File: system\runtime\serialization\formatters\binary\binaryenums.cs
Project: ndp\clr\src\bcl\mscorlib.csproj (mscorlib)
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
 ** Class: BinaryEnums
 ** Purpose: Soap XML Formatter Enums
namespace System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
    using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters;
    using System.Runtime.Remoting;
    using System.Runtime.Serialization;
    using System;
    // BinaryHeaderEnum is the first byte on binary records
    // (except for primitive types which do not have a header)
    enum BinaryHeaderEnum
        SerializedStreamHeader = 0,
        Object = 1,
        ObjectWithMap = 2,
        ObjectWithMapAssemId = 3,
        ObjectWithMapTyped = 4,
        ObjectWithMapTypedAssemId = 5,
        ObjectString = 6,
        Array = 7,
        MemberPrimitiveTyped = 8,
        MemberReference = 9,
        ObjectNull = 10,
        MessageEnd = 11,
        Assembly = 12,
        ObjectNullMultiple256 = 13,
        ObjectNullMultiple = 14,
        ArraySinglePrimitive = 15,
        ArraySingleObject = 16,
        ArraySingleString = 17,
        CrossAppDomainMap = 18,
        CrossAppDomainString = 19,
        CrossAppDomainAssembly = 20,
        MethodCall = 21,
        MethodReturn = 22,
    // BinaryTypeEnum is used specify the type on the wire.
    // Additional information is transmitted with Primitive and Object types
    enum BinaryTypeEnum
        Primitive = 0,
        String = 1,
        Object = 2,    
        ObjectUrt = 3,
        ObjectUser = 4,
        ObjectArray = 5,
        StringArray = 6,
        PrimitiveArray = 7,
    internal enum BinaryArrayTypeEnum
        Single = 0,
        Jagged = 1,
        Rectangular = 2,
        SingleOffset = 3,
        JaggedOffset = 4,
        RectangularOffset = 5,        
    // Enums are for internal use by the XML and Binary Serializers
    // They will eventually signed to restrict there use
    // Formatter Enums
    internal enum InternalSerializerTypeE
        Soap = 1,
        Binary = 2,
    // Writer Enums
    internal enum InternalElementTypeE
        ObjectBegin = 0,
        ObjectEnd = 1,
        Member = 2,
    // ParseRecord Enums
    internal enum InternalParseTypeE
        Empty = 0,
        SerializedStreamHeader = 1,
        Object = 2,
        Member = 3,
        ObjectEnd = 4,
        MemberEnd = 5,
        Headers = 6,
        HeadersEnd = 7,
        SerializedStreamHeaderEnd = 8,
        Envelope = 9,
        EnvelopeEnd = 10,
        Body = 11,
        BodyEnd = 12,
    internal enum InternalObjectTypeE
        Empty = 0,
        Object = 1,
        Array = 2,
    internal enum InternalObjectPositionE
        Empty = 0,
        Top = 1,
        Child = 2,
        Headers = 3,
    internal enum InternalArrayTypeE
        Empty = 0,
        Single = 1,
        Jagged = 2,
        Rectangular = 3,
        Base64 = 4,
    internal enum InternalMemberTypeE
        Empty = 0,
        Header = 1,
        Field = 2,
        Item = 3,
    internal enum InternalMemberValueE
        Empty = 0,
        InlineValue = 1,
        Nested = 2,
        Reference = 3,
        Null = 4,
    // XML Parse Enum
    internal enum InternalParseStateE
        Initial = 0,
        Object = 1,
        Member = 2,
        MemberChild = 3,
    // Data Type Enums
    internal enum InternalPrimitiveTypeE
        Invalid = 0,
        Boolean = 1,
        Byte = 2,
        Char = 3,
        Currency = 4,
        Decimal = 5,
        Double = 6,
        Int16 = 7,
        Int32 = 8,
        Int64 = 9,
        SByte = 10,
        Single = 11,
        TimeSpan = 12,
        DateTime = 13,
        UInt16 = 14,
        UInt32 = 15,
        UInt64 = 16,
        // Used in only for MethodCall or MethodReturn header
        Null = 17,
        String = 18,
    internal enum MessageEnum
        NoArgs = 0x1,
        ArgsInline = 0x2,
        ArgsIsArray = 0x4,
        ArgsInArray = 0x8,
        NoContext = 0x10,
        ContextInline = 0x20,
        ContextInArray = 0x40,
        MethodSignatureInArray = 0x80,
        PropertyInArray = 0x100,
        NoReturnValue = 0x200,
        ReturnValueVoid = 0x400,
        ReturnValueInline = 0x800,
        ReturnValueInArray = 0x1000,
        ExceptionInArray = 0x2000,
        GenericMethod = 0x8000
    // ValueType Fixup Enum
    enum ValueFixupEnum
        Empty = 0,
        Array = 1,
        Header = 2,
        Member = 3,
    // name space
    internal enum InternalNameSpaceE
        None = 0,
        Soap = 1,
        XdrPrimitive = 2,
        XdrString = 3,
        UrtSystem = 4,
        UrtUser = 5,
        UserNameSpace = 6,
        MemberName = 7,
        Interop = 8,
        CallElement = 9
    internal enum SoapAttributeType
        None = 0x0,
        SchemaType = 0x1,
        Embedded = 0x2,
        XmlElement = 0x4,
        XmlAttribute = 0x8