest[destPosition++] = pStr[start++];
return dest;
while (true)
char ch = (char)0;
for (;next < end; ++next)
if ((ch = pStr[next]) == '%')
if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.Unescape) == 0)
// re-escape, don't check anything else
escapeReserved = true;
else if (next+2 < end)
ch = EscapedAscii(pStr[next+1], pStr[next+2]);
// Unescape a good sequence if full unescape is requested
if (unescapeMode >= UnescapeMode.UnescapeAll)
if (ch == Uri.c_DummyChar)
if (unescapeMode >= UnescapeMode.UnescapeAllOrThrow)
// Should be a rare case where the app tries to feed an invalid escaped sequence
throw new UriFormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_uri_BadString));
// re-escape % from an invalid sequence
else if (ch == Uri.c_DummyChar)
if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.Escape) != 0)
escapeReserved = true;
continue; // we should throw instead but since v1.0 would just print '%'
// Do not unescape '%' itself unless full unescape is requested
else if (ch == '%')
next += 2;
// Do not unescape a reserved char unless full unescape is requested
else if (ch == rsvd1 || ch == rsvd2 || ch == rsvd3)
next += 2;
// Do not unescape a dangerous char unless it's V1ToStringFlags mode
else if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.V1ToStringFlag) == 0 && IsNotSafeForUnescape(ch))
next += 2;
else if (iriParsing && ((ch <='\x9F' && IsNotSafeForUnescape(ch)) ||
(ch >'\x9F' &&!IriHelper.CheckIriUnicodeRange(ch, isQuery))))
// check if unenscaping gives a char ouside iri range
// if it does then keep it escaped
next += 2;
// unescape escaped char or escape %
else if (unescapeMode >= UnescapeMode.UnescapeAll)
if (unescapeMode >= UnescapeMode.UnescapeAllOrThrow)
// Should be a rare case where the app tries to feed an invalid escaped sequence
throw new UriFormatException(SR.GetString(SR.net_uri_BadString));
// keep a '%' as part of a bogus sequence
escapeReserved = true;
// escape (escapeReserved==ture) or otheriwse unescape the sequence
else if ((unescapeMode & (UnescapeMode.Unescape | UnescapeMode.UnescapeAll))
== (UnescapeMode.Unescape | UnescapeMode.UnescapeAll))
else if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.Escape) != 0)
// Could actually escape some of the characters
if (ch == rsvd1 || ch == rsvd2 || ch == rsvd3)
// found an unescaped reserved character -> escape it
escapeReserved = true;
else if ((unescapeMode & UnescapeMode.V1ToStringFlag) == 0
&& (ch <= '\x1F' || (ch >= '\x7F' && ch <= '\x9F')))
// found an unescaped reserved character -> escape it
escapeReserved = true;
//copy off previous characters from input
while (start < next)
pDest[destPosition++] = pStr[start++];
if (next != end)
if (escapeReserved)
//escape that char
// Since this should be _really_ rare case, reallocate with constant size increase of 30 rsvd-type characters.
if (escapedReallocations == 0)
escapedReallocations = 30;
char[] newDest = new char[dest.Length + escapedReallocations*3];
fixed (char *pNewDest = newDest)
for (int i = 0; i < destPosition; ++i)
pNewDest[i] = pDest[i];
dest = newDest;
// re-pin new dest[] array
goto dest_fixed_loop_break;
EscapeAsciiChar(pStr[next], dest, ref destPosition);
escapeReserved = false;
start = ++next;
// unescaping either one Ascii or possibly multiple Unicode
if (ch <= '\x7F')
dest[destPosition++] = ch;
start = next;
// Unicode
int byteCount = 1;
// lazy initialization of max size, will reuse the array for next sequences
if ((object) bytes == null)
bytes = new byte[end - next];
bytes[0] = (byte)ch;
while (next < end)
// Check on exit criterion
if ((ch = pStr[next]) != '%' || next+2 >= end)
// already made sure we have 3 characters in str
ch = EscapedAscii(pStr[next+1], pStr[next+2]);
//invalid hex sequence ?
