1 override of Length
mscorlib (1)
system\io\isolatedstorage\isolatedstoragefilestream.cs (1)
320public override long Length {
59 references to Length
mscorlib (16)
system\activationcontext.cs (1)
447int bufferSize = (int)fs.Length;
system\io\file.cs (1)
921long fileLength = fs.Length;
system\io\filestream.cs (2)
2031long len = Length; 2286long len = Length;
system\io\isolatedstorage\isolatedstoragefile.cs (1)
2764int length = (int) fs.Length;
system\io\isolatedstorage\isolatedstoragefilestream.cs (9)
273newFileSize = IsolatedStorageFile.RoundToBlockSize((ulong)m_fs.Length); 322return m_fs.Length; 427ulong oldLen = (ulong)m_fs.Length; 571oldLen = (ulong) m_fs.Length; 582newLen = (ulong)((m_fs.Length + offset) < 0 ? 0 : (m_fs.Length + offset)); 629ulong oldLen = (ulong)m_fs.Length; 667ulong oldLen = (ulong)m_fs.Length; 722ulong oldLen = (ulong)m_fs.Length;
system\reflection\strongnamekeypair.cs (1)
65int length = (int)keyPairFile.Length;
system\security\policy\policylevel.cs (1)
809int size = (int) stream.Length;
PresentationBuildTasks (3)
BuildTasks\Microsoft\Build\Tasks\Windows\ResourcesGenerator.cs (1)
67long length = _sourceStream.Length;
Shared\System\Windows\Markup\ReflectionHelper.cs (2)
654if (fileStream.Length > int.MaxValue) 659int size = (int)fileStream.Length;
System (9)
compmod\microsoft\csharp\csharpcodeprovider.cs (1)
3469int fileLen = (int)fs.Length;
compmod\microsoft\visualbasic\VBCodeProvider.cs (2)
2911int fileLen = (int)fs.Length; 2950long fileLength = stream.Length;
compmod\system\codedom\compiler\CodeCompiler.cs (2)
378if (outputStream.Length > 0) { 404int fileLen = (int)fs.Length;
net\System\Net\webclient.cs (4)
643m_ContentLength = fs.Length + formHeaderBytes.Length + boundaryBytes.Length; 644buffSize = (int)Math.Min((long)DefaultCopyBufferLength, fs.Length); 656m_ContentLength = fs.Length; 657buffSize = (int) Math.Min((long) DefaultCopyBufferLength, fs.Length);
System.Core (8)
System\IO\MemoryMappedFiles\MemoryMappedFile.cs (8)
150if (capacity == 0 && fileStream.Length == 0) { 155if (access == MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read && capacity > fileStream.Length) { 161capacity = fileStream.Length; 165if (fileStream.Length > capacity) { 208if (capacity == 0 && fileStream.Length == 0) { 221if (access == MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read && capacity > fileStream.Length) { 233capacity = fileStream.Length; 237if (fileStream.Length > capacity) {
System.Data (2)
fx\src\data\System\Data\OleDb\oledbconnectionstring.cs (1)
289long length = fstream.Length;
fx\src\data\System\Data\SQLTypes\SQLFileStream.cs (1)
237return m_fs.Length;
System.Drawing (1)
commonui\System\Drawing\Icon.cs (1)
103iconData = new byte[(int)f.Length];
System.Web (11)
Hosting\IIS7WorkerRequest.cs (1)
1005long fileSize = f.Length;
Hosting\ISAPIWorkerRequest.cs (3)
810long fileSize = f.Length; 1386Debug.Assert((f.Length - offset) == length); 1387int size = (int) (f.Length - offset);
HttpResponse.cs (4)
2772long size = f.Length; 2817size = f.Length; 2849long fileSize = f.Length; 2927long fileSize = f.Length;
HttpRuntime.cs (2)
1255if (fs.Length <= MaxAppOfflineFileLength) { 1256int length = (int)fs.Length;
HttpWriter.cs (1)
472long fileSize = f.Length;
System.Web.DataVisualization (1)
WebForm\General\ChartHttpHandler.cs (1)
1605byte[] fileData = new byte[fileStream.Length];
System.Windows.Forms (4)
winforms\Managed\System\Resources\ResXFileRef.cs (2)
309temp = new byte[s.Length]; 310s.Read(temp, 0, (int)s.Length);
winforms\Managed\System\WinForms\Cursor.cs (2)
125cursorData = new byte[f.Length]; 126f.Read(cursorData, 0, Convert.ToInt32(f.Length)); // assume that a cursor is less than 4gig...
System.WorkflowServices (4)
System\Workflow\Runtime\StreamedWorkflowDefinitionContext.cs (4)
65this.workflowDefinition = new byte[workflowDefStream.Length]; 66workflowDefStream.Read(workflowDefinition, 0, (int) workflowDefStream.Length); 70this.ruleDefinition = new byte[ruleDefStream.Length]; 71ruleDefStream.Read(this.ruleDefinition, 0, (int) ruleDefStream.Length);