2 writes to Value
mscorlib (1)
system\threading\ThreadLocal.cs (1)
354Value = value;
System (1)
sys\system\collections\concurrent\ConcurrentBag.cs (1)
324m_locals.Value = list;
12 references to Value
mscorlib (11)
system\threading\ThreadLocal.cs (11)
105/// an attempt is made to retrieve <see cref="Value"/> without it having been previously initialized. 124/// an attempt is made to retrieve <see cref="Value"/> without it having been previously initialized. 232/// <returns>The result of calling <see cref="System.Object.ToString"/> on the <see cref="Value"/>.</returns> 234/// The <see cref="Value"/> for the current thread is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). 237/// The initialization function referenced <see cref="Value"/> in an improper manner. 244/// case with accessing <see cref="Value"/> directly. 248return Value.ToString(); 255/// The initialization function referenced <see cref="Value"/> in an improper manner. 262/// accessing <see cref="Value"/> will attempt to initialize it. If an initialization function was 264/// to retrieve the initial value for <see cref="Value"/>. Otherwise, the default value of 508/// Gets whether <see cref="Value"/> is initialized on the current thread.
System (1)
sys\system\collections\concurrent\ConcurrentBag.cs (1)
296ThreadLocalList list = m_locals.Value;