Implemented interface members:
1977 references to Count
mscorlib (8)
system\collections\generic\debugview.cs (1)
124T[] items = new T[kc.Count];
system\collections\objectmodel\collection.cs (2)
191if (array.Length - index < Count) { 282return this.Count - 1;
system\runtime\interopservices\windowsruntime\windowsruntimemetadata.cs (4)
91if (assembliesCollection.Count > 0) 93RuntimeAssembly[] retAssemblies = new RuntimeAssembly[assembliesCollection.Count]; 126if (assemblyFilesCollection.Count > 0) 128string[] retAssemblyFiles = new string[assemblyFilesCollection.Count];
system\security\claims\ClaimsIdentity.cs (1)
509for (int j = 0; j < m_externalClaims.Count; j++)
PresentationCore (55)
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\Ink\GestureRecognizer\NativeRecognizer.cs (2)
192if (strokes.Count > 2) 200if ( strokes.Count == 0 )
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\Ink\InkSerializedFormat\InkSerializer.cs (15)
346if (0 != _coreStrokes.Count || _coreStrokes.ExtendedProperties.Count != 0) 1722new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Stroke, StrokeLookupEntry>(_coreStrokes.Count); 1725for (int i = 0; i < _coreStrokes.Count; i++) 1731_strokeDescriptorTable = new List<StrokeDescriptor>(_coreStrokes.Count); 1736using (MemoryStream localStream = new MemoryStream(_coreStrokes.Count * 125)) //reasonable default 1933for (int i = 0; i < _coreStrokes.Count; i++) 2060if (0 == strokes.Count) 2107cbWrote += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)(data.Length + SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)strokes.Count))); 2110cbWrote += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)strokes.Count); 2120uint cbStrokeId = (uint)(strokes.Count * Native.SizeOfInt + 1 + SerializationHelper.VarSize((uint)strokes.Count)); // 1 is for the compression header 2123cbWrote += SerializationHelper.Encode(strm, (uint)strokes.Count); 2204for (int j = 0; j < _coreStrokes.Count; j++) 2624for (count = 0; count < _coreStrokes.Count; count++) 2799int[] strokeIds = new int[strokes.Count];
Core\CSharp\MS\Internal\Ink\Renderer.cs (1)
586i = Math.Min(_visuals.Count, _strokes.Count); //not -1, we're about to decrement
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Ink\GestureRecognizer.cs (1)
212if (strokes.Count > 2)
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Ink\IncrementalHitTester.cs (9)
139_strokeInfos = new List<StrokeInfo>(strokes.Count); 140for (int x = 0; x < strokes.Count; x++) 184if (added.Count > 0) 187for (int i = 0; i < added.Count; i++) 194if (removed.Count > 0) 198for (int i = 0; i < _strokeInfos.Count && localRemoved.Count > 0; ) 201for (int j = 0; j < localRemoved.Count; j++) 220if (_strokes.Count != _strokeInfos.Count) 244List<StrokeInfo> newStrokeInfos = new List<StrokeInfo>(_strokes.Count);
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Ink\StrokeCollection.cs (18)
252if ( transformMatrix.IsIdentity || Count == 0 ) 305if ( this.Count > 0 ) 308for ( int x = 0; x < this.Count; x++ ) 390for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) 411if ( strokes.Count == 0 ) 455if ( strokes.Count == 0 ) 462int index = this.Count; 465for ( int x = 0; x < strokes.Count; x++ ) 515int replaceCount = strokesToReplace.Count; 542for ( int x = 0; x < strokesToReplaceWith.Count; x++ ) 561if ( strokesToReplaceWith.Count > 0 ) 681if ( this.Count == 0 ) 684Debug.Assert(e.Removed.Count > 0); 687else if ( e.Added.Count == 0 ) 692else if ( e.Removed.Count == 0 ) 752for ( int x = startingIndex; x < this.Count; x++ ) 782int[] indexes = new int[strokes.Count]; 791for ( int x = 0; x < strokes.Count; x++ )
Core\CSharp\System\Windows\Ink\StrokeCollection2.cs (9)
283for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 327for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 372for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 400for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 486for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 501System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(index >= 0 && index < this.Count); 502if (toReplace.Count == 0) 507else if (!(toReplace.Count == 1 && toReplace[0] == original)) 512index += toReplace.Count - 1;
PresentationFramework (387)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Annotations\Anchoring\LocatorManager.cs (14)
329if (locator.Parts[locator.Parts.Count - 1].NameValuePairs.ContainsKey(TextSelectionProcessor.IncludeOverlaps)) 331locator.Parts.RemoveAt(locator.Parts.Count - 1); 440if (offset < 0 || offset >= realLocator.Parts.Count) 586if (realLocator == null || locatorPartIdx < realLocator.Parts.Count) 603else if (realLocator != null && locatorPartIdx < realLocator.Parts.Count) 644locatorPartIdx = prefix.Parts.Count; 816if (locator != null && locator.Parts.Count != 0) 835if (ContentLocatorGroup.Locators.Count == 0) 839else if (ContentLocatorGroup.Locators.Count == 1) 941if (realLocator != null && offset == realLocator.Parts.Count - 1) 966Debug.Assert(offset >= 0 && offset < realLocator.Parts.Count, "offset out of range"); 1138Debug.Assert(data.LocatorPartIndex >= 0 && data.LocatorPartIndex < locator.Parts.Count, 1173if (data.LocatorPartIndex == locator.Parts.Count) 1183else if (data.LocatorPartIndex == locator.Parts.Count - 1)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Controls\InkCanvasSelectionAdorner.cs (1)
328if ( count == 1 && ((InkCanvasInnerCanvas)AdornedElement).InkCanvas.GetSelectedStrokes().Count == 0 )
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Controls\InnerItemCollectionView.cs (3)
515if (SortDescriptions.Count > 0 || Filter != null) 534if (_sort != null && _sort.Count > 0 && ViewCount > 0) 753Invariant.Assert(_sort.Count == 0, "must be empty SortDescription collection");
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Controls\StickyNote\StickyNoteAnnotations.cs (2)
98_isNewAnnotation = _annotation.Cargos.Count == 0; 202int nCount = sncAnnotation._annotation.Authors.Count;
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Controls\StickyNote\StickyNoteContentControl.cs (1)
443return ( (InkCanvas)InnerControl ).Strokes.Count == 0;
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\CollectionViewGroupInternal.cs (6)
135if (ItemCount > 0 && (GroupBy == null || GroupBy.GroupNames.Count == 0)) 215if (ProtectedItems.Count > 0) 240for (int i=0, n=ProtectedItems.Count; i < n; ++i) 382low = GroupBy.GroupNames.Count; 385int index = FindIndex(item, seed, comparer, low, ProtectedItems.Count); 446int n = ProtectedItems.Count;
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\CollectionViewGroupRoot.cs (2)
431for (int k=0, n=explicitNames.Count; k<n; ++k) 475if (result == null && level < GroupDescriptions.Count)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\EnumerableCollectionView.cs (2)
52if (_snapshot.Count > 0) 410if (args.NewStartingIndex < 0 || _snapshot.Count <= args.NewStartingIndex)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\LiveShapingList.cs (7)
122n = sdc.Count; 136if (sortProperties.Count == 0) 144n = sortProperties.Count; 165n = filterProperties.Count; 189if (groupingProperties.Count == 0) 209n = groupingProperties.Count; 266Debug.Assert(sdc.Count >= _compInfos.Length, "SortDescriptions don't match LivePropertyInfos");
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Data\SortFieldComparer.cs (2)
123SortPropertyInfo[] fields = new SortPropertyInfo[sortFields.Count]; 124for (int k = 0; k < sortFields.Count; ++k)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Ink\ClipboardProcessor.cs (10)
124if (strokes.Count > 1) 132for (int i = 0; i < inkCanvasStrokes.Count && strokes.Count != orderedStrokes.Count; i++) 134for (int j = 0; j < strokes.Count; j++) 144Debug.Assert(inkCanvasSelection.SelectedStrokes.Count == orderedStrokes.Count); 159if ( strokes.Count != 0 || elements.Count != 0 ) 169if ( strokes.Count != 0 ) 358if (strokes.Count != 0)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Ink\EraserBehavior.cs (1)
420if (eraseResult.Count > 0)
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Ink\InkCanvasSelection.cs (13)
117return SelectedStrokes.Count != 0 || SelectedElements.Count != 0; 232if ( strokesAreDifferent && SelectedStrokes.Count != 0 ) 241count = SelectedStrokes.Count; 261count = strokes.Count; 536&& SelectedStrokes.Count == 0 ) 567if ( SelectedStrokes.Count == 0 ) 569if ( strokes.Count > 0 ) 756if ( SelectedStrokes.Count > 0 ) 808if ( e.Added.Count != 0 && e.Removed.Count == 0 ) 838_cachedStrokesBounds = SelectedStrokes.Count != 0 ? 1019if ( strokes1.Count != strokes2.Count )
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Ink\ISFClipboardData.cs (1)
65return (Strokes != null && Strokes.Count != 0);
src\Framework\MS\Internal\Ink\LassoSelectionBehavior.cs (2)
651if ( hitTestStrokes.Count > 0 ) 653tappedStroke = hitTestStrokes[hitTestStrokes.Count - 1];
src\Framework\System\Windows\Annotations\Annotation.cs (3)
242if (_authors != null && _authors.Count > 0) 255if (_anchors != null && _anchors.Count > 0) 268if (_cargos != null && _cargos.Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Annotations\AnnotationDocumentPaginator.cs (2)
391if (locator.Parts[locator.Parts.Count - 1].NameValuePairs.ContainsKey(TextSelectionProcessor.IncludeOverlaps)) 393locator.Parts.RemoveAt(locator.Parts.Count - 1);
src\Framework\System\Windows\Annotations\AnnotationHelper.cs (1)
719locator.Parts[locator.Parts.Count - 1].NameValuePairs.Add(TextSelectionProcessor.IncludeOverlaps, Boolean.TrueString);
src\Framework\System\Windows\Annotations\AnnotationService.cs (3)
1344List<AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs> eventsToFire = new List<AttachedAnnotationChangedEventArgs>(annotation.Anchors.Count); 1348if (anchor.ContentLocators.Count == 0) 1703Invariant.Assert(_views.Count == 0, "Failed to unregister on a viewer before registering on new viewer.");
src\Framework\System\Windows\Annotations\LocatorGroup.cs (2)
240List<ContentLocatorBase> tempList = new List<ContentLocatorBase>(locatorGroup.Locators.Count * (this.Locators.Count - 1));
src\Framework\System\Windows\Annotations\LocatorPartList.cs (4)
103if (this.Parts.Count < locator.Parts.Count) 108for (int locatorPartIndex = 0; locatorPartIndex < locator.Parts.Count; locatorPartIndex++) 459if (newGroup.Locators.Count == 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Annotations\Storage\XmlStreamStore.cs (2)
270if (anchorLocator.Parts.Count > 0) 273for (int i = 0; i < anchorLocator.Parts.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Automation\Peers\CalendarAutomationPeer.cs (1)
305int numSelected = OwningCalendar.SelectedDates.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Automation\Peers\DataGridAutomationPeer.cs (3)
136return this.OwningDataGrid.Columns.Count; 151column >= 0 && column < this.OwningDataGrid.Columns.Count) 250for (int i = 0; i < this.OwningDataGrid.Columns.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Automation\Peers\DataGridColumnHeadersPresenterAutomationPeer.cs (1)
64if (OwningDataGrid?.Columns.Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Automation\Peers\DataGridItemAutomationPeer.cs (2)
243if (this.OwningDataGrid.Columns.Count > 0) 384for (int i = 0; i < this.OwningDataGrid.Columns.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Automation\Peers\GridViewAutomationPeer.cs (5)
46_oldColumnsCount = _owner.Columns.Count; 185return _owner.Columns.Count; 270if (_oldColumnsCount != _owner.Columns.Count) 276peer.RaisePropertyChangedEvent(GridPatternIdentifiers.ColumnCountProperty, _oldColumnsCount, _owner.Columns.Count); 280_oldColumnsCount = _owner.Columns.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\ConditionCollection.cs (1)
91for (int i=0; i<Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\Calendar.cs (2)
562if (addedDate.HasValue && !(c.SelectedDates.Count > 0 && c.SelectedDates[0] == addedDate.Value)) 1634if (this.SelectedDates.Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\CalendarBlackoutDatesCollection.cs (4)
66int n = Count; 211if (index >= 0 && index < this.Count) 235if (index >= 0 && index < this.Count) 358for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\DataGrid.cs (26)
386if (displayIndex < 0 || displayIndex >= Columns.Count) 1790if (columnIndex < (_columns.Count - 1)) 2193_selectedCells.RemoveRegion(newItemIndex, 0, 1, Columns.Count); 2231_selectedCells.RemoveRegion(newItemIndex + 1, 0, 1, Columns.Count); 3717_selectedCells.RemoveRegion(newItemIndex, 0, 1, Columns.Count); 4365int numColumns = _columns.Count; 4398int numColumns = _columns.Count; 4609int numColumns = _columns.Count; 4670int columnCount = _columns.Count; 4770if (!_isDraggingSelection && (_columns.Count > 0)) 4871int numColumns = _columns.Count; 4949_selectedCells.RemoveRegion(removeRangeStartIndex, 0, removeRangeEndIndex - removeRangeStartIndex + 1, Columns.Count); 4975_selectedCells.AddRegion(startIndex, 0, endIndex - startIndex + 1, _columns.Count); 5008int numColumns = _columns.Count; 5217int numColumns = _columns.Count; 5233int numColumns = _columns.Count; 5743int columnCount = Columns.Count; 5755if (nextDisplayIndex >= Columns.Count) 5986if ((currentCellContainer != null) && (_columns.Count > 0)) 6076if ((_columns.Count > 0) && (Items.Count > 0)) 7224for (int i = 0; i < Items.SortDescriptions.Count; i++) 7784if (_pendingInfos != null && _pendingInfos.Count > 0 && (columnCount = _columns.Count) > 0) 7832for (int columnIndex = Columns.Count - 1; columnIndex >= 0; --columnIndex) 7973if (frozenColumnCount > dataGrid.Columns.Count) 7975return dataGrid.Columns.Count; 8293Dictionary<string, StringBuilder> dataGridStringBuilders = new Dictionary<string, StringBuilder>(formats.Count);
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\DataGridCell.cs (2)
100if ((index >= 0) && (index < dataGrid.Columns.Count)) 427BindingExpressionBase[] bindingExpressionsCopy = new BindingExpressionBase[bindingExpressions.Count];
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\DataGridCellsPanel.cs (9)
202measureWidth += GetColumnEstimatedMeasureWidthSum(blockList[blockList.Count - 1].EndIndex + 1, parentDataGrid.Columns.Count - 1, averageColumnWidth); 270for (int i = 0, count = parentDataGrid.Columns.Count; i < count; i++) 835int columnCount = parentDataGrid.Columns.Count; 887int columnCount = Columns.Count; 1039int columnCount = columns.Count; 1393for (int i = 0, count = parentDataGrid.Columns.Count; i < count; i++) 1650if (children.Count == columns.Count) 2155if (index < 0 || index >= parentDataGrid.Columns.Count) 2240if (parentDataGrid != null && 0 <= index && index < parentDataGrid.Columns.Count)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\DataGridColumnCollection.cs (20)
70if (index >= Count || index < 0) 214int count = this.Count; 331Debug.Assert(newDisplayIndex >= 0 && newDisplayIndex < Count, "The new DisplayIndex should have already been validated"); 365Debug.Assert(oldDisplayIndex >= 0 && oldDisplayIndex < Count, "The old DisplayIndex should be valid"); 477int columnCount = Count; 568Debug.Assert(DisplayIndexMap.Count > Count, "Columns were just removed: the display index map shouldn't have yet been updated"); 666return displayIndex >= 0 && (isAdding ? displayIndex <= Count : displayIndex < Count); 732Debug.Assert(Count == DisplayIndexMap.Count, "Display Index map is of the wrong size"); 735Debug.Assert(DisplayIndexMap[i] >= 0 && DisplayIndexMap[i] < Count, "DisplayIndex map entry doesn't point to a valid column"); 755int columnCount = Math.Min(newFrozenCount, Count); 763int columnCount = Math.Min(oldFrozenCount, Count); 1610for (int i = startIndex, count = Count; i < count; i++) 1663for (int i = startIndex, count = Count; i < count; i++) 1694for (int i = Count - 1; iterationNeeded && i > resizingColumnIndex; i--) 1779for (int i = resizingColumnIndex + 1, count = Count; iterationNeeded && i < count; i++) 1860for (int i = startIndex, count = Count; i < count; i++) 1912for (int i = startIndex, count = Count; i < count; i++) 2497for (int i = 0, count = this.Count; i < count; i++) 2517for (int i = this.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\DataGridColumnHeaderCollection.cs (3)
35if (index >= 0 && index < _columns.Count) 127if (_columns != null && _current < _columns.Count - 1) 175return _columns != null && _current >= 0 && _current < _columns.Count && !HasChanged;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\DataGridHelper.cs (3)
506int count = subBindings.Count; 538BindingExpressionBase[] bindingExpressionsCopy = new BindingExpressionBase[expressions.Count]; 652BindingExpressionBase[] bindingExpressionsCopy = new BindingExpressionBase[expressions.Count];
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\GridView.cs (2)
92return SR.Get(SRID.ToStringFormatString_GridView, this.GetType(), Columns.Count); 522for (int i=0; i<_columns.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\GridViewColumnCollection.cs (2)
274GridViewColumn[] list = new GridViewColumn[Count]; 275if (Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\GridViewHeaderRowPresenter.cs (7)
259for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i) 349for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i) 376for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; ++i) 618for (int columnIndex = columns.Count - 1; columnIndex >= 0; columnIndex--) 873for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) 1292if (columns != null && children.Count > columns.Count) 1611for (int i = 0, count = Columns.Count; i < count; ++i)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\GridViewRowPresenter.cs (3)
44(Columns != null) ? Columns.Count : 0); 419if (children.Count == columns.Count) 421for (int i = 0, count = columns.Count; i < count; ++i)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\InkCanvas.cs (6)
2204else if ( newStrokes.Count == 0 && newElements.Count == 0 ) 2493int countOldSelectedStrokes = strokes.Count; 2521int countOldSelectedStrokes = strokes.Count; 2565int subsetCount = subset.Count; 2816if ( removeSelectedStrokes && strokes != null && strokes.Count != 0 ) 2954&& (inkCanvas.Strokes.Count > 0 || inkCanvas.Children.Count > 0));
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\InkPresenter.cs (3)
