File: system\globalization\culturetypes.cs
Project: ndp\clr\src\bcl\mscorlib.csproj (mscorlib)
// ==++==
//   Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
// ==--==
// The enumeration constants used in CultureInfo.GetCultures().
// Note that this isn't exposed in Silverlight
namespace System.Globalization {    
    public enum CultureTypes 
        NeutralCultures             = 0x0001,             // Neutral cultures are cultures like "en", "de", "zh", etc, for enumeration this includes ALL neutrals regardless of other flags
        SpecificCultures            = 0x0002,             // Non-netural cultuers.  Examples are "en-us", "zh-tw", etc., for enumeration this includes ALL specifics regardless of other flags
        InstalledWin32Cultures      = 0x0004,             // Win32 installed cultures in the system and exists in the framework too., this is effectively all cultures
        AllCultures                 = NeutralCultures | SpecificCultures | InstalledWin32Cultures,
        UserCustomCulture           = 0x0008,               // User defined custom culture
        ReplacementCultures         = 0x0010,               // User defined replacement custom culture.
        [Obsolete("This value has been deprecated.  Please use other values in CultureTypes.")]
        WindowsOnlyCultures         = 0x0020,               // this will always return empty list.
        [Obsolete("This value has been deprecated.  Please use other values in CultureTypes.")]
        FrameworkCultures           = 0x0040,               // will return only the v2 cultures marked as Framework culture.