// <copyright file="SqlFileStream.cs" company="Microsoft">
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">Microsoft</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">Microsoft</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">Microsoft</owner>
using System;
using System.Data.Common;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Security;
using System.Runtime.Versioning;
namespace System.Data.SqlTypes
sealed public class SqlFileStream : System.IO.Stream
// NOTE: if we ever unseal this class, be sure to specify the Name, SafeFileHandle, and
// TransactionContext accessors as virtual methods. Doing so now on a sealed class
// generates a compiler error (CS0549)
// For BID tracing output
private static int _objectTypeCount; // Bid counter
internal readonly int ObjectID = System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref _objectTypeCount);
// from System.IO.FileStream implementation
// DefaultBufferSize = 4096;
// SQLBUVSTS# 193123 - disable lazy flushing of written data in order to prevent
// potential exceptions during Close/Finalization. Since System.IO.FileStream will
// not allow for a zero byte buffer, we'll create a one byte buffer which, in normal
// usage, will not be used and the user buffer will automatically flush directly to
// the disk cache. In pathological scenarios where the client is writing a single
// byte at a time, we'll explicitly call flush ourselves.
internal const int DefaultBufferSize = 1;
private const ushort IoControlCodeFunctionCode = 2392;
private System.IO.FileStream m_fs;
private string m_path;
private byte[] m_txn;
private bool m_disposed;
public SqlFileStream
string path,
byte[] transactionContext,
System.IO.FileAccess access
: this ( path, transactionContext, access, System.IO.FileOptions.None, 0 )
public SqlFileStream
string path,
byte[] transactionContext,
System.IO.FileAccess access,
System.IO.FileOptions options,
Int64 allocationSize
IntPtr hscp;
Bid.ScopeEnter ( out hscp, "<sc.SqlFileStream.ctor|API> %d# access=%d options=%d path='%ls' ", ObjectID, (int) access, (int) options, path );
// precondition validation
if (transactionContext == null)
throw ADP.ArgumentNull("transactionContext");
if ( path == null )
throw ADP.ArgumentNull ( "path" );
m_disposed = false;
m_fs = null;
OpenSqlFileStream(path, transactionContext, access, options, allocationSize);
// only set internal state once the file has actually been successfully opened
this.Name = path;
this.TransactionContext = transactionContext;
Bid.ScopeLeave(ref hscp);
#region destructor/dispose code
// NOTE: this destructor will only be called only if the Dispose
// method is not called by a client, giving the class a chance
// to finalize properly (i.e., free unmanaged resources)
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!m_disposed)
if (disposing)
if (m_fs != null)
m_fs = null;
m_disposed = true;
public string Name
// assert that path has been properly processed via GetFullPathInternal
// (e.g. m_path hasn't been set directly)
AssertPathFormat ( m_path );
return m_path;
[ResourceExposure(ResourceScope.None)] // SxS: the file name is not exposed
[ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
private set
// should be validated by callers of this method
Debug.Assert ( value != null );
Debug.Assert ( !m_disposed );
m_path = GetFullPathInternal ( value );
public byte[] TransactionContext
if ( m_txn == null )
return null;
return (byte[]) m_txn.Clone();
private set
// should be validated by callers of this method
Debug.Assert ( value != null );
Debug.Assert ( !m_disposed );
m_txn = (byte[]) value.Clone();
#region System.IO.Stream methods
public override bool CanRead
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.CanRead;
// If CanSeek is false, Position, Seek, Length, and SetLength should throw.
public override bool CanSeek
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.CanSeek;
public override bool CanTimeout
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.CanTimeout;
public override bool CanWrite
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.CanWrite;
public override long Length
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.Length;
public override long Position
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.Position;
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
m_fs.Position = value;
public override int ReadTimeout
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.ReadTimeout;
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
m_fs.ReadTimeout = value;
public override int WriteTimeout
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.WriteTimeout;
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
m_fs.WriteTimeout = value;
public override void Flush()
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
public override IAsyncResult BeginRead(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, callback, state);
public override int EndRead(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.EndRead(asyncResult);
public override IAsyncResult BeginWrite(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
IAsyncResult asyncResult = m_fs.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, callback, state);
// SQLBUVSTS# 193123 - disable lazy flushing of written data in order to prevent
// potential exceptions during Close/Finalization. Since System.IO.FileStream will
// not allow for a zero byte buffer, we'll create a one byte buffer which, in normal
// usage, will not be used and the user buffer will automatically flush directly to
// the disk cache. In pathological scenarios where the client is writing a single
// byte at a time, we'll explicitly call flush ourselves.
