using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
// ==++==
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// <OWNER>Microsoft</OWNER>
// RijndaelManagedTransform.cs
namespace System.Security.Cryptography
internal enum RijndaelManagedTransformMode {
Encrypt = 0,
Decrypt = 1
public sealed class RijndaelManagedTransform : ICryptoTransform {
private CipherMode m_cipherMode;
private PaddingMode m_paddingValue;
private RijndaelManagedTransformMode m_transformMode;
private int m_blockSizeBits;
private int m_blockSizeBytes;
private int m_inputBlockSize;
private int m_outputBlockSize;
private int[] m_encryptKeyExpansion;
private int[] m_decryptKeyExpansion;
private int m_Nr;
private int m_Nb;
private int m_Nk;
private int[] m_encryptindex = null;
private int[] m_decryptindex = null;
private int[] m_IV;
private int[] m_lastBlockBuffer;
private byte[] m_depadBuffer;
private byte[] m_shiftRegister;
internal RijndaelManagedTransform (byte[] rgbKey,
CipherMode mode,
byte[] rgbIV,
int blockSize,
int feedbackSize,
PaddingMode PaddingValue,
RijndaelManagedTransformMode transformMode) {
if (rgbKey == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbKey");
Contract.Assert(mode == CipherMode.CBC, "CipherMode is unsupported on CoreCLR");
Contract.Assert(PaddingValue == PaddingMode.PKCS7, "PaddingMode is unsupported on CoreCLR");
m_blockSizeBits = blockSize;
m_blockSizeBytes = blockSize / 8;
m_cipherMode = mode;
m_paddingValue = PaddingValue;
m_transformMode = transformMode;
m_Nb = blockSize / 32;
m_Nk = rgbKey.Length / 4;
int S1 = m_Nb > 6 ? 3 : 2;
int S2 = m_Nb > 6 ? 4 : 3;
// Precompute the modulus operations: these are performance killers when called frequently
int[] encryptindex1 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] encryptindex2 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] encryptindex3 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] decryptindex1 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] decryptindex2 = new int[m_Nb];
int[] decryptindex3 = new int[m_Nb];
for (int j=0; j < m_Nb; j++) {
encryptindex1[j] = (j + 1) % m_Nb;
encryptindex2[j] = (j + S1) % m_Nb;
encryptindex3[j] = (j + S2) % m_Nb;
decryptindex1[j] = (j -1 + m_Nb) % m_Nb;
decryptindex2[j] = (j -S1 + m_Nb) % m_Nb;
decryptindex3[j] = (j -S2 + m_Nb) % m_Nb;
m_encryptindex = new int[m_Nb * 3];
Array.Copy(encryptindex1, 0, m_encryptindex, 0, m_Nb);
Array.Copy(encryptindex2, 0, m_encryptindex, m_Nb, m_Nb);
Array.Copy(encryptindex3, 0, m_encryptindex, m_Nb * 2, m_Nb);
m_decryptindex = new int[m_Nb * 3];
Array.Copy(decryptindex1, 0, m_decryptindex, 0, m_Nb);
Array.Copy(decryptindex2, 0, m_decryptindex, m_Nb, m_Nb);
Array.Copy(decryptindex3, 0, m_decryptindex, m_Nb * 2, m_Nb);
switch (m_cipherMode) {
case CipherMode.ECB:
case CipherMode.CBC:
m_inputBlockSize = m_blockSizeBytes;
m_outputBlockSize = m_blockSizeBytes;
case CipherMode.CFB:
m_inputBlockSize = feedbackSize / 8;
m_outputBlockSize = feedbackSize / 8;
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_InvalidCipherMode"));
// On CorECLR we only support CBC mode
if (mode == CipherMode.CBC || mode == CipherMode.CFB) {
if (rgbIV == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("rgbIV");
if (rgbIV.Length / 4 != m_Nb)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_InvalidIVSize"));
m_IV = new int[m_Nb];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
int i0 = rgbIV[index++];
int i1 = rgbIV[index++];
int i2 = rgbIV[index++];
int i3 = rgbIV[index++];
m_IV[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
#if FEATURE_CRYPTO // see code:System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged#CoreCLRRijndaelModes
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC) {
m_lastBlockBuffer = new int[m_Nb];
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_IV, 0, m_lastBlockBuffer, 0, m_blockSizeBytes);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB) {
m_shiftRegister = new byte[4*m_Nb];
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_IV, 0, m_shiftRegister, 0, 4*m_Nb);
void IDisposable.Dispose()
public void Dispose()
public void Clear() {
private void Dispose (bool disposing) {
if (disposing) {
// We need to always zeroize the following fields because they contain sensitive data
if (m_IV != null) {
Array.Clear(m_IV, 0, m_IV.Length);
m_IV = null;
if (m_lastBlockBuffer != null) {
Array.Clear(m_lastBlockBuffer, 0, m_lastBlockBuffer.Length);
m_lastBlockBuffer = null;
if (m_encryptKeyExpansion != null) {
Array.Clear(m_encryptKeyExpansion, 0, m_encryptKeyExpansion.Length);
m_encryptKeyExpansion = null;
if (m_decryptKeyExpansion != null) {
Array.Clear(m_decryptKeyExpansion, 0, m_decryptKeyExpansion.Length);
m_decryptKeyExpansion = null;
if (m_depadBuffer != null) {
Array.Clear(m_depadBuffer, 0, m_depadBuffer.Length);
m_depadBuffer = null;
if (m_shiftRegister != null) {
Array.Clear(m_shiftRegister, 0, m_shiftRegister.Length);
m_shiftRegister = null;
// ICryptoTransform methods and properties.
public int BlockSizeValue {
get {
return m_blockSizeBits;
public int InputBlockSize {
get {
return m_inputBlockSize;
public int OutputBlockSize {
get {
return m_outputBlockSize;
public bool CanTransformMultipleBlocks {
get {
return true;
public bool CanReuseTransform {
get {
return true;
public int TransformBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount, byte[] outputBuffer, int outputOffset) {
// Note: special handling required if decrypting & using padding because the padding adds to the end of the last
// block, we have to buffer an entire block's worth of bytes in case what I just transformed turns out to be
// the last block Then in TransformFinalBlock we strip off the padding.
if (inputBuffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("inputBuffer");
if (outputBuffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("outputBuffer");
if (inputOffset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputOffset", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (inputCount <= 0 || (inputCount % InputBlockSize != 0) || (inputCount > inputBuffer.Length)) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue"));
if ((inputBuffer.Length - inputCount) < inputOffset) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOffLen"));
if (m_transformMode == RijndaelManagedTransformMode.Encrypt) {
// if we're encrypting we can always push out the bytes because no padding mode
// removes bytes during encryption
return EncryptData(inputBuffer,
ref outputBuffer,
else {
#if FEATURE_CRYPTO // see code:System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged#CoreCLRRijndaelModes
if (m_paddingValue == PaddingMode.Zeros || m_paddingValue == PaddingMode.None) {
// like encryption, if we're using None or Zeros padding on decrypt we can write out all
// the bytes. Note that we cannot depad a block partially padded with Zeros because
// we can't tell if those zeros are plaintext or pad.
return DecryptData(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, ref outputBuffer, outputOffset, m_paddingValue, false);
else {
// OK, now we're in the special case. Check to see if this is the *first* block we've seen
// If so, buffer it and return null zero bytes
if (m_depadBuffer == null) {
m_depadBuffer = new byte[InputBlockSize];
// copy the last InputBlockSize bytes to m_depadBuffer everything else gets processed and returned
int inputToProcess = inputCount - InputBlockSize;
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, inputOffset+inputToProcess, m_depadBuffer, 0, InputBlockSize);
return DecryptData(inputBuffer,
ref outputBuffer,
} else {
// we already have a depad buffer, so we need to decrypt that info first & copy it out
int r = DecryptData(m_depadBuffer,
0, m_depadBuffer.Length,
ref outputBuffer,
outputOffset += OutputBlockSize;
int inputToProcess = inputCount - InputBlockSize;
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, inputOffset+inputToProcess, m_depadBuffer, 0, InputBlockSize);
r = DecryptData(inputBuffer,
ref outputBuffer,
return (OutputBlockSize + r);
public byte[] TransformFinalBlock(byte[] inputBuffer, int inputOffset, int inputCount) {
if (inputBuffer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("inputBuffer");
if (inputOffset < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("inputOffset", Environment.GetResourceString("ArgumentOutOfRange_NeedNonNegNum"));
if (inputCount < 0 || (inputCount > inputBuffer.Length)) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue"));
if ((inputBuffer.Length - inputCount) < inputOffset) throw new ArgumentException(Environment.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidOffLen"));
if (m_transformMode == RijndaelManagedTransformMode.Encrypt) {
// If we're encrypting we can alway return what we compute because there's no m_depadBuffer
byte[] transformedBytes = null;
ref transformedBytes,
return transformedBytes;
else {
if (inputCount%InputBlockSize != 0)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_SSD_InvalidDataSize"));
if (m_depadBuffer == null) {
byte[] transformedBytes = null;
ref transformedBytes,
return transformedBytes;
} else {
byte[] temp = new byte[m_depadBuffer.Length + inputCount];
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_depadBuffer, 0, temp, 0, m_depadBuffer.Length);
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, inputOffset, temp, m_depadBuffer.Length, inputCount);
byte[] transformedBytes = null;
ref transformedBytes,
return transformedBytes;
// resets the state of the transform
public void Reset() {
m_depadBuffer = null;
#if FEATURE_CRYPTO // see code:System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged#CoreCLRRijndaelModes
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC)
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_IV, 0, m_lastBlockBuffer, 0, m_blockSizeBytes);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB)
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(m_IV, 0, m_shiftRegister, 0, 4*m_Nb);
// Deals with the various cipher and padding modes and calls the AES encryption routine.
