File: system\resources\resourcetypecode.cs
Project: ndp\clr\src\bcl\mscorlib.csproj (mscorlib)
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
** Class:  ResourceTypeCode
** <OWNER>kimhamil</OWNER>
** Purpose: Marker for types in .resources files
namespace System.Resources {
    /* An internal implementation detail for .resources files, describing
       what type an object is.  
       0 - 0x1F     Primitives and reserved values
       0x20 - 0x3F  Specially recognized types, like byte[] and Streams
       Note this data must be included in any documentation describing the
       internals of .resources files.
    internal enum ResourceTypeCode {
        // Primitives
        Null = 0,
        String = 1,
        Boolean = 2,
        Char = 3,
        Byte = 4,
        SByte = 5,
        Int16 = 6,
        UInt16 = 7,
        Int32 = 8,
        UInt32 = 9,
        Int64 = 0xa,
        UInt64 = 0xb,
        Single = 0xc,
        Double = 0xd,
        Decimal = 0xe,
        DateTime = 0xf,
        TimeSpan = 0x10,
        // A meta-value - change this if you add new primitives
        LastPrimitive = TimeSpan,
        // Types with a special representation, like byte[] and Stream
        ByteArray = 0x20,
        Stream = 0x21,
        // User types - serialized using the binary formatter.
        StartOfUserTypes = 0x40