6 writes to _node
System.Data (6)
fx\src\data\System\NewXml\XPathNodePointer.cs (6)
118this._node = node; 435this._node = pointer._node; 448this._node = node; 459this._node = node; 933this._node = node; 1181this._node = n;
124 references to _node
System.Data (124)
fx\src\data\System\NewXml\XPathNodePointer.cs (124)
111: this ( owner, pointer._doc, pointer._node, pointer._column, pointer._fOnValue, pointer._parentOfNS ) { 138if (_node != null && _column == null) { 139if (_node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { 140return((XmlElement)_node).IsEmpty; 152if (this._node == null) { 156return ConvertNodeType(this._node); 180if (this._node == null) { 184XmlNodeType nt = this._node.NodeType; 185if ( IsNamespaceNode( nt, this._node.NamespaceURI ) && this._node.LocalName == s_strXmlNS ) 188return _node.LocalName; 205if (this._node == null) { 209XmlNodeType nt = this._node.NodeType; 210if ( IsNamespaceNode( nt, this._node.NamespaceURI ) ) { 211if ( this._node.LocalName == s_strXmlNS ) 214return this._node.LocalName; 217return _node.Name; 235if (this._node == null) { 239XPathNodeType xnt = ConvertNodeType( this._node ); 241return _node.NamespaceURI; 262if (this._node == null) { 266if ( IsNamespaceNode( this._node.NodeType, this._node.NamespaceURI ) ) 268return _node.Prefix; 279if (this._node == null) 282string strRet = this._node.Value; 283if ( XmlDataDocument.IsTextNode( this._node.NodeType ) ) { 285XmlNode parent = this._node.ParentNode; 288XmlNode n = _doc.SafeNextSibling(this._node); 315if (this._node == null) { 320if ( this._node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Document ) { 322XmlElement rootElem = ((XmlDocument)this._node).DocumentElement; 328return this._node.InnerText; 345if ( this._node != null ) 346return this._node.BaseURI; 355XmlNode curNode = this._node; 397rowElem = this._node as XmlBoundElement; 403_doc.Mapper.GetRegion( this._node, out rowElem ); 435this._node = pointer._node; 489if (_node != null) { 490if (_column == null && _node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { 491if (!IsFoliated( _node )) 495foreach ( XmlAttribute attr in _node.Attributes ) { 553if (_node != null) { 556if ((_column == null || _column.ColumnMapping == MappingType.Attribute) && _node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { 557if (!IsFoliated( _node )) { 561MoveTo( _node, c, false ); 567Debug.Assert( _node.Attributes != null ); 568XmlNode n = _node.Attributes.GetNamedItem(localName, namespaceURI); 584if (_node != null) { 585if ( bFirst && ( _column != null || _node.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element ) ) 590if ( _column == null && _node.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Attribute ) 593if ( !IsFoliated( _node ) ) { 597MoveTo( _node, c, false ); 605XmlAttributeCollection attrs = _node.Attributes; 614XmlAttributeCollection attrs = ((XmlAttribute)_node).OwnerElement.Attributes; 621if ( attr == _node ) 672if (_node != null) { 682if ( IsValidChild( _node, c ) ) { 683MoveTo( this._node, c, _doc.IsTextOnly(c)); 688XmlNode n = _doc.SafeFirstChild( _node ); 695XmlNode n = _node; 696XmlNode parent = _node.ParentNode; 699bool bTextLike = XmlDataDocument.IsTextNode( _node.NodeType ); 718if (_node != null) { 725if ( IsValidChild(_node,c)) { 726MoveTo( _node, c, _doc.IsTextOnly(c) ); 733XmlNode n = _node; 734XmlNode parent = _node.ParentNode; 737bool bTextLike = XmlDataDocument.IsTextNode( _node.NodeType ); 766if (_node != null) { 771parent = _node; 774parent = _node.ParentNode; 784if ( IsValidChild( _node, c ) ) { 785MoveTo( _node, c, _doc.IsTextOnly( c ) ); 809if (_node == null) 817if (!IsFoliated( _node )) { 822if ( IsValidChild( _node, c) ) 828XmlNode n = _doc.SafeFirstChild( _node ); 830if ( IsValidChild( _node, n ) ) 843if (_node == null) 854if (!IsFoliated( _node )) { 859if ( IsValidChild( _node, c) ) { 860MoveTo( _node, c, _doc.IsTextOnly(c) ); 867XmlNode n = _doc.SafeFirstChild( _node ); 869if ( IsValidChild( _node, n ) ) { 889if (_node != null) { 892MoveTo( _node, _column, false ); 895MoveTo( _node, null, false ); 900if ( _node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ) 901n = ((XmlAttribute)_node).OwnerElement; 903n = _node.ParentNode; 927XmlNode node = this._node; 928XmlNode parent = this._node; 946return ( pointer._node == this._node && pointer._parentOfNS == this._parentOfNS ); 949&& pointer._node == this._node 996if ( this._parentOfNS == other._node ) { 1005curNode2 = other._node; 1009if ( this._node == other._parentOfNS ) { 1017curNode1 = this._node; 1021if ( this._node == other._node ) { 1043curNode1 = this._node; 1044curNode2 = other._node; 1109if ( this._node == null ) 1123return this._node; 1130return nodeToCheck == this._node; 1142if (_node == foliatedNode) { 1161n = _node.FirstChild; 1164n = _node.Attributes.GetNamedItem( _column.EncodedColumnName, _column.Namespace ); 1167for (n = _node.FirstChild; n != null; n = n.NextSibling) { 1232XmlNode node = _node; 1259_parentOfNS = this._node as XmlBoundElement; 1269XmlNode node = this._node; 1359_parentOfNS = this._node as XmlBoundElement; 1363XmlNode node = this._node; 1411XmlNode node = this._node; 1415if ( namespaceScope == XPathNamespaceScope.Local && _parentOfNS != this._node ) //already outside scope 1417XmlBoundElement be = this._node as XmlBoundElement; 1437else if ( this._node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Attribute ) { 1438XmlAttribute attr = (XmlAttribute)(this._node); 1480XmlBoundElement rowElem = this._node as XmlBoundElement;