173if ( strokes != null && strokes.Count != 0 ) 505count = removedStrokes.Count; 513count = addedStrokes.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\ItemCollection.cs (8)
2205if (clone.Count + e.NewItems.Count != origin.Count) 2213if (clone.Count - e.OldItems.Count != origin.Count) 2224if (clone.Count != origin.Count) 2234if (clone.Count != origin.Count)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\ItemsControl.cs (3)
966return (GroupStyle.Count > 0); 1494if (level >= GroupStyle.Count) 1496level = GroupStyle.Count - 1;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\Primitives\CalendarItem.cs (1)
786if (this.Owner.SelectedDates.Count == 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\Primitives\DataGridCellsPresenter.cs (3)
124int newColumnCount = columns.Count; 263cellItems = new MultipleCopiesCollection(newItem, columns.Count); 356e.Action != NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset || columns.Count == 0,
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\Primitives\DataGridColumnHeader.cs (1)
551int columnCount = dataGrid.Columns.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\Primitives\DataGridColumnHeadersPresenter.cs (3)
957for (i = 0; i < dataGrid.Columns.Count; i++) 1019if (i == dataGrid.Columns.Count) 1021displayIndex = dataGrid.Columns.Count - 1;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\Primitives\GridViewRowPresenterBase.cs (2)
42(Columns != null) ? Columns.Count : 0); 191int count = columns.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\Primitives\Selector.cs (3)
916for (int i = 0; i < userSelectedItems.Count; i++) 1633InternalSelectedItemsStorage toRemove = new InternalSelectedItemsStorage(userSelectedItems.Count, MatchExplicitEqualityComparer); 1640for (int i=0; i < userSelectedItems.Count; ++i)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\SelectedDatesCollection.cs (10)
51if (Count < 1) 78if (Count < 1) 115if (this._owner.SelectionMode == CalendarSelectionMode.SingleRange && this.Count > 0) 221if (index >= this.Count) 239if (Count > 0) 275if (index >= this.Count) 354if (this.Count > 0) 371if (_removedItems.Count > 0) 455if (this._owner.SelectionMode == CalendarSelectionMode.SingleDate && this.Count > 0) 462if (this._owner.SelectionMode == CalendarSelectionMode.SingleRange && !_isAddingRange && this.Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\SelectedItemCollection.cs (1)
90if (index == Count)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\StickyNote.cs (2)
1000if (args.Removed.Count > 0 || args.Added.Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\ToolBarTray.cs (6)
113for (int i = 0; i < toolbarCollection.Count; i++) 243int count = Count; 483return _toolBarsCollection.Count; 860for (int i = 0; i < toolbarCollection.Count; i++) 900return totalNumber != toolbarCollection.Count; 933for (int i = startIndex + 1; i < toolbarCollection.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\Validation.cs (3)
524wasValid = (validationErrors.Count == 0); 551if (validationErrors == null || validationErrors.Count == 0 || !validationErrors.Contains(validationError)) 554bool isValid = (validationErrors.Count == 1); // about to remove the last error
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizedCellInfoCollection.cs (13)
987int numColumns = _owner.Columns.Count; 1016int numColumns = _owner.Columns.Count; 1053RemoveRegion(rowIndex, 0, 1, _owner.Columns.Count, ref removedRegions); 1072int numColumns = _owner.Columns.Count; 1160int numColumns = _owner.Columns.Count; 1204int numColumns = _owner.Columns.Count; 1263int numColumns = _owner.Columns.Count; 1401int numColumns = _owner.Columns.Count; 1442int numColumns = _owner.Columns.Count; 1486RemoveAllButRegion(rowIndex, 0, 1, _owner.Columns.Count); 1512CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1); 1537CellRegion rowRegion = new CellRegion(0, rowIndex, _owner.Columns.Count, 1); 1618(rowIndex < owner.Items.Count) && (columnIndex < owner.Columns.Count))
src\Framework\System\Windows\Controls\VirtualizingStackPanel.cs (1)
12226"Columns:", dg.Columns.Count,
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\Binding.cs (1)
267return (HasValue(Feature.ValidationRules) && ValidationRules.Count > 0);
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\BindingBase.cs (1)
456for (int i=0; i<collection.Count; ++i)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\BindingExpressionBase.cs (3)
2477for (int k = 0; k < tempList.Count; ++k) 2494if (tempList.Count > 0) 2496result = new WeakDependencySource[tempList.Count];
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\BindingGroup.cs (31)
297if (superset == null || superset.Count == 0) 300for (int i=superset.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 399for (int i=_bindingExpressions.Count - 1; i>=0; --i) 785for (int i=validationErrors.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 830WeakReference itemReference = _itemsRW.Count > 0 ? _itemsRW[0] : null; 850for (int i=_itemsRW.Count-1; i >= 0; --i) 907for (int i=ValidationRules.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 962if (mentor == null || ValidationRules.Count == 0) 990for (int i=0, n=ValidationRules.Count; i<n; ++i) 1014for (int i=0, n=oldErrors.Count; i<n; ++i) 1160for (int i=_bindingExpressions.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 1173for (int i=_bindingExpressions.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 1201for (int i=_bindingExpressions.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 1224for (int i=0, n=_validationRules.Count; i<n; ++i) 1351Debug.Assert(_bindingExpressions.Count == 0, "Unexpected Reset event"); 1415for (int i=0, n=proposedValues.Count; i<n; ++i) 1450for (int j=0, n=rules.Count; j<n; ++j) 1596for (int i=_table.Count-1; i >= 0; --i) 1615for (int i=_table.Count-1; i >= 0; --i) 1661for (int i=_table.Count-1; i >= 0; --i) 1677for (int i=_table.Count-1; i >= 0; --i) 1711for (int i=_table.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 1720for (int i=_table.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 1732return (_table.Count > 0) ? _table[0] : null; 1845if (_table.Count > 0) 1863public int Count { get { return _table.Count; } } 1890for (int i=_table.Count-1; i >= 0; --i) 1903for (int i=_table.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 1908for (int j=dependents.Count-1; j>=0; --j) 1922for (int i=_table.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 1933for (int i=_table.Count-1; i >= 0; --i)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\BindingListCollectionView.cs (4)
1331if ((_sort != null) && (_sort.Count > 0) && (CollectionProxy != null) && (CollectionProxy.Count > 0)) 2226ListSortDescription[] sortDescriptions = new ListSortDescription[sorts.Count]; 2227for (int i = 0; i < sorts.Count; i++) 2543if (!_allowMultipleDescriptions && (this.Count > 0))
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\CollectionView.cs (2)
853if (SortDescriptions.Count > 0) 908if (SortDescriptions.Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\CollectionViewSource.cs (4)
998for (i=0, n=SortDescriptions.Count; i < n; ++i) 1003else if (SortDescriptions.Count > 0) 1028for (i=0, n=GroupDescriptions.Count; i < n; ++i) 1033else if (GroupDescriptions.Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\ListCollectionView.cs (4)
2456get { return ((_sort != null) && (_sort.Count > 0)); } 2468if (sort != null && sort.Count > 0) 2938Invariant.Assert(_sort.Count == 0, "must be empty SortDescription collection"); 2950if (_sort.Count > 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\MultiBinding.cs (4)
102return (Bindings != null && Bindings.Count > 0); 263return (HasValue(Feature.ValidationRules) && ValidationRules.Count > 0); 354for (int i = 0; i < Bindings.Count; ++i) 408for (int i=0; i<=_bindingCollection.Count; ++i)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\MultiBindingExpression.cs (23)
53int count = binding.Bindings.Count; 126if (MutableBindingExpressions.Count == 0) 142if (MutableBindingExpressions.Count == 0) 213int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 238WeakDependencySource[] newSources = CombineSources(-1, MutableBindingExpressions, MutableBindingExpressions.Count, null, commonSources); 283for ( int i = 0; i < MutableBindingExpressions.Count; i++ ) 308for ( int i = 0; i < MutableBindingExpressions.Count; i++ ) 332for ( int i = 0; i < MutableBindingExpressions.Count; i++ ) 370int count = ParentMultiBinding.Bindings.Count; 409int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 457WeakDependencySource[] combinedSources = CombineSources(index, MutableBindingExpressions, MutableBindingExpressions.Count, newSources, commonSources); 483for (int i=0, n=MutableBindingExpressions.Count-1; i<n; ++i) 561int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 630int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 698int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 763int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 774for (int i=MutableBindingExpressions.Count-1; i>=0; --i) 807int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 898int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 933for (int k=0, n=childValues.Count; k<n; ++k) 960int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 1047int n = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 1165int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\ObjectDataProvider.cs (4)
242return (_mode == SourceMode.FromType) && (_constructorParameters.Count > 0); 265return _methodParameters.Count > 0; 458object[] parameters = new object[_constructorParameters.Count]; 525object[] parameters = new object[_methodParameters.Count];
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\PriorityBinding.cs (2)
97return (Bindings != null && Bindings.Count > 0); 124for (int i=0; i<=_bindingCollection.Count; ++i)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Data\PriorityBindingExpression.cs (6)
177get { return (_activeIndex == NoActiveBindingExpressions) ? MutableBindingExpressions.Count : _activeIndex + 1; } 202int count = ParentPriorityBinding.Bindings.Count; 204Debug.Assert(MutableBindingExpressions.Count == 0, "expect to encounter empty BindingExpression collection when attaching MultiBinding"); 218int count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count; 320for (int i=0, n=MutableBindingExpressions.Count-1; i<n; ++i) 537int i, count = MutableBindingExpressions.Count;
src\Framework\System\Windows\EventTrigger.cs (2)
283for( int i = 0; i < triggerCollection.Count; i++ ) 342for( int i = 0; i < triggerCollection.Count; i++ )
src\Framework\System\Windows\FrameworkContentElement.cs (1)
267((resources.Count > 0) || (resources.MergedDictionaries.Count > 0)));
src\Framework\System\Windows\FrameworkElement.cs (2)
545if (triggerCollection == null || triggerCollection.Count == 0) 675((resources.Count > 0) || (resources.MergedDictionaries.Count > 0)));
src\Framework\System\Windows\Ink\Events.cs (1)
342if (strokes.Count < 1)
src\Framework\System\Windows\MultiDataTrigger.cs (2)
103if (_conditions.Count > 0) 110TriggerConditions = new TriggerCondition[_conditions.Count];
src\Framework\System\Windows\MultiTrigger.cs (2)
93if (_conditions.Count > 0) 100TriggerConditions = new TriggerCondition[_conditions.Count];
src\Framework\System\Windows\PropertyPath.cs (7)
418builder.Append(parameters.Count.ToString(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS.NumberFormat)); 443builder.Append(parameters.Count.ToString(TypeConverterHelper.InvariantEnglishUS.NumberFormat)); 477if (parameters.Count > 0) 558if (0 <= index && index < PathParameters.Count) 570throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.PathParametersIndexOutOfRange, index, PathParameters.Count)); 725if (0 <= index && index < PathParameters.Count) 740throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.PathParametersIndexOutOfRange, index, PathParameters.Count));
src\Framework\System\Windows\PropertyPathConverter.cs (1)
167if (path.PathParameters.Count == 0)
src\Framework\System\Windows\ResourceDictionary.cs (10)
266for (int i = 0; i < _mergedDictionaries.Count; i++) 364for (int i = 0; i < _mergedDictionaries.Count; i++) 516for (int i = MergedDictionaries.Count - 1; (i > -1); i--) 563for (int i = MergedDictionaries.Count - 1; (i > -1); i--) 739for (int i = MergedDictionaries.Count - 1; (i > -1) && !result; i--) 775for (int i = MergedDictionaries.Count - 1; i > -1; i--) 1924for (int i = 0; i < _mergedDictionaries.Count; i++) 1939for (int i = 0; i < _mergedDictionaries.Count; i++) 2057for (int i=0; i<MergedDictionaries.Count; i++) 2442for (int i=0; i<_mergedDictionaries.Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\ResourceDictionaryCollection.cs (1)
29for (int i=0; i<Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\SetterBaseCollection.cs (1)
91for (int i=0; i<Count; i++)
src\Framework\System\Windows\Style.cs (5)
652PropertyValues = new FrugalStructList<System.Windows.PropertyValue>(style.Setters.Count); 656for (int i = 0; i < style.Setters.Count; i++) 760int triggerCount = style._visualTriggers.Count; 804for( int k = 0; k < multiTrigger.Conditions.Count; k++ ) 818for( int k = 0; k < multiDataTrigger.Conditions.Count; k++ )
src\Framework\System\Windows\StyleHelper.cs (6)
919int triggerCount = triggers.Count; 971for( int k = 0; k < multiTrigger.Conditions.Count; k++ ) 984for( int k = 0; k < multiDataTrigger.Conditions.Count; k++ ) 4568for( int i = 0; i < triggers.Count; i++ ) 4630for( int i = 0; i < multiTrigger.Conditions.Count; i++ ) 4995for( int i = 0; i < multiDataTrigger.Conditions.Count; i++ )
src\Framework\System\Windows\TriggerBase.cs (1)
279for (int i = 0; i < setters.Count; i++ )
src\Framework\System\Windows\TriggerCollection.cs (2)
111for (int i=0; i<Count; i++) 196 for (int i = Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
src\Framework\System\Windows\VisualStateGroup.cs (1)
104for (int index = 0; index < CurrentStoryboards.Count; ++index)
src\Framework\System\Windows\VisualStateManager.cs (4)
741for (int index = 0; index < storyboards.Count; ++index) 799(other._targetProperty.PathParameters.Count == _targetProperty.PathParameters.Count)) 803for (int i = 0, count = _targetProperty.PathParameters.Count; i < count; i++)
System (27)
compmod\system\componentmodel\BindingList.cs (1)
585if (pos < 0 || pos >= Count || !this[pos].Equals(item)) {
net\System\Net\mail\MailMessage.cs (7)
297if (AlternateViews.Count == 0 && Attachments.Count == 0) { 303else if (AlternateViews.Count == 0 && Attachments.Count > 0){ 342if (view.LinkedResources.Count > 0) 365if (Attachments.Count > 0) 384else if (viewsPart.Parts.Count == 1 && string.IsNullOrEmpty(body))
net\System\Net\mail\Message.cs (3)
387if (To.Count > 0) { 395if (CC.Count > 0) { 406else if (ReplyToList.Count > 0) {
net\System\Net\mail\SmtpClient.cs (2)
478if (recipients.Count == 0) { 613if (recipients.Count == 0) {
net\System\Net\mail\SmtpTransport.cs (9)
269GlobalLog.Assert(recipients.Count > 0, "SmtpTransport::BeginSendMail()|recepients.Count <= 0"); 315GlobalLog.Assert(recipients.Count > 0, "SmtpTransport::SendMail()|recepients.Count <= 0"); 339exception = new SmtpFailedRecipientsException(failedRecipientExceptions, failedRecipientExceptions.Count == recipients.Count); 342if (failedRecipientExceptions.Count == recipients.Count){ 437while (toIndex < toCollection.Count) 470if (thisPtr.failedRecipientExceptions.Count == thisPtr.toCollection.Count) 473if (thisPtr.toCollection.Count == 1) 506InvokeCallback(new SmtpFailedRecipientsException(failedRecipientExceptions, failedRecipientExceptions.Count == toCollection.Count)); 529thisPtr.InvokeCallback(new SmtpFailedRecipientsException(thisPtr.failedRecipientExceptions, thisPtr.failedRecipientExceptions.Count == thisPtr.toCollection.Count));
net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection.cs (1)
21return addresses.Count;
net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\IPAddressCollection.cs (1)
21return addresses.Count;
net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\IPAddressInformationCollection.cs (1)
21return addresses.Count;
net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection.cs (1)
21return addresses.Count;
net\System\Net\NetworkInformation\UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection.cs (1)
23return addresses.Count;
System.Activities (76)
System\Activities\Activity.cs (1)
799if (this.constraints != null && this.constraints.Count > 0)
System\Activities\ActivityBuilder.cs (6)
130return propertyReferences.Count == 1 && propertyReferences.SingleItem != null; 136return propertyReferences.Count > 1 || propertyReferences.SingleItem == null; 144return propertyReferences.Count > 0; 217if (Count > 1) 219this.singleItemIndex = Count - 1; 239else if (Count == 1)
System\Activities\DurableInstancing\SaveWorkflowCommand.cs (2)
114(this.keysToFree == null || this.keysToFree.Count == 0) && 115(this.keysToComplete == null || this.keysToComplete.Count == 0) &&
System\Activities\DynamicActivityTypeDescriptor.cs (3)
111List<PropertyDescriptor> propertyDescriptors = new List<PropertyDescriptor>(this.Properties.Count + 2); 173Attribute[] totalAttributes = new Attribute[inheritedAttributes.Count + propertyAttributes.Count + 1]; 176totalAttributes[inheritedAttributes.Count + propertyAttributes.Count] = new DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden);
System\Activities\DynamicUpdate\DynamicUpdateMap.cs (1)
396if (this.entries != null && this.entries.Count > 0)
System\Activities\Expressions\IndexerHelper.cs (5)
18for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++) 31Type[] getTypes = new Type[indices.Count]; 32for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++) 43Type[] setTypes = new Type[indices.Count + 1]; 44for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i++)
System\Activities\Expressions\IndexerReference.cs (3)
70if (this.Indices.Count == 0) 100object[] indicesValue = new object[this.Indices.Count]; 102for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count; i++)
System\Activities\Expressions\MultidimensionalArrayItemReference.cs (4)