if (ch == Uri.c_DummyChar)
// character is not part of a UTF-8 sequence ?
else if (ch < '\x80')
//a UTF-8 sequence
bytes[byteCount++] = (byte)ch;
next += 3;
Encoding noFallbackCharUTF8 = (Encoding)Encoding.UTF8.Clone();
noFallbackCharUTF8.EncoderFallback = new EncoderReplacementFallback("");
noFallbackCharUTF8.DecoderFallback = new DecoderReplacementFallback("");
char[] unescapedChars = new char[bytes.Length];
int charCount = noFallbackCharUTF8.GetChars(bytes, 0, byteCount, unescapedChars, 0);
start = next;
// match exact bytes
// Do not unescape chars not allowed by Iri
// need to check for invalid utf sequences that may not have given any chars
MatchUTF8Sequence(pDest, dest, ref destPosition, unescapedChars, charCount, bytes,
byteCount, isQuery, iriParsing);
if (next == end)
goto done;
dest_fixed_loop_break: ;
done: return dest;
// Need to check for invalid utf sequences that may not have given any chars.
// We got the unescaped chars, we then reencode them and match off the bytes
// to get the invalid sequence bytes that we just copy off
internal static unsafe void MatchUTF8Sequence(char* pDest, char[] dest, ref int destOffset, char[] unescapedChars,
int charCount, byte[] bytes, int byteCount, bool isQuery, bool iriParsing)
int count = 0;
fixed (char* unescapedCharsPtr = unescapedChars)
for (int j = 0; j < charCount; ++j)
bool isHighSurr = Char.IsHighSurrogate(unescapedCharsPtr[j]);
byte[] encodedBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(unescapedChars, j, isHighSurr ? 2 : 1);
int encodedBytesLength = encodedBytes.Length;
// we have to keep unicode chars outside Iri range escaped
bool inIriRange = false;
if (iriParsing)
if (!isHighSurr)
inIriRange = IriHelper.CheckIriUnicodeRange(unescapedChars[j], isQuery);
bool surrPair = false;
inIriRange = IriHelper.CheckIriUnicodeRange(unescapedChars[j], unescapedChars[j + 1],
ref surrPair, isQuery);
while (true)
// Escape any invalid bytes that were before this character
while (bytes[count] != encodedBytes[0])
Debug.Assert(dest.Length > destOffset, "Buffer overrun detected");
EscapeAsciiChar((char)bytes[count++], dest, ref destOffset);
// check if all bytes match
bool allBytesMatch = true;
int k = 0;
for (; k < encodedBytesLength; ++k)
if (bytes[count + k] != encodedBytes[k])
allBytesMatch = false;
if (allBytesMatch)
count += encodedBytesLength;
if (iriParsing)
if (!inIriRange)
// need to keep chars not allowed as escaped
for (int l = 0; l < encodedBytes.Length; ++l)
Debug.Assert(dest.Length > destOffset, "Buffer overrun detected");
EscapeAsciiChar((char)encodedBytes[l], dest, ref destOffset);
else if (!Uri.IsBidiControlCharacter(unescapedCharsPtr[j]) || !UriParser.DontKeepUnicodeBidiFormattingCharacters)
//copy chars
Debug.Assert(dest.Length > destOffset, "Buffer overrun detected");
pDest[destOffset++] = unescapedCharsPtr[j];
if (isHighSurr)
Debug.Assert(dest.Length > destOffset, "Buffer overrun detected");
pDest[destOffset++] = unescapedCharsPtr[j + 1];
//copy chars
Debug.Assert(dest.Length > destOffset);
pDest[destOffset++] = unescapedCharsPtr[j];
if (isHighSurr)
Debug.Assert(dest.Length > destOffset, "Buffer overrun detected");
pDest[destOffset++] = unescapedCharsPtr[j + 1];
break; // break out of while (true) since we've matched this char bytes