// This method writes the encrypted data into the output buffer. If the output buffer is null,
// it allocates it and populates it with the encrypted data.
private unsafe int EncryptData(byte[] inputBuffer,
int inputOffset,
int inputCount,
ref byte[] outputBuffer,
int outputOffset,
PaddingMode paddingMode,
bool fLast) {
if (inputBuffer.Length < inputOffset + inputCount)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_InsufficientBuffer"));
int padSize = 0;
int lonelyBytes = inputCount % m_inputBlockSize;
// Check the padding mode and make sure we have enough outputBuffer to handle any padding we have to do.
byte[] padBytes = null;
int workBaseIndex = inputOffset, index = 0;
if (fLast) {
#if FEATURE_CRYPTO // see code:System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged#CoreCLRRijndaelModes
switch (paddingMode) {
case PaddingMode.None:
if (lonelyBytes != 0)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_SSE_InvalidDataSize"));
case PaddingMode.Zeros:
if (lonelyBytes != 0)
padSize = m_inputBlockSize - lonelyBytes;
case PaddingMode.PKCS7:
padSize = m_inputBlockSize - lonelyBytes;
case PaddingMode.ANSIX923:
padSize = m_inputBlockSize - lonelyBytes;
case PaddingMode.ISO10126:
padSize = m_inputBlockSize - lonelyBytes;
if (padSize != 0) {
padBytes = new byte[padSize];
switch (paddingMode) {
case PaddingMode.None:
case PaddingMode.Zeros:
// padBytes is already initialized with zeros
case PaddingMode.PKCS7:
for (index = 0; index < padSize; index++)
padBytes[index] = (byte) padSize;
case PaddingMode.ANSIX923:
// padBytes is already initialized with zeros. Simply change the last byte.
padBytes[padSize - 1] = (byte) padSize;
case PaddingMode.ISO10126:
// generate random bytes
padBytes[padSize - 1] = (byte) padSize;
if (outputBuffer == null) {
outputBuffer = new byte[inputCount + padSize];
outputOffset = 0;
} else {
if ((outputBuffer.Length - outputOffset) < (inputCount + padSize))
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_InsufficientBuffer"));
fixed (int* encryptindex = m_encryptindex) {
fixed (int* encryptKeyExpansion = m_encryptKeyExpansion) {
fixed (int *T = s_T) {
fixed (int *TF = s_TF) {
int* work = stackalloc int[m_Nb];
int* temp = stackalloc int[m_Nb];
int iNumBlocks = (inputCount + padSize) / m_inputBlockSize;
int transformCount = outputOffset;
for (int blockNum = 0; blockNum < iNumBlocks; ++blockNum) {
#if FEATURE_CRYPTO // see code:System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged#CoreCLRRijndaelModes
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB) {
Contract.Assert(m_blockSizeBytes <= m_Nb * sizeof(int), "m_blockSizeBytes <= m_Nb * sizeof(int)");
Buffer.Memcpy((byte *)work, 0, m_shiftRegister, 0, m_blockSizeBytes);
} else {
if (blockNum != iNumBlocks - 1 || padSize == 0) {
Contract.Assert(m_blockSizeBytes <= m_Nb * sizeof(int), "m_blockSizeBytes <= m_Nb * sizeof(int)");
Buffer.Memcpy((byte*)work, 0, inputBuffer, workBaseIndex, m_blockSizeBytes);
} else {
int padIndex = 0;
index = workBaseIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
int i0 = (index >= workBaseIndex + lonelyBytes) ? padBytes[padIndex++] : inputBuffer[index++];
int i1 = (index >= workBaseIndex + lonelyBytes) ? padBytes[padIndex++] : inputBuffer[index++];
int i2 = (index >= workBaseIndex + lonelyBytes) ? padBytes[padIndex++] : inputBuffer[index++];
int i3 = (index >= workBaseIndex + lonelyBytes) ? padBytes[padIndex++] : inputBuffer[index++];
work[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
// XOR with the last encrypted block
work[i] ^= m_lastBlockBuffer[i];
Enc(encryptindex, encryptKeyExpansion, T, TF, work, temp);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB) {
index = workBaseIndex;
if (blockNum != iNumBlocks - 1 || padSize == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
} else {
byte[] tmpInputBuffer = new byte[m_inputBlockSize];
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, workBaseIndex, tmpInputBuffer, 0, lonelyBytes);
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(padBytes, 0, tmpInputBuffer, lonelyBytes, padSize);
index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
if (index >= m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] & 0xFF) ^ tmpInputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF) ^ tmpInputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF) ^ tmpInputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF) ^ tmpInputBuffer[index++]);
// shift m_lastBlockBuffer to the left by m_inputBlockSize bytes.
index = 0;
while (index < m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize) {
m_shiftRegister[index] = m_shiftRegister[index + m_inputBlockSize];
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(outputBuffer, blockNum * m_inputBlockSize, m_shiftRegister, m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize, m_inputBlockSize);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)(temp[i] & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)(temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)(temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)(temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC) {
fixed (int* pLastBlockBuffer = m_lastBlockBuffer) {
Contract.Assert(m_blockSizeBytes <= m_lastBlockBuffer.Length * sizeof(int), "m_blockSizeBytes <= m_lastBlockBuffer.Length * sizeof(int)");
Buffer.Memcpy((byte*)pLastBlockBuffer, (byte*)temp, m_blockSizeBytes);
workBaseIndex += m_inputBlockSize;
return (inputCount + padSize);
// Deals with the various cipher and padding modes and calls the AES decryption routine.
// This method writes the decrypted data into the output buffer. If the output buffer is null,
// it allocates it and populates it with the decrypted data.
[System.Security.SecuritySafeCritical] // auto-generated
private unsafe int DecryptData(byte[] inputBuffer,
int inputOffset,
int inputCount,
ref byte[] outputBuffer,
int outputOffset,
PaddingMode paddingMode,
bool fLast) {
if (inputBuffer.Length < inputOffset + inputCount)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_InsufficientBuffer"));
if (outputBuffer == null) {
outputBuffer = new byte[inputCount];
outputOffset = 0;
} else {
if ((outputBuffer.Length - outputOffset) < inputCount)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_InsufficientBuffer"));
fixed (int* encryptindex = m_encryptindex) {
fixed (int* encryptKeyExpansion = m_encryptKeyExpansion) {
fixed (int* decryptindex = m_decryptindex) {
fixed (int* decryptKeyExpansion = m_decryptKeyExpansion) {
fixed (int *T = s_T) {
fixed (int *TF = s_TF) {
fixed (int *iT = s_iT) {
fixed (int *iTF = s_iTF) {
int* work = stackalloc int[m_Nb];
int* temp = stackalloc int[m_Nb];
int iNumBlocks = inputCount / m_inputBlockSize;
int workBaseIndex = inputOffset, index = 0, transformCount = outputOffset;
for (int blockNum = 0; blockNum < iNumBlocks; ++blockNum) {
#if FEATURE_CRYPTO // see code:System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged#CoreCLRRijndaelModes
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB) {
index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
int i0 = m_shiftRegister[index++];
int i1 = m_shiftRegister[index++];
int i2 = m_shiftRegister[index++];
int i3 = m_shiftRegister[index++];
work[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
} else {
index = workBaseIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
int i0 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i1 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i2 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i3 = inputBuffer[index++];
work[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CFB) {
// We use the encryption function in both encryption and decryption in CFB mode.
Enc(encryptindex, encryptKeyExpansion, T, TF, work, temp);
index = workBaseIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
if (index >= workBaseIndex + m_inputBlockSize) break;
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)((temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF) ^ inputBuffer[index++]);
// shift m_lastBlockBuffer to the left by m_inputBlockSize bytes.
index = 0;
while (index < m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize) {
m_shiftRegister[index] = m_shiftRegister[index + m_inputBlockSize];
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(inputBuffer, workBaseIndex, m_shiftRegister, m_blockSizeBytes - m_inputBlockSize, m_inputBlockSize);
} else {
Dec(decryptindex, decryptKeyExpansion, iT, iTF, work, temp);
if (m_cipherMode == CipherMode.CBC) {
index = workBaseIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
temp[i] ^= m_lastBlockBuffer[i];
// save the input buffer
int i0 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i1 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i2 = inputBuffer[index++];
int i3 = inputBuffer[index++];
m_lastBlockBuffer[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)(temp[i] & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)(temp[i] >> 8 & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)(temp[i] >> 16 & 0xFF);
outputBuffer[transformCount++] = (byte)(temp[i] >> 24 & 0xFF);
workBaseIndex += m_inputBlockSize;
if (fLast == false)
return inputCount;
// this is the last block, remove the padding.
byte[] outputBuffer1 = outputBuffer;
int padSize = 0;
#if FEATURE_CRYPTO // see code:System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged#CoreCLRRijndaelModes
switch (paddingMode) {
case PaddingMode.None:
case PaddingMode.Zeros:
case PaddingMode.PKCS7:
if (inputCount == 0)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_PKCS7_InvalidPadding"));
padSize = outputBuffer[inputCount - 1];
if (padSize > outputBuffer.Length || padSize > InputBlockSize || padSize <= 0)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_PKCS7_InvalidPadding"));
for (index = 1; index <= padSize; index++)
if (outputBuffer[inputCount - index] != padSize)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_PKCS7_InvalidPadding"));
outputBuffer1 = new byte[outputBuffer.Length - padSize];
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(outputBuffer, 0, outputBuffer1, 0, outputBuffer.Length - padSize);
case PaddingMode.ANSIX923:
if (inputCount == 0)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_PKCS7_InvalidPadding"));
padSize = outputBuffer[inputCount - 1];
if (padSize > outputBuffer.Length || padSize > InputBlockSize || padSize <= 0)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_PKCS7_InvalidPadding"));
// check the validity of the padding
for (index = 2; index <= padSize; index++)
if (outputBuffer[inputCount - index] != 0)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_PKCS7_InvalidPadding"));
outputBuffer1 = new byte[outputBuffer.Length - padSize];
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(outputBuffer, 0, outputBuffer1, 0, outputBuffer.Length - padSize);
case PaddingMode.ISO10126:
if (inputCount == 0)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_PKCS7_InvalidPadding"));
padSize = outputBuffer[inputCount - 1];
if (padSize > outputBuffer.Length || padSize > InputBlockSize || padSize <= 0)
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_PKCS7_InvalidPadding"));
// Just ignore the random bytes
outputBuffer1 = new byte[outputBuffer.Length - padSize];
Buffer.InternalBlockCopy(outputBuffer, 0, outputBuffer1, 0, outputBuffer.Length - padSize);
outputBuffer = outputBuffer1;
return outputBuffer1.Length;
// AES encryption function.
