4 instantiations of SSPIHandle
System (4)
net\System\Net\_SafeNetHandles.cs (4)
1072_handle = new SSPIHandle(); 1413_handle = new SSPIHandle(); 2130SSPIHandle contextHandle = new SSPIHandle(); 2246SSPIHandle contextHandle = new SSPIHandle();
23 references to SSPIHandle
System (23)
net\System\Net\_SafeNetHandles.cs (8)
1069internal SSPIHandle _handle; //should be always used as by ref in PINvokes parameters 1408internal SSPIHandle _handle; 1687SSPIHandle credentialHandle = inCredentials._handle; 1700SSPIHandle contextHandle = outContext._handle; 2003SSPIHandle credentialHandle = inCredentials._handle; 2016SSPIHandle contextHandle = outContext._handle; 2130SSPIHandle contextHandle = new SSPIHandle(); 2246SSPIHandle contextHandle = new SSPIHandle();
net\System\Net\UnsafeNativeMethods.cs (15)
489ref SSPIHandle handlePtr 495ref SSPIHandle handlePtr 501ref SSPIHandle credentialHandle, 506ref SSPIHandle outContextPtr, 515ref SSPIHandle contextHandle, 522ref SSPIHandle contextHandle, 541ref SSPIHandle handlePtr, 554ref SSPIHandle handlePtr, 568ref SSPIHandle handlePtr, 581ref SSPIHandle handlePtr, 588ref SSPIHandle credentialHandle, 596ref SSPIHandle outContextPtr, 650internal static extern int QuerySecurityContextToken(ref SSPIHandle phContext, [Out] out SafeCloseHandle handle); 1767ref SSPIHandle contextHandle, 1776[In] ref SSPIHandle contextHandle,