// copy bytes till place where bytes dont match
for (int l = 0; l < k; ++l)
Debug.Assert(dest.Length > destOffset, "Buffer overrun detected");
EscapeAsciiChar((char)bytes[count++], dest, ref destOffset);
if (isHighSurr) j++;
// Include any trailing invalid sequences
while (count < byteCount)
Debug.Assert(dest.Length > destOffset, "Buffer overrun detected");
EscapeAsciiChar((char)bytes[count++], dest, ref destOffset);
internal static void EscapeAsciiChar(char ch, char[] to, ref int pos)
to[pos++] = '%';
to[pos++] = HexUpperChars[(ch & 0xf0) >> 4];
to[pos++] = HexUpperChars[ch & 0xf];
internal static char EscapedAscii(char digit, char next)
if (!(((digit >= '0') && (digit <= '9'))
|| ((digit >= 'A') && (digit <= 'F'))
|| ((digit >= 'a') && (digit <= 'f'))))
return Uri.c_DummyChar;
int res = (digit <= '9')
? ((int)digit - (int)'0')
: (((digit <= 'F')
? ((int)digit - (int)'A')
: ((int)digit - (int)'a'))
+ 10);
if (!(((next >= '0') && (next <= '9'))
|| ((next >= 'A') && (next <= 'F'))
|| ((next >= 'a') && (next <= 'f'))))
return Uri.c_DummyChar;
return (char)((res << 4) + ((next <= '9')
? ((int)next - (int)'0')
: (((next <= 'F')
? ((int)next - (int)'A')
: ((int)next - (int)'a'))
+ 10)));
internal const string RFC3986ReservedMarks = @";/?:@&=+$,#[]!'()*";
private const string RFC2396ReservedMarks = @";/?:@&=+$,";
private const string RFC3986UnreservedMarks = @"-_.~";
private const string RFC2396UnreservedMarks = @"-_.~*'()!";
private const string AdditionalUnsafeToUnescape = @"%\#";// While not specified as reserved, these are still unsafe to unescape.
// When unescaping in safe mode, do not unescape the RFC 3986 reserved set:
// gen-delims = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"
// sub-delims = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
// / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
// In addition, do not unescape the following unsafe characters:
// excluded = "%" / "\"
// This implementation used to use the following variant of the RFC 2396 reserved set.
// That behavior is now off by default, but can be enabled by an App Context Switch.
// reserved = ";" | "/" | "?" | "@" | "&" | "=" | "+" | "$" | ","
// excluded = control | "#" | "%" | "\"
internal static bool IsNotSafeForUnescape(char ch)
if (ch <= '\x1F' || (ch >= '\x7F' && ch <= '\x9F'))
return true;
else if (UriParser.DontEnableStrictRFC3986ReservedCharacterSets)
if ((ch != ':' && (RFC2396ReservedMarks.IndexOf(ch) >= 0) || (AdditionalUnsafeToUnescape.IndexOf(ch) >= 0)))
return true;
else if ((RFC3986ReservedMarks.IndexOf(ch) >= 0) || (AdditionalUnsafeToUnescape.IndexOf(ch) >= 0))
return true;
return false;
private static unsafe bool IsReservedUnreservedOrHash(char c)
if (IsUnreserved(c))
return true;
if (UriParser.ShouldUseLegacyV2Quirks)
return ((RFC2396ReservedMarks.IndexOf(c) >= 0) || c == '#');
return (RFC3986ReservedMarks.IndexOf(c) >= 0);
internal static unsafe bool IsUnreserved(char c)
if (Uri.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit(c))
return true;
if (UriParser.ShouldUseLegacyV2Quirks)
return (RFC2396UnreservedMarks.IndexOf(c) >= 0);
return (RFC3986UnreservedMarks.IndexOf(c) >= 0);
internal static bool Is3986Unreserved(char c)
if (Uri.IsAsciiLetterOrDigit(c))
return true;
return (RFC3986UnreservedMarks.IndexOf(c) >= 0);