52if (this.Indices.Count == 0) 61for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count; i++) 87int[] itemIndex = new int[this.Indices.Count]; 88for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count; i++)
System\Activities\Expressions\New.cs (5)
64Type[] types = new Type[this.Arguments.Count]; 65for (int i = 0; i < this.Arguments.Count; i++) 100object[] objects = new object[this.Arguments.Count]; 101for (int i = 0; i < this.Arguments.Count; i++) 107for (int i = 0; i < this.Arguments.Count; i++)
System\Activities\Expressions\NewArray.cs (3)
55Type[] types = new Type[this.Bounds.Count]; 56for (int i = 0; i < this.Bounds.Count; i++) 96object[] objects = new object[this.Bounds.Count];
System\Activities\Expressions\ValueTypeIndexerReference.cs (3)
70if (this.Indices.Count == 0) 101object[] indicesValue = new object[this.Indices.Count]; 102for (int i = 0; i < this.Indices.Count; i++)
System\Activities\Hosting\WorkflowInstance.cs (1)
356if (updateErrors != null && updateErrors.Count > 0)
System\Activities\Runtime\ActivityInstanceMap.cs (1)
365if (updateErrors != null && updateErrors.Count > 0)
System\Activities\Statements\Flowchart.cs (4)
190if (this.ValidateUnconnectedNodes && (this.reachableNodes.Count < this.Nodes.Count)) 219if (this.StartNode == null && this.Nodes.Count > 0) 236node.Index = this.reachableNodes.Count;
System\Activities\Statements\InternalState.cs (9)
341if (originalTriggerInUpdatedDefinition != originalInternalState.internalTransitions.Count) 458for (int transitionIndex = 0; transitionIndex < originalTransition.TransitionDataList.Count; transitionIndex++) 525Fx.Assert(this.internalTransitions.Count == this.triggerInternalTransitionMapping.Count, "Triggers mappings are correct."); 607for (int updatedIndex = 0; updatedIndex < transition.TransitionDataList.Count; updatedIndex++) 680if (this.internalTransitions.Count > 0) 687this.currentRunningTriggers.Set(context, this.currentRunningTriggers.Get(context) + this.internalTransitions.Count); 761if (currentConditionIndex < transition.TransitionDataList.Count) 814for (int i = 0; i < this.Transitions.Count; i++) 827InternalTransitionIndex = this.internalTransitions.Count,
System\Activities\Statements\InternalTransition.cs (1)
39return this.transitionDataList.Count == 1 && this.transitionDataList[0].Condition == null;
System\Activities\Statements\MethodExecutor.cs (2)
77int paramArrayCount = this.parameters.Count - formalParamCount + 1; 145for (int index = 0; index < parameters.Count; index++)
System\Activities\Statements\MethodResolver.cs (2)
132int paramArrayCount = Parameters.Count - formalParamCount; 147for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++)
System\Activities\Statements\Parallel.cs (2)
143if (this.branches != null && this.Branches.Count != 0) 147for (int i = this.Branches.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
System\Activities\Statements\Pick.cs (2)
121if (this.branchBodies.Count == 0) 136for (int i = this.branchBodies.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
System\Activities\Statements\Sequence.cs (5)
78for (int i = 0; i < this.Activities.Count - 1; i++) 80for (int j = i + 1; j < this.Activities.Count; j++) 100if (this.activities != null && this.Activities.Count > 0) 112if (completedInstanceIndex >= this.Activities.Count || this.Activities[completedInstanceIndex] != completedInstance.Activity) 119if (nextChildIndex == this.Activities.Count)
System\Activities\Statements\StateMachine.cs (6)
242if (state.Transitions.Count > 0) 244for (int i = 0; i < state.Transitions.Count; i++) 313if (state.Transitions.Count > 0) 324if (state.Transitions.Count == 0) 534if (states.Count > 0) 536for (int i = 0; i < states.Count; i++)
System\Activities\Statements\TryCatch.cs (1)
150if (this.Finally == null && this.Catches.Count == 0)
System\Activities\Tracking\ActivityStateQuery.cs (3)
68return this.states != null && this.states.Count > 0; 76return this.arguments != null && this.arguments.Count > 0; 84return this.variables != null && this.variables.Count > 0;
System\Activities\Tracking\WorkflowInstanceQuery.cs (1)
33return this.states != null && this.states.Count > 0;
System.Activities.Core.Presentation (4)
System\Activities\Core\Presentation\ReorderableListEditor.xaml.cs (1)
76if (oldIndex < this.List.Count - 1)
System\Activities\Core\Presentation\TransitionDesigner.xaml.cs (1)
233if (e.PropertyName.Equals(TriggerPropertyName) && this.TransitionsSharingTrigger.Count > 0)
System\Activities\Presentation\DynamicArgumentDesigner.xaml.cs (2)
162this.ButtonMovDown.IsEnabled = this.WPF_DataGrid.SelectedIndex < this.DynamicArguments.Count - 1; 672if (selectedArgumentIndex < this.DynamicArguments.Count - 1)
System.Activities.Presentation (31)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\CiderCategoryContainer.cs (4)
190return theThis.BasicCategoryEditors.Count == 0 && 191theThis.UnconsumedBasicProperties.Count == 0 && 192theThis.AdvancedCategoryEditors.Count == 0 && 193theThis.UnconsumedAdvancedProperties.Count == 0;
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\Editors\SubPropertyEditor.cs (1)
118return _quickTypeCollection.Count > 0;
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\FromExpression\Framework\PropertyInspector\CategoryBase.cs (1)
196for (int i = 0; i < this.CategoryEditors.Count; i++)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\FromExpression\Framework\PropertyInspector\CategoryContainer.xaml.cs (6)
293while (referenceOrder[referenceIndex] != property && insertionIndex < unconsumedProperties.Count) 379if ((editor.unconsumedAdvancedProperties.Count <= 0 && editor.advancedCategoryEditors.Count == 0) || !editor.AdvancedPropertyMatchesFilter) 508for (int i = unconsumedProperties.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 574if (allProperties == null || unconsumedProperties == null || unconsumedProperties.Count == allProperties.Count)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\Model\ModelCategoryEntry.cs (4)
66return _advancedProperties.Count + _basicProperties.Count == 0; 240(this.CategoryEditors != null && this.CategoryEditors.Count != 0); 301for (int i = propertyList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\DictionaryItemsCollection.cs (1)
27base.InsertItem(this.Count, item);
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Model\ModelItemImpl.cs (1)
164return (this.sources.Count > 0) ? this.sources.First() : null;
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Toolbox\ToolboxCategory.cs (1)
208get { return; }
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Toolbox\ToolboxCategoryItems.cs (1)
81get { return this.categories.Count; }
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\ActivityTypeResolver.xaml.cs (3)
205else if (tkv.MostRecentlyUsedTypes.Count > 0) 278Type[] arguments = new Type[this.GenericTypeMapping.Count]; 281for (int i = 0; i < this.GenericTypeMapping.Count && isValid; ++i)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\DataGridHelper.cs (2)
206if ((currentCellContainer != null) && (columns.Count > 0)) 437while (null != column && column.Visibility == Visibility.Hidden && this.dataGrid.Columns.Count > index)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\TypeBrowser.xaml.cs (4)
141if (this.localAssemblies.Count == 0) 211this.HasGenericTypes = GenericTypeMapping.Count > 0 ? true : false; 248Type[] arguments = new Type[this.GenericTypeMapping.Count]; 251for (int i = 0; i < this.GenericTypeMapping.Count && isValid; ++i)
System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\TypeKeyValue.cs (2)
151Type[] arguments = new Type[this.subTypes.Count]; 153for (int i = 0; i < this.subTypes.Count && isValid; ++i)
System.AddIn (7)
System\Addin\Hosting\AddInActivator.cs (1)
562String[] s = new String[warnings.Count];
System\Addin\Hosting\AddInStore.cs (6)
109warnings = new String[warningsCollection.Count]; 112else if (warningsCollection.Count > 0) { 168warnings = new String[warningsCollection.Count]; 220warnings = new String[warningsCollection.Count]; 416warnings = new String[warningsCollection.Count]; 635for (int i = validPipelines.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
System.Data (30)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\CiderCategoryContainer.cs (4)
190return theThis.BasicCategoryEditors.Count == 0 && 191theThis.UnconsumedBasicProperties.Count == 0 && 192theThis.AdvancedCategoryEditors.Count == 0 && 193theThis.UnconsumedAdvancedProperties.Count == 0;
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\Editors\SubPropertyEditor.cs (1)
118return _quickTypeCollection.Count > 0;
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\FromExpression\Framework\PropertyInspector\CategoryBase.cs (1)
196for (int i = 0; i < this.CategoryEditors.Count; i++)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\FromExpression\Framework\PropertyInspector\CategoryContainer.xaml.cs (6)
293while (referenceOrder[referenceIndex] != property && insertionIndex < unconsumedProperties.Count) 379if ((editor.unconsumedAdvancedProperties.Count <= 0 && editor.advancedCategoryEditors.Count == 0) || !editor.AdvancedPropertyMatchesFilter) 508for (int i = unconsumedProperties.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 574if (allProperties == null || unconsumedProperties == null || unconsumedProperties.Count == allProperties.Count)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Base\Core\Internal\PropertyEditing\Model\ModelCategoryEntry.cs (4)
66return _advancedProperties.Count + _basicProperties.Count == 0; 240(this.CategoryEditors != null && this.CategoryEditors.Count != 0); 301for (int i = propertyList.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\DictionaryItemsCollection.cs (1)
27base.InsertItem(this.Count, item);
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Model\ModelItemImpl.cs (1)
164return (this.sources.Count > 0) ? this.sources.First() : null;
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Toolbox\ToolboxCategory.cs (1)
208get { return; }
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\Toolbox\ToolboxCategoryItems.cs (1)
81get { return this.categories.Count; }
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\ActivityTypeResolver.xaml.cs (3)
205else if (tkv.MostRecentlyUsedTypes.Count > 0) 278Type[] arguments = new Type[this.GenericTypeMapping.Count]; 281for (int i = 0; i < this.GenericTypeMapping.Count && isValid; ++i)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\DataGridHelper.cs (1)
206if ((currentCellContainer != null) && (columns.Count > 0))
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\TypeBrowser.xaml.cs (4)
141if (this.localAssemblies.Count == 0) 211this.HasGenericTypes = GenericTypeMapping.Count > 0 ? true : false; 248Type[] arguments = new Type[this.GenericTypeMapping.Count]; 251for (int i = 0; i < this.GenericTypeMapping.Count && isValid; ++i)
cdf\src\NetFx40\Tools\System.Activities.Presentation\System\Activities\Presentation\View\TypeKeyValue.cs (2)
151Type[] arguments = new Type[this.subTypes.Count]; 153for (int i = 0; i < this.subTypes.Count && isValid; ++i)
System.Data.Linq (11)
DataBindingList.cs (5)
55if (!addingNewInstance && index >= 0 && index <= Count) { 61if (index >= 0 && index < Count && this[index] == cancelNewInstance) { 74if (index >= 0 && index < Count) { 95if (itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < Count && this[itemIndex] == addNewInstance) { 105if (itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < Count && this[itemIndex] == addNewInstance) {
EntitySetDataBindingList.cs (5)
48if (!addingNewInstance && index >= 0 && index <= Count) { 54if (index >= 0 && index < Count && this[index] == cancelNewInstance) { 67if (index >= 0 && index < Count) { 89if (itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < Count && this[itemIndex] == addNewInstance) { 99if (itemIndex >= 0 && itemIndex < Count && this[itemIndex] == addNewInstance) {
SqlClient\Common\SqlServer2KCompatibilityCheck.cs (1)
54if (visitor.reasons.Count > 0) {
System.Data.Services (9)
System\Data\Services\Epm\EpmSyndicationContentDeSerializer.cs (6)
56if (this.Item.Authors.Count > 0) 63if (this.Item.Authors.Count > 0) 70if (this.Item.Authors.Count > 0) 77if (this.Item.Contributors.Count > 0) 84if (this.Item.Contributors.Count > 0) 91if (this.Item.Contributors.Count > 0)
System\Data\Services\Epm\EpmSyndicationContentSerializer.cs (2)
227if (this.Target.Contributors.Count == 0) 249Debug.Assert(this.Target.Contributors.Count == 1, "There should be one and only one contributor.");
System\Data\Services\Serializers\SyndicationDeserializer.cs (1)
119return item.Content != null || item.Links.Count > 0;
System.Data.SqlXml (2)
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\QilGenerator.cs (1)
1825for (int idx = 0; idx < compiler.Keys.Count; idx++) {
System\Xml\Xsl\Xslt\QilGeneratorEnv.cs (1)
403for (int idx = 0; idx < compiler.Keys.Count; idx++) {
System.IdentityModel (74)
System\IdentityModel\Claims\WindowsClaimSet.cs (1)
225for (int i = 0; i < this.Groups.Count; ++i)
System\IdentityModel\Metadata\MetadataSerializer.cs (5)
2702if (organization.Names.Count < 1) 2713if (organization.DisplayNames.Count < 1) 2724if (organization.Urls.Count < 1) 2882if (securityTokenServiceDescriptor.SecurityTokenServiceEndpoints.Count == 0) 3006if (singleSignOnDescriptor.SingleLogoutServices != null && singleSignOnDescriptor.SingleLogoutServices.Count > 0)
System\IdentityModel\Protocols\WSTrust\WSTrustSerializationHelper.cs (1)
738if (rst.Claims.Count > 0)
System\IdentityModel\Selectors\SamlSecurityTokenAuthenticator.cs (1)
147for (int j = 0; j < this.allowedAudienceUris.Count; j++)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\Saml2SecurityTokenHandler.cs (25)
1586if (this.Configuration == null || this.Configuration.AudienceRestriction.AllowedAudienceUris.Count == 0) 1591if (conditions == null || conditions.AudienceRestrictions.Count == 0) 1727assertion.Subject.SubjectConfirmations.Count != 0 && 1884if (subject == null || attribute == null || attribute.Values == null || attribute.Values.Count < 1) 1919for (int k = 0; k < innerAttribute.Values.Count; ++k) 2150if (0 == subject.SubjectConfirmations.Count) 2156if (subject.SubjectConfirmations.Count > 1) 2172&& 0 != subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.KeyIdentifiers.Count) 2183|| 0 == subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.KeyIdentifiers.Count) 2747if (0 == assertion.Statements.Count) 2826else if (data.ExternalEncryptedKeys == null || data.ExternalEncryptedKeys.Count > 0) 2851if (data.Statements == null || 0 == data.Statements.Count) 3341if (0 == statement.Attributes.Count) 3384if (data.Attributes == null || 0 == data.Attributes.Count) 3500if (data.Audiences == null || 0 == data.Audiences.Count) 3967if (0 == data.Actions.Count) 4257if (0 == evidence.AssertionIdReferences.Count 4258&& 0 == evidence.Assertions.Count 4259&& 0 == evidence.AssertionUriReferences.Count) 4302if ((data.AssertionIdReferences == null || 0 == data.AssertionIdReferences.Count) 4303&& (data.Assertions == null || 0 == data.Assertions.Count) 4304&& (data.AssertionUriReferences == null || 0 == data.AssertionUriReferences.Count)) 5027if (null == subject.NameId && 0 == subject.SubjectConfirmations.Count) 5070if (null == data.NameId && 0 == data.SubjectConfirmations.Count) 5385if (data.KeyIdentifiers != null && data.KeyIdentifiers.Count > 0)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlAdvice.cs (2)
157for (int i = 0; i < this.assertionIdReferences.Count; i++) 164for (int i = 0; i < this.assertions.Count; i++)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlAssertion.cs (5)
85if (this.statements.Count == 0) 389if (this.statements.Count == 0) 408for (int i = 0; i < this.statements.Count; ++i) 568if (this.statements.Count == 0) 660for (int i = 0; i < this.statements.Count; i++)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlAttribute.cs (6)
52if (this.attributeValues.Count == 0) 189List<Claim> tempClaims = new List<Claim>(this.attributeValues.Count); 191for (int i = 0; i < this.attributeValues.Count; i++) 212if (this.attributeValues.Count == 0) 249if (this.attributeValues.Count == 0) 278for (int i = 0; i < this.attributeValues.Count; i++)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlAttributeStatement.cs (4)
73if (this.attributes.Count == 0) 120if (this.attributes.Count == 0) 147for (int i = 0; i < this.attributes.Count; i++) 160for (int i = 0; i < attributes.Count; i++)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlAudienceRestrictionCondition.cs (3)
65if (this.audiences.Count == 0) 101if (this.audiences.Count == 0) 123for (int i = 0; i < this.audiences.Count; i++)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlAuthenticationStatement.cs (1)
283for (int i = 0; i < this.authorityBindings.Count; i++)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlAuthorizationDecisionStatement.cs (3)
137for (int i = 0; i < this.actions.Count; ++i) 151if (this.actions.Count == 0) 213if (this.actions.Count == 0)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlConditions.cs (1)
174for (int i = 0; i < this.conditions.Count; i++)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlEvidence.cs (6)
96if ((this.assertions.Count == 0) && (this.assertionIdReferences.Count == 0)) 131if ((this.assertionIdReferences.Count == 0) && (this.assertions.Count == 0)) 153for (int i = 0; i < this.assertionIdReferences.Count; i++) 160for (int i = 0; i < this.assertions.Count; i++)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlSecurityTokenHandler.cs (1)
913if (this.Configuration == null || this.Configuration.AudienceRestriction.AllowedAudienceUris.Count == 0)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SamlSubject.cs (7)
62if ((this.confirmationMethods.Count == 0) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))) 65if ((this.confirmationMethods.Count == 0) && ((confirmationData != null) || (securityKeyIdentifier != null))) 197if ((this.confirmationMethods.Count == 0) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))) 200if ((this.confirmationMethods.Count == 0) && ((this.confirmationData != null) || (this.securityKeyIdentifier != null))) 302if (this.confirmationMethods.Count == 0) 333if ((this.confirmationMethods.Count == 0) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))) 378if (this.confirmationMethods.Count > 0)
