1 write to m_lock
mscorlib (1)
system\threading\ManualResetEventSlim.cs (1)
265Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_lock, newObj, null); // failure is benign.. someone else won the ----.
10 references to m_lock
mscorlib (10)
system\threading\ManualResetEventSlim.cs (10)
259Contract.Ensures(m_lock != null); 261if (m_lock != null) 342Contract.Assert(m_lock != null); //if waiters>0, then m_lock has already been created. 343lock (m_lock) 346Monitor.PulseAll(m_lock); 633lock (m_lock) 669if (!Monitor.Wait(m_lock, realMillisecondsTimeout)) 752Contract.Assert(mre.m_lock != null); //the lock should have been created before this callback is registered for use. 753lock (mre.m_lock) 755Monitor.PulseAll(mre.m_lock); // awaken all waiters