using System;
using Interlocked = System.Threading.Interlocked;
namespace Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing
namespace System.Diagnostics.Tracing
/// <summary>
/// TraceLogging: Contains the metadata needed to emit an event, optimized
/// for events with one top-level compile-time-typed payload object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">
/// Type of the top-level payload object. Should be EmptyStruct if the
/// event has no payload.
/// </typeparam>
internal class SimpleEventTypes<T>
: TraceLoggingEventTypes
private static SimpleEventTypes<T> instance;
internal readonly TraceLoggingTypeInfo<T> typeInfo;
private SimpleEventTypes(TraceLoggingTypeInfo<T> typeInfo)
: base(
new TraceLoggingTypeInfo[] { typeInfo })
this.typeInfo = typeInfo;
public static SimpleEventTypes<T> Instance
get { return instance ?? InitInstance(); }
private static SimpleEventTypes<T> InitInstance()
var newInstance = new SimpleEventTypes<T>(TraceLoggingTypeInfo<T>.Instance);
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref instance, newInstance, null);
return instance;