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
private unsafe void Enc(int* encryptindex, int* encryptKeyExpansion, int* T, int* TF, int* work, int* temp) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
work[i] ^= encryptKeyExpansion[i];
int* _encryptindex;
int* _encryptKeyExpansion = &encryptKeyExpansion[m_Nb];
for (int r = 1; r < m_Nr; ++r) {
_encryptindex = encryptindex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
temp[i] = T[0 + (work[i] & 0xFF)] ^
T[256 + ((work[_encryptindex[0]] >> 8) & 0xFF)] ^
T[512 + ((work[_encryptindex[m_Nb]] >> 16) & 0xFF)] ^
T[768 + ((work[_encryptindex[m_Nb * 2]] >> 24) & 0xFF)] ^
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
work[i] = temp[i];
_encryptindex = encryptindex;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
temp[i] = TF[0 + (work[i] & 0xFF)] ^
TF[256 + ((work[_encryptindex[0]] >> 8) & 0xFF)] ^
TF[512 + ((work[_encryptindex[m_Nb]] >> 16) & 0xFF)] ^
TF[768 + ((work[_encryptindex[m_Nb * 2]] >> 24) & 0xFF)] ^
// AES decryption function.
[System.Security.SecurityCritical] // auto-generated
unsafe private void Dec (int *decryptindex, int *decryptKeyExpansion, int *iT, int *iTF, int *work, int *temp) {
int keyIndex = m_Nb * m_Nr;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
work[i] ^= decryptKeyExpansion[keyIndex];
int* _decryptindex;
int* _decryptKeyExpansion;
for (int r = 1; r < m_Nr; ++r) {
keyIndex -= 2 * m_Nb;
_decryptindex = decryptindex;
_decryptKeyExpansion = &decryptKeyExpansion[keyIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
temp[i] = iT[0 + ((work[i]) & 0xFF)] ^
iT[256 + ((work[_decryptindex[0]] >> 8) & 0xFF)] ^
iT[512 + ((work[_decryptindex[m_Nb]] >> 16) & 0xFF)] ^
iT[768 + ((work[_decryptindex[m_Nb * 2]] >> 24) & 0xFF)] ^
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
work[i] = temp[i];
keyIndex = 0;
_decryptindex = decryptindex;
_decryptKeyExpansion = &decryptKeyExpansion[keyIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
temp[i] = iTF[0 + ((work[i]) & 0xFF)] ^
iTF[256 + ((work[_decryptindex[0]] >> 8) & 0xFF)] ^
iTF[512 + ((work[_decryptindex[m_Nb]] >> 16) & 0xFF)] ^
iTF[768 + ((work[_decryptindex[m_Nb * 2]] >> 24) & 0xFF)] ^
// Key expansion routine.
private void GenerateKeyExpansion(byte[] rgbKey) {
switch (m_blockSizeBits > rgbKey.Length * 8 ? m_blockSizeBits : rgbKey.Length * 8) {
case 128:
m_Nr = 10;
case 192:
m_Nr = 12;
case 256:
m_Nr = 14;
throw new CryptographicException(Environment.GetResourceString("Cryptography_InvalidKeySize"));
m_encryptKeyExpansion = new int[m_Nb * (m_Nr + 1)];
m_decryptKeyExpansion = new int[m_Nb * (m_Nr + 1)];
int iTemp;
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nk; ++i) {
int i0 = rgbKey[index++];
int i1 = rgbKey[index++];
int i2 = rgbKey[index++];
int i3 = rgbKey[index++];
m_encryptKeyExpansion[i] = i3 << 24 | i2 << 16 | i1 << 8 | i0;
if (m_Nk <= 6) {
for (int i = m_Nk; i < m_Nb * (m_Nr + 1); ++i) {
iTemp = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i-1];
if (i % m_Nk == 0) {
iTemp = SubWord(rot3(iTemp));
iTemp = iTemp ^ s_Rcon[(i / m_Nk) - 1];
m_encryptKeyExpansion[i] = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i - m_Nk] ^ iTemp;
} else {
for (int i = m_Nk; i < m_Nb * (m_Nr + 1); ++i) {
iTemp = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i-1];
if (i % m_Nk == 0) {
iTemp = SubWord(rot3(iTemp));
iTemp = iTemp ^ s_Rcon[(i / m_Nk) - 1];
else if (i % m_Nk == 4) {
iTemp = SubWord(iTemp);
m_encryptKeyExpansion[i] = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i - m_Nk] ^ iTemp;
for (int i = 0; i < m_Nb; ++i) {
m_decryptKeyExpansion[i] = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i];
m_decryptKeyExpansion[m_Nb * m_Nr + i] = m_encryptKeyExpansion[m_Nb * m_Nr + i];
for (int i = m_Nb; i < m_Nb * m_Nr; ++i) {
int key = m_encryptKeyExpansion[i];
int mul02 = MulX(key);
int mul04 = MulX(mul02);
int mul08 = MulX(mul04);
int mul09 = key ^ mul08;
m_decryptKeyExpansion[i] = mul02 ^ mul04 ^ mul08 ^ rot3(mul02 ^ mul09) ^ rot2(mul04 ^ mul09) ^ rot1(mul09);
private static int rot1(int val) {
return (val << 8 & unchecked((int)0xFFFFFF00)) | (val >> 24 & unchecked((int)0x000000FF));
private static int rot2(int val) {
return (val << 16 & unchecked((int)0xFFFF0000)) | (val >> 16 & unchecked((int)0x0000FFFF));
private static int rot3(int val) {
return (val << 24 & unchecked((int)0xFF000000)) | (val >> 8 & unchecked((int)0x00FFFFFF));
private static int SubWord(int a) {
return s_Sbox[a & 0xFF] |
s_Sbox[a >> 8 & 0xFF] << 8 |
s_Sbox[a >> 16 & 0xFF] << 16 |
s_Sbox[a >> 24 & 0xFF] << 24;
private static int MulX(int x) {
int u = x & unchecked((int)0x80808080);
return ((x & unchecked((int)0x7f7f7f7f)) << 1) ^ ((u - (u >> 7 & 0x01FFFFFF)) & 0x1b1b1b1b);
private static readonly byte[] s_Sbox = new byte[] {
99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197, 48, 1, 103, 43, 254, 215, 171, 118,
202, 130, 201, 125, 250, 89, 71, 240, 173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192,
183, 253, 147, 38, 54, 63, 247, 204, 52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216, 49, 21,
4, 199, 35, 195, 24, 150, 5, 154, 7, 18, 128, 226, 235, 39, 178, 117,
9, 131, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, 160, 82, 59, 214, 179, 41, 227, 47, 132,
83, 209, 0, 237, 32, 252, 177, 91, 106, 203, 190, 57, 74, 76, 88, 207,
208, 239, 170, 251, 67, 77, 51, 133, 69, 249, 2, 127, 80, 60, 159, 168,
81, 163, 64, 143, 146, 157, 56, 245, 188, 182, 218, 33, 16, 255, 243, 210,
205, 12, 19, 236, 95, 151, 68, 23, 196, 167, 126, 61, 100, 93, 25, 115,
96, 129, 79, 220, 34, 42, 144, 136, 70, 238, 184, 20, 222, 94, 11, 219,
224, 50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92, 194, 211, 172, 98, 145, 149, 228, 121,
231, 200, 55, 109, 141, 213, 78, 169, 108, 86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174, 8,
186, 120, 37, 46, 28, 166, 180, 198, 232, 221, 116, 31, 75, 189, 139, 138,
112, 62, 181, 102, 72, 3, 246, 14, 97, 53, 87, 185, 134, 193, 29, 158,
225, 248, 152, 17, 105, 217, 142, 148, 155, 30, 135, 233, 206, 85, 40, 223,
140, 161, 137, 13, 191, 230, 66, 104, 65, 153, 45, 15, 176, 84, 187, 22 };
private static readonly int[] s_Rcon = new int[] {
0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80, 0x1b, 0x36,
0x6c, 0xd8, 0xab, 0x4d, 0x9a, 0x2f, 0x5e, 0xbc, 0x63, 0xc6,
0x97, 0x35, 0x6a, 0xd4, 0xb3, 0x7d, 0xfa, 0xef, 0xc5, 0x91 };
private static readonly int[] s_T = new int[4 * 256]
// s_T1
-1520213050, -2072216328, -1720223762, -1921287178, 234025727, -1117033514, -1318096930, 1422247313,
1345335392, 50397442, -1452841010, 2099981142, 436141799, 1658312629, -424957107, -1703512340,
1170918031, -1652391393, 1086966153, -2021818886, 368769775, -346465870, -918075506, 200339707,
-324162239, 1742001331, -39673249, -357585083, -1080255453, -140204973, -1770884380, 1539358875,
-1028147339, 486407649, -1366060227, 1780885068, 1513502316, 1094664062, 49805301, 1338821763,
1546925160, -190470831, 887481809, 150073849, -1821281822, 1943591083, 1395732834, 1058346282,
201589768, 1388824469, 1696801606, 1589887901, 672667696, -1583966665, 251987210, -1248159185,
151455502, 907153956, -1686077413, 1038279391, 652995533, 1764173646, -843926913, -1619692054,
453576978, -1635548387, 1949051992, 773462580, 756751158, -1301385508, -296068428, -73359269,
-162377052, 1295727478, 1641469623, -827083907, 2066295122, 1055122397, 1898917726, -1752923117,
-179088474, 1758581177, 0, 753790401, 1612718144, 536673507, -927878791, -312779850,
-1100322092, 1187761037, -641810841, 1262041458, -565556588, -733197160, -396863312, 1255133061,
1808847035, 720367557, -441800113, 385612781, -985447546, -682799718, 1429418854, -1803188975,
-817543798, 284817897, 100794884, -2122350594, -263171936, 1144798328, -1163944155, -475486133,
-212774494, -22830243, -1069531008, -1970303227, -1382903233, -1130521311, 1211644016, 83228145,
-541279133, -1044990345, 1977277103, 1663115586, 806359072, 452984805, 250868733, 1842533055,
1288555905, 336333848, 890442534, 804056259, -513843266, -1567123659, -867941240, 957814574,
