File: net\System\Net\_NTAuthentication.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)
// <copyright file="_NTAuthentication.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
namespace System.Net {
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Globalization;
    using System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Security.Permissions;
    using System.Net.Security;
    // #define ISC_REQ_DELEGATE                0x00000001
    // #define ISC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH             0x00000002
    // #define ISC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT           0x00000004
    // #define ISC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT         0x00000008
    // #define ISC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY         0x00000010
    // #define ISC_REQ_USE_SESSION_KEY         0x00000020
    // #define ISC_REQ_PROMPT_FOR_CREDS        0x00000040
    // #define ISC_REQ_USE_SUPPLIED_CREDS      0x00000080
    // #define ISC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY         0x00000100
    // #define ISC_REQ_USE_DCE_STYLE           0x00000200
    // #define ISC_REQ_DATAGRAM                0x00000400
    // #define ISC_REQ_CONNECTION              0x00000800
    // #define ISC_REQ_CALL_LEVEL              0x00001000
    // #define ISC_REQ_FRAGMENT_SUPPLIED       0x00002000
    // #define ISC_REQ_EXTENDED_ERROR          0x00004000
    // #define ISC_REQ_STREAM                  0x00008000
    // #define ISC_REQ_INTEGRITY               0x00010000
    // #define ISC_REQ_IDENTIFY                0x00020000
    // #define ISC_REQ_NULL_SESSION            0x00040000
    // #define ISC_REQ_MANUAL_CRED_VALIDATION  0x00080000
    // #define ISC_REQ_RESERVED1               0x00100000
    // #define ISC_REQ_FRAGMENT_TO_FIT         0x00200000
    // #define ISC_REQ_HTTP                    0x10000000
    // Win7 SP1 +
    // #define ISC_REQ_UNVERIFIED_TARGET_NAME  0x20000000  
    // #define ASC_REQ_DELEGATE                0x00000001
    // #define ASC_REQ_MUTUAL_AUTH             0x00000002
    // #define ASC_REQ_REPLAY_DETECT           0x00000004
    // #define ASC_REQ_SEQUENCE_DETECT         0x00000008
    // #define ASC_REQ_CONFIDENTIALITY         0x00000010
    // #define ASC_REQ_USE_SESSION_KEY         0x00000020
    // #define ASC_REQ_ALLOCATE_MEMORY         0x00000100
    // #define ASC_REQ_USE_DCE_STYLE           0x00000200
    // #define ASC_REQ_DATAGRAM                0x00000400
    // #define ASC_REQ_CONNECTION              0x00000800
    // #define ASC_REQ_CALL_LEVEL              0x00001000
    // #define ASC_REQ_EXTENDED_ERROR          0x00008000
    // #define ASC_REQ_STREAM                  0x00010000
    // #define ASC_REQ_INTEGRITY               0x00020000
    // #define ASC_REQ_LICENSING               0x00040000
    // #define ASC_REQ_IDENTIFY                0x00080000
    // #define ASC_REQ_ALLOW_NULL_SESSION      0x00100000
    // #define ASC_REQ_ALLOW_NON_USER_LOGONS   0x00200000
    // #define ASC_REQ_ALLOW_CONTEXT_REPLAY    0x00400000
    // #define ASC_REQ_FRAGMENT_TO_FIT         0x00800000
    // #define ASC_REQ_FRAGMENT_SUPPLIED       0x00002000
    // #define ASC_REQ_NO_TOKEN                0x01000000
    // #define ASC_REQ_HTTP                    0x10000000
    internal enum ContextFlags {
        Zero            = 0,
        // The server in the transport application can
        // build new security contexts impersonating the
        // client that will be accepted by other servers
        // as the client's contexts.
        Delegate        = 0x00000001,
        // The communicating parties must authenticate
        // their identities to each other. Without MutualAuth,
        // the client authenticates its identity to the server.
        // With MutualAuth, the server also must authenticate
        // its identity to the client.
        MutualAuth      = 0x00000002,
        // The security package detects replayed packets and
        // notifies the caller if a packet has been replayed.
        // The use of this flag implies all of the conditions
        // specified by the Integrity flag.
        ReplayDetect    = 0x00000004,
        // The context must be allowed to detect out-of-order
        // delivery of packets later through the message support
        // functions. Use of this flag implies all of the
        // conditions specified by the Integrity flag.
        SequenceDetect  = 0x00000008,
        // The context must protect data while in transit.
        // Confidentiality is supported for NTLM with Microsoft
        // Windows NT version 4.0, SP4 and later and with the
        // Kerberos protocol in Microsoft Windows 2000 and later.
        Confidentiality = 0x00000010,
        UseSessionKey   = 0x00000020,
        AllocateMemory  = 0x00000100,
        // Connection semantics must be used.
        Connection      = 0x00000800,
        // Client applications requiring extended error messages specify the
        // ISC_REQ_EXTENDED_ERROR flag when calling the InitializeSecurityContext
        // Server applications requiring extended error messages set
        // the ASC_REQ_EXTENDED_ERROR flag when calling AcceptSecurityContext.