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SecurityTokenHandlerCollection.cs (1)
205defaultHandlerCollectionCount = collection.Count;
System\IdentityModel\Tokens\SessionSecurityToken.cs (1)
836else if (identities.Count > 0)
System.Net (33)
net\PeerToPeer\Collaboration\ContactManager.cs (2)
1394if ((peerNearMe.PeerEndPoints == null) || (peerNearMe.PeerEndPoints.Count == 0) || (peerNearMe.PeerEndPoints[0].EndPoint == null)) 1527if ((peerNearMe.PeerEndPoints == null) || (peerNearMe.PeerEndPoints.Count == 0) || (peerNearMe.PeerEndPoints[0].EndPoint == null))
net\PeerToPeer\Collaboration\Peer.cs (4)
472if (guidSupplied && peerObjectCollection.Count != 0) 493"Returning collection with {0} objects.", peerObjectCollection.Count); 622"Returning collection with {0} objects.", peerObjectColl.Count); 1286if ((!fireCallback) && (m_numberOfResponses == m_peerEndPoints.Count) && (!m_aboutToFireCallback)){
net\PeerToPeer\Collaboration\PeerCollaboration.cs (5)
453Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Leaving GetPeersNearMeGetPeersNearMe with {0} peers.", pnmc.Count); 606if ((allUsersColl == null) || (allUsersColl.Count == 0)){ 609else if ((localUsersColl == null) || (localUsersColl.Count == 0)){ 776Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Filtering successful. Returning collection with {0} applications", peerAppCollFiltered.Count); 968Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Returning collection with {0} objects", peerObjectColl.Count);
net\PeerToPeer\Collaboration\PeerContact.cs (5)
301Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Leaving Get PeerEndPoints with {0} endpoints.", peerEndPoints.Count); 673if ((peerEndPoints == null) || (peerEndPoints.Count == 0)) 790if ((peerEndPoints == null) || (peerEndPoints.Count == 0)) 823if ((peerEndPoints == null) || (peerEndPoints.Count == 0)) 1112"Returning collection with {0} applications.", peerAppColl.Count);
net\PeerToPeer\Collaboration\PeerNearMe.cs (7)
186if ((peerEndPoints != null) && (peerEndPoints.Count != 0) && (peerEndPoints[0].Equals(peerEndPoint))) 268if (peerEndPoints.Count == 0) return; 702if ((peerEndPoints == null) || (peerEndPoints.Count == 0)) 736if ((peerEndPoints == null) || (peerEndPoints.Count == 0)) 772if ((peerEndPoints == null) || (peerEndPoints.Count == 0)) 801if ((peerEndPoints == null) || (peerEndPoints.Count == 0)) 902Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "\tNumber of Endpoints: {0}", PeerEndPoints.Count);
net\PeerToPeer\PeerNameRecord.cs (1)
170if (EndPointCollection != null && EndPointCollection.Count != 0)
net\PeerToPeer\PeerNameRegistration.cs (8)
303if ((EndPointCollection.Count == 0) && 362if (m_PeerNameRecord.EndPointCollection.Count == 0) 389int numAddresses = m_PeerNameRecord.EndPointCollection.Count; 398for (int i = 0; i < m_PeerNameRecord.EndPointCollection.Count; i++) 501if ((EndPointCollection.Count == 0) || 551if (m_PeerNameRecord.EndPointCollection.Count == 0) 572int numAddresses = m_PeerNameRecord.EndPointCollection.Count; 581for (int i = 0; i < m_PeerNameRecord.EndPointCollection.Count; i++)
net\PeerToPeer\PeerNameResolver.cs (1)
724Logging.P2PTraceSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Information, 0, "Sync Resolve returnig with PeerNameRecord count :{0}", PeerNameRecords.Count);
System.Runtime.Serialization (1)
System\Runtime\Serialization\XsdDataContractExporter.cs (1)
266for (int i = 0; i < knownTypes.Count; i++)
System.ServiceModel (551)
System\ServiceModel\Administration\ContractInstanceProvider.cs (5)
60IWmiInstance[] operations = new IWmiInstance[contractDescription.Operations.Count]; 64Fx.Assert(operationDescription.Messages.Count > 0, ""); 78if (operationDescription.Messages.Count > 1) 109List<IWmiInstance> behaviorInstances = new List<IWmiInstance>(behaviors.Count); 124List<IWmiInstance> behaviorInstances = new List<IWmiInstance>(behaviors.Count);
System\ServiceModel\Administration\EndpointInfoCollection.cs (1)
17for (int i = 0; i < endpoints.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Administration\EndpointInstanceProvider.cs (2)
75IWmiInstance[] bindings = new IWmiInstance[endpoint.Binding.Elements.Count]; 435List<IWmiInstance> behaviors = new List<IWmiInstance>(info.Behaviors.Count);
System\ServiceModel\Administration\ServiceInfo.cs (2)
52else if (this.Endpoints.Count > 0) 159result = new string[metadataStrings.Count];
System\ServiceModel\Administration\ServiceInstanceProvider.cs (1)
85List<IWmiInstance> behaviors = new List<IWmiInstance>(info.Behaviors.Count);
System\ServiceModel\BasicHttpBinding.cs (1)
181if (elements.Count > 3)
System\ServiceModel\ChannelFactory.cs (1)
239for (int i = 0; i < operations.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\Binding.cs (2)
296for (index = 0; index < elements.Count; index++) 316if (index != elements.Count - 1)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\BindingContext.cs (2)
131if (this.remainingBindingElements.Count == 0) 159if (this.RemainingBindingElements.Count != 0)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\BindingElementCollection.cs (5)
45for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++) 55for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 78for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 98for (int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++) 127for (int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\BindingParameterCollection.cs (1)
33for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\CallbackContextMessageProperty.cs (1)
196for (int i = 0; i < builder.Headers.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ChannelDemuxer.cs (1)
3677for (int i = 0; i < this.cachedContextState.CachedBindingParameters.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ChannelParameterCollection.cs (1)
40for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ChannelRequirements.cs (1)
32for (int i = 0; i < contractDescription.Operations.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ConnectionOrientedTransportChannelFactory.cs (2)
54if (upgradeBindingElements.Count > 1) 58else if ((upgradeBindingElements.Count == 1) && this.SupportsUpgrade(upgradeBindingElements[0]))
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ConnectionOrientedTransportChannelListener.cs (2)
76if (upgradeBindingElements.Count > 1) 80else if ((upgradeBindingElements.Count == 1) && this.SupportsUpgrade(upgradeBindingElements[0]))
System\ServiceModel\Channels\CustomBinding.cs (2)
81for (int i = 0; i < bindingElements.Count; i++) 119for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\EndpointSettings.cs (2)
17context.BindingParameters.Count == 0) 28bindingParameters.Count == 0)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\HttpChannelFactory.cs (4)
111if (httpCookieContainerBindingElements.Count > 1) 115if (httpCookieContainerBindingElements.Count == 1) 176if (clientWebSocketFactories.Count > 1) 184this.clientWebSocketFactory = clientWebSocketFactories.Count == 0 ? null : clientWebSocketFactories[0];
System\ServiceModel\Channels\MessageEncodingBindingElementImporter.cs (1)
53for (int i = 0; i < operation.Messages.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\PeerTransportBindingElement.cs (4)
312if (customResolverElements.Count > 1) 316else if (customResolverElements.Count == 1) 328if (resolverBindingElements.Count > 1) 332else if (resolverBindingElements.Count == 0)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ReliableMessagingHelpers.cs (1)
3534if (addresses.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\ReliableSessionBindingElement.cs (1)
711for (int i = 0; i < bindingElements.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\SecurityBindingElement.cs (63)
352for (int i = 0; i < builder.Binding.Elements.Count; ++i) 406for (int i = 0; i < issuerBindingContext.RemainingBindingElements.Count; ++i) 450for (int i = 0; i < supportingParameters.Endorsing.Count; ++i) 454for (int i = 0; i < supportingParameters.SignedEndorsing.Count; ++i) 458for (int i = 0; i < supportingParameters.Signed.Count; ++i) 462for (int i = 0; i < supportingParameters.SignedEncrypted.Count; ++i) 1057if (parameters.Signed.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count != 0 || parameters.Endorsing.Count != 1 || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1181if (parameters.Signed.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count != 1 || parameters.Endorsing.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1336if (parameters.Signed.Count != 0 || (parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count == 0 && parameters.Endorsing.Count == 0) || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1339if ((parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count == 1) && (parameters.Endorsing.Count == 0)) 1345else if ((parameters.Endorsing.Count == 1) && (parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count == 0)) 1411if (parameters.Signed.Count != 0 || (parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count == 0 && parameters.Endorsing.Count == 0) || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1414if ((parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count == 1) && (parameters.Endorsing.Count == 0)) 1420else if ((parameters.Endorsing.Count == 1) && (parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count == 0)) 1457if (parameters.Signed.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count != 1 || parameters.Endorsing.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1494if (parameters.Signed.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count != 1 || parameters.Endorsing.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1557if (parameters.Signed.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count != 0 || parameters.Endorsing.Count != 1 || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1645if (parameters.Signed.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count != 0 || parameters.Endorsing.Count != 1 || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1702if (parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count != 0 || (parameters.Signed.Count == 0 && parameters.Endorsing.Count == 0) || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1704if ((parameters.Signed.Count == 1) && (parameters.Endorsing.Count == 0)) 1710else if ((parameters.Endorsing.Count == 1) && (parameters.Signed.Count == 0)) 1810if (parameters.Signed.Count != 0 || parameters.SignedEncrypted.Count != 0 || parameters.Endorsing.Count != 1 || parameters.SignedEndorsing.Count != 0) 1978for (int i = 0; i < assertions.Count; ++i) 1996for (int i = 0; i < assertions.Count; ++i) 2281if (supportingTokenAssertions.Count > 0 2296if (r.Endorsing.Count > 0 || r.SignedEndorsing.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\SecurityBindingElementImporter.cs (17)
65if (requirements.Endorsing.Count > 0 66|| requirements.Signed.Count > 0 67|| requirements.SignedEncrypted.Count > 0 68|| requirements.SignedEndorsing.Count > 0) 79if (optionalRequirements.Endorsing.Count > 0 80|| optionalRequirements.Signed.Count > 0 81|| optionalRequirements.SignedEncrypted.Count > 0 82|| optionalRequirements.SignedEndorsing.Count > 0) 284if (!OperationFormatter.IsValidReturnValue(message.Body.ReturnValue) || message.Body.Parts.Count == 0) 614if (binding.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Count > 0 615|| binding.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.SignedEndorsing.Count > 0 616|| binding.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.SignedEncrypted.Count > 0 617|| binding.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Signed.Count > 0) 624if (r.Endorsing.Count > 0 625|| r.SignedEndorsing.Count > 0 626|| r.SignedEncrypted.Count > 0 627|| r.Signed.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\TransportBindingElement.cs (1)
124for (int i = 0; i < bindingElements.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\TransportChannelFactory.cs (2)
41if (messageEncoderBindingElements.Count > 1) 45else if (messageEncoderBindingElements.Count == 1)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\TransportChannelListener.cs (2)
75if (messageEncoderBindingElements.Count > 1) 79else if (messageEncoderBindingElements.Count == 1)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\TransportSecurityBindingElement.cs (3)
45if (this.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Count > 0) 90if (this.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Count > 0) 178if (this.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Channels\WsrmMessageInfo.cs (1)
670if ((notUnderstoodHeaders != null) && (notUnderstoodHeaders.Count > 0))
System\ServiceModel\ComIntegration\ComPlusDiagnosticTraceRecords.cs (1)
354ComPlusMexBuilderMetadataRetrievedEndpoint[] endpoints = new ComPlusMexBuilderMetadataRetrievedEndpoint[serviceEndpointsRetrieved.Count];
System\ServiceModel\ComIntegration\ComPlusTypeLoader.cs (2)
122if (contract.Operations.Count == 0) 183if (contract.Operations.FindAll(operationName.EncodedName).Count != 0)
System\ServiceModel\ComIntegration\DispatchProxy.cs (6)
222ins = new object[mInfo.opDesc.Messages[0].Body.Parts.Count]; 223outs = new object[mInfo.opDesc.Messages[1].Body.Parts.Count]; 226if (mInfo.opDesc.Messages[0].Body.Parts.Count > 0) 228for (int index = 0; index < mInfo.opDesc.Messages[0].Body.Parts.Count; index++) 231if (!mInfo.opDesc.IsOneWay && (mInfo.opDesc.Messages[1].Body.Parts.Count > 0)) 233for (int index = 0; index < mInfo.opDesc.Messages[1].Body.Parts.Count; index++)
System\ServiceModel\ComIntegration\MexServiceChannelBuilder.cs (3)
398if (serviceEndpointsRetrieved.Count == 0) 456for (int i = 0; i < wsdlImportExtensions.Count; i++) 471for (int i = 0; i < wsdlImportExtensions.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\ComIntegration\WsdlServiceChannelBuilder.cs (2)
314for (int i = 0; i < wsdlImportExtensions.Count; i++) 329for (int i = 0; i < wsdlImportExtensions.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Configuration\CustomBindingCollectionElement.cs (1)
132bool retval = configElement.Count == customBinding.Elements.Count;
System\ServiceModel\Configuration\IssuedTokenParametersElement.cs (1)
289bool writeComment = this.OptionalIssuedTokenParameters.Count > 0;
System\ServiceModel\Configuration\SecurityElementBase.cs (10)
228if (tsbe.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Count == 1) 430if (c1.Count != c2.Count) 433for (int i = 0; i < c1.Count; i++) 606if (sbe.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Count > 0 && 611else if (sbe.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Signed.Count > 0 && 616else if (sbe.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.SignedEncrypted.Count > 0 && 662if (sbe.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Count == 1) 666else if (sbe.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.SignedEncrypted.Count == 1) 670else if (sbe.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.Signed.Count == 1)
System\ServiceModel\Description\ContractDescription.cs (4)
191for (int i = 0; i < Operations.Count; i++) 218if (this.Operations.Count == 0) 224for (int i = 0; i < this.Operations.Count; i++) 246for (int i = 0; i < this.operations.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Description\DataContractSerializerOperationBehavior.cs (1)
115if (operation.Messages.Count == 2)
System\ServiceModel\Description\DispatcherBuilder.cs (26)
96for (int i = 0; i < contractDescription.Operations.Count; i++) 198for (int i = 0; i < description.Behaviors.Count; i++) 203for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++) 267for (int i = 0; i < stuff.Endpoints.Count; ++i) 644for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++) 706for (int i = 0; i < stuff.Value.Endpoints.Count; i++) 747for (int i = 0; i < stuff.Value.Endpoints.Count; i++) 755for (int j = 0; j < endpoint.Contract.Operations.Count; j++) 823for (int i = 0; i < description.Behaviors.Count; i++) 831for (int i = 0; i < stuff.Value.Endpoints.Count; i++) 847for (int k = 0; k < endpoint.Contract.Behaviors.Count; k++) 855for (int j = 0; j < endpoint.Behaviors.Count; j++) 871if (endpointInfos.Count > 1) 873for (int i = 0; i < endpointInfos.Count; i++) 875for (int j = i + 1; j < endpointInfos.Count; j++) 908for (int i = 0; i < endpointInfos.Count; i++) 949for (int i = 0; i < contractDescription.Operations.Count; i++) 974if (operation.Messages.Count == 1) 992for (int i = 0; i < operation.Faults.Count; i++) 1019for (int i = 0; i < operation.Faults.Count; i++) 1055for (int i = 0; i < contractDescription.Behaviors.Count; i++) 1063for (int i = 0; i < serviceEndpoint.Behaviors.Count; i++) 1081for (int i = 0; i < contract.Operations.Count; i++) 1096for (int j = 0; j < operation.Behaviors.Count; j++) 1121for (int j = 0; j < operation.Behaviors.Count; j++) 1326for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Description\ImportedPolicyConversionContext.cs (4)
47remainingAssertionsAllowed -= this.endpointAssertions.Count; 68remainingAssertionsAllowed -= this.operationBindingAssertions[entry.Key].Count; 74remainingAssertionsAllowed -= this.messageBindingAssertions[entry.Key].Count; 80remainingAssertionsAllowed -= this.faultBindingAssertions[entry.Key].Count;
System\ServiceModel\Description\MessageContractExporter.cs (3)
103for (int messageIndex = 0; messageIndex < operation.Messages.Count; messageIndex++) 937if (description.Headers.Count > 0) 1072if (description.Headers.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Description\MessageContractImporter.cs (5)
183if (contractContext.Contract.Operations.Count <= 0) 189OperationInfo[] infos = new OperationInfo[contractContext.Contract.Operations.Count]; 510if (messageDescription.Body.Parts.Count > 0) 554if (messages != null && messages.Count > 0) 562if (messages.Count > 1)
System\ServiceModel\Description\MessageDescription.cs (3)
