File: system\globalization\numberstyles.cs
Project: ndp\clr\src\bcl\mscorlib.csproj (mscorlib)
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
** Enum:  NumberStyles.cs
** Purpose: Contains valid formats for Numbers recognized by
** the Number class' parsing code.
namespace System.Globalization {
    using System;
    public enum NumberStyles {
        // Bit flag indicating that leading whitespace is allowed. Character values
        // 0x0009, 0x000A, 0x000B, 0x000C, 0x000D, and 0x0020 are considered to be
        // whitespace.
        None                  = 0x00000000, 
        AllowLeadingWhite     = 0x00000001, 
        AllowTrailingWhite    = 0x00000002, //Bitflag indicating trailing whitespace is allowed.
        AllowLeadingSign      = 0x00000004, //Can the number start with a sign char.  
                                            //Specified by NumberFormatInfo.PositiveSign and NumberFormatInfo.NegativeSign
        AllowTrailingSign     = 0x00000008, //Allow the number to end with a sign char
        AllowParentheses      = 0x00000010, //Allow the number to be enclosed in parens
        AllowDecimalPoint     = 0x00000020, //Allow a decimal point
        AllowThousands        = 0x00000040, //Allow thousands separators (more properly, allow group separators)
        AllowExponent         = 0x00000080, //Allow an exponent
        AllowCurrencySymbol   = 0x00000100, //Allow a currency symbol.
        AllowHexSpecifier     = 0x00000200, //Allow specifiying hexadecimal.
        //Common uses.  These represent some of the most common combinations of these flags.
        Integer  = AllowLeadingWhite | AllowTrailingWhite | AllowLeadingSign,
        HexNumber = AllowLeadingWhite | AllowTrailingWhite | AllowHexSpecifier,
        Number   = AllowLeadingWhite | AllowTrailingWhite | AllowLeadingSign | AllowTrailingSign |
                   AllowDecimalPoint | AllowThousands,
        Float    = AllowLeadingWhite | AllowTrailingWhite | AllowLeadingSign | 
                   AllowDecimalPoint | AllowExponent,
        Currency = AllowLeadingWhite | AllowTrailingWhite | AllowLeadingSign | AllowTrailingSign |
                   AllowParentheses  | AllowDecimalPoint | AllowThousands | AllowCurrencySymbol,
        Any      = AllowLeadingWhite | AllowTrailingWhite | AllowLeadingSign | AllowTrailingSign |
                   AllowParentheses  | AllowDecimalPoint | AllowThousands | AllowCurrencySymbol | AllowExponent,