        InitExtendedError    = 0x00004000,
        AcceptExtendedError  = 0x00008000,
        // A transport application requests stream semantics
        // by setting the ISC_REQ_STREAM and ASC_REQ_STREAM
        // flags in the calls to the InitializeSecurityContext
        // and AcceptSecurityContext functions
        InitStream          = 0x00008000,
        AcceptStream        = 0x00010000,
        // Buffer integrity can be verified; however, replayed
        // and out-of-sequence messages will not be detected
        InitIntegrity       = 0x00010000,       // ISC_REQ_INTEGRITY
        AcceptIntegrity     = 0x00020000,       // ASC_REQ_INTEGRITY
        InitManualCredValidation    = 0x00080000,   // ISC_REQ_MANUAL_CRED_VALIDATION
        InitUseSuppliedCreds        = 0x00000080,   // ISC_REQ_USE_SUPPLIED_CREDS
        InitIdentify                = 0x00020000,   // ISC_REQ_IDENTIFY
        AcceptIdentify              = 0x00080000,   // ASC_REQ_IDENTIFY
        ProxyBindings               = 0x04000000,   // ASC_REQ_PROXY_BINDINGS
        AllowMissingBindings        = 0x10000000,   // ASC_REQ_ALLOW_MISSING_BINDINGS
        UnverifiedTargetName        = 0x20000000,   // ISC_REQ_UNVERIFIED_TARGET_NAME
    internal class NTAuthentication {
        static private int s_UniqueGroupId = 1;
        static private ContextCallback s_InitializeCallback = new ContextCallback(InitializeCallback);
        private bool m_IsServer;
        private SafeFreeCredentials m_CredentialsHandle;
        private SafeDeleteContext   m_SecurityContext;
        private string m_Spn;
        private string m_ClientSpecifiedSpn;
        private int m_TokenSize;
        private ContextFlags m_RequestedContextFlags;
        private ContextFlags m_ContextFlags;
        private string m_UniqueUserId;
        private bool m_IsCompleted;
        private string m_ProtocolName;
        private SecSizes m_Sizes;
        private string m_LastProtocolName;
        private string m_Package;
        private ChannelBinding m_ChannelBinding;
        // Properties
        internal string UniqueUserId {
            get {
                return m_UniqueUserId;
        // The semantic of this propoerty is "Don't call me again".
        // It can be completed either with success or error
        // The latest case is signalled by IsValidContext==false
        internal bool IsCompleted {
            get {
                return m_IsCompleted;
        internal bool IsValidContext {
            get {
                return !(m_SecurityContext == null || m_SecurityContext.IsInvalid);
        internal string AssociatedName {
            get {
                if (!(IsValidContext && IsCompleted))
                    throw new Win32Exception((int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle);
                string name = SSPIWrapper.QueryContextAttributes(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, ContextAttribute.Names) as string;
                GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication: The context is associated with [" + name + "]");
                return name;
        internal bool IsConfidentialityFlag {
            get {
                return (m_ContextFlags & ContextFlags.Confidentiality) != 0;
        internal bool IsIntegrityFlag {
            get {
                return (m_ContextFlags & (m_IsServer?ContextFlags.AcceptIntegrity:ContextFlags.InitIntegrity)) != 0;
        internal bool IsMutualAuthFlag {
            get {
                return (m_ContextFlags & ContextFlags.MutualAuth) != 0;
        internal bool IsDelegationFlag {
            get {
                return (m_ContextFlags & ContextFlags.Delegate) != 0;
        internal bool IsIdentifyFlag {
            get {
                return (m_ContextFlags & (m_IsServer?ContextFlags.AcceptIdentify:ContextFlags.InitIdentify)) != 0;
        internal string Spn {
            get {
                return m_Spn;
        internal string ClientSpecifiedSpn {
            get {
                if (m_ClientSpecifiedSpn == null) {
                    m_ClientSpecifiedSpn = GetClientSpecifiedSpn();
                return m_ClientSpecifiedSpn;
        internal bool OSSupportsExtendedProtection {
            get {
                GlobalLog.Assert(IsCompleted && IsValidContext, "NTAuthentication#{0}::OSSupportsExtendedProtection|The context is not completed or invalid.", ValidationHelper.HashString(this));
                int errorCode;
                SSPIWrapper.QueryContextAttributes(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, 
                    ContextAttribute.ClientSpecifiedSpn, out errorCode);
                // We consider any error other than Unsupported to mean that the underlying OS
                // supports extended protection.  Most likely it will be TargetUnknown.
                return ((SecurityStatus)errorCode != SecurityStatus.Unsupported);
        // True indicates this instance is for Server and will use AcceptSecurityContext SSPI API
        internal bool IsServer {
            get {
                return m_IsServer;
        internal bool IsKerberos
            get {
                if (m_LastProtocolName  == null)
                    m_LastProtocolName = ProtocolName;
                return (object) m_LastProtocolName == (object) NegotiationInfoClass.Kerberos;
        internal bool IsNTLM
            get {
                if (m_LastProtocolName  == null)
                    m_LastProtocolName = ProtocolName;
                return (object) m_LastProtocolName == (object) NegotiationInfoClass.NTLM;
        internal string Package
                return m_Package;
        internal string ProtocolName {
            get {
                // NB: May return string.Empty if the auth is not done yet or failed
                if (m_ProtocolName==null)
                    NegotiationInfoClass negotiationInfo = null;
                    if (IsValidContext)
                        negotiationInfo = SSPIWrapper.QueryContextAttributes(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, ContextAttribute.NegotiationInfo) as NegotiationInfoClass;
                        if (IsCompleted) {
                            if (negotiationInfo != null)
                                //cache it only when it's completed
                                m_ProtocolName = negotiationInfo.AuthenticationPackage;
                    return negotiationInfo == null? string.Empty: negotiationInfo.AuthenticationPackage;
                return m_ProtocolName;
        internal SecSizes Sizes {
            get {
                GlobalLog.Assert(IsCompleted && IsValidContext, "NTAuthentication#{0}::MaxDataSize|The context is not completed or invalid.", ValidationHelper.HashString(this));
                if (m_Sizes == null) {
                    m_Sizes = SSPIWrapper.QueryContextAttributes(
                                  ) as SecSizes;
                return m_Sizes;
        internal ChannelBinding ChannelBinding
            get { return m_ChannelBinding; }
        // .Ctors
        // Use only for client HTTP authentication
        internal NTAuthentication(string package, NetworkCredential networkCredential, SpnToken spnToken, 
                WebRequest request, ChannelBinding channelBinding) :
            this(false, package, networkCredential, spnToken.Spn, GetHttpContextFlags(request, spnToken.IsTrusted), 
                request.GetWritingContext(), channelBinding)
            //  In order to prevent a race condition where one request could
            //  steal a connection from another request, before a handshake is
            //  complete, we create a new Group for each authentication request.