1472513171, -223893675, -2105639172, 1195195770, -1402706744, -413311558, 723065138, -1787595802,
-1604296512, -1736343271, -783331426, 2145180835, 1713513028, 2116692564, -1416589253, -2088204277,
-901364084, 703524551, -742868885, 1007948840, 2044649127, -497131844, 487262998, 1994120109,
1004593371, 1446130276, 1312438900, 503974420, -615954030, 168166924, 1814307912, -463709000,
1573044895, 1859376061, -273896381, -1503501628, -1466855111, -1533700815, 937747667, -1954973198,
854058965, 1137232011, 1496790894, -1217565222, -1936880383, 1691735473, -766620004, -525751991,
-1267962664, -95005012, 133494003, 636152527, -1352309302, -1904575756, -374428089, 403179536,
-709182865, -2005370640, 1864705354, 1915629148, 605822008, -240736681, -944458637, 1371981463,
602466507, 2094914977, -1670089496, 555687742, -582268010, -591544991, -2037675251, -2054518257,
-1871679264, 1111375484, -994724495, -1436129588, -666351472, 84083462, 32962295, 302911004,
-1553899070, 1597322602, -111716434, -793134743, -1853454825, 1489093017, 656219450, -1180787161,
954327513, 335083755, -1281845205, 856756514, -1150719534, 1893325225, -1987146233, -1483434957,
-1231316179, 572399164, -1836611819, 552200649, 1238290055, -11184726, 2015897680, 2061492133,
-1886614525, -123625127, -2138470135, 386731290, -624967835, 837215959, -968736124, -1201116976,
-1019133566, -1332111063, 1999449434, 286199582, -877612933, -61582168, -692339859, 974525996,
// s_T2
1667483301, 2088564868, 2004348569, 2071721613, -218956019, 1802229437, 1869602481, -976907948,
808476752, 16843267, 1734856361, 724260477, -16849127, -673729182, -1414836762, 1987505306,
-892694715, -2105401443, -909539008, 2105408135, -84218091, 1499050731, 1195871945, -252642549,
-1381154324, -724257945, -1566416899, -1347467798, -1667488833, -1532734473, 1920132246, -1061119141,
-1212713534, -33693412, -1819066962, 640044138, 909536346, 1061125697, -134744830, -859012273,
875849820, -1515892236, -437923532, -235800312, 1903288979, -656888973, 825320019, 353708607,
67373068, -943221422, 589514341, -1010590370, 404238376, -1768540255, 84216335, -1701171275,
117902857, 303178806, -2139087973, -488448195, -336868058, 656887401, -1296924723, 1970662047,
151589403, -2088559202, 741103732, 437924910, 454768173, 1852759218, 1515893998, -1600103429,
1381147894, 993752653, -690571423, -1280082482, 690573947, -471605954, 791633521, -2071719017,
1397991157, -774784664, 0, -303185620, 538984544, -50535649, -1313769016, 1532737261,
1785386174, -875852474, -1094817831, 960066123, 1246401758, 1280088276, 1482207464, -808483510,
-791626901, -269499094, -1431679003, -67375850, 1128498885, 1296931543, 859006549, -2054876780,
1162185423, -101062384, 33686534, 2139094657, 1347461360, 1010595908, -1616960070, -1465365533,
1364304627, -1549574658, 1077969088, -1886452342, -1835909203, -1650646596, 943222856, -168431356,
-1128504353, -1229555775, -623202443, 555827811, 269492272, -6886, -202113778, -757940371,
-842170036, 202119188, 320022069, -320027857, 1600110305, -1751698014, 1145342156, 387395129,
-993750185, -1482205710, 2122251394, 1027439175, 1684326572, 1566423783, 421081643, 1936975509,
1616953504, -2122245736, 1330618065, -589520001, 572671078, 707417214, -1869595733, -2004350077,
1179028682, -286341335, -1195873325, 336865340, -555833479, 1583267042, 185275933, -606360202,
-522134725, 842163286, 976909390, 168432670, 1229558491, 101059594, 606357612, 1549580516,
-1027432611, -741098130, -1397996561, 1650640038, -1852753496, -1785384540, -454765769, 2038035083,
-404237006, -926381245, 926379609, 1835915959, -1920138868, -707415708, 1313774802, -1448523296,
1819072692, 1448520954, -185273593, -353710299, 1701169839, 2054878350, -1364310039, 134746136,
-1162186795, 2021191816, 623200879, 774790258, 471611428, -1499047951, -1263242297, -960063663,
-387396829, -572677764, 1953818780, 522141217, 1263245021, -1111662116, -1953821306, -1970663547,
1886445712, 1044282434, -1246400060, 1718013098, 1212715224, 50529797, -151587071, 235805714,
1633796771, 892693087, 1465364217, -1179031088, -2038032495, -1044276904, 488454695, -1633802311,
-505292488, -117904621, -1734857805, 286335539, 1768542907, -640046736, -1903294583, -1802226777,
-1684329034, 505297954, -2021190254, -370554592, -825325751, 1431677695, 673730680, -538991238,
-1936981105, -1583261192, -1987507840, 218962455, -1077975590, -421079247, 1111655622, 1751699640,
1094812355, -1718015568, 757946999, 252648977, -1330611253, 1414834428, -1145344554, 370551866,
// s_T3
1673962851, 2096661628, 2012125559, 2079755643, -218165774, 1809235307, 1876865391, -980331323,
811618352, 16909057, 1741597031, 727088427, -18408962, -675978537, -1420958037, 1995217526,
-896580150, -2111857278, -913751863, 2113570685, -84994566, 1504897881, 1200539975, -251982864,
-1388188499, -726439980, -1570767454, -1354372433, -1675378788, -1538000988, 1927583346, -1063560256,
-1217019209, -35578627, -1824674157, 642542118, 913070646, 1065238847, -134937865, -863809588,
879254580, -1521355611, -439274267, -235337487, 1910674289, -659852328, 828527409, 355090197,
67636228, -946515257, 591815971, -1013096765, 405809176, -1774739050, 84545285, -1708149350,
118360327, 304363026, -2145674368, -488686110, -338876693, 659450151, -1300247118, 1978310517,
152181513, -2095210877, 743994412, 439627290, 456535323, 1859957358, 1521806938, -1604584544,
1386542674, 997608763, -692624938, -1283600717, 693271337, -472039709, 794718511, -2079090812,
1403450707, -776378159, 0, -306107155, 541089824, -52224004, -1317418831, 1538714971,
1792327274, -879933749, -1100490306, 963791673, 1251270218, 1285084236, 1487988824, -813348145,
-793023536, -272291089, -1437604438, -68348165, 1132905795, 1301993293, 862344499, -2062445435,
1166724933, -102166279, 33818114, 2147385727, 1352724560, 1014514748, -1624917345, -1471421528,
1369633617, -1554121053, 1082179648, -1895462257, -1841320558, -1658733411, 946882616, -168753931,
-1134305348, -1233665610, -626035238, 557998881, 270544912, -1762561, -201519373, -759206446,
-847164211, 202904588, 321271059, -322752532, 1606345055, -1758092649, 1149815876, 388905239,
-996976700, -1487539545, 2130477694, 1031423805, 1690872932, 1572530013, 422718233, 1944491379,
1623236704, -2129028991, 1335808335, -593264676, 574907938, 710180394, -1875137648, -2012511352,
1183631942, -288937490, -1200893000, 338181140, -559449634, 1589437022, 185998603, -609388837,
-522503200, 845436466, 980700730, 169090570, 1234361161, 101452294, 608726052, 1555620956,
-1029743166, -742560045, -1404833876, 1657054818, -1858492271, -1791908715, -455919644, 2045938553,
-405458201, -930397240, 929978679, 1843050349, -1929278323, -709794603, 1318900302, -1454776151,
1826141292, 1454176854, -185399308, -355523094, 1707781989, 2062847610, -1371018834, 135272456,
-1167075910, 2029029496, 625635109, 777810478, 473441308, -1504185946, -1267480652, -963161658,
-389340184, -576619299, 1961401460, 524165407, 1268178251, -1117659971, -1962047861, -1978694262,
1893765232, 1048330814, -1250835275, 1724688998, 1217452104, 50726147, -151584266, 236720654,
1640145761, 896163637, 1471084887, -1184247623, -2045275770, -1046914879, 490350365, -1641563746,
-505857823, -118811656, -1741966440, 287453969, 1775418217, -643206951, -1912108658, -1808554092,
-1691502949, 507257374, -2028629369, -372694807, -829994546, 1437269845, 676362280, -542803233,
-1945923700, -1587939167, -1995865975, 219813645, -1083843905, -422104602, 1115997762, 1758509160,
1099088705, -1725321063, 760903469, 253628687, -1334064208, 1420360788, -1150429509, 371997206,
// s_T4
-962239645, -125535108, -291932297, -158499973, -15863054, -692229269, -558796945, -1856715323,
1615867952, 33751297, -827758745, 1451043627, -417726722, -1251813417, 1306962859, -325421450,
-1891251510, 530416258, -1992242743, -91783811, -283772166, -1293199015, -1899411641, -83103504,
1106029997, -1285040940, 1610457762, 1173008303, 599760028, 1408738468, -459902350, -1688485696,
