2 instantiations of PropertyToken
mscorlib (2)
system\reflection\emit\propertytoken.cs (1)
27public static readonly PropertyToken Empty = new PropertyToken();
system\reflection\emit\typebuilder.cs (1)
2192PropertyToken prToken = new PropertyToken(DefineProperty(
12 references to PropertyToken
mscorlib (12)
system\reflection\emit\propertybuilder.cs (3)
48PropertyToken prToken, // the metadata token for this property 87public PropertyToken PropertyToken 297private PropertyToken m_prToken; // The token of this property
system\reflection\emit\propertytoken.cs (8)
27public static readonly PropertyToken Empty = new PropertyToken(); 48if (obj is PropertyToken) 49return Equals((PropertyToken)obj); 54public bool Equals(PropertyToken obj) 59public static bool operator ==(PropertyToken a, PropertyToken b) 64public static bool operator !=(PropertyToken a, PropertyToken b)
system\reflection\emit\typebuilder.cs (1)
2192PropertyToken prToken = new PropertyToken(DefineProperty(