            if (package == NtlmClient.AuthType || package == NegotiateClient.AuthType) {
                m_UniqueUserId = (Interlocked.Increment(ref s_UniqueGroupId)).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + m_UniqueUserId;
        private static ContextFlags GetHttpContextFlags(WebRequest request, bool trustedSpn)
            ContextFlags contextFlags = ContextFlags.Connection;
            if (request.ImpersonationLevel == TokenImpersonationLevel.Anonymous)
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.net_auth_no_anonymous_support));
            else if(request.ImpersonationLevel == TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification)
                contextFlags |= ContextFlags.InitIdentify;
            else if(request.ImpersonationLevel == TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation)
                contextFlags |= ContextFlags.Delegate;
            if (request.AuthenticationLevel == AuthenticationLevel.MutualAuthRequested || request.AuthenticationLevel == AuthenticationLevel.MutualAuthRequired)
                contextFlags |= ContextFlags.MutualAuth;
            // CBT: If the SPN came from an untrusted source we should tell the server by setting this flag
            if (!trustedSpn && ComNetOS.IsWin7Sp1orLater)
                contextFlags |= ContextFlags.UnverifiedTargetName;
            return contextFlags;
        // This constructor is for a general (non-HTTP) authentication handshake using SSPI
        // Works for both client and server sides.
        // Security: we may need to impersonate on user behalf as to temporarily restore original thread token.
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Flags=SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPrincipal)]
        internal NTAuthentication(bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, ContextFlags requestedContextFlags, ContextAwareResult context, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
            // check if we're using DefaultCredentials
            if (credential is SystemNetworkCredential)
                GlobalLog.Assert(context == null || context.IdentityRequested, "NTAuthentication#{0}::.ctor|Authentication required when it wasn't expected.  (Maybe Credentials was changed on another thread?)", ValidationHelper.HashString(this));
                WindowsIdentity w = context == null ? null : context.Identity;
                    IDisposable ctx = w == null ? null : w.Impersonate();
                    if (ctx != null)
                        using (ctx)
                            Initialize(isServer, package, credential, spn, requestedContextFlags, channelBinding);
                        ExecutionContext x = context == null ? null : context.ContextCopy;
                        if (x == null)
                            Initialize(isServer, package, credential, spn, requestedContextFlags, channelBinding);
                            ExecutionContext.Run(x, s_InitializeCallback, new InitializeCallbackContext(this, isServer, package, credential, spn, requestedContextFlags, channelBinding));
                    // Prevent the impersonation from leaking to upstack exception filters.
                Initialize(isServer, package, credential, spn, requestedContextFlags, channelBinding);
        // This overload does not attmept to impersonate because the caller either did it already or the original thread context is still preserved
        internal NTAuthentication(bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, ContextFlags requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding) {
            Initialize(isServer, package, credential, spn, requestedContextFlags, channelBinding);
        // This overload always uses the default credentials for the process.
        [SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Assert, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlPrincipal)]
        internal NTAuthentication(bool isServer, string package, string spn, ContextFlags requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
                using (WindowsIdentity.Impersonate(IntPtr.Zero))
                    Initialize(isServer, package, SystemNetworkCredential.defaultCredential, spn, requestedContextFlags, channelBinding);
                // Avoid exception filter attacks.