1975695287, -518193667, 1034851219, 1282024998, 1817851446, 2118205247, -184354825, -2091922228,
1750873140, 1374987685, -785062427, -116854287, -493653647, -1418471208, 1649619249, 708777237,
135005188, -1789737017, 1181033251, -1654733885, 807933976, 933336726, 168756485, 800430746,
235472647, 607523346, 463175808, -549592350, -853087253, 1315514151, 2144187058, -358648459,
303761673, 496927619, 1484008492, 875436570, 908925723, -592286098, -1259447718, 1543217312,
-1527360942, 1984772923, -1218324778, 2110698419, 1383803177, -583080989, 1584475951, 328696964,
-1493871789, -1184312879, 0, -1054020115, 1080041504, -484442884, 2043195825, -1225958565,
-725718422, -1924740149, 1742323390, 1917532473, -1797371318, -1730917300, -1326950312, -2058694705,
-1150562096, -987041809, 1340451498, -317260805, -2033892541, -1697166003, 1716859699, 294946181,
-1966127803, -384763399, 67502594, -25067649, -1594863536, 2017737788, 632987551, 1273211048,
-1561112239, 1576969123, -2134884288, 92966799, 1068339858, 566009245, 1883781176, -251333131,
1675607228, 2009183926, -1351230758, 1113792801, 540020752, -451215361, -49351693, -1083321646,
-2125673011, 403966988, 641012499, -1020269332, -1092526241, 899848087, -1999879100, 775493399,
-1822964540, 1441965991, -58556802, 2051489085, -928226204, -1159242403, 841685273, -426413197,
-1063231392, 429425025, -1630449841, -1551901476, 1147544098, 1417554474, 1001099408, 193169544,
-1932900794, -953553170, 1809037496, 675025940, -1485185314, -1126015394, 371002123, -1384719397,
-616832800, 1683370546, 1951283770, 337512970, -1831122615, 201983494, 1215046692, -1192993700,
-1621245246, -1116810285, 1139780780, -995728798, 967348625, 832869781, -751311644, -225740423,
-718084121, -1958491960, 1851340599, -625513107, 25988493, -1318791723, -1663938994, 1239460265,
-659264404, -1392880042, -217582348, -819598614, -894474907, -191989126, 1206496942, 270010376,
1876277946, -259491720, 1248797989, 1550986798, 941890588, 1475454630, 1942467764, -1756248378,
-886839064, -1585652259, -392399756, 1042358047, -1763882165, 1641856445, 226921355, 260409994,
-527404944, 2084716094, 1908716981, -861247898, -1864873912, 100991747, -150866186, 470945294,
-1029480095, 1784624437, -1359390889, 1775286713, 395413126, -1722236479, 975641885, 666476190,
-650583583, -351012616, 733190296, 573772049, -759469719, -1452221991, 126455438, 866620564,
766942107, 1008868894, 361924487, -920589847, -2025206066, -1426107051, 1350051880, -1518673953,
59739276, 1509466529, 159418761, 437718285, 1708834751, -684595482, -2067381694, -793221016,
-2101132991, 699439513, 1517759789, 504434447, 2076946608, -1459858348, 1842789307, 742004246 };
private static readonly int[] s_TF = new int[4 * 256]
// s_TF1
99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197,
48, 1, 103, 43, 254, 215, 171, 118,
202, 130, 201, 125, 250, 89, 71, 240,
173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192,
183, 253, 147, 38, 54, 63, 247, 204,
52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216, 49, 21,
4, 199, 35, 195, 24, 150, 5, 154,
7, 18, 128, 226, 235, 39, 178, 117,
9, 131, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, 160,
82, 59, 214, 179, 41, 227, 47, 132,
83, 209, 0, 237, 32, 252, 177, 91,
106, 203, 190, 57, 74, 76, 88, 207,
208, 239, 170, 251, 67, 77, 51, 133,
69, 249, 2, 127, 80, 60, 159, 168,
81, 163, 64, 143, 146, 157, 56, 245,
188, 182, 218, 33, 16, 255, 243, 210,
205, 12, 19, 236, 95, 151, 68, 23,
196, 167, 126, 61, 100, 93, 25, 115,
96, 129, 79, 220, 34, 42, 144, 136,
70, 238, 184, 20, 222, 94, 11, 219,
224, 50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92,
194, 211, 172, 98, 145, 149, 228, 121,
231, 200, 55, 109, 141, 213, 78, 169,
108, 86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174, 8,
186, 120, 37, 46, 28, 166, 180, 198,
232, 221, 116, 31, 75, 189, 139, 138,
112, 62, 181, 102, 72, 3, 246, 14,
97, 53, 87, 185, 134, 193, 29, 158,
225, 248, 152, 17, 105, 217, 142, 148,
155, 30, 135, 233, 206, 85, 40, 223,
140, 161, 137, 13, 191, 230, 66, 104,
65, 153, 45, 15, 176, 84, 187, 22,
// s_TF2
25344, 31744, 30464, 31488, 61952, 27392, 28416, 50432,
12288, 256, 26368, 11008, 65024, 55040, 43776, 30208,
51712, 33280, 51456, 32000, 64000, 22784, 18176, 61440,
44288, 54272, 41472, 44800, 39936, 41984, 29184, 49152,
46848, 64768, 37632, 9728, 13824, 16128, 63232, 52224,
13312, 42240, 58624, 61696, 28928, 55296, 12544, 5376,
1024, 50944, 8960, 49920, 6144, 38400, 1280, 39424,
1792, 4608, 32768, 57856, 60160, 9984, 45568, 29952,
2304, 33536, 11264, 6656, 6912, 28160, 23040, 40960,
20992, 15104, 54784, 45824, 10496, 58112, 12032, 33792,
21248, 53504, 0, 60672, 8192, 64512, 45312, 23296,
27136, 51968, 48640, 14592, 18944, 19456, 22528, 52992,
53248, 61184, 43520, 64256, 17152, 19712, 13056, 34048,
17664, 63744, 512, 32512, 20480, 15360, 40704, 43008,
20736, 41728, 16384, 36608, 37376, 40192, 14336, 62720,
48128, 46592, 55808, 8448, 4096, 65280, 62208, 53760,
52480, 3072, 4864, 60416, 24320, 38656, 17408, 5888,
50176, 42752, 32256, 15616, 25600, 23808, 6400, 29440,
24576, 33024, 20224, 56320, 8704, 10752, 36864, 34816,
17920, 60928, 47104, 5120, 56832, 24064, 2816, 56064,
57344, 12800, 14848, 2560, 18688, 1536, 9216, 23552,
49664, 54016, 44032, 25088, 37120, 38144, 58368, 30976,
59136, 51200, 14080, 27904, 36096, 54528, 19968, 43264,
27648, 22016, 62464, 59904, 25856, 31232, 44544, 2048,
47616, 30720, 9472, 11776, 7168, 42496, 46080, 50688,
59392, 56576, 29696, 7936, 19200, 48384, 35584, 35328,
28672, 15872, 46336, 26112, 18432, 768, 62976, 3584,
24832, 13568, 22272, 47360, 34304, 49408, 7424, 40448,
57600, 63488, 38912, 4352, 26880, 55552, 36352, 37888,
39680, 7680, 34560, 59648, 52736, 21760, 10240, 57088,
35840, 41216, 35072, 3328, 48896, 58880, 16896, 26624,
16640, 39168, 11520, 3840, 45056, 21504, 47872, 5632,
// s_TF3
6488064, 8126464, 7798784, 8060928, 15859712, 7012352, 7274496, 12910592,
3145728, 65536, 6750208, 2818048, 16646144, 14090240, 11206656, 7733248,
13238272, 8519680, 13172736, 8192000, 16384000, 5832704, 4653056, 15728640,
11337728, 13893632, 10616832, 11468800, 10223616, 10747904, 7471104, 12582912,
11993088, 16580608, 9633792, 2490368, 3538944, 4128768, 16187392, 13369344,
3407872, 10813440, 15007744, 15794176, 7405568, 14155776, 3211264, 1376256,
262144, 13041664, 2293760, 12779520, 1572864, 9830400, 327680, 10092544,
458752, 1179648, 8388608, 14811136, 15400960, 2555904, 11665408, 7667712,
589824, 8585216, 2883584, 1703936, 1769472, 7208960, 5898240, 10485760,
5373952, 3866624, 14024704, 11730944, 2686976, 14876672, 3080192, 8650752,
5439488, 13697024, 0, 15532032, 2097152, 16515072, 11599872, 5963776,
6946816, 13303808, 12451840, 3735552, 4849664, 4980736, 5767168, 13565952,
13631488, 15663104, 11141120, 16449536, 4390912, 5046272, 3342336, 8716288,
4521984, 16318464, 131072, 8323072, 5242880, 3932160, 10420224, 11010048,
5308416, 10682368, 4194304, 9371648, 9568256, 10289152, 3670016, 16056320,
12320768, 11927552, 14286848, 2162688, 1048576, 16711680, 15925248, 13762560,
13434880, 786432, 1245184, 15466496, 6225920, 9895936, 4456448, 1507328,
12845056, 10944512, 8257536, 3997696, 6553600, 6094848, 1638400, 7536640,
6291456, 8454144, 5177344, 14417920, 2228224, 2752512, 9437184, 8912896,
4587520, 15597568, 12058624, 1310720, 14548992, 6160384, 720896, 14352384,
14680064, 3276800, 3801088, 655360, 4784128, 393216, 2359296, 6029312,
12713984, 13828096, 11272192, 6422528, 9502720, 9764864, 14942208, 7929856,
15138816, 13107200, 3604480, 7143424, 9240576, 13959168, 5111808, 11075584,
7077888, 5636096, 15990784, 15335424, 6619136, 7995392, 11403264, 524288,
12189696, 7864320, 2424832, 3014656, 1835008, 10878976, 11796480, 12976128,
15204352, 14483456, 7602176, 2031616, 4915200, 12386304, 9109504, 9043968,
7340032, 4063232, 11862016, 6684672, 4718592, 196608, 16121856, 917504,
6356992, 3473408, 5701632, 12124160, 8781824, 12648448, 1900544, 10354688,
14745600, 16252928, 9961472, 1114112, 6881280, 14221312, 9306112, 9699328,
10158080, 1966080, 8847360, 15269888, 13500416, 5570560, 2621440, 14614528,
