2 instantiations of EventToken
mscorlib (2)
system\reflection\emit\eventtoken.cs (1)
26public static readonly EventToken Empty = new EventToken();
system\reflection\emit\typebuilder.cs (1)
2241evToken = new EventToken(DefineEvent(
12 references to EventToken
mscorlib (12)
system\reflection\emit\eventbuilder.cs (3)
47EventToken evToken) 58public EventToken GetEventToken() 167private EventToken m_evToken; // The token of this event
system\reflection\emit\eventtoken.cs (8)
26public static readonly EventToken Empty = new EventToken(); 45if (obj is EventToken) 46return Equals((EventToken)obj); 51public bool Equals(EventToken obj) 56public static bool operator ==(EventToken a, EventToken b) 61public static bool operator !=(EventToken a, EventToken b)
system\reflection\emit\typebuilder.cs (1)
2232EventToken evToken;