162return (Body.ReturnValue != null && Body.Parts.Count == 0 && Body.ReturnValue.Type == TypeOfUntypedMessage) || 163(Body.ReturnValue == null && Body.Parts.Count == 1 && Body.Parts[0].Type == TypeOfUntypedMessage); 171return !IsTypedMessage && Body.Parts.Count == 0 && (Body.ReturnValue == null || Body.ReturnValue.Type == typeof(void));
System\ServiceModel\Description\MetadataImporter.cs (3)
108if (policyContext.GetBindingAssertions().Count != 0) 113if (policyContext.GetOperationBindingAssertions(operation).Count != 0) 117if (policyContext.GetMessageBindingAssertions(message).Count != 0)
System\ServiceModel\Description\MetadataResolver.cs (1)
255if (importer.Errors.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Description\OperationDescription.cs (5)
176get { return this.Messages.Count == 1; } 255return (this.Messages.Count > 1) && 256(this.Messages[1].Body.Parts.Count > 0); 268if (this.Messages.Count != 1 && this.Messages.Count != 2)
System\ServiceModel\Description\OperationDescriptionCollection.cs (2)
19for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 30for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Description\OperationGenerator.cs (5)
363return (message.Body.Parts.Count == 0 && message.Headers.Count == 0); 655else if (messageDescription.Body.Parts.Count > 0) 928if (parent.Request.Headers.Count > 0) 938if (!parent.Oneway && parent.Response.Headers.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Description\PolicyAssertionCollection.cs (3)
42for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 68for (int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++) 102for (int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++)
System\ServiceModel\Description\ServiceContractGenerator.cs (5)
691if (x.Headers.Count != y.Headers.Count) 694MessageHeaderDescription[] xHeaders = new MessageHeaderDescription[x.Headers.Count]; 696MessageHeaderDescription[] yHeaders = new MessageHeaderDescription[y.Headers.Count]; 698if (x.Headers.Count > 1)
System\ServiceModel\Description\ServiceDescription.cs (1)
204for (int i = 0; i < this.Endpoints.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Description\ServiceEndpoint.cs (4)
235for (int j = 0; j < contract.Behaviors.Count; j++) 251for (int j = 0; j < this.Behaviors.Count; j++) 259for (int j = 0; j < contract.Operations.Count; j++) 263for (int k = 0; k < op.Behaviors.Count; k++)
System\ServiceModel\Description\ServiceMetadataBehavior.cs (1)
520if (exporter.Errors.Count > 0 && DiagnosticUtility.ShouldTraceWarning)
System\ServiceModel\Description\TypeLoader.cs (28)
215for (int i = 0; i < contractDesc.Operations.Count; i++) 226for (int i = 0; i < contractDesc.Operations.Count; i++) 236for (int j = 0; j < toAdd.Count; j++) 250for (int j = 0; j < toAdd.Count; j++) 264for (int j = 0; j < toAdd.Count; j++) 273for (int i = 0; i < contractDesc.Operations.Count; i++) 289for (int i = 0; i < contractDesc.Operations.Count; i++) 553for (int i = 0; i < serviceEndpoint.Contract.Operations.Count; i++) 564for (int j = 0; j < toAdd.Count; j++) 570for (int k = 0; k < opBehaviors.Count; k++) 823for (int i = 0; i < operations.Count; i++) 1135for (int i = 0; i < messageDescription.Headers.Count; i++) 1616if (this.asyncOperation.Faults.Count != 0) 1632if (this.asyncOperation.KnownTypes.Count != 0) 1647if (this.syncOperation.Messages.Count != this.asyncOperation.Messages.Count) 1662for (int index = 0; index < this.syncOperation.Messages.Count; ++index) 1738if (this.taskOperation.Faults.Count != 0) 1753if (this.taskOperation.KnownTypes.Count != 0) 1767if (this.syncOperation.Messages.Count != this.taskOperation.Messages.Count) 1781for (int index = 0; index < this.syncOperation.Messages.Count; ++index) 1859if (this.asyncOperation.Faults.Count != 0) 1875if (this.asyncOperation.KnownTypes.Count != 0) 1890if (this.taskOperation.Messages.Count != this.asyncOperation.Messages.Count) 1905for (int index = 0; index < this.taskOperation.Messages.Count; ++index) 1977for (int i = 0; i < toAdd.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Description\WsdlContractConversionContext.cs (1)
70for (int i = 0; i < extensions.Count; )
System\ServiceModel\Description\WsdlEndpointConversionContext.cs (1)
91for (int i = 0; i < extensions.Count;)
System\ServiceModel\Description\WsdlExporter.cs (1)
427for (int i = 0; i < operation.Messages.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Description\WsdlHelper.cs (1)
23if (metadataSet.MetadataSections.Count < 1)
System\ServiceModel\Description\WsdlImporter.cs (8)
391for (int i = 0; i < operation.Messages.Count; i++) 1002if (operationDescription.Messages.Count > 2) 1645if (policyContext.GetOperationBindingAssertions(operation).Count != 0) 1652if (policyContext.GetMessageBindingAssertions(message).Count != 0) 1672if (policyContext.GetBindingAssertions().Count != 0) 1677if (policyContext.GetOperationBindingAssertions(operation).Count != 0) 1686if (policyContext.GetMessageBindingAssertions(message).Count != 0) 2218policyAlternatives.OperationBindingAlternatives = new Dictionary<OperationDescription, IEnumerable<IEnumerable<XmlElement>>>(endpointContext.Endpoint.Contract.Operations.Count);
System\ServiceModel\Description\XmlSerializerOperationBehavior.cs (7)
300this.IsOneWay = operation.Messages.Count == 1; 412for (int i = 0; i < this.Operation.Faults.Count; i++) 507int paramCount = bodyParts.Count + (hasReturnValue ? 1 : 0); 518for (int i = 0; i < bodyParts.Count; i++) 528if (message.Body.Parts.Count != 1) 554part.Index = part.SerializationPosition = partList.Count; 565int headerCount = message.Headers.Count;
System\ServiceModel\Diagnostics\ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.cs (3)
36this.operationPerfCounters = new Dictionary<string, OperationPerformanceCountersBase>(contractDescription.Operations.Count); 37this.actionToOperation = new SortedList<string, string>(contractDescription.Operations.Count); 42Fx.Assert(opDescription.Messages.Count > 0, "OperationDescription.Messages should not be empty");
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\DataContractSerializerOperationFormatter.cs (4)
123messageInfo.BodyParts = new PartInfo[parts.Count]; 124for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++) 129messageInfo.HeaderParts = new PartInfo[messageDescription.Headers.Count]; 130for (int i = 0; i < messageDescription.Headers.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\MessageQueryTable.cs (1)
152if (collection.Count == 0)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\OperationFormatter.cs (11)
37if (description.Messages.Count == 2) 40int stringCount = 3 + requestDescription.Body.Parts.Count; 42stringCount += 2 + replyDescription.Body.Parts.Count; 420if (messageDescription.Properties.Count > 0) 430for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptions.Count; i++) 441if (messageDescription.Properties.Count > 0) 451for (int i = 0; i < propertyDescriptions.Count; i++) 497for (int i = 0; i < operation.Messages.Count; i++) 574members = new MemberInfo[description.Body.Parts.Count + description.Properties.Count + description.Headers.Count];
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\OperationSelectorBehavior.cs (1)
43for (int i = 0; i < description.Operations.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\PartialTrustValidationBehavior.cs (1)
65for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\PeerValidationBehavior.cs (2)
35if (operation.Messages.Count > 1) // Request-reply 79for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\PrimitiveOperationFormatter.cs (11)
51if (description.Messages.Count == 2) 54int stringCount = 3 + requestMessage.Body.Parts.Count; 56stringCount += 2 + responseMessage.Body.Parts.Count; 186PartInfo[] partInfos = new PartInfo[parts.Count]; 187for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; i++) 296if (description.Messages.Count == 2) 299if (requestMessage.Headers.Count > 0) 301if (requestMessage.Properties.Count > 0) 307if (responseMessage.Headers.Count > 0) 309if (responseMessage.Properties.Count > 0) 328for (int i = 0; i < bodyDescriptions.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\ProxyOperationRuntime.cs (1)
246if (headersNotUnderstood != null && headersNotUnderstood.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\QueryMatcher.cs (1)
70switch (matches.Count)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\SecurityValidationBehavior.cs (10)
147for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++) 207for (int i = 0; i < elements.Count; i++) 283for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++) 290for (int j = 0; j < endpoint.Contract.Operations.Count; j++) 363for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++) 698if (bindingElementStack.Count != 0) 911for (int i = 0; i < contract.Operations.Count; i++) 930for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++) 984for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++) 1054for (int i = 0; i < endpoint.Contract.Operations.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\StreamFormatter.cs (2)
199if (messageDescription.Body.Parts.Count == 0) 205if (messageDescription.Body.Parts.Count == 1)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\TransactionValidationBehavior.cs (6)
33for (int i = 0; i < endpoint.Contract.Operations.Count; i++) 129for (int i = 0; i < service.Endpoints.Count; i++) 140for (int j = 0; j < contract.Operations.Count; j++) 258for (int i = 0; i < endpoint.Contract.Operations.Count; i++) 285for (int i = 0; i < service.Endpoints.Count; i++) 297for (int j = 0; j < endpoint.Contract.Operations.Count; j++)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\XmlSerializerOperationFormatter.cs (5)
288object[] bodyPartValues = new object[messageInfo.RpcEncodedTypedMessageBodyParts.Count]; 323object[] bodyParameters = new object[bodyParts.Count + (hasReturnValue ? 1 : 0)]; 329for (int i = 0; i < bodyParts.Count; i++) 347object[] bodyPartValues = new object[messageInfo.RpcEncodedTypedMessageBodyParts.Count]; 388for (int i = 0; i < bodyParts.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\XPathMessageFilterTable.cs (9)
301if (filters.Count > 1) 305else if (filters.Count == 1) 321if (filters.Count > 1) 325else if (filters.Count == 1) 341if (filters.Count > 1) 345else if (filters.Count == 1) 361if (filters.Count > 1) 365else if (filters.Count == 1) 554for (int i = 0, count = matches.Count; i < count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\FederatedMessageSecurityOverHttp.cs (3)
315if (issuedTokenParameters.AlternativeIssuerEndpoints != null && issuedTokenParameters.AlternativeIssuerEndpoints.Count > 0) 341return (this.ClaimTypeRequirements.Count > 0); 365return (this.TokenRequestParameters.Count > 0);
System\ServiceModel\KeyedByTypeCollection.cs (1)
43for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\MsmqIntegration\MsmqIntegrationValidationBehavior.cs (4)
67for (int i = 0; i < description.Endpoints.Count; i++) 99if ((message.Body.Parts.Count == 0) && (message.Headers.Count == 0)) 103if (message.Body.Parts.Count == 1) // Single MsmqMessage<> argument is also legal
System\ServiceModel\MustUnderstandSoapException.cs (1)
52for (int i = 0; i < notUnderstoodHeaders.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\NetHttpBinding.cs (1)
185if (elements.Count > 4)
System\ServiceModel\NetMsmqBinding.cs (1)
248if (elements.Count > 3)
System\ServiceModel\NetNamedPipeBinding.cs (1)
239if (elements.Count > 4)
System\ServiceModel\NetPeerTcpBinding.cs (1)
207if (elements.Count != 3)
System\ServiceModel\NetTcpBinding.cs (1)
357if (elements.Count > 6)
System\ServiceModel\Security\AcceptorSessionSymmetricTransportSecurityProtocol.cs (1)
117for (int i = 0; i < securityHeader.EndorsingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\ChannelProtectionRequirements.cs (2)
267if (message.Body.Parts.Count > 0) 289if (message.Body.Parts.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Security\ClientCredentialsSecurityTokenManager.cs (1)
168for (int i = 0; i < channelParameters.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\ReceiveSecurityHeader.cs (1)
951if (wasProtectionOrderDowngraded && (this.BasicSupportingTokens != null) && (this.BasicSupportingTokens.Count > 0))
System\ServiceModel\Security\SecureConversationServiceCredential.cs (1)
31for (int i = 0; i < other.securityContextClaimTypes.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\SecurityMessageProperty.cs (5)
138return ((this.incomingSupportingTokens != null) && (this.incomingSupportingTokens.Count > 0)); 171return ((this.outgoingSupportingTokens != null) && (this.outgoingSupportingTokens.Count > 0)); 182for (int i = 0; i < this.outgoingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i) 190for (int i = 0; i < this.incomingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i) 282for (int i = 0; i < this.incomingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\SecurityProtocol.cs (5)
215for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Count; ++i) 240for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokenParameters.SignedEndorsing.Count; ++i) 265for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokenParameters.SignedEncrypted.Count; ++i) 290for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokenParameters.Signed.Count; ++i) 561for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokensProperty.OutgoingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\SecurityProtocolFactory.cs (4)
909for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokenParameters.Endorsing.Count; ++i) 927for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokenParameters.SignedEndorsing.Count; ++i) 945for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokenParameters.SignedEncrypted.Count; ++i) 963for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokenParameters.Signed.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\SecuritySessionSecurityTokenAuthenticator.cs (6)
746for (int i = 0; i < supportingTokenProperty.IncomingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i) 838if (logonManager == null && (sctCaches == null || sctCaches.Count == 0)) 853for (int i = 0; i < security.IncomingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i) 865for (int i = 0; i < securityContextTokensToRemove.Count; ++i) 867for (int j = 0; j < sctCaches.Count; ++j) 979for (int i = 0; i < securityProperty.IncomingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\SecuritySessionServerSettings.cs (1)
1373for (int i = 0; i < securityProperty.IncomingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\SecurityUtils.cs (1)
1429for (int i = 0; i < messageProperty.IncomingSupportingTokens.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\ServiceCredentialsSecurityTokenManager.cs (1)
274outOfBandTokenResolver = (outOfBandTokens.Count > 0) ? SecurityTokenResolver.CreateDefaultSecurityTokenResolver(new ReadOnlyCollection<SecurityToken>(outOfBandTokens), false) : null;
System\ServiceModel\Security\Tokens\IssuedSecurityTokenParameters.cs (22)
294if (unrecognizedRequiredClaims.Count > 0) 305if (unknownRequestParameters.Count > 0) 307for (int i = 0; i < unknownRequestParameters.Count; ++i) 335if (this.claimTypeRequirements.Count > 0) 356if (this.additionalRequestParameters.Count > 0) 360(this.claimTypeRequirements.Count > 0)); 400for (int i = 0; i < tmpCollection.Count; ++i) 479for (int i = 0; i < tmpCollection.Count; i++) 539if ((childrenToPromote != null) && (childrenToPromote.Count > 0)) 571for (int i = 0; i < processedElements.Count; ++i) 579for (int i = 0; i < tmpCollection.Count; ++i) 624if (childrenToPromote.Count > 0) 627for (int i = 0; i < childrenToPromote.Count; ++i) 641for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++) 727(this.AdditionalRequestParameters.Count == 1) && 742for (int i = 0; i < trustVersionNormalizedParameterCollection.Count; i++) 837if (parameters.ClaimTypeRequirements.Count == 1) 845else if ((parameters.AdditionalRequestParameters != null) && (parameters.AdditionalRequestParameters.Count > 0)) 874if (parameters.AlternativeIssuerEndpoints != null && parameters.AlternativeIssuerEndpoints.Count > 0) 936for (int i = 0; i < bindingElements.Count; i++) 943if (this.claimTypeRequirements.Count == 0) 950for (int i = 0; i < this.claimTypeRequirements.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Security\Tokens\IssuedSecurityTokenProvider.cs (5)
629for (int i = 0; i < this.requestProperties.Count; ++i) 645for (int i = 0; i < this.requestProperties.Count; ++i) 676for (int i = 0; i < this.requestProperties.Count; ++i) 810for (int i = 0; i < channelParameters.Count; ++i) 895for (int i = 0; i < this.requestProperties.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\Tokens\SupportingTokenParameters.cs (12)
116if (this.endorsing.Count == 0) 119for (k = 0; k < this.endorsing.Count; k++) 125if (this.signed.Count == 0) 128for (k = 0; k < this.signed.Count; k++) 134if (this.signedEncrypted.Count == 0) 137for (k = 0; k < this.signedEncrypted.Count; k++) 143if (this.signedEndorsing.Count == 0) 146for (k = 0; k < this.signedEndorsing.Count; k++) 176return signed.Count == 0 && signedEncrypted.Count == 0 && endorsing.Count == 0 && signedEndorsing.Count == 0;
System\ServiceModel\Security\WSSecurityPolicy.cs (41)
478&& alternative.Count == 0) 541&& alternative.Count == 0) 589&& alternative.Count == 0) 666if (alternative.Count == 0) 690if (alternative.Count == 0) 849if (alternative.Count == 0) 935if ((signed == null || signed.Count == 0) 936&& (signedEncrypted == null || signedEncrypted.Count == 0) 937&& (optionalSigned == null || optionalSigned.Count == 0) 938&& (optionalSignedEncrypted == null || optionalSignedEncrypted.Count == 0)) 997if ((endorsing == null || endorsing.Count == 0) 998&& (optionalEndorsing == null || optionalEndorsing.Count == 0)) 1121while (alternative.Count > 0 && TryImportTokenAssertion(importer, policyContext, alternative, out parameters, out isOptional)) 1132if (alternative.Count == 0) 1199while (alternative.Count > 0 && TryImportTokenAssertion(importer, policyContext, alternative, out parameters, out isOptional)) 1210if (alternative.Count == 0) 1263while (alternative.Count > 0 && TryImportTokenAssertion(importer, policyContext, alternative, out parameters, out isOptional)) 1274if (alternative.Count == 0) 1331if (security.EndpointSupportingTokenParameters.SignedEncrypted.Count > 0 || 1332security.OptionalEndpointSupportingTokenParameters.SignedEncrypted.Count > 0) 1338if (r.SignedEncrypted.Count > 0) 1345if (r.SignedEncrypted.Count > 0) 1505&& alternative.Count == 0) 1593&& alternative.Count == 0) 1725&& alternative.Count == 0) 1751&& alternative.Count == 0) 1777&& alternative.Count == 0) 1841&& alternatives.Count == 1 1842&& alternatives[0].Count == 1) 1916if (assertions.Count >= 1) 2057&& alternative.Count == 0) 2153&& alternative.Count == 0) 2202&& alternative.Count == 0) 2442&& alternative.Count == 0) 2526&& alternative.Count == 0) 2610&& alternative.Count == 0) 2805&& alternative.Count == 0) 2952for (int i = 0; i < wsdlImporter.Errors.Count; ++i) 2961if (parameters.AlternativeIssuerEndpoints != null && parameters.AlternativeIssuerEndpoints.Count > 0) 2999for (int j = 0; j < contract.Operations.Count; ++j) 3004for (int k = 0; k < operation.Messages.Count; ++k)
