File: Microsoft\SqlServer\Server\ITypedSettersV3.cs
Project: ndp\fx\src\data\System.Data.csproj (System.Data)
// <copyright file="ITypedSettersV3.cs" company="Microsoft">
//     Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// </copyright>
// <owner current="true" primary="true">alazela</owner>
// <owner current="true" primary="false">stevesta</owner>
namespace Microsoft.SqlServer.Server {
    using System;
    using System.Data.SqlTypes;
    // interface for strongly-typed value setters
    internal interface ITypedSettersV3 {
        // By value setters (data copy across the interface boundary implied)
        //  All setters are valid for SqlDbType.Variant
        // SetVariantMetaData is used to set the precise type of data just before pushing 
        //  data into a variant type via one one of the other setters. It 
        //  is only valid to set metadata with a SqlDbType that associated with with the 
        //  data setter that will be called.
        //  Since LOBs, Udt's and fixed-length types are not currently stored in a variant, 
        //  the following pairs are the only setters/sqldbtypes that need this call:
        //      NVarChar/VarChar + SetString (needed only for non-global collation, i.e. SqlString)
        //      Money/SmallMoney + SetInt64
        void SetVariantMetaData( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, SmiMetaData metaData );
        // Set value to null
        //  valid for all types
        void SetDBNull( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal );
        //  valid for SqlDbType.Bit
        void SetBoolean( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, Boolean value );
        //  valid for SqlDbType.TinyInt
        void SetByte( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, Byte value );
        // Semantics for SetBytes are to modify existing value, not overwrite
        //  Use in combination with SetLength to ensure overwriting when necessary
        // valid for SqlDbTypes: Binary, VarBinary, Image, Udt, Xml
        //      (VarBinary assumed for variants)
        int SetBytes( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, long fieldOffset, byte[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length );
        void SetBytesLength( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, long length );
        // Semantics for SetChars are to modify existing value, not overwrite
        //  Use in combination with SetLength to ensure overwriting when necessary
        // valid for character types: Char, VarChar, Text, NChar, NVarChar, NText
        //      (NVarChar and global clr collation assumed for variants)
        int SetChars( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, long fieldOffset, char[] buffer, int bufferOffset, int length );
        void SetCharsLength( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, long length );
        // valid for character types: Char, VarChar, Text, NChar, NVarChar, NText
        void SetString( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, string value, int offset, int length );
        // valid for SqlDbType.SmallInt
        void SetInt16( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, Int16 value );
        // valid for SqlDbType.Int
        void SetInt32( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, Int32 value );
        // valid for SqlDbType.BigInt, SqlDbType.Money, SqlDbType.SmallMoney
        void SetInt64( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, Int64 value );
        // valid for SqlDbType.Real
        void SetSingle( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, Single value );
        // valid for SqlDbType.Float
        void SetDouble( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal,  Double value );
        // valid for SqlDbType.Numeric (uses SqlDecimal since Decimal cannot hold full range)
        void SetSqlDecimal( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, SqlDecimal value );
        // valid for DateTime & SmallDateTime
        void SetDateTime( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, DateTime value );
        // valid for UniqueIdentifier
        void SetGuid( SmiEventSink sink, int ordinal, Guid value );