File: net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\IPStatus.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\System.csproj (System)
namespace System.Net.NetworkInformation
    //these are used for the status fields in icmpsendecho and its variants
    //the problem is that some of these are icmp errors that we care about and would
    //be returned in the reply structure.  Others are something we should throw on.
    internal enum IcmpV4Type
        //can map these
        ICMP4_ECHO_REPLY        =  0, // Echo Reply.
        ICMP4_DST_UNREACH       =  3, // Destination Unreachable.
        ICMP4_SOURCE_QUENCH     =  4, // Source Quench.
        ICMP4_TIME_EXCEEDED     = 11, // Time Exceeded.
        ICMP4_PARAM_PROB        = 12, // Parameter Problem.
        ICMP4_REDIRECT          =  5, // Redirect.
        ICMP4_ECHO_REQUEST      =  8, // Echo Request.
        ICMP4_ROUTER_ADVERT     =  9, // Router Advertisement.
        ICMP4_ROUTER_SOLICIT    = 10, // Router Solicitation.
        ICMP4_TIMESTAMP_REQUEST = 13, // Timestamp Request.
        ICMP4_TIMESTAMP_REPLY   = 14, // Timestamp Reply.
        ICMP4_MASK_REQUEST      = 17, // Address Mask Request.
        ICMP4_MASK_REPLY        = 18, // Address Mask Reply.
    internal enum IcmpV4Code{
        ICMP4_UNREACH_NET                =  0,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_HOST               =  1,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_PROTOCOL           =  2,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_PORT               =  3,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_FRAG_NEEDED        =  4,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_NET_UNKNOWN        =  6,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_HOST_UNKNOWN       =  7,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_ISOLATED           =  8,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_NET_ADMIN          =  9,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_HOST_ADMIN         = 10,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_NET_TOS            = 11,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_HOST_TOS           = 12,
        ICMP4_UNREACH_ADMIN              = 13,        
    public enum IPStatus
        Success = 0,
        //BufferTooSmall = 11000 + 1,
        DestinationNetworkUnreachable = 11000 + 2,
        DestinationHostUnreachable = 11000 + 3,
        DestinationProtocolUnreachable = 11000 + 4,
        DestinationPortUnreachable = 11000 + 5,
        DestinationProhibited = 11000 + 4,
        NoResources = 11000 + 6,
        BadOption = 11000 + 7,
        HardwareError = 11000 + 8,
        PacketTooBig = 11000 + 9,
        TimedOut = 11000 + 10,
      //  BadRequest = 11000 + 11,
        BadRoute = 11000 + 12,
        TtlExpired = 11000 + 13,
        TtlReassemblyTimeExceeded = 11000 + 14,
        ParameterProblem = 11000 + 15,
        SourceQuench = 11000 + 16,
        //OptionTooBig = 11000 + 17,
        BadDestination = 11000 + 18,
        DestinationUnreachable = 11000 + 40,
        TimeExceeded = 11000 + 41,
        BadHeader = 11000 + 42,
        UnrecognizedNextHeader = 11000 + 43,
        IcmpError = 11000 + 44,
        DestinationScopeMismatch = 11000 + 45,
        Unknown = -1,