if ( count == 1 )
// calling flush here will mimic the internal control flow of System.IO.FileStream
return asyncResult;
public override void EndWrite(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
public override long Seek(long offset, SeekOrigin origin)
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.Seek(offset, origin);
public override void SetLength(long value)
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
public override int Read([In, Out] byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.Read(buffer, offset, count);
public override int ReadByte()
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
return m_fs.ReadByte();
public override void Write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
m_fs.Write(buffer, offset, count);
// SQLBUVSTS# 193123 - disable lazy flushing of written data in order to prevent
// potential exceptions during Close/Finalization. Since System.IO.FileStream will
// not allow for a zero byte buffer, we'll create a one byte buffer which, in normal
// usage, will cause System.IO.FileStream to utilize the user-supplied buffer and
// automatically flush the data directly to the disk cache. In pathological scenarios
// where the user is writing a single byte at a time, we'll explicitly call flush
// ourselves.
if ( count == 1 )
// calling flush here will mimic the internal control flow of System.IO.FileStream
public override void WriteByte(byte value)
if ( m_disposed )
throw ADP.ObjectDisposed ( this );
// SQLBUVSTS# 193123 - disable lazy flushing of written data in order to prevent
// potential exceptions during Close/Finalization. Since our internal buffer is
// only a single byte in length, the provided user data will always be cached.
// As a result, we need to be sure to flush the data to disk ourselves.
// calling flush here will mimic the internal control flow of System.IO.FileStream
static private readonly char[] InvalidPathChars = Path.GetInvalidPathChars();
// path length limitations:
// 1. path length storage (in bytes) in UNICODE_STRING is limited to UInt16.MaxValue bytes = Int16.MaxValue chars
// 2. GetFullPathName API of kernel32 does not accept paths with length (in chars) greater than 32766
// (32766 is actually Int16.MaxValue - 1, while (-1) is for NULL termination)
// We must check for the lowest value between the the two
private const int MaxWin32PathLength = Int16.MaxValue - 1;
static private void AssertPathFormat(string path)
Debug.Assert ( path != null );
Debug.Assert ( path == path.Trim() );
Debug.Assert ( path.Length > 0 );
Debug.Assert(path.Length <= MaxWin32PathLength);
Debug.Assert(path.IndexOfAny(InvalidPathChars) < 0);
Debug.Assert ( path.StartsWith ( @"\\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
Debug.Assert ( !path.StartsWith ( @"\\.\", StringComparison.Ordinal ) );
// SQLBUVSTS01 bugs 192677 and 193221: we cannot use System.IO.Path.GetFullPath for two reasons:
// * it requires PathDiscovery permissions, which is unnecessary for SqlFileStream since we
// are dealing with network path
// * it is limited to 260 length while in our case file path can be much longer
// To overcome the above limitations we decided to use GetFullPathName function from kernel32.dll
static private string GetFullPathInternal(string path)
// precondition validation
// should be validated by callers of this method
// NOTE: if this method moves elsewhere, this assert should become an actual runtime check
// as the implicit assumptions here cannot be relied upon in an inter-class context
Debug.Assert ( path != null );
// remove leading and trailing whitespace
path = path.Trim();
if (path.Length == 0)
throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.SqlFileStream_InvalidPath), "path");
// check for the path length before we normalize it with GetFullPathName
if (path.Length > MaxWin32PathLength)
// cannot use PathTooLongException here since our length limit is 32K while
// PathTooLongException error message states that the path should be limited to 260
throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.SqlFileStream_InvalidPath), "path");
// GetFullPathName does not check for invalid characters so we still have to validate them before
if (path.IndexOfAny(InvalidPathChars) >= 0)
throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.SqlFileStream_InvalidPath), "path");
// make sure path is a UNC path
if (!path.StartsWith(@"\\", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.SqlFileStream_InvalidPath), "path");
// normalize the path
path = UnsafeNativeMethods.SafeGetFullPathName(path);
// we do not expect windows API to return invalid paths
Debug.Assert(path.Length <= MaxWin32PathLength, "GetFullPathName returns path longer than max expected!");
// CONSIDER: is this a precondition validation that can be done above? Or must the path be normalized first?