        private class InitializeCallbackContext
            internal InitializeCallbackContext(NTAuthentication thisPtr, bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, ContextFlags requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding)
                this.thisPtr = thisPtr;
                this.isServer = isServer;
                this.package = package;
                this.credential = credential;
                this.spn = spn;
                this.requestedContextFlags = requestedContextFlags;
                this.channelBinding = channelBinding;
            internal readonly NTAuthentication thisPtr;
            internal readonly bool isServer;
            internal readonly string package;
            internal readonly NetworkCredential credential;
            internal readonly string spn;
            internal readonly ContextFlags requestedContextFlags;
            internal readonly ChannelBinding channelBinding;
        private static void InitializeCallback(object state)
            InitializeCallbackContext context = (InitializeCallbackContext)state;
            context.thisPtr.Initialize(context.isServer, context.package, context.credential, context.spn, context.requestedContextFlags, context.channelBinding);
        private void Initialize(bool isServer, string package, NetworkCredential credential, string spn, ContextFlags requestedContextFlags, ChannelBinding channelBinding) {
            GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor() package:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(package) + " spn:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(spn) + " flags :" + requestedContextFlags.ToString());
            m_TokenSize = SSPIWrapper.GetVerifyPackageInfo(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, package, true).MaxToken;
            m_IsServer = isServer;
            m_Spn = spn;
            m_SecurityContext = null;
            m_RequestedContextFlags = requestedContextFlags;
            m_Package = package;
            m_ChannelBinding = channelBinding;
            GlobalLog.Print("Peer SPN-> '" + m_Spn + "'");
            // check if we're using DefaultCredentials
            if (credential is SystemNetworkCredential)
                GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(): using DefaultCredentials");
                m_CredentialsHandle = SSPIWrapper.AcquireDefaultCredential(
                                                    (m_IsServer? CredentialUse.Inbound: CredentialUse.Outbound));
                m_UniqueUserId = "/S"; // save off for unique connection marking ONLY used by HTTP client
            else if (ComNetOS.IsWin7orLater)
                    SafeSspiAuthDataHandle authData = null;
                        SecurityStatus result = UnsafeNclNativeMethods.SspiHelper.SspiEncodeStringsAsAuthIdentity(
                            credential.InternalGetUserName(), credential.InternalGetDomain(),
                            credential.InternalGetPassword(), out authData);
                        if (result != SecurityStatus.OK)
                            if (Logging.On) Logging.PrintError(Logging.Web, SR.GetString(SR.net_log_operation_failed_with_error, "SspiEncodeStringsAsAuthIdentity()", String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "0x{0:X}", (int)result)));
                            throw new Win32Exception((int)result);
                        m_CredentialsHandle = SSPIWrapper.AcquireCredentialsHandle(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth,
                            package, (m_IsServer ? CredentialUse.Inbound : CredentialUse.Outbound), ref authData);
                        if (authData != null)
                // we're not using DefaultCredentials, we need a
                // AuthIdentity struct to contain credentials
                // SECREVIEW:
                // we'll save username/domain in temp strings, to avoid decrypting multiple times.
                // password is only used once
                string username = credential.InternalGetUserName();
                string domain = credential.InternalGetDomain();
                // ATTN:
                // NetworkCredential class does not differentiate between null and "" but SSPI packages treat these cases differently
                // For NTLM we want to keep "" for Wdigest.Dll we should use null.
                AuthIdentity authIdentity = new AuthIdentity(username, credential.InternalGetPassword(), (object)package == (object)NegotiationInfoClass.WDigest && (domain == null || domain.Length == 0)? null: domain);
                m_UniqueUserId = domain + "/" + username + "/U"; // save off for unique connection marking ONLY used by HTTP client
                GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::.ctor(): using authIdentity:" + authIdentity.ToString());
                m_CredentialsHandle = SSPIWrapper.AcquireCredentialsHandle(
                                                    (m_IsServer? CredentialUse.Inbound: CredentialUse.Outbound),
                                                    ref authIdentity
        // Methods
        // This will return a client token during authentication on the server side.
        // This token can be used directly or with impersonation.
        // We use it to create a WindowsIdentity and hand it out to the server app.
        internal SafeCloseHandle GetContextToken(out SecurityStatus status)
            GlobalLog.Assert(IsCompleted && IsValidContext, "NTAuthentication#{0}::GetContextToken|Should be called only when completed with success, currently is not!", ValidationHelper.HashString(this));
            GlobalLog.Assert(IsServer, "NTAuthentication#{0}::GetContextToken|The method must not be called by the client side!", ValidationHelper.HashString(this));
            if (!IsValidContext) {
                throw new Win32Exception((int)SecurityStatus.InvalidHandle);
            SafeCloseHandle token = null;
            status = (SecurityStatus) SSPIWrapper.QuerySecurityContextToken(
                out token);
            return token;
        internal SafeCloseHandle GetContextToken()
            SecurityStatus status;
            SafeCloseHandle token = GetContextToken(out status);
            if (status != SecurityStatus.OK) {
                throw new Win32Exception((int)status);
            return token;
        internal void CloseContext()
            if (m_SecurityContext != null && !m_SecurityContext.IsClosed)
        // NTAuth::GetOutgoingBlob()
        // Created:   12-01-1999: L.M.
        // Description:
        // Accepts a base64 encoded incoming security blob and returns
        // a base 64 encoded outgoing security blob
        // This method is for HttpWebRequest usage only as it has semantic bound to it
        internal string GetOutgoingBlob(string incomingBlob) {
            GlobalLog.Enter("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob", incomingBlob);
            byte[] decodedIncomingBlob = null;
            if (incomingBlob != null && incomingBlob.Length > 0) {
                decodedIncomingBlob = Convert.FromBase64String(incomingBlob);
            byte[] decodedOutgoingBlob = null;
            if ((IsValidContext || IsCompleted) && decodedIncomingBlob == null) {
                // we tried auth previously, now we got a null blob, we're done. this happens
                // with Kerberos & valid credentials on the domain but no ACLs on the resource
                GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob() null blob AND m_SecurityContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(m_SecurityContext) + "::Handle:[0x" + m_SecurityContext.ToString() + "]");
                m_IsCompleted = true;
            else {
                SecurityStatus statusCode;
                try {
                    decodedOutgoingBlob = GetOutgoingBlob(decodedIncomingBlob, true, out statusCode);
                } catch (Exception exception) {
                    if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception)) throw;
                    GlobalLog.LeaveException("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob", exception);
            string outgoingBlob = null;
            if (decodedOutgoingBlob != null && decodedOutgoingBlob.Length > 0) {
                outgoingBlob = Convert.ToBase64String(decodedOutgoingBlob);
            //This is only for HttpWebRequest that does not need security context anymore
            if (IsCompleted)
                string name = ProtocolName; // cache the only info needed from a completed context before closing it
            GlobalLog.Leave("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob", outgoingBlob);
            return outgoingBlob;
        // NTAuth::GetOutgoingBlob()
        // Created:   12-01-1999: L.M.
