11 writes to _readLen
mscorlib (11)
system\io\bufferedstream.cs (11)
262_readLen = 0; 328_writePos = _readPos = _readLen = 0; 408_readLen = 0; 421_readPos = _readLen = 0; 536_readPos = _readLen = 0; 550_readLen = _stream.Read(_buffer, 0, _bufferSize); 764_readPos = _readLen = 0; 787_readLen = _stream.EndRead(await _beginEndAwaitable); 789_readLen = await _stream.ReadAsync(_buffer, 0, _bufferSize, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); 814_readLen = _stream.Read(_buffer, 0, _bufferSize); 1315_readPos = _readLen = 0;
27 references to _readLen
mscorlib (27)
system\io\bufferedstream.cs (27)
247Contract.Assert(! (_writePos > 0 && _readPos != _readLen), "Read and Write buffers cannot both have data in them at the same time."); 248return _stream.Position + (_readPos - _readLen + _writePos); 299Contract.Assert(_writePos == 0 && _readPos == 0 && _readLen == 0); 304if (_readPos < _readLen) { 320Contract.Assert(_writePos == 0 && _readPos == 0 && _readLen == 0); 339return FlushAsyncInternal(cancellationToken, this, _stream, _writePos, _readPos, _readLen); 359Contract.Assert(_this._writePos == 0 && _this._readPos == 0 && _this._readLen == 0); 379Contract.Assert(_this._writePos == 0 && _this._readPos == 0 && _this._readLen == 0); 388Contract.Assert(_this._writePos == 0 && _this._readPos == _this._readLen); 404if (_readPos - _readLen != 0) 405_stream.Seek(_readPos - _readLen, SeekOrigin.Current); 416Contract.Assert(_readPos <= _readLen, "_readPos <= _readLen [" + _readPos +" <= " + _readLen + "]"); 419if (_readPos == _readLen) { 426Contract.Assert(_readPos < _readLen); 440Contract.Assert(_readPos == 0 && _readLen == 0, 454Contract.Assert(_readPos == 0 && _readLen == 0, 468Int32 readBytes = _readLen - _readPos; 535Contract.Assert(_readLen == _readPos); 763Contract.Assert(_readLen == _readPos); 808if (_readPos == _readLen) { 818if (_readPos == _readLen) 1289if (_readLen - _readPos > 0 && origin == SeekOrigin.Current) { 1293offset -= (_readLen - _readPos); 1297Contract.Assert(oldPos == _stream.Position + (_readPos - _readLen)); 1308if (0 <= _readPos && _readPos < _readLen) { 1311_stream.Seek(_readLen - _readPos, SeekOrigin.Current);