File: system\reflection\parameterattributes.cs
Project: ndp\clr\src\bcl\mscorlib.csproj (mscorlib)
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// ParameterAttributes is an enum defining the attributes that may be 
//    associated with a Parameter.  These are defined in CorHdr.h.
// <EMAIL>Author: darylo</EMAIL>
// Date: Aug 99
namespace System.Reflection {
    using System;
    // This Enum matchs the CorParamAttr defined in CorHdr.h
    public enum ParameterAttributes
        None      =   0x0000,      // no flag is specified
        In        =   0x0001,     // Param is [In]    
        Out       =   0x0002,     // Param is [Out]   
        Lcid      =   0x0004,     // Param is [lcid]  
        Retval    =   0x0008,     // Param is [Retval]    
        Optional  =   0x0010,     // Param is optional 
        // Reserved flags for Runtime use only.
        ReservedMask              =   0xf000,
        HasDefault                =   0x1000,     // Param has default value.
        HasFieldMarshal           =   0x2000,     // Param has FieldMarshal.
        Reserved3                 =   0x4000,     // reserved bit
        Reserved4                 =   0x8000      // reserved bit 