        // Description:
        // Accepts an incoming binary security blob  and returns
        // an outgoing binary security blob
        internal byte[] GetOutgoingBlob(byte[] incomingBlob, bool throwOnError, out SecurityStatus statusCode)
            GlobalLog.Enter("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob", ((incomingBlob == null) ? "0" : incomingBlob.Length.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo)) + " bytes");
            List<SecurityBuffer> list = new List<SecurityBuffer>(2);
            if (incomingBlob != null) {
                list.Add(new SecurityBuffer(incomingBlob, BufferType.Token));
            if (m_ChannelBinding != null) {
                list.Add(new SecurityBuffer(m_ChannelBinding));
            SecurityBuffer[] inSecurityBufferArray = null;
            if (list.Count > 0)
                inSecurityBufferArray = list.ToArray();
            SecurityBuffer outSecurityBuffer = new SecurityBuffer(m_TokenSize, BufferType.Token);
            bool firstTime = m_SecurityContext == null;
            try {
                if (!m_IsServer) {
                    // client session
                    statusCode = (SecurityStatus)SSPIWrapper.InitializeSecurityContext(
                        ref m_SecurityContext,
                        ref m_ContextFlags);
                    GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob() SSPIWrapper.InitializeSecurityContext() returns statusCode:0x" + ((int) statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " (" + statusCode.ToString() + ")");
                    if (statusCode == SecurityStatus.CompleteNeeded)
                        SecurityBuffer[] inSecurityBuffers = new SecurityBuffer[1];
                        inSecurityBuffers[0] = outSecurityBuffer;
                        statusCode = (SecurityStatus) SSPIWrapper.CompleteAuthToken(
                            ref m_SecurityContext,
                            inSecurityBuffers );
                        GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() SSPIWrapper.CompleteAuthToken() returns statusCode:0x" + ((int) statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " (" + statusCode.ToString() + ")");
                        outSecurityBuffer.token = null;
                else {
                    // server session
                    statusCode = (SecurityStatus)SSPIWrapper.AcceptSecurityContext(
                        ref m_SecurityContext,
                        ref m_ContextFlags);
                    GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob() SSPIWrapper.AcceptSecurityContext() returns statusCode:0x" + ((int) statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " (" + statusCode.ToString() + ")");
            finally {
                // Assuming the ISC or ASC has referenced the credential on the first successful call,
                // we want to decrement the effective ref count by "disposing" it.
                // The real dispose will happen when the security context is closed.
                // Note if the first call was not successfull the handle is physically destroyed here
              if (firstTime && m_CredentialsHandle != null)
          if (((int) statusCode & unchecked((int) 0x80000000)) != 0)
                m_IsCompleted = true;
                if (throwOnError) {
                    Win32Exception exception = new Win32Exception((int) statusCode);
                    GlobalLog.Leave("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob", "Win32Exception:" + exception);
                    throw exception;
                GlobalLog.Leave("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob", "null statusCode:0x" + ((int) statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " (" + statusCode.ToString() + ")");
                return null;
            else if (firstTime && m_CredentialsHandle != null)
                // cache until it is pushed out by newly incoming handles
            // the return value from SSPI will tell us correctly if the
            // handshake is over or not:
            // we also have to consider the case in which SSPI formed a new context, in this case we're done as well.
            if (statusCode == SecurityStatus.OK)
                // we're sucessfully done
                GlobalLog.Assert(statusCode == SecurityStatus.OK, "NTAuthentication#{0}::GetOutgoingBlob()|statusCode:[0x{1:x8}] ({2}) m_SecurityContext#{3}::Handle:[{4}] [STATUS != OK]", ValidationHelper.HashString(this), (int)statusCode, statusCode, ValidationHelper.HashString(m_SecurityContext), ValidationHelper.ToString(m_SecurityContext));
                m_IsCompleted = true;
            else {
                // we need to continue
                GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob() need continue statusCode:[0x" + ((int) statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "] (" + statusCode.ToString() + ") m_SecurityContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(m_SecurityContext) + "::Handle:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(m_SecurityContext) + "]");
//            GlobalLog.Print("out token = " + outSecurityBuffer.ToString());
//            GlobalLog.Dump(outSecurityBuffer.token);
            GlobalLog.Leave("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingBlob", "IsCompleted:" + IsCompleted.ToString());
            return outSecurityBuffer.token;
        // for Server side (IIS 6.0) see: \\netindex\Sources\inetsrv\iis\iisrearc\iisplus\ulw3\digestprovider.cxx
        // for Client side (HTTP.SYS) see: \\netindex\Sources\net\http\sys\ucauth.c
        internal string GetOutgoingDigestBlob(string incomingBlob, string requestMethod, string requestedUri, string realm, bool isClientPreAuth, bool throwOnError, out SecurityStatus statusCode)
            GlobalLog.Enter("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob", incomingBlob);
            // second time call with 3 incoming buffers to select HTTP client.
