12 references to Log
mscorlib (12)
system\globalization\eastasianlunisolarcalendar.cs (1)
238BCLDebug.Log("year = " + year + ", month = " + month + ", day = " + day);
system\globalization\hijricalendar.cs (1)
686BCLDebug.Log("year = " + year + ", month = " + month + ", day = " + day);
system\globalization\Persiancalendar.cs (1)
508BCLDebug.Log("year = " + year + ", month = " + month + ", day = " + day);
system\globalization\umalquracalendar.cs (1)
774BCLDebug.Log("year = " + year + ", month = " + month + ", day = " + day);
system\io\filestream.cs (1)
319BCLDebug.Log(String.Format("AsyncFSCallback called. errorCode: " + errorCode + " numBytes: " + numBytes));
system\runtime\remoting\activationservices.cs (6)
900BCLDebug.Log("Registering remoting activator"); 1210BCLDebug.Log("ActivationSvc:GlobalAttrib::GetPropForNewCtx"); 1312BCLDebug.Log("Activation Services:: new Activate()"); 1380BCLDebug.Log("Attempting X-Context activation!"); 1404BCLDebug.Log("Attempting Connection to remote activation service"); 1467BCLDebug.Log("ActivationListener: received new activation request!");
system\runtime\remoting\contextproperty.cs (1)