// after normalization, we have to ensure that the path does not attempt to refer to a root device, etc.
if (path.StartsWith(@"\\.\", StringComparison.Ordinal))
throw ADP.Argument(Res.GetString(Res.SqlFileStream_PathNotValidDiskResource), "path");
return path;
static private void DemandAccessPermission
string path,
System.IO.FileAccess access
// ensure we demand on valid path
AssertPathFormat ( path );
FileIOPermissionAccess demandPermissions;
switch (access)
case FileAccess.Read:
demandPermissions = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read;
case FileAccess.Write:
demandPermissions = FileIOPermissionAccess.Write;
case FileAccess.ReadWrite:
// the caller have to validate the value of 'access' parameter
Debug.Assert(access == System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite);
demandPermissions = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read | FileIOPermissionAccess.Write;
FileIOPermission filePerm;
bool pathTooLong = false;
// check for read and/or write permissions
filePerm = new FileIOPermission(demandPermissions, path);
catch (PathTooLongException e)
pathTooLong = true;
if (pathTooLong)
// SQLBUVSTS bugs 192677 and 203422: currently, FileIOPermission does not support path longer than MAX_PATH (260)
// so we cannot demand permissions for long files. We are going to open bug for FileIOPermission to
// support this.
// In the meanwhile, we agreed to have try-catch block on the permission demand instead of checking the path length.
// This way, if/when the 260-chars limitation is fixed in FileIOPermission, we will not need to change our code
// since we do not want to relax security checks, we have to demand this permission for AllFiles in order to continue!
// Note: demand for AllFiles will fail in scenarios where the running code does not have this permission (such as ASP.Net)
// and the only workaround will be reducing the total path length, which means reducing the length of SqlFileStream path
// components, such as instance name, table name, etc.. to fit into 260 characters
filePerm = new FileIOPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted);
filePerm.AllFiles = demandPermissions;
// SxS: SQL File Stream is a database resource, not a local machine one
[ResourceConsumption(ResourceScope.Machine, ResourceScope.Machine)]
private void OpenSqlFileStream
string path,
byte[] transactionContext,
System.IO.FileAccess access,
System.IO.FileOptions options,
Int64 allocationSize
// precondition validation
// these should be checked by any caller of this method
// ensure we have validated and normalized the path before
Debug.Assert ( path != null );
Debug.Assert (transactionContext != null);
if (access != FileAccess.Read && access != FileAccess.Write && access != FileAccess.ReadWrite)
throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange ("access");
// FileOptions is a set of flags, so AND the given value against the set of values we do not support
if ( ( options & ~( FileOptions.WriteThrough | FileOptions.Asynchronous | FileOptions.RandomAccess | FileOptions.SequentialScan ) ) != 0 )
throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange ( "options" );
// normalize the provided path
// * compress path to remove any occurences of '.' or '..'
// * trim whitespace from the beginning and end of the path
// * ensure that the path starts with '\\'
// * ensure that the path does not start with '\\.\'
// * ensure that the path is not longer than Int16.MaxValue
path = GetFullPathInternal ( path );
// ensure the running code has permission to read/write the file
DemandAccessPermission(path, access);
FileFullEaInformation eaBuffer = null;
SecurityQualityOfService qos = null;
UnicodeString objectName = null;
Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle hFile = null;
int nDesiredAccess = UnsafeNativeMethods.FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | UnsafeNativeMethods.SYNCHRONIZE;
UInt32 dwCreateOptions = 0;
UInt32 dwCreateDisposition = 0;
System.IO.FileShare shareAccess = System.IO.FileShare.None;
switch (access)
case System.IO.FileAccess.Read:
nDesiredAccess |= UnsafeNativeMethods.FILE_READ_DATA;
shareAccess = System.IO.FileShare.Delete | System.IO.FileShare.ReadWrite;
dwCreateDisposition = (uint) UnsafeNativeMethods.CreationDisposition.FILE_OPEN;
case System.IO.FileAccess.Write:
nDesiredAccess |= UnsafeNativeMethods.FILE_WRITE_DATA;
shareAccess = System.IO.FileShare.Delete | System.IO.FileShare.Read;