            // we should get back a SecurityStatus.OK and a non null outgoingBlob.
            SecurityBuffer[] inSecurityBuffers = null;
            SecurityBuffer outSecurityBuffer = new SecurityBuffer(m_TokenSize, isClientPreAuth ? BufferType.Parameters : BufferType.Token);
            bool firstTime = m_SecurityContext == null;
            try {
                if (!m_IsServer) {
                    // client session
                    if (!isClientPreAuth) {
                        if (incomingBlob != null) 
                            List<SecurityBuffer> list = new List<SecurityBuffer>(5);
                            list.Add(new SecurityBuffer(WebHeaderCollection.HeaderEncoding.GetBytes(incomingBlob), BufferType.Token));
                            list.Add(new SecurityBuffer(WebHeaderCollection.HeaderEncoding.GetBytes(requestMethod), BufferType.Parameters));
                            list.Add(new SecurityBuffer(null, BufferType.Parameters));
                            list.Add(new SecurityBuffer(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(m_Spn), BufferType.TargetHost));
                            if (m_ChannelBinding != null) {
                                list.Add(new SecurityBuffer(m_ChannelBinding));
                            inSecurityBuffers = list.ToArray();
                        statusCode = (SecurityStatus) SSPIWrapper.InitializeSecurityContext(
                            ref m_SecurityContext,
                            requestedUri, // this must match the Uri in the HTTP status line for the current request
                            ref m_ContextFlags );
                        GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() SSPIWrapper.InitializeSecurityContext() returns statusCode:0x" + ((int) statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " (" + statusCode.ToString() + ")");
                    else {
                        inSecurityBuffers = new SecurityBuffer[] {
                            new SecurityBuffer(null, BufferType.Token),
                            new SecurityBuffer(WebHeaderCollection.HeaderEncoding.GetBytes(requestMethod), BufferType.Parameters),
                            new SecurityBuffer(WebHeaderCollection.HeaderEncoding.GetBytes(requestedUri), BufferType.Parameters),
                            new SecurityBuffer(null, BufferType.Parameters),
                        statusCode = (SecurityStatus) SSPIWrapper.MakeSignature(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, inSecurityBuffers, 0);
                        GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() SSPIWrapper.MakeSignature() returns statusCode:0x" + ((int) statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " (" + statusCode.ToString() + ")");
                        statusCode = SecurityStatus.OK;
                        GlobalLog.Assert("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob()", "Invalid code path.");
                else {
                    // server session
                    List<SecurityBuffer> list = new List<SecurityBuffer>(6);
                    list.Add(incomingBlob == null ? new SecurityBuffer(0, BufferType.Token) : new SecurityBuffer(WebHeaderCollection.HeaderEncoding.GetBytes(incomingBlob), BufferType.Token));
                    list.Add(requestMethod == null ? new SecurityBuffer(0, BufferType.Parameters) : new SecurityBuffer(WebHeaderCollection.HeaderEncoding.GetBytes(requestMethod), BufferType.Parameters));
                    list.Add(requestedUri == null ? new SecurityBuffer(0, BufferType.Parameters) : new SecurityBuffer(WebHeaderCollection.HeaderEncoding.GetBytes(requestedUri), BufferType.Parameters));
                    list.Add(new SecurityBuffer(0, BufferType.Parameters));
                    list.Add(realm == null ? new SecurityBuffer(0, BufferType.Parameters) : new SecurityBuffer(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(realm), BufferType.Parameters));
                    if (m_ChannelBinding != null) {
                        list.Add(new SecurityBuffer(m_ChannelBinding));
                    inSecurityBuffers = list.ToArray();
                    statusCode = (SecurityStatus) SSPIWrapper.AcceptSecurityContext(
                        ref m_SecurityContext,
                        ref m_ContextFlags );
                    GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() SSPIWrapper.AcceptSecurityContext() returns statusCode:0x" + ((int)statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " (" + statusCode.ToString() + ")");
                    if (statusCode == SecurityStatus.CompleteNeeded)
                        inSecurityBuffers[4] = outSecurityBuffer;
                        statusCode = (SecurityStatus) SSPIWrapper.CompleteAuthToken(
                                ref m_SecurityContext,
                                inSecurityBuffers );
                        GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() SSPIWrapper.CompleteAuthToken() returns statusCode:0x" + ((int)statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " (" + statusCode.ToString() + ")");
                        outSecurityBuffer.token = null;
            finally {
                // Assuming the ISC or ASC has referenced the credential on the first successful call,
                // we want to decrement the effective ref count by "disposing" it.
                // The real dispose will happen when the security context is closed.