System\ServiceModel\Security\WSSecurityPolicy12.cs (11)
243&& alternative.Count == 0) 293&& alternative.Count == 0) 341&& alternative.Count == 0) 381if ((signed == null || signed.Count == 0) 382&& (optionalSigned == null || optionalSigned.Count == 0)) 416if ((signedEncrypted == null || signedEncrypted.Count == 0) 417&& (optionalSignedEncrypted == null || optionalSignedEncrypted.Count == 0)) 524while (alternative.Count > 0 && TryImportTokenAssertion(importer, policyContext, alternative, out parameters, out isOptional)) 535if (alternative.Count == 0) 572while (alternative.Count > 0 && TryImportTokenAssertion(importer, policyContext, alternative, out parameters, out isOptional)) 583if (alternative.Count == 0)
System\ServiceModel\Security\WSTrust.cs (1)
1258if (message.Body.Parts.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Security\WSTrustDec2005.cs (3)
119for (int i = 0; i < channelBehaviors.Count; ++i) 137if (originalRequestParameters.Count > 0 && originalRequestParameters[0] != null && originalRequestParameters[0].OwnerDocument != null) 140for (int i = 0; i < originalRequestParameters.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\WSTrustFeb2005.cs (1)
256for (int i = 0; i < channelBehaviors.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Security\WSTrustServiceHost.cs (1)
166if (Description.Endpoints.Count == 0)
System\ServiceModel\ServiceHost.cs (4)
545if (this.Description.Endpoints.Count == 0) 1788for (int i = 0; i < this.reflectedContracts.Count; i++) 1795for (int j = 0; j < this.reflectedContracts.Count; j++) 2004for (int j = 0; j < inheritedContracts.Count; j++)
System\ServiceModel\Syndication\Atom10FeedFormatter.cs (7)
416for (int i = 0; i < authors.Count; ++i) 425for (int i = 0; i < contributors.Count; ++i) 446for (int i = 0; i < authors.Count; ++i) 460for (int i = 0; i < contributors.Count; ++i) 1197for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; ++i) 1251for (int i = 0; i < feed.Links.Count; ++i) 1288for (int i = 0; i < item.Links.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Syndication\AtomPub10ServiceDocumentFormatter.cs (5)
419for (int i = 0; i < categories.Categories.Count; ++i) 735for (int i = 0; i < collection.Accepts.Count; ++i) 739for (int i = 0; i < collection.Categories.Count; ++i) 762for (int i = 0; i < this.Document.Workspaces.Count; ++i) 783for (int i = 0; i < workspace.Collections.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Syndication\FeedUtils.cs (3)
32for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; ++i) 46for (int i = 0; i < links.Count; ++i) 60for (int i = 0; i < persons.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Syndication\Rss20FeedFormatter.cs (12)
1102for (int i = 0; i < this.Feed.Links.Count; ++i) 1128if ((this.Feed.Authors.Count == 1) && (this.Feed.Authors[0].Email != null)) 1153for (int i = 0; i < this.Feed.Categories.Count; ++i) 1165if (this.Feed.Contributors.Count > 0) 1194for (int i = 0; i < this.Feed.Links.Count; ++i) 1210if (this.Feed.Links.Count > 1) 1232for (int i = 0; i < item.Links.Count; ++i) 1267if (item.Authors.Count == 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Authors[0].Email)) 1285for (int i = 0; i < item.Categories.Count; ++i) 1320for (int i = 0; i < item.SourceFeed.Links.Count; ++i) 1346for (int i = 0; i < item.Links.Count; ++i) 1413if (item.Contributors.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Syndication\SyndicationElementExtensionCollection.cs (2)
216for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; ++i) 256for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\WSDualHttpBinding.cs (1)
378if (elements.Count > 7)
System\ServiceModel\WSHttpBindingBase.cs (1)
331if (elements.Count > 6)
System\UriTemplate.cs (3)
572Fx.Assert(result.RelativePathSegments.Count - numMatchedSegments >= 0, "bad segment computation"); 1716for (int i = numMatchedSegments; i < relativePathSegments.Count; i++) 1718if (i < relativePathSegments.Count - 1)
System\UriTemplateMatch.cs (1)
166for (int i = this.wildcardSegmentsStartOffset; i < this.RelativePathSegments.Count; ++i)
System\UriTemplateTable.cs (14)
177Fx.Assert(nextCandidates.Count == 0, "nextCandidates should be empty"); 189if (nextCandidates.Count > 1) 191Fx.Assert(AllEquivalent(nextCandidates, 0, nextCandidates.Count), "demux algorithm problem, multiple non-equivalent matches"); 194if (nextCandidates.Count == 0) 204if (nextCandidates.Count == 0) 208if (nextCandidates.Count > 1) 210Fx.Assert(AllEquivalent(nextCandidates, 0, nextCandidates.Count), "demux algorithm problem, multiple non-equivalent matches"); 246Fx.Assert(nextCandidates.Count >= 1, "At least the first entry in the list should be kept"); 265if (c.Count == 0) 269if (c.Count == 1) 487if (this.templates.Count == 0) 508if (fastPathRelativePathSegments.Count != slowPathRelativePathSegments.Count) 512for (int i = 0; i < fastPathRelativePathSegments.Count; ++i)
System\UriTemplateTrieNode.cs (6)
686results.Add(new List<T>(this.items.Values[i].Count)); 688for (int j = 0; j < this.items.Values[i].Count; j++) 693Fx.Assert(results[i].Count == this.items.Values[i].Count, "We were supposed to add an item for each value in the collection"); 724for (int i = 0; i < subItems.Count; i++) 739for (int j = 0; j < this.items.Values[i].Count; j++) 762Fx.Assert(this.items.Values[0].Count > 0, "We are not adding a sub-list unless there is at list one item");
System.ServiceModel.Activation (3)
System\ServiceModel\Activation\HttpHostedTransportConfiguration.cs (2)
119Fx.Assert(transportManagerDirectory.Count == 1, "There should be only one TM in this mode"); 124switch (this.transportManagerDirectory.Count)
System\ServiceModel\Activation\ServiceHostFactory.cs (1)
49if (this.referencedAssemblies.Count == 0)
System.ServiceModel.Activities (74)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\ClientOperationFormatterProvider.cs (1)
49if (operationDescription.Behaviors.Count == 0)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\ContractInferenceHelper.cs (9)
170Fx.Assert(serviceEndpoint.Contract.Operations.Count == 1, "Client side contract should have exactly one operation!"); 344Fx.Assert(operation.Messages.Count == 0, "Operation already has input message"); 356Fx.Assert(operation.Messages.Count == 0, "Operation already has input message"); 367Fx.Assert(operation.Messages.Count > 0, "Operation does not have input message"); 368Fx.Assert(operation.Messages.Count < 2, "Operation already has output message"); 380Fx.Assert(operation.Messages.Count > 0, "Operation does not have input message"); 381Fx.Assert(operation.Messages.Count < 2, "Operation already has output message"); 527Fx.Assert(operation.Messages.Count == 2, "OperationDescription must be two-way for CorrectOutMessageForOperation to be invoked!"); 715if (correlationInitializers != null && correlationInitializers.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\ContractValidationHelper.cs (13)
151for (int index = 0; index < targetOperation.Faults.Count; index++) 243if (targetMessage.Body.Parts.Count == 0) 247else if (targetMessage.Body.Parts.Count > 1) 270if (targetMessage.Headers.Count > 0) 274if (targetMessage.Properties.Count > 0) 326if (targetMessage.Body.Parts.Count > 0) 344if (targetMessage.Body.Parts.Count == 0) 348else if (targetMessage.Body.Parts.Count > 1) 492if (message.Body.Parts.Count != 0) 527else if (operation.Messages.Count > 1) 559if (operation.Messages.Count > 1) 581if (message.Body.Parts.Count > 0) 612&& operation.Messages[0].Body.Parts.Count == 1
System\ServiceModel\Activities\CorrelationHandle.cs (1)
339if (correlationInitializers != null && correlationInitializers.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\FromReply.cs (2)
101outObjects = new object[this.parameters.Count]; 117for (int i = 0; i < this.parameters.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\FromRequest.cs (3)
84if (this.parameters == null || this.parameters.Count == 0) 90outObjects = new object[this.parameters.Count]; 105for (int i = 0; i < this.parameters.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\InternalSendMessage.cs (8)
3195c1.Behaviors.Count == c2.Behaviors.Count && //we have no way to verify each one 3227return (right == null || right.Count == 0); 3231return left.Count == 0; 3235return left.Count == right.Count && 3271if (o1.Behaviors.Count == o2.Behaviors.Count)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\MessagingActivityHelper.cs (1)
270if (correlationInitializers != null && correlationInitializers.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\Receive.cs (8)
236return this.correlationInitializers != null && this.correlationInitializers.Count > 0; 310if (this.CorrelationInitializers.Count != originalCorrelationInitializers.Count) 315for (int i = 0; i < this.CorrelationInitializers.Count; i++) 363for (int i = 0; i < this.correlationInitializers.Count; i++) 499if (operation.Messages != null && operation.Messages.Count > 0) 533if (message.Body.Parts.Count != 0) 604else if (operation.Messages.Count > 1)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\ReceiveMessageContent.cs (2)
190Fx.Assert(targetOperation.Messages.Count >= 1, "There must be at least one MessageDescription in an OperationDescription!"); 203Fx.Assert(targetOperation.Messages.Count == 2, "There must be exactly two MessageDescription objects for a two-way operation!");
System\ServiceModel\Activities\ReceiveParametersContent.cs (2)
160Fx.Assert(targetOperation.Messages.Count >= 1, "There must be at least one MessageDescription in an OperationDescription!"); 170Fx.Assert(targetOperation.Messages.Count == 2, "There must be exactly two MessageDescription objects for a two-way operation!");
System\ServiceModel\Activities\ReceiveReply.cs (3)
139for (int i = 0; i < this.correlationInitializers.Count; i++) 185Type[] faultTypes = new Type[operation.KnownTypes.Count]; 196if (this.correlationInitializers != null && this.correlationInitializers.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\Send.cs (3)
279for (int i = 0; i < this.correlationInitializers.Count; i++) 338Fx.Assert(internalCorrelationQueryCollection.Count <= 1, "Querycollection for send cannot have more than one correlation query"); 339if (internalCorrelationQueryCollection.Count == 1)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\SendMessageContent.cs (2)
205Fx.Assert(targetOperation.Messages.Count >= 1, "There must be at least one MessageDescription in an OperationDescription!"); 218Fx.Assert(targetOperation.Messages.Count == 2, "There must be exactly two MessageDescription objects for a two-way operation!");
System\ServiceModel\Activities\SendParametersContent.cs (2)
179Fx.Assert(targetOperation.Messages.Count >= 1, "There must be at least one MessageDescription in an OperationDescription!"); 189Fx.Assert(targetOperation.Messages.Count == 2, "There must be exactly two MessageDescription objects for a two-way operation!");
System\ServiceModel\Activities\SendReply.cs (4)
141for (int i = 0; i < this.correlationInitializers.Count; i++) 276if (operation.Messages.Count > 1) 303if (message.Body.Parts.Count > 0) 380&& operation.Messages[0].Body.Parts.Count == 1
System\ServiceModel\Activities\ToReply.cs (3)
180Fx.Assert(this.parameters.Count == 1, "Exception should be the only parameter!"); 237inObjects = new object[this.parameters.Count]; 238for (int i = 0; i < this.parameters.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\ToRequest.cs (3)
89if (this.parameters == null || this.parameters.Count == 0) 95inObjects = new object[this.parameters.Count]; 96for (int i = 0; i < this.parameters.Count; i++)
System\ServiceModel\Activities\WorkflowDefinitionProvider.cs (2)
70if (identityCollection.Count > 1 || (identityCollection.Count == 1 && identityCollection[0] != null))
System\ServiceModel\Activities\WorkflowService.cs (2)
129return this.implementedContracts != null && this.implementedContracts.Count > 0; 1159if (targetOperation.KnownTypes.Count > 0)
System.ServiceModel.Channels (1)
System\ServiceModel\UdpBinding.cs (1)
212if (bindingElements.Count > 2)
System.ServiceModel.Discovery (33)
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\AnnouncementDispatcherAsyncResult.cs (3)
38if (metadatas.Count == 0) 46this.innerResults = new AnnouncementSendsAsyncResult[endpoints.Count]; 48Collection<UniqueId> messageIds = AllocateMessageIds(metadatas.Count);
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\AnnouncementSendsAsyncResult.cs (3)
27: base(publishedEndpoints.Count, maxDelay, announcementClient, random, callback, state) 29Fx.Assert(publishedEndpoints.Count == messageIds.Count, "There must be one message Ids for each EndpointDiscoveryMetadata.");
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\Configuration\DynamicEndpointElement.cs (1)
116if (dynamicEndpoint.FindCriteria.ContractTypeNames.Count == 0)
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\DiscoveryClient.cs (3)
596if (!context.IsCompleted && (context.Result.Endpoints.Count < context.MaxResults)) 610if (context.Result.Endpoints.Count == context.MaxResults) 1358progress = (int)((float)Result.Endpoints.Count / (float)MaxResults * 100);
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\DiscoveryClientChannelBase.cs (5)
186if (currentEndpointDiscoveryMetadata.ListenUris.Count == 0) 296this.totalDiscoveredEndpoints == e.Result.Endpoints.Count) 304this.totalExpectedEndpoints = e.Result.Endpoints.Count; 480bool checkListenUris = (currentEndpointDiscoveryMetadata.ListenUris.Count > 0); 516while (index < this.currentEndpointDiscoveryMetadata.ListenUris.Count);
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\FindCriteria.cs (3)
214if ((contractTypeNames == null) || (contractTypeNames.Count == 0)) 220(endpointDiscoveryMetadata.InternalContractTypeNames.Count == 0)) 247return endpointDiscoveryMetadata.Scopes.Count == 0;
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\OfflineAnnouncementChannelDispatcher.cs (1)
103Fx.Assert(announcementEndpoints != null && announcementEndpoints.Count > 0, "The Announcement Endpoints collection must be non null and not empty.");
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\OnlineAnnouncementChannelDispatcher.cs (1)
29Fx.Assert(announcementEndpoints != null && announcementEndpoints.Count > 0, "The Announcement Endpoints collection must be non null and not empty.");
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\ProbeDuplexAsyncResult.cs (2)
219if ((redirectionEndpoints == null) || (redirectionEndpoints.Count == 0)) 344redirectionEndpoints.Count,
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\ResolveDuplexAsyncResult.cs (2)
178if ((redirectionEndpoints == null) || (redirectionEndpoints.Count == 0)) 284redirectionEndpoints.Count,
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\SerializationUtility.cs (6)
190if (uris.Count > 0) 192for (int i = 0; i < uris.Count - 1; i++) 198writer.WriteString(uris[uris.Count - 1].GetComponents(UriComponents.SerializationInfoString, UriFormat.UriEscaped)); 418if ((contractTypeNames != null) && (contractTypeNames.Count > 0)) 434if (scopes == null || scopes.Count == 0) 463if ((listenUris != null) && (listenUris.Count > 0))
System\ServiceModel\Discovery\ServiceDiscoveryBehavior.cs (3)
58if (serviceDescription.Endpoints.Count > appEndpoints.Count) 99if (this.announcementEndpoints.Count > 0) 149List<ServiceEndpoint> appEndpoints = new List<ServiceEndpoint>(serviceDescription.Endpoints.Count);
System.ServiceModel.Web (38)
System\ServiceModel\Description\WCFServiceClientProxyGenerator.cs (3)
114int numMessageParts = requestMessage.Body.Parts.Count; 127if (operation.Messages.Count > 1) 142for (int t = 0; t < operation.KnownTypes.Count; t++)
System\ServiceModel\Description\WebHttpBehavior.cs (26)
133cop.DeserializeReply = od.Messages.Count > 1 && !IsUntypedMessage(od.Messages[1]); 279dop.SerializeReply = od.Messages.Count > 1 && (replyDispatch != null); 434return (message.Body.ReturnValue != null && message.Body.Parts.Count == 0 && message.Body.ReturnValue.Type == typeof(Message)) || 435(message.Body.ReturnValue == null && message.Body.Parts.Count == 1 && message.Body.Parts[0].Type == typeof(Message)); 560if (operationDescription.Messages.Count < 2) 599if (operationDescription.Messages.Count < 2) 809bool thereIsAReply = operationDescription.Messages.Count > 1; 834for (int i = 0; i < bodyParameters.Count; ++i) 886if (operationDescription.Messages.Count > 1) 892if (operationDescription.Messages.Count > 1) 915for (int i = 0; i < parts.Count; ++i) 926for (int i = 0; i < originalParts.Count; ++i) 955if (message.Body.Parts.Count > 1) 959if (message.Body.Parts.Count == 1 && message.Body.Parts[0].Type != typeof(void)) 967if (message.Body.Parts.Count > 0) 989for (int i = 0; i < message.Body.Parts.Count; ++i) 999if (hasStream && message.Body.Parts.Count > 1) 1008for (int i = 0; i < message.Body.Parts.Count; ++i) 1018if (message.Body.Parts.Count > 0) 1042if (operation.Messages.Count > 1) 1193if (!request && operation.Messages.Count > 1 && IsBareResponse(style)) 1203if (!IsUntypedMessage(operation.Messages[0]) && operation.Messages[0].Body.Parts.Count != 0) 1227if (od.Messages.Count > 1) 1270if (md.Body.Parts.Count > 1) 1275if (md.Body.Parts.Count == 1 && md.Body.Parts[0].Multiple) 1284if (md.Headers.Count != 0)