9175040, 10551296, 8978432, 851968, 12517376, 15073280, 4325376, 6815744,
4259840, 10027008, 2949120, 983040, 11534336, 5505024, 12255232, 1441792,
// s_TF4
1660944384, 2080374784, 1996488704, 2063597568, -234881024, 1795162112, 1862270976, -989855744,
805306368, 16777216, 1728053248, 721420288, -33554432, -687865856, -1426063360, 1979711488,
-905969664, -2113929216, -922746880, 2097152000, -100663296, 1493172224, 1191182336, -268435456,
-1392508928, -738197504, -1577058304, -1358954496, -1677721600, -1543503872, 1912602624, -1073741824,
-1224736768, -50331648, -1828716544, 637534208, 905969664, 1056964608, -150994944, -872415232,
872415232, -1526726656, -452984832, -251658240, 1895825408, -671088640, 822083584, 352321536,
67108864, -956301312, 587202560, -1023410176, 402653184, -1778384896, 83886080, -1711276032,
117440512, 301989888, -2147483648, -503316480, -352321536, 654311424, -1308622848, 1962934272,
150994944, -2097152000, 738197504, 436207616, 452984832, 1845493760, 1509949440, -1610612736,
1375731712, 989855744, -704643072, -1291845632, 687865856, -486539264, 788529152, -2080374784,
1392508928, -788529152, 0, -318767104, 536870912, -67108864, -1325400064, 1526726656,
1778384896, -889192448, -1107296256, 956301312, 1241513984, 1275068416, 1476395008, -822083584,
-805306368, -285212672, -1442840576, -83886080, 1124073472, 1291845632, 855638016, -2063597568,
1157627904, -117440512, 33554432, 2130706432, 1342177280, 1006632960, -1627389952, -1476395008,
1358954496, -1560281088, 1073741824, -1895825408, -1845493760, -1660944384, 939524096, -184549376,
-1140850688, -1241513984, -637534208, 553648128, 268435456, -16777216, -218103808, -771751936,
-855638016, 201326592, 318767104, -335544320, 1593835520, -1761607680, 1140850688, 385875968,
-1006632960, -1493172224, 2113929216, 1023410176, 1677721600, 1560281088, 419430400, 1929379840,
1610612736, -2130706432, 1325400064, -603979776, 570425344, 704643072, -1879048192, -2013265920,
1174405120, -301989888, -1207959552, 335544320, -570425344, 1577058304, 184549376, -620756992,
-536870912, 838860800, 973078528, 167772160, 1224736768, 100663296, 603979776, 1543503872,
-1040187392, -754974720, -1409286144, 1644167168, -1862270976, -1795162112, -469762048, 2030043136,
-419430400, -939524096, 922746880, 1828716544, -1929379840, -721420288, 1308622848, -1459617792,
1811939328, 1442840576, -201326592, -369098752, 1694498816, 2046820352, -1375731712, 134217728,
-1174405120, 2013265920, 620756992, 771751936, 469762048, -1509949440, -1275068416, -973078528,
-402653184, -587202560, 1946157056, 520093696, 1258291200, -1124073472, -1962934272, -1979711488,
1879048192, 1040187392, -1258291200, 1711276032, 1207959552, 50331648, -167772160, 234881024,
1627389952, 889192448, 1459617792, -1191182336, -2046820352, -1056964608, 486539264, -1644167168,
-520093696, -134217728, -1744830464, 285212672, 1761607680, -654311424, -1912602624, -1811939328,
-1694498816, 503316480, -2030043136, -385875968, -838860800, 1426063360, 671088640, -553648128,
-1946157056, -1593835520, -1996488704, 218103808, -1090519040, -436207616, 1107296256, 1744830464,
1090519040, -1728053248, 754974720, 251658240, -1342177280, 1409286144, -1157627904, 369098752 };
private static readonly int[] s_iT = new int[4 * 256]
// s_iT1
1353184337, 1399144830, -1012656358, -1772214470, -882136261, -247096033, -1420232020, -1828461749,
1442459680, -160598355, -1854485368, 625738485, -52959921, -674551099, -2143013594, -1885117771,
1230680542, 1729870373, -1743852987, -507445667, 41234371, 317738113, -1550367091, -956705941,
-413167869, -1784901099, -344298049, -631680363, 763608788, -752782248, 694804553, 1154009486,
1787413109, 2021232372, 1799248025, -579749593, -1236278850, 397248752, 1722556617, -1271214467,
407560035, -2110711067, 1613975959, 1165972322, -529046351, -2068943941, 480281086, -1809118983,
1483229296, 436028815, -2022908268, -1208452270, 601060267, -503166094, 1468997603, 715871590,
120122290, 63092015, -1703164538, -1526188077, -226023376, -1297760477, -1167457534, 1552029421,
723308426, -1833666137, -252573709, -1578997426, -839591323, -708967162, 526529745, -1963022652,
-1655493068, -1604979806, 853641733, 1978398372, 971801355, -1427152832, 111112542, 1360031421,
-108388034, 1023860118, -1375387939, 1186850381, -1249028975, 90031217, 1876166148, -15380384,
620468249, -1746289194, -868007799, 2006899047, -1119688528, -2004121337, 945494503, -605108103,
1191869601, -384875908, -920746760, 0, -2088337399, 1223502642, -1401941730, 1316117100,
-67170563, 1446544655, 517320253, 658058550, 1691946762, 564550760, -783000677, 976107044,
-1318647284, 266819475, -761860428, -1634624741, 1338359936, -1574904735, 1766553434, 370807324,
179999714, -450191168, 1138762300, 488053522, 185403662, -1379431438, -1180125651, -928440812,
-2061897385, 1275557295, -1143105042, -44007517, -1624899081, -1124765092, -985962940, 880737115,
1982415755, -590994485, 1761406390, 1676797112, -891538985, 277177154, 1076008723, 538035844,
2099530373, -130171950, 288553390, 1839278535, 1261411869, -214912292, -330136051, -790380169,
1813426987, -1715900247, -95906799, 577038663, -997393240, 440397984, -668172970, -275762398,
-951170681, -1043253031, -22885748, 906744984, -813566554, 685669029, 646887386, -1530942145,
-459458004, 227702864, -1681105046, 1648787028, -1038905866, -390539120, 1593260334, -173030526,
-1098883681, 2090061929, -1456614033, -1290656305, 999926984, -1484974064, 1852021992, 2075868123,
158869197, -199730834, 28809964, -1466282109, 1701746150, 2129067946, 147831841, -420997649,
-644094022, -835293366, -737566742, -696471511, -1347247055, 824393514, 815048134, -1067015627,
935087732, -1496677636, -1328508704, 366520115, 1251476721, -136647615, 240176511, 804688151,
-1915335306, 1303441219, 1414376140, -553347356, -474623586, 461924940, -1205916479, 2136040774,
82468509, 1563790337, 1937016826, 776014843, 1511876531, 1389550482, 861278441, 323475053,
-1939744870, 2047648055, -1911228327, -1992551445, -299390514, 902390199, -303751967, 1018251130,
1507840668, 1064563285, 2043548696, -1086863501, -355600557, 1537932639, 342834655, -2032450440,
-2114736182, 1053059257, 741614648, 1598071746, 1925389590, 203809468, -1958134744, 1100287487,
1895934009, -558691320, -1662733096, -1866377628, 1636092795, 1890988757, 1952214088, 1113045200,
// s_iT2
-1477160624, 1698790995, -1541989693, 1579629206, 1806384075, 1167925233, 1492823211, 65227667,
-97509291, 1836494326, 1993115793, 1275262245, -672837636, -886389289, 1144333952, -1553812081,
1521606217, 465184103, 250234264, -1057071647, 1966064386, -263421678, -1756983901, -103584826,
1603208167, -1668147819, 2054012907, 1498584538, -2084645843, 561273043, 1776306473, -926314940,
-1983744662, 2039411832, 1045993835, 1907959773, 1340194486, -1383534569, -1407137434, 986611124,
1256153880, 823846274, 860985184, 2136171077, 2003087840, -1368671356, -1602093540, 722008468,
1749577816, -45773031, 1826526343, -126135625, -747394269, 38499042, -1893735593, -1420466646,
686535175, -1028313341, 2076542618, 137876389, -2027409166, -1514200142, 1778582202, -2112426660,
483363371, -1267095662, -234359824, -496415071, -187013683, -1106966827, 1647628575, -22625142,
1395537053, 1442030240, -511048398, -336157579, -326956231, -278904662, -1619960314, 275692881,
-1977532679, 115185213, 88006062, -1108980410, -1923837515, 1573155077, -737803153, 357589247,
-73918172, -373434729, 1128303052, -1629919369, 1122545853, -1953953912, 1528424248, -288851493,
175939911, 256015593, 512030921, 0, -2038429309, -315936184, 1880170156, 1918528590,
-15794693, 948244310, -710001378, 959264295, -653325724, -1503893471, 1415289809, 775300154,
1728711857, -413691121, -1762741038, -1852105826, -977239985, 551313826, 1266113129, 437394454,
-1164713462, 715178213, -534627261, 387650077, 218697227, -947129683, -1464455751, -1457646392,
435246981, 125153100, -577114437, 1618977789, 637663135, -177054532, 996558021, 2130402100,