                // Note if the first call was not successfull the handle is physically destroyed here
              if (firstTime && m_CredentialsHandle != null)
            if (((int) statusCode & unchecked((int) 0x80000000)) != 0)
                if (throwOnError) {
                    Win32Exception exception = new Win32Exception((int) statusCode);
                    GlobalLog.Leave("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob", "Win32Exception:" + exception);
                    throw exception;
                GlobalLog.Leave("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob", "null statusCode:0x" + ((int) statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + " (" + statusCode.ToString() + ")");
                return null;
            else if (firstTime && m_CredentialsHandle != null)
                // cache until it is pushed out by newly incoming handles
            // the return value from SSPI will tell us correctly if the
            // handshake is over or not:
            if (statusCode == SecurityStatus.OK)
                // we're done, cleanup
                m_IsCompleted = true;
            else {
                // we need to continue
                GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() need continue statusCode:[0x" + ((int) statusCode).ToString("x8", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "] (" + statusCode.ToString() + ") m_SecurityContext#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(m_SecurityContext) + "::Handle:" + ValidationHelper.ToString(m_SecurityContext) + "]");
            GlobalLog.Print("out token = " + outSecurityBuffer.ToString());
            GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob() IsCompleted:" + IsCompleted.ToString());
            byte[] decodedOutgoingBlob = outSecurityBuffer.token;
            string outgoingBlob = null;
            if (decodedOutgoingBlob!=null && decodedOutgoingBlob.Length>0) {
                outgoingBlob = WebHeaderCollection.HeaderEncoding.GetString(decodedOutgoingBlob, 0, outSecurityBuffer.size);
            GlobalLog.Leave("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::GetOutgoingDigestBlob", outgoingBlob);
            return outgoingBlob;
        internal int Encrypt(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, ref byte[] output, uint sequenceNumber) {
            SecSizes sizes = Sizes;
                int maxCount = checked(Int32.MaxValue - 4 - sizes.BlockSize - sizes.SecurityTrailer);
                if (count > maxCount || count < 0)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count", SR.GetString(SR.net_io_out_range, maxCount));
            catch(Exception e)
                if (!NclUtilities.IsFatal(e)){
                    GlobalLog.Assert(false, "NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Encrypt", "Arguments out of range.");
            int resultSize = count + sizes.SecurityTrailer + sizes.BlockSize;
            if (output == null || output.Length < resultSize+4)
                output = new byte[resultSize+4];
            // make a copy of user data for in-place encryption
            Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, output, 4 + sizes.SecurityTrailer, count);
            // prepare buffers TOKEN(signautre), DATA and Padding
            SecurityBuffer[] securityBuffer = new SecurityBuffer[3];
            securityBuffer[0] = new SecurityBuffer(output, 4, sizes.SecurityTrailer, BufferType.Token);
            securityBuffer[1] = new SecurityBuffer(output, 4 + sizes.SecurityTrailer, count, BufferType.Data);
            securityBuffer[2] = new SecurityBuffer(output, 4 + sizes.SecurityTrailer + count, sizes.BlockSize, BufferType.Padding);
            int errorCode;
            if (IsConfidentialityFlag)
                errorCode = SSPIWrapper.EncryptMessage(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, securityBuffer, sequenceNumber);
                if (IsNTLM)
                    securityBuffer[1].type |= BufferType.ReadOnlyFlag;
                errorCode = SSPIWrapper.MakeSignature(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, securityBuffer, 0);
            if (errorCode != 0) {
                GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Encrypt() throw Error = " + errorCode.ToString("x", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                throw new Win32Exception(errorCode);
            // Compacting the result...
            resultSize = securityBuffer[0].size;
            bool forceCopy = false;
            if (resultSize != sizes.SecurityTrailer)
                forceCopy = true;
                Buffer.BlockCopy(output, securityBuffer[1].offset, output, 4 + resultSize, securityBuffer[1].size);
            resultSize += securityBuffer[1].size;
            if (securityBuffer[2].size != 0 && (forceCopy || resultSize != (count + sizes.SecurityTrailer)))
                Buffer.BlockCopy(output, securityBuffer[2].offset, output, 4 + resultSize, securityBuffer[2].size);
            resultSize += securityBuffer[2].size;
            unchecked {
                output[0] = (byte)((resultSize) & 0xFF);
                output[1] = (byte)(((resultSize)>>8) & 0xFF);
                output[2] = (byte)(((resultSize)>>16) & 0xFF);
                output[3] = (byte)(((resultSize)>>24) & 0xFF);
            return resultSize+4;
        internal int Decrypt(byte[] payload, int offset, int count, out int newOffset, uint expectedSeqNumber)
            if (offset < 0 || offset > (payload == null ? 0 : payload.Length))
                GlobalLog.Assert(false, "NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Decrypt", "Argument 'offset' out of range.");
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
            if (count < 0 || count > (payload == null ? 0 : payload.Length - offset))
                GlobalLog.Assert(false, "NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Decrypt", "Argument 'count' out of range.");
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
            if (IsNTLM)
                return DecryptNtlm(payload, offset, count, out newOffset, expectedSeqNumber);
            // Kerberos and up
            SecurityBuffer[] securityBuffer = new SecurityBuffer[2];
            securityBuffer[0] = new SecurityBuffer(payload, offset, count, BufferType.Stream);
            securityBuffer[1] = new SecurityBuffer(0, BufferType.Data);
            int errorCode;
            if (IsConfidentialityFlag)
                errorCode = SSPIWrapper.DecryptMessage(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, securityBuffer, expectedSeqNumber);
                errorCode = SSPIWrapper.VerifySignature(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, securityBuffer, expectedSeqNumber);
            if (errorCode != 0)
                GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Decrypt() throw Error = " + errorCode.ToString("x", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                throw new Win32Exception(errorCode);
            if (securityBuffer[1].type != BufferType.Data)
                throw new InternalException();
            newOffset = securityBuffer[1].offset;
            return securityBuffer[1].size;
        private string GetClientSpecifiedSpn()
            GlobalLog.Assert(IsValidContext && IsCompleted, "NTAuthentication: Trying to get the client SPN before handshaking is done!");
            string spn = SSPIWrapper.QueryContextAttributes(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext,
                ContextAttribute.ClientSpecifiedSpn) as string;
            GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication: The client specified SPN is [" + spn + "]");
            return spn;
        private int DecryptNtlm(byte[] payload, int offset, int count, out int newOffset, uint expectedSeqNumber)
            // For the most part the arguments are verified in Encrypt().