System\ServiceModel\Description\WebScriptEnablingBehavior.cs (1)
193(messageDescription.Body.Parts.Count > 0))
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\HelpPage.cs (1)
231else if (od.Messages[1].Body.Parts.Count > 0)
System\ServiceModel\Dispatcher\UriTemplateClientFormatter.cs (1)
151for (int i = 0; i < operationDescription.Messages[0].Body.Parts.Count; ++i)
System\ServiceModel\Web\WebServiceHost.cs (6)
50&& host.Description.Endpoints.Count > 0 249if (operation.Messages.Count > 1 & !IsResponseStreamOrVoid(operation, ref numStreamOperations)) 289if (message.Body.Parts.Count == 0) 293else if (message.Body.Parts.Count == 1) 310if (operation.Messages.Count <= 1) 319if (message.Body.Parts.Count == 0)
System.Web (4)
ModelBinding\ModelBinderProviderCollection.cs (1)
57for (; i < Count; i++) {
ModelBinding\ModelStateDictionary.cs (2)
39return Values.All(modelState => modelState.Errors.Count == 0); 122return DictionaryHelpers.FindKeysWithPrefix(this, key).All(entry => entry.Value.Errors.Count == 0);
Routing\RouteCollection.cs (1)
174if (Count == 0) {
System.Web.DataVisualization (239)
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (5)
516 _graphicsPath.PointCount != _pathPoints.Count) 1509if (this.Count > 0) 1511PointF[] points = new PointF[this.Count]; 1512byte[] types = new byte[this.Count]; 1513for (int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++)
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (4)
407 || ser.ChartArea != area.Name || ser.Points.Count == 0 || !ser.IsVisible()) 429 if(ser.Points.Count == 1 && 1212 int nextIndx = series.Points.Count - 1; // Next data point index 1251 for( int indx = pointIndex; indx < series.Points.Count; indx++ )
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (2)
1573 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < boxPlotSeries.Points.Count; pointIndex++) 1617if (linkedSeries.Points.Count == 0)
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (2)
318 || ser.ChartArea != area.Name || ser.Points.Count == 0 || !ser.IsVisible()) 343if (ser.Points.Count == 1 &&
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (1)
1672 int pointNumber = errorBarSeries.Points.Count;
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (3)
1385 for( int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex >= 0 && pointIndex < series.Points.Count; pointIndex += 1 ) 1444 if( pointIndex == series.Points.Count - 1) 2633 double[] percentages = new double[series.Points.Count];
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (4)
412 series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[0] = 414 series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1]["OriginalPointIndex"] = pointIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 415series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].Tag = dataPoint; 638 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count];
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (5)
418 dataPointPos = new PointF[ser.Points.Count]; 524 (index + 1) < ser.Points.Count) 689 ser.Points.Count == 1) 1093 int pointsCount = series.Points.Count; // Number of data points 1160 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count];
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (4)
382 for(int dataPointIndex = 0; dataPointIndex < series.Points.Count; dataPointIndex++) 1916 lastPoint = points[ points.Count - 1 ]; 1921 lastPoint.Color = points[ points.Count / 2 ].Color; 4357 int numOfPoints = series.Points.Count - numOfEmpty;
Common\ChartTypes\PointAndFigureChart.cs (10)
602if (series.Points.Count > 0) 604series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[0] -= numberOfBricks * boxSize; 632if (series.Points.Count > 0) 634series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[1] += numberOfBricks * boxSize; 649series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[1] += numberOfBricks * boxSize; 651 series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1]["OriginalPointIndex"] = pointIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 655series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[0] -= numberOfBricks * boxSize; 657series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1]["OriginalPointIndex"] = pointIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 764 pointCount = (int)(pointAndFigureSeries.Points.Count * (markSize.Width / markSize.Height)); 771 while(pointAndFigureSeries.Points.Count < pointCount)
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (2)
1546 int nextIndx = series.Points.Count - 1; // Next data point index 1585 for( int indx = pointIndex; indx < series.Points.Count; indx++ )
Common\ChartTypes\PolarChart.cs (1)
235 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count + 1];
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (7)
303 sectorNumber = (int)Math.Max(series.Points.Count, sectorNumber); 417 if(secondPointIndex >= ser.Points.Count) 516 if(secondPointIndex >= ser.Points.Count) 644if (secondPointIndex < ser.Points.Count) 982 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count + 1]; 1442 int nextIndx = series.Points.Count - 1; // Next data point index 1481 for( int indx = pointIndex; indx < series.Points.Count; indx++ )
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (2)
540if (pointIndex == series.Points.Count - 1) 595 if(pointIndex == series.Points.Count - 1)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (10)
178 _totalPerPoint = new double[series.Points.Count]; 181 for(int index = 0; index < series.Points.Count; index++) 480 seriesPointsNumber = ser.Points.Count; 482 else if(seriesPointsNumber != ser.Points.Count) 504 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 509 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 826 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 831 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 932 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 937 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (11)
164 double[] totals = new double[series.Points.Count]; 167 for(int index = 0; index < series.Points.Count; index++) 536 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 566 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 666 if( pointIndx >= ser.Points.Count ) 695if (ser.Points.Count == 1 && 988 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 1435 if(pointEx.index <= currentSeries.Points.Count && 1451 else if(pointEx.index <= currentSeries.Points.Count && 1486 if(pointEx.index < currentSeries.Points.Count && 1502 else if(pointEx.index < currentSeries.Points.Count &&
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (11)
157 double[] totals = new double[series.Points.Count]; 160 for(int index = 0; index < series.Points.Count; index++) 543 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 573 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 676 if( pointIndx >= ser.Points.Count ) 705if (ser.Points.Count == 1 && 994 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 1477 if(pointEx.index <= currentSeries.Points.Count && 1493 else if(pointEx.index <= currentSeries.Points.Count && 1528 if(pointEx.index < currentSeries.Points.Count && 1545 else if(pointEx.index < currentSeries.Points.Count &&
Common\DataManager\DataManager.cs (11)
140 for(int index = 0; index < this.Series.Count; index++) 193 for(int index = 0; index < this.Series.Count; index++) 303 numberOfPoints = Math.Max(numberOfPoints, this._series[seriesName].Points.Count); 622 if(this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 668if (this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 713if (this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 853 if(this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 879 stackedMin = this._series[series[0]].Points[this._series[series[0]].Points.Count - 1].YValues[valueIndex]; 904if (this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 983 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < this._series[series[0]].Points.Count; pointIndex++) 1043 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < this._series[series[0]].Points.Count; pointIndex++)
Common\DataManager\DataPoint.cs (12)
983return Count - 1; 1022return Count - 1; 1040return Count - 1; 1094return Count - 1; 1551for (int i = startIndex; i < this.Count; i++) 1570for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 1602if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= this.Count) 1606for (int i = startIndex; i < this.Count; i++) 1651if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= this.Count) 1658for (int i = startIndex; i < this.Count; i++) 1707if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= this.Count) 1714for (int i = startIndex; i < this.Count; i++)
Common\DataManager\DataSeries.cs (13)
1251 if(this.Points.Count > 0) 1253 keywordValue = totalValue / this.Points.Count; 1259 if(this.Points.Count > 0) 1267 if(this.Points.Count > 0) 1269 keywordValue = this.Points[this.Points.Count - 1].YValues[yValueIndex]; 1275if (this.Points.Count > 0) 1287if (this.Points.Count > 0) 1428if (index > -1 && index < toSeries.Points.Count) 1597 if(this.Points.Count > 0 && this.Points[0].YValues.Length < this.YValuesPerPoint) 1608 if(this.Points.Count == 0) 2003 if(_points.Count > 0) 2027 if(_points.Count > 0) 2444 if(_points.Count > 0)
Common\General\Axis.cs (7)
4080 this.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 4083 removedLabels.Add(this.CustomLabels[this.CustomLabels.Count - 1]); 4084 removedLabelsIndexes.Add(this.CustomLabels.Count - 1); 4085 this.CustomLabels.RemoveAt(this.CustomLabels.Count - 1); 4099 if(labelIndex < this.CustomLabels.Count) 4353 if(!fitDone && this.CustomLabels.Count > 1) 4658ArrayList labelTextRows = new ArrayList(labels.Count);
Common\General\AxisLabels.cs (5)
134 if(this.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 155 if(this.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 322 for( int index = 0; index < CustomLabels.Count; index++ ) 807maxPointCount = Math.Max(maxPointCount, ser.Points.Count); 820 if( ser.Points[ 0 ].AxisLabel.Length > 0 && ser.Points[ ser.Points.Count - 1 ].AxisLabel.Length > 0 )
Common\General\AxisScaleBreaks.cs (1)
967numberOfPoints = Math.Max(numberOfPoints, series.Points.Count);
Common\General\BaseCollections.cs (5)
148while (this.Count > 0) 458if (this.Count == 1 && item != null) 481ChartNamedElement removedElement = index<Count ? this[index] : null; 496ChartNamedElement removedElement = index < Count ? this[index] : null; 506ChartNamedElement defaultElement = this.Count > 0 ? this[0] : null;
Common\General\Chart.cs (4)
1066 if(index >= series.Points.Count || 1768 for(int index = 0; index < this.MapAreas.Count; index++) 3663for (int index = 0; index < _mapAreas.Count; index++) 3691if (_mapAreas.Count == 0)
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (5)
2904 if(this.AxisX.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 2906 if(sectorIndex < this.AxisX.CustomLabels.Count) 2917 if(series.IsVisible() && series.ChartArea == this.Name && sectorIndex < series.Points.Count) 2983if (series.ChartArea==this.Name && series.IsVisible() && series.Points.Count > 0) 3017for (int curentSeriesIndex = seriesIndex + 1; curentSeriesIndex < this.Common.DataManager.Series.Count; curentSeriesIndex++)
Common\General\ChartArea3D.cs (1)
1635 if(((Series)seriesList[seriesIndex]).Points.Count == 0)
Common\General\ChartAreaAxes.cs (5)
399 currentAxis.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 401 currentAxis.CustomLabels.RemoveAt(currentAxis.CustomLabels.Count - 1); 1284 numOfPoints += series.Points.Count; 1409if (series.ChartArea == this.Name && series.IsVisible() && series.Points.Count > 0) 1796 if(dataSeries.Points.Count > 0)
Common\General\ChartAreaCollection.cs (1)
71get { return this.Count > 0 ? this[0].Name : String.Empty; }
Common\General\ChartElement.cs (6)
963 return -(series.Points.Count + 1); 1175 if(pointIndex >= series.Points.Count || series.Points.Count <= 1) 1256 while(pointIndex < series.Points.Count) 1271 if(pointIndex == series.Points.Count) 1273 pointIndex += series.Points.Count/5 + 1;
Common\General\DataManipulator.cs (23)
308 array = new Series[Common.DataManager.Series.Count]; 469 while(series[seriesIndex].Points.Count > series[0].Points.Count) 471 series[seriesIndex].Points.RemoveAt(series[seriesIndex].Points.Count - 1); 611 if(ser.Points.Count >= 1) 617 toX = ser.Points[ser.Points.Count - 1].XValue; 621 toX = Math.Max(toX, ser.Points[ser.Points.Count - 1].XValue); 693 for(int pointIndex = lastInsertPoint; pointIndex < ser.Points.Count; pointIndex++) 710 if(pointIndex == (ser.Points.Count - 1)) 712 insertPosition = ser.Points.Count; 1245 if(inputSeries[0].Points.Count == 0) 1264 while(output[seriesIndex].Points.Count > pointCount) 1342 if(inputSeries[0].Points.Count == 0) 1351 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < inputSeries[0].Points.Count; pointIndex++, originalPointIndex++) 2281 if(input.Points.Count == 0) 2312 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex <= input.Points.Count && !lastPoint; pointIndex++) 2319 if(pointIndex == input.Points.Count) 2397 int newPointIndex = output.Points.Count; 2514 if(input.Points.Count == 0) 2586 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex <= input.Points.Count && !lastPoint; pointIndex++) 2593 if(pointIndex > 0 && pointIndex < input.Points.Count) 2604 if(pointIndex == input.Points.Count) 2678 int newPointIndex = output.Points.Count;
Common\General\FormulaData.cs (12)
417if (series.Points.Count > 0) 420double topXValue = series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].XValue; 462if (outIndex < outputSeries.Points.Count && inputPoint.XValue == outputSeries.Points[outIndex].XValue) 521if (series.Points.Count != outputValues[seriesIndex].Length) 536if (series.Points.Count != outputValues[seriesIndex].Length) 713if (maxNumOfPoints < series.Points.Count) 715maxNumOfPoints = series.Points.Count; 769output[indexSeries] = new double[series.Points.Count]; 836if (series[1].Points.Count == 0) 1124if (series[seriesIndex].Points.Count != series[seriesIndex + 1].Points.Count) 1130for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < series[seriesIndex].Points.Count; pointIndex++)
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (1)
876 for(int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++)
Common\General\Legend.cs (27)
559 this._numberOfLegendItemsToProcess = this.legendItems.Count; 666 this._numberOfLegendItemsToProcess < this.legendItems.Count) 722 this._numberOfLegendItemsToProcess = this.legendItems.Count; 729 for(int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < legendItem.Cells.Count; cellIndex++) 741 for(int spanIndex = 1; spanIndex < legendCell.CellSpan && (cellIndex + spanIndex) < legendItem.Cells.Count; spanIndex++) 909 if(this.legendItems.Count > 0) 994 autoFit = (horizSpaceLeft >= 0 && vertSpaceLeft >= 0 && itemsFit >= this.legendItems.Count); 1259 numberOfItemsToCheck = legendItems.Count; 1721 numberOfItemsToCheck = this.legendItems.Count; 1756 for(int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < legendItem.Cells.Count; cellIndex++) 1763 if(cellIndex < this.CellColumns.Count) 1886 if(currentSubColumn < this.CellColumns.Count) 2051 this._numberOfCells = this.CellColumns.Count; 2056 this._numberOfCells = Math.Max(this._numberOfCells, legendItem.Cells.Count); 2301 if(legendItems.Count == 0 && this.Common != null && this.Common.Chart != null) 2365 if(this.legendItems.Count == 0) 2433 this._numberOfLegendItemsToProcess = this.legendItems.Count; 2440 for(int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < legendItem.Cells.Count; cellIndex++) 2455 legendItem.Cells.Count > 0) 2463 for(int index = legendItem.Cells.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 4052 for(int subColumnIndex = 0; subColumnIndex < this.CellColumns.Count; subColumnIndex++ ) 4150 if(subColumnIndex < this.CellColumns.Count) 4868get { return this.Count > 0 ? this[0].Name : String.Empty; } 5102return Count - 1; 5128 return Count-1; 6123 if(this.Cells.Count == 0) 6130 if(legend.CellColumns.Count == 0)
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (4)
1579 if(cellIndex < this.Legend.CellColumns.Count && 1650 if(cellIndex < this.Legend.CellColumns.Count && 1882 if(cellIndex < this.Legend.CellColumns.Count && 2824return Count - 1;
Common\General\Selection.cs (9)
604int prevMapAreaCount = _common.ChartPicture.MapAreas.Count; 618for (int i = 0; i < _common.ChartPicture.MapAreas.Count - prevMapAreaCount; i++) 687int prevMapAreaCount = _common.ChartPicture.MapAreas.Count; 701for (int i = insertIndex; i < _common.ChartPicture.MapAreas.Count - prevMapAreaCount; i++) 2072(this.ChartControl.Series.IndexOf(region.SeriesName) < 0 || region.PointIndex >= this.ChartControl.Series[region.SeriesName].Points.Count) 2334pointIndex < chart.Series[seriesName].Points.Count) 2347pointIndex < chart.Series[seriesName].Points.Count) 2598if (series.Points.Count > pointIndex) 3002if (points.Count == 0)
Common\General\Statistics.cs (1)
358for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < series.Points.Count; pointIndex++)
Common\Utilities\ElementPosition.cs (1)
152 if(Chart.ChartAreas.Count > 1)
WebForm\ChartWebControl.cs (1)
512if (this.MapAreas.Count > 0 || this.RenderType == RenderType.ImageMap)
System.Web.Extensions (6)
ApplicationServices\ProfileService.cs (1)
248ProfilePropertyMetadata[] metadatasArray = new ProfilePropertyMetadata[metadatas.Count];
ClientServices\Providers\ClientSettingsProvider.cs (1)
593anyFailures = (errorList != null && errorList.Count > 0);
Compilation\WCFModel\VSWCFServiceContractGenerator.cs (1)
1390for (int i = 0; i < wsdlImportExtensions.Count; i++)
UI\ScriptManager.cs (1)
1053if ((_compositeScript != null) && (_compositeScript.Scripts.Count != 0)) {
UI\ScriptManagerProxy.cs (1)
222if ((_compositeScript != null) && (_compositeScript.Scripts.Count != 0)) {
UI\UpdatePanel.cs (1)
163if ((_triggers == null) || (_triggers.Count == 0)) {
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization (233)
Common\Annotation\PolygonAnnotation.cs (5)