692292470, -970732580, -51530136, -236668829, -600713270, -2057092592, 580326208, 298222624,
608863613, 1035719416, 855223825, -1591097491, 798891339, 817028339, 1384517100, -473860144,
380840812, -1183798887, 1217663482, 1693009698, -1929598780, 1072734234, 746411736, -1875696913,
1313441735, -784803391, -1563783938, 198481974, -2114607409, -562387672, -1900553690, -1079165020,
-1657131804, -1837608947, -866162021, 1182684258, 328070850, -1193766680, -147247522, -1346141451,
-2141347906, -1815058052, 768962473, 304467891, -1716729797, 2098729127, 1671227502, -1153705093,
2015808777, 408514292, -1214583807, -1706064984, 1855317605, -419452290, -809754360, -401215514,
-1679312167, 913263310, 161475284, 2091919830, -1297862225, 591342129, -1801075152, 1721906624,
-1135709129, -897385306, -795811664, -660131051, -1744506550, -622050825, 1355644686, -158263505,
-699566451, -1326496947, 1303039060, 76997855, -1244553501, -2006299621, 523026872, 1365591679,
-362898172, 898367837, 1955068531, 1091304238, 493335386, -757362094, 1443948851, 1205234963,
1641519756, 211892090, 351820174, 1007938441, 665439982, -916342987, -451091987, -1320715716,
-539845543, 1945261375, -837543815, 935818175, -839429142, -1426235557, 1866325780, -616269690,
-206583167, -999769794, 874788908, 1084473951, -1021503886, 635616268, 1228679307, -1794244799,
27801969, -1291056930, -457910116, -1051302768, -2067039391, -1238182544, 1550600308, 1471729730,
// s_iT3
-195997529, 1098797925, 387629988, 658151006, -1422144661, -1658851003, -89347240, -481586429,
807425530, 1991112301, -863465098, 49620300, -447742761, 717608907, 891715652, 1656065955,
-1310832294, -1171953893, -364537842, -27401792, 801309301, 1283527408, 1183687575, -747911431,
-1895569569, -1844079204, 1841294202, 1385552473, -1093390973, 1951978273, -532076183, -913423160,
-1032492407, -1896580999, 1486449470, -1188569743, -507595185, -1997531219, 550069932, -830622662,
-547153846, 451248689, 1368875059, 1398949247, 1689378935, 1807451310, -2114052960, 150574123,
1215322216, 1167006205, -560691348, 2069018616, 1940595667, 1265820162, 534992783, 1432758955,
-340654296, -1255210046, -981034373, 936617224, 674296455, -1088179547, 50510442, 384654466,
-813028580, 2041025204, 133427442, 1766760930, -630862348, 84334014, 886120290, -1497068802,
775200083, -207445931, -1979370783, -156994069, -2096416276, 1614850799, 1901987487, 1857900816,
557775242, -577356538, 1054715397, -431143235, 1418835341, -999226019, 100954068, 1348534037,
-1743182597, -1110009879, 1082772547, -647530594, -391070398, -1995994997, 434583643, -931537938,
2090944266, 1115482383, -2064070370, 0, -2146860154, 724715757, 287222896, 1517047410,
251526143, -2062592456, -1371726123, 758523705, 252339417, 1550328230, 1536938324, 908343854,
168604007, 1469255655, -290139498, -1692688751, -1065332795, -597581280, 2002413899, 303830554,
-1813902662, -1597971158, 574374880, 454171927, 151915277, -1947030073, -1238517336, 504678569,
-245922535, 1974422535, -1712407587, 2141453664, 33005350, 1918680309, 1715782971, -77908866,
1133213225, 600562886, -306812676, -457677839, 836225756, 1665273989, -1760346078, -964419567,
1250262308, -1143801795, -106032846, 700935585, -1642247377, -1294142672, -2045907886, -1049112349,
-1288999914, 1890163129, -1810761144, -381214108, -56048500, -257942977, 2102843436, 857927568,
1233635150, 953795025, -896729438, -728222197, -173617279, 2057644254, -1210440050, -1388337985,
976020637, 2018512274, 1600822220, 2119459398, -1913208301, -661591880, 959340279, -1014827601,
1570750080, -798393197, -714102483, 634368786, -1396163687, 403744637, -1662488989, 1004239803,
650971512, 1500443672, -1695809097, 1334028442, -1780062866, -5603610, -1138685745, 368043752,
-407184997, 1867173430, -1612000247, -1339435396, -1540247630, 1059729699, -1513738092, -1573535642,
1316239292, -2097371446, -1864322864, -1489824296, 82922136, -331221030, -847311280, -1860751370,
1299615190, -280801872, -1429449651, -1763385596, -778116171, 1783372680, 750893087, 1699118929,
1587348714, -1946067659, -2013629580, 201010753, 1739807261, -611167534, 283718486, -697494713,
-677737375, -1590199796, -128348652, 334203196, -1446056409, 1639396809, 484568549, 1199193265,
-761505313, -229294221, 337148366, -948715721, -145495347, -44082262, 1038029935, 1148749531,
-1345682957, 1756970692, 607661108, -1547542720, 488010435, -490992603, 1009290057, 234832277,
-1472630527, 201907891, -1260872476, 1449431233, -881106556, 852848822, 1816687708, -1194311081,
// s_iT4
1364240372, 2119394625, 449029143, 982933031, 1003187115, 535905693, -1398056710, 1267925987,
542505520, -1376359050, -2003732788, -182105086, 1341970405, -975713494, 645940277, -1248877726,
-565617999, 627514298, 1167593194, 1575076094, -1023249105, -2129465268, -1918658746, 1808202195,
65494927, 362126482, -1075086739, -1780852398, -735214658, 1490231668, 1227450848, -1908094775,
1969916354, -193431154, -1721024936, 668823993, -1095348255, -266883704, -916018144, 2108963534,
1662536415, -444452582, -1755303087, 1648721747, -1310689436, -1148932501, -31678335, -107730168,
1884842056, -1894122171, -1803064098, 1387788411, -1423715469, 1927414347, -480800993, 1714072405,
-1308153621, 788775605, -2036696123, -744159177, 821200680, 598910399, 45771267, -312704490,
-1976886065, -1483557767, -202313209, 1319232105, 1707996378, 114671109, -786472396, -997523802,
882725678, -1566550541, 87220618, -1535775754, 188345475, 1084944224, 1577492337, -1118760850,
1056541217, -1774385443, -575797954, 1296481766, -1850372780, 1896177092, 74437638, 1627329872,
421854104, -694687299, -1983102144, 1735892697, -1329773848, 126389129, -415737063, 2044456648,
-1589179780, 2095648578, -121037180, 0, 159614592, 843640107, 514617361, 1817080410,
-33816818, 257308805, 1025430958, 908540205, 174381327, 1747035740, -1680780197, 607792694,
212952842, -1827674281, -1261267218, 463376795, -2142255680, 1638015196, 1516850039, 471210514,
-502613357, -1058723168, 1011081250, 303896347, 235605257, -223492213, 767142070, 348694814,
1468340721, -1353971851, -289677927, -1543675777, -140564991, 1555887474, 1153776486, 1530167035,
-1955190461, -874723805, -1234633491, -1201409564, -674571215, 1108378979, 322970263, -2078273082,
-2055396278, -755483205, -1374604551, -949116631, 491466654, -588042062, 233591430, 2010178497,
728503987, -1449543312, 301615252, 1193436393, -1463513860, -1608892432, 1457007741, 586125363,
-2016981431, -641609416, -1929469238, -1741288492, -1496350219, -1524048262, -635007305, 1067761581,
753179962, 1343066744, 1788595295, 1415726718, -155053171, -1863796520, 777975609, -2097827901,
-1614905251, 1769771984, 1873358293, -810347995, -935618132, 279411992, -395418724, -612648133,
-855017434, 1861490777, -335431782, -2086102449, -429560171, -1434523905, 554225596, -270079979,
-1160143897, 1255028335, -355202657, 701922480, 833598116, 707863359, -969894747, 901801634,
1949809742, -56178046, -525283184, 857069735, -246769660, 1106762476, 2131644621, 389019281,
1989006925, 1129165039, -866890326, -455146346, -1629243951, 1276872810, -1044898004, 1182749029,
-1660622242, 22885772, -93096825, -80854773, -1285939865, -1840065829, -382511600, 1829980118,
-1702075945, 930745505, 1502483704, -343327725, -823253079, -1221211807, -504503012, 2050797895,
-1671831598, 1430221810, 410635796, 1941911495, 1407897079, 1599843069, -552308931, 2022103876,
-897453137, -1187068824, 942421028, -1033944925, 376619805, -1140054558, 680216892, -12479219,
963707304, 148812556, -660806476, 1687208278, 2069988555, -714033614, 1215585388, -800958536 };
private static readonly int[] s_iTF = new int[4 * 256]
// s_iTF1
82, 9, 106, 213, 48, 54, 165, 56,
191, 64, 163, 158, 129, 243, 215, 251,
124, 227, 57, 130, 155, 47, 255, 135,
52, 142, 67, 68, 196, 222, 233, 203,
84, 123, 148, 50, 166, 194, 35, 61,
238, 76, 149, 11, 66, 250, 195, 78,
8, 46, 161, 102, 40, 217, 36, 178,
118, 91, 162, 73, 109, 139, 209, 37,
114, 248, 246, 100, 134, 104, 152, 22,
212, 164, 92, 204, 93, 101, 182, 146,
