33 instantiations of StateBag
System.Web (25)
UI\Control.cs (1)
2833_viewState = new StateBag(ViewStateIgnoresCase);
UI\DataSourceCache.cs (1)
110_viewState = new StateBag();
UI\UserControl.cs (2)
107attributeStorage = new StateBag(true); 312attributeStorage = new StateBag(true);
UI\WebControls\AutoGeneratedFieldProperties.cs (1)
25_statebag = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\CheckBox.cs (4)
119_inputAttributesState = new StateBag(true); 144_labelAttributesState = new StateBag(true); 293_inputAttributesState = new StateBag(); 300_labelAttributesState = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\Column.cs (1)
36statebag = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\DataControlField.cs (1)
42_statebag = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\HotSpot.cs (1)
206_viewState = new StateBag(false);
UI\WebControls\listitem.cs (1)
104_attributes = new AttributeCollection(new StateBag(true));
UI\WebControls\MailDefinition.cs (1)
190_viewState = new StateBag(false);
UI\WebControls\MenuItem.cs (1)
587_viewState = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\MenuItemBinding.cs (1)
500_viewState = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\MethodParameterValue.cs (1)
53_viewState = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\PagerSettings.cs (1)
35_viewState = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\Parameter.cs (1)
420_viewState = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\Style.cs (1)
353statebag = new StateBag(false);
UI\WebControls\TreeNode.cs (1)
678_viewState = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\TreeNodeBinding.cs (1)
480_viewState = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\WebControl.cs (2)
125attrState = new StateBag(true); 729attrState = new StateBag(true);
UI\WebParts\WebPartVerb.cs (1)
228_viewState = new StateBag(false);
System.Web.Extensions (5)
UI\UpdatePanel.cs (1)
70StateBag bag = new StateBag(true /* ignoreCase */);
UI\UpdateProgress.cs (1)
65StateBag bag = new StateBag(true /* ignoreCase */);
UI\WebControls\DataPager.cs (1)
62_attributes = new AttributeCollection(new StateBag(true));
UI\WebControls\DataPagerField.cs (1)
22_stateBag = new StateBag();
UI\WebControls\Expressions\DataSourceExpression.cs (1)
45_viewState = new StateBag();
System.Web.Mobile (3)
UI\MobileControls\MobileControl.cs (1)
707_customAttributes = new StateBag(true); // Ignore case
UI\MobileControls\ObjectListField.cs (1)
34private StateBag _stateBag = new StateBag();
UI\MobileControls\Style.cs (1)
131_state = new StateBag();
80 references to StateBag
System.Web (66)
ModelBinding\ViewStateValueProvider.cs (2)
17StateBag pageViewState = ModelBindingExecutionContext.GetService<StateBag>();
UI\AttributeCollection.cs (2)
33private StateBag _bag; 42public AttributeCollection(StateBag bag) {
UI\Control.cs (3)
71private StateBag _viewState; 2827protected virtual StateBag ViewState { 2843/// <para>Indicates whether the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/> object is case-insensitive.</para>
UI\CssStyleCollection.cs (2)
38private StateBag _state; 51internal CssStyleCollection(StateBag state) {
UI\DataSourceCache.cs (2)
19private StateBag _viewState; 107protected StateBag ViewState {
UI\Page.cs (1)
UI\StateBag.cs (7)
43/// <para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/> class.</para> 53/// <para>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/> class that allows stored state 68/// <para>Indicates the number of items in the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/> object. This property is 82/// <para>Indicates a collection of keys representing the items in the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/> object. 96/// <para>Indicates a collection of view state values in the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/> object. 200/// <para>Removes all controls from the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/> object.</para> 290/// <para>Removes the specified item from the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/> object.</para>
UI\StateItem.cs (2)
17/// <para>Represents an item that is saved in the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/> class when view state 53/// <para>Indicates the value of the item that is stored in the <see cref='System.Web.UI.StateBag'/>
UI\UserControl.cs (1)
89private StateBag attributeStorage;
UI\WebControls\AutoGeneratedFieldProperties.cs (2)
21private StateBag _statebag; 87private StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\CheckBox.cs (2)
31private StateBag _inputAttributesState; 33private StateBag _labelAttributesState;
UI\WebControls\Column.cs (2)
27private StateBag statebag; 252protected StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\DataControlField.cs (2)
28private StateBag _statebag; 387protected StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\HotSpot.cs (2)
24private StateBag _viewState; 203protected StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\HyperLinkStyle.cs (1)
79StateBag viewState = ViewState;
UI\WebControls\MailDefinition.cs (2)
34private StateBag _viewState; 187private StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\MenuItem.cs (2)
30private StateBag _viewState; 584private StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\MenuItemBinding.cs (2)
20private StateBag _viewState; 497private StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\MenuItemStyle.cs (2)
28public MenuItemStyle(StateBag bag) : base(bag) { 164StateBag viewState = ViewState;
UI\WebControls\MethodParameterValue.cs (2)
9private StateBag _viewState; 50private StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\PagerSettings.cs (2)
20private StateBag _viewState; 407private StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\PanelStyle.cs (1)
44public PanelStyle(StateBag bag) : base (bag) {
UI\WebControls\Parameter.cs (2)
28private StateBag _viewState; 417protected StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\Style.cs (4)
53private StateBag statebag; 82public Style(StateBag bag) { 350protected internal StateBag ViewState { 524StateBag viewState = ViewState;
UI\WebControls\SubMenuStyle.cs (2)
24public SubMenuStyle(StateBag bag) : base(bag) { 120StateBag viewState = ViewState;
UI\WebControls\TableItemStyle.cs (1)
56public TableItemStyle(StateBag bag) : base(bag) {
UI\WebControls\TableStyle.cs (1)
43public TableStyle(StateBag bag) : base(bag) {
UI\WebControls\TreeNode.cs (2)
27private StateBag _viewState; 675private StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\TreeNodeBinding.cs (2)
20private StateBag _viewState; 477private StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\TreeNodeStyle.cs (2)
30public TreeNodeStyle(StateBag bag) : base(bag) { 218StateBag viewState = ViewState;
UI\WebControls\WebControl.cs (1)
36private StateBag attrState;
UI\WebParts\WebPartMenuStyle.cs (1)
27public WebPartMenuStyle(StateBag bag) : base(bag) {
UI\WebParts\WebPartVerb.cs (2)
22private StateBag _viewState; 225protected StateBag ViewState {
System.Web.Extensions (6)
UI\UpdatePanel.cs (1)
70StateBag bag = new StateBag(true /* ignoreCase */);
UI\UpdateProgress.cs (1)
65StateBag bag = new StateBag(true /* ignoreCase */);
UI\WebControls\DataPagerField.cs (2)
15private StateBag _stateBag; 25protected StateBag ViewState {
UI\WebControls\Expressions\DataSourceExpression.cs (2)
13private StateBag _viewState; 42protected StateBag ViewState {
System.Web.Mobile (8)
UI\MobileControls\ListDataHelper.cs (2)
22private StateBag _parentViewState; 31internal /*public*/ ListDataHelper(IListControl parent, StateBag parentViewState)
UI\MobileControls\MobileControl.cs (2)
693private StateBag _customAttributes; 701public StateBag CustomAttributes
UI\MobileControls\ObjectListField.cs (2)
34private StateBag _stateBag = new StateBag(); 161private StateBag ViewState
UI\MobileControls\Style.cs (2)
57private StateBag _state; // name => object pairs 125protected internal StateBag State