dwCreateDisposition = (uint) UnsafeNativeMethods.CreationDisposition.FILE_OVERWRITE;
case System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite:
// we validate the value of 'access' parameter in the beginning of this method
Debug.Assert(access == System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite);
nDesiredAccess |= UnsafeNativeMethods.FILE_READ_DATA | UnsafeNativeMethods.FILE_WRITE_DATA;
shareAccess = System.IO.FileShare.Delete | System.IO.FileShare.Read;
dwCreateDisposition = (uint) UnsafeNativeMethods.CreationDisposition.FILE_OVERWRITE;
if ((options & System.IO.FileOptions.WriteThrough) != 0)
dwCreateOptions |= (uint) UnsafeNativeMethods.CreateOption.FILE_WRITE_THROUGH;
if ((options & System.IO.FileOptions.Asynchronous) == 0)
dwCreateOptions |= (uint) UnsafeNativeMethods.CreateOption.FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT;
if ((options & System.IO.FileOptions.SequentialScan) != 0)
dwCreateOptions |= (uint) UnsafeNativeMethods.CreateOption.FILE_SEQUENTIAL_ONLY;
if ( (options & System.IO.FileOptions.RandomAccess) != 0)
dwCreateOptions |= (uint) UnsafeNativeMethods.CreateOption.FILE_RANDOM_ACCESS;
eaBuffer = new FileFullEaInformation(transactionContext);
qos = new SecurityQualityOfService(UnsafeNativeMethods.SecurityImpersonationLevel.SecurityAnonymous,
false, false);
// NOTE: the Name property is intended to reveal the publicly available moniker for the
// FILESTREAM attributed column data. We will not surface the internal processing that
// takes place to create the mappedPath.
string mappedPath = InitializeNtPath(path);
objectName = new UnicodeString(mappedPath);
UnsafeNativeMethods.OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa;
oa.length = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UnsafeNativeMethods.OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES));
oa.rootDirectory = IntPtr.Zero;
oa.attributes = (int)UnsafeNativeMethods.Attributes.CaseInsensitive;
oa.securityDescriptor = IntPtr.Zero;
oa.securityQualityOfService = qos;
oa.objectName = objectName;
UnsafeNativeMethods.IO_STATUS_BLOCK ioStatusBlock;
uint oldMode;
uint retval = 0;
UnsafeNativeMethods.SetErrorModeWrapper ( UnsafeNativeMethods.SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS, out oldMode );
Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlFileStream.OpenSqlFileStream|ADV> %d#, desiredAccess=0x%08x, allocationSize=%I64d, fileAttributes=0x%08x, shareAccess=0x%08x, dwCreateDisposition=0x%08x, createOptions=0x%08x\n",
ObjectID, (int) nDesiredAccess, allocationSize, 0, (int) shareAccess, dwCreateDisposition, dwCreateOptions );
retval = UnsafeNativeMethods.NtCreateFile(out hFile, nDesiredAccess,
ref oa, out ioStatusBlock, ref allocationSize,
0, shareAccess, dwCreateDisposition, dwCreateOptions,
eaBuffer, (uint) eaBuffer.Length);
UnsafeNativeMethods.SetErrorModeWrapper( oldMode, out oldMode );
switch ( retval )
case 0:
case UnsafeNativeMethods.STATUS_SHARING_VIOLATION:
throw ADP.InvalidOperation ( Res.GetString ( Res.SqlFileStream_FileAlreadyInTransaction ) );
case UnsafeNativeMethods.STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER:
throw ADP.Argument ( Res.GetString ( Res.SqlFileStream_InvalidParameter ) );
case UnsafeNativeMethods.STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND:
System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException e = new System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException();
ADP.TraceExceptionAsReturnValue ( e );
throw e;
uint error = UnsafeNativeMethods.RtlNtStatusToDosError ( retval );
if ( error == UnsafeNativeMethods.ERROR_MR_MID_NOT_FOUND )
// status code could not be mapped to a Win32 error code
error = retval;
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ( unchecked ( (int) error ) );
ADP.TraceExceptionAsReturnValue ( e );
throw e;
if ( hFile.IsInvalid )
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ( UnsafeNativeMethods.ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE );
ADP.TraceExceptionAsReturnValue ( e );
throw e;
UnsafeNativeMethods.FileType fileType = UnsafeNativeMethods.GetFileType(hFile);
if (fileType != UnsafeNativeMethods.FileType.Disk)
throw ADP.Argument ( Res.GetString ( Res.SqlFileStream_PathNotValidDiskResource ) );
// if the user is opening the SQL FileStream in read/write mode, we assume that they want to scan
// through current data and then append new data to the end, so we need to tell SQL Server to preserve
// the existing file contents.