516 _graphicsPath.PointCount != _pathPoints.Count) 1509if (this.Count > 0) 1511PointF[] points = new PointF[this.Count]; 1512byte[] types = new byte[this.Count]; 1513for (int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++)
Common\ChartTypes\BarChart.cs (4)
407 || ser.ChartArea != area.Name || ser.Points.Count == 0 || !ser.IsVisible()) 429 if(ser.Points.Count == 1 && 1212 int nextIndx = series.Points.Count - 1; // Next data point index 1251 for( int indx = pointIndex; indx < series.Points.Count; indx++ )
Common\ChartTypes\BoxPlotChart.cs (2)
1573 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < boxPlotSeries.Points.Count; pointIndex++) 1617if (linkedSeries.Points.Count == 0)
Common\ChartTypes\ColumnChart.cs (2)
318 || ser.ChartArea != area.Name || ser.Points.Count == 0 || !ser.IsVisible()) 343if (ser.Points.Count == 1 &&
Common\ChartTypes\ErrorBarChart.cs (1)
1672 int pointNumber = errorBarSeries.Points.Count;
Common\ChartTypes\FunnelChart.cs (3)
1385 for( int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex >= 0 && pointIndex < series.Points.Count; pointIndex += 1 ) 1444 if( pointIndex == series.Points.Count - 1) 2633 double[] percentages = new double[series.Points.Count];
Common\ChartTypes\KagiChart.cs (4)
412 series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[0] = 414 series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1]["OriginalPointIndex"] = pointIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 415series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].Tag = dataPoint; 638 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count];
Common\ChartTypes\LineChart.cs (5)
418 dataPointPos = new PointF[ser.Points.Count]; 524 (index + 1) < ser.Points.Count) 689 ser.Points.Count == 1) 1093 int pointsCount = series.Points.Count; // Number of data points 1160 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count];
Common\ChartTypes\PieChart.cs (4)
382 for(int dataPointIndex = 0; dataPointIndex < series.Points.Count; dataPointIndex++) 1916 lastPoint = points[ points.Count - 1 ]; 1921 lastPoint.Color = points[ points.Count / 2 ].Color; 4357 int numOfPoints = series.Points.Count - numOfEmpty;
Common\ChartTypes\PointAndFigureChart.cs (10)
602if (series.Points.Count > 0) 604series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[0] -= numberOfBricks * boxSize; 632if (series.Points.Count > 0) 634series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[1] += numberOfBricks * boxSize; 649series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[1] += numberOfBricks * boxSize; 651 series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1]["OriginalPointIndex"] = pointIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 655series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].YValues[0] -= numberOfBricks * boxSize; 657series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1]["OriginalPointIndex"] = pointIndex.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); 764 pointCount = (int)(pointAndFigureSeries.Points.Count * (markSize.Width / markSize.Height)); 771 while(pointAndFigureSeries.Points.Count < pointCount)
Common\ChartTypes\PointChart.cs (2)
1546 int nextIndx = series.Points.Count - 1; // Next data point index 1585 for( int indx = pointIndex; indx < series.Points.Count; indx++ )
Common\ChartTypes\PolarChart.cs (1)
235 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count + 1];
Common\ChartTypes\RadarChart.cs (7)
303 sectorNumber = (int)Math.Max(series.Points.Count, sectorNumber); 417 if(secondPointIndex >= ser.Points.Count) 516 if(secondPointIndex >= ser.Points.Count) 644if (secondPointIndex < ser.Points.Count) 982 PointF[] pointPos = new PointF[series.Points.Count + 1]; 1442 int nextIndx = series.Points.Count - 1; // Next data point index 1481 for( int indx = pointIndex; indx < series.Points.Count; indx++ )
Common\ChartTypes\RangeChart.cs (2)
540if (pointIndex == series.Points.Count - 1) 595 if(pointIndex == series.Points.Count - 1)
Common\ChartTypes\StackedAreaChart.cs (10)
178 _totalPerPoint = new double[series.Points.Count]; 181 for(int index = 0; index < series.Points.Count; index++) 480 seriesPointsNumber = ser.Points.Count; 482 else if(seriesPointsNumber != ser.Points.Count) 504 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 509 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 826 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 831 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 932 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count); 937 curentPointsArray = new ArrayList(ser.Points.Count);
Common\ChartTypes\StackedBarChart.cs (11)
164 double[] totals = new double[series.Points.Count]; 167 for(int index = 0; index < series.Points.Count; index++) 536 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 566 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 666 if( pointIndx >= ser.Points.Count ) 695if (ser.Points.Count == 1 && 988 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 1435 if(pointEx.index <= currentSeries.Points.Count && 1451 else if(pointEx.index <= currentSeries.Points.Count && 1486 if(pointEx.index < currentSeries.Points.Count && 1502 else if(pointEx.index < currentSeries.Points.Count &&
Common\ChartTypes\StackedColumnChart.cs (11)
157 double[] totals = new double[series.Points.Count]; 160 for(int index = 0; index < series.Points.Count; index++) 543 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 573 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 676 if( pointIndx >= ser.Points.Count ) 705if (ser.Points.Count == 1 && 994 for(int seriesIndex = 0; seriesIndex < common.DataManager.Series.Count; seriesIndex++) 1477 if(pointEx.index <= currentSeries.Points.Count && 1493 else if(pointEx.index <= currentSeries.Points.Count && 1528 if(pointEx.index < currentSeries.Points.Count && 1545 else if(pointEx.index < currentSeries.Points.Count &&
Common\DataManager\DataManager.cs (11)
140 for(int index = 0; index < this.Series.Count; index++) 193 for(int index = 0; index < this.Series.Count; index++) 303 numberOfPoints = Math.Max(numberOfPoints, this._series[seriesName].Points.Count); 622 if(this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 668if (this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 713if (this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 853 if(this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 879 stackedMin = this._series[series[0]].Points[this._series[series[0]].Points.Count - 1].YValues[valueIndex]; 904if (this._series[seriesName].Points.Count > pointIndex) 983 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < this._series[series[0]].Points.Count; pointIndex++) 1043 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < this._series[series[0]].Points.Count; pointIndex++)
Common\DataManager\DataPoint.cs (12)
983return Count - 1; 1022return Count - 1; 1040return Count - 1; 1094return Count - 1; 1551for (int i = startIndex; i < this.Count; i++) 1570for (int i = 0; i < this.Count; i++) 1602if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= this.Count) 1606for (int i = startIndex; i < this.Count; i++) 1651if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= this.Count) 1658for (int i = startIndex; i < this.Count; i++) 1707if (startIndex < 0 || startIndex >= this.Count) 1714for (int i = startIndex; i < this.Count; i++)
Common\DataManager\DataSeries.cs (13)
1251 if(this.Points.Count > 0) 1253 keywordValue = totalValue / this.Points.Count; 1259 if(this.Points.Count > 0) 1267 if(this.Points.Count > 0) 1269 keywordValue = this.Points[this.Points.Count - 1].YValues[yValueIndex]; 1275if (this.Points.Count > 0) 1287if (this.Points.Count > 0) 1428if (index > -1 && index < toSeries.Points.Count) 1597 if(this.Points.Count > 0 && this.Points[0].YValues.Length < this.YValuesPerPoint) 1608 if(this.Points.Count == 0) 2003 if(_points.Count > 0) 2027 if(_points.Count > 0) 2444 if(_points.Count > 0)
Common\General\Axis.cs (7)
4080 this.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 4083 removedLabels.Add(this.CustomLabels[this.CustomLabels.Count - 1]); 4084 removedLabelsIndexes.Add(this.CustomLabels.Count - 1); 4085 this.CustomLabels.RemoveAt(this.CustomLabels.Count - 1); 4099 if(labelIndex < this.CustomLabels.Count) 4353 if(!fitDone && this.CustomLabels.Count > 1) 4658ArrayList labelTextRows = new ArrayList(labels.Count);
Common\General\AxisLabels.cs (5)
134 if(this.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 155 if(this.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 322 for( int index = 0; index < CustomLabels.Count; index++ ) 807maxPointCount = Math.Max(maxPointCount, ser.Points.Count); 820 if( ser.Points[ 0 ].AxisLabel.Length > 0 && ser.Points[ ser.Points.Count - 1 ].AxisLabel.Length > 0 )
Common\General\AxisScaleBreaks.cs (1)
967numberOfPoints = Math.Max(numberOfPoints, series.Points.Count);
Common\General\BaseCollections.cs (5)
148while (this.Count > 0) 458if (this.Count == 1 && item != null) 481ChartNamedElement removedElement = index<Count ? this[index] : null; 496ChartNamedElement removedElement = index < Count ? this[index] : null; 506ChartNamedElement defaultElement = this.Count > 0 ? this[0] : null;
Common\General\Chart.cs (4)
1066 if(index >= series.Points.Count || 1768 for(int index = 0; index < this.MapAreas.Count; index++) 3663for (int index = 0; index < _mapAreas.Count; index++) 3691if (_mapAreas.Count == 0)
Common\General\ChartArea.cs (5)
2904 if(this.AxisX.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 2906 if(sectorIndex < this.AxisX.CustomLabels.Count) 2917 if(series.IsVisible() && series.ChartArea == this.Name && sectorIndex < series.Points.Count) 2983if (series.ChartArea==this.Name && series.IsVisible() && series.Points.Count > 0) 3017for (int curentSeriesIndex = seriesIndex + 1; curentSeriesIndex < this.Common.DataManager.Series.Count; curentSeriesIndex++)
Common\General\ChartAreaAxes.cs (5)
399 currentAxis.CustomLabels.Count > 0) 401 currentAxis.CustomLabels.RemoveAt(currentAxis.CustomLabels.Count - 1); 1284 numOfPoints += series.Points.Count; 1409if (series.ChartArea == this.Name && series.IsVisible() && series.Points.Count > 0) 1796 if(dataSeries.Points.Count > 0)
Common\General\ChartAreaCollection.cs (1)
71get { return this.Count > 0 ? this[0].Name : String.Empty; }
Common\General\ChartElement.cs (6)
963 return -(series.Points.Count + 1); 1175 if(pointIndex >= series.Points.Count || series.Points.Count <= 1) 1256 while(pointIndex < series.Points.Count) 1271 if(pointIndex == series.Points.Count) 1273 pointIndex += series.Points.Count/5 + 1;
Common\General\DataManipulator.cs (23)
308 array = new Series[Common.DataManager.Series.Count]; 469 while(series[seriesIndex].Points.Count > series[0].Points.Count) 471 series[seriesIndex].Points.RemoveAt(series[seriesIndex].Points.Count - 1); 611 if(ser.Points.Count >= 1) 617 toX = ser.Points[ser.Points.Count - 1].XValue; 621 toX = Math.Max(toX, ser.Points[ser.Points.Count - 1].XValue); 693 for(int pointIndex = lastInsertPoint; pointIndex < ser.Points.Count; pointIndex++) 710 if(pointIndex == (ser.Points.Count - 1)) 712 insertPosition = ser.Points.Count; 1245 if(inputSeries[0].Points.Count == 0) 1264 while(output[seriesIndex].Points.Count > pointCount) 1342 if(inputSeries[0].Points.Count == 0) 1351 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < inputSeries[0].Points.Count; pointIndex++, originalPointIndex++) 2281 if(input.Points.Count == 0) 2312 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex <= input.Points.Count && !lastPoint; pointIndex++) 2319 if(pointIndex == input.Points.Count) 2397 int newPointIndex = output.Points.Count; 2514 if(input.Points.Count == 0) 2586 for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex <= input.Points.Count && !lastPoint; pointIndex++) 2593 if(pointIndex > 0 && pointIndex < input.Points.Count) 2604 if(pointIndex == input.Points.Count) 2678 int newPointIndex = output.Points.Count;
Common\General\FormulaData.cs (12)
417if (series.Points.Count > 0) 420double topXValue = series.Points[series.Points.Count - 1].XValue; 462if (outIndex < outputSeries.Points.Count && inputPoint.XValue == outputSeries.Points[outIndex].XValue) 521if (series.Points.Count != outputValues[seriesIndex].Length) 536if (series.Points.Count != outputValues[seriesIndex].Length) 713if (maxNumOfPoints < series.Points.Count) 715maxNumOfPoints = series.Points.Count; 769output[indexSeries] = new double[series.Points.Count]; 836if (series[1].Points.Count == 0) 1124if (series[seriesIndex].Points.Count != series[seriesIndex + 1].Points.Count) 1130for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < series[seriesIndex].Points.Count; pointIndex++)
Common\General\ImageMap.cs (1)
876 for(int index = 0; index < this.Count; index++)
Common\General\Legend.cs (27)
559 this._numberOfLegendItemsToProcess = this.legendItems.Count; 666 this._numberOfLegendItemsToProcess < this.legendItems.Count) 722 this._numberOfLegendItemsToProcess = this.legendItems.Count; 729 for(int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < legendItem.Cells.Count; cellIndex++) 741 for(int spanIndex = 1; spanIndex < legendCell.CellSpan && (cellIndex + spanIndex) < legendItem.Cells.Count; spanIndex++) 909 if(this.legendItems.Count > 0) 994 autoFit = (horizSpaceLeft >= 0 && vertSpaceLeft >= 0 && itemsFit >= this.legendItems.Count); 1259 numberOfItemsToCheck = legendItems.Count; 1721 numberOfItemsToCheck = this.legendItems.Count; 1756 for(int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < legendItem.Cells.Count; cellIndex++) 1763 if(cellIndex < this.CellColumns.Count) 1886 if(currentSubColumn < this.CellColumns.Count) 2051 this._numberOfCells = this.CellColumns.Count; 2056 this._numberOfCells = Math.Max(this._numberOfCells, legendItem.Cells.Count); 2301 if(legendItems.Count == 0 && this.Common != null && this.Common.Chart != null) 2365 if(this.legendItems.Count == 0) 2433 this._numberOfLegendItemsToProcess = this.legendItems.Count; 2440 for(int cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < legendItem.Cells.Count; cellIndex++) 2455 legendItem.Cells.Count > 0) 2463 for(int index = legendItem.Cells.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) 4052 for(int subColumnIndex = 0; subColumnIndex < this.CellColumns.Count; subColumnIndex++ ) 4150 if(subColumnIndex < this.CellColumns.Count) 4868get { return this.Count > 0 ? this[0].Name : String.Empty; } 5102return Count - 1; 5128 return Count-1; 6123 if(this.Cells.Count == 0) 6130 if(legend.CellColumns.Count == 0)
Common\General\LegendColumns.cs (4)
1579 if(cellIndex < this.Legend.CellColumns.Count && 1650 if(cellIndex < this.Legend.CellColumns.Count && 1882 if(cellIndex < this.Legend.CellColumns.Count && 2824return Count - 1;
Common\General\Selection.cs (6)
604int prevMapAreaCount = _common.ChartPicture.MapAreas.Count; 618for (int i = 0; i < _common.ChartPicture.MapAreas.Count - prevMapAreaCount; i++) 687int prevMapAreaCount = _common.ChartPicture.MapAreas.Count; 701for (int i = insertIndex; i < _common.ChartPicture.MapAreas.Count - prevMapAreaCount; i++) 2598if (series.Points.Count > pointIndex) 3002if (points.Count == 0)
Common\General\Statistics.cs (1)
358for (int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < series.Points.Count; pointIndex++)
System.Workflow.Activities (20)
ConstrainedGroup.cs (1)
161if (validationErrors.Count == 0)
CorrelationValidator.cs (1)
58if (interfaceErrors.Count != 0)
InvokeSchedule.cs (1)
300if (memberErrors.Count != 0)
InvokeWebService.cs (1)
506if (invokeWebService.ParameterBindings.Count > paramInfos.Count)
Rules\DeclarativeExpressionConditionDeclaration.cs (1)
401if (actualConditionErrors.Count > 0)
Rules\Parser\Parser.cs (2)
2807if (exprInfo == null && Validator.Errors.Count > 0) 2823if (!CodeDomStatementWalker.Validate(Validator, statement) && Validator.Errors.Count > 0)
Rules\Rule.cs (3)
140int oldErrorCount = validation.Errors.Count; 161if (errors.Count > oldErrorCount) 165int newErrorCount = errors.Count;
Rules\RuleSet.cs (1)
120if (validation.Errors == null || validation.Errors.Count == 0)
Rules\RuleSetReference.cs (1)
156if (actualRuleSetErrors.Count > 0)
Rules\RuleValidation.cs (2)
988if (resultType != null || Errors.Count == 0) 997return Errors.Count == 0;
WebServiceReceive.cs (3)
457if (method != null && WebServiceActivityHelpers.ValidateParameterTypes(method).Count == 0) 556if (parameterTypeErrors.Count > 0) 611if (webServiceReceive.ParameterBindings.Count > inputParameters.Count)
WebServiceResponse.cs (3)
269if (method != null && WebServiceActivityHelpers.ValidateParameterTypes(method).Count == 0) 383if (parameterTypeErrors.Count > 0) 449if (webServiceResponse.ParameterBindings.Count > outParameters.Count)
System.Workflow.ComponentModel (9)
AuthoringOM\Compiler\Validation\BindValidator.cs (1)
623if (refActivity != null && validationErrors.Count == 0)
AuthoringOM\Compiler\Validation\ValidationErrorCollection.cs (3)
58if (Count > 0) 74if (Count > 0) 88ValidationError[] errorsArray = new ValidationError[this.Count];
AuthoringOM\Design\ActivityDesigner.cs (2)
458if (validationErrors.Count > 0) 460for (int i = 0; i < validationErrors.Count; i++)
AuthoringOM\Design\Dialogs\ActivityBindForm.cs (3)
283if (errors != null && errors.Count > 0 && errors.HasErrors) 286for (int i = 0; i < errors.Count; i++) 289message += error.ErrorText + ((i == errors.Count - 1) ? string.Empty : "; ");
System.WorkflowServices (7)
System\Workflow\Activities\ReceiveActivity.cs (1)
689for (int j = 0; j < inheritedContractDescriptions.Count; j++)
System\Workflow\Activities\ReceiveActivityValidator.cs (2)
59if (operationInfoValidationErrors.Count == 0) 77if (validationErrors.Count == 0 &&
System\Workflow\Activities\SendActivityValidator.cs (1)
60if (operationInfoValidationErrors.Count == 0)
System\Workflow\Activities\ValidationHelper.cs (2)
359if (validationErrors.Count != 0) 729if (validationErrors.Count > 0)
System\Workflow\Activities\WorkflowServiceAttributesDynamicPropertyValidator.cs (1)
28if (validationErrors.Count == 0)
WindowsBase (4)
Base\System\ComponentModel\GroupDescription.cs (4)
108return (_explicitGroupNames.Count > 0); 131return (_sort != null && _sort.Count > 0); 221Invariant.Assert(_sort.Count == 0, "must be empty SortDescription collection"); 235if (_sort.Count > 0)