108, 112, 72, 80, 253, 237, 185, 218,
94, 21, 70, 87, 167, 141, 157, 132,
144, 216, 171, 0, 140, 188, 211, 10,
247, 228, 88, 5, 184, 179, 69, 6,
208, 44, 30, 143, 202, 63, 15, 2,
193, 175, 189, 3, 1, 19, 138, 107,
58, 145, 17, 65, 79, 103, 220, 234,
151, 242, 207, 206, 240, 180, 230, 115,
150, 172, 116, 34, 231, 173, 53, 133,
226, 249, 55, 232, 28, 117, 223, 110,
71, 241, 26, 113, 29, 41, 197, 137,
111, 183, 98, 14, 170, 24, 190, 27,
252, 86, 62, 75, 198, 210, 121, 32,
154, 219, 192, 254, 120, 205, 90, 244,
31, 221, 168, 51, 136, 7, 199, 49,
177, 18, 16, 89, 39, 128, 236, 95,
96, 81, 127, 169, 25, 181, 74, 13,
45, 229, 122, 159, 147, 201, 156, 239,
160, 224, 59, 77, 174, 42, 245, 176,
200, 235, 187, 60, 131, 83, 153, 97,
23, 43, 4, 126, 186, 119, 214, 38,
225, 105, 20, 99, 85, 33, 12, 125,
// s_iTF2
20992, 2304, 27136, 54528, 12288, 13824, 42240, 14336,
48896, 16384, 41728, 40448, 33024, 62208, 55040, 64256,
31744, 58112, 14592, 33280, 39680, 12032, 65280, 34560,
13312, 36352, 17152, 17408, 50176, 56832, 59648, 51968,
21504, 31488, 37888, 12800, 42496, 49664, 8960, 15616,
60928, 19456, 38144, 2816, 16896, 64000, 49920, 19968,
2048, 11776, 41216, 26112, 10240, 55552, 9216, 45568,
30208, 23296, 41472, 18688, 27904, 35584, 53504, 9472,
29184, 63488, 62976, 25600, 34304, 26624, 38912, 5632,
54272, 41984, 23552, 52224, 23808, 25856, 46592, 37376,
27648, 28672, 18432, 20480, 64768, 60672, 47360, 55808,
24064, 5376, 17920, 22272, 42752, 36096, 40192, 33792,
36864, 55296, 43776, 0, 35840, 48128, 54016, 2560,
63232, 58368, 22528, 1280, 47104, 45824, 17664, 1536,
53248, 11264, 7680, 36608, 51712, 16128, 3840, 512,
49408, 44800, 48384, 768, 256, 4864, 35328, 27392,
14848, 37120, 4352, 16640, 20224, 26368, 56320, 59904,
38656, 61952, 52992, 52736, 61440, 46080, 58880, 29440,
38400, 44032, 29696, 8704, 59136, 44288, 13568, 34048,
57856, 63744, 14080, 59392, 7168, 29952, 57088, 28160,
18176, 61696, 6656, 28928, 7424, 10496, 50432, 35072,
28416, 46848, 25088, 3584, 43520, 6144, 48640, 6912,
64512, 22016, 15872, 19200, 50688, 53760, 30976, 8192,
39424, 56064, 49152, 65024, 30720, 52480, 23040, 62464,
7936, 56576, 43008, 13056, 34816, 1792, 50944, 12544,
45312, 4608, 4096, 22784, 9984, 32768, 60416, 24320,
24576, 20736, 32512, 43264, 6400, 46336, 18944, 3328,
11520, 58624, 31232, 40704, 37632, 51456, 39936, 61184,
40960, 57344, 15104, 19712, 44544, 10752, 62720, 45056,
51200, 60160, 47872, 15360, 33536, 21248, 39168, 24832,
5888, 11008, 1024, 32256, 47616, 30464, 54784, 9728,
57600, 26880, 5120, 25344, 21760, 8448, 3072, 32000,
// s_iTF3
5373952, 589824, 6946816, 13959168, 3145728, 3538944, 10813440, 3670016,
12517376, 4194304, 10682368, 10354688, 8454144, 15925248, 14090240, 16449536,
8126464, 14876672, 3735552, 8519680, 10158080, 3080192, 16711680, 8847360,
3407872, 9306112, 4390912, 4456448, 12845056, 14548992, 15269888, 13303808,
5505024, 8060928, 9699328, 3276800, 10878976, 12713984, 2293760, 3997696,
15597568, 4980736, 9764864, 720896, 4325376, 16384000, 12779520, 5111808,
524288, 3014656, 10551296, 6684672, 2621440, 14221312, 2359296, 11665408,
7733248, 5963776, 10616832, 4784128, 7143424, 9109504, 13697024, 2424832,
7471104, 16252928, 16121856, 6553600, 8781824, 6815744, 9961472, 1441792,
13893632, 10747904, 6029312, 13369344, 6094848, 6619136, 11927552, 9568256,
7077888, 7340032, 4718592, 5242880, 16580608, 15532032, 12124160, 14286848,
6160384, 1376256, 4587520, 5701632, 10944512, 9240576, 10289152, 8650752,
9437184, 14155776, 11206656, 0, 9175040, 12320768, 13828096, 655360,
16187392, 14942208, 5767168, 327680, 12058624, 11730944, 4521984, 393216,
13631488, 2883584, 1966080, 9371648, 13238272, 4128768, 983040, 131072,
12648448, 11468800, 12386304, 196608, 65536, 1245184, 9043968, 7012352,
3801088, 9502720, 1114112, 4259840, 5177344, 6750208, 14417920, 15335424,
9895936, 15859712, 13565952, 13500416, 15728640, 11796480, 15073280, 7536640,
9830400, 11272192, 7602176, 2228224, 15138816, 11337728, 3473408, 8716288,
14811136, 16318464, 3604480, 15204352, 1835008, 7667712, 14614528, 7208960,
4653056, 15794176, 1703936, 7405568, 1900544, 2686976, 12910592, 8978432,
7274496, 11993088, 6422528, 917504, 11141120, 1572864, 12451840, 1769472,
16515072, 5636096, 4063232, 4915200, 12976128, 13762560, 7929856, 2097152,
10092544, 14352384, 12582912, 16646144, 7864320, 13434880, 5898240, 15990784,
2031616, 14483456, 11010048, 3342336, 8912896, 458752, 13041664, 3211264,
11599872, 1179648, 1048576, 5832704, 2555904, 8388608, 15466496, 6225920,
6291456, 5308416, 8323072, 11075584, 1638400, 11862016, 4849664, 851968,
2949120, 15007744, 7995392, 10420224, 9633792, 13172736, 10223616, 15663104,
10485760, 14680064, 3866624, 5046272, 11403264, 2752512, 16056320, 11534336,
13107200, 15400960, 12255232, 3932160, 8585216, 5439488, 10027008, 6356992,
1507328, 2818048, 262144, 8257536, 12189696, 7798784, 14024704, 2490368,
14745600, 6881280, 1310720, 6488064, 5570560, 2162688, 786432, 8192000,
// s_iTF4
1375731712, 150994944, 1778384896, -721420288, 805306368, 905969664, -1526726656, 939524096,
-1090519040, 1073741824, -1560281088, -1644167168, -2130706432, -218103808, -687865856, -83886080,
2080374784, -486539264, 956301312, -2113929216, -1694498816, 788529152, -16777216, -2030043136,
872415232, -1912602624, 1124073472, 1140850688, -1006632960, -570425344, -385875968, -889192448,
1409286144, 2063597568, -1811939328, 838860800, -1509949440, -1040187392, 587202560, 1023410176,
-301989888, 1275068416, -1795162112, 184549376, 1107296256, -100663296, -1023410176, 1308622848,
134217728, 771751936, -1593835520, 1711276032, 671088640, -654311424, 603979776, -1308622848,
1979711488, 1526726656, -1577058304, 1224736768, 1828716544, -1962934272, -788529152, 620756992,
1912602624, -134217728, -167772160, 1677721600, -2046820352, 1744830464, -1744830464, 369098752,
-738197504, -1543503872, 1543503872, -872415232, 1560281088, 1694498816, -1241513984, -1845493760,
1811939328, 1879048192, 1207959552, 1342177280, -50331648, -318767104, -1191182336, -637534208,
1577058304, 352321536, 1174405120, 1459617792, -1493172224, -1929379840, -1660944384, -2080374784,
-1879048192, -671088640, -1426063360, 0, -1946157056, -1140850688, -754974720, 167772160,
-150994944, -469762048, 1476395008, 83886080, -1207959552, -1291845632, 1157627904, 100663296,
-805306368, 738197504, 503316480, -1895825408, -905969664, 1056964608, 251658240, 33554432,
-1056964608, -1358954496, -1124073472, 50331648, 16777216, 318767104, -1979711488, 1795162112,
973078528, -1862270976, 285212672, 1090519040, 1325400064, 1728053248, -603979776, -369098752,
-1761607680, -234881024, -822083584, -838860800, -268435456, -1275068416, -436207616, 1929379840,
-1778384896, -1409286144, 1946157056, 570425344, -419430400, -1392508928, 889192448, -2063597568,
-503316480, -117440512, 922746880, -402653184, 469762048, 1962934272, -553648128, 1845493760,
1191182336, -251658240, 436207616, 1895825408, 486539264, 687865856, -989855744, -1996488704,
1862270976, -1224736768, 1644167168, 234881024, -1442840576, 402653184, -1107296256, 452984832,
-67108864, 1442840576, 1040187392, 1258291200, -973078528, -771751936, 2030043136, 536870912,
-1711276032, -620756992, -1073741824, -33554432, 2013265920, -855638016, 1509949440, -201326592,
520093696, -587202560, -1476395008, 855638016, -2013265920, 117440512, -956301312, 822083584,
-1325400064, 301989888, 268435456, 1493172224, 654311424, -2147483648, -335544320, 1593835520,
1610612736, 1358954496, 2130706432, -1459617792, 419430400, -1258291200, 1241513984, 218103808,
754974720, -452984832, 2046820352, -1627389952, -1828716544, -922746880, -1677721600, -285212672,
-1610612736, -536870912, 989855744, 1291845632, -1375731712, 704643072, -184549376, -1342177280,
-939524096, -352321536, -1157627904, 1006632960, -2097152000, 1392508928, -1728053248, 1627389952,
385875968, 721420288, 67108864, 2113929216, -1174405120, 1996488704, -704643072, 637534208,
-520093696, 1761607680, 335544320, 1660944384, 1426063360, 553648128, 201326592, 2097152000 };