if ( access == System.IO.FileAccess.ReadWrite )
uint ioControlCode = UnsafeNativeMethods.CTL_CODE ( UnsafeNativeMethods.FILE_DEVICE_FILE_SYSTEM,
IoControlCodeFunctionCode, (byte) UnsafeNativeMethods.Method.METHOD_BUFFERED,
(byte) UnsafeNativeMethods.Access.FILE_ANY_ACCESS);
uint cbBytesReturned = 0;
if ( !UnsafeNativeMethods.DeviceIoControl ( hFile, ioControlCode, IntPtr.Zero, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0, out cbBytesReturned, IntPtr.Zero ) )
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception e = new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception ( Marshal.GetLastWin32Error() );
ADP.TraceExceptionAsReturnValue ( e );
throw e;
// now that we've successfully opened a handle on the path and verified that it is a file,
// use the SafeFileHandle to initialize our internal System.IO.FileStream instance
// NOTE: need to assert UnmanagedCode permissions for this constructor. This is relatively benign
// in that we've done much the same validation as in the FileStream(string path, ...) ctor case
// most notably, validating that the handle type corresponds to an on-disk file.
bool bRevertAssert = false;
SecurityPermission sp = new SecurityPermission ( SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode );
bRevertAssert = true;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ( m_fs == null );
m_fs = new System.IO.FileStream ( hFile, access, DefaultBufferSize, ( ( options & System.IO.FileOptions.Asynchronous ) != 0 ) );
if ( bRevertAssert )
if ( hFile != null && !hFile.IsInvalid )
if (eaBuffer != null)
eaBuffer = null;
if (qos != null)
qos = null;
if (objectName != null)
objectName = null;
#region private helper methods
// This method exists to ensure that the requested path name is unique so that SMB/DNS is prevented
// from collapsing a file open request to a file handle opened previously. In the SQL FILESTREAM case,
// this would likely be a file open in another transaction, so this mechanism ensures isolation.
static private string InitializeNtPath(string path)
// ensure we have validated and normalized the path before
AssertPathFormat ( path );
string formatPath = @"\??\UNC\{0}\{1}";
string uniqueId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
return String.Format ( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, formatPath, path.Trim('\\'), uniqueId);
// UnicodeString
// Description: this class encapsulates the marshalling of data from a
// managed representation of the UNICODE_STRING struct into native code.
// As part of this task, it manages memory that is allocated in the
// native heap into which the managed representation is blitted. The
// class also implements a SafeHandle pattern to ensure that memory is
// not leaked in "exceptional" circumstances such as Thread.Abort().
internal class UnicodeString : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
public UnicodeString(string path)
: base (true)
// NOTE: SafeHandle's critical finalizer will call ReleaseHandle for us
protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
if (base.handle == IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
base.handle = IntPtr.Zero;
return true;
private void Initialize(string path)
// pre-condition should be validated in public interface
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert( path.Length <= ( UInt16.MaxValue / sizeof(char) ) );
UnsafeNativeMethods.UNICODE_STRING objectName;
objectName.length = (UInt16)(path.Length * sizeof(char));
objectName.maximumLength = (UInt16)(path.Length * sizeof(char));
objectName.buffer = path;
IntPtr pbBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;
pbBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal ( Marshal.SizeOf ( objectName ) );
if ( pbBuffer != IntPtr.Zero )
SetHandle ( pbBuffer );
bool mustRelease = false;
DangerousAddRef ( ref mustRelease );
IntPtr ptr = DangerousGetHandle();
Marshal.StructureToPtr ( objectName, ptr, false );
if ( mustRelease )
// SecurityQualityOfService
// Description: this class encapsulates the marshalling of data from a
// managed representation of the SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE struct into
// native code. As part of this task, it pins the struct in the managed
// heap to ensure that it is not moved around (since the struct consists
// of simple types, the type does not need to be blitted into native
// memory). The class also implements a SafeHandle pattern to ensure that
// the struct is unpinned in "exceptional" circumstances such as
// Thread.Abort().