            if (count < 16)
                GlobalLog.Assert(false, "NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::DecryptNtlm", "Argument 'count' out of range.");
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
            SecurityBuffer[] securityBuffer = new SecurityBuffer[2];
            securityBuffer[0] = new SecurityBuffer(payload, offset, 16, BufferType.Token);
            securityBuffer[1] = new SecurityBuffer(payload, offset + 16, count-16, BufferType.Data);
            int errorCode;
            BufferType realDataType = BufferType.Data;
            if (IsConfidentialityFlag)
                errorCode = SSPIWrapper.DecryptMessage(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, securityBuffer, expectedSeqNumber);
                realDataType |= BufferType.ReadOnlyFlag;
                securityBuffer[1].type = realDataType;
                errorCode = SSPIWrapper.VerifySignature(GlobalSSPI.SSPIAuth, m_SecurityContext, securityBuffer, expectedSeqNumber);
            if (errorCode != 0)
                GlobalLog.Print("NTAuthentication#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::Decrypt() throw Error = " + errorCode.ToString("x", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                throw new Win32Exception(errorCode);
            if (securityBuffer[1].type != realDataType)
                throw new InternalException();
            newOffset = securityBuffer[1].offset;
            return securityBuffer[1].size;
        // VerifySignature
        // Adapted from Decrypt method above as a more generic message 
        // signature verify method for SMTP AUTH GSSAPI (SASL). 
        // Decrypt method, used NegotiateStream, couldn't be used due 
        // to special cases for NTLM.
        // See SmtpNegotiateAuthenticationModule class for caller.
        internal int VerifySignature(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count) {
            // validate offset within length
            if (offset < 0 || offset > (buffer == null ? 0 : buffer.Length)) {
                            "NTAuthentication#" + 
                            ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + 
                            "Argument 'offset' out of range.");
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("offset");
            // validate count within offset and end of buffer
            if (count < 0 || 
                count > (buffer == null ? 0 : buffer.Length - offset)) {
                            "NTAuthentication#" + 
                            ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + 
                            "Argument 'count' out of range.");
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");
            // setup security buffers for ssp call
            // one points at signed data
            // two will receive payload if signature is valid
            SecurityBuffer[] securityBuffer = new SecurityBuffer[2];
            securityBuffer[0] = 
                new SecurityBuffer(buffer, offset, count, BufferType.Stream);
            securityBuffer[1] = new SecurityBuffer(0, BufferType.Data);
            // call SSP function
            int errorCode = SSPIWrapper.VerifySignature(
            // throw if error
            if (errorCode != 0)
                            "NTAuthentication#" + 
                            ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + 
                            "::VerifySignature() threw Error = " + 
                throw new Win32Exception(errorCode);
            // not sure why this is here - retained from Encrypt code above
            if (securityBuffer[1].type != BufferType.Data)
                throw new InternalException();
            // return validated payload size 
            return securityBuffer[1].size;
        // MakeSignature
        // Adapted from Encrypt method above as a more generic message 
        // signing method for SMTP AUTH GSSAPI (SASL). 
        // Encrypt method, used for NegotiateStream, put size at head of
        // message.  Don't need that
        // See SmtpNegotiateAuthenticationModule class for caller.
        internal int MakeSignature(
                        byte[] buffer, 
                        int offset, 
                        int count, 
                        ref byte[] output) {
            SecSizes sizes = Sizes;
            // alloc new output buffer if not supplied or too small
            int resultSize = count + sizes.MaxSignature;
            if (output == null || output.Length < resultSize)
                output = new byte[resultSize];
            // make a copy of user data for in-place encryption
            Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, offset, output, sizes.MaxSignature, count);
            // setup security buffers for ssp call
            SecurityBuffer[] securityBuffer = new SecurityBuffer[2];
            securityBuffer[0] = new SecurityBuffer(output, 0, sizes.MaxSignature, BufferType.Token);
            securityBuffer[1] = new SecurityBuffer(output, sizes.MaxSignature, count, BufferType.Data);
            // call SSP Function
            int errorCode = SSPIWrapper.MakeSignature(
            // throw if error
            if (errorCode != 0) {
                    "NTAuthentication#" + 
                    ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + 
                    "::Encrypt() throw Error = " + 
                    errorCode.ToString("x", NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo));
                throw new Win32Exception(errorCode);
            // return signed size
            return securityBuffer[0].size + securityBuffer[1].size;
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
    internal struct AuthIdentity {
        internal string UserName;
        internal int UserNameLength;
        internal string Domain;
        internal int DomainLength;
        internal string Password;
        internal int PasswordLength;
        internal int Flags;
        internal AuthIdentity(string userName, string password, string domain) {
            UserName = userName;
            UserNameLength = userName==null ? 0 : userName.Length;
            Password = password;
            PasswordLength = password==null ? 0 : password.Length;
            Domain = domain;
            DomainLength = domain==null ? 0 : domain.Length;
            // Flags are 2 for Unicode and 1 for ANSI. We use 2 on NT and 1 on Win9x.
            Flags = 2;
        public override string ToString() {
            return ValidationHelper.ToString(Domain) + "\\" + ValidationHelper.ToString(UserName);