9 instantiations of EventSourceOptions
mscorlib (9)
system\diagnostics\eventing\eventsource.cs (3)
1271EventSourceOptions opt = new EventSourceOptions 1996EventSourceOptions opt = new EventSourceOptions 2227EventSourceOptions opt = new EventSourceOptions
System\Diagnostics\Eventing\TraceLogging\EventSourceActivity.cs (4)
102var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 120var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 183var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 210var options = new EventSourceOptions();
System\Diagnostics\Eventing\TraceLogging\TraceLoggingEventSource.cs (2)
119var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 181var options = new EventSourceOptions();
38 references to EventSourceOptions
mscorlib (38)
system\diagnostics\eventing\eventsource.cs (3)
1271EventSourceOptions opt = new EventSourceOptions 1996EventSourceOptions opt = new EventSourceOptions 2227EventSourceOptions opt = new EventSourceOptions
System\Diagnostics\Eventing\TraceLogging\EventSourceActivity.cs (12)
92public EventSourceActivity Start<T>(string eventName, EventSourceOptions options, T data) 102var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 109public EventSourceActivity Start(string eventName, EventSourceOptions options) 120var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 168public void Write<T>(string eventName, EventSourceOptions options, T data) 183var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 196public void Write(string eventName, EventSourceOptions options) 210var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 217public void Write<T>(EventSource source, string eventName, EventSourceOptions options, T data) 236private EventSourceActivity Start<T>(string eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, ref T data) 265private void Write<T>(EventSource eventSource, string eventName, ref EventSourceOptions options, ref T data) 308private EventSourceOptions startStopOptions;
System\Diagnostics\Eventing\TraceLogging\TraceLoggingEventSource.cs (23)
119var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 134public unsafe void Write(string eventName, EventSourceOptions options) 181var options = new EventSourceOptions(); 211EventSourceOptions options, 250ref EventSourceOptions options, 296ref EventSourceOptions options, 347ref EventSourceOptions options, 357byte level = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.levelSet) != 0 360EventKeywords keywords = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.keywordsSet) != 0 402ref EventSourceOptions options, 409byte level = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.levelSet) != 0 412byte opcode = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.opcodeSet) != 0 415EventTags tags = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.tagsSet) != 0 418EventKeywords keywords = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.keywordsSet) != 0 505ref EventSourceOptions options, 516fixed (EventSourceOptions* pOptions = &options) 581ref EventSourceOptions options, 590fixed (EventSourceOptions* pOptions = &options) 822ref EventSourceOptions options, 827byte level = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.levelSet) != 0 830byte opcode = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.opcodeSet) != 0 833EventTags tags = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.tagsSet) != 0 836EventKeywords keywords = (options.valuesSet & EventSourceOptions.keywordsSet) != 0