3 references to ResFileExtension
mscorlib (3)
system\resources\manifestbasedresourcegroveler.cs (2)
675Contract.Assert(false, "Couldn't get mscorlib" + ResourceManager.ResFileExtension + " from mscorlib's assembly" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Are you building the runtime on your machine? Chances are the BCL directory didn't build correctly. Type 'build -c' in the BCL directory. If you get build errors, look at buildd.log. If you then can't figure out what's wrong (and you aren't changing the assembly-related metadata code), ask a BCL dev.\n\nIf you did NOT build the runtime, you shouldn't be seeing this and you've found a bug."); 678string mesgFailFast = "mscorlib" + ResourceManager.ResFileExtension + " couldn't be found! Large parts of the BCL won't work!";
system\resources\resourcemanager.cs (1)