internal class SecurityQualityOfService : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
UnsafeNativeMethods.SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE m_qos;
private GCHandle m_hQos;
public SecurityQualityOfService
UnsafeNativeMethods.SecurityImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel,
bool effectiveOnly,
bool dynamicTrackingMode
: base (true)
Initialize (impersonationLevel, effectiveOnly, dynamicTrackingMode);
protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
if ( m_hQos.IsAllocated )
base.handle = IntPtr.Zero;
return true;
internal void Initialize
UnsafeNativeMethods.SecurityImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel,
bool effectiveOnly,
bool dynamicTrackingMode
m_qos.length = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(UnsafeNativeMethods.SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE));
// VSTFDevDiv # 547461 [Backport SqlFileStream fix on Win7 to QFE branch]
// Win7 enforces correct values for the _SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE.qos member.
m_qos.impersonationLevel = (int)impersonationLevel;
m_qos.effectiveOnly = effectiveOnly ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;
m_qos.contextDynamicTrackingMode = dynamicTrackingMode ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0;
IntPtr pbBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;
// pin managed objects
m_hQos = GCHandle.Alloc(m_qos, GCHandleType.Pinned);
pbBuffer = m_hQos.AddrOfPinnedObject();
if ( pbBuffer != IntPtr.Zero )
SetHandle ( pbBuffer );
// FileFullEaInformation
// Description: this class encapsulates the marshalling of data from a
// managed representation of the FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION struct into
// native code. As part of this task, it manages memory that is allocated
// in the native heap into which the managed representation is blitted.
// The class also implements a SafeHandle pattern to ensure that memory
// is not leaked in "exceptional" circumstances such as Thread.Abort().
internal class FileFullEaInformation : SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
private string EA_NAME_STRING = "Filestream_Transaction_Tag";
private int m_cbBuffer;
public FileFullEaInformation(byte[] transactionContext)
: base (true)
m_cbBuffer = 0;
protected override bool ReleaseHandle()
m_cbBuffer = 0;
if (base.handle == IntPtr.Zero)
return true;
base.handle = IntPtr.Zero;
return true;
public int Length
return m_cbBuffer;
private void InitializeEaBuffer(byte[] transactionContext)
if (transactionContext.Length >= UInt16.MaxValue)
throw ADP.ArgumentOutOfRange ( "transactionContext" );
UnsafeNativeMethods.FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION eaBuffer;
eaBuffer.nextEntryOffset = 0;
eaBuffer.flags = 0;
eaBuffer.EaName = 0;
// string will be written as ANSI chars, so Length == ByteLength in this case
eaBuffer.EaNameLength = (byte) EA_NAME_STRING.Length;
eaBuffer.EaValueLength = (ushort) transactionContext.Length;
// allocate sufficient memory to contain the FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION struct and
// the contiguous name/value pair in eaName (note: since the struct already
// contains one byte for eaName, we don't need to allocate a byte for the
// null character separator).
m_cbBuffer = Marshal.SizeOf(eaBuffer) + eaBuffer.EaNameLength + eaBuffer.EaValueLength;
IntPtr pbBuffer = IntPtr.Zero;
pbBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(m_cbBuffer);
if ( pbBuffer != IntPtr.Zero )
SetHandle ( pbBuffer );
bool mustRelease = false;
DangerousAddRef ( ref mustRelease );
IntPtr ptr = DangerousGetHandle();
// write struct into buffer
Marshal.StructureToPtr(eaBuffer, ptr, false);
// write property name into buffer
System.Text.ASCIIEncoding ascii = new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte [] asciiName = ascii.GetBytes(EA_NAME_STRING);
// calculate offset at which to write the name/value pair
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(UnsafeNativeMethods.FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION), "EaName").ToInt64() <= (Int64) Int32.MaxValue);
int cbOffset = Marshal.OffsetOf(typeof(UnsafeNativeMethods.FILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION), "EaName").ToInt32();
for (int i = 0; cbOffset < m_cbBuffer && i < eaBuffer.EaNameLength; i++, cbOffset++)
Marshal.WriteByte(ptr, cbOffset, asciiName[i]);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ( cbOffset < m_cbBuffer );
// write null character separator
Marshal.WriteByte(ptr, cbOffset, 0);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert ( cbOffset < m_cbBuffer || transactionContext.Length == 0 && cbOffset == m_cbBuffer );
// write transaction context ID
for (int i = 0; cbOffset < m_cbBuffer && i < eaBuffer.EaValueLength; i++, cbOffset++)
Marshal.WriteByte(ptr, cbOffset, transactionContext[i]);
if ( mustRelease )